Thursday, September 3, 2020


 Get  ready  for  some  surprises!


From The Book by E. Earle Ellis

All Emphasis is by Keith Hunt


     The writings of the apostle Paul reveal a person immersed in

the content and teaching of the OT.  H.A.A. Kennedy, after a

study of Paul's religious terminology, found that practically

every leading conception in this field of Paul's thought had its

roots definitely laid in OT soil (H.A.A. Kennnedy, St. Paul and

the Mystery Religions, London, 1913, pp. 154-60).  Whether he is

giving a dogmatic proof (e.g. Rom.3:10-18), an analogy

(e.g. Rom.2:24), or an illustration (e.g. Rom.10:6-8), or merely

using language with which to clothe his own thoughts (e.g.

Rom.12:20; 1 Cor.15:32; 2 Cor.10:17; 13:1), the OT

appears frequently throughout the Pauline epistles.........

     The Pauline use of the OT appears in THREE DISTINCT forms: 



     The task of defining "quotation" in the Pauline literature

is rather difficult, and the decision in the end is somewhat

arbitrary. The apostle probably did not have OUR CONCEPT of

quotation marks; he certainly did not give it the sanctity which

characterises our literary usage.  Some references which are

introduced with an explicit citation formula echo only the TENOR

OF THE PASSAGE (e.g. 1 Cor.14:31); others, not given even the

dignity of an introductory conjunction, follow the OT text

verbatim ac literatim (e.g. 1 Cor. 15:32). 

     The gradation from quotation to illusion is so imperceptible

that it is almost impossible to draw any certain line.........



     Paul quotes the OT NINETY-THREE TIMES (About one-third of

all New Testament quotations are cited by Paul)........

     Although the quotations are drawn from SIXTEEN OT books, 

THREE-FOURTHS of them are from the PENTATEUCH (thirsty-three),

ISAIAH (twenty-five), and the PSALMS (nineteen).

     The citations appear both SINGLY and in COMBINATION........

     FIFTY-ONE of Paul's citations are in ABSOLUTE or VIRTUAL

agreement with the LXX,  TWENTY-TWO of these are at VARIANCE with the 

Hebrew.  In FOUR passages Paul follows the Hebrew AGAINST the LXX;  

THIRTY-EIGHT times he DIVERGES from BOTH.  Combined quotations 

show a much greater variation than the others.......

     The PRIORITY of the LXX in Pauline quotations has long been

recognised.......Swete affirms that more than HALF of the Pauline

QUOTATIONS were taken from the LXX without MATERIAL 

CHANGE and that, by any test, the LXX "is the principal source from which the 

writers of the New Testament derived their Old Testament

quotations........Affinities with the LXX are not only evident in Paul's quotations 

but EXTEND to his GENERAL STYLE and VOCABULARY  as well........" 

The careful student of the Gospels and St. Paul," concludes Swete, 

"is met at every turn by words and phrases which cannot be fully understood 

without reference to their earlier use in the Greek Old Testament.

     The quotations show considerable distribution among the LXX

TEXT-FORMS, none of them being followed CONSISTENTLY.  

Sometimes they agree with LXX-B, more often with LXX-A and LXX-F........

In general, LXX-A appears to be more in accord with Paul's

quotations than the other manuscripts.......

     As noted above, there are a considerable number of

variations from the LXX in Paul's quotations.  To account for

them several hypotheses lie at hand:  a direct use of the Hebrew

or its employment to correct the LXX,  citations from an Aramaic

Targum or translation,  the use of the Greek translations,  or

free quotations from memory.

     Paul often gives the impression of quoting from memory, yet

the memory which was the storehouse of more than one language,

and one trained in Jewish methods of bringing together passages

from different books of the OT.  From a psychological viewpoint

it might be expected that one who knew the Scriptures in several

languages would be less ties to any text-form.........

     One of Paul's quotations shows remarkable resemblance to

Greek texts OTHER than the LXX.......It is probable that Paul was

acquainted with other Greek texts; however, the evidence is not

sufficient to draw any final conclusions......Nevertheless,

Aramaic texts of some type probably lie behind some of the

citations.......The variant in Eph.4:8 may also reflect a Targum,

but its immediate source is more probably an interpretive

rendering known to Paul and perhaps used in the early


     As the above observations indicate, the text behind Paul's

quotations is a most DIFFICULT PROBLEM. While the Alexandrian

version probably had the character of an official translation for

the diaspora in certain areas and plays an important part in

Paul's usage, it CANNOT be regarded as the apostle's SOLE textual

source.  His fluency in Aramaic and Greek might, on first

observations, favour an ad hoc rendering.  However, affinities with 

other Greek texts and the familiar manner in which the quotations are 

often introduced SUGGEST that Paul made use of variant translations 

or renderings known to his readers.  Whether these were independent 

texts or merely revisions within the LXX family cannot be determined 

with certainty, but the EVIDENCE DOES NOT point to any great number 

of independent textual traditions or to a great abundance of Greek Targums. 

Some of Paul's variants show the influence of the Hebrew; other can to traced 

to NO TEXT AT ALL - they are Paul's OWN RENDERING in which he 

interprets and applies as he quotes.  

     The nature of the problem and the incomplete state of the

textual ecidence preclude any final adjudication of the matter;

the words of Stanley still remain relevant for several Pauline

passages: "(There is) not sufficient evidence to say whether this

(variation) arises from a reminiscence of the Hebrew text.....,

or from an Aramaic Targum, or from the use of an earlier form of

the LXX text."

     The inconclusive character of results obtainable from

textual criteria leads one to consider a solution, or at least a

partial solution, on other grounds.  There is always a

temptation to relieve oneself of textual difficulties by taking

recourse in "free paraphrase" or "interpretive rendering." 

Nevertheless, several factors, both in the textual analysis and

in the overall Pauline hermeneutics, INDICATE that the answer to

many of these problems MAY LIE in THIS direction.


General Considerations

     Paul's use of the OT cannot be understood apart from his

attitude towards it.  To him the Scriptures are holy and

prophetic (Rom.1:2; 4:3); they constitute the very oracles

of God (Rom.3:1-2), and they "were written......for our learning"

(Rom.15:4).  All his important doctrines are buttressed by an

appeal to his Bible; to place the origin of Scripture in God,

Paul's phrase "God-breathed" (2 Tim.3:16) could hardly be

improved upon.  In his view of the OT the apostle is in agreement

not only with Christ and the other NT writers but also with the

whole of Judaism and the early Church.

     Although the OT is sometimes referred to by Paul as "the

law" (e.g. 1 Cor.14:21 with Isa.28:11-12),  "the writings"

(Col.2:14; cf 2 Tim.3:15),  or "the law and the prophets"

(e.g. Rom.3:21),  "the scriptures" is the prevailing usage. 

These designations probably stemmed from the three divisions of

the Jewish canon (Cf. Luke 24:44)............

     The essential difference between Paul and the Jews in their

employment of Scripture was an INTERPRETIVE one......In Paul's

eyes the Jews stood ON the Scriptures; though they extolled it,

they ERRED because they did not KNOW it (Cf. Matt.22:29).........

     In First and Second Corinthians Paul teaches expressly that

a correct understanding of Scripture is impossible without the

Holy Spirit (Cf. 1 Cor.2; 2 Cor.3:14)......The place of the

Spirit does not lesson the authority of the OT for Paul; nor

is there any antithesis between the Scripture and the


The Relation....To Other Authorities

     Besides the Scriptures there are several other authorities

to which Paul appeals to support his assertions.  There are the

law of nature, the conscience of the individual, his own

revelation from Christ or the Holy Spirit, and the teaching of

Christ as received through oral or written apostolic tradition. 

Although the natural order is the source of many analogies, it is

evoked only a few times as an AUTHORITY (Analogies of law -

Rom. 7:1-3; Gal. 3:15; 4:1ff,  occupations - Rom.9:21; 1

Cor.3:7,24ff, and natural phenomena - Rom.11:16-24; 1 Cor.12:14,

are common. The Ot is used in this manner as well, e.g. 

2 Cor.4:6,13, as is the example of Christ, e.g. 2 Cor.8:8-9. 

They serve only as illustrations, however, and not as an appeal

to authority; their propriety depends upon the authority of the

user or their appeal to the logic of the hearer);  in Rom.1:18ff

(cf. Rom.2:14ff) God's power and Deity are declared to be taught

by nature;  distinction between the sexes in manner of appearance

and dress is also in the very nature of things (1 Cor.11:14). 

The authority of the individual conscience plays an important

part for Paul:

    Regarding the eating of food offered to idols, one's own

conscience is to be obeyed, and the conscience of others are not

to be offended (1 Cor.8:7ff; 10:25ff; cf. Rom.14:23. Also

Rom.2:15; 13:5 may be viewed as referring to a sort of universal

conscience);  by disobeying the voice of conscience the faith of

some has been made shipwreck (1 Tim.1:19). 

     Writing to the Galatians, the apostle grounds the very

nature of his Gospel in a personal revelation from Jesus Christ

(Gal. 1:12, 16ff; 2:5, but contrast Rom.1:2; cf. 1 Thes.4:15. 

The instances in Rom. 14:14, cf. 1 Cor.7:40, seem to be more in

the nature of a "witness of the Spirit" than specific revelation;

cf. Col.3:16);  it is only after citing this authority and the

witness of their own experience that the evidence of the OT is

brought to bear (Gal.3:1-5, 6ff).  

     The condemnation of the Corinthians for their desecrations

of the Lord's Supper is founded upon Christ's own words as to the

nature of that service (1 Cor.11:23ff);  Paul's command against

divorce is similarly based upon the known teaching of the Lord

(1 Cor. 7:10 with Matt.7:31; cf. 1 Cor.9:14 with Matt.10:10;

Gal.6:2 with John 13:34).  These appeals to other authorities are

not inconsistent with the apostles appeal to scriptural authority

(There are authorities inconsistent with Scripture which Paul

condemns: any authority contrary to his Gospel - Gal.1:8f - and

the wisdom of this world - 1 Cor.1-3; cf. Rom.1:22; Col.2:23. The

touchstone for judgment is not to go "beyond that which is

written" - 1 Cor.4:6).........

     This appeal to different authorities is at times found in

close combination though there seems to be no consistent pattern

of association.  For example, in 1 Cor.9:7-14 Paul proceeds from

the analogy of nature to the witness of the OT; immediately he

returns to another analogy, the practice of the temple, and

clinches the whole argument citing the command of Christ directly

bearing on the subject.  

     1 Cor.15:3-11 is even more noteworthy:  Christ's

resurrection is grounded in the OT, the apostolic tradition, and

Paul's personal revelation........

     Paul's OWN authority plays a MUCH LARGER role in his

epistles than is usually assigned to it.  A few times it is of a

very much qualified nature (Cf. 1 Cor.7:12, 25, 40), but for the

MOST PART it is ASSERTED with no indication of being anything

LESS thanb ABSOLUTE. He does not often state its basis, but it

appears to arise from his firm conviction of guidance from the

Holy Spirit and from his authority as an apostle. Paul

concludes his discussion of GLOSSOLALIA with the words: "If

anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should

acknowledge that what I am writing to you is a command of the

Lord" (1 Cor.14:37. The verse may refer to a teaching of Christ;

but the words imply primarily the guidance of the Spirit....).  

     With reticence but firmness he warns the Corinthians in his

second letter of the AUTHORITY he has from the Lord (2 Cor.10:8;


     Instructions concerning the Christian's relation to the

State are enjoined WITHOUT CITING an authority (Rom.13:1-7 but

cf. Matt.22:21), as are his COMMANDS regarding spiritual gifts (1


     MANY OTHER themes are developed at least in part WITHOUT

reference to ANY RULE apart from his OWN. It is true that

sometimes OT texts (e.g. Rom.2:13; cf. Rom. 10:5; Gal.3:12 with

Lev.18:5), and his former instructions (Former instructions from

Scripture or the apostolic traditions appear implied.....

1 Cor.6:3, 9, 15, 16; only the last instance is followed by an OT

citation, cf. 1 Cor.3:16; 2 Cor.6:16. It may, however, only

refer to their Christian commonsense), underline the words, but

they do not account for all of his paragenetic and doctrinal


     It is impossible, of course, to know just how much knowledge

of the OT and the apostolic traditions Paul assumes on the part

of his readers; but his OWN apostolic jurisdiction is

UNMISTAKABLE in a number of passages.......

     But the OT was not one of those things which Paul counted

loss for the sake of Christ; indeed, it could be understood ONLY

in the LIGHT of CHRIST.

     There are many explanations for Paul's infrequent use of the

OT in the shorter letters.....The use of an authority other than

the Jewish Scriptures may well have been more suitable for many

questions which arose, especially in a young Gentile assembly.

But it DOES NOT FOLLOW that thereby the OT was set aside or

subordinated, any more than a citation from Isaiah implies a

lower view of Jeremiah........

     For Paul, Jesus was ABOVE ALL the CHRIST; to divorce the

Messiah from the "book-religion" of the OT was hardly a task for

a Jew - even one converted through personal revelation.

The Extent.....Paul's Canon

     ........There are a few quotations in the Pauline epistles

which do not appear on first observation to be derived from the

OT.  The passages most often questioned in this regard are  

1 Cor. 2:9.....Eph. 4:8.....Eph. 5:14.....1 Cor. 15:45b.....1

Tim. 5:18b......... 

     1 Cor. 2:9 has been attributed to:

     1. An apocryphal writing;  2. an apocryphal phraseology of

the OT texts; 3. a Jewish anthology of OT passages;  4. and a

free paraphrase of the OT by Paul.

     Eph. 4:8 is generally taken to be a Pauline use of a common

Jewish interpretation of the OT passage.....

     Eph. 5:14, older commentators have generally assigned it to

an exegetical paraphrase or summary of Isa.60:1, 19ff

(cf.Isa.9:2; 26:19; 52:1).......Recent writers have suggested a

verbum Christi or, more often, an early Christian hymn giving a

messianic paraphrase of several OT passages.......

     The quotations in 1 Cor. 15:45 and 1 Tim. 5:18, both cited

as Scripture, suggest another answer to the whole problem (Cf.

also 2 Tim.2:11-13, 19;  2 Cor.6:2; 1 Tim.3:16). The latter

clause in each of these passages seems logically and

grammatically within the quotation (e.g. the argument in 1 Cor.15

partly rests on that portion of the "quotation"), yet neither is

from the OT.  

     1 Tim. 5:18b is a saying of Jesus (Matt.10:10; Luke 10:17;

cf. Acts 20:35); the former passage (1 Cor. 15:45b) is of

undetermined origin........

     Christ was regarded as the Word of God by Paul, and 2 Peter

3:16 appears to equate the Pauline writings WITH SCRIPTURE;

furthermore, the exercise of the gift of prophecy was no less

from the Holy Spirit than the oracles of the OT prophets (Cf.

Acts 2:17ff;  19:6;  21:4, 9ff;  1 Cor.14. These Spirit-inspired

utterances evidently included hymns as well; cf. 1 Cor.14:15).  

     If these observations are correct, and if Eph.5:14 does not

find its ultimate source in the OT, the most probable alternative

source is a saying either of Jesus or of a Christian


So I end quotations from chapter one.

Chapter two is titled "PAUL AND JUDAISM" and contains a large

amount of instructive wealth for those wanting a full study on

that part of Paul as it pertains to his background in Judaism. 

For our purposes in this article the following few passages will

be enough for the average reader.


     .......... Without doubt the apostles understanding of the

OT was completely REVOLUTIONIZED after his conversion;

nevertheless his Jewish heritage remained of fundamental

IMPORTANCE for his understanding and use of the Bible. His

reverence for and study of the Scriptures LONG PRECEDED his

knowledge of Christ.......Having recognized the place of Judaism

in Paul's thought, a note of CAUTION should be added.  From that

day on the Damascus road, the home of Paul's heart and of his

mind NEVER AGAIN lay in Judaism.......The commonly used

fragmentary quotation, with the continuance of given portion

sometimes implied (e.g. 1 Cor.2:9.....), the insertion of

hortatory, ethical sections, and other procedures more

distinctively Jewish, were probably acquired by Paul in his

training as the rabbinate.  It is most natural, and not in the

least derogatory, to find these methods in his epistles.  As Prat

well states, "the interests of truth did not require him to

unlearn all that he had been taught."

.......In Rom.9-11 and Gal.3 Paul employs the ancient MIDRASHIC

form of commentary; but his incisive manner and compact,

integrated treatment is quite at odds with the rabbinic system. 

Often to support an opinion the rabbis quote the Law, Prophets

and Hagiographa in succession and Paul also adopts this custom on

occasion (Cf. Rom.11:8- 10; 15:9-12......The custom is evident in

Christ as well; cf. Luke 24:44; Mark 12:3-8; Luke 16:16,29).  It

is not HABITUAL with the apostle, however, and probably 

represents only an incidental reminiscence. Hillel's principles

of a fortiori and analogy are implicit in MANY Pauline passages

(e.g. Rom.4-5. Paul's exposition in 1 Cor.7 is an example of NT

Halacha; the allegory in Gal.4 is Haggada).......

     .....certain other Pauline practices may be compared with


QUOTATIONS, and his use of ALLEGORY.........

     Warfield's words are apropos: "There is probably not a

single mode of alluding to or citing Scripture in all the NT

which does not find its exact parallel among the Rabbis. 

The New Testament so far evinces itself a THOROUGHLY JEWISH book" 

(Warfield, op. cit., pp. 118f)

Combined Quotations

     .........The apostle never introduces his haraz in the

explicit rabbinical manner, i.e. The Law says....., the Prophets

say......, the Writings say.....  However, the rationale

behind the Jewish usage, "not as though the words of the Law need

confirmation, but to show how the Scriptures emphasises the

lesson by iteration," IS EVIDENTLY operative also in Paul's


     Examples of the haraz, so frequent in Rom.9-11, 15, are

NUMEROUS in the TALMUD.......In the haraz, then, Paul follows the

PRACTICE of the rabbis, but for the SOURCE of his frequently used

MERGED quotations one must look elsewhere.


     .......the method is employed by the apostle in connexion

with a DIVINELY DESIGNED type (e.g. 1 Cor.10:4: "The Rock was

Christ") or with the ILLUSTRATIVE use of an OT passage (Cf.

Gal.4:25: "this Hagar is Mt.Sinai"......)

     .......The whole of Paul's TYPOLOGICAL exegesis has more in

common, as a method, with the Alexandrian school than with the


     .......In conclusion. Paul's treatment of the OT often finds

much in common with the methods of his day as reflected in Jewish

literature; his IF and haraz are especially to be noted in this

regard.  In other respects Pauline methods find FEW parallels in

contemporary Jewish writings.  The use of MERGED quotations is

LITTLE found in the rabbis.  In contrast to PHILO, Paul's use of

ALLEGORY is VERY MINOR and its character altogether DIFFERENT

from that of Alexandrian writers; and his TYPOLOGICAL view of OT

history is a RARE, if not unknown, element in contemporary

Jewish exegesis.  In all things but allegorical interpretation,

Paul's Jewish methodology reflects a Palestinian milieu, and even

in that the Alexandrian contact does not appear to be close or


     The apostle is NOT averse to using methods from his Jewish

training as they suit his purpose; ON THE OTHER HAND, some of his

methods seem to arise from a Christian hermeneutic and from the

practice of the apostolic community and CANNOT be explained by

his Jewish background.......

Messianic Consciousness

     .......In the rabbis it was a standing principle to refer to

the predictions of the prophets as to the "days of the Messiah," 

and this principle is almost always in evidence in Paul's

interpretations.......Almost a century ago Westcott examined the

question and found that of NINETY-FOUR passages quoted

messianically in the NT only FORTY- FOUR were interpreted in the

same manner in Jewish writings; there are FEW revisions

of that estimate to be made today.......the main sources for

Paul's messianic interpretations of the OT are the principles and

emphases received from the apostolic tradition and his own

exegesis of the OT as a Christian,  One would find it hard to

root this element of his thought immediately in Judaism........

The Beggarly Elements

     When Paul warned Timothy and Titus to beware of Jewish

FABLES and commandments of MEN (1 Tim.1:4; Titus 1:14; 3:9), NO


rabbinic literature. Although some of their exegesis is 

praiseworthy.....nevertheless its essential character is indeed

"weak and beggarly."  Prat has well summarised it: "In the slough

of Apocryphal and rabbinical writings a few particles of gold can

sometimes be met with, but with how much dross they are

combined."  To realize the GREAT GULF which separates Paul's use

of the OT from that of the rabbis, one need only observe a FEW

examples from talmudic literature:

     1. "The dust of the first man was gathered from all over the

earth because Ps.139:16 says God saw the unformed substance, and

Zech. $:10 says the eyes of the Lord run to and fro through the

whole earth" (Sanh. 38b; SBT, p.241).

     2. "Why did Obadiah hide fifty prophets in the cave" (1

Kings 18:4)?  "Because the cave would only hold fifty" (Sanh.

39b; SBT, p.253).

     3. "The first man had two faces because Ps.139:5 says, 'Thou

hast formed me behind and before' " (Ber.61a; SBT, p.381).

     4. "The first man reached from earth to heaven because it

says (Deut.4:32), 'since the day God created man upon the earth

and from one end of the heaven' " (Sanh. 38b; SBT, p.243).

     5. "Whoever places his bed north and south will have male

children because Ps. 17:14 says, 'Whose belly thou fillest with

treasure, who have sons in plenty' " Treasure, also means north

(Ber. 5b; SBT, p.22).

     Although there are exceptions, and the above examples are

graphic, they are by no means UNTYPICAL or EXTREME and can be

adduced AD INFINITUM ET AD NAUSEAM from almost any section 

of the Talmud.  The ruling principle of rabbinic exposition of Scripture

is well expressed in Sanh. 34a (SBT, p.214):  "A verse is capable

of as many interpretations as splinters of rock crushed by a

hammer, for Jer.23:29 says, 'Like a hammer that breaketh a rock

in pieces.....' "

     Their SPLINTERING, purposeless, speculative musings....have

not the REMOTEST kinship with Paul's theology or hermeneutical


     The rabbis worshipped the LETTER and sought to justify their

TRADITIONS by arbitrary exegesis; Paul's usage, on the other

hand, is NOT arbitrary or AGAINST the LITERAL sense if the

typological usage be granted.  Toy sums up the rabbinic exegesis

in the principle "that EVERY SENTENCE and EVERY WORD of the

Scripture was credited with ANY MEANING that it could possibly be


     Concerning Paul's relation to Jewish thought Kennedy has

given a better evaluation than most: "........His writings reveal

every here and there affinities with his native environment. But

the remarkable FACT REMAINS that these affinities are largely

SUPERFICIAL, that they disclose themselves at the CIRCUMFERENCE

rather than at the CENTER of his thought" (H.A.A.Kennedy,

St.Paul's Conception of the Last Things, London, 1904, pp. 43ff).

Paul's Use of Non-Canonical Literature


     The question of Paul's knowledge and use of Jewish Apocrypha

has been debated since.....1795, and it continues to be a matter

of dispute.  His knowledge of Palestinian writings in general

circulation may be presumed; as for the literature of the

diaspora the problem becomes more complex......What writings were

in general circulation?  Which ones would be seen and used by a

student of the rabbinate?  To what extent does the extant

literature represent the really "important" literature of Paul's

day, and for his party?

     Paul's ONLY non-canonical citations are from GREEK


     Paul's relation to Philo is best mutual

dependence upon a common tradition........Philo arrives at a

position regarding the law which approximates to that of St.

Paul.....Each in his own manner has come to realize the

accomplishments of Jeremiah's epoch-making utterances: "I will

put in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts"


     Philo also resembles Paul in making salvation totally

dependent upon the word of God........serves to strengthen the

hypothesis of a common tradition underlying certain Philonic

concepts which appear in CLEARER LIGHT in the NT, but there is NO

GROUNDS for assuming a DIRECT connection.

     Jowett's essay on "St.Paul and Philo" sums up the relation

of Christianity to Alexandrian Judaism:  "(Alenxandrianism) was

MYSTICAL and dialectical, NOT MORAL and was a

literature not of LIFE......It spoke of a Holy Ghost; of a Word;

of a divine man; of a first and second Adam; of the faith of

Abraham; of bread which came down from heaven; but knew NOTHING

of the God who had made of one blood all nations of the earth; of

the VICTORY over SIN and DEATH; of the CROSS of Christ.  It was a

picture, a shadow, a surface, a cloud above, catching the rising

light ere He appeared.  It was the reflection of a former world,

not the BIRTH of a NEW ONE. It lifted up the veil of the temple,

to see in a glass only dreams of its own creation" (p.454).


     The importance of Paul's Jewish heritage cannot be ignored

if his writings are to be fully understood........The significant

conclusion, however, is the great CHASM separating the writings

of Paul from the rabbis.  The apostle's OT exegesis was not just

an adoption of current traditions but reveals a VITALITY and

UNDERSTANDING  totally FOREIGN to rabbinical literature.  

     If Paul used Jewish interpretations, he CULLED and MOULDED

them to a Christological understanding of the OT; if he was a

"child of his times," they were for Paul the times of the MESSIAH, 


TRUE meaning of Scripture. Paul was a disciple of Christ NOT of


     The Pauline use of the OT cannot really be understood in

terms of his Jewish contemporaries.  This is ESPECIALLY true

where principles of INTERPRETATION are involved.  The affinities

which occur are in PERIPHERAL areas and never reach the HEART of

his thought.  After his conversion the OT became a NEW book for

Paul; all that went before now stood only as a prelude - a

prelude set QUITE APART from all that was to follow. Although

echoes of the prelude remain, the REAL MEANING which the OT has

for him lies at a DIFFERENT source.  And to find it one MUST GO

to Christ and to the apostles.

     The end of quotes from chapter two.

     Chapter three covers in some depth Paul and the Apostolic

Church. The author spends some interesting time with the NT

parallels between Paul and the teachings of Christ. And in a

second section some parallels of Paul with other NT writers.

     The FOURTH and last chapter of the book is titled "PAUL'S


     The author lists the various topics Paul expounded upon,

which include:

     The fall of mankind into sin and its effects.

     The Universality of sin.

     The Coming of Christ and the Gospel.

     Justification by Faith.

     Forgiveness of sin.

     Faith and Works.

     Divine Election.

     Calling of the Gentiles.

     The Gifts of the Spirit.

     Christian Conduct.

     The Resurrection of Christ and the Saints.

     The Return of Christ.

     The Final Overthrow of Death.

     Covered in this chapter is the very important Pauline

subject of the Jew and the Gentile, and the NT Israel of God, and

how Paul ties it all in with the OT.  Then there is the often

used "Typology" of Paul. And Earle Ellis shows that Paul chiefly

used THREE OT period with his use of typology, they are: the

Creation, the Age of the Patriarchs, and the Exodus.

     This fourth chapter also expounds on Paul's exegesis with

regards the NEW Covenant. 

     Mt. Ellis gives a reasonably lengthy discourse on what may

be some of the answers to the quotations by Paul that vary from

the LXX and the MT texts.

     Towards the close of this chapter the author has some

interesting and very true comments about Paul in how he

understood the "historial" aspects of the OT.


     ......The apostle does not ignore the historical

significance of the text......Paul would probably begin by

saying, "The OT Scripture has a wider meaning than its IMMEDIATE

historical application (Cf. Rom.15>4; 1 Cor.10:11); even OT

history is God-moulded history whose significance does NOT LIE

MERELY in the event but in the MEANING of the event FOR ITS LATER 

FULFILMENT.......If Paul's presuppositions as to the nature

of the OT and of its history are accepted, little fault can be

found with his handling of the individual texts........

     In conclusion, the significance of the OT for Paul's theology can hardly 

e OVERESTIMATED......Rather, his knowledge of Christ opened to him a 

NEW WAY in which he found the true

meaning of the Scriptures.......

End of quote.

     The APPENDIX of the book is very useful as a reference to

the OT as used by Paul. There is a list of quotations as

pertaining to the agreement or not with the LXX and Hebrew. All

the ALLUSIONS and PARALLELS used by Paul as listed. There is a

list of all the COMBINED quotations that Paul used. And there is

a list of Paul's PARALLEL quotations.


Earle Ellis, published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids,  

is well worth having in your personal library, especially if you 

are an elder or leader in the Church of God.


Written February 1998 

by Keith Hunt

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