Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stocks Rise!!!

Sooooo....the "joy" for some is that the world Central Bank made a move, and in so doing people were relieved in the world of finance, and we saw joy in the stocks around the world. BUT before we go merrily
skipping along our way, and think all the wonderful good times will soon be back, we have to realize as one of Canada's reporters did, see what's behind the world Central bank stepping in. It was as this reporter said to the Canadian people, because Europe is in such a MESS, and the banks of Europe stopped lending AMONG THEMSELVES ...... that if something was not done by the Central Bank to revive a little, give a little oxygen to a drowning man, Europe would go under, and the world, especially the West, would go under the water also, and a large, even more serious depression would result.

So as others have pointed out, this is only a life saving bit of oxygen given until the Western leaders continue to try and sort out the big whole in the life-jacket of the West, and more specifically the United Europe Power.

The "big guys" of the important nations on this very serious matter, meet again on Dec. 9th I think they said. Then they hope they will come out of the meeting with more positive means of keeping the head above water. Other meetings have proved unproductive, and just about useless.

The British have put on a mass "strike" such as not been seen for decades, to complain about "austerity" plans by the Government, like Greece, Italy, and other nations of Europe MUST DO to bring them out of disappearing below the dark blue and cold sea of debts and mis-managable money from decades previous. This smash in 2008 was not something kinda sudden (yet it was sudden when it happened) but it was simply the burst of the balloon that had been blown up for decades previous. It had been blowing up under cover by the Fall/WAll STREET and BANKERS of the USA and all the other nations of the West who were in bed with them; all taking a jolly good ride, expenses paid (all the money many of them made) down the river on a Sunday after pleasure ride with a catered feast meal at the end.

There is MUCH yet to have to happen if the West is to pay back it's massive debts, get economies going again, get people back to work, stop spending in crazy ways, stop the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor,  and stop Government wasteful ways with tax-payer money. There needs to be an overall mending and re-structuring of Governments and putting the priories in correct order. And people need to manage their finances better; they need to plan well ahead of time, stop looking for Governments to hand it out to them; stop demanding all the "high perks" many were getting from far too many Western countries.

Will the coming year of 2012 produce the CHANGES needed in Government and people of the West?.... as they say time will tell; but the problems are so massive, it will take some introspective look by Governments and by peoples, to bring the dead man dying back to life.

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