Friday, January 22, 2021



by Dr. Gerald B. Winrod

"His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God,

The Ever lasting Father and The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

     The INCARNATION of the eternal Son, involving the virgin

birth of the Lord Jesus Christ was a plan conceived in the mind

of the Infinite before the dawn of creation.

     Think of Christ correctly. Take Him out of the man class.

Put Him in the God class. He never had a beginning. He is an

eternal being. Associate yourself with Him and you will become a

recipient of the same eternal life that we saw manifested in Him

during the days of His flesh. He was born into this life for a


     Long before the foundations of our earth were laid and

before the heavens were stretched forth like a scroll ... before

the valleys were scooped out or the mountains piled high ...

before a carpet of grass was unrolled for humans to walk upon, or

the earth was laced with babbling brooks and flowing streams...

before a furnace was placed in the sun or the wheels of our solar

system started turning!

     Back there, in the undated past called eternity, before the

sons of God shouted for joy it was foreordained that the WORD

should become flesh and dwell among men on this planet.

     What we saw at Bethlehem was the consummation of that plan,

the materialization of the original conception in the mind of the


     Jesus Christ did not come to reform but to transform. Not to

repair but to replace. Not to save us from wrong-doing but to

save us from wrong-being.

     He came to bring life. The natural man is dead in trespasses

and sin. He said: "I am come that they might have life, and that

they might have it more abundantly."

     The personality of Jesus Christ is the hub, the great

central fact of all Scripture. Both the Old and New Testaments

are woven around His majestic personality. In order to understand

Him and to cooperate with Him for the accomplishment of divine

purposes in our lives, we must take Him out of the man class and

put Him in the God class.

     Who had glory with God in the eons of eternity before the

worlds were framed? Jesus Christ.

     Who is mentioned more than three hundred times in the Old

Testament? Jesus Christ.

     Who is referred to in every book of the Bible? Jesus Christ.

     Who was supernaturally born? Who was conceived by the Holy

Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary? Jesus Christ.

     Who lived a sinless life? Who lived in sin and yet without

sin? Jesus Christ.

     Who tasted death for every man and entered into an atonement

great enough to include the last sinner who walks the dirt roads

of earth? Jesus Christ.

     Who conquered Hades? Who came out of the new tomb of Joseph

of Arimathea in triumphant resurrection? Who tasted death for

every man? Who broke the power of death over redeemed souls?

Jesus Christ.

     On top of the mountain whose body became all aglow with the

glory of God? Who transcended gravity and was lifted up and out

of sight in the ascension? Who ascended into heaven? Jesus


     Then two witnesses appear dressed in white raiment. They

inquire, "Men of Galilee why these tears? Do you not know that

this same Jesus will come again as He has departed now?" Who is

coming again, King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Jesus Christ.

     He came from the bosom of the Father to the bosom of a

Virgin. He left the ivory palaces, came down to this earth and

put on humanity that we might put on divinity.

     He became the Son of Man that we might become the sons of

God. He came from heaven where rivers never freeze, winds never

blow, frosts never chill, flowers never fade, no one is ever sick

and no one ever dies. He stooped low to our level, that we might

be given a foretaste of heaven and see God in a human body. Jesus

lived the human life of God.

     As the magnifying glass brings out the hidden beauties of

the rose, so also He displays before us the hidden beauties of


     He was born in a supernatural way. He lived in poverty. He

grew up in obscurity. He had no wealth. He attended no college.

Yet the profoundest wisdom of men has never equaled His

discourses. The record says: "Never man spake like this man."

His relatives were inconspicuous folk living in a rural

community. In infancy He frightened a king. In boyhood, He

puzzled doctors of the law. At the age of twelve He possessed

greater wisdom than theologians. He was taught of God. In manhood

He ruled the elements. He defied the law of gravitation by the

walking on water. Winds obeyed His voice. He spoke peace to a

raging sea. He healed multitudes without medicine and made no

charge for His services. He never wrote a book. Yet many

libraries would be required to accommodate the books that have

been written about Him.

     He never wrote a song. Yet He has furnished the theme of

more songs than all the song writers combined. He never

founded a college, and yet all the schools in the world put

together cannot boast the number of students who studied under

Him. He healed broken hearts. He blessed little children. He

healed the sick. He cleansed the leper. He raised the dead. He

went about doing good. He was the Man of Mercy.

     He associated with sinners. He ate with publicans. In fact,

one had to be a sinner to attract His attention. He said: "The

Son of man is come to seek, and to save, that which was lost. He

has power to transform human lives. He specializes in making bad

people good. That is the greatest of all miracles, transforming

sinners into saints.

     He never mobilized an army, or drafted a soldier, or fired a

gun. Yet no military leader has ever enlisted as many volunteers

as those who take orders from Him.

     You do not need to be an astronomer to understand that He is

the Day Star of Eternal Hope. You do not need to be a geologist

to understand that He is the Rock of Ages. You do not need to be

a zoologist to understand that He is the Lamb of God slain from

the foundation of the world. You do not need to be a botanist to

understand that He is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the

Valley. You do not need to be a musician to understand that He is

the great Harmonizer of all discords. You do not need to be a

doctor to understand that He is the Healer of human ills.

     Great men have come and gone. He lives on. Herod could not

kill Him. People at a religious service could not stone Him.

Satan could not tempt Him. Death could not destroy Him. The grave

could not contain Him. Demons obeyed Him.

     He fed a hungry multitude with the lunch of a small boy. He

broke up funerals. He gave life back to those who were dead. He

said: "I am the resurrection and the life."

     He laid aside His Royal robe for the gown of a peasant. He

was rich but for our sakes became poor. Yet wise men brought Him

costly gifts at the time of His birth.

     He slept in the manger of a stranger. He sailed on a lake in

a borrowed boat. He road into Jerusalem on a borrowed beast. He

was buried in a borrowed tomb.

     He conquered death. He rose on the third day as He had

previously announced. He ascended into heaven. He sits at the

right hand of the Majesty on High.

     He will come again. He will judge the nations in

righteousness. Every knee shall bow to Him. Every tongue shall

confess Him as Lord. His friends will gladly make this

confession. His enemies will make the same confession while

trying to hide from His face.

     He is the perfect One. He is the Chief among ten thousands.

He alone can satisfy the soul and give everlasting life to those

who will accept. He is altogether lovely.

     Jesus attended three funerals in the days of His flesh and

in each instance destroyed the last enemy which is death. I

repeat, He attended three funerals and He broke up all of them.

He specializes in breaking up funerals!

     A boy had died. His mother was weeping. Jesus touched the

casket and the young man rose from the dead. The daughter of

Jairus had died of a fever. Jesus put the doubters out of the

room. He took the maid's hand and said, "Arise." Life was

restored. His friend Lazarus had died. Jesus commanded the stone

to be rolled away. He said: "Lazarus come forth." Life was


     Not long ago I made a trip from Washington, D.C., down the

Potomac to Mount Vernon. I visited the tomb of George Washington

and that is a sacred spot. The British have their Westminster

Abbey where they bury their noble dead. A great building in India

marks the place where the mortal remains of Buddha were laid to

rest. But as Christians we rejoice, not in some beautifully

decorated tomb under oriental skies. We rejoice in an empty tomb.



This article courtesy of Kingdom Treasure Ministries, Owasso, OK

Taken from "Thy Kingdom Come" - August 2008, a publication of The

Association of the Covenant People, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Entered on my Website August 2008 - Keith Hunt

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