Friday, November 13, 2020


 Three Days and Three Nights 


Dr. Samuele Bacciocchi (a late SDA minister) says Jesus was not in the tomb for 72 hours. His arguments are answered

 Part Three


                                     OTHER ARGUMENTS ANSWERED

Over the past 25 years I have encountered a number of arguments

trying to uphold a Friday Crucifixion and Sunday morning

Resurrection. Probably the Seventh Day Adventist organization has

written more articles and booklets than any other Christian group

to defend this popular tradition.  I maintain that they have done

so in order to uphold their teaching that ELLEN WHITE was an

infallible Prophetess - to prove her wrong on one point (there

are many other things she wrote that are contrary to Scripture

besides the Friday Crucifixion/Sunday Resurrection) would smash

the Adventists theological foundation.


Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi has perhaps presented us with some of 

the most scholastic arguments in parts of his book, that I have seen

to date. But his Adventistism did shine through loud and clear,

in the last half of his thesis, and especially in concluding with

a quote from Ellen White. A colleague of Dr. B. by the name of

Harry Lowe wrote on the same subject back in 1970.  He found

another problem with believing Jesus to have been 3 days and 3

nights in the tomb - he wrote, "To keep an unembalmed body for

over seventy-two hours, from Wednesday afternoon until after

Saturday night, was not possible in a climate where decomposition

would have set in before that."

My answer to this argument is:

1) Jesus was embalmed - see JN 19:38-40.

"ALOES....... a substance which dissolved in water and added to

myrrh, was used by the ancients in their highly perfected art of

embalming (JN 19:38-40)."  Pictorial Bible Dic. p.661.

2)  The coldness of a hillside tomb (much like a cave) even in a

hot climate as Palestine, has a preservation quality to it to

some degree.


3)  Jesus had lost all His blood through the scourging He

underwent and having a spear thrust in His side (JN 19:33,34),

hence He would not decompose as quickly as Lazarus was doing

after being dead for four days (JN 11:17). About a hundred pounds

of myrrh and aloes was used on Jesus (JN 19:39).

4)  Besides all these physical facts, we have the sure promise

and miracle power of God the Father that, "neither wilt Thou

suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption" (PS. 16:10). Jesus

was foreordained to be resurrected and not to decompose at any

time before that event.


Some have claimed that the rolling back of the stone (more like a

"boulder") over the entrance to the tomb, was so the women could

witness the Resurrection and Jesus could come out.

My answer:

1)  Jesus did not need the entrance opened as He could after His

resurrection PASS THROUGH physical matter - see JN. 20:18-20.

2)  The stone was rolled away so the women and disciples could

enter the tomb and see that Jesus was NOT THERE - see MRK.

16:1-4; LK. 24:1-12; JN. 20:1-10.

3)  The disciples on entering and seeing the angels were told

Jesus HAD RISEN (LK. 24:6; MRK. 16:6; MT. 28:6 - AORIST tense,

i.e. "has risen") already. The "aorist" is single action

done in the past.


You can use PORTIONS of the day rather than 24 hrs. You can use

the day you are speaking on as a full day, the morrow would be

the 2nd day, part of the next day would be the 3rd day. This can

prove INCLUSIVE counting and less than 72 hrs.

This may be true within a certain CONTEXT as Luke 13:32,33.  I

have said that the Bible does use INclusive counting AT TIMES! 

But, I have also proved the Bible uses EXclusive counting also at


The phrase "the third day" is used in Gen.1:13 to add up to 72

hours as shown by reading verses 3 - 13.  John 11:9 shows us:  

12 hours in a  day, obviously meaning the daylight portion of a 24

hour day, hence also 12 hours in the night portion of a whole 24

hours day.

MATTHEW 12:40  is VERY SPECIFIC!  Jesus was being very 


At other times He just said He would rise the "third day" or

"after three days" or "in three days" but here in Matthew 12:40

He nailed it down to specifics. He said He would be in the heart

of the earth (the tomb) for three days AND three night - for 72



As Jesus was typified by the sheaf of the firstfruits and as this

sheaf was waved on the morning of the first day then it is argued, 

Jesus rose on the morning of the first day.

My answer:  

1. The passage in Lev. says nothing about WHEN the wave sheaf was

cut.  The instruction there has to do with WHAT must be done with

the wave sheaf, before WHOM and WHEN.  

Jesus fulfilled this symbolism when He presented Himself before

the Lord(Father) of heaven on the first day (John 20:1-18).  This

wave sheaf represented the RISEN Christ and the work He had to do

on the first day before the Father, NOT when He rose.

2. There is some evidence from Jewish historical writings to show

that the wave sheaf was cut on the evening that we call Saturday

evening. The evening after sunset on Saturday.

Actually the Pharisees we know from history cut the "wave sheaf"

just after the Sabbath of the 15th of the first month, just after

the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread had ended, and

waved it before the Lord the morning of the 16th day.  

The Sadducees, who were the official Temple priests during the time

Christ lived, DISAGREED with the Pharisees over this matter of

WHEN to cut and wave the firstfruit sheaf before the Lord. They

waved it during the morning of the first day of the week that

usually fell during the Unleavened Bread feast.

The CUTTING of the firstfruit sheaf is probably what typified the

time of Christ's RESURRECTION, and it was from what we can gather

from Jewish history, cut just shortly AFTER the Sabbath. It was

NEVER cut ON the Sabbath! 


 LUKE 24:21

It is argued that the third day from Wednesday could not be a

Sunday, but the third day from Friday would be a Sunday.

My answer:

The third day from Friday would be a Sunday IF and only if Luke

was using inclusive reckoning. If Luke was using exclusive

counting then MONDAY and not Sunday would be the third day from


The men talked about "all these things which had happened" 

(verse 14).  All these things would include the making sure the

disciples could not roll away the stone and steal the body

of Jesus. This was made impossible by the sealing of the tomb and

placing guards at the entrance for three days (see Mat.27:62-66).

This being done as we believe on a THURSDAY, Jesus' death and 

burial was now as far as these chief priests and Pharisees were 

concerned - sealed tight and sure. And the disciples probably 

thought it was all over as well. As they would talk about all these 

things that were done to their Lord, to cut them off from His life 

and body, it would have to include the sealing and guarding the tomb 

on the Thursday. The third day from when all these things were done 

on a Thursday is a SUNDAY!!


As day is given first before night it is argued Jesus did not

fulfill this saying of His in a literal sense, because the night

came first as He was buried just before sunset.

My answer:

To answer this please note Gen.1:3-5.  God puts the name of light

first and the name of night second. Darkness was already on the

earth, but nevertheless as a speech pattern God says He

"called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night."

Jesus said, "are there not twelve hours in a day" but because He

did not mention the night in relation to hours, did not mean it

had less hours than the day time part of a full day.  By His

mentioning the day (or light) part before the night part did not

mean that a day had less than two egual parts of 12 hours each,

nor did it mean that we should start the day at sunrise -

counting the first hour of the day at sunrise. FOR when God in

Gen.1:5 was instructing us on when to start counting the hours of

the day He said, "the evening and the morning were the first



On keeping the Sabbath God says, "from even unto even shall you

celebrate your Sabbath" (Lev.23:32).

The phrase "three days and three nights" is a figure of speech

that conveys a length of time ONLY.  It is not designed by Bible

writers to tell you to count the hours of a day from sunrise, but

ONLY to give you a length of time - length of hours. It is a

FIGURE of speech as far as which comes first, the word day or the

word night. It is not a figure of speech as to the specific

LENGTH of time the phrase is meant to convey to the mind.

It is said that Jonah was "three days and three nights" in the

belly of the great fish. But we are not told WHEN Jonah was cast

into the sea. He was fast asleep when the storm came and they

had to awake him. Could this have been at night when the storm

hit? Maybe and maybe not - we are not told, nor does it matter. 

The point the writer wants you to get is not WHEN - at what time

of day or night Jonah was cast into the sea and swallowed by the

fish, but HOW LONG he was in the fish's belly - three days and

three nights . Whether Jonah was swallowed at sunset, sunrise, 

10 a.m. or 3 p.m. is immaterial to the massage that the writer

wants you to understand. The length of time is what he wants you

to get - 72 hours in Jonah's case.  He is not concerned with his

use of such a phrase for you to understand WHEN to start counting

the first hour of a 24 hour day. That is not his point or teaching 

he is trying to convey to you. His teaching is length of time 

regardless as to when that time begins.

In Jonah's case he was "three days and three nights" - 72 hours -

in the fish's belly from the time he was swallowed. In Jesus'

case He was "three days and three nights" in the grave from

the time He was put into the tomb.

We do not know when Jonah was swallowed by the great fish - the

Bible does not tell us. But we do know from the Scriptures of the

NT that Jesus  died between 3 and 4 p.m. (the third hour, which

last for....yes, an hour) and placed into the tomb shortly AFTER

sunset (see my later comments proving Jesus was not placed in the

tomb before sunset as many believe).

And three days and three nights later He was resurrected from the

dead to immortality and glory.

When Paul was shipwrecked at some time he said he was, "a night

and a day" in the deep (2 Cor.11:25). He mentions night first

and day second, for what reason? To tell us he entered the sea at

the beginning of the night or sunset? Maybe, but not necessarily. 

If Paul had wanted us to know the very hour he was cast into the sea 

he could have easily used such language as, "the sixth hour" -  

"the tenth hour" - or  " the second hour of the third watch" etc.  

It was not the hour that he was cast into the sea that Paul was 

concerned with his readers knowing, as to the length of time - 

the number of hours that he suffered floating about in the sea. 

And in this case Paul chose to use the phrase "a night and a day" 

as opposed to "a day and a night" to express to the readers that he 

was 24 hours adrift in the sea.

As there are 12 hours to the daylight part of a day and 12 hours

to a night part of a day, what does it matter if one says "day

and night" or "night and day" - both convey the same message

in length of time.

We today have phrases that are slightly different but mean the

same thing! We may say "it's two forty-five" or we may say "it's

fifteen till three" or even "it's quarter to three." Some people always 

use the first type of expression while other always the second, and 

still others the third way of saying the same thing. Then some use 

both ways to relate the time to others - interchanging the expressions. 

I am of the later - I may say,  "it's two forty-five" to one person and say,  

"it's fifteen till three" to the next person who asks me the time.

The expressions "three days, night and day" (Esther 4:16) and

"three days and three nights" (Jonah 1:17; Mat.12:40) are

different expressions that both add up to 72 hours. They

are expressions to convey length of time NOT start of time.



Taking the expression "three days and three nights" as literal we

have this argument:

Jonah was an Israelite who preached to the people of Israel. He

was swallowed by the fish for three days and three nights, after

which he was resurrected to life again outside the belly of

the fish to go and preach to the Gentiles in the city of Nineveh.

Likewise Jesus was an Israelite who preached to the Jews of

Israel. He stopped His preaching to Israel on Thursday

of Passion week, was put to death on Friday and resurrected

Sunday morning. The reasoning continues like this. As Jonah did

not preach for three days and three nights and then continued his

preaching to Gentiles, so Jesus did not preach from Thursday to

Sunday - three days and three nights - then continued to preach

to Gentiles.

My answer:

This argument for explaining the "three days and three nights" of

Mat.12:40 is made invalid for the following reasons:

1. Although Jonah was an Israelite there is absolutely NOTHING 

in the book of Jonah to show that he ever preached ONE WORD 

to the peoples of Israel. Jonah was called to go and preach to the

Gentile people of the city of Nineveh - to no other people but those 

dwelling in the town of Nineveh!!

2. Jesus preached to Israelites and some Gentiles before His

death. After His resurrection we see Him appearing to His

disciples - talking to them - preaching to them - but there is

not one word about Him preaching or talking to any Gentile.

3. Not only can we not find any word about Jesus preaching to

Gentiles after His resurrection, but the disciples themselves

did not preach the Gospel to the Gentiles until a number of years 

after the New Testament Church was started. This can be seen 

by reading Acts chapter one to chapter eleven, verse nineteen.



The Bible is the most wonderful book ever written. One of its

many wonders is that you can take all your life time reading and

studying its pages, and still you will not have found all its

various little truths hidden here and there. It is of course THE

WORD of the Eternal God of the universe. That word tells us to

study, to prove all things, to love the truth, to hunger and

thirst after righteousness, to grow in knowledge, to be willing

to be humble and to be willing to to corrected. All this is a

life long process, to the very day we fall asleep in death.

Often, we come across more truth somewhat accidentally in a sense,

and the sense I mean is that we may be studying a certain subject

and find a truth we were not expecting or looking for. I have

experienced that a number of times over my 55 years of life to

date (editing this study in 1998). 

The most recent time to experience this blessing was this past

year of 1998. I was doing a full and indepth study on how the NT

uses the word "evening."  I had never undertaken such a study 

before, not so complete from the NT. I was looking up every place

in the NT where the word "evening" was used and letting the

Scriptures interpret themselves as to how it it used by that

section of the Bible. It was a rewarding study indeed. 

Briefly, the study shows a four way use of this word. 1) Evening

= sunset.  2) Evening = period of time from after 6 p.m. or as

the NT puts it, from the 12th hour on.  3) Evening = a time

after sunset on into an amount of time (not specified in any

specific way) covered by darkness.  4) Evening, can be part of

the day that precedes it.

As I was studying this topic concerning "evening" I was also

studying the last 24 hours of the life and death of Jesus. 

 I came across a verse that hit me like a ton of bricks. Actually

two of the Gospel writers bring it out (Matthew and Mark).  

In Matthew the verse is 57 of chapter 27. In Mark we find it in 

chapter 15 verse 42.

These two men tell us very plainly that Joseph of Arimathaea did

not come to Pilate UNTIL EVENING!  Putting aside all ideas of 

men or traditions of men and societies and only using the NT to

interpret the use of the word "evening" for us, Joseph did not

come to Pilate until at least 6 p.m. As the Passover was in the

Spring of the year (our late March or April), sunset in Jerusalem, 

Palestine, at that time would also be around 6 p.m. 

When we understand that the word "even" or "evening" can be

connected with the previous daylight portion of the day just

preceding that evening, we can understand why Mark says it was

preparation before Sabbath (chapter 15 verse 42). 

When we understand that no Gospel writer tells us the exact time,

down to the minute, when Jesus died, and that from what is given

it was sometime between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.  

When we understand that although the Jewish leaders wanted the

three men dead before the Sabbath came, they certainly had no

intentions to remove and bury Jesus themselves. 

When we understand that those Jewish leaders would have been too

busy with the utter confusion that would have erupted in the

Temple when the curtain that divided off the "most holy place"

was split asunder, to worry about who would take down the body

and this Christ and bury it.

When we understand that none of the physical brothers and sisters

of Christ (half brothers and sisters that is) came to take care

of the body of Jesus. 

When we see and understand that not even one of the twelve

disciples came to take down the body of their leader.  

When we understand that everyone close to Christ was thinking

that someone else but themselves was surely looking after the job

of taking Jesus down from the cross and burying Him somewhere. 

When we understand all this, then we can see why it took a few

hours from Christ's death for Joseph to finally realize NOBODY

was going to remove Jesus and bury Him. And by the time he

realized this it was "even." The sun had set. He made a fast move

to Pilate and begged for the body of Christ.  

How long would it have taken to then go and take Christ down 

from the stake, use the 100 pounds or so of aloes that Nicodemus

brought (as John tells us),  wrap the body and take it to the tomb?  

We know the tomb was close at hand, as that is told us.  All of this 

probably would have taken at least an hour and a half, if not two hours.

It is now dark, oh, yes, maybe still could be classified as "evening" 

by the way the NT uses the word. Maybe could use the word "even" 

as belonging to the previous day, as the Bible does use that concept 

from time to time (as I show in my study article on the word "evening"), 

yet, as used in the Bible, and in the NT, it is now the evening of the 

Sabbath, it is now the beginning of the Sabbath of the 15th day of the 

first month - the first day and first Sabbath of the feast of Unleavened 


Jesus was put in the tomb at the beginning, during the first few

hours of the Sabbath of the 15th day of Nisan.The women (a few

of them) we are told watched as Joseph and Nicodemus performed

all this and they saw where they laid Him. A job had to be done,

this was an ox in the ditch situation, no matter the work involved, 

and the Sabbath having come, the task of putting Jesus to rest in 

the tomb in the correct Jewish manner had to be completed.

Now, there is one verse left to explain.  On the surface it would

be thought that this verse would clearly demolish all I have said

above. But, to the contrary, when we understand the Greek tense

used for the critical words in this verse, it becomes another

huge proof to what I have stated. The verse is Luke 23:54. 

It would seem to say (according to the KJV) that the Sabbath

"drew on" - was yet to arrive, and Joseph had already laid Jesus

in the tomb.

Someone whose native tongue was Greek, would have had little

trouble understanding what Luke REALLY said. The word "drew on"

as in the KJV, is in the Greek, in the IMPERFECT tense, not the

FUTURE tense, but the IMPERFECT tense. What does the imperfect

tense signify?

The book "Essentials of New Testament Greek" by Ray Summers,

lesson 13, pages 55,56 has this to say: 

".......The imperfect tense indicates CONTINUOUS action in PAST

time. Contrast 'I am loosing' (present) with 'I was loosing'

(imperfect) and the significance is clear......Always it

represents CONTINUOUS action in PAST time.......The 'repeated' or

'iterative' imperfect shows action repeated in past time. It

would be represented by a broken line (- - - - - ) rather than a

continous line (______) which would represent the descriptive


Ah, now we can understand what Luke really was saying in chapter

23:54.  Talking about all the things Joseph and Nicodemus had

done and finished, including the placing of Christ in the tomb, 

the Sabbath HAD COME in the past, at a past point of time

and did continue. It was a kind of period of time that could be

understood as belonging to the previous day, hence still

preparation for the Sabbath (especially under the ox in the ditch

situation), yet was also the time that belonged to the Sabbath,

hence the Sabbath HAD come and was continuing by the time Jesus

was placed in the tomb.

It may sound a little odd and a little contradictory, but when we

look at how the word "evening" was used in the NT and when we see

the truth of the specific Greek tense that Luke chose (under

inspiration) in verse 54, we are left with no other conclusion

but to realize the NT Scriptures tell us that Jesus was not placed 

in the tomb until AFTER the "evening" had come, and AFTER

the Sabbath had already arrived.

Three days and three nights later from a few hours into the

evening of the annual Sabbath of the 15th of Nisan, a Wednesday

evening, brings us to a few hours after the weekly Sabbath,

or Saturday evening, for the RESURRECTION of Christ! Close to

when the Wave Sheaf was cut as the Sadducees (priests of the

Temple) taught and observed (the first of the firstfruits), ready

to be presented to the Lord the next morning, a Sunday morning. 

So the whole typology of the Passover lamb and Wave sheaf was

completely fulfilled in Christ, even to the typology of Jonah

being three days and three nights in in the whales belly, was

fulfilled by Jesus being three days and three nights in the tomb.



Perhaps the number one reason that has been put forth over the

centuries, for keeping Sunday as the Sabbath, has been the

teaching that Jesus was resurrected the morning of the first day

of the week. This teaching is not only unscriptural but contrary

to a number of Historical sorces.

The Didascalia, an early Christian work which is preserved in

Syriac, supports a Wednesday crucifixion day. In this work the

apostles are quoted as saying that it was on Tuesday evening that

they ate the Passover with Jesus, and on Wednesday that He was

taken captive and held in custody in the house of Caiaphas.

Epiphanius, a post-Nicene writer, gives Tuesday evening as the

Last Supper (A.Gilmore, "Date and Significance of the Last

Supper," Scottish Journal of Theology, Sept. 1961, pp. 256-259,

264 - 268).

Victorinus of Pettau, worked out a chronology that arrives at the

conclusion that Jesus was arrested on a Wednesday. Loc.cit.

There is a certain amount of evidence found in the writings of

the Early Church Fathers for the Last Supper having taken place

on the 13th of Nisan, i.e., Tuesday evening. Loc.cit.


The Dead Sea Scrolls.  Writing in "Eternity" magazine, its

editor, Donald Grey Barnhouse cited evidence from the scrolls

which would place the Last Supper on Tuesday. He also quoted from

a Roman Catholic journal published in France that "an ancient

Christian tradition, attested to by the Didascalia Apostolorum as

well as by Epiphanius and Victorinus of Pettau (died 304 A. D.)

gives Tuesday evening as the date of the Last Supper and

prescribes a fast for Wednesday to commemorate the capture of

Christ" (Eternity, June, 1958).

Though strongly holding to a Friday crucifixion, The Catholic

Encyclopedia says that not all scholars have believed this way.

Epiphanius, Lactantius, Wescott, Cassiodorus and Gregory of Tours

are mentioned as rejecting Friday as the day of the crucifixion 

(Vol.8, p. 378, art. "Jesus Christ.").

The Companion Bible, published by Oxford University Press, in its

Appendix 156 explains that Christ was crucified on Wednesday.

Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. Finis Dake has said on his

note on Matthew 12:40: "Christ was dead for three full days and

for three full nights. He was put in the grave Wednesday just

before sunset and was resurrected at the end of Saturday at

sunset.... No statement says that He was buried Friday at sunset.

This would make him in the grave only one day and one night,

proving his own words untrue" (p 13).

The error in believing Jesus was crucified on a Friday has

largely come about by thinking that the Sabbath that followed

"the preparation" of Mt.27:62 and Jn. 19:31 was the weekly

7th day Sabbath instead of the first Passover Sabbath.

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary says, "The day after the

preparation (ASV). Usually explained as Saturday...... However,

this preparation day was the day before the Passover Feast

day (John 19:14,31), which feast may have occurred that year on

Wednesday night. Perhaps this accounts for Matthew's not using

the term 'Sabbath' here, lest it be confused with Saturday.

According to this view, the entombment lasted a full seventy-two

hours, from sundown Wednesday to sundown Saturday. Such a view

gives more reasonable treatment to Mt.12:40. It also explains

'after three days' and 'on the third day' in a way that does

least violence to either" (page 984).

The answer is all resolved when it is understood that there were

TWO SABBATHS in the last week of our Savior's physical life.

Ferrar Fenton (a wealthy Englishman, for about 50 years avoided

reading the BibIe in any but the original languages, that his own

translation of the Bible might not be influenced by other

translations), renders the first part of Mt.28:1 as, "After the

SabbathS.." He states in his foot note that the Greek original is

in the PLURAL.

Fenton translates Lk.24:1 as," But at day-break upon the first

day following the Sabbaths, they proceeded to the tomb......"   

Again in Jn.20:1, "Now on the first day following the

SABBATHS...... " And his footnote says that this is literally as

the Greek reads.

The Greek is very significant in LK.23:54 - 56. In verse 54 Luke

was inspired to write, "A preparation day, and A Sabbath " but in

verse 56 the definite article "the" is used with "Sabbath" showing 

that this Sabbath was the weekly Sabbath, thus making a difference 

between the two Sabbaths, and showing there was indeed TWO 

Sabbath days during  that Passover week, leading up to the

first day or Sunday.

Jesus ate the Passover with His disciples on a Tuesday evening.

He was arrested during that night and crucified during the

daytime of Wednesday. At between 3 and 4 p.m. in the after-

noon (the third hour) He died. His burial was shortly after

sunset. At sunset the high day Sabbath for the feast of

Unleavened Bread began. It lasted till sunset the next day -


This was ONE night and ONE day in the tomb. Friday, a work day

before the weekly Sabbath, followed. Now we have TWO nights and

TWO days that Jesus lay in the grave. The night of the weekly

Sabbath was the THIRD night, and the daylight part of that

Saturday was the THIRD day. After a full 3 days and 3 nights in

the tomb, the heart of the earth - Jesus rose from the dead, just

after sunset - as the wave sheaf was cut (being the first of the

firstfruits) exactly 72 hours after being put into the tomb. It

was a first day of the week resurrection but not on a Sunday


LUKE and MARK give us the final proof. Luke tells us, "And the

women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and

beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid.

And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested

the Sabbath day according to the commandment" (Luke 23:55-56).

They had and prepared these spices BEFORE the Sabbath. But

notice what Mark tells us, "And when the Sabbath was past, Mary

Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought

spices, that they might come and anoint him"(Mark 16:1). They

bought the spices AFTER the Sabbath was past!

Putting the two Gospel accounts together, it would have been

impossible for them to purchase the spices after the Sabbath, and

then to prepare them before the Sabbath, and rest on the same

Sabbath. The conclusion is inescapable. There were two Sabbaths

that week, and when properly harmonized, everything fits in


A note on Mark 16:9. Someone is bound to say that this verse

plainly says that Jesus rose on the morning (sunrise) of the

first day of the week.

In the Greek the phrase"early the first day of the week" can be

grammatically connected either with the words "having risen" or

with the words "he appeared first to Mary Magdalene." The

Expositor's Greek Testament says the phrase "early the first day

of the week" may be either "connected with (having risen),

indicating the time of the resurrection, or with (appeared),

indicating the time of the first appearance."

We have seen that it could not refer to the time of the resurrection. 

Mark 16:9 should have been translated, "Now having risen, early 

the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene."

It is rendered this way in the Montgomery translation.


First written 1986

Edited and revised July 1998

All articles and studies by Keith Hunt may be copied, published,

e-mailed, and distributed as led by the Holy Spirit. Mr. Hunt

trusts nothing will be changed without his consent.

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