Friday, December 30, 2022




Indians of the Americans - Where from?


From the book:


by Craig White


     Let us now turn our attention to the American Indian tribes.
From which descendant of Noah do they spring?

     There are scores of Indian tribes (somewhere in the vicinity
of 178 major tribal groupings 1062). They cannot, must not, be
lumped together under one single description. They are very
individualistic and do not all share common languages or customs
     The Indian tribes have never been homogenous. In California
alone, there are distinctive types in head form, facial features,
and the nose. Here we find the shortest and tallest of all
American Indians 1064. Unfortunately, many books lump them
together with the Mongoloids ... but many of them are so very
different: They differ in features, skin colouring, blood groups
and in other areas 1065.

     In this section we shall discover the part Canaanite origins
of the Sioux, Akiri and Chivite Indians. Others in Alaska and in
South America look much like the Mongoloids of Asia 1066 and no
doubt either a branch of Tiras migrated via that route or peoples
descended from Magog and the Turkic (Edomite) tribes migrated via
that route. The fascinating migration of the Dene and Na-Dene
from Asia is detailed in The Dene and Na-Dene Indian Migration -
1233 AD by Ethel Stewart.
     Should the reader ever be in a position to afford the time
to study Ethel Stewart's book it would be well worth it. She
delves into the origin of various American Indian tribes who were
ousted by Ghengis Khan but who fled to the Americas in the 13 `h
century. In this large book of over 500 pages, proofs utilised
include linguistics, folklore, religion and knowledge of Central
Asia whence they sprang. One of these tribes, the Navajo, may be
a derivation of Nebajoth, whose sister, Edom married (Genesis
36:3). Nebajoth was a son of Ishmael and as such the family name
may have carried also via Edom.
     In fact, write Broek and Weber, many Indians look like
south-east Asians 1067. They may have been referring to such
tribes as the Navajo. In a personal letter from a Filipino
pen-friend of mine, dated 5 March 1979, he stated:

"You know, the Spaniards have always called the Filipinos
'Indios', (meaning Indians) as they called the natives of Central
and South America. Filipinos have always resented this! My elder
sister 3-4 years ago went to the U.S. to do some research on
public health among the Navajo Indians. And you know the Navajos
would not believe that my sister wasn't a Navajo herself! My wife
also told me of how the second daughtcr of [name witheld]
remarked from the pure logic of a 7 or 8 year old, upon seeing
Filipinos for the first time on their arrival here: `Look at all
those Indians!'." 1068.

1062 South American Culture in Perspective 1973:12 1063 Reynolds
1064 ibid: 511 
1065 ibid: 512 
1066 Heyerdahl 1978:358 
1067 Broek & Weber 1968:83 
1068 Personal letter; name withheld.

     Undoubtedly there was a relationship between the American
Indians and other peoples. The peoples of Milyaes were in
south-east Asia; another branch may be in America today (the
Dyakids of Borneo, for instance, have blow-guns and bird dances
in similitude to certain South American tribes). Physical
anthropologists recognise the diverse origins of the Indians, and
have thus attempted to classify them into three broad groups:
Zentralid (Mexico, U.S.A) Andid (Peru), Brasilid (Brazil) 1069.
From where did they originate? And why is there but one brief
reference to Tiras in the Bible and that is in the Table of
Nations? He then disappears from Scripture, unlike the other
nations, which persist in the Near East for some time. Is it
because he disappeared so far from the Near East that he had no
consequence on the course of events in the Old World? If this be
the case, then we should look for a people far removed from the
Old World.

The Red-Skins of Thrace

     Baikie, in a book published in 1926, wrote of the ancient
peoples of Thrace that they were of reddish-brown complexion with
their long black hair done up in a crest. 1070 How like the
American Indian! But who was their forefather? Josephus tells us:
"Tiras also called those whom he ruled over Thirasians; but the
Greeks changed the name into Thiasians" 1071.

     A city called Tiraspol exists today in Russian Moldavia,
near the Rumanian border in the region of ancient Thrace!
Although it was built just over two hundred years ago, in 1792,
the name nevertheless seemingly recalls the early name of that
region; and the River Tearus (Tiras) ran through the region of
Thrace according to Herodotus. 1072 This is where one branch of
Tiras dwelt before migrating into central Asia.

     Most theologians cannot trace the descendants of Tiras.
statement fairly indicative of most theologians and historians:
Professor Archibald Sayce makes a "Tiras is the only son of
Japhet whose name continues to be obscure. Future research can
alone be expected to settle the question" 1073.

     Well let us settle that question once and for all. Let us
discover where the descendants of Tiras migrated to.
From whence spring the Indians of the Americas? Who is their
forefather in Genesis chapter 10? Is it at all possible to trace
these amazing tribes and peoples to an ancient source in the
Middle East?.................

Craig White gives you this suggested reading 

He indeed proves in his book, the origin of the North American Indians.

His book can be obtained---- just type in--- In Search of Origin of Nations

          into  your  web-browser.


* Man's Conquest of the Pacific. The Prehistory of Southeast Asia
and Oceania. Oxford University Press, New York.
* The American Race. NDC Hodges, New York. Reprinted by Johnson
Reprint Co, 1970.
* The Pelican History of Greece. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth,
* The Maori. Yesterday and Today. Whitcombe & Tombs, Auckland.  
* Beyond Star Wars. Chapter 6 Triumph Publishing Co, Altadena,
* Indians of North America. University of Chicago Press.
* America B.C. Ancient Settlers in the New World. Pocket Books,
New York.
* Before Columbus. Crown Publishers, New York. 
* The Pacific Islanders. AH & AW Reed, Wellington. 
* Ancient Native Americans. WH Freeman and Co, San Francisco. 
* The Prehistory of Polynesia. Australian National University
Press, Canberra.
* The Rediscovery of Lost America. The Story of the Pre-Columbian
Iron Age in America. A Dutton Paperback, New York.
* The Story of the Algonquian Indians. Triumph Ministries,
* The Great Migration of the Aztecs. Triumph Ministries,
California. "The Mongoloids surrounding the Pacific Basin",
Pacific Friend. July, vol 21, no 3: 2-9. 
* The Dene and Na-Dene Indian Migration - 1233AD. ISAC Press,
Columbus, Georgia.
* The People of America. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.
* The Island Civilizations of Polynesia. New American Library,
New York. 


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