Written March 1997
Keith Hunt
Jesus did not observe the Passover before His death, yet He did observe the Passover, but then it was not, for it was something new He kept with His disciples the previous evening to the Passover, some will say. And further to add still more to the fire, some believe that this Passover that was not really the Passover, but was the Passover, was observed WITHOUT the lamb being sacrificed. To illustrate the above I will quote from, for no other reason than it is one of the latest new books out concerning God's festivals, and gives us all of the above that I have mentioned that many believe. The book is called: GOD'S FESTIVALS - In Scripture and History. The author is Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi, who is more famous for his work FROM SABBATH TO SUNDAY. All emphasis and CAPITALS are mine. Quote: page 55. ".......according to the Gospel of John, Jesus was crucified on the day the Passover lamb was sacrificed(John 19:14; 18:28), Nisan 14. This means He ate the Last Supper with His disciples the day before the OFFICIAL Passover meal(this was the Passover meal observed by the Pharisees and their followers at the end of the 14th day, official in the sense that the lambs were slain in the Temple by the Priesthood, and that most of Judah followed this custom and tradition. This so called "official" Passover did not automatically make it scriptural - K. Hunt). In this case, Jesus' meal with His disciples MAY HAVE BEEN EITHER a specially arranged Passover meal or a farewell fellowship meal UNRELATED to the Passover, because it was partaken of the evening before the OFFICIAL Passover......" Page 56. "An Early Passover Meal. A PLAUSIBLE resolution of the discrepancy is to ASSUME that the Last Supper was a special paschal meal eaten the evening before the OFFICIAL Passover meal.......Jesus knew He would suffer death at Passover in fulfilment of the type provided by the slaying of the paschal lamb on the 14. He knew He could not possibly eat of the paschal lamb at the USUAL TIME and Himself be sacrificed as the true Paschal Lamb WHEN THE LAMBS WERE SLAIN.(remember Dr. B is talking about the slaying of the lambs at the usual time in the Temple by the Priesthood on the afternoon of the 14th. We have seen in previous studies this was not when the Passover lamb was slain in Exodus 12 - K.Hunt).........Jesus anticipated His eating of the PASSOVER with His disciples to the evening before the OFFICIAL Passover......(see how Dr.B calls what Jesus did the evening before the official Passover - the Passover - K.Hunt).........Christ's awareness that His death would occur on Passover day COULD HAVE CAUSED Him to anticipate His last paschal meal with His disciples a DAY EARLIER......"(again Dr.B says what Jesus ate with His disciples was a "paschal meal" - K.Hunt). Page 57. ".......This explains the SENSE OF URGENCY in the instructions Jesus gave to His disciples: 'Go into the city to a certain one, and say to him, The Teacher says, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at your house with my disciples' (Matt.26:18). (I want you to remember what he states. Jesus was in a sense of urgency. Later as we read the context to this I want you to note if it was Jesus who spoke first about observing the Passover or if it was His disciples first, and they who were in a sense of urgency and NOT Jesus - K.Hunt). The phrase 'My time is at hand' presumably refers to the short time left to Passover when the 'Son of man will be delivered up to be crucified.' Because of such shortness of time, HASTY ARRANGEMENTS HAD TO BE MADE FOR A SPECIAL PASSOVER MEAL......"(once more I want you to remember what Dr.B has written here. As we look at the accounts in the Gospels later, we shall see if it really was that hasty in arrangements, or if everything was ready for them in the room to prepare the Passover. Notice also Dr. B calls it a "Passover meal" but....."special" - K.Hunt). continuing same page: "........Jesus knew in advance of His impending death at Passover and, consequently, He showed His love towards His disciples by ARRANGING FOR AN EARLY PASCHAL SUPPER, at which, among other things, He washed His disciples' feet.......In this case it was the foreknowledge of the occurrence of His death ......that COULD HAVE led Jesus to arrange for an EARLY PASCHAL meal with His disciples......."(so far Dr.B is still calling this early meal a "paschal meal" - K. Hunt). Page 58. "Last Supper in the Synoptic Gospels..........IF the Last Supper was simply a FAREWELL FELLOWSHIP MEAL during which Jesus instituted the Holy Communion, then the latter is NOT LINKED TO THE PASSOVER FESTIVAL, but is a BRAND-NEW rite instituted by Christ to commemorate His death. In this case, Passover CAME TO AN END when Jesus died on the cross as the true Paschal Lamb, and the Lord's Supper must be seen as a NEW INSTITUTION TOTALLY UNRELATED to Passover(I would agree with all he says here - K.Hunt).......The synoptic Gospels CONSISTENTLY and REPEATEDLY speak of the last Supper as 'the Passover'...........The phrase 'to eat the passover' which occurs again in Jesus' instructions to His disciples(Mark 14:15; Matt.26:18; Luke 22:11), refers EXCLUSIVELY to the PASSOVER meal, which was the essence of the celebration of the festival......"(what Dr.B shows and proves here is that the synoptic Gospels call the meal Jesus and His disciples partook of as THE PASSOVER, plain and simple. Nothing is said about it being something new or even an evening earlier than when Jesus normally observed it - K.Hunt). So far we have a MAYBE, a POSSIBILITY, that this meal Jesus was having with His disciples was a NEW institution, the evening before the so called "official" Passover meal. Yet as Dr.B shows from the synoptic Gospels there is NO indication from them that this meal was ANYTHING OTHER than the "eating of the Passover." Now on to the idea that at this last Passover meal there was NO lamb sacrificed and eaten. Page 66-67. "Passover Meal Without the Lamb. So far I have argued that the Last Supper was part of a real Passover meal with the lamb, though it was partaken of a day earlier because Jesus knew His crucifixion would take place at the time of the slaying of the paschal lambs. I have SUGGESTED that such a meal could have been eaten a day earlier with a lamb........Without discounting this conclusion, we should consider ANOTHER POSSIBILITY, namely, that the last Supper was a SPECIAL Passover meal not ONLY because it was partaken of a day earlier, but also because the item which gave the most significance to the meal, the paschal lamb, WAS LACKING........POSSIBLY Jesus wanted His last Passover Supper with His disciples to be eaten WITHOUT THE LAMB to impress upon them the fact that He was their Paschal Lamb. Therefore, He COULD HAVE planned that they celebrate Passover not by eating the flesh of the lamb and pouring out its blood at the Temple's altar, but by partaking symbolically of His own flesh and blood, their true Paschal Lamb........MAYBE Jesus instructed His disciples to prepare the Passover meal without the lamb because He wanted to impress upon them that He Himself was their Paschal Lamb that would be sacrificed the next day. He wanted to institute a new Passover to commemorate deliverance from the bondage of sin through the sacrifice of Himself, the true Paschal lamb. As such, there was no need of a roasted lamb for the new Passover meal. The bread and wine, symbols of His body and blood, were sufficient......" So we have words like "another possibility" - "possibly" - "could have" - "maybe" and some human reasoning. No scripture is given to support this "another possibility" for as we shall see as we investigate in-depth the accounts of the synoptic Gospels, they PLAINLY record Jesus and the disciples ATE the Passover. And eating the Passover, using such language, would have automatically in any mind of a Jew meant just that - eating the Passover, the lamb being the central eating of the Passover. LET'S INVESTIGATE THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS Our first question we need to ask and answer is: Did Jesus' disciples KNOW IN ADVANCE this meal was going to be a SPECIAL EARLY Passover meal? IF Jesus had previously told His disciples that they were not going to observe the Passover towards the END of the 14th as they usually did with Him(supposing for the sake of argument that was the time they had always observed it with Jesus as the original correct time going back to Exodus 12), IF He had beforehand told them He was going to have an early Passover day supper with them, as He had tried to tell them that this Passover was the time when He was to be betrayed and crucified. IF He had said these things to them to make it plain what was going to happen on this special 14th day, the day He would die, then surely somewhere, by at least one of the four Gospel writers, there would have been words recorded for us that Jesus DID TELL THEM they would be having a new early Passover supper in which the New Covenant symbols of foot washing, bread and wine, would be instituted as a memorial of His death for the sins of the world. Jesus had told them He was going to be betrayed and crucified at the coming Passover. That previous foretelling of Christ to His disciples IS recorded for us. Surely IF He had told them in advance about His RADICLE(and believe me it would have been a radicle undertaking to depart from the official and true time, if it was the true time, to observe the Passover) CHANGE to have a new and early Passover supper, THEN SOME WORDS SOMEWHERE WOULD HAVE BEEN RECORDED FOR US THAT HE DID TELL HIS DISCIPLES ABOUT WHAT HE WAS PLANNING TO OBSERVE AND INSTITUTE WITH THEMAT THE BEGINNING OF THE 14TH!!
Nowhere can we find any words such as: "My fellow disciples, come here, I want to tell you what we are going to do on the Passover day this year. As I am going to be betrayed and crucified to death on the afternoon, as I've already told you, as I will not be able to observe the Passover meal with you at the end of the 14th as we have previously done. Because of this, we shall have a special Passover meal at the beginning of the day. It will become the New Covenant memorial service in remembrance of my death." No such words as the above can be found in the New Testament. Nothing even remotely close to them can be found. I submit to you that something as IMPORTANT as the introduction and institution of a NEW Passover memorial service at the BEGINNING of the 14th. A service to commemorate and remember the BODY and BLOOD of one who was God, given for the sins of all human kind, WOULD NOT HAVE GONE UNRECORDED for us. Some NT writer somewhere would have surely been inspired to have written about THIS NEW(IF IT WAS NEW) MEMORIAL SERVICE, in the sense of telling us it was INDEED NEW AND AT A NEW TIME OF THE 14TH. But the NT is SILENT about any such idea as it being a NEW Passover supper, meal, or memorial service, from the point of TIME! Jesus had told them He was going to be handed over to the authorities and crucified. But I as proved to you in the first study in this series, IT WENT COMPLETELY OVER THEIR HEADS! They could not grasp it, could not understand it, could not believe it. And why should they. As I showed you before, it was not in the theology of the Jews and their religions to acquaint the Passover lamb and its death to the Messiah to come and the death of that Messiah. Such thoughts were the furthest thing from their mind. They could only see a Messiah that would live and lead the Jews to overthrow the Roman Empire and establish the Jewish nation as leader in the world under God. They could not envision a suffering and dying Messiah. The coming Passover was for them going to be no different than other Passover days they had observed with Jesus. He was all powerful, why even the very forces of nature obeyed Him. The words of Jesus that He would be betrayed and crucified just went right over their heads. While they were at supper and Jesus told them one of them was going to betray Him, they were in utter shock at the thought of such a thing. Peter was so sure he would stand with Him. Peter even drew his sword in the garden and sliced off the ear of one coming to arrest Jesus. He was ready to fight. They no doubt thought this was the time when God through the Messiah was going to restore the Kingdom to Israel, deliver Israel again at the Passover season from bondage to their captors. As the events unfolded before their eyes, they were numb with shock and confusion, running away, and Peter even denying he knew this man Jesus. The following day as Jesus hung on the cross dying, they were crying, bewildered, their world had it seemed come to an end. They just did not know what was going on. How could their Messiah with all the power He had exhibited through hundreds of miracles they had seen Him perform over three and one half years, be up on that cross dying before their eyes. It must have seemed like the worst science horror movie that anyone could have dreamed up. All of this as recorded in the Gospels cannot possibly give any credible proof, actually just the opposite, to any idea that the disciples KNEW BEFOREHAND, understood beforehand, that Jesus was the Passover lamb to be slain, that the new memorial service(without a lamb as some think it was) at the new time of the beginning of the 14th(going along with the false idea that the Passover had always originally been at the end of the 14th), they had beforehand been told they would celebrate, was all to be taken in stride, as they knew it was to fulfil the prophecies concerning the fist coming of the Messiah. As Jesus hung on the cross to die there are no words coming from the disciples as saying: "Oh, do not fret about all this, for we know it was written so, that it must be so. We know the Messiah is to die and be raised again to eternal life the third day. Let us not cry, or be shaken in spirit, we understand this is to fulfil prophecy, and so we will look to the next prophecies that tell us about His resurrection." After Jesus had been put in the garden tomb as a dead man, they thought it was all over. Peter wanted to go back fishing. The ladies coming on that Sunday morning did not realize He had been resurrected, they were concerned about how they could roll away the stone to anoint His body. When they arrived and found the stone rolled away, they were confused, they did not say, "Oh of course we know He is resurrected." The angels at the tomb HAD TO TELL THEM Jesus was resurrected as He had told them He would be! One of the ladies thinking she was talking to the gardener pleaded with him to tell her where they had removed Jesus' body. Then He revealed to her who He was! The ladies were to go tell the 12 disciples Jesus was risen. They did not expect it to happen. Thomas still did not believe it even after the others had seen Jesus for themselves. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus could not put it together, they were bewildered and confused over it all. Jesus had to reprimand them for being slow of heart to believe all that the prophets had spoken about the Messiah. What all this CLEARLY SHOWS is that whatever had been told them beforehand by Jesus concerning His coming death and resurrection, it went in one ear and out the other. There is no indication from THEIR SIDE that they knew Jesus was going to have an early Passover supper with them because He would be dead on the afternoon of the 14th. No indication from THEM that they knew Jesus was going to institute a new memorial service with new symbols at a new time of the 14th. As we shall clearly find in the synoptic Gospels ALL EVIDENCE is that they thought they were going to have a regular PASSOVER MEAL, at the USUAL TIME of the 14th, in the usual manner with Jesus AS THEY HAD ALWAYS DONE with Him over the three and one half years they had followed Him. It was just a casual matter of fact question on their part, "where will you that we prepare for you to eat the passover?" Second question: Is there any place in the Gospels where we can find some words of Christ Himself telling His disciples that they would on this Passover day in which He would be betrayed and crucified, have a special early Passover fellowship meal together. Can we find where He told them this last Passover was going to be DIFFERENT, different in many respects but especially WHEN they would eat together, and the new symbols He would introduce to them for the New Covenant era? Please read the last few chapters of each Gospel. See if you can find any words similar to or even close to something like this: "I must tell you fellows that this coming Passover day will be quite different than any Passover day you have ever experienced. For starters, we shall celebrate the Passover meal the evening before, at the beginning of the 14th and not the end of the 14th, and then........." We can see the writers of the Gospels did not record that THEY or any DISCIPLE said they knew that this last Passover Jesus was to celebrate while on earth was going to be DIFFERENT than all the others they had observed with Jesus, EXCEPT that Christ had told them beforehand that at this Passover He was to be betrayed and crucified. And THAT WAS ALL they recorded for us that Jesus told them! There are no words, or even any hints, that Christ mentioned ANYTHING about a DIFFERENT TIME to have the Passover meal or fellowship gathering, or farewell without a lamb sacrifice, get together. Third question: Was it JESUS who was in a state of or "sense of urgency" in the instructions He gave to His disciples about WHERE to observe the Passover, OR is the truth more in keeping with it being the DISCIPLES that were in a state of panic and urgency TOWARDS Jesus as to observing the Passover which was UPON THEM as the 14th of Nisan had arrived? Is the truth more that Jesus was NOT CONCERNED, in no state of panic or any sense of URGENCY, about observing the Passover, as He KNEW where they would observe it, and that all was made ready for Him and His disciples? Who APPROACHED who about observing the Passover? Was it Jesus coming to His disciples in a sense of urgency, or was it the disciples coming to Jesus with some urgent panic in their mind, concerning the observance of the Passover? The word of the Lord gives us the answer if we will but read it and believe it for what it plainly states to us. Matthew 26:17 tells us: ".....the DISCIPLES CAME TO JESUS, saying unto Him, Where will you that we prepare for you to eat the Passover?" Mark 14:12 says: "......His DISCIPLES said TO HIM......" Luke 22:7,8 gives that Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare the Passover. From the above the evidence is that the DISCIPLES first came to Jesus on the day, at the very beginning of the day when the Passover lambs were killed to ask Jesus WHERE they should prepare to eat the Passover. The evidence is that Jesus had said NOTHING to them about the place where they would observe the Passover meal, and when the time came they could no longer contain themselves in THEIR state of urgency, but had to enquire from the Lord as to where they should go to prepare the Passover meal. Fourth question: Did Jesus have everything under control as to knowing not only WHERE they would observe the Passover, but ALSO that many physical preparations had already been done for them so no panic was needed by anyone? All would go as it had in the past years of observing the Passover with Christ. Matthew 26:18-19 Jesus sends them to a certain man to tell him that they would observe the Passover in his house. Mark 14:13-16 adds a little more for us. A man carrying water was very unusual to see, as it was mainly women who did such things. They were to follow him. He would lead them to the house and the guestchamber where they would eat the Passover. They were shown a large upper room, and notice it, FURNISHED AND PREPARED! Luke 22:8-13 says about the same as Mark. Clearly all was well under control. Jesus was in no state of urgency or panic! He knew exactly where He would observe the Passover with His disciples. He knew the room was all furnished and ready. Had the man of the house been told in a dream? Had God sent an angel to tell him Jesus would observe the Passover at his home in his upper room? The word does not tell us! But we can see the man was not "put out" or upset because he was not ready for such a group of men to come for the Passover. Whatever can be said or imagined as to how this was all done, the fact is clear that all was prepared for Jesus' disciples to come and prepare the Passover. Fifth question: Is there anything stated in the synoptic Gospels that show this was SOMETHING OTHER than "the passover"? Is there anything said to show it was an "early Passover" or a "farewell meal" or a "last supper together" gathering? Matthew 26:17-19. The disciples come to Jesus saying: ".....Where will you that we PREPARE for you to eat THE PASSOVER." Jesus tells them to tell the man of the house that He will "keep THE PASSOVER at your house." The disciples did as Jesus had appointed them and "they MADE READY THE PASSOVER." Pretty plain easy to understand words to me - Jesus and His disciples were observing THE PASSOVER! Mark 14:13-16 gives us PASSOVER in verse 12, and in verse 14, and once more in verse 16. Luke 22:8-13 they prepared the Passover, they were going to observe in the guest-chamber "the Passover" and they made ready "the Passover." Notice verse 15, "And He said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat THIS PASSOVER with you before I suffer." Simple if you read it as a little child. Jesus and His disciples were observing THE PASSOVER and at the BEGINNING OF THE 14TH, just as we have proved in previous studies, the first and original Passover in Exodus 12 was to be slain and observed at dusk, and eaten that night of the 14th. How easy to understand when you put aside the traditions of Judaism that made none effect the laws and commandments of God. The disciples had no idea what was going to take place on this Passover day. They had not yet come to understand Jesus was the true Passover lamb that would die on the 14th of Nisan. They were not expecting Him to die. They were going ahead observing a Passover meal that to them was just one more in the process of time as the years went by, no different than the others they had observed with Him. It was THE Passover, at the beginning of the 14th as ever before in all the years they had observed it, some with John the Baptist, as part of his disciples, and now for three and a half years with Jesus as part of His disciples. It was THE Passover as the synoptic Gospel writers plainly and clearly record, no new time, no different than ones previously observed by Jesus......well it was no different UNTIL the night proceeded along and Jesus Himself started to make it quite different by the things He began to do and introduce to them, as to how the Passover would for Christians become quite different under the New Covenant, in the way it would be observed and the symbols it would contain. Sixth question: Did they EAT the Passover meal with the lamb? Just because the lamb is not specifically mentioned by name really does not prove anything as to the idea that at this last Passover meal Jesus may not have called for the sacrificing of a lamb, the idea Dr.B throws at us on pages 66,67 of his book "God's Festivals." Looking at the verses already given in Matthew, Mark and Luke, we can see the word EAT used over and over again. In Luke 22:15 Jesus says , ".....With desire I have desired to EAT THIS PASSOVER with you...." The whole ceremony, observance and keeping of the Passover under Moses, as given in the books of Moses, was fundamentally bound up and founded upon the main element of the observance(besides the slaying of the lamb) and that was the EATING of the lamb. The Passover was not completely and fully observed WITHOUT the EATING of the lamb. It is not the purpose of this study to go into detail to prove that point. Fred Coulter in his book called "The Christian Passover" gives forth that detailed proof, which the reader can study for himself/herself. The Passover meal would not have been a meal or supper WITHOUT the EATING of the lamb. This last Passover was called a supper by the writers of the Gospels. It was very much a SUPPER MEAL, and Jesus desired to EAT this Passover with His disciples before He suffered and was killed on the cross. There is nothing in the Gospels to indicate the disciples did not prepare this Passover supper meal as they would have any other Passover meal they had observed with Jesus in the past. They did not know it would be His last on this earth. They did not know He was to die the next afternoon. They asked Him where they should go to "prepare the Passover" and nothing is stated by Jesus to give them any idea it was not another regular Passover meal they were to go and prepare. Jesus in fact sent them and told them to prepare it as it was His desire to eat that Passover with them before He suffered and died. When the truth is known as we have brought out in these studies so far. This was a regular true Passover observance, at the beginning of the 14th, as it should have been, with everything the Passover was to have for a supper meal - unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and the roasted lamb. Seventh question: When did Jesus arrive to observe this Passover meal? The synoptic Gospels bring out that it was the day when the Passover lambs must be killed. It was from this and many other verses the 14th of Nisan. Just about no one disputes the fact that Jesus had this last Passover meal where He instituted the New Covenant symbols of His memorial death service, on the night of the 14th, at the beginning of the 14th. Jesus sent two of His disciples to prepare this Passover, which they did. He did not go with them to help them prepare it, nor did all the other disciples. They came to Him probably as the sun was setting, going down over the horizon. Somewhat in urgency because he had said nothing so far to them as to where they would observe the Passover. He tells them how to find the place which was already ready, and there to prepare the Passover. Some have estimated that to kill and clean, and roast a lamb ready for eating for 12 or so men, would probably take from three and a half to five hours(see the book "The Christian Passover" by F.Coulter). Luke 22:14 says: "And when the HOUR was come, He sat down and the twelve apostles with Him." Sunset in Palestine about the Passover time of the year could have been around 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. or later depending on whether a 13th month had been added to the calendar(which it must be added from time to time) that year. So Jesus may not have sat down with the twelve until 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. to start eating this Passover meal. The main point is that it did take a number of hours to prepare the Passover meal ready to be eaten. Jesus came later with the other disciples to the upper room, after the Passover had been prepared and the night was well on its way. It was during or after this Passover meal that Jesus introduced the New Covenant ordinances of the foot washing, bread and wine. It was at NIGHT all this took place, just as Paul said it was in 1 Cor.11, the same night in which He was betrayed. There are still some more verses that puzzle some about this last Passover both in the synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John. Those we shall begin to look at in our next study. ......................................................
Written March 1997 by
Keith Hunt
It has been a puzzle to many who read the KJV to find sentences in the Gospels that say: "Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto Him, Where will you that we prepare for you to eat the passover"(Mat.26:17). Something similar is said in Mark 14:12, yet there it seems to say they killed the passover on the first day of unleavened bread. And Luke says the same as Mark(Luke 22:7). Reading the plain easy to understand scriptures in the books of Moses as we have done in our previous studies, we clearly find as in Lev.23 and Num.28 that the Passover was the 14th day and the first day of the Unleavened Bread feast was the 15th. This 15th day was also a holy convocation day - a Sabbath assembly day, as was the last or 7th day of this Unleavened Bread feast. Days began at even in Israel as seen from WHEN to observe the feast of Atonement in Lev.23. So how could it be possible that the disciples came to Jesus on the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread as Matthew seems to say, which would then be the 15th day of the first month, which would also be a Sabbath, and ask Jesus where they could prepare the Passover which obviously they had not yet killed and eaten. Where they killing the Passover on the 15th, a Sabbath day? Did Jesus die on the 15th, a Sabbath day? Of course not! The Gospel of John tells us they were in a hurry to take Jesus down from the cross and place Him in the garden tomb BECAUSE the Sabbath drew on - the Sabbath of the feast - the 15th. The law of Moses stated that no one should remain dead on a tree over any night of any day(Deut.21:23 with John 19:31). The Passover lambs were never to be killed on a Sabbath day. There is NO HISTORY of the Jews that teaches or recorded that the Jews ever killed the lambs of the Passover on ANY Sabbath day(at least the Jews that John has in mind in his gospel, who were using the 14th as a preparation day for the coming 15th Sabbath). There was much work in slaying and roasting the lambs, never did God allow the Passover sacrifice to be done on a Sabbath. Certainly the Pharisee sect that killed the lambs at the Temple never taught or practiced doing it on any Sabbath. They did it in the afternoon of the 14th, leading up to the Sabbath of the 15th, which was the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread proper, from the evening at the end of the 14th to the evening at the end of the 21st day(Exodus 12:18). The scribes and Pharisees and their followers who practiced and taught this way to observe the sacrifice of the Passover, leading into the 15th Sabbath, were doing JUST THAT as John records for us in the last chapters of his Gospel. All is very clear from all four Gospel writers that Jesus died on the afternoon of the 14th, after He had observed the Passover at the beginning of the 14th(the night before), at dusk(when it was killed) and on into that night(as we have seen in earlier studies). As the Passover at the end of the 14th(for those who followed the Pharisee teaching and practice) which led up to the 15th Sabbath day, they wanted Jesus down from the tree and in the tomb. This is very clear from the Gospel of John. So how on earth could the first day of the Unleavened Bread feast have arrived and Jesus had not yet observed the Passover, yet observe it on the 14th, die on the 14th, when it seems to say, it was already the 15th, the first day of the feast of UB, and Jesus had yet to observe the Passover? It does seem rather confusing to say the least. It is such seemingly contradictions of the Bible that make many into "sceptics" and even agnostics of the Bible. Because of such things many stumble and fall backward, and reject the Bible as inspired, and often they reject the truth that there is a God who does not contradict Himself in His word. A FEW KEYS TO UNDERSTAND THE KJV Many KJV Bibles will use italics for many words. Maybe you have wondered why, maybe you already know why. In case someone reading this does not know why italic words are found in English translations of the Bible, I will state the reason here. All italic words are to tell you that such words ARE NOT in the original Greek! They were added by the translators to try and make the reading easier to comprehend. Sometimes, maybe most of the time, such is the case, BUT sometimes it actually not only does not help, it makes things worse and ends up causing what seems to be contradictions with other scriptures. Now to add to that, sometimes words that are not in italics and so making it appear that they are IN the original Greek, ARE NOT THERE EITHER! So the original Greek becomes very important to have and see when we are dealing with some of the verses that seem to contradict one another. Let's go to the Greek. Here is how the Greek reads as translated into English from the Textus Receptus in the Greek/English Interlinear by George Ricker Berry Ph.D. Luke 22:7,8. "And came the day of unleavened in which was needful to be killed the passover. And He sent Peter and John saying, Having gone prepare for us the passover, that we may eat." Matt.26:17. "Now on the first of unleavened came the disciples to Jesus, saying to Him, Where will you we should prepare for you to eat the passover." Mark 14:12. "And on the first day of unleavened, when the passover they killed, say to Him His disciples, Where desirest you going we should prepare that you mayest eat the passover." It is very clear that Jesus and His disciples HAD NOT YET prepared and eaten the Passover meal. It is just as clear that they came to Him concerning WHERE to prepare the Passover ON THE DAY THEY KILLED THE PASSOVER. We know from the truth of Exodus 12 this was in the evening, at sun-set, between the two evenings, at DUSK, when the sun went down over the horizon TO START THE DAY OF THE 14TH, the day they killed the Passover lambs! As we can plainly see from the Gospels this was the 14th day of Nisan, the first month, NOT the 15th or ANY other day but the 14th. Remember the 15th was the Sabbath that was coming on in the Gospel of John, the first day of the FEAST of UB, when they hurriedly wanted Jesus' body down off the cross and into the garden tomb. I want you to NOTICE the word "bread" is not in the Greek! Of course by implication bread is meant, for "unleavened" was to do with BREAD not gape juice or fried green tomatoes. MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT is to notice the fact that the word "feast" is NOT USED!! None of the accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, use the word "feast" with the word "unleavened." The Greek language did have a word for "feast." John used it in a number of times in his Gospel(i.e. chapter 13:1; 7:2). They did not use it in the verses above to be specific. Luke used the word feast in chapter 22:1. He and the others did not use it when they were referring to THE DAY they killed the Passover lambs, and on which day the disciples came to Jesus to ask Him where they should prepare the Passover meal for them to eat. They had VERY GOOD REASON why they DID NOT use it. They did not want you to believe this was the 15th day of the month, the first Sabbath day, the holy convocation day, of the seven day FEAST of Unleavened Bread. Oh, it was indeed THE FIRST OF UNLEAVENED(bread) in an official, God commanded way, that unleavened bread was to be used and eaten. I shall show you how this was so shortly, if you have not yet called to mind the instructions of Exodus 12. And I will show you from Jewish CUSTOM and TRADITIONS that this 14th day was a day, the first official day in their religious traditions, to be unleavened. First, I want to look at the term "the unleavened" as it is in the Greek. It is "toon azumoon." And it is the plural of ta azuma. The plural form toon azumoon, "the unleavened" reflects the point it is or can be MORE than the 7 day feast of UB. The plural form is unlimited unless it is limited by the specific use of a number along with it. Here in the verses above there is no such limiting number used with this plural form. Let's once more re-examine in basic form, and the outline of the use of unleavened bread, that God gave to Israel through Moses in the law of Moses. From our previous studies we have seen: 1. By the first day of the FEAST of UB, all leavened bread was to have been put out of the houses(Ex.12:15,19). Verse 15 is correctly "shall have put out leaven" as it is in the past tense in the Hebrew. So past action competed by the start or beginning of the 15th day. But past action a few seconds UP TO the beginning of the 15th is still past action to the start of the 15th. 2. No leaven was to be found in their homes during the seven day feast of UB(Ex.12:19). 3. They were to eat unleavened bread for seven days starting with the or on the 15th day and continuing for seven full days(Lev.23:6-8; Deut.16:3). 4. The first(15th day) and the seventh(21st day) of this first month of Nisan/Abid, was to be holy convocation days, no servile work performed, they were Sabbath days(Ex.12;16,Lev.23:6-8; Deut.16:8; Num.28:17-25). 5. No leaven was to be within their boarders, the entire country was to be without leavened bread(Ex.13:7), although it could possibly be argued that "quarters" here means houses or dwelling places only. 6. The Passover meal was to be eaten with UNleavened bread. No leavened bread was to be eaten with the Passover meal(Ex.12:8). This last point IS VERY IMPORTANT! Remember it! Mark it in your Bible! It was the law of the Lord, it was a command of God, it was a precept of the Eternal, that ONLY UNleavened bread was to be eaten with the Passover meal! This 14th day was then the FIRST OFFICIAL God commanded day within the context of His FEASTS, that unleavened bread was to be used and eaten. The 14th day of Nisan is a FEAST day all to itself, different from and apart from the FEAST of the 7 days of Unleavened Bread which began on the 15th day of the first month, and continued until the end of the 21st day. The 14th day is NOWHERE in the law of Moses commanded to be observed as a COMPLETE, 24 HOUR, DAY OF UNLEAVENED BREAD ONLY EATING, WHERE LEAVENED BREAD WAS TO HAVE BEEN PUT OUT OF THE HOMES BY THE BEGINNING OF THIS 14TH DAY!! NOTE THAT FACT, NEVER FORGET IT! Because some have forgotten this fact of truth, they believe the 14th day must also be a day where leavened bread must be put out of their homes, and only unleavened bread eaten. They believe by the time the 14th day is to START, at the end of the 13th day, in the evening, at sunset, dusk, of the 14th, all leavened bread is to be out of their houses. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE LAW OF MOSES SAYS! It was UP TO and by the time of the beginning of the 15th day, that all leaven was to be out of the homes. With the START of this 15th day no leavened bread was to be eaten for seven full days, but ONLY Unleavened bread was to be partaken of with their meals. This is VERY CLEAR from all the scriptures on the subject within the books of Moses. UNLEAVENED bread was to be eaten with the Passover meal on the 14th, at the beginning of the 14th, in the night of the 14th. So it was a day of UNleavened (bread) in that sense ONLY! It was the FIRST official God appointed day of the new year, in which unleavened bread was, as a command, to be eaten. It was a SPECIAL day, it was the PASSOVER DAY. It was the first of God's SEVEN festivals. So it is not surprising that the Gospel writers said "Now THE first of unleavened, when they killed the Passover...." Putting some emphasis on THE DAY. That 14th day was indeed special - it was the Passover day, the day of the first commanded eating of unleavened bread. But it was never a command of the Lord that the entire day was to be unleavened in both eating and in their homes. Some just think it odd and strange that after observing the memorial of our Lord's death with unleavened bread, we should or could go back to eating leavened bread again until the 15th arrives so many hours later. Yet it should not be that strange when you consider the 14th day was NEVER by God instituted as a holy convocation day, a "no servile" work day, or called a Sabbath day. It could just as easily be asked that after having a serious memorial service at the beginning of the 14th, in the night of the 14th, why should we be able to work at our servile jobs the next day, for the 14th is not a Sabbath. The answer to that is found in the typology of the day and the prophecies concerning the suffering Messiah. What Jesus was to be put through, His trials, His mocking, His buffeting, His scourging, His walking to the hill of crucifixion half dead already, and hanging on the cross where He was finally thrust through with a spear and killed, WAS NOT SABBATH ACTIVITY!! He after observing the Passover with His disciples, eating unleavened bread(picturing righteousness - 1 Cor. 5), WENT OUT INTO THE SINFUL WORLD AGAIN TO FACE SIN AND TO LOOK IT IN THE FACE AND OVERCOME IT. THEN HE ENTERED THE REST OF THE GREAT FEAST THAT PICTURES THE PUTTING AWAY OF SIN TO DO HOLY PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS - THE FEAST OF PERFECTION, THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD! JESUS RESTED IN HOLINESS FOR THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF THAT FEAST AND WAS RAISED IN PERFECTION TO EVER LIVE IN THAT PERFECTION, AND NEVER AGAIN EVEN TO BE TEMPTED TO SIN(Heb.4:15). THE 14TH WAS THE FIRST OFFICIAL DAY OF UNLEAVENED BREAD FOR THE PHARISEES AND THEIR FOLLOWERS There is a dual meaning as to why Matthew, Mark, and Luke used the phrase "And on the first of unleavened." It was not only the first official day as given by the Lord in which unleavened bread was commanded to be eaten(with the Passover meal) as we have seen, but the popular scribe and Pharisee religion that most of the religious Jews followed, also had a TRADITION, and let me give emphasis to the word TRADITION, THAT LEAVEN BREAD WAS TO BE PUT AWAY BY AND DURING THE 14TH DAY OF NISAN. From the NEW UNGER'S BIBLE DICTIONARY, page 411, we read: "......The 13th of Nisan. On the evening of the 13th Nisan........every head of a family searched for and collected by the light of a candle all the leaven. before beginning the search, he pronounced the following benediction: ' Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with thy commandments, and has enjoined us to remove the leaven.' After the search he said, ' Whatever leaven remains in my possession which I cannot see, behold, it is null, and accounted as the dust of the earth.' "......The 14th Nisan........Handicraftsmen, with the exception of tailors, barbers, and laundresses, were obliged to cease from work, either from the morning or from noon, according to the custom of the different places in Palestine. No leaven was allowed to be eaten after noon, when all that had been found either on this day or the preceding one was to be burned........" Let me put this all in simple language for you. The people who followed the scribes and Pharisees in their traditions of religion, would start to clear the house of leavened bread, crumbs etc. on the 13th of Nisan IF NOT BEFORE THAT! For the reason that by the time the 14th day had come at evening time, when the 14th began, the head of the household would make one final search and look for leaven using the benedictions mentioned above for the start of the search and for the end thereof. It was done on the night of the 14th by candle-light. The next day, the daylight part of the 14th, by noon at the latest, NO MORE LEAVEN WAS TO BE EATEN, and all leaven had been burned. This 14th day of Nisan under the religion of the Pharisees was for all intents and purposes, a DAY OF NO LEAVEN. They had even made it a semi-Sabbath day as only certain trades were to work on that day, everyone else stopping work either from morning or the latest from noon, depending as we read, what the CUSTOM was in their part of Palestine. You see now a little more of those TRADITIONS of men that made void the commandments of God, Jesus so often spoke against concerning the religion of the scribes and Pharisees. You see how much they had added to and changed the laws concerning the Passover day as given in the books of Moses. They had through the process of time moved the sacrifice of the Passover from the beginning of the 14th, to the near end of the 14th. They had moved the killing of the Passover lambs from the heads of groups of people gathered here and there in Jerusalem(Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare the Passover), to having the Priesthood kill the lambs, and that not in houses but in the Temple. They even went as far as having all the leaven out of their homes by the beginning of the 14th, as they had one more final search by candle-light for leaven. None were to eat leaven after at least noon of the 14th. Then after all that it did not stop there, they had made the 14th into a semi-Sabbath day. None of the above customs and traditions were part of the laws of the Passover day according to the books of Moses. The law of the Passover meal was very clear in Exodus 12. The lamb was to be killed at DUSK, between the two evenings, at the start of the 14th, and only UNleavened bread was to be eaten with THAT meal. The 14th day was NOT a Sabbath, and it was NOT a complete full day of no leaven in the house, or to be eaten. No leaven was to be eaten with the Passover meal, and that was it, period! All leaven was to be out by the time the 15th day started, and from that time through to the end of the 21st day, only UNleavened bread was to be eaten. A full and complete perfect seven days. This was the command of the Lord, no more and no less! Now we see no contradiction in the word of the Lord. All harmonizes perfectly. The scripture cannot be broken as Jesus told us. The 14th day as it arrived, as the sun set over the horizon, as that day arrived when they killed the Passover, as they were about to start to kill the Passover (those who knew the truth and did not follow the Pharisees) at the beginning of the 14th, in their different groups, in different homes within and around the extended city limits of Jerusalem. As it was the first official God ordered, commanded day of the year to eat UNleavened bread on during the Passover meal(and even unleavened as far as the Pharisee religious traditions went), Matthew, Mark and Luke correctly said: "Now on the first of unleavened, the disciples came to Jesus and said, Where shall be go to prepare the Passover for you to eat." Next time we shall look at a few passages in the Gospel of John that puzzle and confuse many. ..........................................
The 14th - A day of Unleaven?
Why did Matthew, Mark, Luke, say it was unleaven?
by Keith Hunt As most scholars know, a careful studying of the harmony of the Gospels, will reveal that Jesus kept the Passover with His disciples on the "evening" of the 14th of Abib or Nisan (in the Jewish calendar, corresponding to our March/April). On that evening, which was the beginning of the 14th, Jesus introduced the NT emblems of the bread and wine and foot-washing. That night He was betrayed by Judas in the garden of Gethsemane, and was subsequently crucified on Golgotha during the daylight hours of the 14th. The Pharisees and their followers would then observe their Passover that evening of the 15th, which was the start of the feast of Unleavened Bread, according to the books of Moses, and which I have shown and proved in another study. All this is pretty plain to see for most astute Gospel studiers. Why then do we have THREE Gospel writers, writing as if, well for most people it would be as if, Jesus was going to observe the Passover on the first evening of the feast of Unleavened Bread? Let's note how the Gospel writers actually wrote it in the Greek. I will be quoting the literal translation from the Greek by J. P. Green from his Greek/English Interlinear. MATTHEW 26: 17 "And on the first unleavened came the disciples to Jesus, saying to Him; Where will you we may prepare for you to eat the Passover?......" MARK 14: 12 "And on the first day of the unleavened, when the Passover they killed, say to Him the disciples of Him; Where do you wish going we may prepare that you eat the Passover?......" LUKE 22: 7 "And came the day of the unleavened, on which must be killed the Passover....." Well, it kinda sounds like it could be the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, but if so that would put it on the evening or start of the 15th day of Nisan, and most scholars would immediately raise the red flag on that idea. But we need to notice that the word "feast" or "festival" does not appear in any of the above quotes from the three Gospel writers. And this is VERY IMPORTANT, for it sets up the immediate question we need to ask, "If it was NOT the feast of Unleavened Bread, then what did they mean by it being on the first day of unleavened?" We need to now search the history books to see if we can find the answer. And yes, indeed we can find the answer. ALFRED EDERSHEIM, D.D., Ph.D. the great Jewish/Christian writer gives it to us as he writes about what the Jews did on this 14th day of Nisan. I quote from Edersheim's book "THE TEMPLE - its Ministry and Services" (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1982), pages 219, 220. All CAPITAL letter words are mine for emphasis. "The SPECIAL preparations for the Passover commenced on the EVENING of the 13th of Nisan, with which, according to Jewish reckoning, the 14th BEGAN, the day being always computed from evening to evening. THEN the head of the house was to SEARCH with a lighted candle all places where LEAVEN was usually kept, and to put what of it he found in the house in a safe place, whence no portion could be carried away by any accident. Before doing this, he prayed: 'Blessed art Thou, Jehovah, our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us by Thy commandments, and commanded us to remove the leaven.' And after it he said, 'ALL the LEAVEN that is in my possession, that which I have seen and that which I have not seen, be it null, be it accounted as the dust of the earth.' The search itself was to be accomplished in perfect silence and with a lighted candle......Jewish tradition sees a reference to this search with candles in Zeph.1: 12; 'And it shall come to pass at this time that I will search Jerusalem with candles.' If the leaven HAD NOT been removed on the evening of the 13th (beginning of the 14th in Jewish reckoning -Keith Hunt), it might STILL BE DONE on the AFTERNOON OF THE 14TH OF NISAN...... Early on the FORENOON of the 14th of Nisan the feast of the Passover may be said to have begun. In Galilee, no work was done all day; in Judea it was continued till mid-day.....Even EARLIER than MID-DAY of the 14th it was NO LONGER LAWFUL to eat LEAVEN. The strictest opinion fixes ten o'clock, as the LATEST hour when leaven MIGHT BE EATEN, the more lax, eleven. From that hour to twelve o'clock it was required to ABSTAIN from LEAVEN, while at twelve it was to be solemnly DESTROYED, either by burning, immersing it in water, or scattering it to the winds. To secure STRICT OBEDIENCE and uniformity, the EXACT TIME for ABSTAINING from and for DESTROYING the LEAVEN was thus made known: 'They laid two desecrated cakes of a thank-offering on a bench in the porch (of the Temple). So long as they lay there, all the people might eat (leavened); when one of them was removed, they abstained from eating, but they did not burn (the leaven); when BOTH were REMOVED, all the people burnt (the leaven)' (Pes. i. 5)." End of quote. Ah yes, now we see the importance of this day, the 14th day, in the lives of those who followed the teachings and traditions of the scribes, Pharisees, and priests. The 14th day was, with the "leaven" search in the homes on the evening of the 14th, the beginning of the 14th, a very important day to the Pharisee Jews, of removing "leaven" from out of their homes and from out of their lives, EVEN BEFORE the hour of the 15th day came, which was the day that started the FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD. By 10 a.m. or at the latest 11 a.m. of the morning of the 14th day, leaven was no longer allowed to be eaten, if of course you followed the Pharisees and their traditions and teachings. We see now why Matthew, Mark, and Luke, all report this BEGINNING of the 14th day, the evening of the 14th day, when Jesus and the twelve were about to observe the Passover, as "the first day of the unleavened" or "the day of the unleavened" or "on the first unleavened" and NOT anytime as a day of THE FEAST of Unleavened Bread. It was indeed to the Pharisee Jews, "A" day of "unleavened" - "A" day when leaven was put out, and not eaten, either on the evening of the day, or by 10 or 11 a.m. the next morning. In Jewish Pharisee tradition the 14th day of Nisan had become known as "unleavened." But of course for those who knew the truth of God's word, it was the Passover day, and the beginning of that day, the evening of that day, was the time to celebrate the Passover meal, just as Jesus with His disciples were recorded by the Gospel writers as doing just that...killing and eating the Passover. ........................... January 2003 PASSOVER UNDERSTANDINGS SOME PROBLEMS WITH JOHN? Keith Hunt
John 13: 1 (before)?The Two events John was relating
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