Thursday, November 5, 2020


Three Days and Three Nights - Mat.12:40

Dr. Sanuele Bacciocchi (a late SDA minister) says Jesus was not in the tomb for 72 hours. His arguments are answered



                                      Keith Hunt  






This study has been written to answer Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi

and others who hold to a Friday Crucifixion and Sunday morning

Resurrection of Christ Jesus. My aim is to help those who hold

such a view to recognize the fallacies of their interpretations

and to accept the plain teaching of God's word in the matter. My

aim is to show that even a young child can understand exactly how

long Jesus was in the grave. Although this topic could be shown

to a child (who has no pre-conceived teaching about an Easter

tradition) with just a few scriptures and a basic knowledge of

arithmetic, and he could come to understand the simple truth, I

must take the time to be somewhat lengthy because the book that

Dr. Sam (as he likes to be called) has written (called "THE TIME


be answered.

As a seventh day Sabbath keeper I do appreciate Dr. Sam's very

scholarly work presented to us in his book FROM SABBATH TO

SUNDAY. My wish is that he would use his scholastic mind to see

the errors of ELLEN G. WHITE upon whose teachings his

denomination is founded. As E.G.WHITE taught a Friday Crucifixion

and Sunday morning Resurrection, it would, I maintain be very

difficult for Dr. B. to disagree with her, as this would clearly

show he did not accept her as infallibly inspired. This would

consequently have grave repercussions within an organization in

which Dr. Sam is a paid teacher and minister. I will go through

Dr. Bacchiocchi's book chapter by chapter with my comments and




MAT  28:1. I see no reason not to take the KJV translation as correct.

You do NOT prove there were TWO Sabbaths in the Crucifixion week 

by this verse. Other verses put together correctly show two Sabbaths

in the Passover/UB feast in the year Jesus was crucified.

Mr.Ralph Woodrow in his book on this subject shows that to

understand Mat.28:1 as the women coming late on the Sabbath to

the tomb, would gives us many contradictions with other verses.  


On page 20 Dr. Sam tries to prove that the sign Jesus gave about

Jonah is connected with the fact of Christ's Resurrection and not

the length of time in the grave. "The book of Jonah suggests

that Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites through the miraculous

way in which God raised Jonah -- out of the whale's belly .......

This experience gave compulsion to Jonah to preach and conviction

to the Ninevites to repent......." He also quotes Norval

Geldenhuy "Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, because he appeared

there as one sent by God after having been miraculously saved

from the great fish (as it were raised from the dead) as a proof

that he was really sent by God...."

Let's take a look at the book of Jonah and see if it squares with

Dr. B's and Geldenhuy's theory.

Jonah (Ch. 1:3) is going to flee to TARSHISH.  Some scholars

identify as TARTESSUS, an ancient city on the Atlantic coast of

Spain.  He goes down to JOPPA, a town on the coast of Palestine

-- see your Bible maps. Jonah was hundreds of miles from the city

of Ninevah going in the opposite direction.  No Ninevite would

have known what Jonah was doing or who he was!

Jonah was cast into the sea - the Mediterranean sea - a fish did

swallow him and he was cast up on to dry LAND (Ch. 1:15; 2:1-10).

This was a fish in the SEA, not a fish in a river flowing by

Ninevah. Jonah was not cast out by the city of Ninevah for all to

see.  No one in Ninevah, hundreds of miles away, would have seen

this event - they had no idea that Jonah had been resurrected, so

to speak, from the dead. Now did this event alone give compulsion

to Jonah to preach? According to Chapter 3:1,2  God still had to

speak to Jonah AGAIN after this event, to get him to obey. Jonah

did travel the hundreds of miles to Ninevah (verse 3) and did

what? Did he tell them about this fishy experience he had had,

and how he was resurrected from the dead? Did he tell them this

experience to give conviction to the Ninevites to repent and as

proof that he was sent by God? If he had, some would have thought

it a pretty fishy story. NO!  Jonah did WHAT? He PREACHED -

repent or perish! And the people of Ninevah BELIEVED God. They

didn't ask for any SIGN or proof he was from God, there's nothing

at all to indicate that Jonah had to tell them about his experience 

inside the fish.

Now turn to LUKE 11:29-30. Jesus had been doing great miracles,

yet they would not believe Him to be the Son of God - they had

accused Him of working by the power of Satan (v. 14-15) and

others wanted some great heavenly sign.  He tells them they are

evil, and no such special sign will be given - only that which

Jonah did will be given, as Jonah was to Ninevah, his sign

to them will be the sign Jesus will give to those around Him.

Jonah's sign to Ninevah was to PREACH REPENTANCE, 

not some fish resurrection story. Notice it in verse 32. The people 

of Ninevah REPENTED at the PREACHING of Jonah (see again 

Jonah 3:4,5), but Jesus' generation would not repent at His preaching

and He was much greater than Jonah. If they would not repent

when God's word was being given them, they would certainly get 

no special heavenly miracle.

Now THAT is what Jesus is saying in MAT. 16:4 and LK. 11:29-32.


A HARMONY of the Gospels shows MAT. 12:40 to be a separate

incident at an earlier time than Chap. 16:4 or still another

later time of LK. 11:29. While in MAT. 16 and LK. 11 Jesus

only gave the sign of PREACHING REPENTANCE and God's WORD, 

He did in MAT. 12:40 give the LENGTH of time in the grave as a sign - 

as Jonah was 3 days AND 3 nights in the fish so He would be in the

tomb.  It is true that in John 2:19 Jesus is referring to His

body - death and Resurrection in three days. But this is just a

statement by Jesus that even if they should kill him, He will be

resurrected, and has no legitimate connection as being the same

as MAT. 12:40. Jesus clearly states in MAT. 12:40 that it is the

length of time in the grave that is the sign He gives, while MT.

16:4 and LK. 11:29 it is the sign of preaching God's word and JN.

2:19 is the fact He will rise from the dead.


Dr. Bacchiocchi says the frescos of the catacombs give proof that

the early Christians represented the sign of Jonah as Jesus'

Resurrection by the pictorial art of Jonah being spewed out by

the whale.

I find this very flimsy evidence for the following reasons: 1)

The writings and pictorial art of men and women OUTSIDE of the

inspired word of God - the Bible - must be taken very carefully

as they are FALLIBLE. 2) Those same early Christians were the

ones who accepted Sunday in place of the 7th day Sabbath as Dr.

B. so clearly shows in his book FROM SABBATH TO SUNDAY 

and must therefore be viewed with caution. 3) Those same early 

Christians are the ones who accepted the pagan EASTER to replace 

the PASSOVER. 4) Certainly the resurrection of Jonah from death 

can typify Christ's resurrection, and would be easily portrayable in

ART as Jonah coming forth from the fish.  HOW would you

appealingly depict a length of TIME such as 3 days and 3 nights

in ART without becoming too diagramical and cumbersome. 

Because the catacombs indicate that the early Christians (what kind 

of Christians is another question) identified the sign of Jonah with

the event of the Resurrection, does not make it so.  I have shown

that it is not. Paul does not show ANYWHERE that he thought the 

sign of Jonah as given in MT. 16:4; LK 11:29 was the ACT of Jesus' 

resurrection. He never once brought it up in any of his letters that we 

have in the NT. Paul did preach the RESURRECTION of Christ - 

yes indeed. But this fact of preaching cannot be directly connected 

with the above scriptures. For Dr. Sam to try to do so by quoting 

ROM. 1:4 is grasping at straws to prove a point of interpretation of 

these verses that does not stand the test of context or the book of Jonah.

Take a look at MAT. 12:40 again.  In this place Jesus clearly

stated the sign of Jonah. A child can see it! Christ said AS


be in the grave or tomb. Now if Jesus wanted us to clearly understand 

this sign to be His actual RESURRECTION, He could have said, 

“As Jonah was resurrected from death out of the fish, so will I be

resurrected from the tomb." Or better still Jesus could have

quoted from the scroll of Jonah (Chap. 2:1,10), the part which

reads, "Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish's

belly" then added, something like, "so will the Son of man come

forth from the tomb." But He did not quote this part of the book

of Jonah. Jesus referred to Jonah's LENGTH of TIME in the fish as

the sign He would give, clearly quoting from Chap. 1:17, "..

..And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three




Dr. Sam says the "forty days and forty nights" of MAT. 4:2 and

"forty days" of MRK. 1:13 and LK. 4:2 do not necessarily mean a

CALENDAR 40 day period as we would normally take it to mean and

as a CHILD would understand it to mean.  If so, then HOW LONG

does such expressions mean - 20 calendar days? Maybe 18 - maybe

36 or 25 or maybe 45? If we can not reckon a day as a day in the

Bible, or a night as a night, or a day and night as a day and

night, but only a part of each - then which part of each? What if

some were whole days and others only parts - which would be the

whole and which the parts, if the writer did not state? And what

if he did mean 3 or 7 or 40 calendar days but simply wrote "seven

days", and we think this means only 5 or 6 days? Surely the Bible

is not written so we could never know for sure what LENGTH of

times the writer means.  Let's look at some examples, with the

understanding that a day is NOT a day, but only a part of 24

hours, only a few hours or so.

#1.  Gen. 1:5 "....And the evening (night) and the morning (day)

were the first day." But not a 24 hour day as the night could be

only PART of a night and the day only PART of a day - according

to Dr. Sam's thinking.

#2.  Gen. 2:2-3 "....God. .. .rested on the seventh day.... God

blessed the seventh day and sanctified it...."As a day may not be

a day of 24 hours which part of this seventh day did God rest on

and bless and sanctify? Maybe it was the first 5 or 6 hours of

the evening part, or the hours of the morning, or perhaps the

late afternoon hours are only holy. But then we see in LEV.

23:32 that the Sabbath is to be kept from one evening to the next

evening (24 hours) and EX.20:8-11 shows the 7th day is the

Sabbath and to be kept holy as it was made holy at creation. So

we see that the "seventh day" in Gen. 2:2-3 does mean a period of

24 hours.

#3   Gen. 7:4  God did not really mean "yet seven days" but

something less than seven days.  He did not really mean it would

rain for 40 days and 40 nights but some length of time less than

that.  Likewise verse 12. The waters did not prevail upon the

earth 150 days as verse 24 says but sometime less than that


#4   Gen. 8:6  ". . .at the END of forty days..." does not really

mean forty days, but AFTER or at the END of 38 days, or 39 days

and 4 hours, as the first day of the forty was only 2 hours and

the fortieth day was only 2 hours. Well, something similar to

this, could be thought.

#5   EX. 15:22 "...and they went three days in the wilderness.." 

Not really, for the first day they only travelled for 3 hours -

the second, all day, but the third only the last 4 hours. Maybe

the first day they travelled all day and the second and third was

only for 3 hours each.

Our common usage would convey that we are saying they travelled

the distance into the wilderness that 3 days would take. We all

understand such terminology. Were they so different in Moses'


#6.  EX. 24:18, 34:28; MAT. 4:2  Moses and Jesus did not really

fast for 40 days and 40 nights but a length of time shorter than

that, as the first day they started may have been in the last few

hours of the day, and the fast may have been broken in the first

hour of the 40th day. Then maybe they fasted only for 20 days and

20 nights in total, as we will just pick parts of days as we

wish.  After all what human could possibly fast without food and

water for a full 40 days of 24 hours a day?  Human reasoning

could go anywhere with such verses.

#7.  2 COR. 11:25  Paul was not really a night and a day (24

hours) in the sea, but maybe only 4 or 5 hours, or 6 to 7 hours

etc. Could be he was shipwrecked in the last hour of the night

and pulled out of the sea within the first 3 hours of daylight,

making only a 4 hour ordeal.  If so, why didn't Paul use the

Greek words for numbers and hours and tell us he was 4 hours or

10 hours or 16 hours in the sea? The Greek language did have

words to express such lengths of time - see JN. 11:9. The truth

is, Paul is telling us that he was a whole night and a whole day,

near enough as makes little difference to 24 hours in the sea

after being shipwrecked.

Now turn back to Gen. 7. By putting together verse 11 with verse

24 and chapter 8 verse 4, we can see that the months of the

calendar in Noah's day each had 30 days. From the 17th of the

second month to the 17th of the seventh month is 5 months or 150

days - exactly and literally to the day - each day being 24

hours.  Note that within this section of scripture and within

this time period of 150 days, we have the expression "forty days

and forty nights" (v. 12) just that - 40 days of 24 hours each.

This being the case, which it is, there is no reason to take

Jonah's 3 days and 3 nights in the fish to mean anything other

than a full 72 hour period.

As Jesus himself plainly tells us that there is 12 hours in a day

(JN 11:9), and so of course 12 hours in a night, there is no

reason to figure anything shorter than 72 hours for the 3 days

and 3 nights in Mat. 12:40.  No reason to figure any less IF you

are not trying to fit it into an Easter (Friday to Sunday morning

death and resurrection of Christ) tradition.

Unless the CONTEXT clearly and plainly shows that INCLUSIVE

counting is being used there is no reason to use such reckoning

for the seven scriptures we've looked at, or dozens upon dozens

of more like them throughout the Bible.

We are of course concerning ourselves here with the word "day" or

"night and day" as used in the Bible for length of time and not

metaphorically or prophetically as "day" is sometimes used in

both OT and NT

One verse that uses INCLUSIVE counting is found in LK 13:32. 

The wording is plain and clearly shows an inclusive reckoning, 

"....I do cures today, and to morrow, and the third day I shall be


But the Bible also uses EXCLUSIVE reckoning. Notice it - Nehemiah

(5:14) was appointed to be their governor in the land of Judah,

from the twentieth year even unto the two and thirtieth year

of Artaxerxes the king, that is TWELVE YEARS...." From the 20th

year to the 32nd year is 12 years not thirteen years.



Dr. B. cites  SAM. 30:12, 13 as proving inclusive reckoning. Some

length of time SHORTER than 72 hours. But there is absolutely no

reason to give "three days and three nights" here any meaning

except their literal meaning. So we see in this passage "three

days" meaning "three days and three nights."  Suppose the young

man got sick just before sunset Friday - he is found just

before sunset Monday and given food and water - three days and

three nights later.  He looks up and says to David that he got

sick "three days ago."  Three days before sunset Monday would be

sunset Friday. He would not say four days ago, because four days

before sunset Monday would have been sunset Thursday. Working

backward three days and three nights from sunset Monday would

bring us to sunset Friday - truly that would be "three days."


Suppose Esther told the Jews to start fasting for her at the last

hour before sunset Friday. The fast was to be for 3 days - night

and day. Then after three nights and three days she went to the

king - this would be the last hour just before sunset on Monday,

not Sunday morning. Still on the third day but near enough 72

hours later as makes no difference, to when they started to fast

three days earlier.

Other passages such as Gen. 42:~7, 18; 1 Kings 20:29;  Chron.

10:5 are used to prove this inclusive reckoning theory.  However,

none of these passages prove "three days and three nights"

means two nights and one day, or two nights and two days, or

three days and two nights. There is no reason to take any of

these passages in any sense except their literal sense, unless

one has a theory to prove and cling to.


The Bible is not to be understood and interpreted by Jewish

Rabbis or practices. The Bible interprets itself and is written

so a young child can understand the plain statements that are not

symbolic or prophetic.  It is written so a child does not have to

wonder whether "three days and three nights" really means two

nights and one day - whether it means 72 hours or 36 hours or 32

or maybe 39 hours.



I reproduce for you here the scriptural diagram given in Dr.

Bacchiocchi's book.

MARK 8:31 (after three days) = MAT.16:31 (on the third day) =

LUKE 9:22 (on the third day)

MARK 9:31 (after three days) = MAT.17:23 (be raised third day)

MARK 10:34 (after three days) = MAT.20:19 (raised on third day) =

LUKE 18:33 (on the third day he will rise)

After this Dr. B. writes: "IDENTICAL MEANING. This comparison

clearly indicates that Matthew and Luke understand Mark's 'after

three days' as meaning 'on the third day'."

To be sure there was never any doubt in the minds of Matthew,

Luke, or Mark, as to how long Jesus was in the tomb before He was

raised - they knew!

I agree with Dr. Sam when he says the above verses have identical

meaning, because they all knew what they meant to say as to the

length of time Jesus was entombed, whether they said

"after three days" or "on the third day." An event that takes

place exactly 72 hours from a given starting point can be

correctly said to have taken place "on the third day" or "after

three days."

What all the above verses add up to (ON, IN or AFTER three days)

is precisely what Jesus Himself said in MAT. 12:40, namely that

He would be 3 days AND 3 nights -72 hours - in the tomb, just as

Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish.

No contradiction here - only harmony!

The expression "the third day" is very interesting.  It is used

as inclusive counting by Jesus in LK 13:32, "Behold, I cast out

devils, and I do cures today and to morrow, and the third day I

shall be perfected". So the third day from Friday would be

Sunday. Yet if exclusive counting (which the Bible does use as we

have seen) is used, then the third day from Friday is Monday.

Also this expression "the third day" can, BIBLICALLY include

three days and three nights as can be seen in Genesis 1:4 -13:

"God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the

light day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening

(darkness) and the morning (light) were the FIRST DAY.....and the

evening (darkness) and the morning (light) were the SECOND

DAY.....and the evening (now three periods of night) and the

morning (now three periods of light) were the THIRD DAY..." 

This provides an example of how the term "the third day" can be

counted up and shown to include three days AND three nights.

With what Jesus said in John 11:9, 10 about there being twelve

hours in a day (and so twelve hours in a night) and that He would

be three days and three nights in the tomb (MAT. 12:40) together

with one writer using the expression "AFTER three days he will

rise" while two others used "ON the third day" we can now see why

the editors of the WYCLIFFE BIBLE COMMENTARY wrote:  

"According to this view, the entombment lasted a full seventy-two 

hours, from sundown Wednesday to sundown Saturday. Such a view 

gives more reasonable treatment to MT. 12:40. It also explains AFTER

THREE DAYS and ON THE THIRD DAY in a way that does least 

violence to either " (page 984). 


It is pointed out by Dr. Sam that the two men, (late on Sunday)

talking about Christ and all that had taken place, said, "....and

besides all this, it is now the THIRD DAY since this happened"

(LK. 24:21). Of course Sunday from Wednesday would be more than

three days - it would be the 4th or 5th day depending on whether

inclusive or exclusive counting is used.

In answer to this I quote from the book BABYLON MYSTERY 

RELIGION by Ralph Woodrow, pages 138, 139.  "....Because Jesus 

appeared to the disciples on the first day of the week (verse 13), and 

this was the third day since these things were done, would this not

indicate that Jesus died on Friday? This would DEPEND ON HOW 

WE COUNT. If PARTS of a day are counted as a whole, Friday could 

be meant. On the other hand, one day since Friday would have been

Saturday and the THIRD day since Friday would have been Monday!

This method of counting would not indicate Friday. On seeking to

offer an explanation, I submit the following: They had talked about 

'ALL these things which had happened' (verse 14) - more than just one 

event.  If 'these things' included the arrest, the crucifixion, the burial 

and the setting of the seal and watch over the tomb all of these things 

were not done until THURSDAY.....(MAT. 27:62-66).......      

'These things' were not fully completed - were not 'done' - until

the tomb was sealed and guarded. This happened, as we have

already seen, on Thursday of that week ....... Sunday, then, would 

have been 'the third day since these things were done,' but not the third 

day since the crucifixion" (emphasis mine).



Under this section Dr. Bacchiocchi tries to show that there

were NOT two Sabbaths (as we contend) during the Passion week. 

He cites  MAT. 28:1 as a text given to support a Passion

week containing two Sabbaths, "at the end of the Sabbaths." The

Greek for Sabbath is in the plural.  "This," he writes, "is

viewed as a 'vital text'."  Maybe to some it is - I do not view

it as such, but only as additional evidence to give additional

weight to the clear, easy to understand scriptures that do not

need a degree in NT Greek. By itself MAT 28:1 could not prove

that there were two Sabbaths in the Passion week, for as Harold

W. Hoehner (that Dr. B. quotes) has correctly said, "The term

Sabbath is frequently (one-third of all its NT occurrences) in

the plural form in the NT when only one day is in view.

For example, in MT. 12:1-12 both the singular and plural forms

are used (C.F. ESP. V.5)"

(Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ pp. 69-70).

The two sections of scripture that clearly and simply show there

was indeed TWO Sabbaths during Passion week are MARK 16:1 

and LUKE 23:56.  Mark recorded the women BUYING the spices 

AFTER  the Sabbath, while Luke recorded them PREPARING the 

spices (must buy them first in order to prepare them) and then 

RESTING on the Sabbath.

With this light, MAT. 28:1 and other verses do take on special

significance that cannot or should not be swept to one side. 

Notice how FERRAR FENTON translates the following scriptures:

MAT. 28:1, "After the Sabbaths, towards the dawn of the day

following the Sabbaths." 

LK 24:1,  "But at daybreak upon the first day following the


JN 19:20, "Now on the first day following the Sabbaths...."

So I end my replies to Dr.Sam's first and second chapters

To be continued



Written in 1986


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