Know, know thou. - Know certainly. This responds to Abram’s question, Whereby shall I know? Genesis 15:8. Four hundred years are to elapse before the seed of Abram shall actually proceed to take possession of the land. This interval can only commence when the seed is born; that is, at the birth of Isaac, when Abram was a hundred years of age and therefore thirty years after the call. During this interval they are to be, “first, strangers in a land not theirs” for one hundred and ninety years; and then for the remaining two hundred and ten years in Egypt: at first, servants, with considerable privilege and position; and at last, afflicted serfs, under a hard and cruel bondage. At the end of this period Pharaoh and his nation were visited with a succession of tremendous judgments, and Israel went out free from bondage “with great wealth” Exo. 12–14…….
Then the LORD said to him, "Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own; and that they will be [eventually - Keith Hunt] enslaved and mistreated there. [In a land not their own - Keith Hunt].
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