Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Christ's Coming in TWO parts?









THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH is one of the most compelling and

exciting prophetic events in the Bible. It is clearly taught in 1

Thessalonians 4:15-18 (NKJV), where the apostle Paul provides us

with these details:

     This we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are

     alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no

     means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself

     will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an

     archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in

     Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain

     shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet

     the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the

     Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.

This passage of Scripture delineates five stages to the rapture:

(Remember now "rapture" is here understood as "resurrection" -

which is true - Keith Hunt)

(1) The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout and

with the sound of a trumpet, (2) the dead in Christ will

rise first, (3) we who are alive and remain on the earth will be

"caught up" (Greek, "harpazo") together with them in the clouds,

(4) we will meet the Lord, and (5) we shall always be with Him.

(So far so good - the 5 points are indeed what 1 Thes.4:15-18

cover - Keith Hunt)

The apostle Paul also unveiled what he called a mystery

pertaining to the rapture. In 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, He

explained that some Christians would not sleep (die), but their

bodies would be instantly transformed.

     Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we

     shall all be changed-in a moment, in the twinkling of an

     eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and

     the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be

     changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and

     this mortal must put on immortality.

(Correct so far. The resurrection to eternal life takes place at

the LAST trumpet! Notice it, mark it "last trumpet." So there is

then more than one trumpet sound. The book of Revelation gives us

7 trumpet sounds  - Keith Hunt)

This is what will happen when the rapture rakes place: Without

warning, the bodies of all believers who have died since the day

of Pentecost will suddenly be transformed into new, living,

immortal, resurrected bodies. Even those whose bodies have long

since decayed or whose ashes have been scattered out over the

oceans will receive a new body. This new body will be joined

together with the person's spirit, which Jesus will bring with

Him. Then the bodies of those who have likewise accepted Christ

as their Savior and are alive at that moment will also be

instantly translated into new immortal bodies. Together, all

believers will be instantaneously transported into the heavens to

meet the Lord. Those who are alive and have rejected the

salvation of Jesus Christ will remain behind on earth and will

witness a miraculous event of astonishing proportions - the

sudden mass disappearance of millions upon millions of people

from the face of the earth.

(Now we start into their truth and error. First, it is not only

those since Pentecost who will be in this resurrection. It will

be ALL true saints or children of God since Adam. Many verses in

the entire Bible prove EVERY child of God since Adam will be

resurrected at the last trumpet. The Bible nowhere speaks of some

OTHER resurrection at some OTHER time for those children in God,

before the NT Pentecost. You search the Scriptures and see if you

can find any such mention of another resurrection for saints from

Adam to Pentecost. I'll give you one thousand dollars if you can

find it. 

The idea that the unsaved will witness the disappearance of

MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS from the earth, is another deceptive

falsehood of the fundamental prophets. Their idea on this

contradicts the plain teachings of Jesus, who said His "flock"

would be the "little flock" (the Greek means "very little flock"

- it's a double diminutive in the Greek); He also said His

followers would be the "salt of the earth" - salt among the meal

is very little, sprinkled here and there. According to Jesus

in Matthew 24 it is the MANY who are deceived, in fact before

He comes again He said deception would be so great that IF it

possible even the ELECT would be deceived - Keith Hunt)


The rapture is often referred to as "the blessed hope" (Titus

2:13) because it provides assurance to believers who are

concerned about the coming Tribulation, and it offers comfort to

those who long to be reunited with their departed loved ones who

share a faith in Christ.

(Yes the resurrection is a "blessed hope" but now you try to find

where this blessed hope of the resurrection is tied in with the

coming "tribulation" - see if you can find "resurrection" and

"tribulation" put together as resurrection from "the tribulation"

is our hope. Just another slight of hand talk as if it is a fact

that resurrection offers hope for those concerned about the

coming tribulation. True the resurrection does offer comfort to

be with other dead true saints of God, but again a slight of hand

talk to sooth and dull your mind, as the truth is many of your

loved ones may not have been true Christians at all, and will not

be in this resurrection at the last trumpet sound. The slight of

hand is the idea that the majority of "Christians" are true

Christians, when in fact true Christians are the salt of the

earth, and not the millions as they want you to believe - Keith Hunt)

The more than 300 biblical references to the second coming of

Christ clearly show that His return has two distinct phases. The

contrasting elements cannot be merged into a single event (see

the article titled "Second Coming of Christ"). 

(Notice the DOGMATIC claim about the 300 references to the second

coming of Christ. They are very dogmatic that Jesus' return is in

TWO PHASES, and cannot be merged into a single event. Now these

two men are so "looked up to" in the fundamental Protestant

world that most of their readers will say, "It has to be so, for

these men are such giants of the Scriptures, such great leaders

in the Christian fundamental world, they must be correct." And so

tens or hundreds of thousands will accept their word as "gospel"

as we say. AND do not think for one moment these two guys (Lahaye

and Hindson) do not know this. They know their readers look to

them with "awe" and "are spell-bound" with what they say and

write. Those guys know their readers will accept what words come

from them, with no questioning. Hence right at the beginning they

have tranquilized their readers - they have them hooked as we say

- Keith Hunt)

In the first phase, He will come suddenly to rapture His church

in the air and take all believers to His Father's house in

fulfilment of His promise in John 14:1-3. There, they will

appear before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:8-10).

(Now they move on after tranquilizing their readers, with more

clever brain-washing, and throw in a few Scriptures. They tell

their readers Jesus will come and take His believers to heaven

and throw in John 14:1-3. Now turn to that passage, open up your

Bible. See if you can find the word "heaven" in those 3 verses.

Nope it ain't there! Heaven, going back to heaven, is not

mentioned at all. All that Jesus says is He will come and receive

His followers, and where He is in receiving them, "where I am" He

says "there you may be also." Put that with 1 Thes. 4:13-17 [that

Lahaye and Hindson have already given you] and the Bible

interprets the Bible - the saints of God meet, receive Christ in

the AIR, in the CLOUDS, and shall ever be with Him. But 1

Thes. 4:13-17 does NOT tell you WHERE Christ will be after He has

received the saints in the clouds, in the air. You must let OTHER

verses of Scripture tell you that; letting the Bible interpret


Now concerning 2 Cor. 5:8-10. Again see if you can find the word

"heaven" or "Father's throne" or "in heaven" - nope it ain't

there! Now you can find "present with the Lord." So the question

you should be asking is "WHEN are we present with the Lord?" Even

Lahaye and Hindson have given you that answer, as they gave you 1

Thes. 4:13-18 and 1 Cor. 15:50-53 - at the LAST trumpet sound,

when Jesus comes to receive the saints in the AIR, in the


SO, again with slight of hand, knowing their readers will lap up

their words as "gospel" they take John 14:1-3 and 2 Cor. 5:8-10

and TELL YOU it is all IN HEAVEN in the Father's house. I've show

you in other studies that the Father's house is the Kingdom of

God, which Jesus will bring with Him on His return, to set up the

Kingdom of God on earth for the first 1,000 years. There is

nothing in John 14:1-3 and 2 Cor. 5:8-10 that says the saints GO


received the saints in the CLOUDS, in the AIR of this earth. 

And to PROVE they do not, you let the Bible interpret the Bible. 

So you go to Zechariah 14 and there you CLEARLY see that in the 

day the Messiah Jesus returns, His feet stand on the Mount of Olives, 

and Jesus is Lord of all; the Kingdom of God has come to earth, as

mentioned in dozens of passages in the Bible. 

OH the simplicity of the Bible when you let the Bible interpret

itself - Keith Hunt)

While the believers are in heaven, those left behind on the earth

will experience the trials of the seven-year Tribulation period.

(And once more Lahaye and Hindson just tell you what will then

happen. They know they have their readers already under their

spell. They know their readers are mainly Bible illiterates,

people who never check up, never question, never search the

Scriptures. They know their readers have already been brain-

washed to accept millions [as they think] will escape the great

tribulation, which is for 7 years - another brain-washing

teaching that the fundamental prophets have seared into the minds

of their followers. Lahaye and Hindson already know the idea of

escaping via an invisible coming of Christ. The 7 year great

tribulation, has already been accepted by hundreds of thousands

of fundamental Christians, so they just tell the people what the

people want to hear, what they have been brian-washed into

accepting from these [and others] "great" and "awesome" teachers

of fundamental Christianity. So they know it's easy to just say

words, for they are speaking to "no-searchers of the Scriptures"

to people who will not prove all things and hold to that which is


TODAY in 2021, let me add—— more and more “ministers” and 

“lay” people are no longer believing this “secret” rapture stuff,

and some are getting upset at this fact - Keith Hunt)

In the second phase of Jesus' second coming (the glorious

appearing), He will return to earth in great power and glory to

set up His millennial kingdom. 

(And so we go again. Lahaye and Hindson, just continue with what

they know the many they write to have accepted already, what many

of their "minister friends" have taught for decades, what has

been brain-washed into the minds of all their followers. They

continue with the SECOND PHASE of the coming of Christ. After

Jesus has gone back to heaven with the saints, for 7 years, He

will come in phase two, in "glorious appearing" to set up the

Kingdom of God on earth for the millennium or 1,000 years - Keith


The entire second coming has been compared to a two-act play (the

rapture and the glorious appearing) with a seven-year

intermission (the Tribulation). 

(Yep....indeed, so many fundamental prophets have taught this

"two-act play" - taught it for decades, drubbed it into their

hearers, their followers, branded it in their minds so deeply,

their sheep just do not question it. Their sheep are asleep, and

the fundamental prophets know it. They themselves are blinded, so

the blind follow the blind. The blind continue to teach this idea

of two phases of Christ's return with a 7 year tribulation

in-between, and the blind followers keep following the blind

teachers. So the blind teachers says words as if it is fact, and

their blind followers believe the words as it is fact. So the

circle continues - Keith Hunt)

The apostle Paul distinguishes between these two phases in Titus

2:13, where he refers to the rapture as the "blessed hope" and

the return of Christ to the earth as "the glorious appearing."

(Whattttt.... to put the phrase "blessed hope" and "glorious

appearing" - to interpret for you that this one verse is

teaching a "two phase" return of Christ, with one phase as a

"secret rapture" and another phase as a visible "glorious

appearing" with 7 years tribulation between the two phases, 


NOT THERE PERIOD. No word "tribulation" is there. No word 

"phase" is there. No word "two" is there. No word "seven" or 

"years" or "heaven" is there.

The hope and appearance can just as easily be Paul speaking about

the SAME event - it is "the hope" and it is "the glorious

appearing." The hope is the resurrection for the saints as 1 Cor.

15 shows. The glorious appearing is Jesus coming in glory.

Putting 1 Cor. 15 with 1 Thes. 4:13-18 - letting the Bible

interpret the Bible. Putting 1 Cor. 15 with 1 Thes. 4:13-18 WITH


Then add Revelation 11:15-18 and add also Matthew 24:29-31 and 

you have more of the truth of the matter. I mean a child can put those

verses together and add them up to ONE COMING of Christ [not a

two-phased coming] that is BOTH a great hope and a great


But again Lahaye and Hindson are writing to people who have been

brain-washed for decades, who have accepted a two-phased coming

of Christ, secret and glorious, with 7 years between them. Lahaye

and Hindson are writing to themselves [and other minister

friends] who are so brain-washed by this secret and open two-

phased return of Jesus that to them Titus 2:13 is speaking about

two phases with 7 years between the phases. They read into this

verse exactly what they want to read into it, so the circle is

unbroken - round and round it goes - Keith Hunt) 


The English word rapture comes from the Latin word "raptus,"

which in Latin Bibles translates the Greek word "harpazo," used

14 times in the New Testament. The basic idea of the word is "to

suddenly remove or snatch away." It is used by the New Testament

writers in reference to stealing or plundering (Matthew 11:12;

12:29; 13:19; John 10:12,28-29) and removing (John 6:15; Acts

8:39; 23:10; Jude 23).

The New Testament employs a third use, which focuses on being

caught up to heaven. It describes Paul's "third heaven"

experience (2 Corinthians 12:2,4) and Christ's ascension to

heaven (Revelation 12:5). Obviously, "harpazo" is the perfect

word to describe God suddenly taking up the church from earth to

heaven at the first part of Christ's second coming.

(Now they start to add some technical stuff; oh this will really

sound good and "scholarly" to their readers; the readers will

really stand in "awe" now. The Greek word means what it means 

and can be used in various contexts. No argument. I agree. And 

anyone with any common sense that reads about the resurrection 

of the saints, knows it will be sudden; in the twinkle of an eye Paul

says those living to see Jesus return will be changed from mortal

to immortality, at the LAST trump - 1 Cor. 15. But Lahaye and 

Hindson  go on to say, "Obviously 'harpazo' is the perfect word to 




Did you notice it? Did you get it? Along with the technical word 

[which I have no argument with] they do more word adding from

themselves: "taking up the church from earth to heaven at the

first part of Christ's coming." Go to a Bible lexicon, go to

Strong's Concordance, and see if when looking up this word

"harpazo" you can find "taking up the church from earth to heaven

at the first part of Christ's second coming." Give you 10,000

dollars if you can. Lahaye and Hindson have added their decades

long teaching of a "secret invisible" return with a "first part"

of Christ's second coming.

To the brain-washed follower of the fundamental prophets

teaching, all this sounds real good, for the guys have added some

"technical" stuff to their teaching..... wow stand in awe again!

Of course the resurrection will be sudden and unexpected by the

un-Christian world, and by the false Christians who will be at

the time following the false prophet of the book of Revelation -

Keith Hunt)


The Church Is Not on Earth in Revelation 4-18

The common New Testament term for church (Greek, ekklesia) is

used 19 times in Revelation 1-3, which deals with the historical

church of the first century. However, Revelation uses church once

more - at the very end (22:16), where John returns to addressing

the first-century church. Most interesting is the fact that

nowhere during the Tribulation period is the term church used in

reference to believers on earth.

(This technical argument I have proven to be totally false and

again a made up fancy of the fundamental prophets who want to

hold to a two-phased second coming of Christ, a secret rapture

and a glorious appearing, with 7 years between them. I've

answered this argument in other studies on the "Secret Rapture"

teaching on my website. I refer the reader to those other

studies - Keith Hunt)

John's shift from his detailed instructions for the church to his

absolute silence about the church for many chapters is remarkable

and totally unexpected if in fact the church continued into the

Tribulation. If the church were to experience the Tribulation

(the seventieth week of Daniel 9), then surely the most detailed

study of Tribulation events would include instructions for the

church. But it doesn't. The only explanation for this frequent

mention of the church in Revelation 1-3 and total absence of the

church on earth until Revelation 22:16 is a pre-tribulation

rapture, which will relocate the church from earth to heaven

prior to the Tribulation.

(Again I refer the reader to my other studies in which I prove

Lahaye and Hindson [with their other minister friends] to be in

total error on the point they now bring up. And in those other

studies I prove there will be NO PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE 

of the saints to heaven while the earth goes under a 7 year great

tribulation period - Keith Hunt)

A POSTtribulational Rapture Is Inconsequential

If God miraculously preserves the church through the Tribulation,

why have a rapture? If it is to avoid the wrath of God at

Armageddon (at the end of the Tribulation), then why would God

not continue to protect the saints on earth (as is postulated by

post-tribulationism) just as He protected Israel (see Exodus 8:22;

9:4,26; 10:23; 11:7) from His wrath poured out upon Pharaoh and

Egypt? Further, if the purpose of the rapture is for living

saints to avoid Armageddon, why also resurrect the saints (who

are already immune) at the same time?

(There is NO teaching in the Bible of some "rapture" of the

church to avoid "the day of the Lord" or some other mighty

events, before Jesus comes in power and visible glory. The

rapture or resurrection comes AFTER God has preserved some 

of His saints during the tribulation and day of the Lord. 

The rapture or resurrection comes at the LAST trumpet sound, 

at the time Jesus comes ONCE only, visible and glorious, to 

resurrect the dead saints and to change the living saints to 

immortality; to receive them all in the clouds, in the air of this 

earth, and in that day (Zech. 14) to set foot on the Mount of Olives, 

and to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. See my many other 

studies on this subject on my website, under "prophecy" - 

Keith Hunt)

If the rapture took place in connection with our Lord's

post-tribulational glorious appearing, the subsequent separation

of the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:31-46)

would be redundant. Separation would have taken place in the very

act of translation.

(Lahaye and Hindson have a mind that reads right over words of

the Bible. So it is often with false prophets and false teachers

of the Bible. Open your Bible. Turn to Matthew 25. Start reading

from verse 31. Did you notice the last words? If not look again -

what does it say? It says, "THEN [after His coming in glory, with

the holy angels - see Matt. 24:30,31] SHALL HE SIT UPON THE


Now go to Luke 1:31-33. Jesus is to receive the THRONE OF DAVID

and a Kingdom that shall last forever - no end. Jesus has NOT YET

been given the throne of David. Jesus has not yet returned to

establish a Kingdom that will have no end. Neither of these

things did Jesus receive in His physical life on earth. When He

returns in GLORY, He will sit upon the throne of David. THEN -

THEN, the sheep will be divided from the goats - THEN - DURING

THE 1,000 YEAR AGE, when Jesus rules the nations of earth for

1,000 years will the sheep be divided from the goats.

OH the folly, and the stupid reading that some fundamental prophets

have in reading the Bible - Keith Hunt) 

If all Tribulation-era believers are raptured and glorified after

the Tribulation and just prior to the inauguration of the

millennial kingdom, who then will be left to populate and

propagate the kingdom? 

(This is another case where Lahaye and Hindson minds are all

mixed up and up-side-down and in-side-out. The people left after

the saints are resurrected and made immortal at the coming of

Christ in glory, after the great tribulation and day of the Lord,

will be the physical people of the earth, whom Jesus and the

saints will rule and bring salvation to. They will be the ones

where the dividing of the sheep from the goats will take place,

all during that 1,000 year age - Keith Hunt)

The Scriptures indicate that God will judge the living

unbelievers at the end of the Tribulation and remove them from

the earth (see Matthew 13:41-42; 25:41). 

(The context of the above verses given and many other passages of

the entire Bible, show that the dividing of sheep from goats,

takes place over 1,000 years, and then the goats or chaff are put

in the furnace of fire - the second death - see Revelation 20.

There is judgment on the nations of the earth at the coming of

Christ, but passage after passage in the books of the holy

prophets of the Bible, CLEARLY teach, NOT ALL SINNERS, not 

ALL unbelievers will be removed from the earth at Christ's coming.

This is not just an "indication" this is absolute dogmatic truth

that all the prophetic books of the Bible teach - Keith Hunt)

Yet they also teach that children will be born to believers

during the millennium and that these children will be capable of

sin (see Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:7-10). This would not be

possible if all the believers on earth were glorified through a

post-tribulational rapture.

(Again, Lahaye and Hindson have things mixed up, and little

understanding of Bible prophecy. At the return of Christ all past

and living saints will be in that first resurrection to immortality. 

But physical people will STILL be on earth [as I prove in many 

studies on my website] - they, most of them, in time will be converted, 

they will become believers. They will still be physical. They will 

marry and have children. Physical believers will continue to reproduce 

and have children. And yes sin can still be done, if a person chooses 

to sin. God will never make humans into robots - free moral will, 

will still be in each physical human during that 1,000 year age. 

All this is fully expounded upon in my many studies on the age 

to come  - Keith Hunt)

A post-tribulational rapture and the church's supposed immediate

return to earth leaves no time for the "bema" - the judgment seat

of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:10-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10). For these

reasons, a post-tribulational rapture makes no logical sense. A

pre-tribulational rapture, by contrast, does not leave us with

these insurmountable difficulties.

(There are no difficulties as Lahaye and Hindson would like you

to believe. The judgment seat of Christ is when the saints stand

before Christ on the sea of glass, when He returns, when the

resurrection takes place, after the great tribulation and day of

the Lord, after the 6 trumpets blow, and when the last and 7th

trumpet blows. Seven trumpets only are given in the book of

Revelation - the 7th is the resurrection to immortality for the

dead and living saints of God. They meet Christ in the air, in the

clouds, on the sea of glass. The judgment day for them has

arrived. They are before Christ and receive their rewards

according to their works. The "judgment seat of Christ" or

"Judgment Day" is also NOT understood by Lahaye and Hindson 

and Catholicism and Protestantism. You need to study my study 

"The Truth about Judgment Day" on my website - Keith Hunt)


The Tribulation Is Not Impending

All through the New Testament epistles, God gave many

instructions to the church, including warnings, but never once

are believers warned to prepare for entering and enduring the

Tribulation (Daniel's seventieth week).

(Whatttt.... I get blown-away by the silly ideas and the obvious

silly reading of the Bible by these fundamental prophets. They

just have to read Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; as a child [I

used to read those chapters over and over again as a child] but

child reading is far from them. I knew as a child that Jesus in

the Gospels, gave warnings to be prepared for persecutions to

come on Christians, then, today, and tomorrow. It is all over the

New Testament. We are to endure trials, persecutions; we are to

fight the good fight; we are to remain faithful to the end; we

are to put on the whole armor of God to withstand the wiles of

the Devil; we are to be willing to die for the truth; we are to

stand up and be counted; we are to remember as Jesus said, "They

who kill you will think they do God service." The truth about

Daniel's 70th week is also on my website in detail. It is NOT

what the fundamental prophets teach - Keith Hunt)

The New Testament warns vigorously about coming error and false

prophets (Acts 20:29-30; 2 Peter 2:1;1 John 4:1-3; Jude 4) and

against ungodly living (Ephesians 4:25-5:7; 1 Thessalonians

4:3-8; Hebrews 12:1). The New Testament even admonishes believers

to endure in the midst of present tribulation (i Thessalonians

2:13-14; 2 Thessalonians 1:4; and all of 1 Peter). However, the

New Testament is absolutely silent about the church preparing for

the Tribulation as described in Revelation 6-18.

(They think it is silent but it is not, for the NT it is just an

expected thing in life, life at the end time. Revelation 12 - the

story of the true Church of God. Like other ages in history,

there comes persecution, along with it comes death for some

Christians, and others are spared. It has been this way from the

beginning of human time. It is this way today. Some Christians in

some countries face death for being Christians, some do die, some

do not. Tomorrow will be the same - some will have to die for the

faith once delivered to the saints, some will be spared, they

will live on. So it has always been - see Hebrews 11. So it shall

be to the end of this age. Revelation 12 and the true Church of

God - some will die for the faith during the last years of this

age, some will escape to the wilderness and live on right to the

coming of Christ, those are the ones whom Paul says will be

changed in a twinkle of an eye at Jesus' coming, from mortal to

immortal - Keith Hunt)


The Scriptures would certainly not be silent about such a major

and traumatic period of time for the church. If the rapture were

to happen partway through or at the end of the Tribulation, one

would expect the epistles to teach the presence, purpose, and

conduct of the church during the Tribulation. However, we find

none of this teaching whatsoever. Only a pre-tribulation rapture

satisfactorily explains the lack of such instructions.

(Garbage to Lahaye and Hindson comments - the more I read these

fundamental prophets the angrier I get. Nothing could be further

from the truth. But people do not want the truth, they want nice

sweet words to comfort them, put them to sleep, and so the

fundamental prophets give them those word, and probably

themselves also, for most of them, do not want to think they have

to stiffen their back-bone, stand up to be counted, put their

life on the line, even have to die for the truth. So a nice

secret rapture to take you to heaven and restful bliss for 7

years, while the world falls apart, blows itself to bits, and all

kinds of horrible things go on in a tribulation that Jesus said

would be the greatest tribulation to ever come on earth in human

history. The Bible gives examples after examples, teaching after

teaching, both Old and New Testament, that persecutions and even

death have come upon God's people at times, sometimes more often,

sometimes not as often. In the end time, the last 42 months, 1260

days [book of Revelation] God's true Church will again experience

persecutions unto death for some, and escape into the wilderness

for others. All expounded for you in detail in many studies on

my website including the book of Revelation under "The New

Testament Bible Story"  - Keith Hunt)

The Content of 1 Thessalonians 4:73-78 Let us hypothetically

suppose for a moment that the rapture is not pre-tribulational.

What would we expect to find in 1 Thessalonians 4? How does this

compare with what we observe there?

We would expect the Thessalonians to be joyous over the fact that

loved ones are home with the Lord and will not have to endure the

horrors of the Tribulation. But we discover that the

Thessalonians are actually grieving because they fear their loved

ones have missed the rapture. Only the possibility of a

pre-tribulation rapture accounts for this grief.

(Paul in 1 Thes. 4:13-18 is answering the sorrow and IGNORANCE

that some had in their mind, about those who had fallen asleep in

death. Many of his readers did not know the truths of God on this

matter. They were thinking and acting like the world - no hope in

death. Paul is having to help them, correct them, give them true

instruction about death. Obviously many did not know the answer

to death. There was no fear that their loved ones have missed the

rapture. They were IGNORANT about the "death question" - they did

not know, had to be instructed, in the death question. The world,

as many today say, there is nothing after death, no hope of some

life after death, so live to the fullest now, wine, women, and


This passage of Paul has nothing to do with some "secret rapture"

or any "rapture" per se. It has to do with Paul having to

instruct some who did not know about death and the plan of God.

He had to tell them there was hope, it was not like the world

viewed death, BECAUSE God would have a RESURRECTION 





Keith Hunt)

We would also expect the Thessalonians to be grieving over their

own impending trial rather than over loved ones. Furthermore, we

would expect them to be inquisitive about their own future doom.

But the Thessalonians have no fears or questions about the coming


(Well that is simple to answer. They had no fear or questions

about any coming tribulation, for they knew as Christians,

tribulation may very well come. I mean Paul was a great example

for them. They would see what Paul at times had to go through in

persecution and tribulation. They had known Stephen had been

killed for speaking the truth. They had known James and probably

others as we see in the book of Acts, were persecuted and even

killed. Going through tribulation was not a question with them,

of course not. For such was to be expected at times. Tribulation

for the faith of Christ was all around them, some persecuted even

unto death, others not. They had the apostle John, who seemed to

be free from any large tribulation, and as the century went on,

John lived to a ripe old age, while others like Paul and Peter

were killed for the faith. They had the words of Christ, that

persecution could come on you if you followed Him. Even Jesus

saying some who would kill you would think they were doing God a

service. They had no fear or questions about coming tribulations

because they did know the answer to that question - it could

come, and they could die for the faith, while others would live

on - Keith Hunt)


Finally, we would expect Paul, even in the absence of interest or

questions by the Thessalonians, to provide instructions and

exhortation for such a supreme test, which would make their

present tribulation seem microscopic in comparison. But we find

not even one indication of any impending tribulation of this

kind. Given the scenario in 1 Thessalonians 4, only the

possibility of a pre-tribulation rapture makes sense.

(Nope wrong again for Lahaye and Hindson. They knew the answer to

tribulation, small or great. It could come, small or great, short

or long. They had examples in the Old Testament of God's saints

under persecution, even to death - Hebrews 11. They had Paul's example 

of many persecutions, perils, stoning, beatings, and some saints who had

already been put to death for Christ. They very well knew the answer 

to tribulations. No need to ask Paul about it, or to be ignorant about 

that issue - Keith Hunt)

John 14.1-3 Parallels 1 Thessalonians 4.73-78 

John 14:1-3 refers to Christ's coming again. It is not a promise

to all believers that they will go to Him at death. Rather, it

refers to the rapture of the church. Note the close parallels

between the promises of John 14:13 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

First, consider the promises of a presence with Christ: "... that

where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:3), and "Thus we

shall always be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Second,

note the promises of comfort: "Let not your heart be troubled"

(John 14:1), and "Therefore comfort one another with these words"

(I Thessalonians 4:18).

(Okay all good so far in the phrases picked out - Keith Hunt)

Jesus instructed the disciples that He was going to His Father's

house (heaven) to prepare a place for them. He promised them that

He would return and receive them so that they could be with Him

wherever He was.

The phrase "wherever I am," while implying a continued presence

in general, here means presence in heaven in particular. 

(Now Lahaye and Hindson start to go off track - "where I am" they

say "here means presence in heaven in particular." Now you try to

find the word "heaven" in this passage under discussion. Nope it

ain't there. It is someone reading into it what they want you to

read into it. They want to get this teaching of their's into your

mind, so they put words in the passage that are not there. They

pretty well know, most, the majority, of their readers look to

them for understanding the Bible [as most readers do little if

any Bible research for themselves]. They know most of their readers

stand in "awe" of them, so it is easy for them to "lead you down

the garden path." They tell you John is writing here that Jesus

meant you are going to heaven, even if Jesus did not say that at

all; they want you to believe it is most definitely implied -

Keith Hunt)

Our Lord told the Pharisees in John 7:34, "Where I am you cannot

come." He was not talking about His present abode on earth, but

rather, His resurrected presence at the right hand of the Father.

In John 14:3, "where I am" must mean "in heaven," or 14:1-3 would

be meaningless.

(The first one is correct as they put it. But now they want you

to hook John 14:1-3 with the first one they mention. But the

Bible has a context to all verses. And the Bible must interpret

itself. If Jesus had and wanted His followers to clearly know

that they would one day "get to heaven to be with him" it would

have been very easy for Jesus to have said, "Where I am in

heaven" or "Where I am you also will be with me in heaven."

Jesus said no such words. Now the fundamental people and just

about all Christianity teach that SOMEDAY you will "get to

heaven" - they may vary on the WHEN, but they all teach, one day

Christians will get to heaven, even the Seventh Day Adventists 

teach it. So again reading into this verse that this is what Jesus 

was teaching, makes sense to them, for they all believe one day 

Christians will be with Christ in heaven.

Stop and think now, what if the religious Jews of Jesus' day did

not think about heaven as you going there, at death [if your a

good Jew or Christian] or think about it in the way Christians

today think about it .... just got to be there. What if many or

most of the religious Jews believed death was death, and only a

resurrection by God could bring you back to life. And what if

those Jews [and Christians] knew the Messiah would come and set

up a Kingdom over the nations of the earth, live on earth, rule

from Jerusalem. And what if with that idea in mind they knew the

resurrection would take place at the Messiah's coming, and so

they would be with Him on earth, via a resurrection from death. 

Now if all that was so with the religious Jews and Christians of

the first century, then the words of Jesus saying He would go and

prepare a place for them, come again, receive them, and wherever

He was they would be also, would be taken quite differently.

Well I submit to you, those words by Jesus would NOT be taken as 

Christians today want to take them.

And we also then must let the Bible interpret the Bible. Jesus

certainly taught He would come again, and His followers when He

came would be with Him. So when Jesus comes again, when His

people are with Him, where does He go? The answer is found in

Zechariah 14. Notice the words "in that day" and "mount of

Olives." And note verse 7 and Jesus saying in the Gospels that

only the Father new the day of Christ's return. 

It should all start to jell with you by now, if you have your

Bible open and ARE seeing the words for yourself - Keith Hunt)

A post-tribulation rapture would require that the saints meet

Christ in the air and immediately descend to earth without

experiencing what our Lord promised in John 14. Because John 14

refers to the rapture, only a pre-tribulation rapture satisfies

the language of John 14:1-3 and allows raptured saints to dwell

for a meaningful period of time with Christ in His Father's


(I have answered John 14:1-3 in another study on my website,

but I'm also answering it here. John 14:1-3 has nothing to do

about "going to heaven" - the word "heaven" is not there. As

shocking as it may sound, the Bible nowhere promises that

Christians will "get to heaven" or "be with Christ in heaven" or

"sit in heaven with the Father" - that is the heaven where the

Father and Jesus now live. The fundamental prophets do teach that

Jesus will rule the earth and the nations upon it for 1,000

years. They, or most of them now, from what I read in their

literature, do teach the new heaven and new earth, and God the

Father coming to the new earth. But ... but, and this seems

desperately important to them, somehow Christians have to get to

heaven. If it's not at death [many of them now know the immortal

soul idea has much difficulties] then they say, "when can we get

this going to heaven in?" Ah, they will as Lahaye and Hindson

have done "get going to heaven" in with a pre-tribulation, secret

rapture teaching. At least they say you can get to heaven for 7

years - Keith Hunt)

The Rapture and the Return

A comparison of the rapture (1 Corinthians 15:50-58; 1

Thessalonians 4:13-IS) with the glorious appearing (Matthew

24-25) reveals at least eight significant contrasts or

differences. These differences demand that the rapture occur at a

significantly different time from Christ's glorious appearing:

(Oh it does? Well we shall see, we'll look at what they say -

Keith Hunt)

1. At the rapture, Christ comes in the air and returns to heaven

(1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the glorious appearing, Christ comes

to the earth to dwell and reign (Matthew 25:31-32).

(Nope 1 Thes.4:17 does not say Christ returns to heaven. You have

to read that into the passage. It says we meet Him in the air,

the clouds, and we stay with Him. Where He goes from there you

have to let other verses tell you - again Zech. 14. The glorious

coming, which is NOT a separate phase of two phases of His

coming, Jesus does indeed return to earth - Zech. 14 again - Keith


2. At the rapture, Christ gathers His own (1 Thessalonians

4:16-17). At the glorious appearing, angels gather the elect

(Matthew 24:31).

(Bible semantics. One verse tells you it is Christ gathering,

another verse tells you HOW Christ will gather. By the authority

of Christ, the angels go forth to gather, in so doing it is also

Christ that gathers. The Bible is full of such talk, one verse

putting it this way, and another verse making to plain or in more

detail, as to how the other verse is carried out - Keith Hunt)

3. At the rapture, Christ comes to reward (I Thessalonians 4:17).

At the glorious appearing, Christ comes to judge (Matthew


(Again, grasping at straws. Many events take place at the coming

in glory of Christ the Messiah. Breaking it up can be easy to do

IF you have a reason for doing it, and the fundamental prophets

with their secret rapture, 7 years in heaven for the saints, have

one huge reason to break things up and put them in an order the

Bible does not put them. Many things take place when the Messiah

comes. If you read my expounding of all the prophetic books of

the Bible on my website, you will come to see MANY things take

place at the return of Christ. Pouring out the seven last

plagues, hailstones, battle of Armageddon, resurrection of the

saints, rewards handed out, judgment on the Beast power, judgment

on the beast man and the false prophet and etc. to name a few -

Keith Hunt)

4. The rapture, resurrection is prominent (1 Thessalonians

4:15-16). At the glorious appearing, resurrection is not


(God does not have to mention the same things in the same

context, but in different passages. He is not obliged to follow

the arguments of Lahaye and Hindson on this point. God is God. He

sets the rules by which He desires to write. What is mentioned in

one passage about the same event, does not have to be exactly the

same things mentioned in another passage about the same event.

This kind of argument makes people say, "Well you can prove

anything by the Bible" and so the skeptic walks on thumbing their

nose at God and the Bible and people who prove anything from the

Bible - Keith Hunt)

5. At the rapture, believers depart the earth (1 Thessalonians

4:15-17). At the glorious appearing, unbelievers are taken away

from the earth (Matthew 24:37-41).

(Of course at the resurrection saints are raised from the dead,

living saints are changed, all leave the earth to meet Christ in

the air, in the clouds. Matthew 24:37-41 is completely

misunderstood by Lahaye and Hindson. I have expounded this

passage fully in other studies on my website, under prophecy.

Briefly: the context is the day of Christ's return verse 36. The

world will not expect it, just as they were not expecting the

flood of Noah's day. It is the day of Christ's return. Saints

will be on this earth, as I've proved in other studies. They will

be here and there. Some will be converted during the great

tribulation and day of the Lord; the book of Revelation says 

144,000 from the tribes of Israel - Rev.7. Some will be around 

the un-converted. The converted saints will, on the day of Christ's

coming, literally yes, disappear from view. Of course they will

because they will be in the resurrection and taken by the angels

to be with Christ in the air, in the clouds, upon the sea of

glass - Keith Hunt)


6. At the rapture, unbelievers remain on earth. At the glorious

appearing, believers remain on earth (Matthew 25:34).

(At the ONE event of Jesus' return, yes un-believers will be on

earth. Jesus is coming back to rule the physical nations of the

earth. At the same ONE event believers will be on earth, as many

in that day when they see Jesus return will believe, many will

know Christ does exist; many will come to repentance on that day.

And from then on the sheep and goats will be divided. All

expounded in-depth as I go through each prophetic book of the

Bible on my website - Keith Hunt)

7. Christ's kingdom on earth is not mentioned at the rapture. At

the glorious appearing, Christ has come to set up His kingdom on

earth (Matthew 25:31,34).

(Again, the same silly argument of Lahaye and Hindson. God does

not have to write the same thing the same way, mentioning the

same things, when writing about the same event. One aspect of the

same event can be mentioned in one passage, and another aspect of

the same event mentioned in another passage. My oh my, what a

silly argument - Keith Hunt)

8. At the rapture, believers will receive glorified bodies (1

Corinthians 15:51-57). At the glorious appearing, survivors will

not receive glorified bodies.

(Of course this is so. Very simple. At the resurrection saints

will be glorified, made immortal, raised from death to

immortality, or changed from flesh and blood to immortality. 

Those who survive the last years of this age, who are not chosen

to be saints and to be made immortal at Christ's coming, like about

10 percent of the people of the tribes of Israel, will go on into

the 1,000 years as physical people. Jesus and the saints will

rule over physical people in literal nations of the earth. Again

all expounded for you in detail as I reveal to you what all the

prophetic books of the Bible teach - Keith Hunt)

The Promise of Deliverance

In Revelation 3:10, Jesus promised, "I will keep you from [Greek,

ek, "out of"] the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole

world." This passage makes it clear that Christ's intention is to

keep the church out of the Tribulation period.

(Nope. The passage it to a "church group" only, see the context

of other church groups in Revelation 2 and 3. Revelation 12 gives

you the "rest of the story" as the late Paul Harvey would say on his 

radio program. It will be as it has always been in all

history - some of God's children will escape persecution and

tribulation and death, in the wilderness, and other children of

God will have to stand up and be counted, be a witness for the

truth, and even have to die for the truth of God. So it has

always been, so it will be again at the end time - Keith hunt)

The Greek preposition "ek" admittedly has the basic idea of

emergence. But this is not always so. Two notable examples are 2

Corinthians 1:10 and 1 Thessalonians 1:10. In the Corinthian

passage, Paul rehearses his rescue from death by God. Paul did

not emerge from death but rather was rescued from the potential

danger of death.

Even more convincing is 1 Thessalonians 1:10. Here, Paul states

that Jesus is rescuing believers out of the wrath to come. The

idea is not emergence out of, but rather protection from entrance

into divine wrath.

(Even so, using the Greek, does not change the fact that

Revelation 3:10 is about ONE GROUP of people to be spared 

from persecution and death of the Great Tribulation, just as

Revelation 12 pictures and tells us - Keith Hunt)

If Revelation 3:10 means immunity or protection within as other

positions insist, then several contradictions result. First, if

protection in Revelation 3:10 is limited to protection from God's

wrath only and not Satan's, then Revelation 3:10 denies our

Lord's request in John 17:15.

(Revelation 3:10 is protection from Satan's wrath as well as

protection all the way through the last 42 months of this age -

the great tribulation and the day of the Lord - Keith Hunt)

Second, if Revelation 3:10 means total immunity, then of what

worth is the promise in light of Revelation 6:9-11 and 7:14,

where martyrs abound? The wholesale martyrdom of saints during

the Tribulation demands that the promise to the Philadelphia

church be interpreted as "keeping out of" the hour of testing,

not "keeping within."

(Keeping out of the hour of testing, is keeping out of, and not

within. For Revelation 12 tells you HOW the keeping out of is to

be done - fleeing to the wilderness, by part of the true people

of God, NOT by some "secret rapture" that takes you to heaven. 

Oh the lack of reading all the Bible, even all the passages on

any given subject, even all of a book. Such sloppy reading of the

Bible, gives sloppy theology that deceives millions - Keith Hunt)

The church is to be delivered from the wrath to come. The apostle

Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 that we should "wait for

His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who

delivers us from the wrath to come." 

The context of this passage points to the rapture. The church

must be removed from the earth before the Tribulation begins in

order to be delivered from the wrath to come.

(Again, total garbage. The context is no such thing as Lahaye and

Hindson say. Look at it yourselves. Open your Bible. See it for

yourselves. Note verse 3 - work of faith, labor of love. Note

verse 6 - followers of us, and of the LORD. Note verse 8 - from

you sound out the word of the Lord .... in every place your faith

to God-ward is spread abroad. Go into chapter 2. It is all to do

with serving the Lord, in truth and life, and NOTHING TO DO 





The church is not appointed to wrath. According to 1

Thessalonians 5:9, "God did not appoint us to wrath, but to

obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." Once again, the

context of this passage shows it is referring to the rapture.

(The context is NOT referring to the rapture or resurrection per


If you want to get real technical the context starts with "the

DAY OF THE LORD" verse 2. The day of the Lord is NOT the great

tribulation, but Lahaye and Hindson have no clue about

understanding Bible prophecy. So the day of the Lord is the last

day (day for a year in prophecy) - last year of this age. And so

Christians living at that time, by being in the light, watching

soberly, not as those in the night, spiritual darkness, but

putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet,

the hope of salvation - looking at the verses following. For we 

need to do this because God does not want us to face wrath, but 

salvation. In so doing we can live together with Him. Yes finally 

a resurrection to eternal life with Christ. 

Two things: So living we escape the day of the Lord that it does

not come on us as those in darkness, for it will bring sudden

destruction. This applies to those who are alive at the time of

the day of the Lord. Second, and more important, living in the

Lord, means we find salvation and not His wrath in condemnation

and the second death - Keith Hunt) 

Because the Tribulation specifically involves God's wrath, and

because Christians are not appointed to His wrath, the church

must be raptured out of the way before the Tribulation begins.

(No the Scriptures say the Great Tribulation is Satan's wrath on

the earth, especially he will go after the true Church of God. See

Revelation 12. Some will escape his wrath, and find safety in the 

wilderness. Others of the true church will have to stand up and be 

counted, they will have to be witnesses for the truth, and even die 

for the faith once delivered to the saints - Revelation 12 - Keith


If the church is raptured at the end of the Tribulation, no one

will be left to populate the millennium. 

(What absolute crazy Bible reading these two guys have between

them. I'm just about lost for words at their total ignorance of

the prophetic books of the Bible. The resurrection of the saints

of God, yes after the great tribulation and the day of the Lord,

means only that true saints are made immortal; the rest of the

physical people on earth, left alive after the battle of

Armageddon, the 10 percent of physical Israelites, they go on

into the millennium, the 1,000 year age, as physical people, and

continue to populate the earth - Keith Hunt)

Just prior to the beginning of the millennium, all sinners (those

who reject Jesus Christ as Savior) who survive the Tribulation

will be cast into hell according to Matthew 25:46. 

(Again a full misunderstanding of Matthew 25:46 - this parable is

AFTER Jesus has returned, when sitting on the throne of David.

The goats are not thrown into the lake of fire, the second death,

until the end of the 1,000 year age. All explained in detail in

many other studies on prophecy on my website - Keith Hunt)

Should the rapture occur at the end of the Tribulation, all

Christians would be taken from the earth as well, leaving no one

on earth with a natural body to repopulate the planet during the


(Gross error! Not all who will believe in that day, the day of

Christ's return, when thousands will see Him come in the 

clouds of heaven, will be in the first resurrection. They may 

well believe Jesus has come again, as like about 10 percent of

Israelites, but that will not qualify them to be in the first

resurrection. Hence tens of thousands will still remain as

physical humans. And not only that but thousands of un-believers

will survive and we have the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39

coming to pass. There is so much on this, you will need to study

my expounding of all the prophetic books of the Bible, to

understand it all in detail - Keith Hunt)


The "righteous" (the "sheep") who enter the millennium are the

saints who survive the Tribulation - those who were unsaved at

the time of the rapture but became believers during the


(Garbage theology here also. The sheep of Matthew 25 are those

who accept Christ AFTER His return, when He sits on the throne of

David to judge the nations, to start to divide the sheep from the

goats - they are physical human beings - Keith Hunt)


Many of these saints will be martyred during this time, but those

who survive the Tribulation will repopulate the earth during the

millennium. For this to occur, the rapture must take place prior

to the Tribulation instead of at the end.

(All silly nonsense. Those saints who live during the great

tribulation and day of the Lord, will have qualified to be in the

first resurrection. As Jesus gave in one parable, some toil all

day [many years of their life - decades maybe] and some toil at the

11th hour - for a relatively short while, 42 months at the end of

this age, or a little less if called during the great tribulation, 

is a short time, an 11th hour. But Jesus went on to say, they all

received the penny wage as did those who toiled for a

long time - they all get salvation - Keith Hunt)



1. Since the phrase "to meet the Lord" in 1 Thessalonians 4.17

can refer to a friendly city going out to meet the visiting king

and escorting him back to the city, does not this phrase point

decidedly to a post-tribulational rapture?

First, this Greek term can refer to either meeting within a city

(Mark 14:13; Luke 17:12) or going out of the city to meet and

return back (Matthew 25:6; Acts 28:15). So the use of this

particular phrase is not at all decisive. Second, remember that

at the glorious appearing, Christ is coming to a hostile people

in general who will eventually fight against Him at Armageddon.

The pre-tribulational rapture best pictures the king rescuing, by

a rapture, His faithful followers who are trapped in a hostile

world and who will later accompany Him when He returns to earth

to conquer His enemies and set up His kingdom (Revelation


(The truth is not ascertained by saying this fits a better

scenario than this other. 1 Thes. 4 and the context of verse 17

is to be put with 1 Cor. 15 and many other verses, which I've already

done here and in many other studies on the subject - Keith Hunt)

2. Why does Paul write in 1 Thessalonians 5:6 for believers to be

alert to "the day of the Lord" if they're not going to face it

due to being raptured before the Tribulation?

Paul exhorts believers in 1 Thessalonians 5:6 to be alert and

living godly in a "day of the Lord" context just as Peter does in

2 Peter 3:14-15, where the "day of the Lord" experience is

clearly at the end of the millennium (because the old heavens and

earth will be destroyed and replaced with the new). In such

passages are exhortations for true believers to live godly lives

in the light of God's future judgment on unbelievers.

(Well for once the guys have a truth. Some verses are for people

down the passage of time, and for a generality for all Christians

for all ages, and so they do not come into the condemnation of the

wrath of God when the second death in the lake of fire takes

place - Keith Hunt)

3. Does not Matthew 24:37-42, where people are taken out of the

world, teach a post-tribulational rapture?

In fact, Matthew 24:37-42 teaches just the opposite. First, it

teaches that Noah and his family were left alive while the whole

world was taken away in death and judgment. This is exactly the

sequence to be expected at Christ's glorious appearing as taught

in the parable of the wheat and tares (Matthew 13:24-43), the

parable of the dragnet (Matthew 13:47-50), and the "sheep and

goats" judgment of the nations (Matthew 25:31-46). In every one

of these instances, at the glorious appearing, unbelievers are

taken away in judgment, and the righteous believers remain.

(Noah and his example is given by Jesus not to teach the wicked

with remain while believers disappear. It is given in the

context, yes context again, of "unexpected" - "unknown" - see

verse 36. Life was going on quite normal in the days of Noah,

Jesus gives examples of normal life of that time. It was so, right 

up to the time of the flood, that came UNEXPECTED. The whole 

section  is to do with not knowing the day of Christ's return, only 

the Father, and to watch the signs Jesus has given in the whole 

chapter,  so that day does not come UNEXPECTEDLY on Christians. 

For when it does come the resurrection will take place and true 

Christians will disappear to be with the Lord, verses 40-42. 

The Lord does not come until AFTER the great tribulation and 

the day of the Lord - Keith Hunt)


4. Does not a pre-tribulation rapture result in two second comings

of Christ, whereas Scripture teaches there is only one second


Not at all. Regardless of the rapture position one holds,

Christ's second coming is one event that occurs in two parts -

Christ coming in the air to rapture the church and Christ coming

to earth to conquer the world and set up His kingdom.

(Have you ever heard of such SILLY AND FROM PLANET 

PLUTO reasonings? They tell us Christ's second coming is 

ONE EVENT, then go on to say the one event has TWO PARTS. 

Now when you understand as shown by them, that the two parts 

have 7 years between them .... I mean, give me a break, one event 

with a secret and visible two parts with 7 years in-between. This 

has got to be one of the stupidest human reasonings in Christian

theology - Keith Hunt)

5. If pre-tribulationism is true, why doesn't Revelation 4-19

mention the church in heaven?

It is true that the Greek word for church (ekklesia) is not used

of the church in heaven in Revelation 4-19. However, that does

not mean the church is invisible. The church appears in heaven at

least twice. First, the 24 elders in Revelation 4-5 symbolize the


(Come on now, wow, what more silly reasoning - the 24 elders

symbolize the church. Give me another break! There is nothing in

the entire Bible to acquaint the 24 elders in heaven as symbolizing 

the Church of God being in heaven - grasping at straws  they are - 

Keith Hunt)

Second, the phrase "you saints and apostles and prophets" in

Revelation 18:20 clearly refers to the church in heaven. 

(Once more, this is getting so silly they should go on Canada's

TV show called "Just for Laughs." Jesus is writing (He's the

author of Revelation, see the beginning of chapter one) that yes the

heaven needs to rejoice over the obliteration of Babylon, but

also the apostles and prophets... It does NOT say the apostles

and prophets are in heaven. Again that has to be read into it, and if

you believe in the immortality of the soul and the secret rapture

idea, then you will read into this verse what these two guys have

done, to hold the teaching of a secret rapture with saints in

heaven for 7 years before Jesus returns visibly - Keith Hunt)

Also, Revelation 19 pictures the church (the bride of Christ) in

heaven prior to her triumphal return. Which rapture scenario best

accounts for the church being in heaven in these texts at this

time? A pre-tribulation rapture.

(The chapter does begin with a scene in heaven. But when we get

to the "Lord God omnipotent reigns" verse 6, we have come to the

Lord reigning, simple as that, right, yes pretty simple. The Lord

now reigns. When does the Lord reign? When He returns to earth.

His wife has made herself ready - white garments she has, that are the

righteousness of the saints, verses 7,8, and see Ps.119:172. When do 

the saints get to be with Christ? We have seen at the LAST trumpet sound. 

The resurrection takes place. They rise to meet Jesus in the air, in

the clouds - 1 Thes. 4:13-17. The bride and the Groom are together; 

the marriage of the Lamb to the bride, the saints, takes place. 

Where? When they come together, as most human marriages do the same. 

They come together in the clouds of the air of this planet. This is NOT 

in heaven but in the atmosphere of this earth. Simple when you put 

Scripture with Scripture - Keith Hunt)

6. Why is Revelation addressed to the church if the church will

not experience the Tribulation period due to the rapture?

These texts cannot be used to determine the time of the rapture.

One of the chief characteristics of the rapture is that it will

be sudden, unexpected, and surprising. "No man knows the day or

the hour," so we should live so as to "be ready, for the Son of

Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (Matthew 24:44). Only

a pre-tribulation rapture preserves an imminent ("at any moment")

return of Christ. 

(While no man knows the day not the hour of Jesus' return, only

the Father. Jesus in the Gospels and in the book of Revelation,

gives us signs upon signs as to what to watch for, leading up to the

day of His return. The idea of an "imminent" - "any moment"

return of Christ, is absolutely against all the signs and way-marks

Jesus Himself has given us. The idea that Jesus can return at any

second, is totally false, and not taught anywhere in the Bible.

Only those teaching a secret rapture can hold this "any second"

return for Jesus. The Bible holds no such view.

I very dogmatically will tell you that Jesus CANNOT return until

certain prophecies have taken place - certain signs He gave MUST

COME TO PASS before He can return - Keith Hunt)

Throughout the ages, Christians have understood the rapture to be

imminent. Nothing could be a better motivator to holy living than

knowing that Jesus could come at any moment.

(If it takes the idea that Christ can come at any minute or

second, to make you live a holy life, to serve the Lord, to love

the Lord with all your heart, life and mind, then YOUR 



Feast of Trumpets - 2012

Post Script as of 2021

All these years have gone by since 2012, and no surprise the “secret” rapture has not come.

The prophetic signs the Bible gives to lead up to Jesus’ return, some very specific one, have not yet come to pass…..

All the prophetic books of the Bible I have expounded for you on my website——

My server is down, do not know if they will ever to back up again, SO——


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Select year…  2017

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