Friday, August 23, 2024



Child-Rearing and Personality- Development

The Final Challenge!


by Paul D. Meier

A Final Challenge

A.   Paul's competitive spirit.

     The Apostle Paul revealed his competitive spirit when he
wrote to the Corinthians, "Know ye not that they which run in a
race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may
obtain" (I Cor.9:24). I love Paul's competitive spirit, and I
believe strongly that we, as Christian parents, should consider
ourselves in competition with the world, especially in producing
children who become the very best in emotional and spiritual

B.   God's pro draft for Christian parents.

     Since I am an avid sports fan, I wait eagerly each year to
see who will be selected in the pro draft as the best college
football players. I was thinking about this one time, and I
started wondering what would happen if God had a pro draft each
year to select the very best Christian parents to raise our
children. Which round would you be selected in - or would you be
selected at all? Paul says, "So run, that ye may obtain." If you
feel that you have made a great many mistakes in the past, well,
welcome to the human race. But there is no use in dwelling on the
past. Lets pick up the pieces where we are right now, and develop
ourselves into the very best parents our children can possibly
have. Children can tolerate many parental mistakes. We cause
psychological and spiritual handicaps in our children only when
we consistently refuse to cooperate with God's plan and

C.   Children are a gift from God.

     God's Word tells us, "Behold, children are a gift of the
Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward" (Ps.127:.3, NASV). If
the Lord tarries, there is nothing I want more when I get older
than to see my own children and grandchildren still growing in
the Lord and still excited about life!

D.   Good children are an honor.

     Solomon said, "My son, how happy I will be if you turn out
to be sensible! It will be a public honor to me" (Prov.27:11,
LB). Well, I feel the same way about my children.

E.   Don't let the world squeeze you into its mold!

     Paul urges us on with the words, "I beseech you therefore,
brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a
living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable [not exceptional, but reasonble] service. And be not
conformed to this world [the Phillips translation says, 'Don't
let the world squeeze you into its mold']: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.    - Rom.12:1-2.

F.   God will help us.

     Christian parents, let's dedicate ourselves to God, so He
can accomplish what He wants to accomplish in our children
through us. He has promised to help us to be the kind of parents
He has called us to be. Paul promised us, "Faithful is he that
calleth you, who also will do it" (I Thess.5:24). Moreover, we
have the Old Testament assurance: "For the eyes of the Lord
search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people
whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his
great power in helping them" (2 Chron.16:9, LB).

G.   Confess past mistakes.

     I would encourage you to confess your past mistakes to God,
remembering His promise that "if we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9).

H.   Forget the past and move on toward that prize.

     Forgive yourself for past mistakes, and move on from there
with the attitude that the Apostle Paul had when he wrote:

     "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching
     forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the
     mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ
     Jesus" (Phil.3:13-14). 

     May God reward you richly for turning from the selfish
ambitions of this world and totally committing yourself to God's
highest calling - being a wise, strong, loving, and godly
Christian parent.



Yes, overall a very FINE book on Child-rearing and Personality-
development. True, it's an old book, but then truths never gets
old, just as God Himself and Jesus the Christ never get old.

You also have a wealth of "good stuff" from James Dobsom books
and his "Focus on the Family" radio program. Ah, James D. like
myself is getting old, but God's truth marches on, forever new
and young.

Keith Hunt

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