Monday, January 21, 2013

OBAMA official 2nd's a few facts for you

Today January 21st Obama began his "official" second term as President of the USA.

Many things he mentioned in his inaugural speech. Christians (well real Bible reading ones) should have noticed his words towards gays and lesbians - it is a coming - the USA will have as Federal law same sex marriages with all the rights of marriage that "normal" married couples (a man and a woman) have.  The USA will continue its march into sin and moving away from the inspired word of God and His commandments.

Of interest: it was a pretty good weather day in Washington; sometimes it has not been, and the swearing in had to be done inside and the parade cancelled.

Then there have been some short, little longer, long, and one very long inaugural speech - some President (way back) took TWO HOURS to bring his speech, in the cold, without a coat or hat on......hummm.....a month later he died!

You've heard the debate about ... well maybe Obama was not born in the USA, kinda died away now. BUT here is one fore you, that most will never have known about, the President with the last name of ARTHUR......some claim he was CANADIAN!! Yes it is so, as those in the town (history department) of Canada will claim. Then there is the town in the USA who claim he was born in the USA, BUT when asked if there was ANY birth record of him being born in the USA, the answer from history is NO!! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO USA BIRTH RECORD of this man named Arthur. He was quite the guy.... loved changing clothes many times a day (had dozens of pants and etc.),  he was known by the old phrase "a dandy." So they say it will never be known if he was really born in the USA or Canada. Oh indeed, for some reason, he wanted many things to remain a secret, he burnt all his personal papers before he died.
Well as one USA person answered when told Arthur maybe was Canadian, "Canadian....well that's fine, I can live with that." It was so long back I think we can all live with that, hey!! :-)

On a more serious side: the Canadian TV news tonight gave the facts on .... wealth, and whose getting it.

Before the 1930s there was the golden frame people....those who built the might USA, the Railroad chiefs, the shipping chiefs, the whoever barons, a small few massively wealthy. Then after the Second World War till about 1973, you had the MIDDLE class (if white in color) getting to move towards and experience the "USA dream" - you know everyone being well off and having the good things in life.
I said up to about 1973.....then it has been downhill ever since. The last 30 years, as seen a steady decline in the middle class being "well off." Today it is ONE PERCENT - yes 1% of the working population in the USA that is making a massive amount of a rocket to the moon, while the middle class has been sinking down the hole in the ground.

Yes those are the sobering and unhappy facts of today in the USA.

Will Obama be able to make a difference in that fact.....time will tell, but don't hold your breath waiting for a turn-about.

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