Tuesday, December 31, 2024


 2 Corinthians 5

New Bodies

For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies.[a] While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit.

So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. For we live by believing and not by seeing. Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord. So whether we are here in this body or away from this body, our goal is to please him. 10 For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.

















Keith Hunt

Monday, December 30, 2024



Lazarus and the Rich Man?

The Bible explains the meaning of this well known parable of Jesus - it is not what you have probably been taught

     When Jesus was asked the question of WHY He spoke in
parables He answered, "You shall  indeed hear but never
perceive. For this the people's heart has grown dull, and
their ears are heavy of hearing and their eyes they have closed, 
lest they should perceive with their eyes and hear with their
ears and understand with their heart and turn for me to heal
them. But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for
they hear" (Mat.13:l4-17). As we turn to Luke 16 and the parable
of Lazarus and The Rich Man may we be blessed with understanding.
                     HEAVEN OR HELL AT DEATH

     Can you imagine being up in heaven and looking down on loved
ones suffering, writhing and screaming in the fires of hell for
all eternity?  But this is what you have probably been taught is
the everlasting fate for those who didn't "get saved" or never
had the name of Jesus preached to them. Do we go to heaven
instantly upon death if we have "been a good person" or to an
everburning inferno of eternal torture if we have "been a
bad person"? 
Those who believe we do, have used the parable of Lazarus and
The Rich Man probably more than any other part of scripture to
uphold their teaching. God admonishes us through Isaiah to
compare the scriptures, "...line upon line, here a little - there
a little..." (chap. 28:10-13).
We read in 2 Tim. 2:15  "Study to show thyself approved unto
God...rightly dividing the word of God."
     Let us examine the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man very
     Jesus said, "There was a certain rich man, which was
clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every
day..."  Now we are to contrast this with Lazarus, a beggar who
laid at the rich man's gate, full of sores. He desired to be
fed with the crumbs which, fell from the rich man's table. The
name Lazarus is a contradiction from FLIEZAR, which signifies
the help or assistance of God. Lazarus dies and is carried 
into Abraham's bosom (v.  22). Jesus did not say that the beggar
went to heaven, but "was carried by the angels  into Abraham's
     The dictionary defines bosom as,  "the upper part of the
body between the arms" and so as,  "deep innermost part of a
human",  as "a bosom-buddy - close,  trusted,  intimate,  very
dear,  take to the bosom, embrace,  cherish."
     Lazarus was carried BY THE ANGELS (we shall  study this 
later) into an intimate,  close relationship with Abraham.   The
beggar here represents those who receive salvation. Do people, 
upon being converted and accepting Jesus as personal  saviour
enter an intimate relationship with Abraham? Yes  indeed! 
Through faith  in Jesus Christ we all  become the children of
Abraham,  "you can see from this that the real children of
Abraham are all  the men of faith who truly trust in
God....  and now that we are Christ's we are the true descendants
of Abraham,  and all of God's promises to Him belong to us" so it
is written.
     We can have an intimate relationship with Abraham through 
Christ, and notice,  all that God promised Abraham belongs to us.
     To what did Lazarus become an HEIR?   What was the promise
God gave to Abraham that all  Christians can be heirs to? Turn to
Gen.12:5-7,  "And Abraham took Sarah  his wife...  and they went
forth  into the land of Canaan...  and the Lord appeared unto
Abraham and said,  UNTO THY SEED WILL I  GIVE THIS LAND."   Again
in Gen. 13:15 God made a promise to Abraham,  "for all the LAND
which you see, to YOU will  I give it,  and to your SEED
FOREVER."   This promise was the land of Canaan -  land on the
EARTH,  not  in heaven.   
     God repeated this promise  in Gen.15:18,  "In the same day
the Lord made a covenant with Abram,  saying, unto your SEED have
I given this LAND..."   The beggar Lazarus and all men of faith
are included  in Abraham's SEED.   Through  Christ this promise 
is of ETERNAL inheritance (Heb.  9:15).   God inspired Stephen to
say that Abraham did NOT receive the inheritance during his
physical  life - not even a "foot length" (Act 7:1-5 LB
translation). But the PROMISE was given to him and his seed. The
promise to Abraham and his seed was ETERNAL INHERITANCE - eternal
     Again, this time through Paul,  God makes it plain that
Abraham and those who are his seed,  through  faith,  have died
in faith - not having as YET received the promise (Heb.  11:8, 
     This promise of eternal  inheritance of Canaan and the
earth, given to Abraham,  is woven  like a thread throughout the
     Ps. 25:12-13 you find a description of those that will 
inherit the earth. 
     In Ps. 37:9  "evil  doers shall  be cut off,  but those
that wait upon the Lord shall  inherit THE EARTH. In verse 11, 
"the meek shall inherit the earth" and verse 22  "inherit the
earth."   See also verses 29, 34 and PS 69:35,36;  82:8.   
     Isaiah repeats the PROMISE in chap. 57:13:  "..  he that
puts his  trust  (faith)  in me shall  possess the LAND...."   In
Isaiah 60:21 we see a picture of the inheritors as the
"righteous,"  and they will  inherit the "land forever." 
     Under the NEW TESTAMENT COVENANT does this promise to
Abraham and his seed become NULL and VOID?   NO!   One of the
reasons why Jesus came to earth was to confirm the promise given
to the fathers (Rom. 15:8), the fathers being ABRAHAM,  Isaac and
Jacob (Acts 3:13).  Jesus repeated the promise in Mat. 5:5,  "The
meek shall  INHERIT the EARTH." And in chapter 19:29 
".......inherit EVERLASTING LIFE."  
     Those that are Christ's and the seed of Abraham (Gal. 
3:29) will  reign 1,000 years with Jesus (Rev. 20:4).  Where?  
ON THIS EARTH (Rev. 5:10).   After the one thousand year reign we
shall inherit the NEW EARTH where God the Father and the heavenly
Jerusalem will  come to dwell (Rev.  21,22). THE PROMISE given to
Abraham and to his seed was ETERNAL LIFE on THE EARTH, not
eternal  life in heaven.   For further study request our article
     Verse 22 of Luke 16 tells us that the beggar DIED.   He
is represented as one of Abraham's seed -  in a bosom
relationship with Abraham,  heir to the promise with Abraham.  
As we have seen,  Abraham has NOT YET inherited the promise.   He
died in FAITH (Heb.  11:8-13). Abraham died, and was STILL DEAD,
when Jesus was performing His ministry on earth.  
     We read in John 8:52,  "....Abraham is dead..."  Both the
beggar and the rich man in the parable DIED.   What are some of
the plain Bible verses regarding the state of the dead?
     "For the living know that they shall die:   but the dead
KNOW NOT ANYTHING...." (Ecc.  9:10). When Jesus went to raise
Lazarus  (His friend) He told His disciples that he was SLEEPING
but the disciples misunderstood.   Then He told them plainly:  
Lazarus  is DEAD!(Jn. 11:11-17).
     The definition of death as given by Jesus Himself is a
     The beggar in our parable DIED.   Abraham died.   They
fell ASLEEP. Abraham did not receive the promise at his death.  
He died  in FAITH that he would one day inherit the promise.  
The beggar does not receive the promise BEFORE Abraham - none of
Abraham's seed receive the promise before Abraham receives  it.  
That is clearly shown to us in Heb.11:39-40.
     For the beggar to be carried  into the bosom embrace of
Abraham, Abraham must be ALIVE!   But he was not alive at the
time Jesus spoke this parable (Jn. 8:52;  Heb.11:8-13,  39).
     When, then,  is Abraham, the beggar of our parable and
all of the seed of Abraham to inherit the promises?   At the time
of the RESURRECTION of the righteous!  "For the Lord Himself
shall descend from heaven.... and the DEAD IN CHRIST shall  rise
first" (I Thes. 4:16).  
     This tremendous  inheritance made so long ago will 
become a reality at Christ's second coming.
     "Flesh and blood  (you and me - all humanity) cannot
inherit the Kingdom of God,  neither does corruption  inherit
incorruption.   "Behold I show you a mystery, we shall not all 
sleep,  but we shall all  be changed (a promise)  in a moment, 
in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump:   for the trumpet
shall  sound and the dead shall  be raised incorruptible and we
shall be changed.   For this CORRUPTIBLE  must put on 
incorruption and this MORTAL must put on  immortality" 
(1 Cor.15:50-53).
     "When the Son of man shall come in His glory,  all the
holy  angels with Him...."  This  is the second coming of Christ,
"Then He will  sit upon the throne of His glory. Then shall the
King say unto them on His right hand, Come, you blessed of my
Father,  INHERIT the Kingdom (Mat.25:31-34).
     The tremendous PROMISE given Abraham so long ago will
come to fruition at the RESURRECTION.   God will  RAISE Abraham, 
Isaac and Jacob in a resurrection (Mat. 22:31-32).   Jesus told
the Pharisees they would SEE Abraham IN THE KINGDOM (Luke.13:28),
because,  although now DEAD,  he will  be resurrected to immortal
LIFE together with the rest of the dead in Christ  (including the
beggar) at the last trump and Jesus' return (I Thes. 4:13-18;  I
Cor.  15:20-23,51-54).
                    CARRIED BY THE ANGELS
     Jesus said the beggar DIED.   But after he died,  "he was
carried BY THE ANGELS into Abraham's bosom."   We have seen that
WHERE he was carried was NOT up to heaven at his death,  but into
the status of one of the seed of Abraham,  to inherit the PROMISE
given to Abraham of eternal inheritance   of  the   LAND on this 
EARTH, at the SAME TIME that Abraham inherits this promise - at
the second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the saints to
     Lazarus  is to be carried into his father's close embrace
- into Abraham's bosom BY THE ANGELS!
     Do the scriptures reveal that the angels will  have a
part in uniting all the spiritual  children of Abraham together
when they come up to meet the father of the faithful.   Yes 
indeed!   Christ shall,  "send His ANGELS with a great sound of a
trumpet,  and THEY shall gather together His elect from the four
winds" (Mat.  24:31).   Here's the resurrection at the last trump
- the TIME when the angels carry Lazarus and all the righteous 
into sharing the promised inheritance with Abraham - carrying
them into the bosom of Abraham.   Lazarus  is resurrected and
carried by the angels through the air to meet Christ in the
clouds at His return,  and TO BE WITH ABRAHAM in an intimate
father and son type of relationship.   Both will then be
resurrected and live eternally, in the PROMISED LAND, on the
EARTH - their inheritance.
     The Bible makes it plain as to how we are to understand
the word "BOSOM."   In  Isa. 40:11 we find God will care for His
children as a shepherd does for his sheep,  carrying them "in His
bosom."   Jesus was "in the bosom" of the Father (Jn. 1:18), 
enjoying a very close relationship with the Father,  as He said, 
"I can do nothing of myself."   To be in the bosom of someone  is
to have that person's  love,  care and protection - to share
their inheritance.   So it shall  be with Abraham and all his
                   THE RICH MAN'S FATE
     What happened to the rich man and WHEN?   Jesus said,  " 
the rich man also died,  and was buried"  (Luke 16:22).   Jesus
gave no TIME setting for the incidents in the parable.   Other
scriptures must tell us WHEN these things take place.   Jesus
only gave the FACTS of what happened.  
     He did not say the body of the rich man was buried  while
the man himself, his  immortal  soul, was cast into an
everburning hell.   Jesus said the rich man DIED - the man
himself was BURIED.
     What does  it mean to be buried?   The dictionary says, 
"concealed under ground - covered up".   People are buried in a
grave and covered over with earth.   But the hell  popularised by
DANTE ALIGHIERI  (1265-1321) in his poem THE DIVINE COMEDY 
(where Dante himself travels to Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise) 
is far from any comedy.   The common  idea that most Catholic and
Protestant people have of "hell"  is a place where the "unsaved"
or the "wicked" are in pain and torment for eternity.
                  THREE KINDS OF HELL
     The rich man  "IN HELL lifted up his eyes"  (verse 23).  
So this rich man was  in a place called "HELL."   And  IN this
hell he "lifted up his eyes."   His eyes had been CLOSED,  in
death - he had DIED said Jesus, and now there came a time when he
was alive again.
     What KIND of HELL was he in?
     It is  important to understand that the NT was written 
in the GREEK language and translated  later into English.   In
the Greek three different words, with three different meanings, 
are used,  while in the King James Bible only ONE word  is used -
the word "hell."
     One of the Greek words in TARTAROS - used only in 2 PET.
2:4 where it means a condition of darkness and restraint.   It is
used in reference to fallen angels or demons.   For an  in-depth
study of this word we refer you to ADAM CLARKE'S COMMENTARY.
     Another Greek word used for "hell"  in the NT is HADES.  
It means, literally,  a place devoid of light,  a dark obscure
abode, and should have correctly been translated "grave."   It
corresponds to the Hebrew SHEOL ("the grave").
     The third Greek word translated "hell"  in the KJV is
GEHENNA. It is used  11 times  in the NT.   The word is taken
from the valley of Hinnon outside Jerusalem where fires were
continually burning to dispose of rubbish.  Idolatrous kings set
up a shrine called Molech, where people brought their children to
be burned alive in honor of this god.  The prophet Jeremiah
denounced this abominable practice and foretold that Tophet
would be destroyed and defiled  (see 2 Kings 23:10; 33:6). For an
in-depth study on this  idolatrous child sacrifice see,  BIBLICAL
     All  references to GEHENNA as  "hell"  refer to a final
destruction of the wicked by a fire none can quench until  it has
fulfilled the purpose for which  it was kindled.  Sodom and
Gomorrah suffered complete destruction by everlasting fire  (Jude
7). The results of that fire were eternal  or everlasting - the
fire went out when there was nothing else to consume. It is
not still burning.
     For an in-depth study on the above two Greek words and
many others relating to DESTROY,  DESTRUCTION,  PERISH, etc., we
recommend the 112-page book LIFE AND IMMORTALITY by Basil
Atkinson M.A.,P.H.D. We will give you the address where this book
can be purchased upon request.
     Going back to our rich man who "lifted up his eyes  in
hell." The word for hell is here the Greek HADES,  and as noted
above means  "the grave."  This same word "Hades" was used in
Acts 2:27-31 to describe where Jesus was in His death.   The
Father did not leave Jesus in HADES (hell, the grave) nor allow
Him to see corruption.   He was RESURRECTED.
     The rich man was buried in the GRAVE - he DIED.   We have
seen previously how the scriptures define DEATH.
                  HE LIFTED UP HIS EYES
     This  is a common term meaning he LOOKED and was ALIVE.  
The question is WHEN did he look - WHEN did this rich man live
again? Jesus pictures him as representing one of the unjust or
wicked.   We must look to other scriptures to tell us WHEN the
unjust will open their eyes in the grave.
     Let's first prove that the wicked will be raised from the
     Here's the verse,  "........that there shall  be a
RESURRECTION of the DEAD,  both of the JUST (Lazarus) and UNJUST
(the rich man)"  See Acts 24:15.
     In Daniel  12:2 we read,  "And many of them that sleep
(in death) in the dust of the earth shall AWAKE  (resurrection) 
some to everlasting  life (the just)  and some to everlasting
contempt (the unjust)."
     Notice John 5:28-29:   "Don't be surprised!   Indeed the
time is coming when ALL the dead in their graves shall  hear the
voice of God's Son,  and shall  RISE again - those who have done
good to eternal  life; and those who have continued  IN EVIL to
judgement"   (LB translation).
     Jesus  is clearly showing that there is a time coming
when the eyes of all  in the graves will be opened.   The TIME
for the righteous dead to be raised is at Christ's return,  "Each
however IN HIS OWN TURN. Christ rose FIRST, then when Christ
comes back all  HIS people will become alive again."   (I Cor. 
15:23 LB).
     When will the rich man and all the wicked be raised?
     In revelation 20:4 we read of the resurrection of those
in Christ at His coming.   But notice verse 5,  "....the REST of
the DEAD lived not again UNTIL the thousand years were finished."
     Now we can ascertain the time when the unjust, the
unsaved, the rich man in our parable,  will  be raised - at the
end of the  1,000 years, what is commonly referred to as the
millennium.   THEN the rich man will lift up his eyes in a
     Lazarus will have been raised from death at Jesus' 
return,  together with Abraham and all the saints.   They shall 
live through the 1,000 years.  But the rest of the dead do not
live again until the millennium is over.
     As we have seen that death is defined by Jesus as SLEEP
(Jn.11:11-17) and the dead "KNOW NOT ANYTHING" (Ecc.9:5), the
rich man coming to consciousness AFTER the 1,000 years will  know
absolutely NOTHING of the months and years since he died.   TO
     Now at his resurrection,  when he lifts up his eyes,  what
does he see?
                        THE FLAME
     When he is resurrected,  he sees a FLAME which torments
him! Earlier we considered the flame as we described GEHENNA
     Jesus spoke of this fire as DESTROYING (Mat.10:28).  In Rev.
20:14-15 it is described as a  "lake of fire."
     The Bible clearly outlines the reward of the wicked as
complete ANNIHILATION or utter extermination - eternal
punish-MENT not punish-ING (Mal. 4:1-3;  Mat.  25:46).   An
eternal death as compared to eternal life for the righteous (Rom.
     Back to the rich man.   After opening his eyes he sees
Abraham with Lazarus in his "bosom" or close embrace.   Jesus
foretold that the Pharisees would see Abraham,  Isaac, and Jacob
in the Kingdom and they themselves cast out (Luke 13:28).   This
rich man sees Lazarus and he sees the flame or lake of fire which
is about to destroy him.   He is horror stricken!
     Have you had an experience that so frightened you that
your mouth became dry and you could barely speak and your body
temperature rose as you began to perspire with anxiety?
     Now imagine the rich man and the horror and dread that
would be his experience.   He cries out in anguish,  "Father
Abraham have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he might dip the
tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue,  for I am
tormented  in this flame."
     The rich man cries out for mercy from this flame.
     Why did he call out for only a wet finger of water to
cool  his tongue, if his whole body was burning  in the flames of
hell as described by most theologians?   Surely he would have
requested a few buckets of water or may be a swimming pool.
                        IN TORMENT
     The rich man is definitely TORMENTED as he sees this
     In this parable the word TORMENT or TORMENTED is used 4
times. In verses 23,28 the Greek is BASANOS and is used only one
other time in the NT in Mat. 4:24.   It means  "going to the
bottom."   Indeed the rich man was as we say,  "at the end of his
rope" or "at his wits end,"  - at the very bottom.
     In verses 24,25 the Greek for TORMENTED is ODUNAOMAI and
means to GRIEVE,  to SORROW, and it is connected with DUO,  to
sink,  to go down. This same word is used only TWO other times, 
in Luke 2:48 and Acts 20:38 where it is clearly referring to
consuming MENTAL grief.
     So we see clearly the picture of the rich man going down
in devastating grief - he realizes that he has lost eternal life
and is now looking at total ANNIHILATION in the lake of fire.
     If Jesus had wanted to convey the message that the rich
man was WRITHING in PHYSICAL pain in fire,  He would have
inspired the Greek word BASANIZO to have been used.   This is the
word for torment which relays the idea of mental  or PHYSICAL
pain,  and is used in such scriptures as: Mat.  8:29;  14:24;
Mark.  6:48;  Luke. 8:28;  2 Pet.  2:8;  Rev. 9:5;  12:2; 14:10.
     To study these Greek words we refer you to THE
     It is very sobering to remember that many will  be in the
position of the rich man IF they do not repent,  "Except you
REPENT you shall all likewise PERISH"  (Luke.13:3).
     Those who will not DO the WILL of the Father but who work
- live - iniquity or lawlessness shall  be told by Jesus to
DEPART from Him.  He will confess He never knew them (Mat. 
7:21-23;  Luke.13:27).
                        HELL FIRE     
     There is nothing here about this rich man suffering
endlessly in physical pain - always burning - being on FIRE but
never burning up. His anguish,  as he sees the lake of fire,  as
he realizes what awaits him, is MENTAL anguish which results in a
dry and hot tongue as his body temperature rises,  hence his
request to Abraham to send Lazarus to cool his tongue with a wet
     To be sure, the unrepentant wicked will  be cast into the
lake of fire, when their physical bodies will meet an
unquenchable flame.  There will  be a time of physical torture
and pain until  they are consumed and become ASHES under the feet
of the righteous (Mal. 4:1-3).
     "But the wicked shall  PERISH,  and the enemies of the
Lord shall be as the fat of lambs; they shall  CONSUME,  into
SMOKE shall they consume away" (Ps. 37:20).
                      THE GREAT GULF
     We have seen that Lazarus represents the righteous, the
seed of Abraham - those who will  inherit the promise of eternal 
life.   Abraham and his seed are brought together in a bosom
relationship by the angels at the return of Christ, when the
trumpet shall  sound and the dead  in Christ rise to meet their
Lord in the clouds.  It is at this time that the saints  (which 
includes Lazarus) will be CHANGED (flesh and blood can not
inherit the Kingdom of God -  I Cor.  15:20)  from MORTAL to
IMMORTAL (1 Cor. 15:51-53).
     NONE who are not granted this CHANGE will ever be with
     God will grant this change from mortality to immortality
to those who will REPENT.   Those who do not shall  PERISH  (2
Pet. 3:9).  The rich man represents those who have not and will 
not REPENT. We have seen that he and all such wicked ones will
also be raised to life again,  but after a thousand years from
when Lazarus and Abraham were raised to IMMORTAL life.
     The rich man never made it into God's Kingdom. He was
never CHANGED from mortal to divine.   He never REPENTED so he
could be saved,  so he could put on incorruption.   He is raised
MORTAL,  to receive his wages of sin which  is death  (Rom. 6:23)
in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14,15)  -  in a FIRE that burns up
matter into ashes and smoke.
     Those in the Kingdom with Abraham are no longer MORTAL -
they can not ever DIE again (Luke 20:34-36).   They can never
again pass back into mortality and be susceptible to DEATH.
     Those who have not repented to serve the eternal  God can
not pass over into life everlasting. They remain mortal to be
consumed in the lake of fire (Rev. 21:7,8).
     Only the saved possess  IMMORTALITY as the gift of God
(Rom. 2:7), but the wicked reap anguish and wrath that shall
devour them - fiery indignation (Heb.10:27).
     The GULF mentioned by Abraham which prevents the
righteous from being burned and which prevents the wicked from
escaping death by GEHENNA FIRE is -  IMMORTALITY!
                   THE LESSONS FOR US
     As the rich man contemplated the fate that awaited him, 
he requested Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers  (5 is the
number used in the Scriptures to denote GRACE - request our
information on THE ARITHMETIC OF GOD) "....that he may testify
unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment" 
(verse 28).   Abraham said let them listen to Moses and the
prophets (verse 29).   "No," answered the rich man, "but if one
went unto them from the DEAD,  they will  REPENT."   Abraham
replied, " If they will not hear MOSES and the PROPHETS,  they
will  not be persuaded though one rose FROM THE DEAD."  (verses
     Do you see - do you understand why Jesus gave this
     The whole experience of Lazarus and the rich man was
given to SHOW THE TRUTH OF THE RESURRECTION - not some natural 
immortal soul going to "heaven" or "hell" at death.
     This parable was given to SHOW THAT REPENTANCE IS
REQUIRED TO INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE,  or the lake of fire awaits the
sinner (request our FREE article "SAVED BY GRACE" which explains 
indepth all about SALVATION).
        Notice one final  lesson.   Jesus acquainted real 
repentance with a willingness to listen to Moses and the prophets
- the Old Testament not just the New Testament.   True repentance
that will lead to eternal life in the Kingdom of God on this
earth, is a willingness to LIVE BY EVERY WORD OF GOD (Mat. 4:4).
       Written 1984 by Keith Hunt
An Internet Church posting, Re:  Lazarus and the Rich Man 
Hi Bill,
       I will try to answer your questions below.
       You  wrote:
       "Following is a copy (as is) of questions I sent to......
around June of 1987. Some of the questions were based on my ow 
misunderstanding of doctrines (but taught by "ministers" and
members of the congregation over several years). I would
appreciate your response to the questions."
       I have several questions that always come to mind while
reading through Luke 16:19-31 (Lazarus and the rich man) . I have
asked the same questions in the past and the standard answer is
that it is only a parable; a fictitious story. There is no
problem in accepting it as a parable - it would not make sense
otherwise in light of many other scriptures.
       What I do not understand is the  "facts" within the
parable. Surely Jesus Christ would not misrepresent the time
sequence of events and the actual facts (Doctrines) of the True
Church in a parable even though it is a fictitious story (the
rich man and Lazarus were not real, apparently)
       Should the facts within this or any parable in the Bible
represent the doctrines and teachings of the Worldwide Church of
God? If they do not then how can any of a parable be used in
support or non-support of a particular teaching?
       My Answer: 
       The facts of any parable should be taken within the total 
light of all the rest of scripture. If it all adds up, with no
contradiction, then it all becomes a part of the whole truth.
       QUESTION:I. The First question comes in Luke 16:19-21. The
rich man was one called by God to know the truth or else he would
not be in the resurrectIon. Verse 23 of Luke 16 illustrates that
the rich man was being resurrected. He, therefore, had to have
known the truth, had God's Holy SpIrIt and rejected the truth or
else he would not be in the resurrectIon( to death). Verse 19
and 21 show that the rich man was obviously not very generous
with his wealth or else he would offer more than crumbs to
       1. Why did Lazarus have to beg for anything?  Why did he
not ask for third tithe assistance?
       My Answer: 
       Third tithe(as some call it) in Israel was not the means
to "end poverty." Jesus did say, "the poor you shall always have
among you."  Third tithe was, as the scriptures lay down mainly
for the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless and widow. And It
was for "eating"  (See Deut.14:28,29),  not for everything one
might like. Lazarus then, we will take it did get food, but he
also needed other things that third tithe would not provide. And
third tithe was not the total or only way to help the poor. God
told the farmers not to cut the corners of their fields at
harvest time, so the poor could have those parts. So it would
seem God knew third tithe would not be the all sufficient means
to feed the poor and needy. So today in our lands, there are many
private "hand outs" to the poor above the nations welfare
       QUESTION:2. Is BEGGING proper behavior for a Christian?
       My Answer: 
       That all depends on how you understand the word
"begging." a Christian finds themselves(especially if having
children) In the situation  where they need help to physically
live (food etc.), and they either go to the Welfare department
and/or the church for help. Are they not "beggIng" for help from
someone? We today have certain helpful departments of our nation
we can beg help from to see us through a difficult time so we do
not need to stand on the street corner with our hand out
(although I have seen some doing it when I was living in
Florida). The common practice in Jesus' time and before was to
find help from the people passing by. It was part of their
culture and customs to do it that way.
       Third tithe, or the poor fund in Israel (and our nations
do take it from us via our taxes) and the other means to help the
poor(and Christians do get poor at times) is for those who  need
help. So for Christians to correctly beg for help when truly in
need is quite proper. Paul collected for the saints when in
need (I Cor.16). I'm sure those saints had made know their
situation and daily requirements to Paul and others in the
       QUESTION:3. Why would he even go near the rich man who
obviously from all outward appearance was not one to go near (he
probably would have been marked)?
       My Answer: 
       Lazarus did not know the heart of this rich man as
he lived in his poor situation. You are looking at the parable
from above and seeing the end and details of the whole. Lazarus
was looking at the tree not the forest. It would have been
natural to go to those whom he knew were rich and had things
they could give him. Sorry, but I am not following you concerning
"would have been marked." I think Lazarus would have marked the
rich man alright, marked him for someone who could help him in
his poverty.
       QUESTION:4. Why would Lazarus allow a dog to lick his
sores? Should he not call for the elders to anoint him for his
       My Answer:
       Calling for the Elders to anoint is found in James
5. That instruction for the church had not yet been given. The
book of James had not yet been written when Jesus gave this
parable, so Lazarus did not know such a teaching existed.
       Some are really upset about dogs licking sores. But there
is much healing qualities in a dogs tongue. It is also given by
Christ to show that the rich man could have helped Lazarus as the
"good Samaritan" did to the injured, by using "oil and wine" on
his sores, but he did not. Even the dogs had more compassion on
the misfortune of Lazarus than this rich man with allthe means
whereby he could have helped him. Jesus showing the complete
uncaring attitude of some who will not make it into the Kingdom
(see Mat.25:31-46).
       QUESTION:5. Does  "...a certain rich man..."  and  "...a
certain beggar..." in Luke 16:19-20 mean that there really was 
such people?
       My Answer: 
       Oh, you bet. Such people as Lazarus were many in
Jesus' day, and sad to say there were many as portrayed by the
rich guy.
       1. Why did the rich man ask Abraham to send Lazarus to his
father's house to testify unto his five brothers?  The rich man
knew he was in the resurrection because in verse 25 Abraham
reminded the rich man of his lifetime, "...remember that thou in
thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus
evil things:..."    The rich man's brothers would have to have
been in either the first, second, or third resurrection(for those
who believe in three resurrections) .
       If they were in the first resurrectIon they would have
been resurrected along with Abraham and Lazarus, in which case
they would all be spirit beings and would have no need a
testimony - they would have already made it. Verse 30 shows that
the Rich man thought that one being sent to his brothers from the
dead would cause his brothers to repent. If his brothers were in
the first resurrection they would have no need to repent. The
rich man could have asked his brothers for the water instead of
Abraham. If the Rich man's brothers were in the second
resurrectIon they would have already lived and either qualified
to be in God's Kingdom or else have not made it and would
be in the same resurrection as the rich man (unto eternal death).
Since the time setting of the rich man in verse 23 to 31 is the 
resurrection to death, why did the rich man ask such a request of
Abraham? Was he confused?
       My Answer: 
       This is where parts of some parables "break down." 

 Parts are sometimes for those the parable is being given to. A
lesson is being taught, and all logical time sequence, and other
parts of logic from the whole truth of God's plan of salvation(as
you logically pointed out above) is put to one side, in order to
bring out a main truth to those listening at the time. Jesus
wanted those Pharisees and others like them that He was speaking
to at the time, to really get some basic points of truth, that
were essential for them to know and practice if they were NOT to
be in the rich man's shoes (heading for the lake of fire and the
second death) You are quite correct with your logic based upon
the truth of God's outline of His plan. The different
resurrections will make the literal words and depictIons of this
part of the parable not possible. But Jesus here threw away the
actual reality of the truth of the resurrections FOR THE GREATER
TRUTH OF THE PRESENT TIME. He really wanted those Pharisees and
those like the rich man who were living then, to REPENT of their
ways and attitudes, hence the LESSON within the "really will not
happen this way but I hope you get the point" part of this
parable. The point being that if they didn't change their ways
and attitudes, they would not be in the Kingdom, but would be
heading for the second death in the lake of fire.
       QUESTION:2. Why did Abraham reply to the rich man in verse
29 that they (his brothers) have Moses and the Prophets. Why did
Abraham not remind the rich man that his brothers were either in
the  First, Second, or Third resurrection?  It appears from the
answer given by Abraham (verse 29) that the rich man's brothers
were still living.  Finally in verse 31 Abraham said that if they
hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded,
though one rose from the dead.
       My Answer:  
       Like my answer above. The real lesson of the
parable at this point was not the actual time events of God's
plan of salvation as the different resurrections will clearly
give. Jesus was now hitting the Pharisees between the eyes. They
had wanted Jesus to show them some great miracle to prove He was
whom He claimed to be. They put their stock in outward physical
signs as claiming to be sent from God (as Jesus said He was, but
they didn't believe it). The rich man in the parable represented
THEM, those self-righteous, physical sign lookers, uncaring to
those "below" them (see Luke 18:10-14), and Lazarus represented
the publicans who were justified before God and would enter the
Kingdom. The rich man WANTED a physical sign to be given to SAVE
others. This he thought (representing the Pharisees before Jesus)
would be the answer to coming to repentance.
       They would repent towards Jesus (for all they said about
Him, even that He was of the Devil etc.) IF SOME PHYSICAL SlGN He
could give them, to prove He was the very Son of God. Then with
that proof they would tell others under their influence (five
brothers) to repent.
       This whole section of the parable was hitting those
Pharisees right..... you know where......I mean they really got
the point by this time.
       QUESTION:3. Why did Abraham respond (verse 31) with an
answer that appears to have been prior to the First resurrection,
in which case Abraham would not have been resurrected. Why did
Abraham not remind the rich man of the time setting?
       My Answer:  
       Because that is exactly what Jesus wanted them to
see, this parable was not really for the future at all, but for
the present reality of the attitude of those Pharisees. Jesus
throws aside all logical, the 1, 2, 3 of God's  plan of
salvation, to try to help those present religious leaders and
self-righteous rich, to see what TRUTH is based upon, to see what
REPENTANCE is really founded upon, to see what BEING SAVED is
anchored to. The time settings were not where it was at with
Jesus. There was much more important truths to be shown to those
people before Him. By the time Jesus was finished with this
parable the Pharisees KNEW PRECISELY WHAT LESSON He was trying to
teach them. They knew it was not logical time settings of God's
plan through resurrections. The main lesson, Jesus through
Abraham( the Pharisees pompously thought they were the children
of Abraham, see John 8:25-47 and what Jesus said about that idea)
wanted to get across was THE WORD OF GOD is where it is at, NOT
some physical miracle. If people cannot come to real repentance
and salvation through the WORD OF GOD, they will not come to it
through some physical sign or miracle. Notice the emphasis Jesus
placed on "the word" from the Father in John 8, not physical
       I hope this helps you Bill. Christian regards.


       Written November 1996 by Keith Hunt



Heaven, will we go there?

Does the Bible promise that we shall go to the heaven where God dwells?


                                            Keith Hunt

     The belief and teaching that all humans have natural
immortality via an immortal soul can be traced back thousands of
years. We can see from history that nations like Egypt and
Babylon taught their people with teaching (some even as
"religious" teachings) about an immortal soul dwelling in every
human, that continued to live, to think, to experience life,
after the body had died. Depending on the nation and on their
spiritual theology they had, would come various teachings about
where and under what conditions this immortal soul would
experience after the death of the physical body. Some nations
would bury the dead body in graves with all kinds of physical
accoutrements for the departed to take with them and to use to
enjoy the after life.
     Different nations may have had different places where the
departed soul would live when it left the dead body, but to put
it in simple language, the immortal soul was in a "heaven" of
some sort. They even had gloomy underworlds for those not thought
to have done enough good in their physical lives to warrant the
prize of "heaven."
     Adolph Erman writes in "The Ancient Egyptians" (translated
by Aylaward M. Blackman): "The Pyramid Texts are mainly concerned
with the desire of the august dead to avoid leading a gloomy
existence in the underworld - the fate of ordinary mortals - and
to dwell in the sky like the gods. There he might voyage with the
sun-god in his ship, or dwell in the fields of the blessed, the
Field of Food-offerings, or the Fields of Iaru (or Alu). He might
himself become a god, and the fancy of the poets strives to
depict the king in this new role. No longer is he a man whom the
gods graciously receive into heaven but a conqueror who seizes
heaven from them" (page 2).

     The Egyptians believed that before the soul of the dead
could reach the Egyptian "heaven" and appear in the presence of
Orisis, they must traverse a vast underworld region which was
inhabited by gods, devils, friends, demons, good and bad spirits
and souls of the wicked. Also in this underworld were snakes,
monsters, and serpents. The Egyptian sacred book, "The Book
of the Dead," prescribed spells, incantations, prayers, charms
and amulets to help the dead man overcome the dangers of the Tuat
and to reach Sekhet Aaru and Sekhet hetep - the other names
for the Egyptian "heaven" and to take his place among the
subjects of Orisis in the "Land of Everlasting Life" (E.A. Wallis
Budge, "The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians" pages 40-41).

     The Egyptians taught that the arriving dead were ushered
into a Hall of Judgment over which Orisis presided. 
     "When the verdict is favorable and he has been cleared of
any impurity, his heart is restored, and after several other
ordeals, he is ushered into the bright Elysian Fields (the Fields
of Alu) beyond the water....Henceforth, he enjoys the perennial
life of the blessed under the shadow of the tree of life, or the
sycamore of Nut, the goddess of the sky, a true Orisis" (Kohler,
"Heaven and Hell in Comparative Religion," page 22).

     If the verdict was un-favorable, the sinner experienced the
"second death." He was dismembered and fierce tortures awaited
him. These included burning by hot coals, plunging into
deep water, or cutting the body into pieces by sharp swords. Says
Kohler: "We have here the very origin of the Inferno and
Paradiso" (page 23).

     Ah,  all this should start to sound somewhat familiar with
certain teaching and beliefs of many "Christian" churches and
organizations. Many have certain heard the "hell-fire and
brimstone" sermons preached loud and vigorously by many a
Christian minister or Camp-meeting tent revivalist. Such
preaching of course includes telling you that if you "give your
heart to the Lord" and turn from sin, you can "go to heaven" and
live in bliss, doing...well they are not sure, except for the
singing and plucking on a harp.

     Just about ALL Christians today believe they shall "get to
heaven" one day. They firmly believe that going to heaven is one
of the basic rewards of Christians. To think, and to teach
otherwise, to them, is pretty close to being a nutty and strange
heretic. They are convinced the Bible shows and tells us that
going to heaven is the automatic enclave of the children of God.
And most believe that going to heaven takes place when the
physical body stops breathing and dies.
     Yet this common and prevailing theological view was not, to
the surprise of many, the common view or teaching of the early
New Testament Church of God. Here is what The New International
Encyclopedia has to say on the subject of "heaven" in volume 9,
pages 700-701.

     "The dominant view in the early church seems to have been
that until the return of the Lord upon the clouds of heaven to
raise the dead, those who had died were ASLEEP, and  that
they would be suddenly awakened to be given their new bodies,
after which they would reign with Him on earth for a thousand

     It would seem from this that the early NT church did not
teach or believe in going to heaven at death, for those faithful
Christians. But, gradually things began to change. The
aforementioned Encyclopedia goes on to say:

     " But, largely under the influence of Greek thought, other
conceptions (gradually) prevailed. The fate of the patriarchs,
prophets, and pious men of the old dispensation naturally
occupied much attention and led to the idea that they (their
'immortal souls') were detained in a preparatory abode which the
fathers called limbus patrum, awaiting the advent of the
Redeemer. The general belief of the Christians has been that
since the resurrection of Christ the just who are free from sin
are admitted immediately after death into heaven, where their
chief joy consists in the unclouded vision of God."

     Church history shows that through the teachings of people
like Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and others, most professing
Christians gradually came to adopt the belief of the immortal
soul, and going immediately "somewhere" after the death of the
body.  Many were coming into the popular church of the Roman
Empire, founded in Rome, who already held to Hellenistic
philosophy, Egyptian mythology, and Babylonian Mystery religions,
with the after death life of some sort as the foundation of it
all. They did not want to give up this teaching and belief, just
as they did not want to abandon many other false teachings and
practices. So, to accommodate them the large popular church took
many of these old pagan beliefs and re-clothed them with
Christian garments. Hence, as the millenniums came and went
today's doctrines of the immortal soul as taught together with an
ever burning hell fire for the wicked, a purgatory for those who
may not have sinned unto eternal torment, and can possibly yet be
granted heaven, and a heaven where God is for the righteous, all
came into formation.

     We have covered in very deep detail, through the writings of
Basil Atkinson PhD. what the Bible has to say on death, hell, and
immortality, as well as the resurrection and fate of the
un-repented wicked. I refer the read to these studies for the
answer to those topics. I shall continue in this study to focus
on the word "heaven" as used in the New Testament.

     I grew up believing, just as most Christians believe, that
if you live a good Christian life here and now, you will go to
heaven at death, but if you do not live that good Christian life
then you will at death go to an ever burning hell. Most
Christians believe they will at some point "get to heaven" where
God is dwelling, somewhere out there in the universe. Some like
the Seventh Day Adventists do not believe you go to heaven at
death, but that death is a sleep until the resurrection, then
when Jesus returns to raise the righteous dead, all go back with
Him to heaven for a thousand years, until the new earth comes
into being. Others believe that Christ returns to "rapture" His
church away from the terrible tribulation taking place on the
earth, and that they spent either 7 years or 3 and 1/2 years in
heaven, before returning again with Christ to set up the
Kingdom of God on earth for a thousand years.
     Whatever the various beliefs of certain religious sects and
denominations is on this matter, just about all of them teach and
believe that the good Christian will some day for some period
of time "go to heaven" where the Father lives and dwells in the
heavenly Jerusalem.


     And if this is a fundamental plain teaching of the Bible,
then surely we should be able to find many verses ALL OVER the
Bible saying things such as: "When we get to heaven,"
"When we see each other in heaven," "They are up there in heaven
with God," "We shall go to heaven at Christ's return," "We shall
be in heaven where God is one day." BUT VERSES LIKE THIS CANNOT
     Christians use such terminology all the time. Preachers use
it from the pulpit. Why then didn't the people of the Bible use
such language? Could it be that they knew that going off to
heaven where God the Father now dwells was NEVER promised to any
earthy mortal person?


     The word "heaven" is used 570 times in the Bible. "Heavenly"
appears 23 times and "heavens" is used 121 times. Surely,
somewhere, in all those uses we can find a statement:
"When we are in heaven" or "We are going to go to heaven" or
maybe "He has gone to God in heaven." If you take a concordance
of the Bible such as "Strong's Concordance" you can find all
the verses where "heaven," "heavenly," and heavens" are used
throughout the Bible. Look them up! See if you can find a verse
that says, "We shall go to heaven, " "Heaven is our eternal
abode," "They are up in heaven" or ANY plain statement about
Christians or children of God going to be with God in heaven for
ANY length of time. You have over 500 places where "heaven" is
used. Try to find such language that tells us clearly we shall
one day, some day, go where God the Father is now living.

     There are THREE heavens mentioned in the Bible. 1) The
heaven where the birds fly. 2) the heaven where the planets and
stars are. 3) The heaven where God's throne is, where God now
     Notice, "I knew a man in christ....such an one caught up to
the THIRD heaven....He was caught up into PARADISE, and heard
unspeakable words...." (2 Cor. 12:2-4). And, "To him that
overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the
midst of the PARADISE of God" (Rev.2:7).
     And also, "And he showed me a pure river of water of
life....proceeding out of the THRONE of God....in the midst of
the street of it....was there the TREE OF LIFE...." (Rev.22:1-
     The THIRD heaven is where God dwells!

                     KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ?

     Some will say, "Well Christ talked about our being in the
Kingdom of heaven. Surely that proves we shall 'go to heaven'."
     If it does, then some shall be in heaven while others are
not. Read matthew 5:3-5. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the Kingdom of heaven....blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth."
     Will some then be in heaven while others will be on earth?
     The word "OF" denotes OWNERSHIP, not place. If I say to you
that this house is "the house of Smith" you instantly know I mean
it is the house that BELONGS to smith, not that it is the house
     The Kingdom OF heaven is the Kingdom that BELONGS to heaven.
It is owned and operated by heaven. 
     The Gospels according to Mark and Luke uses "Kingdom OF God"
- the Kingdom that BELONGS to God, not the Kingdom inside God.

                     REWARD IS IN HEAVEN

     Is not our reward to go to heaven? Someone may ask that
question. Are there not some verses that say something to that
effect? Yes, there are verses that talk about a "reward in
heaven." Here they are: "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for
great is your reward in heaven...." (Mat.5:12). "Take heed that
you do not your arms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise
you have no reward of your Father which is in heaven" (Mat.6:1).
"But lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven....." (Luke 6:23).
"To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth
not away, reserved in heaven for you" (1 Peter 1:4).

     Now, let's be honest. Do the above verses say: "Our reward
is to get  to heaven" or "When we get to heaven we shall be given
our reward." Do these verse say: "Our reserved inheritance is to
get to heaven to be with God" ?  No, they do not!  Truly,
Christians are to receive rewards and we are to inherit eternal
life, but when? Eternal life comes at the resurrection. Read 1
Cor.15; Rev.2:10; 2 Tim.4:8 and see our studies on death, hell,
immortality and resurrection. Our rewards are to be given to us
by Christ at His return. "And, behold, I come quickly, and MY
REWARD IS WITH ME, to give every man according as his work shall
be" (Rev. 22:12).
     Our rewards and inheritance are reserved in heaven. They
come down out of heaven with Christ at his return.

                   NAMED TO GO TO HEAVEN?

     Are not Christians named and written down in a book to go to
heaven? Are there not some verses that say so?  There are these:
",,,,but rather rejoice, because your names are written
in heaven" (Luke 10:20). "To the general assembly and church of
the firstborn, which are written in heaven...." (Heb. 12:23).
     Do these verses say, "Because you will go to heaven" or "The
church of the firstborn will one day get to heaven" ?  No!  Our
names (God knows who are His) are written down in the book of
life, the book of life being in heaven. But we receive life
eternal at Christ's return in glory, when the resurrection of the
righteous saints takes place. See John 5: 25-29; 1 Cor. 15; 1
Thes. 4: 16; and John 6: 37-39.
     These verses in Luke and Hebrews do not say we shall go to
heaven to live for a short or long period of time.

                OUR HOPE....TO GO TO HEAVEN?

     "For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof
you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel"
(Col.1:5). What is the hope for Christians? Paul answers in
another letter he wrote: "But if there be NO RESURRECTION of the
dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then
is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.....then they
which are also fallen asleep in Christ are PERISHED....For as in
Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But
every man on his own order: Christ the firstfruits: AFTERWARDS
they that are Christ's AT HIS COMING" (1 Cor. 15: 13-23). 
     Our HOPE is Christ, who has been raised from the dead and is
now in heaven, waiting to be sent back to this earth when He
shall RESURRECT the DEAD (1 Thes.4: 16). 
     This verse in colossians does NOT say, "Our hope is to get
to heaven." "The church's hope is to be with Christ in heaven."
It does not say WE are to be laid up in heaven. But our HOPE is
laid up in heaven. That hope is Christ and His return and the
saints to be resurrected.

                     OUR CONVERSATION...
                   IS IT TO GO TO HEAVEN ?

     Is not  the verse in Philippians telling us that Christians
are to talk about "going to heaven" ? The verse reads: "For our
CONVERSATION is in heaven; from whence also we look for the
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ" (Phil. 3: 20). Does the verse say,
"our conversation is about being with Christ in heaven" or "our
talk should be about going to heaven"? No! This verse is
not even talking about "words" we speak. The word "conversation"
used here is a very poor translation of the original Greek. It
should have been translated "citizenship." See Strong's
Concordance of the Bible. The Amplified Bible translation renders
this verse: "But we are CITIZENS of the state (commonwealth,
homeland) which is in heaven...."
     Notice! This STATE is in heaven that we are citizens of. If
we be Christ's, we belong to His family. We are brothers of His
(see Hebrews 2). We are part of God's family, His children,
and so His government, kingdom, which is now in heaven. Not that
we are in heaven, for we are on earth, but the STATE, where our
citizenship is, that we now belong to, is in heaven. 
     "And," the verse continues, "from it,' that is from heaven,
"also we earnestly and patiently await (the coming of) the Lord
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, (as) Savior" (Amplified Bible).
     Yes, again Paul says we look to, wait, hope in Christ's
return and the resurrection.


     Here is a plain and easy to understand verse: "And NO MAN
has ASCENDED up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven,
even the Son of man which is in heaven" (John
3: 13). 
     Will you BELIEVE what Christ said? He should know. he was in
heaven with the Father from the beginning, and He did not see any
human ever come from earth up to heaven. That's correct, Enoch
did not go to the third heaven, neither did Moses, nor did
Elijah.  All humans who have ever lived, or will live, up to the
return of the Christ, and are not still alive when Jesus
comes, will have DIED. They will be in the grave, ASLEEP, and
waiting to hear the voice of the Son of man, to rise from the
dead in a resurrection. They will meet Christ is the clouds, in
the air, and will on that same day return with jesus to the Mount
of Olives and to the city of Jerusalem. From there, and for a
thousand years they shall reign with Christ on His throne over
this earth, as they establish the Kingdom of God. 
     At the end of the thousand years comes the new heavens and
the new earth, as foretold in the last chapters of Revelation.
Then the heavenly Jerusalem together with God the Father will
come from heaven to this new earth, which will then become the
new heaven of the throne of the universe for all Eternity.

     I guess we could say that we, the children of God, will one
day be in heaven.....yes.....when heaven comes to earth.

     For all the truths on this subject please read the studies
on "Death, Hell, and Immortality," "Mansions in the Sky," "Enoch,
Moses, and Elijah, are they in Heaven?" "Lazarus and the Rich


Written in 1981

Heaven, will we go there?

Does the Bible promise that we shall go to the heaven where God dwells?


                         Keith Hunt

     The belief and teaching that all humans have natural
immortality via an immortal soul can be traced back thousands of
years. We can see from history that nations like Egypt and
Babylon taught their people with teaching (some even as
"religious" teachings) about an immortal soul dwelling in every
human, that continued to live, to think, to experience life,
after the body had died. Depending on the nation and on their
spiritual theology they had, would come various teachings about
where and under what conditions this immortal soul would
experience after the death of the physical body. Some nations
would bury the dead body in graves with all kinds of physical
accoutrements for the departed to take with them and to use to
enjoy the after life.
     Different nations may have had different places where the
departed soul would live when it left the dead body, but to put
it in simple language, the immortal soul was in a "heaven" of
some sort. They even had gloomy underworlds for those not thought
to have done enough good in their physical lives to warrant the
prize of "heaven."
     Adolph Erman writes in "The Ancient Egyptians" (translated
by Aylaward M. Blackman): "The Pyramid Texts are mainly concerned
with the desire of the august dead to avoid leading a gloomy
existence in the underworld - the fate of ordinary mortals - and
to dwell in the sky like the gods. There he might voyage with the
sun-god in his ship, or dwell in the fields of the blessed, the
Field of Food-offerings, or the Fields of Iaru (or Alu). He might
himself become a god, and the fancy of the poets strives to
depict the king in this new role. No longer is he a man whom the
gods graciously receive into heaven but a conqueror who seizes
heaven from them" (page 2).

     The Egyptians believed that before the soul of the dead
could reach the Egyptian "heaven" and appear in the presence of
Orisis, they must traverse a vast underworld region which was
inhabited by gods, devils, friends, demons, good and bad spirits
and souls of the wicked. Also in this underworld were snakes,
monsters, and serpents. The Egyptian sacred book, "The Book
of the Dead," prescribed spells, incantations, prayers, charms
and amulets to help the dead man overcome the dangers of the Tuat
and to reach Sekhet Aaru and Sekhet hetep - the other names
for the Egyptian "heaven" and to take his place among the
subjects of Orisis in the "Land of Everlasting Life" (E.A. Wallis
Budge, "The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians" pages 40-41).

     The Egyptians taught that the arriving dead were ushered
into a Hall of Judgment over which Orisis presided. 
     "When the verdict is favorable and he has been cleared of
any impurity, his heart is restored, and after several other
ordeals, he is ushered into the bright Elysian Fields (the Fields
of Alu) beyond the water....Henceforth, he enjoys the perennial
life of the blessed under the shadow of the tree of life, or the
sycamore of Nut, the goddess of the sky, a true Orisis" (Kohler,
"Heaven and Hell in Comparative Religion," page 22).

     If the verdict was un-favorable, the sinner experienced the
"second death." He was dismembered and fierce tortures awaited
him. These included burning by hot coals, plunging into
deep water, or cutting the body into pieces by sharp swords. Says
Kohler: "We have here the very origin of the Inferno and
Paradiso" (page 23).

     Ah,  all this should start to sound somewhat familiar with
certain teaching and beliefs of many "Christian" churches and
organizations. Many have certain heard the "hell-fire and
brimstone" sermons preached loud and vigorously by many a
Christian minister or Camp-meeting tent revivalist. Such
preaching of course includes telling you that if you "give your
heart to the Lord" and turn from sin, you can "go to heaven" and
live in bliss, doing...well they are not sure, except for the
singing and plucking on a harp.

     Just about ALL Christians today believe they shall "get to
heaven" one day. They firmly believe that going to heaven is one
of the basic rewards of Christians. To think, and to teach
otherwise, to them, is pretty close to being a nutty and strange
heretic. They are convinced the Bible shows and tells us that
going to heaven is the automatic enclave of the children of God.
And most believe that going to heaven takes place when the
physical body stops breathing and dies.
     Yet this common and prevailing theological view was not, to
the surprise of many, the common view or teaching of the early
New Testament Church of God. Here is what The New International
Encyclopedia has to say on the subject of "heaven" in volume 9,
pages 700-701.

     "The dominant view in the early church seems to have been
that until the return of the Lord upon the clouds of heaven to
raise the dead, those who had died were ASLEEP, and  that
they would be suddenly awakened to be given their new bodies,
after which they would reign with Him on earth for a thousand

     It would seem from this that the early NT church did not
teach or believe in going to heaven at death, for those faithful
Christians. But, gradually things began to change. The
aforementioned Encyclopedia goes on to say:

     " But, largely under the influence of Greek thought, other
conceptions (gradually) prevailed. The fate of the patriarchs,
prophets, and pious men of the old dispensation naturally
occupied much attention and led to the idea that they (their
'immortal souls') were detained in a preparatory abode which the
fathers called limbus patrum, awaiting the advent of the
Redeemer. The general belief of the Christians has been that
since the resurrection of Christ the just who are free from sin
are admitted immediately after death into heaven, where their
chief joy consists in the unclouded vision of God."

     Church history shows that through the teachings of people
like Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and others, most professing
Christians gradually came to adopt the belief of the immortal
soul, and going immediately "somewhere" after the death of the
body.  Many were coming into the popular church of the Roman
Empire, founded in Rome, who already held to Hellenistic
philosophy, Egyptian mythology, and Babylonian Mystery religions,
with the after death life of some sort as the foundation of it
all. They did not want to give up this teaching and belief, just
as they did not want to abandon many other false teachings and
practices. So, to accommodate them the large popular church took
many of these old pagan beliefs and re-clothed them with
Christian garments. Hence, as the millenniums came and went
today's doctrines of the immortal soul as taught together with an
ever burning hell fire for the wicked, a purgatory for those who
may not have sinned unto eternal torment, and can possibly yet be
granted heaven, and a heaven where God is for the righteous, all
came into formation.

     We have covered in very deep detail, through the writings of
Basil Atkinson PhD. what the Bible has to say on death, hell, and
immortality, as well as the resurrection and fate of the
un-repented wicked. I refer the read to these studies for the
answer to those topics. I shall continue in this study to focus
on the word "heaven" as used in the New Testament.

     I grew up believing, just as most Christians believe, that
if you live a good Christian life here and now, you will go to
heaven at death, but if you do not live that good Christian life
then you will at death go to an ever burning hell. Most
Christians believe they will at some point "get to heaven" where
God is dwelling, somewhere out there in the universe. Some like
the Seventh Day Adventists do not believe you go to heaven at
death, but that death is a sleep until the resurrection, then
when Jesus returns to raise the righteous dead, all go back with
Him to heaven for a thousand years, until the new earth comes
into being. Others believe that Christ returns to "rapture" His
church away from the terrible tribulation taking place on the
earth, and that they spent either 7 years or 3 and 1/2 years in
heaven, before returning again with Christ to set up the
Kingdom of God on earth for a thousand years.
     Whatever the various beliefs of certain religious sects and
denominations is on this matter, just about all of them teach and
believe that the good Christian will some day for some period
of time "go to heaven" where the Father lives and dwells in the
heavenly Jerusalem.


     And if this is a fundamental plain teaching of the Bible,
then surely we should be able to find many verses ALL OVER the
Bible saying things such as: "When we get to heaven,"
"When we see each other in heaven," "They are up there in heaven
with God," "We shall go to heaven at Christ's return," "We shall
be in heaven where God is one day." BUT VERSES LIKE THIS CANNOT
     Christians use such terminology all the time. Preachers use
it from the pulpit. Why then didn't the people of the Bible use
such language? Could it be that they knew that going off to
heaven where God the Father now dwells was NEVER promised to any
earthy mortal person?


     The word "heaven" is used 570 times in the Bible. "Heavenly"
appears 23 times and "heavens" is used 121 times. Surely,
somewhere, in all those uses we can find a statement:
"When we are in heaven" or "We are going to go to heaven" or
maybe "He has gone to God in heaven." If you take a concordance
of the Bible such as "Strong's Concordance" you can find all
the verses where "heaven," "heavenly," and heavens" are used
throughout the Bible. Look them up! See if you can find a verse
that says, "We shall go to heaven, " "Heaven is our eternal
abode," "They are up in heaven" or ANY plain statement about
Christians or children of God going to be with God in heaven for
ANY length of time. You have over 500 places where "heaven" is
used. Try to find such language that tells us clearly we shall
one day, some day, go where God the Father is now living.

     There are THREE heavens mentioned in the Bible. 1) The
heaven where the birds fly. 2) the heaven where the planets and
stars are. 3) The heaven where God's throne is, where God now
     Notice, "I knew a man in christ....such an one caught up to
the THIRD heaven....He was caught up into PARADISE, and heard
unspeakable words...." (2 Cor. 12:2-4). And, "To him that
overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the
midst of the PARADISE of God" (Rev.2:7).
     And also, "And he showed me a pure river of water of
life....proceeding out of the THRONE of God....in the midst of
the street of it....was there the TREE OF LIFE...." (Rev.22:1-
     The THIRD heaven is where God dwells!

                     KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ?

     Some will say, "Well Christ talked about our being in the
Kingdom of heaven. Surely that proves we shall 'go to heaven'."
     If it does, then some shall be in heaven while others are
not. Read matthew 5:3-5. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the Kingdom of heaven....blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth."
     Will some then be in heaven while others will be on earth?
     The word "OF" denotes OWNERSHIP, not place. If I say to you
that this house is "the house of Smith" you instantly know I mean
it is the house that BELONGS to smith, not that it is the house
     The Kingdom OF heaven is the Kingdom that BELONGS to heaven.
It is owned and operated by heaven. 
     The Gospels according to Mark and Luke uses "Kingdom OF God"
- the Kingdom that BELONGS to God, not the Kingdom inside God.

                     REWARD IS IN HEAVEN

     Is not our reward to go to heaven? Someone may ask that
question. Are there not some verses that say something to that
effect? Yes, there are verses that talk about a "reward in
heaven." Here they are: "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for
great is your reward in heaven...." (Mat.5:12). "Take heed that
you do not your arms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise
you have no reward of your Father which is in heaven" (Mat.6:1).
"But lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven....." (Luke 6:23).
"To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth
not away, reserved in heaven for you" (1 Peter 1:4).

     Now, let's be honest. Do the above verses say: "Our reward
is to get  to heaven" or "When we get to heaven we shall be given
our reward." Do these verse say: "Our reserved inheritance is to
get to heaven to be with God" ?  No, they do not!  Truly,
Christians are to receive rewards and we are to inherit eternal
life, but when? Eternal life comes at the resurrection. Read 1
Cor.15; Rev.2:10; 2 Tim.4:8 and see our studies on death, hell,
immortality and resurrection. Our rewards are to be given to us
by Christ at His return. "And, behold, I come quickly, and MY
REWARD IS WITH ME, to give every man according as his work shall
be" (Rev. 22:12).
     Our rewards and inheritance are reserved in heaven. They
come down out of heaven with Christ at his return.

                   NAMED TO GO TO HEAVEN?

     Are not Christians named and written down in a book to go to
heaven? Are there not some verses that say so?  There are these:
",,,,but rather rejoice, because your names are written
in heaven" (Luke 10:20). "To the general assembly and church of
the firstborn, which are written in heaven...." (Heb. 12:23).
     Do these verses say, "Because you will go to heaven" or "The
church of the firstborn will one day get to heaven" ?  No!  Our
names (God knows who are His) are written down in the book of
life, the book of life being in heaven. But we receive life
eternal at Christ's return in glory, when the resurrection of the
righteous saints takes place. See John 5: 25-29; 1 Cor. 15; 1
Thes. 4: 16; and John 6: 37-39.
     These verses in Luke and Hebrews do not say we shall go to
heaven to live for a short or long period of time.

                OUR HOPE....TO GO TO HEAVEN?

     "For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof
you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel"
(Col.1:5). What is the hope for Christians? Paul answers in
another letter he wrote: "But if there be NO RESURRECTION of the
dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then
is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.....then they
which are also fallen asleep in Christ are PERISHED....For as in
Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But
every man on his own order: Christ the firstfruits: AFTERWARDS
they that are Christ's AT HIS COMING" (1 Cor. 15: 13-23). 
     Our HOPE is Christ, who has been raised from the dead and is
now in heaven, waiting to be sent back to this earth when He
shall RESURRECT the DEAD (1 Thes.4: 16). 
     This verse in colossians does NOT say, "Our hope is to get
to heaven." "The church's hope is to be with Christ in heaven."
It does not say WE are to be laid up in heaven. But our HOPE is
laid up in heaven. That hope is Christ and His return and the
saints to be resurrected.

                     OUR CONVERSATION...
                   IS IT TO GO TO HEAVEN ?

     Is not  the verse in Philippians telling us that Christians
are to talk about "going to heaven" ? The verse reads: "For our
CONVERSATION is in heaven; from whence also we look for the
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ" (Phil. 3: 20). Does the verse say,
"our conversation is about being with Christ in heaven" or "our
talk should be about going to heaven"? No! This verse is
not even talking about "words" we speak. The word "conversation"
used here is a very poor translation of the original Greek. It
should have been translated "citizenship." See Strong's
Concordance of the Bible. The Amplified Bible translation renders
this verse: "But we are CITIZENS of the state (commonwealth,
homeland) which is in heaven...."
     Notice! This STATE is in heaven that we are citizens of. If
we be Christ's, we belong to His family. We are brothers of His
(see Hebrews 2). We are part of God's family, His children,
and so His government, kingdom, which is now in heaven. Not that
we are in heaven, for we are on earth, but the STATE, where our
citizenship is, that we now belong to, is in heaven. 
     "And," the verse continues, "from it,' that is from heaven,
"also we earnestly and patiently await (the coming of) the Lord
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, (as) Savior" (Amplified Bible).
     Yes, again Paul says we look to, wait, hope in Christ's
return and the resurrection.


     Here is a plain and easy to understand verse: "And NO MAN
has ASCENDED up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven,
even the Son of man which is in heaven" (John
3: 13). 
     Will you BELIEVE what Christ said? He should know. he was in
heaven with the Father from the beginning, and He did not see any
human ever come from earth up to heaven. That's correct, Enoch
did not go to the third heaven, neither did Moses, nor did
Elijah.  All humans who have ever lived, or will live, up to the
return of the Christ, and are not still alive when Jesus
comes, will have DIED. They will be in the grave, ASLEEP, and
waiting to hear the voice of the Son of man, to rise from the
dead in a resurrection. They will meet Christ is the clouds, in
the air, and will on that same day return with jesus to the Mount
of Olives and to the city of Jerusalem. From there, and for a
thousand years they shall reign with Christ on His throne over
this earth, as they establish the Kingdom of God. 
     At the end of the thousand years comes the new heavens and
the new earth, as foretold in the last chapters of Revelation.
Then the heavenly Jerusalem together with God the Father will
come from heaven to this new earth, which will then become the
new heaven of the throne of the universe for all Eternity.

     I guess we could say that we, the children of God, will one
day be in heaven.....yes.....when heaven comes to earth.

     For all the truths on this subject please read the studies
on "Death, Hell, and Immortality," "Mansions in the Sky," "Enoch,
Moses, and Elijah, are they in Heaven?" "Lazarus and the Rich


Written in 1981

Mansions in Heaven?

Jesus said He went to prepare us a mansion. Will you go to heaven to obtain it? If you think you will, you are wrong

The evangelist in the tent camp meeting shouts, "Brother and
sister, rejoice - let not your heart be troubled, Jesus has gone
to prepare for you your mansion in heaven and He's promised to
return and take you back to it with Him, to your mansion."

This teaching is absolute "gospel" as they say, to many.  And
they point to JOHN 14:1-3 for proof of its truth.  But does this
section of scripture really say we are one day going to heaven to
inherit a mansion?

Let's not assume anything but carefully search the word of God
and put scripture with scripture to arrive at the real truth of
the matter.

"In my Father's house are many mansions..."  The, LAMSA
translation from the Aramaic reads,  "In my Father's house are
many ROOMS..."   The GREEK INTERLINEAR by Berry says, "In the
house of my Father there are many ABODES..."  
The MODERN LANGUAGE reads, "In my Father's house are many
dwelling places..."

                     THE FATHER'S HOUSE
What is meant by the "Father's house"?  Jesus is speaking to His
disciples.  We see in John 17 that if we are Christ's we have a
very special relationship with God the Father.  If we have the
Spirit of God in us we are His SONS (Rom.8:14; 1John 3:1-2). 
We are His CHILDREN (Rom.8:16).
We can all understand what it means to say of our children, they
are part of our house - we mean, they are part of our FAMILY. It
is no different with God the Father;  to be a disciple of Christ,
to have the Spirit of God is to be part of God's FAMILY, to be
part of God's HOUSEHOLD - a member of His HOUSE (For a full
understanding of what it means to be a Son or Daughter of God,
request the free article called "THE CHRISTIAN'S DESTINY").
The Father has lots of available space in His family or HOUSE. 
He has lots of ROOMS or ABODES for as many as want to come in. 
Jesus was also drawing an analogy from the TEMPLE which He called
"my Father's house" (JN 2:13-16).  The Temple or tabernacle in
Jerusalem was patterned after the tabernacle that God had
Moses construct, which in turn was patterned after the heavenly
Temple ( Heb. 9). In the Temple at Jerusalem there were many
ROOMS for the officiating priests to dwell in while serving and
performing their duties.   There are many abodes in God's
Temple, many offices to fill.  Christians are the TEMPLE OF GOD -
we are His HOUSE, HIS FAMILY (2 COR. 6:16-18).   All that belongs
Christ also belongs to the Father.  All that belongs to the
Father also belongs to Christ (JN 17:10).  Now notice Heb. 3:6, 
"But Christ as a son over HIS OWN HOUSE; whose HOUSE ARE WE..."
Christ's house is the Father's house.  The Father's house is
composed of those who belong to Jesus.  Those who are His sons
and daughters belong to His FAMILY.  In that HOUSEHOLD of God
there are lots of positions to fill, as David said,  "....I  had
rather be a door keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in
the tents of wickedness" (Ps.84:10).

                     PREPARING A PLACE
Jesus said He was going back to the Father to prepare a place for
each of His disciples.   Part of that preparing is His continual
daily work of INTERCESSION on behalf of the Father's children -
true Christians (Heb. 4:14-16).

Why do we need this PREPARING on Jesus' part?

Very few understand its importance.  Without it we could never be
in God's household - we could never inherit eternal life!

You have probably thought or been taught that Jesus' DEATH on the
cross COMPLETED Salvation, that it was FINISHED at Calvary. After
all, didn't Jesus say "it is finished" (JN 19:30). But WHAT was
finished on the cross?  Let Paul answer:  "For all have sinned
(broken God's Law 1 JN 3:4) and come short of the glory of God:
Being JUSTIFIED (declared righteous) freely by His grace through
the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:  Whom God had set forth
to be a propitiation (an atoning sacrifice) through faith in His
blood (death on the cross) to declare His righteousness for the
remission (forgiveness) of sins THAT ARE PAST..." (ROM. 3:23-25
Amplification mine).  The sinner upon REPENTANCE, accepting Jesus
as his personal saviour can have ALL HIS PAST SINS - sins up to
that very moment in his life - FORGIVEN, washed away by the blood
and death of Christ on the CROSS.   Jesus' DEATH secured our
justification from the sins we HAVE ALREADY committed.  His DEATH
took away the penalty of death that hung over our heads because
of our sins (Rom.6:23).  What Jesus finished on the cross was the
sacrifice for our past sins to justification and reconciliation
with the Father.
Listen, friends, this may shock some of you, but the truth is
that it takes BOTH the DEATH and LIFE of Christ to SAVE you.  If
Jesus had only died and had never been raised to life, you could
never be SAVED, you would never inherit  eternal life - you would
be dead in your sins.  Read these verses in your own Bible, mark
them, and never forget them.

"And if Christ be not RISEN, then is our preaching vain, and your
FAITH IS ALSO VAIN....... And if Christ be not RAISED, your FAITH
IS VAIN,  you are yet IN YOUR SINS!  Then they also which are
fallen asleep (dead) in Christ,  ARE PERISHED" (1 COR.

If Jesus is not alive - if He was not RESURRECTED we are yet in
our sins!  We are yet sinners - doomed to perish.

The Death of Jesus is absolutely necessary for salvation but SO
IS HIS LIFE!   It takes not only His death but His LIFE also to
save you.  Now, how much of that part of the Gospel have you
heard?  You hear a lot about the death of Jesus - His blood
shed to cleanse your guilty past - but how much do you hear about
His LIFE to cleanse your present and future sins?

Let's understand this wonderful truth.  Upon your repentance and
accepting Christ as your savior, you are forgiven of all your
sins through His death UP TO that very second.  But what about
the sins you'll commit AFTER, in the next hour, day, week or
month?  You say, "Oh, I'll not sin again."  This is a great
attitude - we should indeed not want to ever sin again.   But the
painful truth is WE DO!  Christians do sin.  If we say we don't,
we are deceiving ourselves. That's what John was inspired to
write, "......if we (justified Christians) say that we have NO
SIN, we DECEIVE ourselves and the truth is not in us"  (1 JOHN

How are all our present sins forgiven?  John answers, "If we
CONFESS (which includes REPENTANCE - Prov. 28:13) our sins, He is
faithful and just to FORGIVE us our sins, and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness.......And if any man sin, we have an advocate
(an intercessor) with the Father - Jesus Christ the righteous
(raised-alive from the dead, interceding in heaven for us).  And
He (the risen Christ) is the propitiation (atoning sacrifice) for
our sins......."  (1 JOHN 1:9; 2:1-2, Amplification mine).

Christ was raised to life and He ascended to heaven as our HIGH
PRIEST to work in the heavenly sanctuary for us, to daily
INTERCEDE for us so our PRESENT sins can be forgiven.  He is
pleading to the Father on our behalf that His sacrifice be
continually applied to us.  Notice it in Heb. 4:14-16:  "Seeing
then that we have a great HIGH PRIEST that is passed into the
heavens, Jesus the Son of God...... For we have not an high
priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our
infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we ARE, yet
without sin.  Let US (converted Christians - we who have already
had our guilty past justified by Christ's blood) therefore COME
(today and tomorrow) boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may
OBTAIN MERCY (now, today) and find grace to help in time of need"

(Amplification mine).

We are not only JUSTIFIED - declared righteous, forgiven of our
past sins by the BLOOD of Jesus, by His DEATH (Rom. 4:23-26). 
But Jesus was raised again for our JUSTIFICATION, (ROM. 4:25). 
He was raised to life so He could intercede for us, so our
present and our future sins could be forgiven and we could be
declared righteous. And so it truly is that, "..... when we were
enemies, we were RECONCILED to God BY THE DEATH OF HIS SON, much
more, being (already as converted Christians) reconciled, we
SHALL BE SAVED (inherit life eternal) BY HIS LIFE" (ROM. 5:10).

Jesus said He was going to PREPARE a place for us in the Father's
household.  He is doing just that.  He's working to make sure we
can be there.

Christ also is preparing our REWARDS - what we shall be given,
determined by what we have done with what we had to work with
(see the parables of the POUNDS and TALENTS in LK 19:11-27 and
MAT. 25:14-30).   Jesus brings those REWARDS with Him on His
return (REV. 22:12).

We know from Christ's own words that the 12 apostles will have
the reward of each ruling over one of the tribes or nations of
Israel during the 1,000 years (REV. 20:4; 5:10; MAT 19:27,28).

Although much of Christianity today does not preach or believe
that Jesus Christ will LITERALLY and bodily RETURN to this earth,

Will you BELIEVE what is written in ACTS 1:9-11?  "....... while
they beheld, He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of
their sight.  And while they looked....two men stood by them in
white apparel, which also said, you men of Galilee.......this
SAME Jesus..... SHALL SO COME IN LIKE MANNER as you have seen Him
go into heaven."

Will you believe REV. 1:7,  "Behold, He COMES WITH CLOUDS; AND

Though MANY do not, will You believe what Jesus Himself said in
MAT 24:30?  "...... then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn,
and they shall SEE the SON of man COMING in the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory."
Over and over again the writers of the NT wrote about, spoke
about, the literal return of Christ Jesus.  In JOHN 14 Jesus
said, "I WILL COME AGAIN."  Plain and so simple that a little
child can easily believe and understand.  If you stand in front
of a child and you say, "I am going away for a short time, but I
will come back" what does that child expect?  He expects you to
literally COME BACK to HIM!  He is not expecting that he will go
to YOU, but that YOU will COME TO HIM!

Jesus said, "I will come back."  He would depart from where He
was going (to the Father JN 17:13) and return to where He
departed FROM.  This is precisely what the angels said to the
disciples as they watched Christ ascend into heaven (ACT 1:11).

On His return Jesus said He would, "receive you unto myself."
This is also what He said in MAT. 24: 30-31.  At His coming in
CLOUDS (please remember - clouds are relatively very close to the
earth) the angels would be sent out to gather the elect together
AT THE SOUND OF A TRUMPET!   Now turn I COR. 15 (known by many as
the RESURRECTION chapter) and notice verses 51-52,  "Behold, I
show you a mystery - we shall not all SLEEP" (be dead - death is
a sleep), "but we shall all be CHANGED.   In a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye, AT THE LAST TRUMP:  for the trumpet shall
sound, and the dead shall be raised INCORRUPTIBLE, and we (which
are alive) shall be CHANGED. For this corruptible must PUT ON
incorruption" (we are not born with it, we do not have any
natural immortality by the way of an immortal soul), "and this
MORTAL must put on immortality."  Why?  because, "...flesh and
blood (mortal man) CANNOT INHERIT the Kingdom of God (verse 50).

For Christ to receive us unto Himself at His return we must be
GLORIFIED just as He was glorified at His resurrection.   No man
(mortal flesh and blood) can look upon God in His glorified form
and live (EX 33:20).   And Jesus is God (Heb. 1:2-8).   Request
our article  "Jesus Christ - God of the Old Testament."

Does the word of God tell us WHERE we shall be when Jesus shall
receive us unto Himself?   Yes indeed!   Turn to I THES. 4:13-17.

"But I would not have you to be ignorant brethren, concerning
them which are asleep.. For if we believe that Jesus died and
rose again, even so these also which sleep in Jesus will God
bring with Him."  Will God (Jesus Christ) bring them with Him (to
where He'll bring them we'll answer later) because they are NOW
in heaven?  NO - look at the next verse - Paul goes on to explain
HOW God will be able to bring them with Him.   "FOR..."  This is
the connecting word,  "For this we say unto you by the word of
the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of
the Lord shall not prevent (precede) them which are asleep
(dead).   For..."  Paul is still connecting the thought and
explanation,  "For the Lord Himself shall descend from
heaven...."   Here's Christ's literal, visible, bodily return, as
we've already seen in other scriptures - not some invisible
"secret rapture" that nobody knows about.   Request our indepth
study called "Christ's Coming and the Secret Rapture."  
Let's continue,  "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven
WITH A SHOUT, with the voice of the archangel, and with THE TRUMP
OF GOD: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.  Then we which
are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them..."
Yes, the angels are sent to gather the elect (MAT. 24:31). 
".....in the CLOUDS, to meet the Lord....."   So He can receive
us unto Himself.  "...in the AIR..."  Notice it!   Where shall we
be when we meet the Lord, when He receives us?   IN THE AIR - IN
THE CLOUDS of this earth, just above the surface of this planet,
NOT in heaven where the Father is. Christ will leave the
Father's right hand.   He is coming again and as He gets to the
atmosphere of this earth, as He gets to the CLOUDS, the
RESURRECTION of all dead saints takes place.   Those saints who
are still living are CHANGED.   All are now immortal and
glorified.   The angels are sent out to gather them together and
bring them to Jesus so He can receive them.   And so, the last
part of verse 17:   "..... shall WE EVER BE WITH THE LORD."  And
as Christ said in John 14,  ".....that WHERE I AM, there you
may be also."  Where will He be when He receives us - in the
CLOUDS, the air of this earth?

Now, do we stay in the clouds for all eternity?  Do we go to some
planet? Do we go back to be with the Father in heaven?  What Paul
did not say in I THES 4:17 was WHERE we go to AFTER Christ has
received us in the air.  All he stated was that we would remain
with the Lord.  Other scriptures must tell us WHERE the Lord goes
after this event described by Paul.

                      ON TO JERUSALEM
The prophet ZECHARIAH speaking about the DAY OF THE LORD and all
nations gathered against Jerusalem to battle (this is the
proverbial BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON - REV.  16:12-16.   Request our
literature on this topic) says,  "Then shall the Lord go forth
(Jesus' return) and fight against those nations... And HIS FEET
Jerusalem..." (ZECH 14:1-4).

Which day is this?   "...and the Lord my God SHALL COME, and ALL
THE SAINTS WITH YOU..."  (verse 5).   It is the DAY of Christ's
COMING - the day of His return - the day the saints are
resurrected and gathered to Him - the day He continues from
the clouds with them down to the MOUNT OF OLIVES by Jerusalem to
FIGHT the armies of the warring nations.   It is the day  - one
day - that is only known to the Father (compare verse 7 with MAT.
24:3, 36) - the day that "the Lord shall be KING OVER ALL THE
EARTH..." (verse 9).

After we have met the Lord in the AIR we do not go to Mars, Venus
or back to the third heaven for 7, 100, or 1,000 years, but we
continue down to this earth, to the city of Jerusalem and to the
very mount which Jesus ascended from when He went into heaven.

Truly Christ will then have fulfilled His promise,  "I WILL COME

We shall reign ON THIS EARTH with Jesus our Lord for 1,000 years 
(REV. 20:1-4; 5:10) after which Christ will hand over the Kingdom
to the Father (I COR. 15:24-26), when DEATH will be destroyed,
the new earth  will be a reality, and the heavenly Jerusalem
together with  the FATHER  Himself shall come to the new earth
(REV. 21, 22).

"And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the
tabernacle of God is WITH MEN, and HE SHALL DWELL WITH

The humbling but wonderful truth friends is that we are not going
to heaven, but God and heaven are coming to us!


Written 1983

Are Enoch, Moses, Elijah, in Heaven?

Enoch was translated not to see death. Elijah was taken up to heaven by a whirlwind. Moses appeared at Christ's transfiguration. But your Bible says they are not in heaven. Here's the answer to why they are not.

Keith Hunt
     Hundreds of years after Enoch, Moses and Elijah had
supposedly "gone to heaven," Jesus, who was WITH the Father from
the beginning(Jn.17:5, 1:1-2,14) came down from the Father (Jn.
17:4,8) as a flesh and blood human and plainly said, "NO MAN has
ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven - Son of
man... (Jn.3:13). 
     Jesus said that HE alone of all humans was the only one to
ascend to heaven.  (For a full understanding of how Jesus
ascended to heaven, request the article "GOD OF THE OLD
TESTAMENT").  Enoch, Moses and Elijah were not IN HEAVEN! It is
written, "Enoch walked with God: and HE WAS NOT:  for God took
him." (Gen.5:24).
      Notice what this verse DOES NOT SAY.  It does not say Enoch
       went to heaven. It says he was NOT FOUND, for God TOOK
HIM. But this verse does not say WHERE God took him!  To say God
took Enoch to heaven is only human conjecture that has no basis
in Biblical FACT.
      Concerning this event Paul said, "By faith Enoch was
TRANSLATED that he should not see DEATH:  and was not FOUND,
because God had translated him:  for before his translation he
had this testimony, that he pleased God" (Heb.11:5). Many have
just assumed again that the word "TRANSLATED" must mean "made
immortal". They have assumed WRONG!  The Greek word for
"translate" is METATITHEMI.  According to VINE'S Dictionary of NT
Words, this word means, "to transfer to another place."
      This same Greek word is rendered "REMOVED" in Gal.1:6.  In
ACT 7:16 it is rendered "CARRIED OVER" where we read that after
Jacob DIED his body was  "carried over" - removed, TRANSLATED -
to Sychem.
      God took Enoch.  God removed him - translated him - so that
HE WAS NOT FOUND.  Nobody knew where he was!  The LAMSA
translation renders Gen. 5:24 as "And Enoch found favor in the
presence of God, and DISAPPEARED; for God took him away."
(emphasis ours throughout).
      In Deut. 34:6 we read also how God TOOK Moses from the
people, after which he DIED and was BURIED by God.  "But no man
knows his sepulchre unto this day."  God REMOVED Moses - God
translated him also - and HE WAS NOT FOUND either!
      LAMSA translates the Aramaic Heb. 11:5 as, "By faith Enoch
DEPARTED and did not taste death, and was not found, because God
took him; but before he TOOK HIM AWAY, there was a testimonial
about him, that he pleased God."
      Does Heb.11:5 mean that Enoch NEVER experienced PHYSICAL
death?  Is this what Paul was trying to convey to us?  Oh no! 
For after Paul had spoken about a number of FAITHFUL people of
God (Enoch one of them), notice what he says in verse 13:  "These
ALL DIED in faith - NOT HAVING RECEIVED the promises..."  Later
in this same chapter, after talking about yet more of the
faithful, Paul, as if to emphasize his point, again says, "And
THESE ALL, having obtained a good report through faith, RECEIVED
NOT THE PROMISE" (verse 39).  What promise?  The "...hope of
ETERNAL LIFE, which God, that cannot lie, PROMISED before the
world began" (Titus 1:2).
      Enoch did NOT - has not, as yet - received the promise of
eternal life.   Why?  Paul answers in Heb. 11:40:  "Because God
had us in mind and had something better and greater in view for
US, so that THEY (those heroes and heroines of faith) should not
come to PERFECTION apart from us, (that is, before we could join
      And when do we join them?  When do we ALL come to
4:13-18, 1 COR. 15:49-54.
      Paul says the faithful ALL died.  Enoch was one of "all
      Enoch, then, DID DIE. Jesus said only the Son of man had
evee ascended to heaven, so Enoch never went to heaven! 
      Now GEN. 5:24 and HEB. 11:5 should start to become plain. 
Enoch was a man of God, walking with God by obeying and seeing
His maker.  He  was a man of whom the world was not worthy (Heb.
11:38). Evil and sin were all around him, yet he had FAITH.  It
was nearing the time when the wickedness of man became so great
that only Noah and his family were found worthy to escape
destruction.  Enoch would have had MANY enemies - enemies that
would want to see him DEAD.  After only 365 years (relatively a
short period for the length of days they lived back then)  God 
REMOVED  Enoch  -  took  him away from his enemies  and spared
his physical life from destruction and death at their hands.
      NONE could find him.  Just like Moses was removed from
Israel and died sometime after (only known to God), so too Enoch
was removed by God to live in safety and eventually DIE at some
point and place only known by God.
      Enoch, like all the faithful, awaits the promise of eternal
life at the RESURRECTION.
      If Jesus said NO MAN had ascended to heaven except Himself,
then WHERE did Elijah go?
      It may surprise many, but there are THREE heavens mentioned
in the Bible, not just ONE!
      The first heaven is the ATMOSPHERE, the air surrounding the
earth.  Birds fly "in the heaven" - certainly NOT to God's
throne. We read in Gen.l:2 of "foul that may fly ABOVE THE EARTH
in the open firmament of heaven."  Jacob, when blessing Isaac,
said: "God give you of the DEW of heaven," and Moses was joyful
that the "heavens shall drop down dew" (Gen.27:28; Deut.33:28). 
The DEW comes from the FIRST heaven - the atmosphere.  The SECOND
heaven is the expanse of this awesome universe - where the stars,
comets, moons and planets are.  The Psalmists often wrote about
the "HEAVENS, the work of Your fingers, the moon, and the stars,
which You have ordained" (Ps.8:3; Gen.1:15-17).  The THIRD heaven
is where the throne of God exists, where the heavenly temple is
found and the heavenly Jerusalem.  It is the heaven where Paul
and John were caught up to in vision (2 Cor.12:l-4; Rev.4:l-2).
      As Elijah could not have gone to the heaven where God's
throne is found, then into which heaven did he go?  We read, "and
Elijah went up by a WHIRLWIND into HEAVEN" (2 Kings 2:1,11).
      The answer should be obvious! Elijah was carried by the
whirlwind into the FIRST heaven, where physical whirlwinds
      Did God intend to make Elijah IMMORTAL by taking him up
into the atmosphere?  There is not one word to that affect in the
scriptures !
      Turn to 2 Kings 2:3,5 and see for yourself WHY Elijah was
to be taken away.
      Elijah had been used by God as head or leader of the sons
of the prophets.  Now God wanted Elisha to assume leadership. 
God wanted Elijah to by-and-large "retire" - at least in an
active and open directorship.
      Elijah granted Elisha a request before he was taken away
(verse 9) and Elisha requested that "a double portion of your
spirit be upon me." If he was to see Elijah taken away it would
be granted (verse 10).  Elisha DID SEE Elijah taken away and he
inherited his MANTLE (verses 12-14). The mantle had great
significance, it was, "worn by PROPHETS and PRIESTS as the simple
insignia of their office"  (CLARKE'S COMMENTARY VOL. 2: p. 484).
      The purpose of removing Elijah was to replace him with
another man who would assume his office in Israel as head of the
prophets. Elijah, having ascended into the AIR by a whirlwind was
carried away out of sight - beyond the horizon.

      He did not go to the THIRD heaven of the throne of God. 
Jesus said so!  But he also could not logically remain in the air
forever either. And God did not say Elijah was to die at that
time, otherwise there would have been no need for such a
spectacular removal of him from his office of head prophet.
      The sons of the prophets who KNEW Elijah was to be removed
DID NOT BELIEVE he was to DIE then or to go "to be with the
Lord." That's why they were fearful that the Spirit of God might
have allowed him to drop " upon some mountain, or into some
valley " (verse 16). Upon their hard pressed persistence Elisha
allowed 50 men to go out and try to FIND Elijah - "they sought
for three days, but found him not "(verse 17).
      Now if Elijah knew it was time to go and "join the Lord" it
would have been easy for him to have told Elisha, who then would
have told the sons of the prophets.  The whole happenings before
and after this miraculous event would clearly indicate that
neither Elijah, Elisha or any of the fifty prophets understood
that the removing of Elijah was to make him immortal and take him
off to the third heaven.
      Where was Elijah taken?  The Bible itself gives us the
      Several years AFTER he was taken away, King Jehoram
received a LETTER from him!  How long after?  There are some
difficulties in figuring the EXACT chronology, it varies from 2
to 10 years or more. A note in JOSEPHUS (a Jewish historian of
the first century A.D.) says 4 years, while the JEWISH
ENCYCLOPEDIA figures it at 7 years.
      Regardless of the exact number of years, "there came a
writing to him (Jehoram) from Elijah the prophet, saying..." (2
Chron 21:12). Now the wickedness of Jehoram, for which he was
being rebuked in the letter, took place AFTER Elijah was taken
away, yet the letter speaks of these things as PAST events, and
the punishment to come upon him as yet FUTURE.  So the idea of
some, that Elijah wrote the letter BEFORE he was removed by the
whirlwind, is proved wrong..
      Elijah was taken up by the whirlwind into the first heaven
and transported to another location ON EARTH.  God did not see
fit in His purpose to reveal his whereabouts.
      Some copies of JOSEPHUS come right out and offer this
explanation:  "For he was yet upon earth"  (ANTIQUITIES OF THE
JEWS, 9, 5:2).
      A marginal note found in SOME editions of the Bible
concerning Elijah's letter says this:  ".. .which was written
before his death," meaning, the death of Elijah.  There is a
traditional site of Elijah's TOMB near a tributary of the Jordan
River.  HARPER'S BIBLE DICTIONARY (p.760), which lists various
feasts and fasts of the Jewish calendar, says the tenth day of
the second month ZN was a "fast to commemorate the DEATH of
      The main proof that Elijah DIED is in the Bible itself. 
Paul, speaking about the people of FAITH says, "And what shall I
more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon and of
Barak, and of Samson, and of Jeptha, of David also, and Samuel,
AND OF THE PROPHETS..." (Heb.11:32).  Elijah was ONE of the
      Did Elijah receive the promise of ETERNAL LIFE when taken
by the wind into the heaven?  NO!  "And these ALL (including the
prophets), having obtained a good report through FAITH (and faith
is the confidence of things HOPED FOR, the evidence of things NOT
SEEN: Heb.11:1) RECEIVED NOT THE PROMISE."  (Heb.11:39).  Why? 
"...that THEY without US should not be made perfect" (verse 40). 
We shall all be made PERFECT together in the RESURRECTION!
      Besides the verses in the book of Hebrews that show Moses
did DIE, we have also the plain statement in the book of
Deuteronomy, "So Moses the servant of the Lord DIED there in the
land of ....... And He(God) buried him in a valley in the land of
Moab... And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he DIED
..."  (chap.34:5-7).

      There's just one remaining section of scripture that
puzzles some: Jesus' TRANSFIGURATION.  Did not both ELIJAH and
MOSES appear with Christ on the mount of transfiguration?  The
record of the event is found in MAT. 17:1-9; MRK.9;2-1O;
LK.9:28-36.  But the ANSWER is only given by Matthew.  Leaving
the mountain, Jesus told his disciples: "Tell the VISION to no
man" (Mat. 17:9).  In part the DICTIONARY defined VISION as,
"...the power of perceiving some-thing not actually present to
supernatural picture.
      Of all that have ever been FLESH & BLOOD - born of women -
Jesus Christ ONLY has gained IMMORTAL LIFE!  So says your Bible. 
He alone of all humans was RESURRECTED to receive the promise of
ETERNAL LIFE.  He alone is the only one to be changed from MATTER
into SPIRIT - from human to DIVINE!  Read it in your own Bible,
never forget those plain verses.  A child can understand them: 
"But now is Christ risen from the DEAD and become the FIRSTFRUITS
of them that slept...For as in Adam ALL die (that includes,
Enoch, Moses and Elijah), even so in Christ shall ALL be made
alive (see Jn 5:25-29 and request our article "WHITE THRONE
JUDGMENT")  BUT every man in his own order:  CHRIST THE
FIRSTFRUITS..." (1 Cor. 15:20-23).
      It was not Moses that was first from the dead, nor was it
Elijah or Enoch that first received eternal life - IT WAS CHRIST
JESUS!  "And He(speaking of Jesus) is the head of the body, the
(Col. 1:18).  Jesus was "the firstborn of every creature" (Col.
1:15).  Yes, the FIRST Human to be BORN into life eternal. 
Christ was the FIRST to be PERFECTED as an immortal being and so,
"...being MADE PERFECT, He became the AUTHOR (the one who wrote
the book on it - who led the way) of ETERNAL SALVATION unto all
them that OBEY Him" (Heb. 5:9). 
      Do you see friends?  It was NOT Elijah, Moses or Enoch that
led theway to eternal life.  It was not Noah, nor David, nor
Abel, Sarah or Abraham.  It was not ANY other human person but
JESUS that wrote the book on how to attain IMMORTALITY.  He ALONE
is the author.  He is the CAPTAIN, the leader into eternal
Salvation (Heb.2:10).  
      Why?  "...that ALL THINGS He might have the PREEMINENCE"
(Col. 1:18).
      Read that wonderful passage of scriptures in COLOSSIANS
1:15-19. Jesus was and is the FIRST in creating ALL things (it
wasn't Enoch, Moses or any other man).  He is the FIRST, the head
of the church (it's not Elijah, Paul, Peter or any other man). 
He is the FIRST from the dead (it wasn't Moses or any other man).

Jesus is FIRST in CREATING, first in the CHURCH, and first of any
human in eternal SALVATION.
      All children of God in by-gone ages who "died in faith"
(including Enoch, Moses and Elijah) are awaiting the TRUMPET
SOUND - when they, together with us who shall remain and be alive
at Christ's coming, will be raised and CHANGED from MORTAL to
IMMORTAL (1 Cor.15:50-54; 1 Thes. 4:13-17).  So shall we ever be
with the Lord.
      God speed that glorious day!
      For further study on this subject of DEATH, HELL AND
IMMORTALITY read the articles "LAZARUS & THE RICH MAN,"  and 
Written in 1981

Revelation 14:11?

Will sinners live in a painful hell-fire for eternity?


                                       Keith Hunt

     The subject of DEATH, natural immortality of the Soul, the
RESURRECTION, and the reward of the wicked (do they burn in a
hell-fire for ever?), has been covered by the late Dr. Basil
Atkinson, and by myself, in numerous studies on this Website (see
under "Death, then what?" - "Enoch, Moses and Elijah" - "Mansions
in the Sky?" - "Will we get to heaven?"). 

     There is one other passage, that gives people trouble, and
that is Revelation 14:9-11. It has not been covered in-depth, so
I want to try and do that in this study. But first there are
important Bible study principles we must understand.

     1. There are passages in the Bible that are indeed hard to
understand. The apostle Peter acknowledge such was the case in
referring to the apostle Paul's writings. "And account that the
longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved
brother Paul also according to the wisdom given him has written
unto you. As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these
things; in which ARE SOME THINGS HARD TO UNDERSTAND, which they
that are unlearned and unstable, wrest, as they do also the
other scriptures, unto their own destruction" (2 Peter 3: 15-16).

     God has at times, inspired some passage of Scripture to be
"hard to understand" on the surface, or putting it another way,
seemingly to contradict many plain easy to understand passage and
verses of the Bible.

     2. People "unlearned" as Peter said, do often west or
misunderstand these hard to understand passage, to their own hurt
and even destruction. I do not think Peter had in mind here, when
he said "unlearned," those who did not have "theological degrees"
or theological training in some established Theology school,
after all Peter himself had none of that, for he was a fisherman
by trade. No, I think Peter meant by using the word "unlearned"
as those who had not studied the Bible from cover to cover,
reading it all, and able to rightly put together ALL passages and
verses on a particular subject, knowing that you understand the
hard verses in the light of the easy plain verses, not the other
way around. And that there cannot be any contradictions in God's
word, although there may seem to be some.

     3. On just about all Bible subjects there are plain easy to
understand verses on that particular subject. Those verses should
be taken first and THEN the hard verses SECOND. When we do this,
in that order, we can usually come to understand and interpret
the hard verses.

     4. It is important to remember that the original Old
Testament and the original New Testament of Hebrew and Greek (the
old being written in Hebrew and the New written in Greek) did NOT
have punctuation of sentences and paragraphs.

     5. It is important to have in mind some of the keys to be
able to understand some of the passages in the prophetic books,
like Revelation. I have covered the basics of those in another
study called "Points on Prophecy" which I ask the reading to
study. It is under the heading "Prophecy" on this Website.

     6. The Bible does use "figures of speech" at times. So much
so, that Dr. Bullinger thought it necessary to write a one
thousand plus page book on the subject of "Figures of Speech in
the Bible." 

     Now, with the above in mind and in hand, I think we can come
to understand Revelation 14: 9-11.

     We enter by knowing that the Bible has many clear, plain,
easy to read verses, that show us that mankind was not ever given
a natural immortal soul, that death is death, not life, and that
people do NOT continue to think, speak, and walk around a heaven,
if they have been "good Christians" nor do they burn forever with
moans of pain in some fire that never burns them up, if they died
being "unsaved." 
     These verses then in Revelation 14: 9-11 do NOT contradict
the rest of the Bible passages on this subject of natural
immortality and hell-fire.

     The context of Revelation 14 9-11 is NEAR the very end of
this age, when the end-time Babylon will come crashing down. It
is very near the time when the Son of man comes in a cloud with a
crown on His head, to reap the harvest of human lives (verses
14-20).  We see that those who worship the beast and his image
shall "drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out
without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and shall be
tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy
angels, and in the presence of the Lamb" (verse 10.

     This ties in with 2 Thessalonians chapter one. "And to you
who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be
REVEALED from heaven with His mighty angels. In flaming FIRE,
taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the
gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall be punished with
everlasting destruction (the destruction is everlasting or as the
Greek can be read, "age-lasting" destruction - the 1,000 year age
that is now going to commence with Jesus' coming in powerful
glory) from the glory and power. When (the time frame) He shall
COME to be glorified in His saints (when the saints will be
resurrected to glory in the resurrection at Jesus' return) and to
be admired in all them that believe...in THAT day" (verses 7-10).

     Yes, Jesus shall come with angels, on a cloud, to punish
many wicked and to raise the dead saints and glorify them. All
this I have covered in detail in many other studies.
     This passage in 2 Thessalonians is the same time as that in
Revelation 14: 9-11.

     Jesus will use some kind of fire power to torment and
destroy His enemies. If fire is thrown at you, and you are on
fire, it is indeed torment and pain until you are dead.  

     So far, nothing too unusual here. The enemies of Jesus, will
upon His return, be put to death in the torment of fire and
brimstone. Their death will not be some painless "lethal
injection" of a drug that puts you to death quietly and
painlessly, but the death of Jesus' enemies at His coming will be
fire-fully horrific, and be torment until they are dead from the
fire and brimstone.

     Then we have the words in verse 11, "And the SMOKE of their
torment ascends up for ever and ever...."

     Notice, it does NOT say, "And they were living for ever and
ever in painful torment" or "And they lived forever in the fire,
with painful suffering."
     It is the SMOKE of their TORMENT, yes the end result of the
fire and brimstone that will kill them, put them to death (and we
have seen in the many other studies on this Website exactly what
death IS), is that they will die, and the atom particles of the
smoke of the fire that burns up those physical humans, will in
one sense, go up floating around for ever, or as the Greek reads,
"the ages of the ages." 
     When do atoms, that you can no longer see with the human
eye, of burned things that fire consumes, ever not be atoms? 
     Then, the phrase "the ages of ages" in this context (it is
used of God Himself in chapter 5: 14, and that context is
obviously meaning "eternity" as God is and will live for
eternity) may well be a figure of speech used by the inspired
writer, John the apostle, to tell us that their destruction by
fire and brimstone, is very permanent, for the conditions
of their death at this time. Sometimes in the Old Testament, the
word "forever" in regards to some things was "forever, within the
limit of conditions." The reader can look at the word "forever"
in Strong's Concordance, and see that sometimes as used in the
OT, it was forever within conditions, and did not mean for

     Here I think John has ended his thought on the enemies of
God, which he started back in verse 9. He has finished his
telling us that those enemies of God who worship the beast and
his image, and who are living right up to the very coming of
Jesus in a cloud, with the angels, will be killed with fire and
brimstone and will be burned up as that is what physical fire
does, it burns things up, and the smoke ascends, the atoms of
fire and smoke eventually become invisible to the human eye, but
they are still up there, for all practical purposes (maybe no
practical purpose) for ever so to speak.  For again I say,
when does physical atoms of anything physical give up being
physical atoms. I think only if God tells the physical to not be
physical and to not exist as physical any longer. Remember it is
written that God created all the physical and none physical
(spirit creatures etc.) of the whole universe from that which did
not exist (Colossians 1: 15-17).

     I believe this is where we should have a full stop. After
the words "for ever and ever." 
     Then John goes back to another thought and to another time
period. The time period is when those enemies of God are fully
worshipping the beast and its image. They are living their
physical lives under the beast and its image. They have decided
to follow and live as the beast and its image tell them. They are
in a "big brother is watching you" life and society. Think what
it will one day be like to have the beast power and its image
ruling over millions of people. A dictatorship, a power that
governs your every move, how you must think, how you must act,
how you must live your life 24 hours a day. It matters
not whether it is day or night, if you are awake, if you are
doing anything while not sleeping, you must be governed by this
beast and its image power. Step out of line with its teachings,
orders, wishes, governance, and you are heading for such trouble
that such actions could cost you your life. The book of
Revelation tells us that many true Christians will indeed die
under the end-time Babylon beast and its image, when it rules
many nations.
     Those who live under its power will have to watch their
every step, even their words of speech, certainly how they act in
their work time and in their leisure time. It will indeed be the
time when the all seeing eye of the Babylon beast will be
monitoring every person alive under its rulership. Such a way of
life for those under the beast and its image can hardly be said
to be "rest." God through the apostle John, said such people
living and worshipping the beast and its image will have "no rest
day or night." 
     This has nothing to do with after they are dead. It has
nothing to do with them having a natural immortal soul, that will
be punished forever in some fire that gives them pain but never
burns them up. It has all to do with when they are living their
physical life under the dictatorship of the Babylon beast power.
Truly they will have no peace of mind, they will have no mental
rest, no emotional rest, they will be in constant mental turmoil
knowing they are being watched in everything they say and do, at
night time or in the day time.
     Christians will have peace of mind, they will have rest in
mind, for although they may be put to death for NOT worshipping
the beast and its image, they know they are one with God the
Father and Jesus Christ. Those who will keep the commandments of
God and have the faith of Jesus, may die under the beast
government but they will have "rest" both in their minds and in
the grave, until Jesus returns to raise them from the dead
into glorified life (Rev. 14:12,13;  11:15-19).

     I see this passage of Scripture in Revelation 14 being
divided into two sections, two thoughts if you will. The first
starts with verse 9 and ends with "for ever and ever" in verse
11, and there we should put a full stop. It is the thought and
the teaching of what will happen to those who worship the beast
and its image, and who are alive at the coming of Jesus in power
and glory. They will be killed in a death of fire and brimstone.
     Then the second thought and teaching begins in verse 11 with
"And they had no rest." This thought is concerning "rest" of the
peace of mind. Those worshipping the beast and its image will
have no rest of mind when awake either night or day, while those
who serve God and keep His commandments and have Jesus' faith,
will have rest in peace of mind, even if they rest in the sleep
of death from the persecution of the beast power.

     This section of inspired Scripture does not in any way
contradict all the plain easy to understand passages of Scripture
that tell us that man does not have a natural immortal soul, that
if a person dies being a sinner and unsaved, that they will burn
in a hell-fire that will give them physical pain for all

     God is a kind and merciful God. If someone does not want to
be "saved" into His Kingdom and eternal life, then they will one
day be burnt up and be ashes under the feet of the righteous.
They will die and will never exist again, their punishment for
turning down God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ will be
that they die and do not exist in any way, shape, or form, with
no thoughts, mind....just  simply  not existing. For those
accepting Jesus as their savior and serving God, there will be
GLORIFIED LIFE that can hardly be imagined, so great and so
wonderful will it be for all eternity.


Written June 2003