Friday, January 13, 2023


 DR. DAVID JEREMIAH....FALSE Protestant Prophet !!

He's  still  making  prophetic  books - just  got  to  keep  the  money  rolling  to  his  bank.

One  of  the  popular  fundamental  Prophets .... his  failed  2010  economic  crash book - Keith Hunt



What Bible Prophecy Warns about the New Global Economy

........Could we be standing today on the edge of a recession from which no one economy, no one nation, no one union will be able to extricate the world? The Bible predicts that such an era is coming. Fueled by the world's economic convulsions, the only answer will seem to be the unification of the nations under one economic system and one world ruler.


One would expect such a process to begin with the gradual consolidation of wealth and power, both nationally and globally. Today as we witness the merging of banks and the centralization of financial regulations, we cannot help but wonder if the Antichrist is waiting in the wings, ready to make his entrance onto the stage of this desperate world. 


When he finally appears, the world will embrace him. He will have all of the answers to the pressing problems of mankind. He will be the ultimate financial czar—Satan's CEO, and he will deceive the world with a promise of stability and order. When the whole world is singing his praises, he will unveil his master plan for the destruction of all those who refuse to fall down and worship him.


In those final months of his evil reign, no one will be able to buy or sell without his special identification mark implanted in his or her forehead or hand. Using the technology that is already powerful enough to accomplish his plan, the Antichrist will control the financial destiny of every nation and every individual.


From his center in the ancient rebuilt city of Babylon, the Antichrist and his partner, the False Prophet, will regulate the commerce of the world until Almighty God brings it all to an end "in one hour" (Revelation 18:10, 17, 19).


The Fall of the American Economy    

..... In his 2009 book, The New Economic Disorder, economist Larry Bates writes:

Today in America, we are living in a fool's paradise. We seem to believe we've found the secret that eluded the ancient alchemists: we believe we can slap ink on paper and somehow it will turn to gold. The money manipulators have successfully created the illusion of prosperity through the most massive creation of debt and paper money that has ever occurred in history. That debt bubble is about to burst again; [and] when it does, all those... investments your friends, and maybe even you, think are safe—CDs, and bonds, and mutual funds—will be in deep, deep trouble. And that's just the tip of the iceberg about to ram us.29


When the dollar loses its status, the U.S. will have to begin offering IOUs with increasingly higher interest rates to attract lenders, which means interest payments will take an even larger share of the U.S. budget. Those higher rates will cause consumer interest rates to rise in proportion. This means the cost of borrowing for homes and cars will get more expensive, partly as a result of the high rates themselves, and partly because rising interest rates will trigger inflation as the economy needs more dollars to meet the rising cost of borrowing.


Many economists foresee a period of massive inflation ahead as the economy begins absorbing the billions of dollars of stimulus money the Fed has printed. If you insert more printed dollars into the economy, the value of existing dollars is decreased, meaning the price of everything goes up......


If the United States were to go bankrupt, it would morally default on everything it owes by simply saying, "We no longer acknowledge our debts." The government would simply reset the value of our currency by declaring the worth of a dollar with no real value to back it up. Taxes could go as high as 70 percent of one's income. If history repeated itself, revolution would follow!......


In 2008, U.S. households lost an estimated 18 percent of their net worth. This $11.2 trillion loss was the biggest since the Federal Reserve began tracking household wealth after World War II.47

From the end of 2006 through March 2009, the total value of household real estate tumbled from $21.9 trillion to $17.9 trillion.48

From August 2007 to October 2008, an estimated 20 percent, or about $2 trillion, vanished from Americans' retirement plans.49

Unemployment reached a record 10.2 percent, and here in California, where I live, it has risen past 12 percent. 

The number of Americans living below the poverty level rose to 13.2 percent compared to 11.3 percent at the start of the decade. 

The number of Americans without health insurance rose to 15.4 percent compared to 13.7 percent in 2000. 

National defense spending increased from $294 billion in 2000 to $642 billion in 2009. 

The price of oil tripled. The price of gold quadrupled. The U.S. Federal budget deficit gap tripled to a record $1.8 trillion.50 U.S. public debt grew 31 percent to account for 53 percent of our gross domestic product (GDP) and reached a record high $1.4 trillion.51

As of May 2010, the U.S. government had run a budget deficit for nineteen consecutive months. In fact, 2009 was the first year in twenty-nine years of record keeping in which the U.S. government ran a deficit every month.52

The biggest single-day point loss ever in the Dow occurred on September 29, 2008, when the Dow slumped 777.68 points, or approximately $1.2 trillion in market value.53

Some of our biggest and most "secure" institutions either failed or were bailed out by the government. The names are familiar: Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,

Washington Mutual, Wachovia, and AIG.54.........


America's Puzzling Absence in Biblical Prophecy

In an earlier book, What in the World Is Going On?, I devoted an entire chapter to the question, "Does America have a role in Bible prophecy?" The simple answer is no.

Indeed, no specific mention of the United States or any other country in North or South America can be found in the Bible. One reason may be that in the grand scheme of history, the United States is a new kid on the block. As a nation, it is less than 250 years old—much younger than the nations of Bible times that are featured in biblical prophecy.58

In that chapter I set forth three other possible reasons for America's absence in biblical prophecy. Some believe our nation will be incorporated into the European coalition of nations. Others suggest that by the time the Tribulation period arrives, America will have been invaded by outside forces and will no longer be a superpower. Perhaps the decay that is so rapidly eating away at our moral foundations will have destroyed us from within.

Up until the writing of this book, I considered the Rapture of the church to be the most plausible explanation for the Bible's silence about America's future. My reasoning went something like this:

If the Rapture were to happen today and all true believers in Jesus Christ disappeared.. ..America as we know it could be obliterated— Not only would our country lose 25 percent of her population, but she would also lose the very best, the "salt and light" of the nation It would be like a reverse surgical operation—one in which all the healthy cells are removed and only the cancerous ones are left to consume one another.59

What if none of the reasons I have listed explain why America is a nonplayer in the final events of history? What if there is another explanation so obvious that students of prophecy have failed to notice it? What if this once-great nation, because of its inability to repay its trillions of dollars of indebtedness, is so weakened as to be absorbed into the new world order and its global economy, thus losing its sovereignty and separate identity?........


Throughout his presidency, George Herbert Walker Bush was a vociferous advocate of the new world order. Now, move forward to the more recent past. In November of 2008 Henry Kissinger, Nobel Peace Prize winner, former secretary of state, and assistant to the president for national security, wrote this: "Now that the clay feet of the economic system have been exposed..., this requires a new dialogue between America and the rest of the world..... If progress is made on these enterprises, 2009 will mark the beginning of a new world order."6

One week after this interview, Kissinger wrote an editorial for the New York Times in which he warned that "the alternative to a new international order is chaos." He again pointed to Barack Obama as the key player: "The extraordinary impact of the president-elect on the imagination of humanity is an important element in shaping a new world order."8

In Kissinger's mind, Barack Obama is mankind's greatest hope for accomplishing the new world order. And President Obama seems determined to fulfill Kissinger's hope. As he went about Europe in April of 2009, especially at the G20 Summit in London, Mr. Obama seemed to go out of his way to paint a new picture of America's role in the international community. Sometimes it appeared to the global media as if he were running for president of the world.9

Heralding Obama's election, the Arabic newspaper in Tunisia said, "Today America elects 'The President of the World,'" and the Jordan Times called him "the American leader we need."10 Australian foreign policy expert Michael Fullilove entitled his February 2009 Brookings Institution article, "Barack Obama: President of the World."11 Apparently the whole world has great expectations for our president and his vision for a new world order in which "the American consensus is over."12...........


Today the move toward a new world order has intensified as powerful movers and shakers such as George Soros are putting their money where their mouth is. Soros is like a character in a mystery thriller. Born in Hungary in 1930, and having escaped the Holocaust with his Jewish family, he went on to become an American currency speculator, stock investor, and political activist. At last count, this multibillionaire was one of the thirty richest people on earth—and one of the most powerful and most mysterious. A shadowy figure, he exerts enormous influence behind the scenes, moving people about like a puppeteer and manipulating the global economy from highly fortified hideaways.......

More recently George Soros has been in the news predicting that the global recovery is running out of steam, that the world economy will experience a devastating double-dip recession or a "Super-Bubble,"17 and that following the collapse of the global economy a new world order will emerge. This prediction has launched Soros into the final cause of his life; he is devoting millions of dollars to fund a postcrisis think tank that will reinvent a new global order following the coming economic collapse.......


Finally, our vitally important middle class is perilously weak. What would happen if a trigger were set off?39

Much of the current talk about a new world order is in recognition of the fact that when the U.S. economy fails, it will pull the world's economy down with it. With America's economy now teetering on the brink, people are groping for a new system that will end the concentration of wealth and power in one nation and spread it around the globe so that one sinking nation will no longer carry inordinate weight that pulls the others under.


The bottom line is that the new world order is all about the consolidation of power in the coming together of nations. That concentration of power will enable the Antichrist to rule the world during the latter part of the Tribulation. This new world order will demand a new global economy, which will be the topic of the next chapter.


A series of recent crises have led to increased government control. Government-imposed loan standards precipitated a banking crisis, which was solved by a government bailout and control of the banks. As a result, little by little, fewer and fewer are making more and more banking decisions. Government regulations and union concessions produced an automobile industry crisis resulting in a government takeover of a huge manufacturer. And now, little by little, fewer and fewer are making more and more corporate automobile decisions. Government "solutions" produced a healthcare crisis resulting in a government takeover of national health care. And now, little by little, fewer and fewer are making more and more healthcare decisions. Little by little we are being prepared for the coming centralized government of the final world order and its global economy.......


In January of 2010, Congress raised the ceiling for our national debt to $14.2 trillion. Our growing debt is causing investors anxiety about the U.S. dollar, and this anxiety is generating apprehension among other nations. One economist put it this way: "As they watch America's debt soar, some of the passengers aboard the dollar/debt express have reached for the emergency cord in hopes they can stop the train and get off."8

In August 2009 the Wall Street Journal reported that doubts about the dollar were growing as the budget deficit grew. The Journal quoted global economic strategist Claire Dissaux as saying, "There has been a lot of disappointment with the way the U.S. credit crisis was handled. The dollar's loss of influence is a steady and long-term trend."9


The Growing Influence of Europe

Another factor moving us toward a global economy is a shift of power back to the European nations. Twenty-five hundred years ago, God gave His servant Daniel one of the most comprehensive biblical prophecies ever revealed to man. The message of that prophecy was conveyed to Daniel through a dream given to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Daniel interpreted the dream, which outlined a composite-history of the four great empires that would rule the world from the time of Babylon until the end of days.

Much of what God revealed to Daniel has already happened. But not all of it. Three of the prophesied kingdoms have come and gone, and the fourth kingdom, the Roman Empire, has also made its appearance in history. That kingdom, however, has actually never been destroyed as Daniel foretold it would be. Rather, it gradually weakened and receded from prominence.

Today we are currently seeing a resurgence of the Roman Empire, or a reconstituted form of it. This seems to align with the prophecy of Daniel, who said there is to be a powerful reemergence of the Roman Empire in the last days. He foretells that this empire will consist often kingdoms or leaders, and clearly states that in this final form it will be on the earth when God sets up His earthly kingdom: 'And in the days of these kings [the rulers of the ten segments of the Roman Empire] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever" (Daniel 2:44).

Gradually but steadily, the nations of Europe have come together, creating a modern replica of the ancient Roman Empire. Europe is more integrated today than at any time since the days of ancient Rome. The United States of Europe is now considered by many to be the second most powerful political and economic force in our world.25.........

With America's economic decline and the rise of the EU, many are predicting that the euro will be the next universal reserve currency. In light of Daniel's prophecy, that would be an important sign pointing toward the coming reconstituted Roman Empire as the controller of the new global economy..,....


In spite of such massive spending—or perhaps because of it—the American economy seems only to worsen. In the same week of the Greek riots, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 290,000 new jobs were added during the month of April, continuing an upward trend for a fourth consecutive month.4 But this seemingly good news turned out to be not so good. Many of those new jobs were only temporary census positions. Factoring in the large number of discouraged unemployed people who ventured back into the job search process that month and who were competing for those new jobs, the unemployment rate actually rose from 9.7 percent to 9.9 percent. Far from confirming that the recession was over, the newly created jobs were simply not enough, and 15.3 miUion Americans remained unemployed........


Big government is now an established fact in the United States, and it's about to get much bigger. In the aftermath of our recent financial crisis, the cost of our government has mushroomed into an even larger percentage of the GDP. If the workforce necessary to manage the new tax initiatives and healthcare programs is anywhere near what has been projected, we will soon be a full-fledged socialist state.


The Banking Institutions

Another indicator of consolidation can be found in our banking institutions. In 1940 there were 14,399 banks in the United States. Today there are about half that many, and the number continues to drop precipitously.10.......


The primary fallout from consolidation is that it leads to greater government control through intervention and regulation.

One such consolidation took place on October 30, 2009, here in my corner of the world. The once-proud San Diego National Bank became a failure statistic. It is now one of the 140 banks in the United States that failed and was taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in 2009. All twenty-eight of the branch offices operating under the name of San Diego National Bank closed at the end of one business day and opened the next day under a new name: U.S. Bank of Minneapolis.

Without a word of warning, customers of eight other banking institutions from Arizona to Illinois to Texas faced the same surprise that day. With no action or approval on their part, the customers now had a new bank with a new name and a new owner. The switchover was seamless. Their old bank ATM cards worked flawlessly at the new bank's machines, and their direct deposits and automatic withdrawals were simply transferred to the new bank.11

According to the FDIC, in the first 117 days of 2010, seventy-two more banks were added to the list of failed financial institutions.12 The total 2009 payout from FDIC funds topped out at $36 billion, twice the payout rate of 2008.13These closures meant the loss of thousands of jobs in the financial sector. As this trend continues, small bankers may soon become an endangered species.


While small banks are becoming extinct, big, consolidated, financial institutions that have been rescued by government bailouts are managing to pull off some unbelievable feats. Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citibank, and Goldman Sachs managed to pay back their billions of dollars in bailout funds early. Then, amazingly, in the first quarter of 2010, not one of these banking giants posted a loss—a virtually impossible feat equivalent to four different major-league pitchers each pitching a perfect game on the same day. As one New York Times financial writer put it, "In 2009, the banks posted losses on less than 20 percent of the trading days; during the turmoil of 2008, losses occurred as much as 40 percent of the time."14


How was such an astounding turnaround even possible? Was some kind of manipulation going on here? Some suspect it was a preplanned event designed to show the effectiveness of governmental intervention, thus furthering the argument for more regulation. That brings us to the next evidence that shows the trend toward a major concentration of power in big government.


Financial Regulation

Plans for more regulation sent President Obama into the heart of Wall Street in April 2010 to drum up support for a bill that would end the "too-big-to-fail" phenomenon by increasing governmental regulation over the financial sector.15 In his speech Obama insisted that reform of financial institutions is necessary "to make certain that taxpayers are never again on the hook because a firm is deemed ctoo big to fail.'... A vote for reform is a vote to put a stop to taxpayer-funded bailouts.... Not only [will it] safeguard our system against crises, this will also make our system stronger and more competitive by installing confidence here at home and across the globe."16

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner also weighed in on the matter, saying, "Financial reform is not the war of choice; it is a war of necessity."17 Beneath the rhetoric of necessity and public protection, there can be little doubt that financial regulation is another way in which big government intends to become even bigger.


There are more than twenty-five different titles given to the Antichrist, all of which help to paint a picture of the most despicable man ever to walk on the earth. Some people think he is Satan incarnate. We know for certain that Satan gives him his power, his throne, and his authority.

John Phillips describes the Antichrist in these graphic terms:

The Antichrist will be an attractive and charismatic figure, a genius, a demon-controlled, devil-taught charmer of men. He will have answers to the horrendous problems of mankind. He will be all things to all men: a political statesman, a social lion, a financial wizard, an intellectual giant, a religious deceiver, a masterful orator, a gifted organizer. He will be Satan's masterpiece of deception, the world's false messiah. With boundless enthusiasm the masses will follow him and readily enthrone him in their hearts as this world's savior and god.2

(YES  OKAY  CAN  AGREE  WITH  THIS  -  Keith Hunt)

The Coming of the Antichrist

The Antichrist will make his debut in history at the beginning of the Tribulation (see Daniel 9:24-27). Some of the same words used to describe his appearing on the earth are also used to describe the appearing of the Lord Jesus. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the Antichrist is going to be revealed. "Revealed" is translated from the Greek word apokalupto, which means "to make visible to the eye." That word is also used in reference to Jesus Christ's appearing in 2 Thessalonians 1:7, where we are told that "the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels" (emphasis added). Just as there will be a time when the Lord Jesus will be revealed, so there will be a time when the Antichrist will be revealed.


The Rapture of the Church

The Rapture of the church will precede the revelation of the Antichrist........




Financial Signs of the End Times


(We  shall  continue  with  the  2010  outdated  and  silly  ideas  of  one  of  the  popular  fundamental  Protestant  prophets.  Here  he  goes  into  detail  about  modern  tech  stuff,  that  the  anti-christ  can  use  to  rule  the  whole  world [which  as  I've  said  before  will  never  happen;  will  not  happen  in  the  way  Jeremiah  teaches,  and  will  not happen  as  the  antichrist  will  only  rule  the Western  world,  never  will  he  rule  the  Eastern  world   Keith Hunt)

Best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki made a frighteningly accurate statement that characterizes the financial world: "When people are struggling financially, they are more willing to have a government save them, unwittingly exchanging their personal freedom for financial salvation."1


His words bring to mind the lyrics of a pop song from the 1970s: "You lay your bets and then you pay the price, the things we do for love, the things we do for love."2 Today people have bet their lives on financial security, and now they are willing to pay the price to back up that bet-—financial salvation at any cost. The willingness to sell our freedom for our financial security is an obvious sign that the love of money is truly the hallmark of our age. When that love is wed to the capabilities of modern technology to access and control every area of our lives, we face an increasing potential for a confrontation between our faith and the forces of evil.......


Considering the historical influence of wealth for good or ill, it should not surprise us to discover that many signs of the end times have financial overtones. In the previous chapter we learned that we are heading toward a time when almost every person on planet Earth will be controlled through one diabolical economic system. If this time is imminent, as I believe it is, what are the signs that it is approaching? What should we be looking for?


I will address that question in this chapter. In the following pages we will identify and explore four distinct financial signs that signal the end times and the coming of Christ to take His church to heaven.


The Proliferation of Technology

In the closing verses of his prophecy, Daniel is instructed to "shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end" (Daniel 12:4).

"The time of the end" is described as an era when "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (Daniel 12:4). Both parts of this prophecy have certainly come to pass. Knowledge has increased ahd spread via technological communications to the point that the present time has been aptly called the "Information Age." It's no less true that in our time people are "running to and fro." Along with dependable cars, and a network of good roads and interstate highways, global air travel has given us unprecedented and relatively safe mobility.

In early 2010 the Jerusalem Post reported that Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv had implemented a first-of-its-kind biometric security system to make air travel safer and security screening more efficient than ever before. The Unipass Airport Management System was developed by the Israel Airports Authority, adding to Israel's reputation for having the most advanced airport security of any in the world. The new system, currently in the test phase, is expected to be in widespread use by 2012. It creates a personal smart card for each participating international traveler by scanning the person's passport, fingerprints, and facial image in a one-time registration process.

The machine at the first airport security checkpoint scans both the passport and the Unipass smart card to verify the person's identity. Once cleared, the passenger moves to another machine with a touch screen to answer security questions. Once the passenger is cleared through these two stations, the Unipass card is again scanned at luggage, check-in, and carry-on checkpoints.

While the rationale most .often given for the implementation of this new system is to "significantly reduce waiting time for various security checks,"3 there can be no doubt that it is a secure and equally applied means of identifying potentially dangerous airline passengers.

And it has an even more sinister potential: it is a perfect weapon in the arsenal of a tyrant bent on world control. As we know from a previous chapter, a despotic ruler will govern the entire world during the last half of the Tribulation period, and he will likely use technology to accomplish his purposes (Revelation 13:16-17).


New technology for the Internet is also tailor-made for the Antichrist. According to a WORLD magazine article titled, "The Tower of Google," the Internet is "society's brain, continually patrolled by cyber bots that make connections."4 The already seemingly omnipresent search engine—whether Google, Bing, or some other—-is now extending its reach through "search engine optimization." With this enhancement, Google can target marketing specifically to our interests by following us around the Internet noting where we stop, shop, and search. Not only can they figure out what we like and want; ttiey go beyond that by creating those very needs and wants for us. Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, has expressed a somewhat frightening desire to see "the development of a wireless chip to be implanted directly into the human brain."5 That is the kind of control the Antichrist is all about.


In 1965, Intel cofounder Gordon Moore formulated a rule of thumb that has become known as "Moore's Law." This law quantifies technology's exponential growth by stating that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every eighteen months. This rule explains the ever-increasing power in ever-decreasing space we have witnessed in all electronic applications from supercomputers to cell phones. Robert Samuelson, political, economic, and social issues columnist for the Washington Post, draws a straight line between our technological advances and the financial world: It's one of those vast social upheavals that everyone understands but that hardly anyone notices, because it seems top ordinary: The long-predicted "cashless society" has quietly arrived, or nearly so. Electronic money [is] cheaper than cash or checks... [and] it's more convenient. We have crossed a cultural as well as an economic threshold when plastic and money are synonymous.

Add to this the voice of Peter Ayliffe, chief executive of Visa in Europe: "Paying for goods with notes and coins could be consigned to history within five years... and some retailers could soon start surcharging customers if they choose to buy products with cash."7 


For a number of years, the banking systems of this country have' been inundated with a mass of paper, from both checks and credit card expenditures. Do you remember those old credit receipts that were made in triplicate-—one page for the customer, one for the seller, and one for the bank? And how about that archaic, knuckle-grinding' machine that was used to imprint your name and account number through those two lightweight paper sheets and one tagboard sheet, each separated by carbon paper? In those early days of credit cards, a phone call to the card issuer was necessary to obtain authorization for the charge. Some readers may even remember when you had to completely "fill out your personal check at the checkout stand and then wait while the clerk wrote down both your driver's license and home phone numbers. Today at many checkouts, the check is written by the same machine that totals your bill, and all that's required of you is a signature. Samuelson tells us, "In 1996, checks and cash represented almost 80 percent of consumer payments—now, they're less than half."8 He went on to project that in the near future credit or debit cards will account for 70 percent or more of all payments. This trend tells us it is likely that in the near future, no actual money will exchange hands at all. Even your paycheck will be electronically credited to your bank account like that of 83 percent of all Social Security recipients-—if it isn't already.


Paperlessness has the obvious benefit of saving time and trees, but there is another motivation for a cashless society. The 2009 pandemic of the H1N1 flu may prove to be one of those crises that lead us another step closer to cashlessness. Money is dirty. I'm not referring to the filthy lucre spoken of in 1 Timothy 3, but to the simple fact that "banknotes may be reservoirs" for flu viruses. Scientific American noted in their "60-Second Science" feature of January 5, 2009, that "influenza viruses can survive on banknotes for as long as seventeen days."9 "Okay," you say, "then if I am using my credit card, couldn't germs survive on the plastic, too?" Probably a little less so because paper is more porous. But have you noticed the proliferation of point-of-sale card swiping terminals where nobody touches the card but you? The number of those terminals tripled in six years. Today there are reportedly well in excess of seven million of these devices in use throughout the world, but like all technology, even they are increasingly becoming obsolete.10 Today many of us carry our own personal point-of-sale terminals around in the form of our cellular telephones.11 Because of the enormous boom in the use of these devices, most financial futurists foresee a global economy that is operated largely from cell phones. This widespread and growing technological phenomenon deserves a closer look because it has ominous implications relating to end-times prophecy.


Cell phones are tiny, convenient, easy to use, and offer an increasingly wide range of applications. In the thirty-seven years since their inception, portable phones have gone from the bulky, thirty-ounce, brick-like prototypes to pocket-sized modules weighing as little as three ounces. An iPhone 3G weighs less than five ounces and enables its user to access the Internet and watch TV and movies in widescreen by use of digital videos, in addition to e-mailing, texting, and-—-oh, yes-—voice conversations. Not only are cell phones convenient; they are becoming ubiquitous. Almost everyone has a cell phone these days, even "more than half of all twelve-year-olds."12 Pew Research reports that 85 percent of Americans have cell phones and 56 percent of them have accessed the Internet wirelessly.13 The more than 229 million wireless subscribers in the United States used 2.2 trillion minutes, sent 1 trillion text messages, and brought in total wireless revenue of $148.1 billion in 2008.14 Third-quarter 2009 statements for Apple's proprietary provider, AT&T, report a one-year increase of 2 million subscribers and 8 percent in revenues to $13.65 billion. Verizon was up 24.4 percent at $15.8 billion with a million new subscribers.15 This growth is true not only in the United States. The rapidly developing economy of India reported 391.76 million wireless subscribers, 109.7 million in the rural areas of the country alone. That figure was up 50 percent during the same period just one year before.16 Even tightly controlled North Korea had 20,000 cell phone users at the end of the first quarter of 2009 and announced the planned expansion of their 3G network to the whole nation by 2012.17 To sum up these figures, by 2009 the number of cell phone users had reached 4.4 billion globally. According to the iTWire network, this worldwide usage of cell phones makes it "technologically feasible to connect the world to the benefits of information and communication technology."18


Couple this widespread usage of cell phones with their growing range of applications, and you begin to see their enormous potential for either good or evil. In the modern era of personal computers, two operating systems dominate: Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X. With cell phones, a third "platform" is now in existence: smart-phones, characterized by Apple's wildly popular iPhone. Just as the personal computer has platform-specific applications to handle tasks (such as financial management), so smartphones now have their own . suites of applications. In November 2009 the iPhone had 100,000 separate applications, about twenty of which dealt with some aspect of finances.19 While only .02 percent of all applications were once banking related, recently banks have been actively expanding them" and many more are coming.20 Bank of America began the trend in late 2007, making mobile banking apps available to their customers with iPhone technology. Now Chase, PNC, and Wells Fargo also provide similar apps. Along with banking, other financial apps allow users to trade stocks with a free E*Trade app, send funds via a PayPal app, and manage finances with a Quicken app.21 Innovative USAA bank even updated their apps to allow customers to deposit checks wirelessly by sending a photo image of both sides of the bank for verification and depositing.22 Jim Bruene, writing on, speculates that there may well be upward of 10,000 financial apps developed, especially once other mobile players enter the Apple-dominated arena. He forecasts that "more than half of the U.S. online banking population will be using mobile banking" by the middle of this decade. Given the meteoric three-year rise from zero mobile banking users in 2007 to an estimated 40 million by 2015, it appears that mobile banking is the rising star of convenience banking.23 Financial technology can now be incorporated into a phone, making it possible to use it for purchases as you would a credit or debit card. In 2009, Filipino SMART Money cardholders were encouraged to use its "electronic wallet service" to "perform safe and secure online purchases with the help of their cell phones."24 The U.S. is behind other countries in "smart wallet" implementation. People in Japan, for example, pay for goods and services by swiping their cell phones, not a plastic card. These cell phone wallets are also taking the place of the desktop personal computer as they become another option for Internet connection. According to Facebook, 65 million, or 25 percent, of their 250 million current users access their service through a cell phone.25 A debated downside of the wireless financial revolution is the possible risk of brain cancer from cell phone radiation, although to date no corroborating data confirm any link.26 The risk is minimized, however, because talking is not required for most wireless financial transactions via cell phone. Very likely, your banking institution provides you with a myriad of electronic services that are available with just a few keyboard strokes. One example is an "Internet branch," where you can do all your banking at home—-transfer your funds, pay your bills, or just about everything except make cash withdrawals. And if you're away from home? No problem. Just use your cell phone. For some of you that is not future; it may be how you.purchased this book. At our radio and television ministry Turning Point, we believe that the last wave of preaching the gospel worldwide may not necessarily be on television or radio, but through cell phone apps. Cell phones function almost like radios. At a recent National Religious Broadcasters convention, I saw several new applications that make the teaching of the Word of God available through the cell phone.

(SO  WHAT?......OH   GUESS  YOU  GO  ON  TO  TELL  US   Keith Hunt)

I bring to you this elaborate summary of new technology and what it can do in order to restate one reality: prophetic events cast their shadows before them. As these technological innovations show, we are on the cutting edge of having all the technology that the Antichrist and False Prophet would need to wire this world together for their evil purposes. Right now it is well within the range of possibility for a centralized power to gain worldwide control of all banking and purchasing. As we see things that are prophesied for the Tribulation period beginning to take shape right now, we are made aware of the fact that surely the Lord's return is not far off.




by Dr David Jeremiah

The Polarization of Wealth

In the sixth chapter of Revelation, the apostle John describes a future scene in heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ is unrolling the scroll that records the sequence of events that will transpire on the earth for the next seven years. As the scroll unrolls, successive seals are removed from it disclosing a series of judgments, each a more frightening horror than the one before. Ultimately, three series of seven judgments are revealed: the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven bowls. When the first seal is opened, John sees one of the infamous four horsemen of the Apocalypse—a rider on a white horse. This rider symbolizes the Antichrist in the early days of the Tribulation. 


The second seal is opened to reveal the rider on the red horse of bloodshed and war. Once again the scroll is unrolled, and the third seal is removed to reveal the third horseman of the Apocalypse. As this rider charges forth, John describes what he sees:

When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for. a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine." (Revelation 6:5-6)

The black horse is famine, and it follows the red horse because famine naturally follows war. This is the famine that Jesus predicted as part of the "beginning of sorrows" in Matthew 24:7-8: "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." 


The "quart of wheat" John mentions in his vision was the least amount of food necessary to sustain one person on a daily basis. The denarius was a Roman coin that was equal to a worker's wage for one day. Before the famine of the Tribulation, it would have been possible to buy five or six quarts of wheat for a denarius. This passage tells us that in the early days of the Tribulation period, a man will have to work all day just to get enough food to feed himself. Obviously, one quart of wheat would not have filled the hungry stomachs of a man's family in John's time. The man would be forced to buy barley, a cheaper grain usually reserved for cattle. For one denarius he could buy three quarts of barley, but there would be no money left for oil or salt, much less for meat or milk. The application is clear: in the early Tribulation, people will have only the bare minimum required for subsistence living.


As Schaefer noted forty years ago, the polarization' between wealth and poverty had begun, and it is getting much greater. The trend will grow even more until it reaches desperate levels in the end times. Mark Hitchcock writes:

During the coming Tribulation, the gulf between rich and poor will grow wider than ever before. Food will be so expensive that only the very wealthy will have enough. Famine will relentlessly hammer the middle class until the middle class disappears. The vast majority of people will wallow in misery, but the rich will continue to bask in the comfort of their luxurious lifestyle. The world will be radically divided among the elite "haves" and the mass of the "have-nots."... This will make the suffering of the have-nots even more unbearable as they watch the privileged few indulge themselves in the lap of luxury.28


Economic chaos always hits the poor and middle classes harder than the rich. Indeed, the superrich are rarely touched by it at all. If a billionaire's net worth falls by 50 percent, he is still worth $500 million .... Thus with each economic upheaval, the gap between rich and poor widens and will continue to do so until it reaches crisis proportions at the time of the Tribulation.

In late October 2009, the Pew Research Center reported that the leading story in the "news hole," or topics covered on television news, was the economy. More airtime was spent on economic news than on the rapidly spreading H1N1 flu and the panic over vaccine shortages. The ratio of time distribution between the economy and the swine flu was about 4 to 1. More airtime was spent on the economy than on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or anything else .... In particular, as summed up by CBS's Chip Reid, "For the titans of Wall Street, it's like the recession never happened. Less than a year after the big banks helped cause the financial meltdown, they're on track to pay out a record of $140 billion in bonuses this year"29. In 2006, the United Nations published the results of the first comprehensive study of the distribution of wealth among the households of the world. They defined wealth as the measure of income, assets, debts, land, and other tangible assets. Data was gathered from more than thirty-eight countries.30 The report showed the following: More than 33 percent of the world's wealthy live in North America; 27 percent live in Japan; 6 percent in the UK; 5 percent in France; and half the world's adult population own barely 1 percent of global wealth.31 The United States of America, Canada, and Mexico possess 33 percent of the world's wealth. By far most of this wealth is concentrated in the United States, though the U.S. is far from the world's most populous nation. According to the Worldwide Distribution of Household Wealth, issued in December 2006 (the first wealth survey in history), the rich have become richer. The top 2% and 1% of the world's population is estimated to own 51% and 40% of world household wealth, respectively. Very likely, the world today has a much more unbalanced wealth skew—-the rich being richer, and the non-rich relatively poorer—than ever before in history."32


When the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the result is what is called the "middle-class squeeze." The major cause of this squeeze is wages not keeping pace with inflation, causing income to decrease in buying power and thus forcing middle-class earners down into poorer categories. The world economy is setting itself up for years of increased inflation due to the massive amounts of newly printed dollars created primarily by the U.S. stimulus efforts. As billions of printed dollars are injected into the economy, the result is a decrease in the value of each dollar, which is the same as an increase in prices. Increased prices reduce the buying power of earned dollars, forcing people to lower their living standards or even do without vital necessities. We have seen this growing phenomenon in the number of families who no longer have health care, in the emergence of tent cities in major metro areas, and in formerly middle-class families now depending on food banks. These developments may be the result of a temporary economic crisis and not necessarily a permanent condition. But if inflation moves to hyperinflation, the ability of formerly middle-class people to regain their position will be seriously hindered. By the time of the Tribulation, the gap between the rich and the poor will widen into a chasm, and the middle class will disappear altogether.


The Priority of Oil

Although I devoted an entire chapter to the topic of oil and to the related Battle of Gog and Magog by the new axis of evil in an earlier book, I must revisit this subject here because it is one of the major financial signs pointing us toward the Tribulation. To show how this subject relates to the coming end times, we will turn to the words of the prophet Ezekiel:

Thus says the Lord God: "On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an. evil plan: You will say, T will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates-—-to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land." (Eze-kiel 38:10-12)

We know from the earlier part of Ezekiel 38 that this prophecy concerns the war of Gog and Magog against Israel. Some think this war might take place before the Rapture. I believe it will take place right after the Rapture, in the early days of the Tribulation. Either way, we should give some primacy to understanding this war, for if we believe that Jesus could come in our lifetime, that means the war could well take place within the next five years.


Ezekiel tells us that the Gog-Magog assault against Israel is the result of an evil thought that is put into the mind of the leader of a coalition army made up of many nations. These nations come against Israel intending to wipe her from the face of the earth. No one stands with Israel against the armies of Gog and Magog but the God of heaven.

Where is the United States at this moment? Why are we not pictured as standing with our perennial ally Israel? The desertion of Israel by the United States was once deemed unthinkable, but no longer. Increasingly, our nation is catering to the oil-producing nations whose product gives them an inordinate hold over our contemporary lifestyle. These nations have an expressed hatred for Israel.


As if to prove my point, in words not even used when speaking of proven enemies like Iran and North Korea, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with the apparent sanction of the administration, referred to Israel's proposal to build housing in its own capital city as "an insult to the United States."33 The Anti-Defamation League's president, Abraham Foxman, observed, "We cannot remember an instance when such harsh language was directed at a friend and ally of the United States."34

While Clinton later offered reassurances that our bond with Israel is "unshakeable" and that our commitment to Israel's security is "absolute," there is no denying that there is a rending of that bond on the part of the United States.35

A further indication of this rift became acutely apparent with the unprecedented White House snubbing of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a March 2010 visit to the United States. The president, angry over his failure to convince the prime minister to abandon the Jerusalem housing plan, chose not to dine with him and refused him the press briefing that normally accompanies visits by heads of state. According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, "The Prime Minister leaves America disgraced, isolated, and altogether weaker than when he came."36


If Israel's friends treat her in this way, it is no surprise that the evil thoughts of her enemies will one day draw them into war against her. What could produce thoughts evil enough for nations to amass armies against this tiny nation? Well, what does the Middle East have that the whole world needs? I think you know the answer: oil.


It is likely that oil is the "plunder and booty" spoken of in the Ezekiel passage above. The Middle East has rich deposits of oil because it was once an area rich with more lushness than any other place on the planet. The Garden of Eden was in the Middle East. If, as most scientists believe, oil is formed primarily from the decomposition of animal and vegetable matter, then this is the area where we might expect the greatest oil deposits. 


This chart also reveals another statistic about the world's oil reserves—one that is a cause for serious concern: the majority of the reserves are held by Islamic nations. Almost 60 percent of all the oil in the world's top oil-producing nations is in reserve under nations that hate Israel and America. The increasing demand for oil in the world will give these hostile nations increasing leverage and power as oil-guzzling nations such as the U.S. become more and more careful about keeping relationships with these nations intact.


But the question arises, why would these nations want to attack Israel? I learned the probable answer when I met recently with the president of the Zion Oil and Gas company. He told me that his company has been granted licenses by the Israeli government to drill for oil in Israel. While the going has been tough and the cost high, don't be surprised if you hear in the near future that the nation of Israel has discovered oil in her own land. What could this mean in terms of end-time prophecies?

The present oil-rich nations desire to destroy Israel, and they have already tried it twice in modern history. Only Israel's superior military capacity, achieved through armaments and aid from the United States, has enabled Israel to repel attacks from these hostile nations. Consider what might happen as the U.S. grows increasingly dependent on Middle East oil and if Israel does discover massive deposits of oil on her land. Would not Israel's enemies jump on her for the "plunder and booty" of this newfound wealth, knowing that this time the U.S. would not come to her aid because of its utter dependence on their oil?


Even if Israel does not discover oil, would not the oil-rich nations that hate her use their oil as leverage to force Israel's oil-hungry allies such as the U.S. to step back as attempts are undertaken to annihilate their historical enemy? Either way, we can see why end-time prophecies predict a massive gathering of armies against Israel in the Middle East.


In Ezekiel 38:4 God tells these nations gathering against Israel with their evil plan that He will "turn you around [and] put hooks into your jaws." I believe that oil is the hook in the jaw. Since these nations are intent on their evil plan, God will allow their lust for wealth to lead them to their own destruction. It will be hunger for oil that will gather these nations to war against Israel. Ezekiel is pointedly clear about the motivation in the hearts of those who go up to the unwalled villages of Israel: "I will go up against a land of unwalled villages.. .to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land" (Ezekiel 38:11-12).


As author and speaker Terry James concludes. "How much of a stretch is it then to believe that the forces of Gog-Magog would one day consider this region a chief target for invasion? And carrying this logic to its biblically prophetic conclusion, is it any wonder that Armageddon, involving most every nation on earth, will take place in this very region to do battle for the great spoil—the liquid black gold—beneath the sand of the Middle East?"37




From  the  book  "The  Coming  Economic  Armageddon"  by  Dr.  David  Jeremiah


.......Babylon no longer exists as a significant world city, but we know it will rise to power again because the Bible assumes it as fact. 


The eighteenth chapter of Revelation gives us some very specific information about Babylon as the rebuilt commercial capital of the world during the Tribulation period. Why Babylon? Why would this ancient, once-powerful city, now obscure and gathering dust, rise again? Scientist and Bible scholar Dr. Henry Morris suggests some answers:

Babylon is indeed a prime prospect for rebuilding, entirely apart from any prophetic intimation. Its location is the most ideal in the world for any kind of international center. Not only is it in the beautiful and fertile Tigris-Euphrates plain, but it is near some of the world's richest oil reserves near the geographical center of all of the earth's land masses. It is within navigable distances to the Persian Gulf and it is at the crossroads of the three great continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Thus there is no more ideal location anywhere for a world trade center, a world communication center, a world banking center... or especially a world capital! With all these natural advantages, it is not farfetched at all to suggest that the future financial capital of the ten-nation federation established at the beginning of the Tribulation should be built here. Arnold Toynbee, the greatest historian of modern time's, used to stress that Babylon would be the best place to build a future world cultural metropolis.5


The rebuilding of Babylon is not just the idle topic of scholarly books. When Saddam Hussein rose to power in Iraq, he conceived a grandiose scheme for the rebuilding of that ancient city. He promised that Babylon's grand palaces and legendary hanging gardens (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) would rise from the dust. Believing himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar II, who had conquered Jerusalem 2,500 years earlier, Hussein invested more than $500 million toward his goal of restoring the ancient city of Babylon. In 1987, while on a site visit to the ruins of Nebuchadnezzar's palace, Hussein asked how his guides were so certain of the date of its construction. The curator showed Hussein some of the original bricks, stamped with the name of Nebuchadnezzar II and the date that; we now refer to as 605 BC. Hussein, not to be outdone, had bricks laid in his palace wall that read: "In the reign of the victorious Saddam Hussein, the president of the Republic....the guardian of the great Iraq and the renovator of its renaissance and the builder of its great civilization, the rebuilding of the great city of Babylon was done in 1987."6


To further cement the implication of a relationship between himself and Nebuchadnezzar, Hussein had a seal struck depicting parallel images of both himself and the ancient ruler. The inscription was written in the wedge shapes of ancient cuneiform script as well as, strangely enough, English.

Hussein was consumed with reviving the glory days of Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar. He made Babylon "the focal point of Iraqi nationalism," and on September 22, 1987, he inaugurated the musical event known as the Babylon Festival. Saddam seemed determined to echo Nebuchadnezzar's bold proclamation: "Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?" (Daniel 4:30). Saddam's extravagant plans were interrupted by the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Despite his removal from power and subsequent execution, the work to rebuild Babylon continues.


How does a war-torn nation like Iraq come up with the funds to rebuild an ancient site? Obviously, some of the resources come from the exportation of oil. In early 2010, Iraqi oil exports were at the highest level in more than a decade. The government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced plans to quadruple oil production to 2.15 million barrels per day by the end of 2010. The Iraqi government has issued long-term contracts with foreign oil companies to manage ten of Iraq's major oil fields. Al-Maliki aims to make Iraq a "preeminent producer that will rival, if not eclipse, Saudi Arabia and Russia" as the predominant world oil producers.7


Oil is not Iraq's only source of funds. Despite its own enormous budget deficit, the United States continues to pump reconstruction money into Iraq. This in spite of Iraq's estimated budget surplus in excess of $60 billion, little of which is being invested in rebuilding the nation.8 Today the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is also pumping millions of dollars into Babylon. With the help of private donors, the UN hopes to turn Babylon into a thriving center of tourism and commerce. If everything goes according to plan, Babylon will be a cultural center complete with shopping malls, hotels, and maybe even a theme park.


In 2009 the U.S. State Department issued a media note announcing a $700,000 pledge to The Future of Babylon Project, explaining that "Babylon stands out among Iraq's rich contributions to humanity." The note went on to say that this project "exemplifies the American people's commitment to the preservation of human heritage and their respect for the cultural heritage of Iraq."9


An article in the British newspaper the Independent was titled; "Iraq's New Venture: Holidays in the Garden of Eden," and subtitled, "Iraq is trying to lure visitors to the land of Babylon with the slogan 'tourism not terrorism.'" The article goes on to say, "The cradle of civilization, the land of Babylon and the Garden of Eden, will become a paradise for foreign tourists."10


The United States government is taking seriously the rise of the city of Babylon and the central place of Iraq in the future of the world. On January 5, 2009, the largest and, at $474 million, the most expensive U.S. Embassy in the world opened in Baghdad, not far from Babylon. The 104-acre, twenty-seven-building complex is situated on the banks of the Tigris River.11 It includes 619 apartments for staff, restaurants, basketball and volleyball courts, and an indoor Olympic-sized swimming pool.12

This embassy, known as "Embassy Baghdad," is the largest of its kind in the world. It is the size of eighty football fields—as large as Vatican City—with a population of 5,500. It dwarfs US. embassies elsewhere that typically cover about ten acres. The Baghdad embassy has its own defense force and is designed to be entirely self-sufficient.


We can see by these moves toward rebuilding Babylon that the city has a special interest in the eyes of the powers of the world. I believe these steps signal the beginning of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Henry Morris explains:

Never has a great world city had such a meteoric rise as New Babylon, and never will one experience such a cataclysmic and total fall— Babylon on the Euphrates has lain dormant and foreboding for centuries....But mighty Babylon is not really dead— Suddenly it will rise once again. Under the impact of overwhelming geopolitical needs, it will be authorized and implemented by the unprecedented building program undertaken by the federal ten-kingdom empire of the West, then pushed to dynamic completion by the Beast. Finally it will be inaugurated as the great world capital of the Beast, who will have become king of all the kingdoms of the globe.13


Babylon's Rebirth as the World Financial Center

This rebuilding of modern Babylon is of special interest to our present study because of the city's historic past and prophetic future. Nimrod, the first world dictator, tried to make Babylon the first world capital. And biblical prophecy tells us that the revived city is destined to be one of the three capitals of the Antichrist, the final world dictator.


According to the prophetic scheme outlined in Revelation, when the Antichrist takes control of the world, his government will function out of three major cities. From Rome he will rule the political world (see Revelation 17). From Jerusalem he will control the religious world after making a covenant with the Jews (see 2 Thessalonians 2:4). From Babylon he will direct his worldwide empire of economic and financial concerns (see Revelation 18).


Revelation 18:12-13 catalogs twenty-eight items that form the basis for end-time economic commerce. This list includes the various material possessions for which men and women have labored, schemed, and become enslaved throughout history, which makes the list symbolic of man's perennial pursuit of wealth. While John lists commodities that were significant to his day, it is amazing to see how timeless they still are today and obviously will be in that final day:

Merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; and cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men. (Revelation 18:12-13)


As world currencies (like the dollar) fall apart and continue to lose value, it may be that the entire world will revert to a gold/silver/ hard currency standard. The Arab gold dinar is currently being used as currency in nine countries, so there is definitely a pattern in place for trade in gold/silver. If Iraq suddenly began demanding payment for its oil in dinars, the influx of gold into that country would be huge. That probably won't happen, but as international debt continues to spur inflation, we can be sure that gold will play an increasingly important role in the world economy.


The prosperity of Babylon will attract merchants from all over the globe, people whose wealth will classify them as the great men of the world. As Henry Morris explains:

The international bankers and the corporation directors and the mercantile barons and the shipping magnates and all their host of money-worshiping, power-seeking underlings, who once traversed their orbits around New York and Geneva, London and Paris, Moscow and Berlin, Johannesburg and Tokyo, now find it gloriously profitable to center it all in Great Babylon.15


In other words, Babylon is destined to rise again as the greatest center of financial power yet known to the world. But as we are about to see, it will not last.


The Destruction of Babylon

Just as the evil and rebellion that began in Babylon has characterized the city throughout the ages, it will continue to characterize it in the future. It was Babylon that ended Judah's existence as an independent nation, and it will continue to plague God's people even in times to come. Educator and prophetic scholar Dr. Ed Hindson writes, "End-time Babylon is symbolic of all evil, pride, oppression, and power which exalts itself against God. It will combine the best efforts of a collective humanity to rule itself without God. And it will fail!"17


The Bible is not squeamish about calling Babylon exactly, what it is:

And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. (Revelation 17:5)


In his prophecy against Babylon, Jeremiah describes it as a place that will be desolate forever, a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals, an object of horror and scorn, a desert and dry land, a place where no man lives and through which no man travels (see Jeremiah 51:26, 37, 43). Isaiah tells us that Babylon will be a desolate land that will never again be inhabited through all generations—a place where no Arab will pitch his tent and no shepherd will rest his flocks (see Isaiah 13:19-20). Since some teach that the prophecies concerning Babylon's destruction have already been fulfilled, it is important to separate the fall of Babylon in history from the destruction of Babylon in the future. Persia did not destroy Babylon in 539 BC as some have taught. When Cyrus captured Babylon, he did it by subterfuge, not by military destruction (see Daniel 5). On the evening of Belshaz-zar's garish banquet, suddenly the hand of God appeared, writing on the wall. The message read: "God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it "Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians" (Daniel 5:26-28). That prophecy came true on that very night as the Medo-Persian army took over the city.

These conquerors did not destroy the city; they made it the secondary capital of the Persian Empire. When the Greeks conquered the Persians in 331 BC, Alexander the Great made Babylon his capital and died there. 

Neither has Babylon ever been desolate, as Isaiah prophesied it would be in chapter 13 of his prophecy. In fact, Babylon exists today in central Iraq as the province of Babil, an area of 5,603 square kilometers containing eight cities with a combined population of 1,651,600.18 While her population has vacillated over the centuries, it has nearly tripled since 1977 when its citizenry numbered 592,000.19 As we can see, in the centuries since the ancient empires, Babylon has faded into obscurity but not into oblivion. It has degenerated from a great city to its present status as an Iraqi province. 

But if we take the Bible seriously, we understand that Babylon must again rise to power in order to receive the judgment that Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the apostle John have prophesied. 


Babylon was likely the largest city in the world at the time of Jeremiah. By the time of the apostle John, however, it was no longer a large city. So, in the book of Revelation when John describes the vision he receives from God concerning the destruction of a prosperous mega-Babylon, he obviously speaks of a future event in a future city.

This future Babylon is described in Isaiah 13:19 as "Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans' [Iraqi's] pride." Such will be Babylon's status just before it is annihilated by a destruction so complete that it will never be inhabited again.


Is Babylon's Destruction Literal or Metaphoric?

One aspect of the prophecies concerning Babylon's destruction has generated a great deal of controversy among Bible scholars. Should we take these references literally or metaphorically? Is the Bible really referring to the destruction of the actual city? Or to the world economic system and humanistic philosophy that city epitomizes? Author and educator Dr. Mai Couch affirms the latter without dismissing the former. "In either case," he says, "the Scripture makes it clear that Babylon represents the worldwide, global, political and ecclesiastical world system of the end times."20

Some scholars see in Revelation 18:1-2 an indication of a dual metaphoric meaning: "After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, 'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen.' Author editor Dr. J. A. Seiss believed that the repetition of the phrase indicates two separate parts or stages of the fall—the undoing of Babylon as a religious entity and also as an economic entity.21

In the above passage from Revelation 18, John tells us that the prophecy concerning Babylon's destruction is delivered by an angel so powerful that he lights up the entire world. When this angel says, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen," he uses a phrase that describes an instantaneous action. This tells us that the destruction of the city or the system of Babylon will hot be gradual, but instantaneous. Revelation 18 notes over and over the suddenness of the destruction that will come at the close of the Tribulation period:

"Therefore her plagues will come in one day" (v. 8). "For in one hour your judgment has come" (v. 10). "For in one hour such great riches came to nothing" (v. 17). "For in one hour she is made desolate" (v. 19).

When God comes against Babylon, it will be with the suddenness and effectiveness of a spring trap. Note particularly verse 17, which tells us that whatever else Babylon's destruction means, it will certainly include an economic crash.


Why Will Babylon Be Destroyed?

Why is God determined to pour out His judgment upon the city of Babylon? In general, we have already seen ample reason. From the beginning, Babylon's philosophy and religion have been in diametric opposition to God, making it the exemplar of a worldview that has corrupted mankind throughout all ages.......



Keith Hunt


From  the  book  "The Coming Economic Armageddon" by Dr. David Jeremiah (2010)

World Reactions to the Destruction of Babylon

How will the world react to Babylon's fall? The apostle John gives us the reactions of three groups, each expressing cataclysmic shock by using the same woeful expression, "Alas, alas." That archaic word is seldom used today, but everyone understands it as an expression of calamity and grief. Let's explore why these three groups will utter that word.

The Kings of the Earth Will Mourn

The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with [Babylon] will weep and lament for her, when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, "Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come." (Revelation 18:9-10) The kings who thought all power was theirs are going to mourn because the great capital city of the Beast's financial empire has been destroyed. As prophetic author Walter K. Price explains, "These kings who wail at the fall of Babylon are the provincial rulers who administrate the world empire of the Antichrist, and whose domains are affected most by the sudden disruption of commerce."28 Apparently Babylon was the final hope of these kings. When Babylon is destroyed, they are utterly devastated and can do nothing but mourn their enormous financial loss.


The Merchants of the Earth Will Mourn

And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore….The fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you, and all the things which are rich and splendid have gone from you, and you shall find them no more at all. The merchants of these things, who became rich by her, will stand at a distance for fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying, "Alas, alas, that great city that was clothed in fine linen, purple, and scarlet, and adorned, with gold and precious stones and pearls! For in one hour such great riches came to nothing." (Revelation 18:11,14-17)

The word here translated as "merchants" is the Greek word emporoi. It refers particularly to wholesalers, or those who deal in large quantities of trade items. These merchants will be instantly ruined. They will lament because their commercial power base— the economic hub of the world-—-will be gone. The stock exchanges will crash and the banks will close their doors. Bankruptcy will permeate world economies. In that day the god of mammon will prove to be worthless. In one hour all economic well-being will vanish!


The Shipmasters of the Earth Will Mourn

The shipping magnates of the world and their employees will mourn along with the rulers and merchants.

Every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, "What is like this great city?" They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing, and saying, "Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she is made desolate." (Revelation 18:17-19)

I doubt that most Americans think much about the importance of overseas shipping today, but a casual glance at the country of origin for many of the products we buy shows that they arrived via ship. Shipping is more important to us than we think, and many economists watch it carefully. The Baltic Dry Index is an economic measurement used to gauge the direction of the global economy. The BDI measures shipping of raw materials in twenty of the world's busiest trade routes by assessing daily what shippers are charging to ship various lots of goods in oceangoing vessels. If prices are rising, that means the demand for shipping space is increasing, which is a signal for a strong economy. If prices are falling, it means there is an excess of shipping capacity, indicating that world economies are in recession. So, a BDI going up is good for the economy, and a BDI going down is bad. The BDI is considered a "leading economic indicator" because it predicts future economic strength or weakness. Although the BDI is still below its February 2008 high, it has increased dramatically since January 2009.29

Despite current global economic conditions, in November 2009 the Persian Gulf States announced their plan for a $40 billion expansion that will "triple port capacity across the oil-rich keep pace with rapid economic growth in the Gulf."30  We can expect this increase to continue. During the Tribulation, the Persian Gulf will be flooded with merchant ships coming from Babylon, the great center of world commerce. But one day as these ships enter the Gulf, the shipmasters will stare gaping and in shock at the enormous columns of smoke billowing from the inland city where their goods are going up in a blaze of fire. At that moment their ships' cargoes will be utterly worthless. The entire system upon which they had built their lives and their hopes will be gone, and they will cry out, "Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she is made desolate" (Revelation 18:19).


The Rejoicing in Heaven over the Destruction of Babylon

When Babylon is destroyed, the kings, the merchants, and the mariners of the earth will mourn. But in heaven the apostles and the prophets will rejoice. "Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her!" (Revelation 18:20). The apostles and prophets are urged to rejoice at Babylon's destruction because it was the system of that city that had martyred all of the apostles except John. It was that system that demanded, "Take the mark of the Beast, or starve." It was that system that had persecuted them, cut them to ribbons, boiled them in oil, hung them up to die, and sent them to the lions' den. It was that system that stood for everything that was against the God of heaven. One by one, they died, and it seemed as if nobody knew or cared.


But the God of heaven does not forget His own. "Vengeance is Mine," He promised (Romans 12:19). This is an echo of many such promises to His people: "Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; their foot shall slip in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them" (Deuteronomy 32:35). "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord." And again, "The Lord will judge His people." It is a "fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:30-31). The manner and timing of the repayment for man's wickedness is God's prerogative. The apostles and prophets rejoice, not over the deaths of those doomed to eternal hell, but because God's righteousness and justice have prevailed. 


John records something startling: "Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, 'Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore'" (Revelation 18:21). In ancient times the millstone symbolized commerce because the grinding of wheat exemplified the economic stability of the culture. The millstone sinking into the sea signaled the final end to life in Babylon and to the economy of the world.


But there is another possible application. Do you remember reading what the Lord said about those who offend little children? "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6). The annihilation of this godless power, gorged with the blood of the prophets, the apostles, and the saints of God, is pictured as a great millstone thrown with violence into the sea, sinking into eternal oblivion. Do you ever find yourself wondering if God has forgotten you? When you experience unfair treatment? When your evil adversaries seem to get the upper hand? When those who abuse the system advance while you miss yet another promotion? Do you ever say, as David did, "How long will the wicked triumph?" (Psalm 94:3). This is one of the questions most often leveled at Christians. "If you have such a great God, why does He allow evil?" The Bible does provide answers to that question (see Job, Habakkuk, and Psalm 73). But the ultimate answer is this: God does not ignore iniquity. He does not trivialize transgressions or wink at wickedness. While we are not always able to trace the judgment of God in our immediate circumstances, He is faithful, and in His own time He will avenge all evil that has been done. The destruction of Babylon will be one of His loudest statements affirming that fact!


Our Response to the Destruction of Babylon

While kings, merchants, shipmasters, apostles, and prophets all react to the ultimate destruction of Babylon, there is one more entity that is called upon to respond. The literal Babylon historically and prophetically so exemplifies man-centered pride and depravity that it has become a lasting metaphor for evil and rebellion against God. The people of God in every generation are instructed to separate themselves from the sins and mind-set of godless Babylon. "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her, my people'" (Revelation 18:4). The prophet Jeremiah warned: "Flee from the midst of Babylon, and every one save his life! Do not be cut off in her iniquity, for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance" (Jeremiah 51:6). These passages make us realize that in this wicked, foul city, there will be Christians living. One author explains: "The appeal of salary and prestige will entice many capable Christian business and professional participate in the planning and activation of this exciting and dynamic new metropolis... .No doubt many of these Christians will rationalize their move to Babylon by the opportunity thus afforded to 'have a witness' in the world's most important city."31


What such Christians fail to recognize is that effective witness is never mediated through compromise. God's message is not "Be like her, My people, thereby to appease and attract her," but rather "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins" (Revelation 18:4 KJV). There can be no dual citizenship in the polar opposite cities of Jerusalem and Babylon. Paul wrote, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God" (2 Corinthians 6:14-16). I believe this is God's present-day call to separate ourselves from the world and especially the world as it is increasingly exhibited in the churches. 


John calls us to separate from Babylon, "lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues" (Revelation 18:4). This warning tells us that indulging in the practices of Babylon has consequences, for these practices and the plagues that accompany them are inevitably paired.



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