Sunday, September 1, 2024



Starting a Youth Group

Here are the basics

                            COME ONE! COME ALL!

                  Get Your Own Youth Group Started Today

                    By  Ann Siddens and Adrienne Taylor

     Have you ever wanted to start a youth group in your church
but didn't know where to begin?

     Maybe the Marceline Church of God youth group can give you a
few suggestions to get started!

     The first thing to do, and the most important, when forming
a group is to pray for God's will to be done through your group.
Always start and end your meetings with a word of prayer.
Remember, "For where two or three are gathered together in My
name, I am there in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). Also,
don't forget to pray for the group in your daily prayers as well.
Pray for God's will to be done in everything the group is
involved in, even group meetings or retreats the group is
hosting. God can do wondrous things if we are willing to follow
His will and trust Him in everything.

     Structure and leadership are important in forming and
maintaining your group. "Robert's Rules of Order" may not always
seem fun, and can even be frustrating at times, but it's very
important to keep order in your meetings. Start by electing a
president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Decide how
long a term each position will serve. (A year is customary.)
Making sure everyone has respect for those who are in office is a
good standard to enforce. Someday it might be your turn in
office, and you'll want respect too.

     Some feel the vicepresident doesn't have enough to do. One
idea is to make your vice-president act as your group
representative. This job requires the person to gain approval
from the church elders for the ideas the youth group submits.

     Another step is to decide upon a bank where your group can
start a checking account. It's good to elect a second person who
can sign checks if the treasurer is not available.

     It's important to have one or two adults as sponsors of your
group. They are very helpful and supportive, and it's always good
to have adult leadership and accountability for your group.

     Lastly, don't forget to have fun! Make fellowship with those
in your group outside of group meetings and activities. Get to
know one another and become friends. When you create friendships,
you're more able to care for and support one another.

Take from ACTS Magazine - March/April 2007 - a publication of the
General Council of the Churches of God, Meridian, ID. USA

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