Saturday, July 15, 2023



Financial Signs of the End Times


(We  shall  continue  with  the  2010  outdated  and  silly  ideas  of  one  of  the  popular  fundamental  Protestant  prophets.  Here  he  goes  into  detail  about  modern  tech  stuff,  that  the  anti-christ  can  use  to  rule  the  whole  world [which  as  I've  said  before  will  never  happen;  will  not  happen  in  the  way  Jeremiah  teaches,  and  will  not happen  as  the  antichrist  will  only  rule  the Western  world,  never  will  he  rule  the  Eastern  world   Keith Hunt)

Best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki made a frighteningly accurate statement that characterizes the financial world: "When people are struggling financially, they are more willing to have a government save them, unwittingly exchanging their personal freedom for financial salvation."1


His words bring to mind the lyrics of a pop song from the 1970s: "You lay your bets and then you pay the price, the things we do for love, the things we do for love."2 Today people have bet their lives on financial security, and now they are willing to pay the price to back up that bet-—financial salvation at any cost. The willingness to sell our freedom for our financial security is an obvious sign that the love of money is truly the hallmark of our age. When that love is wed to the capabilities of modern technology to access and control every area of our lives, we face an increasing potential for a confrontation between our faith and the forces of evil.......


Considering the historical influence of wealth for good or ill, it should not surprise us to discover that many signs of the end times have financial overtones. In the previous chapter we learned that we are heading toward a time when almost every person on planet Earth will be controlled through one diabolical economic system. If this time is imminent, as I believe it is, what are the signs that it is approaching? What should we be looking for?


I will address that question in this chapter. In the following pages we will identify and explore four distinct financial signs that signal the end times and the coming of Christ to take His church to heaven.


The Proliferation of Technology

In the closing verses of his prophecy, Daniel is instructed to "shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end" (Daniel 12:4).

"The time of the end" is described as an era when "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (Daniel 12:4). Both parts of this prophecy have certainly come to pass. Knowledge has increased ahd spread via technological communications to the point that the present time has been aptly called the "Information Age." It's no less true that in our time people are "running to and fro." Along with dependable cars, and a network of good roads and interstate highways, global air travel has given us unprecedented and relatively safe mobility.

In early 2010 the Jerusalem Post reported that Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv had implemented a first-of-its-kind biometric security system to make air travel safer and security screening more efficient than ever before. The Unipass Airport Management System was developed by the Israel Airports Authority, adding to Israel's reputation for having the most advanced airport security of any in the world. The new system, currently in the test phase, is expected to be in widespread use by 2012. It creates a personal smart card for each participating international traveler by scanning the person's passport, fingerprints, and facial image in a one-time registration process.

The machine at the first airport security checkpoint scans both the passport and the Unipass smart card to verify the person's identity. Once cleared, the passenger moves to another machine with a touch screen to answer security questions. Once the passenger is cleared through these two stations, the Unipass card is again scanned at luggage, check-in, and carry-on checkpoints.

While the rationale most .often given for the implementation of this new system is to "significantly reduce waiting time for various security checks,"3 there can be no doubt that it is a secure and equally applied means of identifying potentially dangerous airline passengers.

And it has an even more sinister potential: it is a perfect weapon in the arsenal of a tyrant bent on world control. As we know from a previous chapter, a despotic ruler will govern the entire world during the last half of the Tribulation period, and he will likely use technology to accomplish his purposes (Revelation 13:16-17).


New technology for the Internet is also tailor-made for the Antichrist. According to a WORLD magazine article titled, "The Tower of Google," the Internet is "society's brain, continually patrolled by cyber bots that make connections."4 The already seemingly omnipresent search engine—whether Google, Bing, or some other—-is now extending its reach through "search engine optimization." With this enhancement, Google can target marketing specifically to our interests by following us around the Internet noting where we stop, shop, and search. Not only can they figure out what we like and want; ttiey go beyond that by creating those very needs and wants for us. Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, has expressed a somewhat frightening desire to see "the development of a wireless chip to be implanted directly into the human brain."5 That is the kind of control the Antichrist is all about.


In 1965, Intel cofounder Gordon Moore formulated a rule of thumb that has become known as "Moore's Law." This law quantifies technology's exponential growth by stating that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every eighteen months. This rule explains the ever-increasing power in ever-decreasing space we have witnessed in all electronic applications from supercomputers to cell phones. Robert Samuelson, political, economic, and social issues columnist for the Washington Post, draws a straight line between our technological advances and the financial world: It's one of those vast social upheavals that everyone understands but that hardly anyone notices, because it seems top ordinary: The long-predicted "cashless society" has quietly arrived, or nearly so. Electronic money [is] cheaper than cash or checks... [and] it's more convenient. We have crossed a cultural as well as an economic threshold when plastic and money are synonymous.

Add to this the voice of Peter Ayliffe, chief executive of Visa in Europe: "Paying for goods with notes and coins could be consigned to history within five years... and some retailers could soon start surcharging customers if they choose to buy products with cash."7 


For a number of years, the banking systems of this country have' been inundated with a mass of paper, from both checks and credit card expenditures. Do you remember those old credit receipts that were made in triplicate-—one page for the customer, one for the seller, and one for the bank? And how about that archaic, knuckle-grinding' machine that was used to imprint your name and account number through those two lightweight paper sheets and one tagboard sheet, each separated by carbon paper? In those early days of credit cards, a phone call to the card issuer was necessary to obtain authorization for the charge. Some readers may even remember when you had to completely "fill out your personal check at the checkout stand and then wait while the clerk wrote down both your driver's license and home phone numbers. Today at many checkouts, the check is written by the same machine that totals your bill, and all that's required of you is a signature. Samuelson tells us, "In 1996, checks and cash represented almost 80 percent of consumer payments—now, they're less than half."8 He went on to project that in the near future credit or debit cards will account for 70 percent or more of all payments. This trend tells us it is likely that in the near future, no actual money will exchange hands at all. Even your paycheck will be electronically credited to your bank account like that of 83 percent of all Social Security recipients-—if it isn't already.


Paperlessness has the obvious benefit of saving time and trees, but there is another motivation for a cashless society. The 2009 pandemic of the H1N1 flu may prove to be one of those crises that lead us another step closer to cashlessness. Money is dirty. I'm not referring to the filthy lucre spoken of in 1 Timothy 3, but to the simple fact that "banknotes may be reservoirs" for flu viruses. Scientific American noted in their "60-Second Science" feature of January 5, 2009, that "influenza viruses can survive on banknotes for as long as seventeen days."9 "Okay," you say, "then if I am using my credit card, couldn't germs survive on the plastic, too?" Probably a little less so because paper is more porous. But have you noticed the proliferation of point-of-sale card swiping terminals where nobody touches the card but you? The number of those terminals tripled in six years. Today there are reportedly well in excess of seven million of these devices in use throughout the world, but like all technology, even they are increasingly becoming obsolete.10 Today many of us carry our own personal point-of-sale terminals around in the form of our cellular telephones.11 Because of the enormous boom in the use of these devices, most financial futurists foresee a global economy that is operated largely from cell phones. This widespread and growing technological phenomenon deserves a closer look because it has ominous implications relating to end-times prophecy.


Cell phones are tiny, convenient, easy to use, and offer an increasingly wide range of applications. In the thirty-seven years since their inception, portable phones have gone from the bulky, thirty-ounce, brick-like prototypes to pocket-sized modules weighing as little as three ounces. An iPhone 3G weighs less than five ounces and enables its user to access the Internet and watch TV and movies in widescreen by use of digital videos, in addition to e-mailing, texting, and-—-oh, yes-—voice conversations. Not only are cell phones convenient; they are becoming ubiquitous. Almost everyone has a cell phone these days, even "more than half of all twelve-year-olds."12 Pew Research reports that 85 percent of Americans have cell phones and 56 percent of them have accessed the Internet wirelessly.13 The more than 229 million wireless subscribers in the United States used 2.2 trillion minutes, sent 1 trillion text messages, and brought in total wireless revenue of $148.1 billion in 2008.14 Third-quarter 2009 statements for Apple's proprietary provider, AT&T, report a one-year increase of 2 million subscribers and 8 percent in revenues to $13.65 billion. Verizon was up 24.4 percent at $15.8 billion with a million new subscribers.15 This growth is true not only in the United States. The rapidly developing economy of India reported 391.76 million wireless subscribers, 109.7 million in the rural areas of the country alone. That figure was up 50 percent during the same period just one year before.16 Even tightly controlled North Korea had 20,000 cell phone users at the end of the first quarter of 2009 and announced the planned expansion of their 3G network to the whole nation by 2012.17 To sum up these figures, by 2009 the number of cell phone users had reached 4.4 billion globally. According to the iTWire network, this worldwide usage of cell phones makes it "technologically feasible to connect the world to the benefits of information and communication technology."18


Couple this widespread usage of cell phones with their growing range of applications, and you begin to see their enormous potential for either good or evil. In the modern era of personal computers, two operating systems dominate: Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X. With cell phones, a third "platform" is now in existence: smart-phones, characterized by Apple's wildly popular iPhone. Just as the personal computer has platform-specific applications to handle tasks (such as financial management), so smartphones now have their own . suites of applications. In November 2009 the iPhone had 100,000 separate applications, about twenty of which dealt with some aspect of finances.19 While only .02 percent of all applications were once banking related, recently banks have been actively expanding them" and many more are coming.20 Bank of America began the trend in late 2007, making mobile banking apps available to their customers with iPhone technology. Now Chase, PNC, and Wells Fargo also provide similar apps. Along with banking, other financial apps allow users to trade stocks with a free E*Trade app, send funds via a PayPal app, and manage finances with a Quicken app.21 Innovative USAA bank even updated their apps to allow customers to deposit checks wirelessly by sending a photo image of both sides of the bank for verification and depositing.22 Jim Bruene, writing on, speculates that there may well be upward of 10,000 financial apps developed, especially once other mobile players enter the Apple-dominated arena. He forecasts that "more than half of the U.S. online banking population will be using mobile banking" by the middle of this decade. Given the meteoric three-year rise from zero mobile banking users in 2007 to an estimated 40 million by 2015, it appears that mobile banking is the rising star of convenience banking.23 Financial technology can now be incorporated into a phone, making it possible to use it for purchases as you would a credit or debit card. In 2009, Filipino SMART Money cardholders were encouraged to use its "electronic wallet service" to "perform safe and secure online purchases with the help of their cell phones."24 The U.S. is behind other countries in "smart wallet" implementation. People in Japan, for example, pay for goods and services by swiping their cell phones, not a plastic card. These cell phone wallets are also taking the place of the desktop personal computer as they become another option for Internet connection. According to Facebook, 65 million, or 25 percent, of their 250 million current users access their service through a cell phone.25 A debated downside of the wireless financial revolution is the possible risk of brain cancer from cell phone radiation, although to date no corroborating data confirm any link.26 The risk is minimized, however, because talking is not required for most wireless financial transactions via cell phone. Very likely, your banking institution provides you with a myriad of electronic services that are available with just a few keyboard strokes. One example is an "Internet branch," where you can do all your banking at home—-transfer your funds, pay your bills, or just about everything except make cash withdrawals. And if you're away from home? No problem. Just use your cell phone. For some of you that is not future; it may be how you.purchased this book. At our radio and television ministry Turning Point, we believe that the last wave of preaching the gospel worldwide may not necessarily be on television or radio, but through cell phone apps. Cell phones function almost like radios. At a recent National Religious Broadcasters convention, I saw several new applications that make the teaching of the Word of God available through the cell phone.

(SO  WHAT?......OH   GUESS  YOU  GO  ON  TO  TELL  US   Keith Hunt)

I bring to you this elaborate summary of new technology and what it can do in order to restate one reality: prophetic events cast their shadows before them. As these technological innovations show, we are on the cutting edge of having all the technology that the Antichrist and False Prophet would need to wire this world together for their evil purposes.Right now it is well within the range of possibility for a centralized power to gain worldwide control of all banking and purchasing. As we see things that are prophesied for the Tribulation period beginning to take shape right now, we are made aware of the fact that surely the Lord's return is not far off.




 Keith Hunt

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