Saturday, October 12, 2024


 Lazarus and the Rich Man

The Bible explains the meaning of this well known parable of Jesus - it is not what you have probably been taught


Keith Hunt

     When Jesus was asked the question of WHY He spoke in

parables He answered, "You shall  indeed hear but never

perceive. For this the people's heart has grown dull, and

their ears are heavy of hearing and their eyes they have closed, 

lest they should perceive with their eyes and hear with their

ears and understand with their heart and turn for me to heal

them. But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for

they hear" (Mat.13:l4-17). As we turn to Luke 16 and the parable

of Lazarus and The Rich Man may we be blessed with understanding.


                     HEAVEN OR HELL AT DEATH

     Can you imagine being up in heaven and looking down on loved

ones suffering, writhing and screaming in the fires of hell for

all eternity?  But this is what you have probably been taught is

the everlasting fate for those who didn't "get saved" or never

had the name of Jesus preached to them. Do we go to heaven

instantly upon death if we have "been a good person" or to an

everburning inferno of eternal torture if we have "been a

bad person"? 

Those who believe we do, have used the parable of Lazarus and

The Rich Man probably more than any other part of scripture to

uphold their teaching. God admonishes us through Isaiah to

compare the scriptures, "...line upon line, here a little - there

a little..." (chap. 28:10-13).

We read in 2 Tim. 2:15  "Study to show thyself approved unto

God...rightly dividing the word of God."


     Let us examine the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man very



     Jesus said, "There was a certain rich man, which was

clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every

day..."  Now we are to contrast this with Lazarus, a beggar who

laid at the rich man's gate, full of sores. He desired to be

fed with the crumbs which, fell from the rich man's table. The

name Lazarus is a contradiction from FLIEZAR, which signifies

the help or assistance of God. Lazarus dies and is carried 

into Abraham's bosom (v.  22). Jesus did not say that the beggar

went to heaven, but "was carried by the angels  into Abraham's



     The dictionary defines bosom as,  "the upper part of the

body between the arms" and so as,  "deep innermost part of a

human",  as "a bosom-buddy - close,  trusted,  intimate,  very

dear,  take to the bosom, embrace,  cherish."


     Lazarus was carried BY THE ANGELS (we shall  study this 

later) into an intimate,  close relationship with Abraham.   The

beggar here represents those who receive salvation. Do people, 

upon being converted and accepting Jesus as personal  saviour

enter an intimate relationship with Abraham? Yes  indeed! 

Through faith  in Jesus Christ we all  become the children of

Abraham,  "you can see from this that the real children of

Abraham are all  the men of faith who truly trust in

God....  and now that we are Christ's we are the true descendants

of Abraham,  and all of God's promises to Him belong to us" so it

is written.


     We can have an intimate relationship with Abraham through 

Christ, and notice,  all that God promised Abraham belongs to us.




     To what did Lazarus become an HEIR?   What was the promise

God gave to Abraham that all  Christians can be heirs to? Turn to

Gen.12:5-7,  "And Abraham took Sarah  his wife...  and they went

forth  into the land of Canaan...  and the Lord appeared unto

Abraham and said,  UNTO THY SEED WILL I  GIVE THIS LAND."   Again

in Gen. 13:15 God made a promise to Abraham,  "for all the LAND

which you see, to YOU will  I give it,  and to your SEED

FOREVER."   This promise was the land of Canaan -  land on the

EARTH,  not  in heaven.   

     God repeated this promise  in Gen.15:18,  "In the same day

the Lord made a covenant with Abram,  saying, unto your SEED have

I given this LAND..."   The beggar Lazarus and all men of faith

are included  in Abraham's SEED.   Through  Christ this promise 

is of ETERNAL inheritance (Heb.  9:15).   God inspired Stephen to

say that Abraham did NOT receive the inheritance during his

physical  life - not even a "foot length" (Act 7:1-5 LB

translation). But the PROMISE was given to him and his seed. The

promise to Abraham and his seed was ETERNAL INHERITANCE - eternal


     Again, this time through Paul,  God makes it plain that

Abraham and those who are his seed,  through  faith,  have died

in faith - not having as YET received the promise (Heb.  11:8, 



     This promise of eternal  inheritance of Canaan and the

earth, given to Abraham,  is woven  like a thread throughout the


     Ps. 25:12-13 you find a description of those that will 

inherit the earth. 

     In Ps. 37:9  "evil  doers shall  be cut off,  but those

that wait upon the Lord shall  inherit THE EARTH. In verse 11, 

"the meek shall inherit the earth" and verse 22  "inherit the

earth."   See also verses 29, 34 and PS 69:35,36;  82:8.   

     Isaiah repeats the PROMISE in chap. 57:13:  "..  he that

puts his  trust  (faith)  in me shall  possess the LAND...."   In

Isaiah 60:21 we see a picture of the inheritors as the

"righteous,"  and they will  inherit the "land forever." 


     Under the NEW TESTAMENT COVENANT does this promise to

Abraham and his seed become NULL and VOID?   NO!   One of the

reasons why Jesus came to earth was to confirm the promise given

to the fathers (Rom. 15:8), the fathers being ABRAHAM,  Isaac and

Jacob (Acts 3:13).  Jesus repeated the promise in Mat. 5:5,  "The

meek shall  INHERIT the EARTH." And in chapter 19:29 

".......inherit EVERLASTING LIFE."  

     Those that are Christ's and the seed of Abraham (Gal. 

3:29) will  reign 1,000 years with Jesus (Rev. 20:4).  Where?  

ON THIS EARTH (Rev. 5:10).   After the one thousand year reign we

shall inherit the NEW EARTH where God the Father and the heavenly

Jerusalem will  come to dwell (Rev.  21,22). THE PROMISE given to

Abraham and to his seed was ETERNAL LIFE on THE EARTH, not

eternal  life in heaven.   For further study request our article





     Verse 22 of Luke 16 tells us that the beggar DIED.   He

is represented as one of Abraham's seed -  in a bosom

relationship with Abraham,  heir to the promise with Abraham.  

As we have seen,  Abraham has NOT YET inherited the promise.   He

died in FAITH (Heb.  11:8-13). Abraham died, and was STILL DEAD,

when Jesus was performing His ministry on earth.  

     We read in John 8:52,  "....Abraham is dead..."  Both the

beggar and the rich man in the parable DIED.   What are some of

the plain Bible verses regarding the state of the dead?


     "For the living know that they shall die:   but the dead

KNOW NOT ANYTHING...." (Ecc.  9:10). When Jesus went to raise

Lazarus  (His friend) He told His disciples that he was SLEEPING

but the disciples misunderstood.   Then He told them plainly:  

Lazarus  is DEAD!(Jn. 11:11-17).


     The definition of death as given by Jesus Himself is a



     The beggar in our parable DIED.   Abraham died.   They

fell ASLEEP. Abraham did not receive the promise at his death.  

He died  in FAITH that he would one day inherit the promise.  

The beggar does not receive the promise BEFORE Abraham - none of

Abraham's seed receive the promise before Abraham receives  it.  

That is clearly shown to us in Heb.11:39-40.

     For the beggar to be carried  into the bosom embrace of

Abraham, Abraham must be ALIVE!   But he was not alive at the

time Jesus spoke this parable (Jn. 8:52;  Heb.11:8-13,  39).




     When, then,  is Abraham, the beggar of our parable and

all of the seed of Abraham to inherit the promises?   At the time

of the RESURRECTION of the righteous!  "For the Lord Himself

shall descend from heaven.... and the DEAD IN CHRIST shall  rise

first" (I Thes. 4:16).  

     This tremendous  inheritance made so long ago will 

become a reality at Christ's second coming.

     "Flesh and blood  (you and me - all humanity) cannot

inherit the Kingdom of God,  neither does corruption  inherit

incorruption.   "Behold I show you a mystery, we shall not all 

sleep,  but we shall all  be changed (a promise)  in a moment, 

in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump:   for the trumpet

shall  sound and the dead shall  be raised incorruptible and we

shall be changed.   For this CORRUPTIBLE  must put on 

incorruption and this MORTAL must put on  immortality" 

(1 Cor.15:50-53).


     "When the Son of man shall come in His glory,  all the

holy  angels with Him...."  This  is the second coming of Christ,

"Then He will  sit upon the throne of His glory. Then shall the

King say unto them on His right hand, Come, you blessed of my

Father,  INHERIT the Kingdom (Mat.25:31-34).

     The tremendous PROMISE given Abraham so long ago will

come to fruition at the RESURRECTION.   God will  RAISE Abraham, 

Isaac and Jacob in a resurrection (Mat. 22:31-32).   Jesus told

the Pharisees they would SEE Abraham IN THE KINGDOM (Luke.13:28),

because,  although now DEAD,  he will  be resurrected to immortal

LIFE together with the rest of the dead in Christ  (including the

beggar) at the last trump and Jesus' return (I Thes. 4:13-18;  I

Cor.  15:20-23,51-54).


                    CARRIED BY THE ANGELS


     Jesus said the beggar DIED.   But after he died,  "he was

carried BY THE ANGELS into Abraham's bosom."   We have seen that

WHERE he was carried was NOT up to heaven at his death,  but into

the status of one of the seed of Abraham,  to inherit the PROMISE

given to Abraham of eternal inheritance   of  the   LAND on this 

EARTH, at the SAME TIME that Abraham inherits this promise - at

the second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the saints to



     Lazarus  is to be carried into his father's close embrace

- into Abraham's bosom BY THE ANGELS!


     Do the scriptures reveal that the angels will  have a

part in uniting all the spiritual  children of Abraham together

when they come up to meet the father of the faithful.   Yes 

indeed!   Christ shall,  "send His ANGELS with a great sound of a

trumpet,  and THEY shall gather together His elect from the four

winds" (Mat.  24:31).   Here's the resurrection at the last trump

- the TIME when the angels carry Lazarus and all the righteous 

into sharing the promised inheritance with Abraham - carrying

them into the bosom of Abraham.   Lazarus  is resurrected and

carried by the angels through the air to meet Christ in the

clouds at His return,  and TO BE WITH ABRAHAM in an intimate

father and son type of relationship.   Both will then be

resurrected and live eternally, in the PROMISED LAND, on the

EARTH - their inheritance.


     The Bible makes it plain as to how we are to understand

the word "BOSOM."   In  Isa. 40:11 we find God will care for His

children as a shepherd does for his sheep,  carrying them "in His

bosom."   Jesus was "in the bosom" of the Father (Jn. 1:18), 

enjoying a very close relationship with the Father,  as He said, 

"I can do nothing of myself."   To be in the bosom of someone  is

to have that person's  love,  care and protection - to share

their inheritance.   So it shall  be with Abraham and all his



                   THE RICH MAN'S FATE


     What happened to the rich man and WHEN?   Jesus said,  " 

the rich man also died,  and was buried"  (Luke 16:22).   Jesus

gave no TIME setting for the incidents in the parable.   Other

scriptures must tell us WHEN these things take place.   Jesus

only gave the FACTS of what happened.  

     He did not say the body of the rich man was buried  while

the man himself, his  immortal  soul, was cast into an

everburning hell.   Jesus said the rich man DIED - the man

himself was BURIED.


     What does  it mean to be buried?   The dictionary says, 

"concealed under ground - covered up".   People are buried in a

grave and covered over with earth.   But the hell  popularised by

DANTE ALIGHIERI  (1265-1321) in his poem THE DIVINE COMEDY 

(where Dante himself travels to Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise) 

is far from any comedy.   The common  idea that most Catholic and

Protestant people have of "hell"  is a place where the "unsaved"

or the "wicked" are in pain and torment for eternity.


                  THREE KINDS OF HELL


     The rich man  "IN HELL lifted up his eyes"  (verse 23).  

So this rich man was  in a place called "HELL."   And  IN this

hell he "lifted up his eyes."   His eyes had been CLOSED,  in

death - he had DIED said Jesus, and now there came a time when he

was alive again.


     What KIND of HELL was he in?


     It is  important to understand that the NT was written 

in the GREEK language and translated  later into English.   In

the Greek three different words, with three different meanings, 

are used,  while in the King James Bible only ONE word  is used -

the word "hell."

     One of the Greek words in TARTAROS - used only in 2 PET.

2:4 where it means a condition of darkness and restraint.   It is

used in reference to fallen angels or demons.   For an  in-depth

study of this word we refer you to ADAM CLARKE'S COMMENTARY.


     Another Greek word used for "hell"  in the NT is HADES.  

It means, literally,  a place devoid of light,  a dark obscure

abode, and should have correctly been translated "grave."   It

corresponds to the Hebrew SHEOL ("the grave").


     The third Greek word translated "hell"  in the KJV is

GEHENNA. It is used  11 times  in the NT.   The word is taken

from the valley of Hinnon outside Jerusalem where fires were

continually burning to dispose of rubbish.  Idolatrous kings set

up a shrine called Molech, where people brought their children to

be burned alive in honor of this god.  The prophet Jeremiah

denounced this abominable practice and foretold that Tophet

would be destroyed and defiled  (see 2 Kings 23:10; 33:6). For an

in-depth study on this  idolatrous child sacrifice see,  BIBLICAL



     All  references to GEHENNA as  "hell"  refer to a final

destruction of the wicked by a fire none can quench until  it has

fulfilled the purpose for which  it was kindled.  Sodom and

Gomorrah suffered complete destruction by everlasting fire  (Jude

7). The results of that fire were eternal  or everlasting - the

fire went out when there was nothing else to consume. It is

not still burning.


     For an in-depth study on the above two Greek words and

many others relating to DESTROY,  DESTRUCTION,  PERISH, etc., we

recommend the 112-page book LIFE AND IMMORTALITY by Basil

Atkinson M.A.,P.H.D. We will give you the address where this book

can be purchased upon request.

     Going back to our rich man who "lifted up his eyes  in

hell." The word for hell is here the Greek HADES,  and as noted

above means  "the grave."  This same word "Hades" was used in

Acts 2:27-31 to describe where Jesus was in His death.   The

Father did not leave Jesus in HADES (hell, the grave) nor allow

Him to see corruption.   He was RESURRECTED.


     The rich man was buried in the GRAVE - he DIED.   We have

seen previously how the scriptures define DEATH.


                  HE LIFTED UP HIS EYES


     This  is a common term meaning he LOOKED and was ALIVE.  

The question is WHEN did he look - WHEN did this rich man live

again? Jesus pictures him as representing one of the unjust or

wicked.   We must look to other scriptures to tell us WHEN the

unjust will open their eyes in the grave.


     Let's first prove that the wicked will be raised from the



     Here's the verse,  "........that there shall  be a

RESURRECTION of the DEAD,  both of the JUST (Lazarus) and UNJUST

(the rich man)"  See Acts 24:15.


     In Daniel  12:2 we read,  "And many of them that sleep

(in death) in the dust of the earth shall AWAKE  (resurrection) 

some to everlasting  life (the just)  and some to everlasting

contempt (the unjust)."


     Notice John 5:28-29:   "Don't be surprised!   Indeed the

time is coming when ALL the dead in their graves shall  hear the

voice of God's Son,  and shall  RISE again - those who have done

good to eternal  life; and those who have continued  IN EVIL to

judgement"   (LB translation).


     Jesus  is clearly showing that there is a time coming

when the eyes of all  in the graves will be opened.   The TIME

for the righteous dead to be raised is at Christ's return,  "Each

however IN HIS OWN TURN. Christ rose FIRST, then when Christ

comes back all  HIS people will become alive again."   (I Cor. 

15:23 LB).


     When will the rich man and all the wicked be raised?

     In revelation 20:4 we read of the resurrection of those

in Christ at His coming.   But notice verse 5,  "....the REST of

the DEAD lived not again UNTIL the thousand years were finished."


     Now we can ascertain the time when the unjust, the

unsaved, the rich man in our parable,  will  be raised - at the

end of the  1,000 years, what is commonly referred to as the

millennium.   THEN the rich man will lift up his eyes in a


     Lazarus will have been raised from death at Jesus' 

return,  together with Abraham and all the saints.   They shall 

live through the 1,000 years.  But the rest of the dead do not

live again until the millennium is over.


     As we have seen that death is defined by Jesus as SLEEP

(Jn.11:11-17) and the dead "KNOW NOT ANYTHING" (Ecc.9:5), the

rich man coming to consciousness AFTER the 1,000 years will  know

absolutely NOTHING of the months and years since he died.   TO



     Now at his resurrection,  when he lifts up his eyes,  what

does he see?


                        THE FLAME


     When he is resurrected,  he sees a FLAME which torments

him! Earlier we considered the flame as we described GEHENNA


     Jesus spoke of this fire as DESTROYING (Mat.10:28).  In Rev.

20:14-15 it is described as a  "lake of fire."


     The Bible clearly outlines the reward of the wicked as

complete ANNIHILATION or utter extermination - eternal

punish-MENT not punish-ING (Mal. 4:1-3;  Mat.  25:46).   An

eternal death as compared to eternal life for the righteous (Rom.



     Back to the rich man.   After opening his eyes he sees

Abraham with Lazarus in his "bosom" or close embrace.   Jesus

foretold that the Pharisees would see Abraham,  Isaac, and Jacob

in the Kingdom and they themselves cast out (Luke 13:28).   This

rich man sees Lazarus and he sees the flame or lake of fire which

is about to destroy him.   He is horror stricken!


     Have you had an experience that so frightened you that

your mouth became dry and you could barely speak and your body

temperature rose as you began to perspire with anxiety?

     Now imagine the rich man and the horror and dread that

would be his experience.   He cries out in anguish,  "Father

Abraham have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he might dip the

tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue,  for I am

tormented  in this flame."


     The rich man cries out for mercy from this flame.

     Why did he call out for only a wet finger of water to

cool  his tongue, if his whole body was burning  in the flames of

hell as described by most theologians?   Surely he would have

requested a few buckets of water or may be a swimming pool.


                        IN TORMENT


     The rich man is definitely TORMENTED as he sees this


     In this parable the word TORMENT or TORMENTED is used 4

times. In verses 23,28 the Greek is BASANOS and is used only one

other time in the NT in Mat. 4:24.   It means  "going to the

bottom."   Indeed the rich man was as we say,  "at the end of his

rope" or "at his wits end,"  - at the very bottom.

     In verses 24,25 the Greek for TORMENTED is ODUNAOMAI and

means to GRIEVE,  to SORROW, and it is connected with DUO,  to

sink,  to go down. This same word is used only TWO other times, 

in Luke 2:48 and Acts 20:38 where it is clearly referring to

consuming MENTAL grief.


     So we see clearly the picture of the rich man going down

in devastating grief - he realizes that he has lost eternal life

and is now looking at total ANNIHILATION in the lake of fire.


     If Jesus had wanted to convey the message that the rich

man was WRITHING in PHYSICAL pain in fire,  He would have

inspired the Greek word BASANIZO to have been used.   This is the

word for torment which relays the idea of mental  or PHYSICAL

pain,  and is used in such scriptures as: Mat.  8:29;  14:24;

Mark.  6:48;  Luke. 8:28;  2 Pet.  2:8;  Rev. 9:5;  12:2; 14:10.


     To study these Greek words we refer you to THE


     It is very sobering to remember that many will  be in the

position of the rich man IF they do not repent,  "Except you

REPENT you shall all likewise PERISH"  (Luke.13:3).


     Those who will not DO the WILL of the Father but who work

- live - iniquity or lawlessness shall  be told by Jesus to

DEPART from Him.  He will confess He never knew them (Mat. 

7:21-23;  Luke.13:27).


                        HELL FIRE     


     There is nothing here about this rich man suffering

endlessly in physical pain - always burning - being on FIRE but

never burning up. His anguish,  as he sees the lake of fire,  as

he realizes what awaits him, is MENTAL anguish which results in a

dry and hot tongue as his body temperature rises,  hence his

request to Abraham to send Lazarus to cool his tongue with a wet



     To be sure, the unrepentant wicked will  be cast into the

lake of fire, when their physical bodies will meet an

unquenchable flame.  There will  be a time of physical torture

and pain until  they are consumed and become ASHES under the feet

of the righteous (Mal. 4:1-3).

     "But the wicked shall  PERISH,  and the enemies of the

Lord shall be as the fat of lambs; they shall  CONSUME,  into

SMOKE shall they consume away" (Ps. 37:20).


                                THE GREAT GULF


     We have seen that Lazarus represents the righteous, the

seed of Abraham - those who will  inherit the promise of eternal 

life.   Abraham and his seed are brought together in a bosom

relationship by the angels at the return of Christ, when the

trumpet shall  sound and the dead  in Christ rise to meet their

Lord in the clouds.  It is at this time that the saints  (which 

includes Lazarus) will be CHANGED (flesh and blood can not

inherit the Kingdom of God -  I Cor.  15:20)  from MORTAL to

IMMORTAL (1 Cor. 15:51-53).

     NONE who are not granted this CHANGE will ever be with


     God will grant this change from mortality to immortality

to those who will REPENT.   Those who do not shall  PERISH  (2

Pet. 3:9).  The rich man represents those who have not and will 

not REPENT. We have seen that he and all such wicked ones will

also be raised to life again,  but after a thousand years from

when Lazarus and Abraham were raised to IMMORTAL life.

     The rich man never made it into God's Kingdom. He was

never CHANGED from mortal to divine.   He never REPENTED so he

could be saved,  so he could put on incorruption.   He is raised

MORTAL,  to receive his wages of sin which  is death  (Rom. 6:23)

in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14,15)  -  in a FIRE that burns up

matter into ashes and smoke.


     Those in the Kingdom with Abraham are no longer MORTAL -

they can not ever DIE again (Luke 20:34-36).   They can never

again pass back into mortality and be susceptible to DEATH.

     Those who have not repented to serve the eternal  God can

not pass over into life everlasting. They remain mortal to be

consumed in the lake of fire (Rev. 21:7,8).

     Only the saved possess  IMMORTALITY as the gift of God

(Rom. 2:7), but the wicked reap anguish and wrath that shall

devour them - fiery indignation (Heb.10:27).


     The GULF mentioned by Abraham which prevents the

righteous from being burned and which prevents the wicked from

escaping death by GEHENNA FIRE is -  IMMORTALITY!


                            THE LESSONS FOR US


     As the rich man contemplated the fate that awaited him, 

he requested Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers  (5 is the

number used in the Scriptures to denote GRACE - request our

information on THE ARITHMETIC OF GOD) "....that he may testify

unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment" 

(verse 28).   Abraham said let them listen to Moses and the

prophets (verse 29).   "No," answered the rich man, "but if one

went unto them from the DEAD,  they will  REPENT."   Abraham

replied, " If they will not hear MOSES and the PROPHETS,  they

will  not be persuaded though one rose FROM THE DEAD."  (verses



     Do you see - do you understand why Jesus gave this



     The whole experience of Lazarus and the rich man was

given to SHOW THE TRUTH OF THE RESURRECTION - not some natural 

immortal soul going to "heaven" or "hell" at death.


     This parable was given to SHOW THAT REPENTANCE IS

REQUIRED TO INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE,  or the lake of fire awaits the

sinner (request our FREE article "SAVED BY GRACE" which explains 

indepth all about SALVATION).


        Notice one final  lesson.   Jesus acquainted real 

repentance with a willingness to listen to Moses and the prophets

- the Old Testament not just the New Testament.   True repentance

that will lead to eternal life in the Kingdom of God on this

earth, is a willingness to LIVE BY EVERY WORD OF GOD (Mat. 4:4).




       Written 1984 by Keith Hunt


An Internet Church posting, Re:  Lazarus and the Rich Man 


Hi Bill,


       I will try to answer your questions below.


       You  wrote:


       "Following is a copy (as is) of questions I sent to......

around June of 1987. Some of the questions were based on my ow 

misunderstanding of doctrines (but taught by "ministers" and

members of the congregation over several years). I would

appreciate your response to the questions."






       I have several questions that always come to mind while

reading through Luke 16:19-31 (Lazarus and the rich man) . I have

asked the same questions in the past and the standard answer is

that it is only a parable; a fictitious story. There is no

problem in accepting it as a parable - it would not make sense

otherwise in light of many other scriptures.

       What I do not understand is the  "facts" within the

parable. Surely Jesus Christ would not misrepresent the time

sequence of events and the actual facts (Doctrines) of the True

Church in a parable even though it is a fictitious story (the

rich man and Lazarus were not real, apparently)


       Should the facts within this or any parable in the Bible

represent the doctrines and teachings of the Worldwide Church of

God? If they do not then how can any of a parable be used in

support or non-support of a particular teaching?


       My Answer: 

       The facts of any parable should be taken within the total 

light of all the rest of scripture. If it all adds up, with no

contradiction, then it all becomes a part of the whole truth.


       QUESTION:I. The First question comes in Luke 16:19-21. The

rich man was one called by God to know the truth or else he would

not be in the resurrectIon. Verse 23 of Luke 16 illustrates that

the rich man was being resurrected. He, therefore, had to have

known the truth, had God's Holy SpIrIt and rejected the truth or

else he would not be in the resurrectIon( to death). Verse 19

and 21 show that the rich man was obviously not very generous

with his wealth or else he would offer more than crumbs to



       1. Why did Lazarus have to beg for anything?  Why did he

not ask for third tithe assistance?


       My Answer: 

       Third tithe(as some call it) in Israel was not the means

to "end poverty." Jesus did say, "the poor you shall always have

among you."  Third tithe was, as the scriptures lay down mainly

for the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless and widow. And It

was for "eating"  (See Deut.14:28,29),  not for everything one

might like. Lazarus then, we will take it did get food, but he

also needed other things that third tithe would not provide. And

third tithe was not the total or only way to help the poor. God

told the farmers not to cut the corners of their fields at

harvest time, so the poor could have those parts. So it would

seem God knew third tithe would not be the all sufficient means

to feed the poor and needy. So today in our lands, there are many

private "hand outs" to the poor above the nations welfare



       QUESTION:2. Is BEGGING proper behavior for a Christian?


       My Answer: 

       That all depends on how you understand the word

"begging." a Christian finds themselves(especially if having

children) In the situation  where they need help to physically

live (food etc.), and they either go to the Welfare department

and/or the church for help. Are they not "beggIng" for help from

someone? We today have certain helpful departments of our nation

we can beg help from to see us through a difficult time so we do

not need to stand on the street corner with our hand out

(although I have seen some doing it when I was living in

Florida). The common practice in Jesus' time and before was to

find help from the people passing by. It was part of their

culture and customs to do it that way.

       Third tithe, or the poor fund in Israel (and our nations

do take it from us via our taxes) and the other means to help the

poor(and Christians do get poor at times) is for those who  need

help. So for Christians to correctly beg for help when truly in

need is quite proper. Paul collected for the saints when in

need (I Cor.16). I'm sure those saints had made know their

situation and daily requirements to Paul and others in the




       QUESTION:3. Why would he even go near the rich man who

obviously from all outward appearance was not one to go near (he

probably would have been marked)?


       My Answer: 

       Lazarus did not know the heart of this rich man as

he lived in his poor situation. You are looking at the parable

from above and seeing the end and details of the whole. Lazarus

was looking at the tree not the forest. It would have been

natural to go to those whom he knew were rich and had things

they could give him. Sorry, but I am not following you concerning

"would have been marked." I think Lazarus would have marked the

rich man alright, marked him for someone who could help him in

his poverty.


       QUESTION:4. Why would Lazarus allow a dog to lick his

sores? Should he not call for the elders to anoint him for his



       My Answer:

       Calling for the Elders to anoint is found in James

5. That instruction for the church had not yet been given. The

book of James had not yet been written when Jesus gave this

parable, so Lazarus did not know such a teaching existed.

       Some are really upset about dogs licking sores. But there

is much healing qualities in a dogs tongue. It is also given by

Christ to show that the rich man could have helped Lazarus as the

"good Samaritan" did to the injured, by using "oil and wine" on

his sores, but he did not. Even the dogs had more compassion on

the misfortune of Lazarus than this rich man with allthe means

whereby he could have helped him. Jesus showing the complete

uncaring attitude of some who will not make it into the Kingdom

(see Mat.25:31-46).


       QUESTION:5. Does  "...a certain rich man..."  and  "...a

certain beggar..." in Luke 16:19-20 mean that there really was 

such people?


       My Answer: 

       Oh, you bet. Such people as Lazarus were many in

Jesus' day, and sad to say there were many as portrayed by the

rich guy.




       1. Why did the rich man ask Abraham to send Lazarus to his

father's house to testify unto his five brothers?  The rich man

knew he was in the resurrection because in verse 25 Abraham

reminded the rich man of his lifetime, "...remember that thou in

thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus

evil things:..."    The rich man's brothers would have to have

been in either the first, second, or third resurrection(for those

who believe in three resurrections) .

       If they were in the first resurrectIon they would have

been resurrected along with Abraham and Lazarus, in which case

they would all be spirit beings and would have no need a

testimony - they would have already made it. Verse 30 shows that

the Rich man thought that one being sent to his brothers from the

dead would cause his brothers to repent. If his brothers were in

the first resurrection they would have no need to repent. The

rich man could have asked his brothers for the water instead of

Abraham. If the Rich man's brothers were in the second

resurrectIon they would have already lived and either qualified

to be in God's Kingdom or else have not made it and would

be in the same resurrection as the rich man (unto eternal death).

Since the time setting of the rich man in verse 23 to 31 is the 

resurrection to death, why did the rich man ask such a request of

Abraham? Was he confused?


       My Answer: 

       This is where parts of some parables "break down." 

 Parts are sometimes for those the parable is being given to. A

lesson is being taught, and all logical time sequence, and other

parts of logic from the whole truth of God's plan of salvation(as

you logically pointed out above) is put to one side, in order to

bring out a main truth to those listening at the time. Jesus

wanted those Pharisees and others like them that He was speaking

to at the time, to really get some basic points of truth, that

were essential for them to know and practice if they were NOT to

be in the rich man's shoes (heading for the lake of fire and the

second death) You are quite correct with your logic based upon

the truth of God's outline of His plan. The different

resurrections will make the literal words and depictIons of this

part of the parable not possible. But Jesus here threw away the

actual reality of the truth of the resurrections FOR THE GREATER

TRUTH OF THE PRESENT TIME. He really wanted those Pharisees and

those like the rich man who were living then, to REPENT of their

ways and attitudes, hence the LESSON within the "really will not

happen this way but I hope you get the point" part of this

parable. The point being that if they didn't change their ways

and attitudes, they would not be in the Kingdom, but would be

heading for the second death in the lake of fire.


       QUESTION:2. Why did Abraham reply to the rich man in verse

29 that they (his brothers) have Moses and the Prophets. Why did

Abraham not remind the rich man that his brothers were either in

the  First, Second, or Third resurrection?  It appears from the

answer given by Abraham (verse 29) that the rich man's brothers

were still living.  Finally in verse 31 Abraham said that if they

hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded,

though one rose from the dead.


       My Answer:  

       Like my answer above. The real lesson of the

parable at this point was not the actual time events of God's

plan of salvation as the different resurrections will clearly

give. Jesus was now hitting the Pharisees between the eyes. They

had wanted Jesus to show them some great miracle to prove He was

whom He claimed to be. They put their stock in outward physical

signs as claiming to be sent from God (as Jesus said He was, but

they didn't believe it). The rich man in the parable represented

THEM, those self-righteous, physical sign lookers, uncaring to

those "below" them (see Luke 18:10-14), and Lazarus represented

the publicans who were justified before God and would enter the

Kingdom. The rich man WANTED a physical sign to be given to SAVE

others. This he thought (representing the Pharisees before Jesus)

would be the answer to coming to repentance.

       They would repent towards Jesus (for all they said about

Him, even that He was of the Devil etc.) IF SOME PHYSICAL SlGN He

could give them, to prove He was the very Son of God. Then with

that proof they would tell others under their influence (five

brothers) to repent.

       This whole section of the parable was hitting those

Pharisees right..... you know where......I mean they really got

the point by this time.


       QUESTION:3. Why did Abraham respond (verse 31) with an

answer that appears to have been prior to the First resurrection,

in which case Abraham would not have been resurrected. Why did

Abraham not remind the rich man of the time setting?


       My Answer:  

       Because that is exactly what Jesus wanted them to

see, this parable was not really for the future at all, but for

the present reality of the attitude of those Pharisees. Jesus

throws aside all logical, the 1, 2, 3 of God's  plan of

salvation, to try to help those present religious leaders and

self-righteous rich, to see what TRUTH is based upon, to see what

REPENTANCE is really founded upon, to see what BEING SAVED is

anchored to. The time settings were not where it was at with

Jesus. There was much more important truths to be shown to those

people before Him. By the time Jesus was finished with this

parable the Pharisees KNEW PRECISELY WHAT LESSON He was trying to

teach them. They knew it was not logical time settings of God's

plan through resurrections. The main lesson, Jesus through

Abraham( the Pharisees pompously thought they were the children

of Abraham, see John 8:25-47 and what Jesus said about that idea)

wanted to get across was THE WORD OF GOD is where it is at, NOT

some physical miracle. If people cannot come to real repentance

and salvation through the WORD OF GOD, they will not come to it

through some physical sign or miracle. Notice the emphasis Jesus

placed on "the word" from the Father in John 8, not physical



       I hope this helps you Bill. Christian regards.


       Written November 1996 by Keith Hunt

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