Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 The End Times in Chronological Order #1


The Protestant Prophets never stop....book after book keep coming out, year after year. It's how many of them make their money!  DR. DAVID  JEREMIAH  has  published  another, making  3  in  just  a few years-----stuff  taught  for  decades  by  Protestants,  just  wrapped  up in  different  words - they  got  to  have  your  money  while  they  weave  their  deceptive  and  false  ideas - Keith Hunt

Israel Reborn as a Nation

The birth of the modern, self-governing nation of Israel in 1948 began the fulfillment of specific Bible prophecies about an international regathering of the Jews in unbelief before the judgments to come during the future tribulation period. This regathering was predicted to take place after centuries of exile in various nations around the world.

(1948  has no bearing on anything to do with Bible prophecy. But the year 1917 DOES!  If any part of Israel [all 12 tribes] would not obey God, it was promised them they would be punished 7 times - you CAN FIND THAT PROMISE IN THE BOOK OF MOSES! USE A BIBLE CONCORDANCE.  Most Bible scholars agree that a time is one year - 360 days to the year; so 7 times is 360 days [a day for  a year in prophecy] x 7 = 2520 years. Judah [the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi] started their 7 times in 604 B.C. - the first invasion by Babylon. Move forward 2520 years [adding one year for there is no 0 year] and you come to 1917. In 1917 Jerusalem was liberated by the British. So ended the 7 times punishment for Judah. After 1917 and the liberation of Jerusalem the Jews really started to return to the Holy Land. When they became an official "nation" - the year - has no bearing on Bible prophecy - Keith Hunt)

In Ezekiel 36:10 God promised the Jewish people, "I will multiply people on you, the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities shall be inhabited and the wasted places rebuilt." God also promised, "I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land" (verse 24).

(Ezekiel 36 is a prophecy for the millennium as the context of chapter 36 makes clear. Chapter 36 is for the future and has nothing to do with the Jews returning to Jerusalem and the Holy Land after 1917 or 1948 - Keith Hunt)

In biblical times, Israel had been in bondage to single nations, such as the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians. And in each case, God delivered them after a time. But never in biblical history have the Israelites been delivered from "all the countries." This event did not find fulfillment until 1948, when Israel finally became a national entity again, and Jews have been streaming back to their homeland ever since. Joel Rosenberg provides this insight:

Consider the numbers. "When Israel declared her independence on May 14,1948, the country's population stood at only 806,000. Yet by the end of 2005, nearly 7 million people lived in Israel, 5-6 million of whom were Jewish.

Thousands more arrive every year. In 2005 alone, some 19,000 Jews immigrated to Israel. In fact, today more Jews live in the greater Tel Aviv area than in New York City, as many Jews live in Israel as in the United States, and it will not be long before more Jews live in Israel than Jews who do not.2

(The Jews returning to the Holy Land in this age has nothing to do with Ezekiel 36. The prophecy of Ezekiel 36, 37, is for the yet future, after ALL the tribes of Israel [way more than just the Jews] have been destroyed and scattered at the beginning of the last 3 and 1/2 years of this age. It is the time of the Messiah's coming to restore what is left of them, and building them up once more in the Holy Land - Keith Hunt)

The divine program of restoring Israel has apparendy been in progress, even prior to 1948, setting the stage for the future tribulation period. Here are some key dates in recent history:

1881-1900: About 30,000 Jews who had been persecuted in Russia moved to Palestine.

1897: The goal of estabhshing a home in Palestine for Jewish people received great impetus when the First Zionist Congress convened in Basel, Switzerland, and adopted Zionism as a program.

1904—1914: 32,000 more Jews who had been persecuted in Russia moved to Palestine.

1924-1932:78,000 Polish Jews moved to Palestine.

1933—1939:230,000 Jews who had been persecuted in Germany and central Europe moved to Palestine.

1940-1948: 95,000 Jews who had been persecuted in central Europe moved to Palestine. Meanwhile, more than six million Jews were murdered by Adolph Hider and Nazi Germany.

1948: The new state of Israel was born.

1967: Israel captured Jerusalem and the West Bank during the Six Day War, which was precipitated by an Arab invasion.3

(It was especially after 1917, after the liberation of Jerusalem, that the Jews returned in massive amounts, and continues to this day. The punishment of 7 times was over in 1917 - Keith Hunt)

In the vision of dry bones in Ezekiel 37, the Lord miraculously brings scattered bones back together into a skeleton, wraps the skeleton in muscles and tendons and flesh, and breathes life into the body.

There is no doubt that this chapter is speaking about Israel, for we read that"these bones are the whole house of Israel" (verse 11). The chapter portrays Israel as becoming a living, breathing nation, seemingly brought back from the dead.


This means that 1948 is a year to remember. After all, in AD 70 Titus and his Roman warriors destroyed Jerusalem, definitively ending Israel's identity as a political entity (see Luke 21:20). The Jews were dispersed worldwide for many centuries. In 1940, no one could have guessed that within a decade Israel would be a nation again. And yet it happened. Israel achieved statehood in 1948, and Jews have been returning to their homeland ever since.

Biblical prophecy reveals that this newly reborn nation of Israel will become prosperous. God promises, "I will make the fruit of the tree and the increase of the field abundant, that you may never again suffer the disgrace of famine among the nations" (Ezekiel 36:30).

(ONCE MORE the author cannot see from the whole context of Ezekiel 36, going back to chapters 34,35, and chapter 37, that this is a prophecy for the age of the Messiah returning to earth to establish the Kingdom of God on earth - Keith Hunt)

The Stage Is Being Set

The regathering of Jews in Israel is necessary in order for key biblical prophecies about the tribulation period to make sense. The return of the Jews to the land prior to the tribulation period is clearly implied in the peace covenant between the antichrist and the leaders of Israel (Daniel 9:27). The signing of this peace pact will signal the actual beginning of the tribulation period. Note, however, that for such a treaty to make sense, the Jews must be in their own land, and Israel must be a viable political entity. The point is, then, that Israel must be regathered to the land before the beginning of the tribulation period. This is what makes the year 1948 so significant from a prophetic standpoint.

(1948 has nothing to do with Bible prophecy. The author follows the repeated and repeated false teaching of Daniel 9:27....a peace covenant with the Jews and the anti-christ of 7 years, broken in the middle, after 3 and 1/2 years. The Protestant prophets do NOT even read their own old Protestant Bible Commentaries of people like Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, and Albert Barnes, for if they did they could come to understand correctly the prophecy in Daniel 9 - Keith Hunt)

We can make the same point in relation to the rebuilding of the Jewish temple that will exist during the tribulation period (see Matthew 24:15-16; 2 Thessalonians 2:4). How could there be a rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Israel unless Israel had been previously reborn as a nation?




One prophet guy  in  the  early  1980s  said  the stones  for  the  new  Temple  in Jerusalem  were  at  a  dock-site  in  the  USA,  ready  to  be  shipped  over  to  Jerusalem.  There  was  no  such  "dock-site"  and  there  was  no  such  stones.  He  deliberately  lied  so  he  could  sell  more  books  etc.  in  his  deceptive  so-called  "Christian"  ministry.


Continued from #1

Israel Invaded by a Northern Military Coalition

Now we turn to the invasion itself, prophesied in Ezekiel 38—39. The goal of the northern assault force will be to utterly obliterate the Jews. These are the nations that will be included in the invasion:

Rosh - which likely refers to modern Russia, to the uttermost north of Israel.

Magog - which probably includes the former southern Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and possibly even northern parts of modern Afghanistan.

Meshech and Tubal - which refer to the area south of the Black and Caspian Seas—modern Turkey.

Persia - which became Iran in 1935 and the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979.

Ethiopia - or modem-day Sudan.

Put - or modern-day Libya. The term may also include Algeria and Tunisia.

Gomer - which apparendy refers to part of modern-day Turkey.

Beth-togarrnah - which also apparendy refers to modern-day Turkey, though it may also include Azerbaijan and Armenia.

This unique alignment of nations has never occurred in the past but is occurring today which lends credence to the idea that we are living in the end times.












An alliance between many of these nations may not necessarily have made good sense in Ezekiel's day because they are not even located near each other and because Islam did not yet exist. However, such an alliance makes great sense today because the nations that make up the coalition are predorninandy Muslim. That in itself is more than enough reason for them to unify in attacking Israel—especially considering current Islamic hatred for Israel.


When Does the Invasion Occur?

In the previous chapter, I pointed out that Israel must be living in a state of security when this invasion occurs (Ezekiel 38:8,11). I suggested that such a state now exists and that the invasion will likely take place sometime after the rapture but prior to the beginning of the tribulation period—perhaps even three and a half years prior to the beginning of the tribulation period (see Ezekiel 39:9-10).

(WRONG  AGAIN!  Keith Hunt)

Some scholars claim that Ezekiel 38—39 may refer to an invasion that has already taken place. Here are six reasons why I believe this view is wrong.

Israel has never been invaded on the scale of what is described in Ezekiel 38—39. Nor has an invasion into Israel involved the specific nations mentioned in the passage. This prophecy has not been fulfilled yet, so its fulfillment must yet be future.

Ezekiel was clear that the things of which he spoke would be fulfilled "in the latter years" (Ezekiel 38:8) and "in the latter days" (verse 16). Such phrases point to the end times.

The unique alignment of nations as described in Ezekiel 38—39 has never occurred in the past but is apparendy occurring today.

Ezekiel affirmed that the invasion would occur after Israel was regathered from all around the earth-—-"gathered from many peoples" (Ezekiel 38:8,12)—to a land that had been a wasteland. Certainly there were occasions in Israel's history where the Jews were held in bondage. For example, they were held in bondage in Egypt. They went into captivity in Assyria, as well as in Babylon. But in each of these cases, their deliverance involved being set free from a single nation, not many nations around the world. The only regathering of Jews from "many peoples" around the world in Israel's history is that which is occurring in modern days (especially since 1948, when Israel achieved statehood).


Since chapters 36-37 are apparendy being literally fulfilled (a regathering from "many peoples"), we can reasonably and consistendy assume that chapters 38-39 will likewise be literally fulfilled. This is in keeping with the well-established precedent of biblical prophecies throughout the Old Testament being literally fulfilled.


In view of such factors, it is both reasonable and consistent with the rest of biblical prophecy to hold that this passage refers to a yet-future invasion into Israel that will take place when Israel is in a state of security, likely after the rapture but before the tribulation period.


Israel Stands Alone

Israel will stand alone when attacked by the massive northern military coalition. Some nations'—"Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish" (apparendy Saudi Arabia and some Western nations)—will diplomatically ask the invaders, "Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your hosts to carry off plunder?" (Ezekiel 38:13). But their words are not followed by action. Israel stands utterly alone.

DEBUNKING  THIS  BOOK  ENTITLED  "The END TIMES in Chronological Order" by Ron Rhodes.

The Beginning of the Tribulation: The Emergence of the Antichrist


The Antichrist Signs a Covenant       

The Rise of the Antichrist   


The Antichrist Signs a Covenant

Scripture reveals that the single event that starts the tribulation period is the antichrists signing of a covenant with Israel. This relates directly to Daniels prophecy of seventy weeks.

In Daniel 9 God provided a prophetic timetable for the nation of Israel. The prophetic clock began ticking when the command went out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem following its destruction by Babylon (Daniel 9:25). According to this verse, Israels timetable was divided into 70 groups of 7 years—-a total of 490 years.

The first 69 groups of 7 years—or 483 years-—counted the years "from the going out of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince" (Daniel 9:25). The Anointed One, or Messiah, is Jesus Christ. The day Jesus rode into Jerusalem to proclaim Himself Israels Messiah was 483 years to the day after the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem had been given.

At that point God's prophetic clock stopped. Daniel describes a gap between these 483 years and the final 7 years of Israels prophetic timetable. Several events were to take place during this gap, according to Daniel 9:26: The Messiah would be killed, the city of Jerusalem and its temple would be destroyed (which occurred in AD 70), and the Jews would encounter diffculty and hardship from that time on.

The final "week" of seven years will begin for Israel when the antichrist confirms a seven-year covenant (Daniel 9:27). The signing of this peace pact will signal the beginning of the tribulation period. It will begin the seven-year countdown to the second coming of Christ, which follows the tribulation period.


This seven-year time frame for the tribulation is reflected in other ancient Jewish literature, as Renald Showers shows in his helpful book Maranatha: Our Lord Come!

The Babylonian Talmud states, "Our Rabbis taught: In the seven-year cycle at the end of which the son of David will come....at the conclusion of the septennate the son of David will come."

Raphael Patai, writing on the Messianic texts, said, "The idea became entrenched that the coming of the Messiah will be preceded by gready increased suffering....This will last seven years. And then, unexpectedly, the Messiah will come."


The Day of the Lord

The antichrists signing of the covenant with Israel constitutes not only the beginning of the tribulation period but also the beginning of the day of the Lord. 


The term day of the Lord is used in several senses in Scripture. The Old Testament prophets sometimes used it to describe an event to be fulfilled in the near future. At other times, they referred to an event in the distant eschatological future (the future tribulation period). The immediate context of the term generally indicates which sense is intended.

In both cases, the day of the Lord is characterized by God super-naturally intervening in order to bring judgment against sin in the world. The day of the Lord is a time in which God actively controls and dominates history in a direct way instead of working through secondary causes.

(HE  IS  CORRECT!  I  AGREE,  WOW  FLY  THE  FLAGS  -  Keith Hunt)

Among the New Testament writers, the term is generally used of the judgment that will climax in the end-time seven-year tribulation period (see 2 Thessalonians 2:2; Revelation 16-18) as well as the judgment that will usher in the new earth after the millennial kingdom (2 Peter 3:10-13; Revelation 20:7-21:1; see also Isaiah 65:17-19; 66:22; Revelation 21:1). This theme of judgment against sin runs like a thread through the many references to the day of the Lord.


A number of scriptural passages indicate that this aspect of the day of the Lord has not yet taken place but awaits the end times. For example, Isaiah 34:1-8 describes a day of the Lord in which God will judge all nations of the earth: "The Lord is enraged against all the nations... he has devoted them to destruction, has given them over for slaughter" (verse 2). None of the past days of the Lord ever involved divine judgment of all the nations. This indicates that the day of the Lord of Isaiah 34 must be yet future—that is, the tribulation period.

(I  AGREE,  WOW  HE'S  RIGHT  TWICE  -  Keith Hunt)

Similarly, Joel 3:1-16 and Zechariah 14:1-3,12-15 speak of a day of the Lord that will involve Gods judgment of the armies of all the nations when they gather to wage war against Israel. We are told that the Jewish Messiah will come to war against these nations. This seems to coincide with Revelation 16:12-16, where we find that the armies will not begin to gather until the sixth bowl is poured out during the seventieth week of Daniel 9 - Revelation 19:11-21 reveals that Christ will wage war against these armies when He comes from heaven to earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. Such facts force the conclusion that the day of the Lord spoken of by Joel 3 and Zechariah 14 is yet future.


Likewise, the aposde Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 reveals that this eschatological day of the Lord is yet future. Paul warned that this day would bring sudden, inescapable destruction upon the unsaved of the world. The context of 1 Thessalonians 5 clearly points to the end-times tribulation period.


Because the antichrists signing of the covenant with Israel begins the tribulation period, we can also say that this signing of the covenant begins the eschatological day of the Lord. Thankfully, Christians will escape this day because of the rapture.


The Rise of the Antichrist

The apostle Paul warned of a "man of lawlessness," which is the antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3,8-9). Though sin and lawlessness are already at work in our own day (verse 7), Paul says a day is corning in which a specific individual will come into power in the future tribulation period who will be the embodiment of sin and lawlessness (compare with 1 John 2:18; Revelation 11:7; 13:1-10).

This lawless one will ultimately lead the entire world into rebellion against God (2 Thessalonians 2:10) as the son of destruction (verse 3). He is presently being restrained by the Holy Spirit, but after the rapture (when Christians indwelt by the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth), he will be made manifest (verse 6) and will deceive multitudes (Revelation 19:20).



Scripture reveals that the antichrist will be a genius in intellect (Daniel 8:23), commerce (Daniel 11:43; Revelation 13:16-17), war (Revelation 6:2; 13:2), speech (Daniel 11:36), and politics (Revelation 17:11-12).

This individual will perform counterfeit signs and wonders and deceive many people during the future tribulation period (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). In the book of Revelation, the aposde John describes this anti-God individual as a beast (Revelation 13:1-10).


This Satan-inspired individual will rise to prominence in the tribulation period, initially making a peace treaty with Israel (Daniel 9:27). In his desire to dominate the world, he will double-cross and then seek to destroy the Jews, persecute believers, and set up his own kingdom (Revelation 13). 


He will speak arrogant and boastful words, glorifying himself (2 Thessalonians 2:4). His assistant, the false prophet, will seek to make the world worship the antichrist (Revelation 13:11-12). 



The false prophet will control the global economy by forcing people around the world to receive the mark of the antichrist in order to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-17). However, to receive this mark ensures one of being the recipient of God s wrath. The antichrist will eventually rule the whole world (Revelation 13:7) from his headquarters in Rome (Revelation 17:8-9). This beast will be defeated and bound by Jesus at His second coming (Revelation 19:11-16).


This is the big picture. Now lets consider some details about this evil person.

The Antichrist Will Not Be a Jew

Some interpreters have tried-to argue that the antichrist will be a Jew...... 

(I  agree  with  him  here,  he  will not  be  a  Jew  -  Keith Hunt)

The Antichrist Will Not Be a Muslim

More recendy, for understandable reasons, many have claimed that the antichrist will be a Muslim.....

(I  agree  with  him  here,  he  will  not  be  a  Muslim  -  Keith Hunt)

The Antichrist Rises in a Revived Rome

Daniel 7:3-8 refers to four beasts. These represent kingdoms that play an important role in biblical prophecy. Daniel begins in verse 3 by affirming, "Four great beasts came up out of the sea, different from one another." These four beasts reveal much about prophetic chronology. The first, Daniel says, was "like a lion and had eagles' wings," but "its wings were plucked off" (verse 4). This imagery apparendy represents Babylon, its lion-like quality indicating power and strength. It is interesting to observe that winged lions guarded the gates of Babylon's royal palaces (see Jeremiah 4:7). The wings indicate rapid mobility, and the plucking of the wings indicates a removal of mobility (perhaps a reference to Nebuchadnezzar's insanity or to Babylon's deterioration following his death).

Daniel continued in verse 5. "And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised up on one side. It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and it was told, 'Arise, devour much flesh.'"  This is the Medo-Persia kingdom, and the ribs are vanquished nations—perhaps Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt. Medo-Persia was well-known for its strength and fierceness in battle (see Isaiah 13:17-18).

Daniel describes a third beast in verse 6. "And behold, another like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it." The leopard was known for its swiftness, cunning, and agility. This imagery represents Greece under Alexander the Great. The four heads depict the four generals who divided the kingdom following Alexander's death, ruling Macedonia, Asia Minor, Syria, and. Egypt.

Finally, in verse 7, Daniel mentions the fourth beast-—a mongrel that was more terrifying and powerful than the three preceding beasts.

"Behold, a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots. And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things."

This wild imagery refers to the Roman Empire. Rome already existed in ancient days, but it fell apart in the fifth century AD. It will be revived, however, in the end times, apparently comprised often nations ruled by ten kings (ten horns). I noted previously in the book that animals used their horns as weapons (see Genesis 22:3; Psalm 69:31). For this reason, the horn eventually came to be seen as a symbol of power and might. As an extension of this symbol, horns in Bible times were sometimes used as emblems of dominion, representing kingdoms and kings, as is the case in the books of Daniel (chapters 7—8) and Revelation (12:13; 13:1,11; 17:3-16).

In Daniel 7, an eleventh horn-—-a little horn (the antichrist)-—starts out apparendy in an insignificant way but grows powerful enough to uproot three of the existing horns (kings). He eventually comes into absolute power and dominance over this revived Roman Empire, probably halfway through the tribulation period.


Related to this, Daniel 2 records a prophetic dream that Nebuchadnezzar had. In this dream, this end-times Roman Empire was pictured as a mixture of iron and clay (see verses 41-43). Daniel, the great interpreter of dreams, saw this as meaning that just as iron is strong, so this latter-day Roman Empire would be strong. But just as iron and clay do not naturally mix with each other, so this latter-day Roman Empire would have some divisions. It would not be completely integrated.

Many modern biblical interpreters see the European Union (which is characterized by both unity and some division) as a primary prospect for the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy. The stage is now appearing to be set for the fulfillment of Daniel 2 and 7.  Once the antichrist emerges into power in a revived Rome, it is just a matter of time before he comes into complete global domination.




This means that the odds of Israels survival, from a human perspective, will be nil. Israel will be vasdy and overwhelmingly outnumbered. If this were merely a human battle, the outcome would be easy to predict. Israel will appear weak and alone in the face of this Goliath intruder, but God is strong! Ezekiel 38—39 reveals that the invading force will be annihilated by God before any damage falls upon Israel.

God Is Israel's Protector

God is all-powerful (Jeremiah 32:17). He has the power to do all that He desires and wills. Some 56 times Scripture declares that God is almighty (see Revelation 19:6, for example). God is abundant in strength (Psalm 147:5 nasb) and has incomparably great power (2 Chronicles 20:6; Ephesians 1:19-21). No one can hold back His hand (Daniel 4:35), reverse His actions (Isaiah 43:13), or thwart Him (Isaiah 14:27 NIV). Nothing is impossible with Him (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37), and nothing is too difficult for Him (Genesis 18:14; Jeremiah 32:17,27). The Almighty reigns (Revelation 19:6). Scripture reveals that this all-powerful God will utterly thwart the invasion of the northern military coalition.


Scripture also reveals that God is always watchful—"Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:4)-—-and He will be Israel's defender. The invaders may think their success is all but guaranteed, but God sees all, and Israel's attackers stand no chance of success.

Recall that God had earlier promised His people that "no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed" (Isaiah 54:17). We often witness God fulfilling this promise in the Old Testament, playing the definitive role in battling against Israel's enemies (see, for example, Exodus 15:3 and Psalm 24:8). God is even sometimes described in military terms-—-the "Lord of hosts" (2 Samuel 6:2,18).


Ezekiel 38:18-19 mentions God's wrath and anger toward the northern military invaders. These words express the intensity of God's vengeance against those who attack His people.

Gods multifaceted defeat of the northern military coalition, described for us in Ezekiel 3 8:17—39:8, will include a fourfold judgment.

An earthquake (Ezekiel 38:19-20). The devastating earthquake described by Ezekiel, in which "the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground," will cause many troops to die. Transportation will be utterly disrupted, and apparently the armies of the multinational forces will be thrown into utter chaos.


Infighting (Ezekiel38:21). God sovereignly induces the armies of the various nations in the invading force to turn on each other and kill each other. This may be at least partially due to the confusion and chaos that results following the massive earthquake. John E Walvoord offered this explanation: "In the pandemonium, communication between the invading armies will break down and they will begin attacking each other. Every man's sword will be against his brother (Ezek. 38:21). Fear and panic will sweep through the forces so each army will shoot indiscriminately at the others."5 The armies of the various nations will also speak different languages-—including Russian, Farsi, Arabic, and Turkic—-making communication difficult and adding to the confusion. The Russians and Muslim nations may also turn on each other. Perhaps in the midst of the chaos, they will suspect they are being double-crossed and will respond by opening fire on each other. In any event, there will be countless casualties.


3. Disease (Ezekiel38:22). The earthquake and infighting will leave countless dead bodies in their wake. Transportation will be disrupted, hindering or preventing the transfer of wounded people, medicine, food and water, and other supplies. Meanwhile, birds and other predatory animals will feast on the unburied flesh. All this is a recipe for the outbreak of pandemic disease, which according to Ezekiel, will take many more lives.


4. Torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur (Ezekiel
38:22). The fourth and final phase of Gods execution of enemy
forces will involve torrential rain (with heavy flooding), hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur pouring down on the invading troops. The powerful earthquake may trigger volcanoes in the region, thrusting into the atmosphere a hail of molten rock and burning sulfur (volcanic ash) that would fall on the invading troops, utterly destroying them.


What a turn of events all this will be. The invading troops will come with the intention of killing, but they themselves will be killed. They will believe their power is overwhelming, but they will be overwhelmed by the greater power of God. They will come to take over a new land (Israel) but instead will be buried in the land.

As if all this weren't enough, God also promises, "I will send fire on Magog and on those who dwell securely in the coaslands" (Ezekiel 39:6). The term Magog seems to refer to the southern part of the former Soviet Union-—-perhaps including the former southern Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and possibly even northern parts of modern Afghanistan. We are told in this prophetic verse that God will rain fire down upon this area of the world and on Magogs allies "who dwell securely in the coastlands." These sobering words have led Joel Rosenberg to make this comment:

This suggests that targets throughout Russia and the former Soviet Union, as well as Russia's allies, will be super-naturally struck on this day of judgment and partially or completely consumed. These could be limited to nuclear missile silos, military bases, radar installations, defense ministries, intelligence headquarters, and other government buildings of various kinds. But such targets could very well also include religious centers, such as mosques, madrassas, Islamic schools and universities, and other facilities that preach hatred against Jews and Christians and call for the destruction of Israel. Either way, we will have to expect extensive collateral damage, and many civilians will be at severe risk.6


This judgment will serve to nullify any possible reprisal or future attempts at invasion. No further attack against Israel by these evil forces will be possible!

The Burial of Enemy Bodies

Normally, when many are slain in a major battle and the battle is over, the invaders bury their own dead. In the present case, however, all the invaders will be dead, so the task of burial must fall to the house of Israel.

Scripture reveals that the burial of these bodies will begin immediately after God destroys the northern military alliance. The number of slain invaders will be so vast, so innumerable, that nothing but a deep valley—the Valley of Hamongog—will suffice for their corpses (Ezekiel 39:11). And it will take a full seven months to accompHsh the task of burial in this valley. Keep in mind that the invaders come not from a single nation, but rather from a coalition of nations, including Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and a number of other Muslim nations.


 Following the seven-month period, a secondary burial crew will traverse the land and search for any bones that were missed. This is all part of the concerted effort to cleanse the land perfectly from all uncleanness arising from the bones of the dead (see Numbers 19:11-22; Deuteronomy 21:1-9). Markers will be placed wherever bones are found, and grave diggers will take the bones to the burial site.


The Gathering and Burning of Enemy Weapons

Following God's destruction of the northern military coalition, the Israelites will gather and burn enemy weapons for a period of seven years. If seven years is required to burn them all, that means a formidable arsenal will be collected.


Those interested in the precise chronology of biblical prophecy will note a problem here. If the seven years of burning weapons is parallel to the seven-year tribulation period, how can Israel take flight from Jerusalem in the middle of the tribulation? In Matthew 24, Jesus urges the Jews living in Jerusalem to take flight when the antichrist sets up his headquarters there in the middle of the tribulation. So the problem is this: How will the Jews be able to continue the task of burning weapons if they have to take flight from Jerusalem in the middle of the tribulation?

The problem can be avoided by not making the seven years of burning weapons parallel to the seven-year tribulation period. If the Ezekiel invasion takes place at least three and a half years prior to the beginning of the tribulation period (as I suggested earlier), the burning of weapons will be completed by the midpoint of the tribulation period.


Keep in mind that the tribulation does not begin directly after the rapture. Nothing in Scripture negates the possibility of a number of years passing between the rapture and the tribulation. The signal for the beginning of the tribulation is not the rapture, but rather the antichrist signing a covenant with Israel (Daniel 9:26-27).


The Conversion of Multitudes

In Ezekiel 38-39, God gives a mighty testimony of His power and glory in the midst of His destruction of the northern military coalition against Israel.

• "I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself

known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord" (Ezekiel 38:23).

• "My holy name I will make known in the midst of my peo-

ple Israel, and I will not let my holy name be profaned anymore. And the nations shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel" (Ezekiel 39:7).

• "I will set my glory among the nations, and all the nations

shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid on them. The house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God, from that day forward" (Ezekiel 39:21-22).


Clearly, Gods destruction of the northern invaders will be a powerful testimony that no one can ignore. Indeed, the whole world will witness God's destruction of the invaders and recognize His greatness, holiness, and glory (38:23; 39:13,21). Moreover, Israel will be utterly awed at Gods intervention on its behalf. God's stunning defeat of Gog and his military machine will force Israel to acknowledge His unfathomable power and justice (see Ezekiel 39:28-29).


A Shift in the Balance of Power

"When God destroys the massive northern military coalition, the balance of political and religious power in the world will shift. This will make things much easier for the antichrist.


More specifically, the destruction of the northern invaders will pave the way for the antichrist to rise to power. With both Russia and a number of oil-wealthy Muslim nations out of the way, far fewer nations will have the political clout to challenge his authority when he comes into power early in the tribulation period. Arnold Fruchtenbaum makes this note: "The eastern balance of power will collapse with the fall of Russian forces and her Muslim allies in Israel and the destruction of Russia itself. With the eastern power destroyed, this will open the way for a one world government."7


As we have seen, this will also enable the antichrist to sign a peace pact with Israel (Daniel 9:27), guaranteeing that Israel will be protected. Muslim forces will no longer be a threat. As well, this likely explains why Israel is able to build its temple early in the tribulation period. After all, if the Muslims were still in power in the early part of the tribulation period and in control of the temple mount in Jerusalem, Israel would not be able to build its temple there. But if all the Muslim armies are largely destroyed by God prior to the beginning of the tribulation, this major obstacle to Israels rebuilding of the temple is removed.



DEBUNKING  THIS  BOOK  ENTITLED  "The END TIMES in Chronological Order" by Ron Rhodes.

The Beginning of the Tribulation: The Emergence of the Antichrist


The Antichrist Signs a Covenant       

The Rise of the Antichrist     


The Antichrist Signs a Covenant

Scripture reveals that the single event that starts the tribulation period is the antichrists signing of a covenant with Israel. This relates directly to Daniels prophecy of seventy weeks.

In Daniel 9 God provided a prophetic timetable for the nation of Israel. The prophetic clock began ticking when the command went out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem following its destruction by Babylon (Daniel 9:25). According to this verse, Israels timetable was divided into 70 groups of 7 years—-a total of 490 years.

The first 69 groups of 7 years—or 483 years-—counted the years "from the going out of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince" (Daniel 9:25). The Anointed One, or Messiah, is Jesus Christ. The day Jesus rode into Jerusalem to proclaim Himself Israels Messiah was 483 years to the day after the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem had been given.

At that point God's prophetic clock stopped. Daniel describes a gap between these 483 years and the final 7 years of Israels prophetic timetable. Several events were to take place during this gap, according to Daniel 9:26: The Messiah would be killed, the city of Jerusalem and its temple would be destroyed (which occurred in AD 70), and the Jews would encounter diffculty and hardship from that time on.

The final "week" of seven years will begin for Israel when the antichrist confirms a seven-year covenant (Daniel 9:27). The signing of this peace pact will signal the beginning of the tribulation period. It will begin the seven-year countdown to the second coming of Christ, which follows the tribulation period.


This seven-year time frame for the tribulation is reflected in other ancient Jewish literature, as Renald Showers shows in his helpful book Maranatha: Our Lord Come!

The Babylonian Talmud states, "Our Rabbis taught: In the seven-year cycle at the end of which the son of David will come....at the conclusion of the septennate the son of David will come."

Raphael Patai, writing on the Messianic texts, said, "The idea became entrenched that the coming of the Messiah will be preceded by gready increased suffering....This will last seven years. And then, unexpectedly, the Messiah will come."


The Day of the Lord

The antichrists signing of the covenant with Israel constitutes not only the beginning of the tribulation period but also the beginning of the day of the Lord. 


The term day of the Lord is used in several senses in Scripture. The Old Testament prophets sometimes used it to describe an event to be fulfilled in the near future. At other times, they referred to an event in the distant eschatological future (the future tribulation period). The immediate context of the term generally indicates which sense is intended.

In both cases, the day of the Lord is characterized by God super-naturally intervening in order to bring judgment against sin in the world. The day of the Lord is a time in which God actively controls and dominates history in a direct way instead of working through secondary causes.

(HE  IS  CORRECT!  I  AGREE,  WOW  FLY  THE  FLAGS  -  Keith Hunt)

Among the New Testament writers, the term is generally used of the judgment that will climax in the end-time seven-year tribulation period (see 2 Thessalonians 2:2; Revelation 16-18) as well as the judgment that will usher in the new earth after the millennial kingdom (2 Peter 3:10-13; Revelation 20:7-21:1; see also Isaiah 65:17-19; 66:22; Revelation 21:1). This theme of judgment against sin runs like a thread through the many references to the day of the Lord.


A number of scriptural passages indicate that this aspect of the day of the Lord has not yet taken place but awaits the end times. For example, Isaiah 34:1-8 describes a day of the Lord in which God will judge all nations of the earth: "The Lord is enraged against all the nations... he has devoted them to destruction, has given them over for slaughter" (verse 2). None of the past days of the Lord ever involved divine judgment of all the nations. This indicates that the day of the Lord of Isaiah 34 must be yet future—that is, the tribulation period.

(I  AGREE,  WOW  HE'S  RIGHT  TWICE  -  Keith Hunt)

Similarly, Joel 3:1-16 and Zechariah 14:1-3,12-15 speak of a day of the Lord that will involve Gods judgment of the armies of all the nations when they gather to wage war against Israel. We are told that the Jewish Messiah will come to war against these nations. This seems to coincide with Revelation 16:12-16, where we find that the armies will not begin to gather until the sixth bowl is poured out during the seventieth week of Daniel 9 - Revelation 19:11-21 reveals that Christ will wage war against these armies when He comes from heaven to earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. Such facts force the conclusion that the day of the Lord spoken of by Joel 3 and Zechariah 14 is yet future.


Likewise, the aposde Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 reveals that this eschatological day of the Lord is yet future. Paul warned that this day would bring sudden, inescapable destruction upon the unsaved of the world. The context of 1 Thessalonians 5 clearly points to the end-times tribulation period.


Because the antichrists signing of the covenant with Israel begins the tribulation period, we can also say that this signing of the covenant begins the eschatological day of the Lord. Thankfully, Christians will escape this day because of the rapture.


The Rise of the Antichrist

The apostle Paul warned of a "man of lawlessness," which is the antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3,8-9). Though sin and lawlessness are already at work in our own day (verse 7), Paul says a day is corning in which a specific individual will come into power in the future tribulation period who will be the embodiment of sin and lawlessness (compare with 1 John 2:18; Revelation 11:7; 13:1-10).

This lawless one will ultimately lead the entire world into rebellion against God (2 Thessalonians 2:10) as the son of destruction (verse 3). He is presently being restrained by the Holy Spirit, but after the rapture (when Christians indwelt by the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth), he will be made manifest (verse 6) and will deceive multitudes (Revelation 19:20).



Scripture reveals that the antichrist will be a genius in intellect (Daniel 8:23), commerce (Daniel 11:43; Revelation 13:16-17), war (Revelation 6:2; 13:2), speech (Daniel 11:36), and politics (Revelation 17:11-12).

This individual will perform counterfeit signs and wonders and deceive many people during the future tribulation period (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). In the book of Revelation, the aposde John describes this anti-God individual as a beast (Revelation 13:1-10).


This Satan-inspired individual will rise to prominence in the tribulation period, initially making a peace treaty with Israel (Daniel 9:27). In his desire to dominate the world, he will double-cross and then seek to destroy the Jews, persecute believers, and set up his own kingdom (Revelation 13). 


He will speak arrogant and boastful words, glorifying himself (2 Thessalonians 2:4). His assistant, the false prophet, will seek to make the world worship the antichrist (Revelation 13:11-12). 



The false prophet will control the global economy by forcing people around the world to receive the mark of the antichrist in order to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-17). However, to receive this mark ensures one of being the recipient of God s wrath. The antichrist will eventually rule the whole world (Revelation 13:7) from his headquarters in Rome (Revelation 17:8-9). This beast will be defeated and bound by Jesus at His second coming (Revelation 19:11-16).


This is the big picture. Now lets consider some details about this evil person.

The Antichrist Will Not Be a Jew

Some interpreters have tried-to argue that the antichrist will be a Jew...... 

(I  agree  with  him  here,  he  will not  be  a  Jew  -  Keith Hunt)

The Antichrist Will Not Be a Muslim

More recendy, for understandable reasons, many have claimed that the antichrist will be a Muslim.....

(I  agree  with  him  here,  he  will  not  be  a  Muslim  -  Keith Hunt)

The Antichrist Rises in a Revived Rome

Daniel 7:3-8 refers to four beasts. These represent kingdoms that play an important role in biblical prophecy. Daniel begins in verse 3 by affirming, "Four great beasts came up out of the sea, different from one another." These four beasts reveal much about prophetic chronology. The first, Daniel says, was "like a lion and had eagles' wings," but "its wings were plucked off" (verse 4). This imagery apparendy represents Babylon, its lion-like quality indicating power and strength. It is interesting to observe that winged lions guarded the gates of Babylon's royal palaces (see Jeremiah 4:7). The wings indicate rapid mobility, and the plucking of the wings indicates a removal of mobility (perhaps a reference to Nebuchadnezzar's insanity or to Babylon's deterioration following his death).

Daniel continued in verse 5. "And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised up on one side. It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and it was told, 'Arise, devour much flesh.'"  This is the Medo-Persia kingdom, and the ribs are vanquished nations—perhaps Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt. Medo-Persia was well-known for its strength and fierceness in battle (see Isaiah 13:17-18).

Daniel describes a third beast in verse 6. "And behold, another like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it." The leopard was known for its swiftness, cunning, and agility. This imagery represents Greece under Alexander the Great. The four heads depict the four generals who divided the kingdom following Alexander's death, ruling Macedonia, Asia Minor, Syria, and. Egypt.

Finally, in verse 7, Daniel mentions the fourth beast-—a mongrel that was more terrifying and powerful than the three preceding beasts.

"Behold, a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots. And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things."

This wild imagery refers to the Roman Empire. Rome already existed in ancient days, but it fell apart in the fifth century AD. It will be revived, however, in the end times, apparently comprised often nations ruled by ten kings (ten horns). I noted previously in the book that animals used their horns as weapons (see Genesis 22:3; Psalm 69:31). For this reason, the horn eventually came to be seen as a symbol of power and might. As an extension of this symbol, horns in Bible times were sometimes used as emblems of dominion, representing kingdoms and kings, as is the case in the books of Daniel (chapters 7—8) and Revelation (12:13; 13:1,11; 17:3-16).

In Daniel 7, an eleventh horn-—-a little horn (the antichrist)-—starts out apparendy in an insignificant way but grows powerful enough to uproot three of the existing horns (kings). He eventually comes into absolute power and dominance over this revived Roman Empire, probably halfway through the tribulation period.


Related to this, Daniel 2 records a prophetic dream that Nebuchadnezzar had. In this dream, this end-times Roman Empire was pictured as a mixture of iron and clay (see verses 41-43). Daniel, the great interpreter of dreams, saw this as meaning that just as iron is strong, so this latter-day Roman Empire would be strong. But just as iron and clay do not naturally mix with each other, so this latter-day Roman Empire would have some divisions. It would not be completely integrated.

Many modern biblical interpreters see the European Union (which is characterized by both unity and some division) as a primary prospect for the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy. The stage is now appearing to be set for the fulfillment of Daniel 2 and 7.  Once the antichrist emerges into power in a revived Rome, it is just a matter of time before he comes into complete global domination.




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