Friday, November 1, 2013

The ERRORS of Ellen White and the SDA church

Thank you for the quick reply. Can you do a in-depth study on your views on Ellen White and publish it on your site please I would like to know where you found her wrong, and the other interesting parts where you are not convinced. If possible also on Dr. Samuele  Bacchiocchi.

I like the way how you analyze, organize your thoughts so it will be really helpful if you could elaborate on it. Thank you for your understanding.

The above  was  from  a  reader  of  my  website.....I  will  leave  his  name  out.


Concerning  Ellen White  and  the  Seventh Day Adventist Church [SDA]

I'm not in the position of having contact any more with Ellen White's books. And second, it would truly take much time to show all the errors of Ellen White.

I'll come back to her in a moment.

Dr. Sam Bacchiocchi...... he was wrong on "wine" in the Bible and his theology that Christians should not drink alcohol.
He was wrong in part on "women's adornment." He was wrong on "three days and three nights" of Christ in the grave. Wrong as Ellen White was on Jesus dying on a Friday and being resurrected Sunday morning. He was wrong on some parts of the Festivals of God, though he believed we should "kinda" observe them; his writing on that got him into hot water with the majority of the ministers of the SDA church. But he did not understand GOD'S FESTIVALS in their full depth. He was wrong on spending so much time away from his wife and family, "doing the work" - all over the world, to the neglect of his wife and family. I believe because of NOT taking ALL this into account, God did not give him a long and productive life, but dying at the age of 72/73 I believe it was.

Now back to Ellen White.  I will give you a few examples and ONE main example.

She upheld the observance of Christmas.  She upheld the Friday death and Sunday morning resurrection - the "easter" of the Roman Catholics.
She taught going to heaven eventually. She taught Enoch, Moses, and Elijah are in heaven.  
Now those subjects are covered in-depth by myself on my website, showing they are wrong theology.

She was responsible for the SDA teaching of "the investigative judgment" - one of the craziest ideas of theology in the SDA church.  That idea is also fully blow apart with studies on my website.

As you study the studies on my website, you will come to see the MANY differences that I [and those like me]  have with the SDA church and with Ellen White.

Now to one of the BIGGEST errors of Ellen White and the SDA church.

She taught that the 1,000 years of Revelation 20 will be in heaven, while the earth is a burnt out globe, with only Satan the Devil living on it during that 1,000 year period.

In her book "The Great Controversy" she used to try and prove this, about 6  Scriptures [all fully explained in studies on my website]. The MOST DAMAGE  she did, and the biggest twisting of Scripture she did on this subject is Isaiah 24:6. In her book she quoted this verse like this:  "Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned."

Ah did you notice how Ellen White ENDED the verse? Look again! She ended it in her book [unless the SDA have changed it now, or dropped it out, as they have with other errors of her words in other books] with the word "burned."  And period and quotation marks, as if the verse ended that way in the Bible. BUT  THE  VERSE  IN  THE  BIBLE  DOES  NOT  END THAT  WAY  AT  ALL!!!!







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