Monday, March 3, 2025



The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation #1

How it all fits together

                                               Keith Hunt




Dan. 2:31,38
Head of Gold - Breast of Silver - Belly of Brass - Legs of Iron
v. 38
God tells us what this means - Nebuchadnezzar (v.28) and the
Babylonian empire is the head of gold.
v. 39.
Three more kingdoms to arise who would rule the earth--there have
only been four world ruling powers in history: 1. Babylon 
2. Persia 3. Greece 4. Rome.
v. 41     
The fourth kingdom was divided (two legs) - the Roman empire was
divided between Rome and Constantinople. See your history books.
v. 34     
A STONE was cut out "without hand" (no human power) and smote the
image on its FEET and it was gone forever. 
v. 35     
The stone becomes a mountain and fills the WHOLE EARTH.
STONE - MOUNTAIN - EARTH? Can we put it together? Christ is
referred to as a stone (Mt.21:42,44, Eph.2:20, Acts 4:10, 11).
Mountain - God's house, His kingdom is referred to as a mountain.
(Jn.14:1-3, Isa.2:1-4).
Filling the earth--upon Christ's return God's kingdom will be
established on this earth.
(Mic.4:1-4; Isa.11; Zach.14).
v. 42     
Also gives us the answer to v.34,35.
v. 44     
The stone (Christ) smashes the feet and toes and then the God of
heaven sets up a kingdom.
There are ten toes on a pair of feet - Christ smashes the
TOES - plural - not toe, or last toe or tenth toe. He smashes the
FEET NOT FOOT (v.34). The toes represent kings (v.42 with 44).
In the days of THESE (plural) KINGS (plural), more than one, God
sets up his kingdom.
These kingdoms or kings of ten are all existing at the same
time - they are not (consecutive) one after the other, but
simultaneous, one with, alongside the other.
Christ smashes them--all at the same time.

Does God give us another scripture to prove this? Yes!
Ten kings unite to fight the LAMB; Christ is referred to as the
Lamb (Jn.1:29), He overcomes them.
Also describes this same time and event. 
The toes on the feet of Daniel's image are the ten
kings - horns - of John's beast of Revelation 17.


v. 4 
Like a LION with eagles wings. 
v. 5
Like a BEAR - three ribs in its mouth. 
v. 6 
Like a LEOPARD - with four heads.
v. 7 
Fourth beast - INDESCRIBABLE - very terrible. God interprets for
v. 17     
These beasts are four kings - they represent four kings.
v. 23     
The fourth beast IS the FOURTH KINGDOM upon earth to rule the
earth. King and kingdom then are used interchangeably.
What does history tell us?

There have been ONLY FOUR world ruling empires! BABYLON (625-538
B.C.). A man's heart given it - Nebuchadnezzar was converted to
God (Dan.4:28-37). PERSIA (558-330 B.G.). Three ribs in its mouth
- it came to power by conquering three empires, Media, Lidia,
GREECE (333-330 B.C.). Four heads - the great king of this
empire, Alexander only reigned a few years and died. His empire
was divided into FOUR PARTS by four of his generals.
ROME (46 B.C.-476 A.D.approx.). It truly was strong with iron
teeth - it ruled and conquered and stamped under foot more people
and lands than the other three empires.


v. 7 
The fourth beast was ROME as we have seen. Notice! IT the fourth
beast had ten horns.
v. 8 
A LITTLE HORN comes up - notice AMONG them (among the ten horns),
yes, ALONGSIDE the ten horns.
v. 9 
The expanse of TIME that the TOTAL HORNS endure
for (the ten horns and little horn) is until the ANCIENT OF DAY
DID SIT (cross ref. this with Rev. 1:13-18; 20:4, Dan.7:13-14;
Ps.90:2; 104:2), Christ sitting on His throne ruling this earth
(Lk.1:31-32; Zech.14:1-9; Rev.3:21; 2:26-27; Dan.7:13-14).
The horns represent kings or kingdoms - see Dan.8:20,21.
Ten kingdoms were to arise OUT OF the fourth beast and another
kingdom ALONGSIDE them - from the rising to fall was to last
until Christ returns to reign as king (see also v.20-22).

There is no history that states Rome was divided into ten pieces
upon its collapse, and the area of the old empire has NOT been
ruled by ten nations from its original fall until now. THESE ten
kingdoms are NOT SIMULTANEOUS BUT CONSECUTIVE. God makes it plain
in v.8.

Notice! It says three of the FIRST horns. If there is a first -
it is number one- second is number two- third is number three, etc:
If we say the FIRST THREE runners in a race have pulled out, we
mean runners number one, two and three, not runners seven, eight
and nine.
If the FIRST THREE HORNS are plucked up then there is a fourth,
fifth, sixth, etc. IN THAT ORDER.

Does history show us that there were three consecutive powers
that arose to bring down and at that same time continue the Roman
Yes indeed!

"In 378 THE VISIGOTHS, angered by the oppression of imperial
governors, raised the standard of revolt. They overwhelmed a
Roman army at Adrianople and then marched westward into Italy.
In 410 under Alaric they captured and plundered Rome, later
moving on into southern Gaul." Western Civilization p.261 "In 455
ROME WAS SACKED BY THE VANDALS ... other Germanic nations also
made their way into Italy, and before the end of the fifth
century the Roman empire in the west had passed completely under
the domination of the Barbarians." Western Civilization p.261
Theodoric....until nearly the end of his reign of thirty-three
years, Theodoric gave Italy a more enlightened rule than the
country had known under many of the caesars...not until 552 was
the power of the Ostrogoths finally broken." Western Civilization

The Lombards then held most of the peninsula under the rule of
semi-independent dukes until the late 8th century. Western
Civilization p.263.

Rome it would seem had finally been wounded to death. THREE HORNS
(kingdoms) had come and gone by 552 A.D. There are still SEVEN
HORNS left, and they must extend over a period of time that ENDS
when Christ returns.


Here is what Daniel tells us about it:

1. It comes up AMONG or ALONGSIDE the other ten horns. It is in
existence at the same time as all the other horns, v.8.
2. It plucks up the first three horns- indicating that it does
not come to great power and influence until AFTER 552 A. (After
the Visigoths, Vandals and Ostrogoths had fallen.), v. 8.
3. It is likened to a MAN who speaks great things - indicating
that it has a man as a spokesman for itself, v. 8.
4. It continues until Christ returns, v. 9.
5. It comes out of the fourth beast (Rome), v. 7,8. So it is part
of and exists in the geographic area of the original Roman
Empire. It is Roman.
6. It makes war with or against the saints of God, v. 21,25.
7. It speaks against the most high (God) - it is blasphemous,
8. It changes - it thinks "to change the times (of sacred feasts 

   and holy days) and the law..." Amplified Bible.
9. It continues in power and might for one specific length of —   

   time, 1,260 years. (cross ref. v.25 with Rev.12:6,14 and Ezek.
   4:3-5), v.25.
10.It is a horn - so it is a government - kingdom type empire,   

v. 8
What in all history from Rome till now and beyond (for it must
exist at Christ's return) could answer to all of those ten
points. It must be something so large and powerful as to
be unmistakable in the history books. There HAS BEEN and IS only

1. The Catholic Church itself and the Pope claims direct descent
from Peter (the apostle of Christ). It was therefore in existence
alongside the horns of v.8. It was already in existence before
the Visigoths, Vandals and Ostrogoths took power of Rome. See a
History of Christianity book.
2. The Catholic Church did not come to GREAT power and influence
until AFTER 552 A.D. after the first three horns had fallen.
3. It has a man - namely the Pope as its spokesman- he is the
voice of the Church - he claims to be God's representative on
earth- he claims infallibility at times.
4. The Catholic Church is still with us today with no sign of
dying out.
5. It is called Roman - its capital is Rome - the same city that
was the capital of the old pagan empire - it is living in the
same geographical location of the original Roman empire.
6. What Church or power has directly ordered or sanctioned other
people to death for being followers of Christ MORE THAN the
Catholic Church. See your history books.
7. The Priests are called "FATHER" Christ said nobody was to be
called in religious titles FATHER. It is God's name ONLY, 
(Mt.23:9.). Doing so is speaking against the most high.
8. The Roman Church has done MORE than anyone to CHANGE the
seasons - it introduced CHRISTMAS, EASTER, ALL SOULS DAY
(HALLOWEEN),THE NEW YEAR, the present calendar we use, and many
other saints days - all derived from PAGANISM not God.

It changed the LAW of God - namely the fourth point of the law -
it changed it from the SEVENTH to the FIRST DAY.
See a book called "Christian Feasts and Customs" by Francis
Weiser at your library - it will open your eyes as to the
paganism in our Christianity.
9. From 554 A.D. to 1814 A.D. the Catholic Church had its biggest
"field day" as they say today. It ruled with great power, might
and prestige. From the fall of the Ostrogoths to the fall of the
Napoleon empire was 1,260 years.
10. The Roman Catholic Church is a government - it has offices,
ambassadors, representatives in all nations- it is not only
ecclesiastical in power it is also political in power-ruling and
guiding and influencing many a nation on this earth. The Roman
Catholic Church has been in EXISTENCE and ALONGSIDE the rise and
fall of each of these consecutive ten horns of the fourth beast
of Daniel 7.

The REMAINING SEVEN HORNS of Daniel chapter 7 tie in directly
with the first beast of Revelation chapters 13 and 17. The LITTLE
HORN of Daniel chapter 7 ties in directly with the second beast
of Revelation chapter 13.


v. 1 
A beast rises out of the sea- Daniel sees his beasts rise out of
the sea (Dan.7:3.) These two chapters (Rev.13 and Dan.7) are
John sees one beast - like a leopard, bear and lion - the SAME
ANIMALS that Daniel saw in chap.7:3-6. Again this is too similar
not to be connected. One beast comprising the strongest part of
each of Daniel's beasts.
The dragon - Rev.12:3,9 - is Satan - this Beast is Satan's tool.
This one beast has seven heads and ten horns, (v. 1).
v. 3 
We will come back to this later.
v. 4 This beast is a great war machine - the greatest war power
ever known.
Notice Dan.7:7 the fourth beast- dreadful and terrible - strong
exceedingly - iron teeth - devoured much. Dan.7:23- it devoured
the whole earth.
v. 5,6    
This beast of Rev.13 also speaks great things and blasphemies
(comp. to Dan 7:8,25). In Daniel chapter 7 the fourth beast
speaks great things and words against God AFTER three horns were
plucked up - when only seven horns remained. This beast of John
also continues for 42 months- 1,260 days or years (God's month
only has 30 days or 360 days a year) (see Dan.7:25). AFTER three
horns were destroyed, Dan. 7:24,25.
v. 7 
John's beast makes war with the saints - so does Daniel's. Dan
7:19-25. The similarities between John's beast (first one, and
Daniel's fourth beast) is striking.

It should be plain.

The beast that John sees coming up out of the sea IS the fourth
beast that Daniel sees coming out of the sea.
The Roman Empire swallowed up the empires of Babylon, Persia and
Greece - many of the pagan practices and customs or Rome can be
traced right back to Babylon, the first world empire.
John's beast is that of the Roman Empire mixed with the most
powerful aspects of the other three previous empires.
Daniel's fourth beast continues for 1,260 years after the first,
three horns are gone- when SEVEN HORNS were left.
John's beast continues 42 months or 1,260 years (a day for a year
Ezek.4:4) with seven heads and another ten horns.
Put it together:

of John's beast.

v. 3 
ONE HEAD WOUNDED TO DEATH - the original head of Rome was finally
put to death (so it seemed to the world) in 476 A.D. (as the
history books give the date, which is only approximately) with
the fall of the third horn - the Ostrogoths, IT WAS HEALED - Rome
was resurrected, by Justinian in 554 A.D. and continued for 1,260
years (42 months) until 1814 A.D., the end of Napoleon's reign.
John's beast has ten horns (kingdoms) ten crowns (kings) -
compare this to Daniel 2:34,41-44. The iron part of Daniel's
image was the ROMAN EMPIRE - the ten toes are TOGETHER when
Christ destroys them at His return. Compare this with
Rev.17:12-14 - ten kings (kingdoms - crowns - horns) fight Christ
at return.
The ten horns or crowns of John's first beast of Rev.13 are the
ten nations, kings of Rev.17:12 and the ten toes of Daniel's
John's beast of Rev.13 is the CIVIL part of the RESURRECTED ROMAN
EMPIRE AFTER 554 A.D. It is the last seven horns of Daniel's
fourth beast of Dan.7 and the FINAL ten kingdoms to join forces
to fight Christ upon His return.

Remember, John is MAINLY seeing the CIVIL-MILITARY power of the
continuing Roman empire in this first beast.
Notice v.4, who can make WAR with HIM- the Church of Rome never
went to war directly - the Church did not have an army of
soldiers- THIS BEAST DOES.
v. 7 
The beast - the civil military power was the one to DO the
KILLING of true Christians- not the Church - it only sanctioned
v. 8 
Worship the beast - yes, many of the civil military rulers of
were worshipped as gods by the people - the whole empire WAS and
WILL BE looked upon by the people as DIVINE- God's instrument in
dealing with mankind.


v. 11     
Two horns (a two fold government - Dan. 8:20-22). It LOOKS LIKE a
lamb (chap.14:1; Jn.1:29; Zech.14:3,4).
It looks like Christ, a representative of Christ, but it speaks
the things of a DRAGON (Rev.12:3,9). It is really a tool of Satan
the Devil.
v. 12     
This beast causes all to worship the first beast - the Roman
Empire and its rulers were worshipped as gods. 
v. 13     
This beast does GREAT WONDERS - Christ said in Mt.24:24 that JUST
BEFORE His coming "...false Christ's and FALSE PROPHETS..." would
arise "...and shew great signs and WONDERS..." Notice the similar
language used.
This beast can make fire come down from heaven - he can PERFORM
Notice Rev.16:13, three unclean spirits go out of the DRAGON
(Satan chap.12:3,9), the BEAST (we'll see this later) and the
FALSE PROPHET; v.14 these spirits are demons - working MIRACLES.
In 2 Thes.2:3-9, Paul describes an INDIVIDUAL - a single person
called "...THAT MAN of that HE as God (claiming he IS or
he is GOD'S REPRESENTATIVE) sitteth in the temple of God..." v. 9
this individual comes "...after the working of Satan with all
POWER and SIGNS and lying WONDERS."

John sees what Paul saw, in I Jn. 2:18. He tells us there must
come ONE supreme ANTI-CHRIST in the last days, before the return
of Christ.
So we have Christ's statement in Mt.24:24 of MANY false prophets
doing SIGNS and WONDERS narrowed down to ONE supreme individual -
the man of sin as Paul calls him in 2.Thes.2 - the ANTI-CHRIST as
John calls him in I Jn. 2:18 - and a FALSE PROPHET as John calls
him in Rev.16:13,14.
v. 14     
Let's let God nail it down for us - let's let the Bible interpret
Notice! This beast deceives people " the means of those
MIRACLES which he had power to do IN THE SIGHT OF THE BAST..."
Now, compare this with Rev.19:20, "and the beast was taken and
with him the FALSE PROPHET that wrought MIRACLE BEFORE HIM..."
And it goes on to say this false prophet DECEIVED people by those
MIRAGES - deceived those who received the MARK OF THE BEAST and
them who WORSHIPPED HIS IMAGE. The BEAST of Rev.13:11 also says
to those whom he deceives that they should make an IMAGE to the
beast and WORSHIP IT or be killed (v.14,15) AND he causes all to
receive a MARK OF THE BEAST (v.16,17).
The false prophet of Rev.19:20 is destroyed at Christ's return -
see v.11-20.
Paul's MAN OF SIN is also destroyed by Christ at His coming - 2
Oh! Can we see! The beast of Rev.13:11, IS the FALSE PROPHET of
Rev.16:13,14 and Rev.19:20.
He is the SUPREME FALSE PROPHET of Christ's statement in 
He is the MAN OF SIN in 2 Thes.2.
He is the ANTI-CHRIST of John in I Jn.2:18.

What about the IMAGE and TWO HORNS. We must answer these now.
IMAGE- the Greek is "ikone" (a likeness, i.e. literally, statute,
profile, or figuratively, representation, resemblance. Strong's
Con.). Christ was the image of God (2 Cor.4:4), the same Greek
word is used.
This second beast says to the world there should be an IMAGE, a
LIKENESS, a RESEMBLANCE made to the beast which was wounded by a
sword and yet lived, that is to the first beast of Rev.13 - see
v. 3.
The first beast is the CIVIL MILITARY ROMAN EMPIRE after 554 A.D.
and up to the return of Christ.
The image must also have existed from 554 A.D.
To create a LIKENESS it must come from the original.
What in history comes from- has its origin in - is patterned
after the ROMAN EMPIRE - and is LARGE enough to engulf the world.
And to make, force people to worship it or be killed (v.15)?
Why,only the Church that comes from the SAME CITY as the old
empire - that calls itself by the SAME NAME - the Church that is
UNIVERSAL - that RULED with the civil military power over the
same geographical area - the Church that during the Middle Ages
FORCED people to be killed if they did not worship its way.
That Church - that likeness of the civil power beast - is the
ROMAN CATHOLIC (universal - that's what Catholic means)


Many do not realize that the Roman Catholic Church has a twofold
Governmental system.
The Roman Church has a religious order from its Pope, Cardinals,
Bishops down to its Priests - it has a Church government. But it
also has a civil political organization - the Vatican city is a
state unto itself. The Church of Rome partakes with the
governments of this world. Christ said His followers would come
out of this world (Jn.17:14,16; Rom.12:2). It has offices and
embassies in countries around the world, much like civil nations
of this world have. Its form of Church organization comes from
the civil Roman empire, (see The Two Babylon by Hislop and
Babylon Mystery Religion by Woodrow).

It is more than significant that on certain occasions the Pope
wears a TWO HORNED MITRE.     
The following is from the book Babylon Mystery Religion, p. 87.

"The mitre is seen in the accompanying sketch of Pope Paul 
(I have not included any pictures in this study)as he delivered
his sermon on "peace" during his historic visit to the United
States in 1965. (The photo on page 92 also shows the Pope wearing
a highly decorated mitre of the same shape.)
As the noted writer Hislop puts it concerning the Papal mitre:   
"...the two horned mitre, which the Pope wears when he sits on
the high altar at Rome and receives the adoration of the
Cardinals is the very mitre worn by Dagon, the fish-god, of the
Philistines and Babylonians."



The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation #2

All about them!


He - this second beast causes a MARK to be given
to - (Rev. 13 I 16).

1. Small or great people, rich or poor people, free or bond
(slaves, servants).
This MARK knows no class distinction - it is upon kings or

2. This MARK is received either in the HAND - what you do
physically or in the FOREHEAD - what you believe mentally.

3. (v.17) This MARK effects being able to BUY or SELL - it
effects your job, or livelihood.

4. This MARK belongs to the FIRST BEAST but is forced upon people

The FIRST BEAST is the civil military ROMAN EMPIRE. The SECOND
BLAST is the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH with its head spokesman and
finally its greatest miracle working false prophet of all time.
What in history has the CATHOLIC CHURCH acquired from PAGAN ROME
to give and force people to accept - people of all walks of life
- that effect what they do physically (the hand) or what
they believe mentally (the forehead) - something that could very
well effect buying or selling. This MARK would be so worldwide
and so obvious to tell those who had it, and those who refused to
have it.
There is only ONE answer - SUNDAY observance - the first day of
the week as opposed to the seventh day. The keeping of Sunday as
the Sabbath of God has NO Biblical foundation whatever. The first
day of the week was observed by pagan Rome in B.C. times. The
Catholic Church adopted it from Rome and enforced it on the world
at the Council of Nicea in 321 A.D. See your history books.

Prophesying about the emergence of the CATHOLIC church, Daniel
was inspired to write,"And he shall speak words against the Most
High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and THINK to
CHANGE the TIMES (of sacred feasts and holy days)and the LAW..."
(Dan.11:25, Amplified Bible).

The law of the SABBATH(4th point of the 10 commandments)was
CHANGED by the sanction of the Catholic church from SATURDAY to
The sacred feasts of God(as given in Lev.23) were CHANGED to
different dates and days or supplanted with other festivals of
PAGAN origin i.e. Easter in place of PASSOVER - ChristMass in
In a larger sense ALL of these false PAGAN days and festivals
constitute the MARK of the Roman empire, which the IMAGE of the
BEAST has caused ALL but the very elect of God to receive either
in their MIND (forehead) - what they mentally receive and honor
as truth AND/OR in their HAND - what they physically DO.
Those Who REFUSE to follow the 7th day Sabbath and festivals of
God have RECEIVED the MARK of the BEAST. He is a part of the
Pagan Roman empire - and unless REPENTANCE is forthcoming, will
suffer the WRATH of God (Rev.14:9,10).


(v. 17), The beast - this is the first beast - CIVIL MILITARY
ROMAN EMPIRE - has not only a MARK that brands people as
belonging to it, but also a NUMBER that identifies who this beast
(v. 18), This number is also the number of a MAN - one SPECIFIC

The number of this MAN must also be the NAME of the BEAST. NOTE:
This number is NOT the number of a TITLE or OFFICE or RELIGIOUS
ORDER. It is the NUMBER of a MAN - a man that identifies the
beast - a man that gives his name to the beast, as it is also the
number of the beast's name.
If the beast (first beast of Rev.13) is the resurrected ROMAN
EMPIRE - can we find in history a man who gave his NAME to the
empire. Oh, indeed we can!

The founder of ROME and the ROMAN EMPIRE was a man - ROMULUS -
this is what the history books say on him:


ROMULUS AND REMUS in Roman mythology, were twin brothers who
founded the city of Rome. The Romans considered Romulus their
first king.
According to tradition, Romulus and Remus were born in the
ancient Italian city of Alba Longa. King Numitor ruled Alba Longa
until Arnulius, his younger brother, deposed him. Amulius killed
Numitor's sons and forced Rhea Silvia, Numitor's daughter, to
become a Vestal Virgin. Vestal Virgins were priestesses who by
law had to remain virgins. Amulius hoped that Rhea Silvia's being
a Vestal Virgin would prevent her from bearing children who might
threaten his rule. But the god Mars seduced Rhea Silvia, and she
gave birth to Romulus and Remus. Amulius had Rhea Silvia executed
and ordered the babies placed in a basket and thrown into the
Tiber River.
After floating downstream, the twins were washed ashore. A female
wolf found the infants and nursed them. Romulus, Remus, and the
wolf became popular subjects for Roman artists. Several ancient
statues show the babies with their animal protector.
A shepherd named Faustulus discovered Romulus and Remus.
Faustulus and his wife raised the boys as their own children.
After the twins became young men, they learned their true
identity. They overthrew Amulius, killed him, and restored
Numitor to the throne.
Soon, Romulus and Remus set out to found their own city. However
the brothers quarrelled over the site where the city should be
built, so to settle the argument, they agreed that the one who
saw the largest number of vultures in flight should choose the
site. Romulus claimed he saw 12 vultures, which he declared was a
sign from the gods that his location was the proper one. Remus,
who saw only six vultures, thought his brother had cheated. After
Romulus began to build a wall around his chosen site, Remus
leaped over the ditch that was to hold the foundation of the
wall. As he did so, he mocked Romulus. For this act of
disloyalty, Remus was killed, either by Romulus himself or by one
of Romulus' followers. Romulus then became the sole ruler of the
city, which he named Rome, for himself.
Rome prospered, but only men lived there. To provide wives for
his subjects, Romulus had women kidnapped from the neighboring
Sabine tribe (see Sabine). Romulus was a wise and popular ruler
and a fine miliary leader. He expanded Rome until it became the
most powerful city in its region.
After reigning for 38 years, Romulus disappeared mysteriously
during a storm. According to a later Roman myth, he became the
god Quirinus. 
C. Scott Littleto
See also Mythology (Roman Mythology); QUIRINUS 

End Quote

The city of Rome was named after ROMULUS - the empire was named
after the capital city ROME - if you were part of that empire you
were a man of Rome - a ROMAN - a ROMULUS MAN. 

We are told to COUNT - add up - the man - it will come to 666.

The New Testament was written in Greek - the Greek for
          L is worth  30 
          A  "   "       1
          T  "   "   300 
          E  "   "       5      
          I  "   "      10 
          N  "   "     50 
          0  "   "      70 
          S  "   "    200 

A total of 666!!

LATEINOS in Greek means "Latin Man" - a man of Italy - a man of
Rome - a Roman - a Romulus man.

ROMULUS in HEBREW (which the Old Testament was written in) is
Romiith - this also totals 666.

There is no question - what John sees as the FIRST BEAST of
Revelation 13 is the RESURRECTED CIVIL ROMAN EMPIRE after 554 
A.D. - it is Daniel's fourth beast of Dan.7 after the first three
horns have gone.
The ten horns of John's beast of chapter 13 are the ten toes of
Daniel's image of Dan.2 and the ten kings of Rev.17 that will
fight Christ on His return.

The SECOND BEAST of John in Rev.13 is the LITTLE HORN of Daniel 7
- the PAPACY - the Roman Catholic Church - the IMAGE, the
spiritual image of the civil Roman empire - the Church that
caused people to be killed, that made war with the saints of God
if they did not worship it - the Church that has a man as its
eyes and mouth - a man that blasphemes the name of God, calling
himself "father". The Church - the beast that will finally bring
forth the greatest false prophet of all - the man of sin - the
antiChrist - the miracle worker - that Christ shall consume with
the spirit of His mouth upon returning to this earth.

The Catholic Church is the little horn that "thought" to CHANGE
THE LAW of God (Dan.7). It is the beast that caused the world to
receive a MARK - a mark derived from pagan Rome - SUNDAY
OBSERVANCE - it changed the FOURTH POINT of God's law, from the
SEVENTH DAY of the week to the FIRST DAY of the week. It CHANGED
the SACRED FEASTS and HOLY DAYS of God (as given in Lev.23) and
borrowed from PAGAN ROME the feasts of Easter, Christmas, Lent,
New Years, All Saints Day, Valentines Day, etc.


v. 1 
Great whore - a woman prostitute sitting on MANY WATERS - people,
multitudes, nations, v. 15. She rules, guides MANY nations and

v. 2 
Kings have been part of her lewdness and the earth has been made
drunk - can't see straight, can't direct its path straight.

v. 3 
A WOMAN - chapter 12.1-5, tells us a woman in prophecy represents
a CHURCH - the Church of God brought forth Jesus who is to rule
all nations when He returns, but is now on God's right hand in
heaven. See v.5-17 of chap. 12. This Church - woman, is a fallen
woman, a prostitute. She sits on a beast that - is red and:
     1. blasphemes
     2. has seven heads 
     3. and ten horns
Compare this to Rev.12:3 (Satan - red and seven heads and ten
horns) and Rev.13:1-5 - the beast of John has:
     1. seven heads
     2. ten horns
     3. the dragon (Satan chap.12:3,9) controls 
     4: it blasphemes
The first beast of Rev.13 is the civil military power of the
resurrected Roman empire.
The beast that John sees here - the beast the woman or Church
rides and controls is the SAME BEAST - the Roman empire.

v. 4-6    
Is a description of this woman - this Church.
     1. Very rich and wealthy - serving abominations. 
     2. She is full of mystery derived from ancient Babylon - she
is the foremost proponent of great Babylon mysteries.
     3. She is a mother - other Churches came out of her.
     4. This Church is responsible for the killing of true
followers of God.

The second beast of Rev.13 also is responsible for killing anyone
who would not worship it.
This WOMAN and the SECOND BEAST of Rev.13 are the one and same -

1. There is no Church wealthier than the Roman Church.
2. Many of her doctrines and practices can not only be traced
back to Rome but can be found to ORIGINATE in Babylon - the first
world ruling empire (See The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop).
3. Which Church has been responsible for the martyrdom of
thousands of individuals who refused to worship its way?
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (see your history books).

The woman rode the entire beast with ALL of its seven heads and
ten horns.

What are these seven heads and ten horns? We shall see.


v. 9 
Seven heads are seven mountains.
A mountain represents KINGDOM (comp. Mic.4:1; Dan.2:34-35). See
also v.10. Kings with Dan.2:37-39. The woman sits on all seven of
these kingdoms. Are these kingdoms simultaneous or consecutive? 
The answer is given - FIVE have gone - ONE is, (the time that
John sees this vision is when the sixth kingdom is in existence)
and ONE more is yet to come.

These kingdoms are consecutive.

Can we find in history at least five, possibly six kingdoms or
empires that arose OUT OF the old Roman empire - in the same
geographical area - and controlled or sanctioned by a woman - a
Church? Yes, indeed:

A history book titled "Western Civilization" by Edward McNall
Burns, gives us six and SIX ONLY (so far in our history) civil
church empires.

I will quote from the aforementioned book.



The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation #3

The final understandings




.....As a matter of fact, it was Charlemagne's constant
intervention in religious affairs which led to the climax of his
whole career - his coronation as Roman Emperor by Pope Leo 3. Leo
had been in trouble for some time. Accused of being a tyrant and
a rake, he so aroused the indignation of the people of Rome that
in 799 they gave him a severe beating and forced him to flee from
the city, Struggling over the mountains to Germany, he implored
the aid of Charlemagne. The great king sent him back to Italy and
was instrumental in restoring him to the papal throne. On
christmas day, 800, as Charles knelt in prayer in St.Peter's
church the grateful Pope placed a crown on his head while the
assembled multitude hailed him as, "Augustus, crowned of God,
Great and pacific Emperor of the Romans"....The Carolingian
empire thus established was not conceived as the beginning of a
new state, but as a REVIVAL of the empire of the Caesars. the
grandeur of Rome was now held to be REBORN.....


.....When the eastern branch of the Carolingian dynasty died out
in 911, the Germans returned to their ancient practice of
electing a king. Their first choice was Conrad of Franconia. He,
in turn, was succeeded by Henry 1, the founder of the Saxon
dynasty. The more famous member of this dynasty was henry's son,
Otto the Great who became king in 936. From the beginning of his
reign Otto apparently entertained ambitions of becoming something
more than a mere king in Germany. He had himself crowned at
Aachen, probably to convey the idea that he was rightful
successor of Charlemagne. Soon afterwards he intervened in
Italian affairs and assumed the title of King of the Lombards.
From this it was only a step to becoming involved with the
Papacy. In 961 Otto responded to an appeal from Pope John 7 for
protection against his enemies, and in January of the following
year he was rewarded by being crowned Roman Emperor. Although the
empire of Otto the Great was confined to Germany and Italy, there
was doubtless the belief in the mind of its founder that it would
eventually be enlarged, perhaps to embrace all of Latin


IN the twelfth century the crown of Otto the Great came into
possession of the Hohenstaufen family, whose most distinguished
representatives were Frederick Barbarossa and Frederick 2. Both
of these rulers were outspoken in asserting their claims to
imperial dignity. Frederick Barbarossa called the empire of
Germany and Italy the Holy Roman Empire on the theory that it was
a universal empire established directly by God and co-ordinate in
rank with the church.Frederick 2, who was king of Sicily and
southern Italy as well as Holy Roman Empire, was much more
interested in his southern kingdom than he was in Germany.
Nevertheless, he believed just as firmly as did his grandfather
Barbarossa in a universal empire as the highest secular power in
western Europe.....


Frederick 2 was no more successful than any of his predecessors
in increasing the power of the Holy Roman Empire. His great
mistake was his failure to enlist the support of the middle class
in the cities as the Capetian monarchs in France had done.
Without this it was impossible to break through the wall of papal
opposition. After Frederick died in 1250 the Popes proceeded to
annihilate the remaining members of the Hohenstaufen line. In
1273 Rudolf of Hapsburg was elected to the imperial throne, but
the Holy Roman Empire over which he and his descendants ruled was
seldom very powerful. When finally abolished in 1806 by Napoleon,
it was little more than a political fiction.....


Though Napoleon was now an absolute monarch in nearly everything
but name, he still was not satisfied. In 1802 he obtained the
consent of the people to extend his term of office as First
Consul from ten years to life. All that then remained was to make
his position hereditary. In 1804 by another plebiscite he won
permission to convert the Consulate into an empire. Soon
afterwards in the midst of impressive ceremonies in the cathedral
of Notre Dame, he placed a crown upon his own head and assumed
the title of Napoleon 1.....He brought Pope Pius & all the way
from Rome to officiate at his coronation, though he was careful
to produce the impression that His Holiness was acting as the
mere agent of God and not as an international sovereign who could
create and depose the emperor.....Napoleon's work as a statesman
included many other changes in the political system of France.
For one thing, he restored the union between the Catholic church
and the state. In 1801 he signed a Concordat with the Pope, which
provided that bishops should be nominated by the First Consul and
that the salaries of the clergy should be paid by the government.
Even if the Catholic church did not regain the legal monopoly it
had enjoyed under the Old Regime, since other religions were also
to be tolerated, it was nevertheless placed in a position of
decided advantage and was thereby able to increase its power in
succeeding years. Not until 1905, when the Concordat of 1801 was
finally broken, was Catholicism again reduced to equality with
other faiths....


Probably it is safe to say that Mussolini was never a radical by
sincere and reasoned conviction but was simply following the
inclinations of a rebellious nature. No man with a define
philosophy could have reversed himself so often.....

          The state incorporates every interest and every loyalty
of its members. There must be "nothing above the state, nothing
outside the state, nothing against the sate."....

          The nation is the highest form of society ever evolved
by the human race....Internationalism is therefore a gross
perversion of human progress. The nation must be made strong and
great, through self-sufficiency, a powerful army, and a rapidly
increasing birth rate.

          The philosophy of Fascism was an idealist philosophy in
the sense that it renounced the materialistic interpretation of
history. The nation, according to Mussolini could become anything
it willed to become.....

          Reason can never be an adequate instrument for the
solution of great national problems. Intellect needs to be
supplemented by mystic faith, by self-sacrifice, and by worship
of heroism and strength....

          The sovereignty of the state is absolute. The citizen
has no rights but simply duties. What the nation needs, is not
liberty, but work, order, prosperity.....

          Strife is the origin of all things. Nations which do
not expand eventually wither and die. War exalts and ennobles man
and regenerates sluggish and decadent peoples.

No unprejudiced person would deny that the Fascist regime in
Italy had a few achievements to its credit, 1940, when Italy
entered World War 2, the government had reduced illiteracy,
effected what appeared to be a satisfactory settlement of the old
quarrel with the papacy, obliterated the Mafia, or Black Hand
organizations, in Sicily.....


Germany succumbed to fascism much later than Italy, mainly for
the reason that forces of nationalism and militarism were
temporarily discredited as a result of defeat in World War 1....

By a treaty with Pius 11 in 1929 the Fascist government abrogated
the 1871 Law of Papal Guaranties and recognized the complete
independence of the Vatican City. The agreement also provided
that Roman Catholicism should be the official religion of the
state, that religious instruction should be given in the schools,
and that the laws of the church should be ENFORCED by the

1935. In the fall of that year Benito Mussolini sent an army to
invade ETHIOPIA. The Ethiopian king appealed to the Council of
the League of Nations, which was fortunately in session. With
promptness unusual under the circumstances, the Council branded
Italy as an aggressor and decided to apply economic sanctions
against her....further efforts to curb Italy were quietly
abandoned. In May, 1936, Mussolini completed his conquest of the
Lion of Judah and proclaimed the establishment of the Italian
Empire. With Mussolini so successful in flouting the regime of
international law and order, it could be expected that Hitler
would take a turn at winning victories by bold defiance. He began
by tearing up the disarmament provisions of the Treaty of
Versailles. In 1935 he publicly announced the revival of
conscription and the return to universal military training. By
threatening the creation of a huge air force he hoodwinked the
British into signing a naval agreement permitting Germany to
build was vessels up to 35 per cent of the strength of Britain's
navy. by the end of 1936 he had a conscript army of over 800,000
men and 108 naval vessels already built or under construction....


You will have noticed that in May, 1936, Mussolini completed his
conquest of the Lion Of Judah and proclaimed the establishment of
the ITALIAN EMPIRE. You will have noticed part of his beliefs
were that he had ROMANTICISM as a must for his empire, Intellect
needs to be supplemented by "mystic faith< by self-sacrifice, and
by worship of heroism." IN patching things up with the Papacy
there was a treaty signed with Pope Pius 11, recognizing the
complete independence of the Vatican city, and provided that
Roman Catholicism should be the OFFICIAL RELIGION OF THE STATE,
that religious instruction should be given in the schools, and

MUSSOLINI had resurrected the 6TH HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

1. Charlemagne 814 A.D.
2. Otto the Great 962 A.D. 
3. Frederick 1180 A.D.
4. Rudolf of Hapsburg 1273 A.D. 
5. Napoleon 1804 A.D.

The ONE that is - Mussolini 1929 (John sees this AS IF he was
living at the time of this sixth kingdom).

The ONE that is yet to be.

This is interpreted FOR US in v.12-14. The ten horns are the
seventh mountain. Ten kingdoms will arise in the SAME
geographical area of Europe as the other resurrected Holy
(Church) Roman Empires were.

They will UNITE as one nation giving their power into the hands
of ONE specific great civil military leader - called the beast
(see chap.19:20; 16:13-14; Dan.7:11).
This beast leader will have the help of a great false prophet
(chap.19:20; 16:13-14). THEY and the armies of these ten united
nations will fight Christ at His return.

This SEVENTH HOLY Roman Empire is NOW being formed in Europe. It
is now known as the "EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET". It was only
economical - it is NOW political, the FIRST EVER European
government was elected in June 1979. It has many MORE than ten
nations within it at present and more wanting to join. But by the
time Jesus is to return, it will be ONLY 10 NATIONS that will
unite under the beast man and false prophet to fight Christ as He
comes to earth. It will become also a religious empire - ruled by
the Catholic Church and its Pope - the antiChrist, man of sin,
the false prophet. It will be the most powerful military
"religious" empire of all time. The RC church has at present (in
2003, as I put this up on my Website) over 1 BILLION MEMBER
worldwide and ever increasing, that is ONE in every SIX person on
earth are Roman Catholic by religious faith! 
This last revived, resurrected HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE will cause the
LAST martyrdom of saints, that we read about in Revelation
chapter 12.

Rev.18 - BABYLON

There was a LITERAL empire called BABYLON. There was a LITERAL
city called BABYLON. Shall we understand the Babylon of Rev.18 to
refer to a LITERAL city and a LITERAL empire? Let's compare
scripture with scripture.

v. 2 
BABYLON IS FALLEN IS FALLEN - is fallen ONCE (the original city)
is fallen (again to fall) TWICE. The fall of Babylon for the
second time CANNOT be the ORIGINAL city because it was never to
be inhabited or built again (Isa.13:20), as it once was.

Compare this with Isa.13:21. The language is similar for that of
original Babylon. But here is added "habitation of demons and
foul spirits." Now notice Rev.20:1-3. Satan is bound at some
location for a 1,000 years. Yes, he and his foul spirits will be
bound at this second modern Babylon which is yet to be destroyed
and become as the first Babylon.

v. 3 
Compare with Rev.17:2. The language is unmistakably similar - we
have seen that the woman in Rev.17 is the great false Church, the
Catholic Church. Notice Rev.14:8 Babylon is called a great city -
all nations have been made drunk (spiritually) by her. The same
type of description. Rev.17:5 calls this Church mystery Babylon -
its practices must have a mysterious connection with the original

v. 5,6
Compare with Rev.16:18,19. A literal earthquake, thunder and
lightnings, literal cities of nations fall - the GREAT city -
great Babylon - must also be literal.

v. 16     
We go over to this verse for a moment - compare it with Rev.
17:4. This great city and the woman of Rev.17 are the same.

v. 8-19   
The kings - the merchants - the shipmasters, sailors that trade
by sea - shall stand AFAR OFF and shall see the SMOKE of her
BURNING. Now, if this Babylon is the "whole earth" how are many
kings, and merchants going to STAND AFAR OFF and bewail her
destruction - for everyone on the earth would be IN the down
fall, in the destruction?
If this Babylon is a "spiritual sin" how are some going to stand
afar off and SEE the SMOKE of her BURNING?

v. 23     
This Babylon is responsible for DECEIVING the whole earth. Here
then is a power that is number one in God's eyes as a deceiver of
If something is responsible for deceiving something else, then
the deceiver is a TANGIBLE as the one BEING DECEIVED.

v. 49.
Notice! This Babylon is responsible for the death of saints - now
compare this with Rev.13:15 - the second beast of John causes
death on people who would not worship its way. The "little horn"
of Daniel 7:21,25 and 8:9-12 also makes war with the saints and
kills them.
What in history has been the greatest caster of truth to the
ground (Dan.8:12), the killer of true worshippers of God (Dan.
7:21,25), the speaker and magnifier against God (Dan.7:25; 8:11),
the prosperous and rich (Dan.8:12), the power that has preached
about the bridegroom and the bride (Rev.18:23)?

Only the civil religious Holy Roman Empire: The coming Babylon of
Revelation will be the LAST resurrection of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
now forming in Europe - it will be the second Babylon of history.
And just as the original empire had a capital city (Babylon) so
too will the modern empire - the seat of all its sorceries -
the LITERAL city of Rome.

As you watch the developments in Europe, you are seeing the VERY
PROPHECIES of the Eternal God COMING TO PASS, right before your
eyes. I cannot tell you HOW LONG it will take for this LAST HOLY
(please study by study called "Armageddon and the Age to Come").


Written 1979


When One man Rules the World! Or will he?

From the book by David Jeremiah


David Jeremiah devotes his next sign to the man that he claims
will rule the world. 
He goes off again about the chaotic world it will be at the end
times and "the Rapture of the church will depopulate much of the
planet. As many as 70 million people could suddenly disappear
from our nation alone." (the USA he means - page 142).
Of course this is NOT going to happen for the "secret rapture" is
as false a doctrine as you could have.

Jeremiah is correct to point out that the word "antichrist" is
used FOUR times in the NT - 1 John 2:18,22; 4:3; and 2 John 7.
He is also correct that the antichrist is obviously against Christ,
or as the prefix "anti" means "instead of" or "inplace of." He
will be Satan's superman, "who persecutes, tortures, and kills
the people of God and leads the armies of the world into the
climatic Battle of Armageddon. He will be the most powerful
dictator the world has ever seen, making Caesar, Hitler, Mao,
Saddam seem weak and tame by comparison" (pages 142-143).

Jeremiah is also correct to point to 2 Thessalonians 2. He says
that if you Google "Who is Antichrist?" you get about 1.5 million
hits. "Some Websites post incredible long and detailed articles -
a sign of the extreme fascination generated by this sensational
subject" (page 143).

He shows that some had pamphlets out in the late 1930s and early
1940s trying to prove HITLER was the antichrist (page 143-146).

As Jeremiah goes on he begins to get the "Beast power" as an
Empire and what it did down through the ages (Rome and its
revivals) MIXED UP with the "man of sin" - the "antichrist" - who
is the FALSE PROPHET of Revelation. He gets mixed up with the
"political" ruler of the Beast power and the "false prophet"
RELIGIOUS man who will rule the "woman" church that RIDES the
Beast. As I've shown you in other studies on this Website, at the
end time, for the last 42 months of this age, there will be a
BEAST power in EUROPE - a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, the 7th and last
resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. It will have the most
popular church in the world, the one with over a BILLION members
worldwide, as its supreme religious power. The HEAD of that
church will be the "false prophet" of Revelation. But there will
be a CIVIC/POLITICAL/MILITARY side to this Empire. Yes of course,
for no Empire can rule unless it has political power and a strong
arm of military or police types to enforce its laws and dictates.
There will be a "beast man" - the political/military guy whom 10
of the Europe Holy Roman Empire nations will give their hand to,
to fight Christ on His return (Revelation 17:12-15).

The Protestant prophets often get all these factors of Daniel and
Revelation MIXED UP! They seem to have a very hard time
distinguishing the one from the other. I have given you a study
on this Website called "The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation" - it
will add up correctly for you these beasts. 
I refer the reader to this study for the in-depth details of the
Beast Empire, the "beast man" and the "false prophet."

Certainly it is correct to say as Jeremiah does that this
antichrist or false prophet is the mouth of the Beast power that
"..was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies"
(Revelation 13:5) (page 147).

As Jeremiah goes on he continually gets the "religious" leader
and the "political" leader crossed over. The Protestant prophets
fail to see that the false prophet and the political beast man,
are NOT the same person. Hence many of the attributes Jeremiah
gives for the anti-christ actually belong to the political beast-
The political leader of the coming Holy Roman Empire is NOT the
religious leader, and the reverse is true - the religious false
prophet leader is not the political beast man of the Holy Roman
Empire to rise in Europe.
By mixing these two men up the Protestant prophets get a FALSE
picture of what the world scene in the Western world will be like
at the very end time or the last 42 months or 1260 days which
Revelation speaks about.

Of course the political leader - the beast man - will be DYNAMIC
and a strong political leader, one of the very best in the world
at this end time chapter of human history. Will he be somewhat
like Hitler in dynamics? Maybe so, maybe not so, for we must
remember he will not be acting alone. He will have a GREAT false
prophet - the anti-christ, with him, a religious man who can
perform miracles, like making fire come down from heaven, as
Revelation tells us. So the beast-man does not have to be as
dynamic as Hitler was in speeches and moving the people to unite
behind him. It is the false prophet who will be "front and
center" of the stage in the Western world. 

Now Jeremiah does have this correct about the antichrist:

"Daniel said of this world leader, 'He shall speak POMPOUS words
against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most
High, and shall intend to change times and law' (Daniel 7:25,
emphasis added). In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul
describes him as one 'who opposes and exalts himself above all
that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits as God
in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God'" (2
Thessalonians 2:4) (page 154).

David Jeremiah does correctly point you to Revelation 13 verses 5
and 7. This antichrist will make war with the saints, to overcome
some, and to continue for 42 months.

Then under the heading "The Program of the Coming World Ruler"
(starting on page 157) Jeremiah goes off into worn-out
fundamental Protestant prophets scenario of what will happen in
the last months of this age through the antichrist and Beast
power of Europe.

They (the fundamental prophets) tell you this Beast power and
antichrist will sign a peace treaty with the Jews in the Holy
Land, a 7 year treaty, which the beast man (which they think is
also the antichrist man) will break in the middle of this 7
years. Here is a new one for me, Jeremiah gives Revelation 13:3-4
as trying to teach this antichrist will be KILLED and "he will be
raised back to life by the power of Satan in a grotesque
counterfeit of the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (page 157).
And here's another one that has a little modern twist to it:
"After his death and satanic resurrection, the antichrist will
assassinate the leaders of three countries in the European Union,
and all other nations will immediately relinquish their power to
him. It is then that he will set himself up to be worshipped by
all the people of the world. Through his associate, the false
prophet (see how they get mixed up between these two guys - Keith
Hunt), the mark of the beast will be placed upon all those who
will follow him. Anyone who does not bear this mark will be
unable to buy or sell in the world's economy" (page 158).

Going along with the standard old fundamental prophets of the
last 100 years, Jeremiah gives the "temple" desecration idea: "In
a final act of rebellion against God, this vile person will set
himself up in Jerusalem and desecrate the rebuilt temple in what
is called the 'abomination of desolation.' He will then attempt
to annihilate every Jew on earth, thus sounding the first ominous
note in the prelude to the battle of Armageddon" (page 158).

I have spent much time in expounding to you in many studies that
this teaching is utterly a false teaching, as false as the
"secret rapture." Put the two together and you have this end time
scenario from another galaxy, so far out it is light years away
from the truths of Bible prophecy.

Now add another twist, Jeremiah quotes from a fellow called Gary
Frazier as a possible scenario:

"Somewhere at this moment there may be a young man growing to
maturity. He is in all likelihood a brooding, thoughtful young
man. Inside his heart, however, there is a hellish rage. It boils
like a caldron of molten lead. He hates God. He despises Jesus
Christ. He detests the Church. In his mind there is taking shape
the form of a dream of conquest. He will disingenuously present
himself as a friend of Christ and the Church. Yet ... He will,
once empowered, pour out hell itself onto this world. Can the
world produce such a prodigy? Hitler was once a little boy.
Stalin was a lad. Nero was a child. The tenderness of childhood
will be shaped by the devil into the terror of the antichrist."

This idea just given is the complete opposite as to how it will
play out in the reality of the end times. The truth of the matter
on end-time prophecy is FAR from what the Protestant prophets
want you to believe. They are deceived and they and the millions
of their followers will be caught up in their own deception, and
will be part of those killed, or come to full and deep REPENTANCE
before God, when they see the reality of the times and the fact
of them being so WRONG in so many ways concerning the true
theology of God and the truths of the Bible that will be shouted
to them NOW, and in the FUTURE, leading up to the last 42 months
of this age. 

The first main truth to remember is that Jesus said MANY would
come in His name and DECEIVE MANY!! It is there in Matthew 24. It
is the MANY, not the few, who are to be deceived by false
prophets and false teachers coming in the name of Christ, saying
that Jesus is indeed the Christ. The GREATEST church Satan the
Devil has used for 2,000 years is with us still today, it is
doing very well thank you. It boasts of having OVER a BILLION
members worldwide. It has most of its members believing its head
man is "God on earth" - "God in the flesh." It claims to be the
very true church of God, and everyone else is just its wayward
daughters who need to be brought back into the fold of the one
true church and the one head, descended from the apostle Peter.
This church and its head leader LOOK to be on Jesus' side. The
world at large respects this church and its leader. What people
forget, what many Christian leaders forget, is that the false
prophet of the Revelation, the very antichrist, will be so ONLY
AS people are led to understand by the Holy Spirit, that
deception comes in the "name of Christ." The greatest deception
is not Halloween (right up front and on its face of paganism) but
feasts like Easter and Christmas, that come in the name of

The political and religious scene at the end times, will be such
that the masses of the population of the Beast/Babylon Empire of
Europe, with a woman church riding her, will seem to be doing the
very WILL of God. It will say it is fighting all the evil and sin
in the Western world, and needs to rule the Western world (and
will have plans to try and rule the whole world). All in the West
that will not politically and religiously "get in line" with this
Beast power and its brand of "Christianity" will become its enemy
to destroy, hunt down, persecute and even kill.

This Europe Beast power will NOT be accepted by the Eastern
nations. They will have their own mighty military power, and
stand by watching Europe and the Western nations moving into its
power base smash-up, with Europe the Babylon Beast being
victorious. There will be only ONE power in the final days in the
West - the Holy Roman Empire of the Europe Beast. And it will
have a Christianity that claims its the one true church from the
apostle Peter. The middle ages - the dark ages - will be back in
style, but millions will never see the deception, they will
believe they are part of the WILL of God, and their false prophet
will teach them that it is so. On its face will be " right and
proper and peaceful Christianity" - it will NOT AT ALL be like
the Protestant prophets are telling you, like we have just been
reading. This last days, this last 42 months of this age, will be
SO DECEPTIVE as being "Christian" that Jesus said IF it was
possible (which it is not) even the VERY ELECT would be deceived.
That is also found in Matthew 24. 



In the last days - time of the end, there will arise, already has, but will continue to rise in Europe, the 7th and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. It is forming now right in front of your eyes; but yet has to be the greatest trading power on earth as well as religious and military. That could takes more decades to so be. The woman whole Babylon Mystery religion, the Roman Catholic Church will ride this Beast of Europe and be a Holy Roman Empire.

There is to form a powerful Arab union with Egypt as spear-head.

This king of the south will at some point PUCH AT the king of the north. And the king of the north shall wage war and defeat the king of the south— Daniel 11: 40-43.

Trouble will come  from the North and East, Russia and China will trouble this Europe power and he will know he must  first take away many— conquering the full western world, the destruction of the Celtic-Anglo-Saxon nations of the West. Then he will  enter the land of the Glorious Holy Mountain— Palestine. 

Now will come a time of trouble that has no equal in history. Jesus spoke about it in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21.

The end of this, of this trouble, will be the saints resurrection— Daniel 12: 2.

But back to  the great trouble. 

This Beast Holy Roman Empire will try to defeat the powers of the North and East— Revelation 5th Trumpet— chapter 9. Doing what Hitler did during WW2.

The 6th Trumpet will be the powers of the North and East  attacking the Europe Power— Rev. 9.

The North and East powers will also move down into the Palestine area. Jerusalem and the Holy Land will become the focal point of the earth, especially after the the 5th and 6th trumpet powers wage war on each other.

The Europe Holy Roman Empire will loose credibility as a  power from God to rule the world. There will be Ten nations  at the end who will serve this Europe Beast power— Rev. 17: 12, 13. They will begin to see the False Prophet who works miracles, ain't so great as he claims, coming from Gos in heaven. The people of the Ten powers will turn to start smashing down the physical things of this "Christian" religious conglomerate— Revelation 17: 16, 17.

By all of this time the Europe power and the East Power shall see there has to be a show-down to see who rules the world.  Both sides have their military powers in and around Palestine. They  decide the best place to duke it out is at Armageddon, north-west of Jerusalem— Revelation 16: 12-16.

As they prepare to battle for the earth, Jesus with the angels and saints come from the clouds 1 Thes. 4: 13-18 to fight the nations, who now have joined forces to fight Christ— Rev. 19.

Jesus and His armies defeat the nations of earth— Zech. 14.

Jesus Christ is now the king and ruler of this earth.

Keith Hunt





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