Thursday, November 24, 2022




by Josko Kibet

Why is this article important? 

Idolatry. as recorded in the Bible, began as early as in the first book of Genesis. 

One example is found in Genesis 31:32. It's the story' of Laban pursuing Jacob over stolen idols. 

Surprisingly, idolatry is growing increasingly worse in this era and thus becoming a strong force resisting the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the true worship of our Almighty God.

Idol worship not only takes the form of graven images which people bow down to and worship, but also anything else that is given glory other than God the creator. Anything that replaces God in one's life becomes an idol to him or her.

The questions we need to ask ourselves are these:

"Is God happy seeing people worshiping something, someone, or an image instead of Him? 

Or taking all their time in their own activities, or having their own pleasures without having a moment to acknowledge God?" Not at all. God is never, and has never, been happy seeing people practicing idolatry and He will punish this sin as He commanded in Exodus 20:3-5.

He remains God Almighty, the creator, and all glory and honor belong to Him forever.

Even if idolatry is bringing money? bringing food to the table, performing miracles of healing, or lifting people to positions of power and leadership, it still remains a practice against God's command and must bestopped.

Mission stories

 I was on a gospel mission at a certain village in Kenya.

The village elder took me to his neighbor, an elderly man, who was standing outside his house. He looked at us so strangely as we approached. After I introduced myself, he said, "I don't welcome strangers but the way you have introduced yourself, you sound different. You must be a good person." I didn't understand what he meant by "a good person" until after he shared with me his story of how he struggled to handle a case of witchcraft after he stepped on the witch's land in eastern Kenya. His car got stuck in a dry place as if it had a mechanical error, and this elderly man shared how the witch came and performed some rituals to unlock him and he continued his joumey! Then he said, "I see you are not a witch, but I don't trust anyone."

Then later, I was taken by a lady to the next house to pray for a sick cow! In the community are those practicing the killing of cows by witchcraft powers. At first, I didn't understand why she thought the cow needed prayers and it was my first time to think of whether to lay hands on a cow' Could this be a temptation? I decided to pray in my heart with my eyes open so it didn't create a scene.

Then recently we went to a village near Lake Magadi to distribute bucket filters. The first person who was standing waiting for the guests happened to be an elderly man who introduced himself as "Laibon," a Maasai community name for a diviner, a sorcerer, or someone with spiritual power. He said that he has customers coming from Nairobi to pay for his services so that their business can grow' That day, the pastor later invited me to share the gospel when many people had turned up to collect their bucket filters. I was worried about the presence of the Laibon spirit, although he himself was there to collect a bucket filter. I shared the good news anyway and many turned up for prayers, except the Laibon. When we started coming back to do more distributions, we asked the host pastor to tell us the history of the village. He said it used to be sad as the Laibon used to control the community with fear, but currently  since the first distribution, there are so many new believers of Jesus Christ that the powers of the witches and sorcerers are diminishing.

The third incident is about a mother in Kibera who was preparing to go to Tanzania hoping to meet a more powerful witch doctor since she believed her faith in Christ was so little that she could not overpower his brother-in-law who she said had bewitched her children. Holding her hands as she shed tears, we prayed together and discipled her on prayer and told her that with even little faith she can overcome the evil forces.

Lastly, my field partner shared a story of a well-known idol worshipper in Morogoro, Tanzania who has several followers. She narrated that they decided to attack a pastor who has always been preaching against them!

These stories tell you just a small portion of the dark world of idolatry and the fight against the true worshipers. Ephesians 6:10-18 are very important verses to prepare yourself, knowing well that idolatry is also fighting back.

How is idolatry today?

It's important to note that idolatry did not end in the old days but it's going on to date. Idolatry today is associated with several practices, including witchcraft, magic, sorcerers, etc. People are looking for who has powers to do things in an extraordinary way, supernatural way, magic way, and get glory for themselves. Our communities today around the world are practicing different forms of idolatry. And it is not a surprise the "white witches" are now present in our churches. Several false prophets are running churches today and you will know them by their prophecies which don't turn out to be true. Matthew 7:2I says "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."

Not everyone who claims to be a prophet is a true prophet, no matter the power behind them, until his/ her prophecies become true. Several false prophets of Baal were killed by Elijah.

"Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship. "

Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we Jews know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." (John 4:20-23)

True worship is stated in this scripture: it does not matter where you worship, but how you worship matters.

What should we do?

Acts 8:9-14 tells the story of Simon, the sorcerer, who was amazing to the people of Samaria and boasted he was great until people called him "GREAT POWER OF GOD." But when Philip came with the good news of Jesus, he believed and was baptized. At some point, he thought he could pay to get the power of the Holy Spirit because the Lord God Almighty used Philip mightily, much beyond the sorcerer. Were it not for Philip preaching to Simon, many people would still be worshipping Simon and perish! Rise and let's share the gospel without fear.

God created us to worship Him alone. God is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5) and He cannot share His glory with another. A true worshipper will not be shaken by circumstances or forces of witchcraft. But what is happening today? People seem to fight to get instant solutions to their problems. When your job becomes number one and denies you time for God then it becomes an idol. If your marriage has a higher priority than God and hinders you from serving Him, it becomes an idol. Worship is a lifestyle, not an event, whereby it should be a lifetime practice. We should give glory to God for everything we do.

Because Paul and Silas worshipped the true God while in prison, God opened the gates of the prison (Acts 16:25-26). No matter the challenges, worshipm God.

The question is, how can you be equipped to approach those practicing idolatry? For example, how prepared are you to reach out to a sorcerer, a witch, or nanyone? It's only by ensuring you first are worshipping the Lord our God in faith. John 4:23 says, "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. "


Pastor Josko Kibet is a licensed minister with the General Council Churches of God, (Seventh Day) and lives in Kenya. 

"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking sach to worship Him." John 4:23









Keith Hunt

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