Wednesday, July 17, 2024




A Flying Roll

     Zech sees a flying roll. Its length is 20 cubits and its
breadth 10 cubits. We are told it represents the "curse" that
goes over all the earth. The two commandments, one stealing, the
other swearing, one on each side of the roll. One commandment is
in the first FOUR commandments of the Great Ten commandments -
swearing; the other - stealing - is in the other SIX of the Ten
commandments. Most Bible readers know we have the first 4
commandments towards God and the last 6 towards man (verses 1-3).

     Those who are breaking the commandments of the Lord, the
curse roll, will enter and consume. It is a way of saying and
picturing that SIN brings DEATH. Those who will not REPENT of
sin, shall earn the wages of sin which is death (Romans 6:23).
All of this applies to any age and any time frame within any age.

The Woman in the Ephah

     Zech is led to see an ephah, the usual common measure of
grain among the Jews. Then there is a weight piece of LEAD, which
we are told represents "the woman that sits in the midst of the
ephah." In the prophetic books of the Old Testament, a woman
often represents the children of Israel, either the house of
Israel or the house of Judah or both. We have that imagery in the
book of Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 16 and the two sisters of the women
of chapter 23).
     Lead is HEAVY and in value is pretty small as say compared
to GOLD.
     Then WICKEDNESS is cast into the ephah and the weight of
lead upon the mouth. Lead is a good weight to close the door on
wickedness, if we are to use symbols to close up, shut the door
on sin. And it is a good representation of the heavy reward of
sin - punishment and death and captivity.
     Judah is the woman of wickedness and will have to be
rewarded accordingly.
     Two woman with wings of a stork are now seen in vision
carrying the ephah to the land of Shinah, to be establish there
(verses 9-10). Shinah is Babylon. Babylon today is Rome in Revelation.

     Zech was writing AFTER Judah had been in the 70 year
captivity in Babylon. Here we have wickedness carried to Shina or
Babylon. What can this mean in the end time scene of the world.
There is only one thing tied to wickedness and Babylon Rome Europe at the end
of this age: Resurrection, 7th, of Holy Roman Empire the destruction of Israel 
and Judah for their wickedness and sins, and their deportation to the Empire of the
Beast Babylon of Europe. coming Roman Empire with it false prophet who works 

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