Friday, May 7, 2021



The Epistle to Hebrews - Introducation #6


The following is taken from the NKJV Personal Study Bible; Nelson
Publishers, 1990,1995.

I. The Son is God's final Word  1:1-4:13

     A. Christ superior to the angels  1:1-3
     B. Christ the eternal Son  1:4-2:18

     1. Superior because of His divine Sonship  1:4-14
     2. We must obey Him  2:1-4
     3. Superior because of His obedient humility  2:5-18

     C. Christ superior to Moses  3:1-4:13

     1. The Son superior to the faithful servant  3:1-6
     2. Christians are not to imitate unfaithful Israel  3:7-4:13

II. The Son is our High Priest  4:14-10:18

     A. Christ's priesthood produced  4:14-5:11

     1. An appropriate priesthood  4:4-16
     2. A superior priesthood  5:1-11

     B. The need for maturity  5:12-6:20

     1. The danger of immaturity  5:12-6:8
     2. God's provision for pressing on  6:9-20

     C. Christ's eternal priesthood  7:1-28

     1. Melchizedek superior to Levi  7:1-10
     2. The Son has replaced Aaron  7:11-28

     D. Christ's exalted priestly ministry  8:1-13

     1. Exercised at God's right hand  8:1-5
     2. Mediating a better covenant  8:6-13

     E. Christ's once for all sacrifice  9:1-10:10

     1. Not offered in the earthly sanctuary  9:1-10
     2. Accomplished by His own blood  9:11-22
     3. Completed once for all  9:23-28
     4. Made effective by obedience  10:1-10

     F. Summary  10:11-18

III. Response to out High Priest  10:9-13:17

     A. Enter the Holiest  10:19-31

     1. Draw near in faith  10:19-25
     2. Do not fall back through disobedience  10:26-31

     B. Persevere in faith  10:32-12:17

     1. You have endured suffering  10:32-39
     2. Old Testament saints endured suffering  11:1-40
     3. Christ endured suffering  12:1-4
     4. All God's children endure suffering  12:5-17

     C. Obey God's voice  12:18-29

     1. Access into God's presence  12:18-24
     2. The urgency of listening to God  12:25-29

     D. Obey in practice  13:1-17

     1. Show brotherly love  13:1-6
     2. Bear Christ's reproach  13:7-17

IV. Blessing and farewell  13: 18-25


Entered on my website November 2006

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