Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Being a Peacemaker!

It's vital to practice it


Keith Hunt 

     Do you want to be a literal child of God? You do - then you
will have to be a person of PEACE, for it is written, "Blessed
are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God
     The greatest peacemaker in the universe is the heavenly
Father, but mankind, as a whole, is not at peace with the Father,
because of sin. Sin (the breaking of the law of God - I John 3:4)
cuts us off from being at peace with the Father. Notice Isaiah
59:1,2. "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot
save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear. But your
iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins
have hid His eyes from you, that He will not hear."
     Yet the Father wants a reconciliation - a peace - between
Himself and mankind whom He created. So He cries out to those who
could be His children, "Seek you the Lord while He may be found,
call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked FORSAKE HIS WAY,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him RETURN unto the
Lord, and He will have MERCY upon him; and to our God, for He
will abundantly PARDON " (Isa.55:6,7).

     God wants peace!

     He is the greatest peacemaker in all the universe. He wants
- He DESIRES, that every last person who has ever lived or will
ever live, should repent and not perish. For it is written, "The
Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count
slackness; but is longsuffering towards us, not willing(not
wanting) that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to
repentance" (2 Pet.3:9, emphasis mine).
     Repentance is vitally important for each of us if we are not
to perish - if we are to make peace with God.
     Jesus said, ".......except you repent, you shall all
likewise perish." (Luke 13:3). Paul was inspired to write, "And
the times of this ignorance God winked at, but now commands all
men every where to REPENT " (Acts 17:30). We have literature on
the subject of repentance - what it really is. Study it on this
     The wages of sin is death - Romans 6:23. The heavenly Father
could not just turn a "blind eye" to our sins. He could not just
ignore them as if we had never transgressed His holy, just, and
good law and commandments (Rom.7:12). Our sins had to be paid in
full to make peace with Him, but instead of each one of us having
to die He made a way by which we could be made at peace with Him.
He sent His Son to overcome sin in the flesh, to take our sins
upon Himself, and to die in our place. Notice it in Romans
3:23-25, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of
God. Being JUSTIFIED (forgiven of sin - declared sinless) freely
by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Whom
God has sent forth to be a PROPITIATION (atoning sacrifice)
through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the
remission of sins(forgiveness of) that are past, through the
forbearance of God."
     God the Father is the great peacemaker. He has made a way
whereby all mankind can have peace with Him. That way is through
Christ Jesus. Paul instructed the church at Ephesus, "But now in
Christ Jesus you who sometimes far off are made nigh by the blood
of Christ. For He is our(Jew and Gentile) peace, who has made
both one ... so making peace. And that He might reconcile both
unto God in one body by the cross ... And came and preached peace
to you(Gentiles) which were far off, and to them (Jews) that were
nigh. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the
Father " (Eph.2:13-18).
     The way of peace with the Father is through Jesus Christ.
The Father is the greatest peacemaker in the universe. He has
gone out of His way to make peace with the humans He created. If
we are willing to repent of our sins, if we are willing to
separate ourselves from unrighteousness and follow
righteousness(see Ps.119:172 for a definition as to
righteousness), if we are willing to separate ourselves from the
world of Satan and walk in the light and truth of God's word,
then the Father says, " shall be my sons and daughters..."
(2 Cor.6:14-18). We can then be the children of God!


     How would you like to be remembered? What kind of reputation
do you desire? What kind of image do you want? What words would
you like to be carved on your tombstone - maybe the words: "Here
lays a child of God" ?
     If you earnestly desire to be the son or daughter of God,
you will have to be a peacemaker. For it is written, "Blessed are
the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called the CHILDREN of God."
     How do we build a reputation as "the children of God"? The
seventh Beatitude of Christ as they are called, tells us one way
- being peacemakers.

     We are all called to be peacemakers in one way or another.
We are probably going to get at least one chance in this life
time to be a peacemaker, and most of us will no doubt get many
opportunities to peacemake.
     Being a peacemaker can be extremely rewarding. Helping bring
peace where there is conflict, tension, and strife, brings about
a healthy sense of satisfaction.
     Peacemaking can also be a tough role to play. And yet it is
absolutely crucial if you are to be a child of God.

     Senator Hubert Humphrey put it this way: "Negotiating
between conflicting parties is like crossing a river by walking
on slippery rocks   It's risky, but it's the only way to get
     We see "breaches" all around us. In families. Between labor
and management. Between nations. Between political parties. And
between Christian brothers and sisters.
     We have been called as Christians to be REPAIRERS of the
breach. Restorers of paths to dwell in. Where a relationship has
been ripped, torn apart, we are called to bring about
reconciliation and peace. Where there's a rupture, create a
rapture. Where there is a scar, create a star - healing where
there was only hurt.
     Paul instructed, "If it be possible, as much as lies with
you, live peaceably with ALL men" (Rom.12:18 - emphasis mine).

     Peacemakers. Who are they? Are they only politicians or
world leaders? Ah, not at all! They are people like you and me.
Everyone can be a peacemaker. The mother who resolves the
conflict between her toddlers is a peacemaker. The student who
helps settle disputes between her class mates is a peacemaker.
The man or woman who helps in resolving family arguments, is a
peacemaker. Those who help restore a spiritual brother or sister
from being overcome by sin, is a peacemaker(Gal.6:1).
     Every one of us can be a peacemaker - no matter who we are
or what we do. There are great blessing here and now, and in the
future, for being a peacemaker. You want to see good days in this
physical life, then do as Peter instructed: "For he that will
love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from
evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. Let him eschew evil,
and do good; let him SEEK PEACE and ensue it" (1 Pet.3:10,11).
Notice this important verse found in Hebrews 12:14, "Follow peace
with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the
     Now it follows that if we can not see God without following
peace and holiness, then by following holiness and peace we shall
see God! It is just that important. To be a child of God you must
FOLLOW PEACE. Those that do shall one day live for eternity and
be called the children of God.


     Abraham was very rich in cattle, silver, and in gold. He and
his household together with Lot his nephew and all that he
possessed, went up out of Egypt to the area of Bethel. So large
were their combined flocks and herds, the land "was not able to
bear them" (Gen.13:6). Verse 7 says, "And there was STRIFE
between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle and the herdsmen of Lot's
     Did Abram, as the older man, get all steamed up with
indignation and demand his rights? Look at it - verses 8 and 9.
What an example of peacemaking we have recorded for us. "And
Abram said unto Lot, Let there be NO STRIFE ... between me and
you, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we be
brethren. Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself
...from me. If you will take the left hand, then I will go to the
right; or if you depart to the right hand, then I will go to the
     Among other things, Abram was a peacemaker. It is no wonder
then that he is called the father of the faithful and a friend of
     We too can not only be a friend of God but a child of God,
if we are peacemakers.

     The Bible contains many examples of people who were
peacemakers. There is Moses and his peacemaking efforts as found
in Exodus 2:13 and chapter 32, where he acts as a peacemaker
between God and the people of Israel. There is the example of
Abimelech in Genesis 26. We have the example of Mordecai as a man
of peace - Esther 10. And there is David - a man after God's own
heart - who tried numerous times to make peace with King Saul who
was often out to "nail his hide to the wall." David returned good
and peace for the evil Saul wanted to do to him.
     These are but some of the examples left us in the Bible
concerning people of peace.

     Rolan Hayes was one of three children born to a Black family
on a fifteen-acre cotton farm in Tennessee. At the age of five
Roland lost his father to an accident. His mother moved the
family soon after the death of her husband, to Chattanooga. While
in that town they sang in a church choir. And one day the choir
director played for them a recording of Caruso and of Melba, two
of the great singers of the day. Roland Hayes was so moved by the
music that he said, "I believe that God has called me to sing a
message of peace and brotherhood around the world."
     With determination and effort over many years he did indeed
become an international solo concert singer.

     In 1924 he was booked for a concert at the Beethoven Concert
Hall in Berlin. En route to Germany, Roland stopped in Prague. He
was called into the American consul's office. "Mr. Hayes," the
consul said, "I have bad news for you. You are going to have to
cancel your concert in Germany. The French have taken over the
Rhineland and they are holding it with troops made up of Negroes
from America. The Germans are furious. No black-skinned person
will be able to sing in Germany at this time."
     "Thank you for telling me this, Mr.Consul," Roland said, "I
will surely pray about it." The days passed and he could not
bring himself to cancel the concert.
     On the night of the concert, Roland and his black
accompanist carefully made their way to the auditorium and
slipped in through a back door. Once inside, they peered through
the curtains and saw that the place was packed to overflowing.
Now Roland realized he was an internationally controversial case.
When the curtain went up, Roland Hayes stood in the curve of the
baby brand piano. He folded his hands, looked upward, and said a
private prayer to God: "God, make me a horn for the Omnipotent to
sound through."
     As he stood silently praying, he began to hear hissing, then
stomping, and then catcalls and boos. Somebody shouted, "Don't
disgrace the Beethoven Concert Hall with plantation songs about
black men from America." Hate seemed to fill that auditorium. His
accompanist said, "Mr.Hayes, we better get out of here!" Then
objects began to fly onto the stage, narrowly missing the
soloist. Roland Hayes later recalled the incident and remarked,
"I just stood there and prayed, 'God, what will I do?'" An idea
entered his mind. To the accompanist he said, "Let's begin with
Beethoven's 'This Is My Peace.' " The accompanist slowly and
softly began to play. A surprised murmur ran through the hall as
the German concertgoers heard the music of their favorite,
     Roland Hayes opened his mouth and began to sing "This Is My
Peace." His mighty voice rolled through the auditorium, and the
audience fell into silence. By the time he finished, there was
absolute attention. He went on to sing several classical numbers
and ended the concert with Negro spirituals and plantation songs.
At the close of the concert, some members of the audience jumped
up on the stage, hoisted Roland on their shoulders, and paraded
him around the auditorium. He was the hero of the continent, and
he was an inspiration in settling the dispute between France and

     It's not always easy to be a peacemaker, but there can be
great rewards here and now, in trying. And the best of all is
that you can be called the CHILD of God.

     Another great Black leader that advocated the peaceful means
to procure change, was the Baptist minister of the 1960's -
Martin Luther King, Jr. At a young age, and while studying for
the ministry, Martin attended a lecture about the tremendous
social change that had occurred in India as a result of the
efforts of a lawyer named GANDHI. Though born in India, Gandhi
spent much of his early life in South Africa. He returned to
India at the age of 46. He quickly saw that India was nothing
more than a British colony and that it was slowly dying under
such bondage. He advocated a nonviolent - peaceful protest
against the British for India's independence. It was most
important to be nonviolent Gandhi taught. Sometimes protesters
forgot this and turned to violence and bloodshed. When they did,
Gandhi would fast, refusing to eat until the violence ended.
It took years, seventeen long years, but through the combined
efforts of people like Gandhi, the unity of the Indian people,
and adverse world opinion, the British granted India its
independence in 1947.

     Martin Luther King left the lecture so excited he went out
and bought all the books he could about Gandhi and his philosophy
of nonviolence. Martin recognized the differences between his
country and Gandhi's. In the United States, blacks were only
about ten per cent of the population. Still, he could not get rid
of the feeling that somehow Gandhi's philosophy could be applies
to the plight of the blacks in the USA. Martin was living for the
most part in the South, where there was still WHITES ONLY signs
on Coke machines or water fountains or over doorways. Where
blacks had to ride at the back on public buses. On trains in the
South, blacks had to sit in the rear of the dining car, and a
shade was pulled down to separate them from the rest, as if the
sight of blacks in a car would offend the white diners.
     This was the world the blacks lived in, in the South. Martin
was determined to do something about it - but only through
peaceful means.
     During the 50's and on into the 60's Martin Luther King
became the most prominent voice for the Civil Rights Movement.
His philosophy and teaching throughout all those years up to his
assassination and death on April the 4th, 1968, was a nonviolent
PEACEFUL approach to "equal rights" for blacks.
     Yes, the "Civil Rights Movement" was from time to time
during those years, to be infiltrated by those who recommended
violence as the solution to the black problem of the South, and
indeed, violence did flare up at times, blacks being the
instigators, but Martin Luther King would have no part of it. He
stood only for a peaceful solution - peaceful marches and public
     It was on Monday January 30, 1956, that Martin's house was
bombed for the first time. He was not at home that evening.
When he did arrive home, summoned by a brief and frightening
telephone call, he found his house filled with people and the
street outside jammed with onlookers. The crowd of blacks was
angry; police stood by, expecting at any moment to have to quell
a riot. The Mayor and Commissioner of Montgomery were there to
grab Martin on his arrival and to express their sympathy. The
crowd was not mollified. Rage filled the air.
     Having seen for himself that Coretta and Yoki(his wife and
daughter) were all right, Martin turned to the most immediate
problem. The crowd might loose control at any moment and burst
into violence. He made his way to the front porch and held up his
arms. He spoke to the crowd. He assured them his wife and baby
were fine. He was all right. They must not let their anger hurt
the nonviolent cause for which they were working. He quoted
Jesus. He spoke of love. Gradually the crowd quieted. Then,
Martin Luther King, Jr. channelled the high emotion of the crowd
from negative to positive and made his first public utterance
about the possibility of his own death: "Remember, if I am
stopped, this movement will not stop because God is with this
movement. Go home with this glowing faith and radiant assurance."
Shouting "Amen!" amid tears, the crowd dispersed.
     As the leader of the successful Montgomery bus boycott,
Martin Luther King Jr., was in great demand as a speaker. Many
young whites were receptive to his pleas for black equality.
Inspired by King and the nonviolent peaceful civil rights
movement, young black students started their own nonviolent
protests. Tired of segregation they wanted to do something about
it. So began the "sit in lunch counter" campaigns across the
South. These "sit-ins" adhered completely to nonviolent
principles. This is the list of rules governing behavior at
sit-ins drawn up by Nashville, Tennessee, college students in the
spring of 1960:

Don't strike back if cursed or abused. Don't laugh out. Don't
hold conversations with your fellow workers. Don't leave your
seats until your leader has given you instructions to do so.
Don't block entrances to the stores and aisles. Show yourself
courteous and friendly at all times. Sit straight and always face
the counter. Report all serious incidents to your leader. Refer
all information to your leader in a polite manner. Remember love
and nonviolence. May God bless each of you.

     There was much sorrow and pain yet to endure for those who
stood for de-segregation and equality through peaceful means. But
their efforts were not in vain. During those years of the 60's,
mountains were moved, the wall of bigotry was broken down,
segregation was smashed, blacks did get to use the same water
fountain as whites, sit on any seat they wanted to on the buses,
and be treated as an equal part of the human creation of God
     All this was accomplished by the use of PEACE!

     The world finally honored the peaceful efforts and teaching
of Martin Luther King Jr. They presented him with the NOBEL PRIZE
FOR PEACE in 1964.
     Shortly before he died, King gave a sermon in which he
related how he would like people to remember him: "...I'd like
someone to mention that day of my funeral, that Martin Luther
King Jr., tried to give his life serving others. I'd like someone
to say that day that Martin Luther King Jr., tried to love
     Ah yes, the fruit of the Spirit is, joy,
     Those that are peacemakers will be called the children of


     Do you want to be a child of God? Do you want to be a son or
daughter of the greatest peacemaker in the universe? If you do
then you will have to practice peacemaking. And it may not be
easy, for the NATURAL way of man is to dislike, distrust, impute
evil motives, slander, and hate, those we think have "done us
dirt" in one way or another.
     It is human nature to fight against and even go to war, with
those whom we perceive to be our enemies. They may not really be
our enemy, but we think they are, or they may very well have
"done us evil." Which ever the case is, the natural way to go -
the way of least resistance - is to hate and war, and not to try
and peacemake. It is not a proclivity for most of us, to say,
"Please forgive me if I have done or said something to offend
you. I would like us to be friends." Or, "I ask your forgiveness
for the wrong I have done to you."
     It is not easy for human nature to say, "I realize their is
a wall between us. I would like for us to talk, get things out in
the open, lay the cards on the table, and say sorry where the
word sorry is needed to be said. I would like us to forgive where
forgiveness is due, and be at peace with each other."
     No, it is not easy to PRACTICE the above words. But we must
try to do so as Christians if we want to be called a child of
     With the power of the Holy Spirit in us we can be

     Now brethren, it is commonly noised abroad that there is in
many of the churches, dissent, bickering, strife, antagonisms,
jealousy, suspiciousness, back-biting, and other "works of the
flesh" that are anything but peace and love.
     This should not be!

     The fruits of the Spirit, are among other things, ",
joy, PEACE ....... (Gal.5:22). Where there is little evidence of
these fruits in a church's life, there can only be a lack of the
Spirit of God among the church's membership.
     The spiritual "thermometer reading" of any group will be
determined by the amount of heated love, joy, and peace, the
group produces. If there is little love and peace, there will be
a VACUUM, and the vacuum will need to be filled. It will usually
be filled with anger and strife, the works of the flesh
     Notice what God is NOT the author of, as well as what He IS
the author of. "For God is NOT the author of confusion (tumult -
mrg. reading) BUT of peace...." (1 Cor.14:33).
     Yes, God is the greatest peacemaker in the universe - He
wrote the book on it. He is the author of peace. And those who
will seek to be peacemakers will be called the children of God.
     Are you "at odds" with someone? Is there strife between you
and another, or resentment, or anger, or maybe bad feelings over
something? Then you need to do what YOU can do, to bring about
peace. Do not wait for the other guy to make the first move
towards peace - he may never do so, or as you are waiting for
him, he is waiting for you.
     Paul instructs, "If it be possible(some carnal minded
individual may never want to be at peace with you), as much as
lies in you(you at least should smoke the peace pipe) LIVE
PEACEABLY with all men" (Rom.12:18 added comments and emphasis

     I was having my car professionally washed and waxed one day,
and while waiting in the lounge they provided for their
customers, I came across a card in a rack of BLUE MOUNTAIN ARTS.
The poem on it by Paula Finn was entitled: "I THINK WE NEED TO
TALK." Here are the words:

     "Lately things haven't been quite right between us.....
     We've allowed some negative feelings to build up, and those
     unexpressed feelings have kept us from being as close as we
     could be.
     We need to trust our love enough to share the truth....., to
     express criticism as well as praise, to be honest about our
     disappointments as well as our hopes, to communicate our
     hurts and frustrations, rather than keeping them inside.
     We have to find ways to put into words what we need from
     each other, so the other person....can find ways to give it.
     And we need to be realistic in our expectations, and
     remember that no one person can ever meet them all.
     We have to talk more freely about our own feelings and
     listen more sensitively to each other's, to realize that
     feelings are neither right nor wrong, bur they are all
     important, and that our differences can really be strengths
     if we bring them out into the open and work together to
     solve them.
     It will take effort and courage on both our parts, but we
     need to realize that keeping anger inside will only make it
     stronger and will cause us to hurt each other even more.
     We have to talk.
     I'm not quite sure how to begin....... but I know we must."

     Yes, communicating through word or letter, to those we are
having problems with is the key. Jesus taught: 

"...if you bring your gift to the altar, and there you remember
that your brother has something against you. Leave your gift
before the altar; first be reconciled to your brother, and then
come and offer your gift... Love your enemies, bless them that
curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that
despitefully use you and persecute you. That you may be the
children of your Father which is in heaven, for He makes the sun
to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just
and the unjust. For if you love them that love you, what reward
do you have? Do not even sinners do the same? And if you honor
you brethren only, what do you more than others? Do not even the
criminals of society do the same among themselves? Become you
therefore spiritually mature even as your Father which is in
heaven, is spiritually mature" (Mat.523,24,44-48 paraphrased

     Then also notice Jesus' words in Matthew 18:15, "...if your
brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault
between you and him alone; if he shall hear you, you have gained
your brother."
     For those who claim they love Christ, who claim they are
followers of Jesus, they must obey this teaching of being
peacemakers, for Jesus said, "If a man love me, he will keep my
words..." (John 14:23).
     That's it, there's no way around it - Christians must put
forth the effort to be peacemakers! The child of God is to seek
peace and pursue it (1 Pet.3:11). There is joy to the counsellors
of peace (Prov.12:20). Proverbs 20 and verse 3 says, "...It is an
honor for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be
meddling." The words of Zechariah admonish us to love the TRUTH
and PEACE " (Zech.8:19). Jesus taught us to "....have peace one
with another...." (Mark 9:50). Unity of the Spirit is bonded
together by PEACE (Eph.4:3).
     Peace is an integral part of true wisdom and righteousness;
"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then
PEACEABLE... The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of  
them that make peace" (James 3:17,18).  
We are to do the things that will produce peace (Rom.14:19).


     Who are the peacemakers? They are not necessarily the people
who me talking about peace all the time. Peacemakers are those
who are doing something, creating something, building something -
bridges, mostly!
     You would like peace in your family, in your community, in
your place of work, in your church. There will be no peace
anywhere as long as there is war going on in YOUR heart and in
your life.

     To be a peacemaker you must first be at peace with God and
yourself. You can be a peacemaker once you have your life
together, once you've let the heavenly Father and Christ Jesus
become your friends. When you have made your peace with them by
repenting of sin in your life and accepting Jesus as your Savior,
once you have made peace to God through Christ, once you are at
peace in your own heart and mind, when all your anger,
bitterness, hate, resentments, jealousy, and animosities, have
been washed away from your heart by the blood of Christ, then you
are ready to make peace with others - with those whom you need to
make peace with.

     So you are at peace with the two main persons of the
universe, now what should you do next? I think the next move is
for you to PRAY!

     Pray for humility and wisdom. Pray that you will be able, in
word and deed, to go about the job of making peace in the light
of God's word.
     Once you have done the above, you are ready to ACT! It's no
use just wishing for peace but doing nothing. Just thinking about
peace will not automatically bring about peace. You must act. Be
determined that you are going to communicate, in verbal or
written word, with the person or persons you need to have peace
with. Then fulfil that communication.
     It will take effort, it may not be easy, but most things in
life that are rewarding and lasting, do not come at the snap of
the fingers, but takes work and effort.

     Yes, all of us can be peacemakers - wherever we are. There
may be a tension inside of you, in your home, or in your place of
business. But you can resolve this tension if you give it all
you've got. Tackling the problem of tension is no different than
tackling any other problem. You can make peace in much the same
way that you solve other problems. The people who ultimately win
at what they go after are people who give it all they've got.

     This true story may help you win at peacemaking.

     It happened on the slopes of Squaw Valley. The handicapped
skier was a girl by the name of Kim. She was about eighteen and
blind. Kim was being led down the giant slalom. She made it
through forty-four gates, and she was lined up straight with the
finishing line. Her guide behind her said, "Straight ahead Kim;
go for it!"
     Kim dug in and was flying over the snow when she hit a rut.
The poles flew out of her hands. She fell flat on her face. She
knew she'd have to get her body across the finish line or be
disqualified. She looked beaten, looked like she was out of it,
but she didn't stop. She reached out for her poles. When she
couldn't find them, she started swimming over the snow, straight
ahead, until she crossed the finish line.
     "Kim, you made it!" the judge called out. But she didn't
hear him. She just kept on snow swimming on her stomach for
another five, ten, fifteen feet.
     The judge kept shouting, "You made it, Kim; you can stop!"
She still did not hear him. Finally a second voice, then another,
then all of the spectators shouted, "You made it, Kim!"
     Kim stopped, still flat on her belly. Then she heard the
applause. She jumped up to her feet and danced for joy.

     You can do it, too! You can be a peacemaker - you can be
called a child of God.

     "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the
children of God."


Written in 1991

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