Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Jesus and Paul - Pharisees? #2

Some say they were!

                         by Keith Hunt

We continue here with the expounding of the pertinent passages in

Acts and some of Paul, that certain sects of the Messianic Jewish

movement and William Dankenbring use to try and prove Jesus

and/or Paul were Pharisees, and hence we should observe the

teachings and practices of the Pharisee theology. First the

section of Acts 22:3 and then Acts 23: 6,7,8.


It follows, and taught according to the perfect law of the

fathers; not the law which the Jewish fathers received from

Moses, though Paul was instructed in this, but in the oral law,

the Misna, or traditions of the elders, in which he greatly

profited, and exceeded others, Gal.i.14. And was zealous towards

God; or a zealot of God; one of those who were called Kanaim, or

zealots; who in their great zeal for the glory of God, took away

the lives of men, when they found them guilty of what they judged

a capital crime; see Matt.x.4. John xvi.  The Vulgate Latin

version reads, "zealous of the law;" both written and oral, the

law of Moses, and the traditions of the fathers: as ye all are

this day: having a zeal for God, and the law, but not according

to knowledge.


...acquainted with the nature of the law.  According to the

perfect manner..... By strict diligence, or exact care; or in

the utmost rigour and severity of that instruction. No pains were

SPARED to make him understand and practise the law of Moses. The

law of the fathers. The law of our fathers; i.e., the law which

they received and handed down to us. Paul was a Pharisee; and the

law in which he had been taught was not only the written law of

Moses, but the traditional law which had been handed down from

former times. Note, Matt. iii. 6. And was zealous towards God.

Gal.1:14. He had a constant burning seal for God and his law,

which was expressed not only by scrupulous adherence to its

forma, but by persecuting all who opposed it, verse, 4.5.    


According to the perfect manner. That is, according to that

strict interpretation of the law, and especially the traditions

of the elders, for which the Pharisees were remarkable. That it

is Pharisaism that the apostle has in view, when he says he was

taught according to, ..... the most exact manner, is evident; and

hence, in chap. xxvi.5, he calls Pharisaism ..... the most exact

system; and, under it, he was zealous towards God; scrupulously

exact in every part of his duty, accompanying this with reverence

to the supreme Being, and deep concern for his honour and glory.



Acts 22:2, 3   

3) I - I am a man, a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia but reared in

this city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel according to the

paternal law's exactitude, being a zealot for God even as you

your selves all are today; one who did persecute this Way to

death, binding and delivering into prisons, both men and women as

also the high priest is witness for me and all the eldership,

from whom also having received letters to the brethren I was

journeying to Damascus to bring also those who were there bound

to Jerusalem in order that they might be punished.

.... is emphatic: "I, as far as I am concerned"; and .... (not

the pleonastic ..... which is often used by Luke as in 16:37, and

in 21:39) makes the appositive substantive adjectival as in

10:28; 3:14; Luke 24:17 (B.-D. 242). The three perfect

participles refer to states; once born, reared, educated a man

remains thus. On Tarsus of Cilicia as Paul's birthplace see 9:11

and 21:39. His place of birth made him a Hellenist, but his

rearing and his education, both of which took place in Jerusalem,

were those of a Hebrew; on the difference see 6:1. Although born

abroad, Paul was reared "in this city," i. e., Jerusalem (26:4).

Only the fact is mentioned. At what age he was brought to

Jerusalem (the guesses vary between eight and fourteen), and with

whom he lived (a much older sister, 23:16?), are left to surmise.

We ought not confuse the second and the third partlciple; the

one means "nourished up" and thus "reared" while the other means

"to train a child" and thus "to educate." "At the feet of

Gamaliel" is thus to be construed with the latter participle, for

it also precedes it for the sake of emphasis: by no less a person

than Gamaliel was Paul educated. This famous teacher scarcely

trained little boys; Paul means that, when he was of proper age,

he became a disciple of Gamaliel. See the remarks on 5:34. We see

how old the expression "at the feet" is. The disciples, of

course, sat cross-legged on the floor, their 'rabban' (a title

given only to Gamaliel and to six others; 'rabbi' is less, and

'rab' still less) sitting the same way on a platform. The Talmud

explains: "They are to dust themselves with the dust of his


Paul's having Gamaliel as a teacher already explains the kind of

an education he received, but he adds this fact because it is so

important for his present hearers: "according to the paternal

law's exactitude," ..... "received from one's father." Paul's

Jewish education was limited to the things handed down from the

Jewish fathers, and he received it in a form that was most exact

and accurate. The genitive alone is enough to make its governing

noun definite. No devout Jew in all Israel could have provided a

more satisfactory Jewish upbringing and education for his son

than that which Paul's father provided for him. Where Paul

obtained his knowledge of Greek poetry is another question.

The present participle adds what Paul thus turned out to be:

......    "a zealot for God" (objective genitive), compare 21:20;

and dramatically Paul adds: "even as you yourselves all are

today," referring to what they had just done to him when they

imagined that he had desecrated God's Temple. Paul refers to the

same thing mentioned in Rom.10:2. He is speaking subjectively and

now describes the zealot he was.



6 But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and

the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and

brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and

resurrection of the dead I am called in question.

7 And when he had so said, there arose a dissension between the

Pharisees and the Sadducees: and the multitude was divided.

8 For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither

angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.

6. A Pharisee, a son of Pharisees: Cf. 26:5 and Phil. 3:5. As a

Christian, Paul can still claim to be a Pharisee (cf. 15:5 for

"believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees") and a

champion of the best traditions of Judaism - the best defense he

can make against the charge of subversive preaching (21:28). The

hope and the resurrection: This might be taken to refer to the

messianic hope and the resurrection which, according to the

Pharisees, was its condition. But the words in the Greek have no

definite article and are perhaps best taken as a single

expression equivalent to "the hope of the resurrection."

Similarly in 24:15 Paul speaks of "having a hope ... that there

will be a resurrection" (cf. also 26:6-8); and in 24:21 it is

simply "with respect to the resurrection" that Paul is on trial.

7. The assembly was divided: Josephus tells how once he escaped

from a mob by the same ruse of dividing "their opinions" (Life


8. For the divergent views of the Pharisees and Sadducees on

eschatology see Mark 12:18 and parallels and Josephus, who says

that the Pharisees maintain that "every soul is imperishable, but

the soul of the good alone passes into another body, while the

souls of the wicked suffer eternal punishment." .....


I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee. It is natural, from one

point of view, to dwell chiefly on the tact of the Apostle. He

seems to be acting, consciously or unconsciously, on the

principle divide et impera, to win over to his side a party who

would otherwise have been his enemies. With this there comes, it

may be, a half-doubt whether the policy thus adopted was

altogether truthful. Was St. Paul at that time really a Pharisee?

Was he not, as following in his Master's footsteps, the sworn foe

of Pharisaism? The answer to that question, which obviously ought

to be answered and not suppressed, is that all parties have their

good and bad sides, and that those whom the rank and file of a

party most revile may be the most effective witnesses for the

truths on which the existence of the party rests. The true

leaders of the Pharisees had given a prominence to the doctrine

of the Resurrection which it had never had before. They taught an

.... rather than a sacrificial religion. Many of then had been,

like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea, secret disciples of our

Lord. At this very time there were many avowed Pharisees among

the members of the Christian Church (chap. xv. 5). St.Paul,

therefore, could not be charged with any suppression in

calling himself a Pharisee. It did not involve even a tacit

disclaimer of his faith in Christ. It was rather as though he

said, "I am one with you in all that is truest in your creed.    

I invite you to listen and see whether what I now proclaim to you

is not the crown and completion of all your hopes and yearnings.

Is not the resurrection of Jesus the one thing needed for a proof

of that hope of the resurrection of the dead of which you and

your fathers have been witnesses?"

There arose a dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

As a strategic act St. Paul's words had immediately the effect

which he desired. They prevented the hasty unanimous vote which

might otherwise have united the two parties, as they bad been

united in the case of Stephen, in the condemnation of the

blasphemer. What follows shows that it was not without results as

regards the higher aim. (8) The Sadducees say that there is no

resurrection. On the general teaching of the Sadducees, see Note

on Matt.xxii.23. Their denial of the existence of angels and

spirits seems at first inconsistent with the known fact that

they acknowledged, the divine authority of the Pentateuch, which

contains so many narratives of angelophanica, and were more

severe than others in their administration of the Law.....


That is, I was of thaT sect among the Jews. I was born a

Pharisee, and I ever continued while a Jew to be of that sect.   

In the main he agreed with them still. He did not mean to deny

that he was a Christian, but that so far as the Pharisees

differed from the Sadducees, he was in the main with the former.

He agreed with them, not with the Sadducees, in regard to the

doctrine of the resurrection, and the existence of angels and

spirits. The son of a Pharisee. What was the name of his father

is not known. But the meaning is, simply, that he was entitled to

all the immunities and privileges of a Pharisee. He had from his

birth, belonged to that sect, nor had he ever departed from the

great cardinal doctrines which distinguished that sect - the

doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Comp. Phil. 3:6. Of the

hope of the resurrection of the dead. That is, of the hope that

the dead will be raised. This is the real point of the

persecution and opposition to me. I am called as question. Gr., 

I am judged; that is, I am persecuted, or brought to trial.

Orobio charges this upon Paul as an artful manner of declining

persecution, unworthy the character of an upright and honest man.

Chubb, a British Deist of the seventeenth century, charges it

upon Paul as an act of gross " dissimulation, as designed to

conceal the true ground of all the troubles that he had brought

upon himself; and as designed to deceive and impose upon the


He affirms also, that " St. Paul probably invented this pretended

charge a himself, to draw over a party of the unbelieving Jews

unto him." See Chubb's Posthumous Works, vol. ii. p. 238. Now, in

reply to this we may observe (l.) that there is not the least

evidence that Paul denied that he had been, or was then, a

Christian. An attempt to deny this, after all that they knew of

him, would have been vain, and there is not the slightest hint

that he attempted it. (2.) The doctrine of the resurrection of

the dead was the main and leading doctrine which he had insisted

on, and which had been to him the cause of much of his

persecution. See chap. xvii. 31,34; 1 Cor. xv.; Acts xiii.34;

xxvi. 6, 7, 48, 46. (3.) Paul defended this by an argument 

which he deemed invincible, and which constituted,

in fact, the principal evidence of its truth - the fact that the

Lord Jesus had been raised. That fact had given demonstration to

the doctrine of the Pharisees, that the dead would rise. As Paul

had everywhere proclaimed the fact that Jesus had been raised up,

and as this had been the occasion of his being opposed, it was

true that he had been persecuted on account of that doctrine.    

(4) The real ground of the opposition which the Sadduees made to

him, and of their opposition to his doctrine, was the additional

zeal with which he urged this doctrine, and the additional

argument which he brought for the resurrection of the dead. 

Perhaps the cause of the opposition of this great party among the

Jews - the Sadducees - to Christianity, was the strong

confirmation which the resurrection of Christ gave to the

doctrine which they so much hated - the doctrine of the

resurrection of the dead. It thus gave a triumph to their

opponents among the Pharisees; and Paul, as a leading and zealous

advocate of that doctrine, would excite their special hatred.    

(5.) All that Paul said, therefore, was strictly true. It was

because he advocated this doctrine that he was opposed. That

there were other causes of opposition to him might be true also;

but still this was the main and prominent cause of the

hostility.(6) With great propriety, therefor, he might address

the Pharisees, and say, "brethren, the great doctrine which has

distinguished you from the Sadducees is at stake. The great

doctrine which is at the foundation of all our hopes - the

resurrection of the dead - the doctrine of our fathers, of the

Scriptures, of our sect, is in danger. Of that doctrine I have

been the advocate. I have never denied it. I have endeavoured to

establish it, and have everywhere defended it, and; have devoted

myself to the work of putting it on an imperishable basis among

the Jews and the Gentiles. For my seal in that I have been

opposed. I have excited the ridicule of the Gentile, and the

hatred of the Sadducee. I have thus been persecuted and

arraigned; and for my seal in this, in urging the argument in

defence of it, which I have deemed most irrefragable - the

resurrection of the Messiah - I have been persecuted and

arraigned, and now cast myself on your protection against the mad

seal the enemies of the doctrine of our fathers." Not only,

therefore, was this an act of policy and prudence in Paul, but

what he affirmed was strictly true, and the effect was as he had



Since Paul had always known that the Sanhedrin was made up of

both Sadducees and Pharisees, Luke's remark that is introduced

with ... must mean more than that Paul happened to think of these

two parties and with quick wit took advantage of that fact and

thus caused a division in the Sanhedrin. Something that is not

recorded by Luke but is contained in the participle ... etc., had

set the two parties against each other. This seems to be

substantiated by ....  Paul had to shout (descriptive imperfect) at 

the top of his voice. The Sadducees and the Pharisees were 

evidently engaged in a loud altercation, and Paul was quite 

forgotten for the moment.

These points are clear; everything that goes beyond them is

guessing, some of it is unsatisfactory, for instance that the

altercation took place in regard to the high priest, and that the

Pharisees were rather pleased with Paul's sharp retort, or that

Paul's address, "men and brethren," was intended to ignore the

high priest in a pointed way. Regarding the latter, what about

the same address in v.1; and what about attributing such a low

motive to a man like Paul? Luke writes, "in the Sanhedrin," yet

some think that Paul was addressing only the Pharisees. The

entire Sanhedrin was to know that Paul was a Pharisee. The force

of the argument was this: a judicial body that was itself in

large part composed of Pharisees could certainly not find fault

with a man for being a Pharisee and holding to the main doctrinal

contention of Pharisaism. This feature of the argument would, of

course, have been just as strong if matters had been reversed, 

i.e., if Paul had been a Sadducee. In either case the one party

would not, the other could not take exception.

"I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees," descended from Pharisee

ancestry, intends to say, "a genuine Pharisee." In this very

Sanhedrin Gamaliel had sat, a Pharisee, one of the great

ornaments of Judaism (5:34), under whom Paul himself had received

his education (22:3). If Paul had stopped with this, the casuists

might arise and charge him with falsehood or at least with

equivocation. But he at once adds in what respect he is a genuine

Pharisee, namely for holding to the "hope and resurrection of men

dead,"  'Totenauferstehung.'  There are no articles in the Greek,

hence both terms are used in their broad sense. We may regard the

expression as a hendiadys : "hope of resurrection." The fact that

this hope involved belief in angels and in spirits, and that

Paul, of course, included both in his present confession, we see

in a moment. All that we must add here is that any man who has a

conviction such as this, especially if he be a Jew, is properly

classed with the Pharisees, the outstanding exponents of this

conviction. To this day we call those who reject the resurrection

"modern Sadducees" although in other respects they may differ

entirely from the ancient Sadducees. It is true, today "Pharisee"

has come to designate another mark of this ancient sect; it now

signifies a formalist or a hypocrite; but this is a late development 

in the use of the word. There in the Sanhedrin every man 

understood Paul's declaration exactly as he intended it: he

was in no sense a Sadducee, he was a Pharisee who held to the

hope of the resurrection which was defended by all Pharisees

against all Sadducees. We are such Pharisees to this day.   

More must be added. This hope of the resurrection was the ancient

faith of Israel. The claim of the modern Sadducees that the Old

Testament was not acquainted with this faith is refuted by

Abraham who believed that God could raise his son Isaac from the

dead (Heb. 11:9). The Old Testament is rich in similar proof. The

Pharisees were genuinely Biblical in regard to this doctrine, and

this Jewish sect dates back to the days of the return from the

Babylonian exile. Furthermore, the resurrection was the central

doctrine of the apostolic gospel (2:32; 3:15; 4:10; 5:28; 13:30,

34; I Cor. 15:4-20). It was so essential because of the

resurrection of Jesus as the Christ. Jesus proclaimed his own

resurrection (John 2:18-22; Matt. 8:31; 9:31; 10:34), promised to

raise up all the dead (John 5:25), especially his believers (John

6:39,40,44,54), rose as promised, and gave his chosen witnesses

"many infallible proofs" thereof (Acts 1:3). The folly of the

Sadducees in denying the resurrection is exposed in Matt.22:23,

etc. Gamaliel himself threw cold water on the Sanhedrin's

readiness to slay the apostles for preaching the resurrection of

Jesus (Acts 5:33, etc.). The Christian teaching of the 

resurrection drew many Pharisees to the faith; we note some of

them in 15:5.

Before a body that was composed in part of so many Pharisees Paul

says, "I am called in question," I, ON the matter of the

resurrection, the one great thing which makes me, too, a

Pharisee. That was certainly preposterous. We may translate

...."I am being judged," .....


But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the

other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I

am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and

resurrection of the dead I am called in question. (7) And when he

had so said, there arose a dissension between the Pharisees and

the Sadducees: and the multitude was divided. (8) For the

Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor

spirit: but the Pharisees confess both. (9) And there arose a

great cry: and the scribes that were of the Pharisees' part

arose, and strove, saying, We find no evil in this man: but if a

spirit or an angel bath spoken to him, let us not fight against God. 

(10) And when there arose a great dissension, the chief captain, 

fearing lest Paul should have been pulled in pieces of them, 

commanded the soldiers to go down, and to take him by force 

from among them, and to bring him into the castle.

(11) And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, 

Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou bast testified of me in

Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.

Many are the troubles of the righteous, but some way or other the

Lord delivereth them out of them all. Paul owned he had

experienced the truth of this in the persecutions be had

undergone among the Gentiles (see 2 Tim. iii. 11): Out of them

all the Lord delivered me. And now he finds that he who has

delivered does and will deliver. He that delivered him in the

foregoing chapter from the tumult of the people here delivers him

from that of the elders.

His own prudence and ingenuity stand him in some stead, and

contribute much to his escape. Paul's greatest honour, and that

upon which he most valued himself, was that he was a Christian,

and an apostle of Christ; and all his other honours he despised

and made nothing of, in comparison with this, counting them but

dung, that he might win Christ, and yet he had sometimes occasion

to make use of his other honours, and they did him service. His

being a citizen of Rome saved him in the foregoing chapter from

his being scourged by the chief captain as a vagabond, and here

his being a Pharisee saved him from being condemned by the

Sanhedrim, as an apostate from the faith and worship of the God

of Israel. It will consist very well with our willingness to

suffer for Christ to use all lawful methods, nay, and arts too,

both to prevent suffering and to extricate ourselves out of it.  

The honest policy Paul used here for his own preservation was to

divide his judges, and to set them at variance one with another

about him; and, by incensing one part of them more against him,

to engage the contrary part for him.

The great council was made up of Sadducees and Pharisees, and

Paul perceived it. He knew the characters of many of them ever

since he lived among them, and saw those among them whom he 

knew to be Sadducees, and others whom he knew to be Pharisees 


One part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, and perhaps

nearly an equal part. Now these differed very much from one

another, and yet they ordinarily agreed well enough to do the

business of the council together. (1.) The Pharisees were bigots,

zealous for the ceremonies, not only those which God had

appointed, but those which were enjoined by the tradition of the

elders. They were great sticklers for the authority of the

church, and for enforcing obedience to its injunctions, which

occasioned many quarrels between them and our Lord Jesus; 

but at the same time they were very orthodox in the faith of the 

Jewish church concerning the world of spirits, the resurrection of the

dead, and the life of the world to come. (2.) The Sadducees were

deists - no friends to the scripture, or divine revelation. The

books of Moses they admitted as containing a good history and a

good law, but had little regard to the other books of the Old

Testament; see Matt. xxii. 23. The account here given of these

Sadduceee is, [l.] That they deny the resurrection; not only the

return of the body to life, but a future state of rewards and

punishments. They had neither hope of eternal happiness nor dread

of eternal misery, nor expectation of any thing on the other side

death; and it was upon these principles that they said, It is in

vain to serve God, and called the proud happy, Mal. iii.14,15.

[2] That they denied the existence of angels and spirits, and

allowed of no being but matter.....When they read of angels in

the Old Testament, they supposed them to be messengers that God

made and sent on his errands as there was occasion, or that they

were impressions on the fancies of those they were sent to, and

no real existences - that they were this, or that, or any thing

rather than what they were. And, as for the souls of men, they

looked upon them to be nothing else but the temperament of the

humours of the body, or the animal spirits, but denied their

existence in a state of separation from the body, and any

difference between the soul of a man and of a beast. These, no

doubt, pretended to be free-thinkers, but really thought as

meanly, absurdly, and slavishly, as possible. It is strange how

men of such corrupt and wicked principles could come into office,

and have a place in the great Sanhedrim; but many of them were of

quality and estate, and they complied with the public establishment, 

and so got in and kept in. But they were generally stigmatized 

as heretics, were ranked with the Epicureans, and were prayed 

against and excluded from eternal life. The prayer which the 

modern Jews use against Christians, Witsius thinks, was

designed by Gamaliel, who made it, against the Sadducees; and

that they meant them in their usual imprecation, 'let the name of

the wicked rot.' But how degenerate was the character and how

miserable the state of the Jewish church, when such profane men

as these were among their rulers !

In this matter of difference between the Pharisees and Sadducees

Paul openly declared himself to be on the Pharisees side against

the Sadducees (v.6): He cried out, so as to be heard by all, 

"I am a Pharisee, was bred a Pharisee, nay, I was born one, in

effect, for I was the son of a Pharisee, my father was one before

me, and thus far I am still a Pharisee in that I hope for the

resurrection of the dead, and I may truly say that, if the matter

were rightly understood, it would be found that this is it for

which I am now called in question." When Christ was upon earth

the Pharisees set themselves most against him, because he

witnessed against their traditions and corrupt glosses upon the

law; but, after his ascension, the Sadducees set themselves most

against his apostles, because they preached through Jesus the

resurrection of the dead, ch.iv.1,2. And it is said (ch.v.17)

that they were the sect of the Sadducees that were filled with

indignation at them, because they preached that life and

immortality which is brought to light by the gospel. Now here,

(1.) Paul owns himself a Pharisee, so far as the Pharisees were

in the right. Though as Pharisaism was opposed to Christianity he

set himself against it, and against all its traditions that were

set up in competition with the law of God or in contradiction to

the gospel of Christ, yet, it was opposed to Sadducism, he

adhered to it. We must never think the worse of any truth of God,

nor be more shy of owning it, for its being held by men otherwise

corrupt. If the Pharisees will hope for the resurrection of the

dead, Paul will go along with them in that hope, and be one of

them, whether they will or no. (2.) He might truly say that being

persecuted, as a Christian, this was the thing he was called in

question for. Perhaps he knew that the Sadducees, though they had

not such an interest in the common people as the Pharisees had,

yet had underhand incensed the mob against him, under pretence of

his having preached to the Gentiles, but really because he had

preached the hope of the resurrection. However, being called in

question for his being a Christian, he might truly say he was

called in question for the hope of the resurrection of the dead,

as he afterwards pleaded, ch. xxiv.15, and ch. xxvi.6,7. Though

Paul preached against the traditions of the elders (as his Master

had done), and therein opposed the Pharisees, yet he valued

himself more upon his preaching the resurrection of the dead, and

a future state, in which he concurred with the Pharisees.

(3.) This occasioned a division in the council. It is probable

that the high priest sided with the Sadducees (as he had done ch.

v.17, and made it to appear by his rage at Paul, v.2), which

alarmed the Pharisees so much the more; but so it was, there

arose a dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees (v.

7), for this word of Paul's made the Sadducees more warm and the

Pharisees more cool in the prosecution of him; in that the

multitude was divided; there was a schism, a quarrel among them,

and the edge of their zeal began to turn from Paul against one

another; nor could they go on to act against him when they could

not agree among themselves, or prosecute him for breaking the

unity of the church when there was so little among them of the

unity of the spirit. All the cry bad been against Paul, but now

there arose a great cry against one another, v.9. So much did a

fierce furious, spirit prevail among all orders of the Jews at

this time that every thing was done with clamour and noise; and

in such a tumultuous manner were the great principles of their

religion stickled for, by which they received little service, for

the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Gainsayers

may be convinced by fair reasoning, but never by great cry.

(4.) The Pharisees hereupon (would one think it?) took Paul's


(v.9): They strove....They fought, saying, We find no evil in

this man. He had conducted himself decently and reverently in the

temple, and had attended the service of the church.....



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