Wednesday, January 27, 2021

New Testament BIBLE STORY --- #4--- ACTS -- 5

New Testament BIBLE STORY

Written for Adults

Book of Acts #4



ACTS chapter 5 - Persecution




     Here at the start of the New Testament Church of God it was

a time of explosive growth in the area of Jerusalem, and it was a

time for those who could give to indeed give to help in a

physical way the thousands of new converts, many from far outside

Jerusalem and even Palestine. For as we have seen many were

staying on in the city of Jerusalem to fellowship and learn more

from the apostles of Jesus, the truths of God's word. 

     In the context of all this needed "giving" and service to

fellow believers their was  a man by the name of Ananias, with a

wife called Sapphirah. They had certain possessions they could

sell to help out members of the Church of God. And they did sell

that possession. We are not told what the possession was, and it

really does not matter. But both Ananias and his wife Sapphirah

undertook a spiritual and physical deception. They want to be

known as being among the very generous ones who were selling

things and giving the money to the apostles, so in turn that

money could be used to help the brethren that needed help.  

     They came with the money and gave it to the apostles,

telling them that it was ALL the money that they had received

from selling their possession. This was NOT true, as they were

holding back some of the money for themselves. 


     Peter, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, was given

inspired revelation that this couple were lying about the money

they were giving being all the money from the sale of their


     "Why have you lied, " said Peter to Ananias, "Why have you

     allowed Satan to come into your heart to fill you with this

     deceptive plan for vain glory, while you lie about giving us

     all the money you have received?"

     Was Ananias and Sapphirah NOT allowed to retain some of the

money, or even all of it, if they chose? Was it an apostolic rule

that people with possession should sell them and give all the

money received from the sale to the apostles? NO, not at all!

     Peter went on to say to Ananias, "Was not the possession

yours to do with as you desired? Did we command you to sell it?

And even after you sold it, was not the money yours to do with as

you willed? Yes, it was."

     Serving the brethren with physical goods and money at this

special time was VOLUNTARY, no one was forcing or demanding

anyone to do anything with their possessions. 

     "You have lied to the Holy Spirit Ananias, " Peter went on

to say, "You have not lied to men but to God," Peter finished

with those words and we are told that Ananias hearing those words

fell down and died. He was carried out and buried. It was soon

known to all in Jerusalem what had happened and as you can

imagine, great respectful fear came upon all who heard it.

     About three hours later, and Sapphirah came in to see Peter.

She had no idea what had happened to her husband. 

     Peter said to her:

     "Did you sell your possession for the amount of money you

     gave us?" 

     "Yes," answered Sapphirah, "We sold our possession and gave

     all of the money we received from it to you apostles."

     "You and your husband have lied," Peter declared raising

     his voice in righteous indignation, "You obviously both

     agreed to lie about this matter, and to test the very Spirit

     of the Lord! Well, the feet of those who carried your dead

     husband out of here a little while back to bury him for his

     lie, are right at the door and shall carry you out." 

     Then Sapphirah also immediately fell down dead at Peter's

feet. the men came in and indeed found her dead and carried her

out and buried her next to her husband.

     We are told again that great respectful fear came upon all

who heard about this matter and to what had taken place (Acts


     The Spirit of God was moving in those days in ways that have

not been repeated since. It was a time of super-natural power

from God. We also note that the context of this event proves

beyond question that not one person was commanded or forced into

giving money to this special fund need for the brethren. It was

all done out of a ready heart and mind, as the person or persons

willed and determined. They were given full freedom to give to

this, shall we call it, "poor fund' or "special needs fund" for

the brethren in need. They had full freedom to not give, neither

God nor the apostles were demanding anything from anyone to

support the "needy brethren" fund. And to try and use that

situation to bring some kind of glory to yourself, among the

brethren, with deceptions and lies, the Lord was not going to

allow for one moment. 

     God was not allowing it those kinds of things to take place

at that time and history of the Church of God. That does not mean

to say God is still dealing out such penalties for deceptions and

lies in the Church of God. The somewhat sober truth is that such

deceptions and lies, and cover-ups, have taken place in the

Church of God in our modern era, and the Eternal has NOT stopped

it with such dramatic power. God deals with people and His family

of children in different ways at different times. Sometimes He

allows lies and deceptions in His Church to go unchecked for a

time. But the truth eventually comes to light and then it becomes

a TEST for what the people of God will do about it. Sadly,

many fall and stumble and are willing to be corrupted, in fact it

can be the majority who go this way. Then in such a circumstance

the faithful righteous have to move out and away from the cancer

of sin and Satan's mind-set.


     The apostles were continuing to perform many miraculous

signs and wonders among the people. For some reason not fully

explained many of the Christian believers were meeting at

Solomon's porch, an area of the Temple. Others who were not

believers did not dare to join them, or try to disturb their

meetings, those none-believers had very high regards for them.

Each day more and more people (crowds of men and women is

the way it is recorded) came to the saving knowledge and true way

of the Lord God.

     So powerful were the working miracles of the apostles that

people were brought out on the streets on mats and sleeping bag

type beds, just so the very shadow of Peter passing over them

would heal them. Crowds came in from towns and villages around

Jerusalem, bring their sick and those possessed by evil demon

spirits, and they were all healed (Acts 5:12-16)


     With all that was happening by the hands of the apostles of

Jesus, the High Priest and the sect of the Sadducees, were filled

with much indignation against them. They sent out the Temple

guards and with the authority they had, the apostles were cast

into the common prison of the Jews. But God sent an angel to open

up the prison doors, and to bring them out. The angel said to

them, "Go stand in the Temple and speak to the people

all the words of this life and truths of the Almighty."

     They were in the Temple early the next morning doing as the

angel had told them. The same morning the High Priest, and those

with him called for the Jewish Sanhedrin council (a body of

chosen men to govern many of the physical and spiritual matters

of the Jews) and the Senate or wise elders of Israel, came

together in order to bring the apostles before them, to answer

why they were continuing to teach in the name of Jesus,

as High Priest and elders had told them not to do so.

     The Temple guards went to bring the apostles before this

body of Jewish leaders, but of course the apostles were not in

the prison. The guards said to the council, "The prison looked

very normal, the doors shut in a locked and safe way, the prison

guards standing outside the prison doors. But when we opened the

doors, we found not one man inside."

     The High Priest, captain of the Temple, and council were all

perplexed and wondered where all these happenings would end

up...just what on earth was going on they questioned among

themselves. Then someone arrived to tell them that the apostles

were out in the Temple teaching the people. The Temple guards

were again sent out to arrest the apostles but in a manner that

would cause no alarm or disturbance, for by now the council 

was afraid the people would turn on them in a violent way if 

they mistreated the apostles in any physical way.

     The apostles were again standing before the Jewish council.

"Did not we tell you not to preach in this man Jesus' name,"

declared the High Priest with some anger in his voice. "Instead,

you have filled all Jerusalem with your teachings about Jesus,

the one you claim was the Messiah, and you intend to blame us 

for His death!

     The apostles answered through Peter:

     "We must obey God before we obey any man's authority. 

     The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead after you

     killed Him by crucifying Him. Then God took Him back to

     heaven and put Him at His right hand as Prince and Savior.

     He has done all this to give the people of Israel an opportunity 

     to turn from sin and turn to serving Him in spirit and in truth, 

     and so sins could be forgiven. We are witnesses of these things 

     and so is the Holy Spirit, which is given to all that will obey Him."

     Well at hearing these words the council was so furious that

they decided to kill all the apostles. But one of their members,

a Pharisees by the name of Gamaliel , an expert on Jewish

religious law, and very well respected among all the people, had

a different perspective on all that was taking place,. He ordered

that the apostles be taken out of the council room for a while.

Then he addressed his colleagues with these words:

     "Men of Israel, you better take care on what you are

     planning to do with these apostles of this Jesus man. Some

     time ago there was that Theudas fellow, who claimed to be

     someone great.  About four hundred others followed him, but

     he was killed and his followers all went their separate ways. 

     The whole movement dissolved and came to nothing.

     After him, at the time of the census taking there came along

     the Judas of Galilee. He got some people to follow him, but

     he was killed also and all his followers were scattered. His

     movement amounted to nothing.

     So my advice is, leave these men alone, do no harm to them.

     If they are teaching and doing these things merely on their

     own steam and will-power, it will come to nothing. But if it

     is from God, you will not be able to stop them. You will be

     seen by many as fighting against God Himself."

     This is an interesting thought from Gamaliel. It has, or

shall I say, can have, indeed truth to it. We know that in this

particular case he was correct. We know this work of the apostles

WAS FROM God, and it would have not come to nothing even if 

all the apostles had been killed. But we need to remember that these

words from Gamaliel are not for EVERY SITUATION, they are not 

a catch all, perfect thought, for all and everything that comes

along in the world of mankind. Not all human movements are from

God, in fact it is probably safe to say that MOST religious or

secular "movements" are not from God, that He really has little

if anything to do with them, one way or the other. The facts are

that many human movements (some even against the laws and ways 

of the Lord) do increase and do become large, and God is not with 

or behind such movements. Some of those movements of men get 

so strong and large that they influence the laws of Governments. 

An example would be the movements of the "gay and lesbian groups" 

to bring in Government laws to support "same sex marriages." 

The same can be said for the "abortionists" who have gained enough

strength to have Governments enact "abortion on demand" laws.

     In this case Gamaliel was correct, but his wise words for

this situation at the time of the early months of the New

Testament Church of God, does NOT apply to ALL cases of men's

work in all circumstances, in all of human history. 

    Many movements of mankind, that were only from men, have not 

been overthrown. Human history makes this very vivid. Of course 

if it is from God and you try to fight against it you are indeed then

fighting against the Almighty, and will never win.

     The council thought Gamaliel spoke well and they accepted

his judgment. Probably God was in the minds of those men to 

make that decision, for it was not the will of the Lord that His

apostles should die at that time.

     The council did have the men "flogged" - a type of whipping.

They had the freedom under Roman rule to so flog people as

punishment for whatever wrongs the Jewish council deemed was

wrong. It would seem the apostles did not appeal but took this

flogging in stride, as part of suffering for the righteousness of

God, no doubt thinking about what Jesus went through for being

nothing but good and perfectly righteous.

     Sometimes a Christian just has to stand and take it as it

comes. This is not always what to do, and it is not always what

God expects us to do, for we shall see later in the book

of Acts that Paul sometimes fled from physical harm. 

But sometimes he stood and took the beating from others for 

teaching the truths of God. We have Paul in the latter chapters of 

Acts appealing to the high authority of Rome, being a Roman citizen 

he had the right to so appeal the harsh treatment the Jewish leaders

were wanting to place on him. So running, appealing, or standing

to "take it all" is an individual matter for individual situations, 

as guided by the Holy Spirit and the physical circumstances you 

are in. In the situation before us in Acts, the apostles stood and 

took what the Jewish council gave them - a flogging.

     Once more the council ordered them not to speak in the name

of Jesus, and then let them go. The apostles left the high council, 

rejoicing that they were counted worthy by God to suffer dishonor 

in a physical way for the name of Jesus.

     Every day the apostles continued to teach and preach in

their homes and in the Temple about Jesus the Christ (Acts





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