Saturday, May 2, 2015




In the meantime, please tell me what you think of these rules:

Among the other rules are ribbui (inclusion) and mi’ut (exclusion). The School of Rabbi Akiba uses these rules from the premise that every letter has significance. An example would be the particle "et" begins the verse "You shall fear Yahweh your Elohim" in Devarim [Deuteronomy] 10:20.This implies application of that verse is extended to include reverence for Torah scholars (Pes.22b).

***Not the way to read and study the Bible. You'd have to know what each letter stood for, a kind of "inner" circle of "special" knowledgable ones, while leaving 99.9 percent of  people out in the cold.

According to Rabbi Akiba, the use of the infinitive absolute (which repeats the verb) implies amplification. An example of this is "That being shall utterly be cut off" (Bemidbar [Numbers]15:31) - "hikkaret tikkaret" in Hebrew. Rabbi Akiba therefore said, "Hikkaret in this world, tikkaret in the world to come." But, Rabbi Ishmael says, the duplication of the verb is 
according to regular Hebrew usage and therefore carries no other significant implication.

***Again if it had a special meaning other than what it says, you'd have to know the "special codes" hence 99.9 percent  of people would be out of the "special knowledge" ones.

The Hebrew word "KOL (all)" is treated as a ribbui. EXAMPLE: "All the days of your life" in Devarim [Deuteronomy] 16:3 devolves upon one at night as well as the day (Ber.1: 5).

***I guess ALL means all,  night and day, but so  what. At night when asleep.....pretty well useless per se.

Sometimes dots called nekuddot are found over certain letters calling the reader’s attention to certain special features of that word or phrase. EXAMPLE: "And he kissed him (Hebrew – va-yishakehu)" in Bereshith [Genesis] 33:4, to teach that Esau was sincere in what he did.

***The context, and character of the person, would tell you. Again if you have to understand Hebrew and Greek, dots, dashes, or whatever, 99.9 percent of people would be in the cold, and left out of the "special" knowledge group. Nope God's word can be understood without  knowing Hebrew or Greek.

Gematria refers to the numerical equivalent of a word or phrase. EXAMPLE: The name ELIEZAR has the same numerical value as soldiers (318). The Midrash therefore states that Avraham only had to send ELIEZAR into battle.

***Ya so he was some kind Superman of science fiction. God does not expect us to know or even use "numerical" value of words.

Notarikon or shorthand means the letters of a word represent the initial letters of other words. EXAMPLE: Nimrezet (grievous in 1 Melakim [I don't know the reference to "Melakim"] 2:8) alludes to No’ef or adulterer, Mo’avi (Moabite), Rozeah (murderer), Zorer (enemy), To’evah (abomination).

***Sounds again like you have to have a "special" knowledge, only certain ones are fully enlightened; reminds me of Freemasonry.....the 33 or so steps to more enlightenment; so only certain ones have the certain knowledge of this "special" knowledge step. Nope, God had the Bible translated from the Hebrew and Greek into different languages. You can understand fully the truths of God for salvation, in whatever language the Bible is translated into.

Two general rules are "ein mukdam u-me’ubar baTorah" (The Torah does not precede in a chronological order) and "ein mikra yoze mi-ydei feshuto" (a Scripture verse NEVER loses its plain PASHAT meaning regardless of other interpretations).

***If this is teaching the simple plain reading of the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into whatever language is all you need to put together the truths of God, then I fully agree. Fancy this "code" or that "code" -  this "special" understanding of this dot or tittle or dash, or whatevers, is NOT needed to come to the truths of God on any subject the Bible covers. God does not have special "secret" groups with "special secret understanding" of the Bible.  Anyone can search the Scriptures and find the truth on any subject the Bible covers. You simply search the Bible and find all verses on any Bible topic to discover the truth on that topic.

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