Chapter Ninety-two:
Paul writes Second Timothy
This introduction is taken from the New KJV Personal Study Edition Bible, published by Thomas Nelson; 1909,1995. BACKGROUND At the time of writing 2 Timothy, Paul was a prisoner in Rome (see 1:8, 16, 17). Companions who were recently with him had departed (4:10), leaving him alone - "Only Luke is with me" (4:11). Presumably, Timothy was still in Ephesus (4:19), where Paul had stationed him earlier to oversee the work in Asia Minor (see 1 Tim.1:3). Paul urges Timothy to come to him "quickly" (4:19) "before winter" (4:21). Moreover, he asks that Timothy bring with him "the cloak that I had left" and "the books, especially the parchments" (4:13). Paul also requests, "Get Mark and bring him with you" (4:11). The apostle had already endured a "first defense" (4:16) and "was delivered out of the mouth of the lion" (4:17). Presumably that was a preliminary hearing; he now faced formal trial. Paul expected a negative verdict and the death sentence. He had reached the end of his course in this life; death was imminent (4:6). CONTENTS Second Timothy includes exhortation to perseverance; instructions for handling false teachers; a depiction of moral and spiritual degregation in the last days; affirmations concerning the Christian ministry; statements about Scripture; and Paul's final words. PURPOSE The primary object of this letter was to strengthen Timothy so that he would endure in the face of opposition from false teachers. Paul encouraged him to carry on the gospel ministry and to train others who will take up the ministry after he is gone. OUTLINE OF 2 TIMOTHY 1. Salutations from Paul to Timothy (1:1,2) 2. Reflections on the Christian ministry (1:3-12) A. Timothy's call (1:3-7) B. Paul's experience (1:8-12) 3. Exhortations to endurance (1:13-2:13) A. Hold fast (1:13-18) B. Be strong (2:1-13) 4. Instructions for dealing with false teachers (2:14-26) 5. Degregation of the last days (3:1-9) 6. Exhortations to steadfastness (3:10-17) A. You have followed my doctrine (3:10-13) B. You must continue in the Scriptures (3:14-17) 7. The challenge of Christian ministry (4:1-8) A. A charge to Timothy (4:1-5) B. The testimony of Paul (4:6-8) 8. Final words and greetings (4:9-22) ......................... Paul restates his calling by God to be an apostle - one sent forth to proclaim the Gospel. He addresses Timothy as his "son" - a figurative term of love and endearment. We notice again the grace, mercy, and peace passed on to Timothy is from God the Father, and Christ Jesus. There is no mention of the Holy Spirit as a literal third person of a triune Godhead. As mentioned before in this Bible Story, the Holy Spirit is NOT a third person individual of a "three in one" God, hence Paul had no problem and no disrespect towards a Holy Spirit "third person." The Holy Spirit is the very nature and power that comes from the glorious body of both the Father and the Son. It is their invisible, shall we say, electrical power, that comes from their very being and so can transverse the entire universe, doing their will, and also entering each Christian believer, so making that believer a very part of their family. God the Father is then the real Father of each Christian, and Jesus is the very real Elder brother of each child of God the Father (verses 1-2). Paul had a clear and pure conscience in serving the Lord. He remembered Timothy in his prayers both day and night, greatly desiring to see him. He was mindful of the tears Timothy had for him, and was filled with joy at recalling his genuine faith, was also was in his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. It is obvious Timothy had two sincere faithful women in his life and upbringing. The importance of women in child-raising cannot be given too much emphasis. It is more important than most realize. Paul wanted Timothy to stir up the gift of God which was in him and was given to him by the laying on of hands. When this was done is not exactly mentioned by Paul. It could have been at Timothy's baptism, or at his ordination to the ministry, or at some other laying on of hands ceremony such as a special time when men were sent out to the mission field. The main point is that Timothy was to stir the gift up, use it, and Paul noted that the Spirit of God given to us is NOT a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND. Far too many who are "into religion" or Christianity do not exhibit true LOVE, which is defined by many verses in the NT, especially in the books of the apostle John. Nor do they have a "sound mind" but rather are often "strange" and a little koo-koo to put it in modern terms. Many "religions" of the world, including the Christian religion, have off-beat sects and cults, with people who idolize the "organization" or "men." They are often led away into false doctrines by charismatic men or men of "words" or "theological degrees" of learning from some "theological school" of the establishment. Some of these men do show power, but usually a man made power of "show-business preaching" or power of control. If it is still in print you need to read the book "Churches that Abuse" by Ronald Enroth (verses 3-7). Paul told Timothy not to be ASHAMED of the testimony of the Lord nor of the fact that he, Paul, was in prison for the sake of the gospel. He reminds Timothy how they were called, not according to works, but according to God's own purpose and grace in Christ Jesus. This purpose was given before time began but is now being revealed by the appearing of Jesus Christ, who has brought to light life and immortality through the good news of the gospel. Paul reaffirms that he was called to be a preachers of the gospel, a teacher of the gospel, and to be an apostle, one that is sent out, in his specific case mainly to the Gentiles. Paul was then willing to suffer all that came his way, and he was not ashamed, for he KNEW whom "I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him until that Day" (verses 8-12). Jesus is able to take us, care for us, be with us, through all things, even unto our death, and then as He Himself told us, "I will raise him up at the last day." He IS the RESURRECTION and the LIFE. Death has no power over us. Satan, the accuser of the brethren is made weak and totally useless in power, when Jesus the Christ is with us. Death, eternal death is abolished in Christ, immortality and glory, life everlasting is ours. Yes, no need to be ashamed of the gospel of Christ at all. We have heard the gospel words, we are to HOLD FAST to their soundness, in faith and in love, which is in Christ Jesus. That which God has committed unto us we are to KEEP by and through the Holy Spirit. Many had turned away from Paul which lived in Asia, he mentions two by name. I suppose they were well known by Timothy, and would have had a personal message to him, that message in specifics we are not told. Paul does go on to relate the love of one called Onesiphorus, who often gave help to Paul and was not ashamed of the chains of imprisonment which Paul at times suffered for the sake of the gospel. Once when this man arrived in Rome he sort out, very zealously sort out, the apostle Paul, to serve and help him in any way he could. This man we are told, also helped Paul when he was in the city of Ephesus. Paul wished him great mercy from the Lord, especially on the Day when we must all give account of ourselves to the Lord, in what we have done with what we were given to do (verses 13-18). CHAPTER TWO Paul wanted Timothy to make sure that the things he had heard from many witnesses, were committed and handed on to faithful men who would continue to teach the truths of the gospel, to others, and so the circle would not be broken. Jesus had said that He would build His church and the gates of death would never extinguish it. Part of that continuation of the church and the truths of God would be by those taught, teaching it to other faithful people, who in turn would teach it to others, and so the link in the chain of the gospel would be never ending. Paul admonished Timothy to be a good soldier, to endure hardship, if and when it came, just as a soldier in the world must do. Just as an athlete must be focussed and compete according to the rules of the sport, so must a true minister of God be towards his calling in the work of Christ. Paul told him to remember that Jesus was raised from the dead, and doing God's work would sometimes lead to be called an evil-doer, and may also put you in prison chains. Yes, in some countries even today this is still true, but we in the Western world are pretty soft so to speak when it comes to "Christian persecution" for we experience little or none of it. But one important fact to keep in mind is that even if in physical chains for Christ, His word and truths cannot be chained. Hence as Paul said of himself, we must endure all things for the sake of the elect and for those who will obtain salvation and glory in Christ Jesus (verses 1-10), for, in the words as Paul put it: "This is a faithful saying; For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him; If we endure, we shall also reign with Him; If we deny Him, He also will deny us; If we are faithless, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself" (verses 11-13). DEALING WITH FALSE TEACHERS AND BEING A GOOD MINISTER OF GOD The following, verses 14-26, are filled with such potent information on the character of false ministers and many points of life and theology to avoid for the true minister of Christ, that it is pertinent to quote it all here, from a modern translation. There are some doctrinal points in the gospel so important to salvation, that the apostle Paul found it quite correct to mention the teaching and even the names of some people who had departed from the true foundation. This is not "name-calling" or slander, it is laying the cards on the table and saying it like it is. There is a time when speaking up on some issues and naming names of those who have departed from the truth, is right and proper. The minister of God must be, in humility, able to correct those who are in opposition to God, for the Lord may grant them repentance, to know and acknowledge the truth, and come to their senses and escape the snare of the Devil. "Remind (the people) of these facts and (solemnly) charge them in the presence of the Lord to avoid petty controversy over words, which does no good but upsets and undermines the faith of the hearers. Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing (rightly handling and skilfully teaching) the Word of Truth. But avoid all empty (vain, useless, idle) talk, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness. And their teaching (will devour; it) will eat its way like cancer or spread like gangrene. So it is with Hymenaeus and Philetus. Who have missed the mark and severed from the truth by urging that the resurrection has already taken place. They are undermining the faith of some. But the firm foundation (laid by) God stands, sure and unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): The Lord knows who are His, and, let everyone who names (himself by) the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it. Num.16:5; Isa.26:13). But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also (utensils) of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and noble (use) and some for menial and ignoble (use). So whoever cleanses himself (from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences) will (then himself) be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work. Shun youthful lusts and flee from them, and aim at and pursue righteousness (all that is virtuous and good, right living, conformity to the will of God in thought, word, and deed); (and aim at and pursue) faith, love, (and) peace (harmony and concord with others) in fellowship with all (Christians), who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart. But refuse (shut your mind against, have nothing to do with) trifling (ill-informed, unedifying, stupid) controversies over ignorant questionings, for you know that they foster strife and breed quarrels. And the servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome (fighting and contending). Instead, he must be kindly to everyone and mild-tempered (preserving the bond of peace); he must be skilled and suitable teacher, patient and forbearing and willing to suffer wrong. He must correct his opponents with courtesy and gentleness, in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and come to know the Truth (that they will perceive and recognize and become accurately acquainted with and acknowledge it). And that they may come to their senses (and) escape out of the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him, (henceforth) to do His (God's) will" (The Amplified Bible). Truly it is plain to see from the writings of Paul and Peter and John, there were MANY false teachers in the first century, who needed to be declared for what they were and their wrong teaching to be exposed. At times no punches were to be pulled in dealing with them. Paul will yet speak about such men to Titus. Now, if the Christianity of the first century was so filled with corruptible people who had forsaken the truths of God, how much more do you suppose Christianity is corrupted and false teachings abounding, TODAY, two thousand years later? To be sure, from my experience of being raised from the age of 7 with the Bible, in a "Christian" school and from, at times, months and months of night and day study years later in my older teens through into my 30s, searching the Scriptures as I went, I say, quite openly to you, that probably 99.5 per cent of modern 21st century Christianity, is FALSE and DECEIVED in many respects to the true word of God, and in some fundamental areas those deceptions and false teachings ARE SERIOUS!! Serious enough to call into question the salvation of hundreds of millions, nay over a billion, of people who call themselves "Christian." A restoration back to the faith once delivered to the saints, is most assuredly needed in our modern space age world. Overall, the apostle Paul gives the HOW, of a true servant of the Lord dealing with false theology and the people who are responsible for it. He is to spend no time with entertaining some crazy ideas, from vessels of dishonor, who do not know right from wrong, who have no sense of what is sin and what is righteousness. The man of God is to strive at being in harmony with God and with others, as Paul elsewhere stated, " much as lies within you, be at peace with all people." He must have a basic nature of being kind, not hard nosed and an ill-tempered, quarrelsome person. He must be kind and patient and willing to suffer wrong if so be the situation. He must be skilled in teaching the correctness of the Word of God. And he must give correction, in the main, with courtesy and gentleness. CHAPTER THREE The phrase "last days" could be a whole lot more than what some people say. In the fundamental world of Christianity the phrase is mainly associated with the last 2 or 3 years of the age before Jesus returns, maybe in some quarters it is thought to mean the last 7 years before Christ comes in glory. But as we carefully read the whole NT writings we find some verses where this phrase, or similar ones (e.g. end times) is clearly meaning the WHOLE NT period from the foundation of the first century Church of God right up to the coming of Jesus to establish the Kingdom of God on earth for 1,000 years. I will refer the reader to two verses showing the latter fact of NT theology - see Hebrews 1: 2 and 1 John 2:18. Has the world always had people who are "lovers of their own selves, covetous, boaster, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers ...... " and all the other named evils Paul mentions in verses one to eight? Yes, indeed, the world has been full of such evils from the beginning. I'm sure that as we approach nearer and nearer to the day of Christ's coming, these evils will multiply, for Jesus did predict that before His coming again, "iniquity will abound" (see Mat.24:12). And we certainly do see a "form of godliness, but denying the power thereof" in today's Christianity, and the power Paul refers to is not some "charismatic religious outward showmanship" - it is the power to live and obey and serve God by a person living by every word of God as Jesus in the Gospels said we should still do (see Mat.4:4). And this false Christianity often captures, with emotion, many young ladies and older women, who are led away by smooth talking men, who can today, via TV creep into their homes very easily. Paul says such a religious scene is "ever trying to learn, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. They are in nature and attitude resistant to the truth, men of "corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the truth." But one day they proceed no further in their folly, it will be made manifest unto everyone. Certainly when the two witnesses of the book of Revelation come on the world scene, all false teachers of Christian religion will be made manifest to all the world. Those with decerning ears will know who the false teachers of religion are, but even at that time, the mass population will still be deceived as we read in Revelation 12:9. Yet, it is still true that the false teachers will one day proceed no further, for when Jesus does return the blindness covering the face of most people today, will be removed, and the clear light of the truth will shine forth (1-9). Paul reminds Timothy of his, Paul's life, that he knew his teachings, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, and patience (verse 10). As you read through the book of Acts and all the epistles of Paul, you will gather that he was a diverse man in personality, so much so, that some have contended Paul did not wrote certain letters that have his name attached to them, because they are different in many respects from his other letters. All this can be answered quite simply by "getting to know" the man called Paul. He had a wide personality character. He could be kind, loving, gentle, patient, and he could be blunt, cutting, even sarcastic, at times. He could correct at times in no uncertain manner, and then also be very humbly thankful towards people, who had helped him in some way, and towards those who had served faithfully in the work of the Lord. There was with Paul no partiality towards anyone regardless of their sex or nationality. Paul had endured afflictions that few have ever experienced, but through it all God delivered him and was till now, spared from death. He tells us that evil men and seducers (probably meaning religious seducers) would wax worse and worse, deceiving and themselves being deceived. If Paul thought it was bad in his day, which he did, then how much more evil and worse is it today? I have said before and will say again before we have finished going over the NT books, that the vast majority of Christianity in the world today are deceived, not knowing the true way to salvation and the Kingdom of God. Jesus said that MANY, not the few, would say to Him, "Lord, Lord, have we not done this great work in your name, have we not preached you in our churches and on the street corners" but Jesus will answer them, "I do not know you. Depart from me, you who work lawlessness." They will not have lived or taught the lawful way of God. Paul admonished Timothy to continue in the right and correct way of God. Timothy had known that way from reading the Scriptures as a young boy, and which were able to make you wise unto salvation through Christ Jesus. It was Jesus Himself who said that unless you were to become like a little child you would not inherit the Kingdom of God. The way to salvation is not hard to understand if you read the Bible as a child would read it, and read it from cover to cover. I know this is true, for I was blessed by having an education of reading the Bible from the age of seven. As a teenager I would read some portion of the Bible before I fell asleep. This became a regular habit of mind. The way of salvation was clear to me even as a young teenager. So Paul said it was for Timothy. He ends this part of his admonition to Timothy, by saying that ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God. It is not man made ideas, or cultural quaint stories made up from the imaginations of men or a nation of people like the Jews. Scripture is divinely inspired by God, and it was so given that people could find the teachings of God, for reproof and correction in living the wrong way of life, and for the instruction into the righteous way of life, so the "man of God may be perfect, thoroughly perfected unto all good works" (verses 10-17). CHAPTER FOUR Their is a misconception among some that a minister of the Gospel, must be a "nicety nice guy all the time." An observant reading of the NT will show you that that idea is just not true at all. Jesus was not always a mild nice fellow. You may remember He cleared the Temple TWICE during His ministry, in no uncertain a manner. He spoke with powerful sharp words to many of the religious leaders of His day in Matthew 23. There are situations and circumstances in life, when dealing with some people, that strong rebuke, correction, and laying it down on the line, is needed by the true minister of God. some people, sad to say, just do not "get it" any other way. Look what Paul told Timothy in verses 2-5. "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; REPROVE, REBUKE, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." There are things that need to be revisited time and again in certain seasons of the religious year. There are times to REBUKE, REPROVE, and times to do it longsuffering, time and again, keeping at it, with the truth and doctrines of God, that which is according to Scripture. Paul knew what it was going to be like in the future, so he went on to say, "For the time WILL come when they will not endure SOUND doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears; and they shall TURN AWAY their ears from the TRUTH, and shall be turned unto FABLES." That day has surely come in the last 3 or 4 hundred years, and especially in the last century. People want a "comfortable pew" - a place in church where right from wrong is not preached, sin and righteousness are not expounded upon, real repentance is hardly ever mentioned, the commandments of God are not amplified, where the teaching to live by every word of God is an old forgotten phrase of the old forgotten Old Testament. People today want to hear they are saved and God loves them. Of course God loves them just as He loves every person on earth, but that does not abolish the commandments of the Lord, nor does it "do away with" the law of the Lord, or abrogate Jesus repeating the Old Testament phrase that we should still live by every word of God. Christianity today is filled with FABLES, teachings that are just NOT according to Scripture. On this Website where this Bible Story is located, you can learn about the FABLES that churches embrace today, and you can find the true teachings and doctrines of the Lord. You will see I'm not a minister having inching ears or teaching the smooth things people desire to hear. I'm not out to try to build up some great following, and to be "esteemed" by the popular world of "religion." In fact Jesus said that when men shall speak well of you, it will be a sign you ain't well with the Lord, for so they spoke well of the FALSE prophets of old. Yes, there are times, most of the time, that a true servant of the Almighty, is to be kind, patient, loving, humble in words and mind, and gentle with people. This Paul has mentioned before in his writings. So it all goes to show how we are to read the entire Bible, not just picking out sections that we choose, and so get a lop-sided view of just about everything that is the theology of God. Balance, balance, and more balance, is the way of God, and to find that balance, you must read the ENTIRE Bible. Timothy was to be WATCHFUL, TO ENDURE, to do the work of an EVANGELIST, to reach people outside the church, and to bring them to Christ. He was to make FULL PROOF of his ministry. I trust that my ministry and this work of God on this Website will also do the work that Timothy was admonished to do (verses 1-5). Paul now knew, probably from the Spirit of God in him, that his time in this life was soon to come to an end. He was soon to depart from this physical life. He could look back and with full confidence say, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto those that love His appearing" (verses 6-8). You will notice, Paul was to receive his crown of righteousness, NOT at physical death, but at the APPEARING of the Lord. In other words, at the coming of Jesus back to this earth in glory. Paul would die and wait till the RESURRECTION, just as all God's children will wait to live again at the coming of the Lord. The teaching of the immortal soul and going to either heaven or hell at death is one of the false doctrines people with itching ears have been teaching for centuries, and millions upon millions of people have been turned unto fables, that just being one of them. Paul desired Timothy to come to him as soon as possible. He lamented the fact that Demas had forsaken him, loving the present world and departed to Thessalonica. The details of what Paul may have meant by "present world" we are not given. But you get the impression his departure did not please the apostle Paul. Crescens had gone to Galatia and Titus to Dalmatia. The reasons for their move are not given by Paul, but the only one left he states was Luke. He asks Timothy to bring Mark with him for he was profitable in the ministry. It is good to see Paul stating such about Mark, for at one time Paul and Barnabas had a serious falling out over Mark, so serious that both apostles decided to go their own way (see Acts 16:36-41). At this time in Paul's life it is obvious he had come to see that Mark was now a good faithful servant of the Lord. Paul had sent Tychlus to Ephesus. We are not told the reason for it. Paul wanted Timothy to bring the cloak he had left at Troas with Carpus, and some books, especially some parchments. It is possible as some have thought, that these parchments were scrolls of writings that now make up the New Testament. Once more Paul is not a wimp to mention by name a person or persons that have done evil to him or the Gospel. He here mentions one called Alexander the coppersmith, who had done him much evil and so also against his words. He actually asks the Lord to reward him according to his evil. Some may think that was not very nice of Paul, but the Bible is a surprise at times, when we read it for what it says. I am reminded of the many verses of David in the Psalms and how he talked about his evil enemies, and asked the Lord to deal with them. His words and requests were quite open and shocking at times .... well shocking to those who think God's people are to be nicety nice wimps all the time. Paul warns Timothy to also be aware of this evil Alexander the coppersmith. When Paul was interrogated the first time and gave his answer, all men fled the scene, and none stood with him. Their faith and boldness it seems was blown away. Paul prayed the Lord would not hold it against them. He understood there may be times in people's lives when their faith is weak, it was so at that time for his fellow ministers of the Gospel. But, the Lord was with paul, he was strengthened, his preaching made strong, and the Gentiles did hear the words of truth. Paul was delivered at that time from the lion, a way of saying, delivered from death. He knew the Lord would preserve him in one way or the other from every evil work. We have seen from verses 6-8 that Paul understood being preserved from evil this time would be by the way of physical death. Yet, preserved unto God's heavenly Kingdom it would be, and for that he gives glory and praise. The last verses are greetings and thankfulness to some of whom we can read about in the book of Acts, such as Prisca and Aquila. He asks Timothy to come to him before winter. Paul's last words to Timothy are: "The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen" (verses 9-22). We have gone through TWO very important books for the minister of God to digest and meditate upon. We have one more book, that of Titus, which is addressed specifically to a minister of the Gospel. It also contains surprising information and attitudes towards that information by the apostle who was inspired to write more of the New Testament than any other man. ........................... Written in the last half of 2006 |
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