Monday, February 10, 2025

TRIUMPHAL RETURN AND THE KINGDOM— #8 the BIG signs, #9, Specific signs, #10, Holy Roman Empire


The Triumphant Return and Kingdom 

The Four Basic Signs of the End Times


From a book by Dr. Grant Jeffrey (published 2001)

The General Prophetic Signs of Christ's Return

     And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in
     the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with
     perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts
     failing them for fear, and for looking after those things
     which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven
     shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man
     coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these
     things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your
     heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:25-28)

     Some commentators think of prophecy as only "doom and
gloom." They think of the Second Coming of Christ as the end of
history. However, a biblically balanced view of the prophecies
enables us to understand that the prophets present the most
incredibly positive message we could ever hope to receive from
God. The return of Jesus Christ will usher in the greatest period
in human history. It is not the end of history; rather, Christ's
return will be the opening event in the greatest adventure in the
history of mankind.
     As mentioned in the previous chapter, during the first few
centuries following the ascension of Jesus into heaven, millions
of Christians greeted each other by saying, "Maranatha," meaning
"the Lord comes." The early Christians rejoiced in their
confidence that Jesus would fulfil His prophecy that He would
return in the last days to establish His eternal kingdom on
     The greatest single theme in Scripture is the Second Coming.
While there are approximately three hundred prophetic passages in
the Old Testament that foretold the first coming of Christ, there
are more than eight times as many verses that describe the Second
Coming and His triumphant rule. More than 2,400 verses throughout
the Old and New Testaments reveal God's promises about the return
of Christ. The remarkable number of prophetic passages about the
Second Advent emphasizes the vital importance of this event in
God's plan of redemption for humanity. In light of the recent
evidence of the fulfilment of these key prophetic signs, we need
to live in daily expectation of Christ's return.
     It is significant that the Bible's very first and last
prophecies refer to the Second Coming. The first prophecy, which
the Lord addressed to Satan following the rebellion of Adam and
Eve, predicted Christ's ultimate defeat of Satan at Christ's
return at Armageddon. In reference to the final encounter between
Christ and Antichrist, the Lord declared, "And I will put enmity
between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" (Genesis
3:15). The phrase, "it shall bruise thy head" prophesied that
Christ ("her seed" - the seed of the woman) will finally defeat
the Antichrist ("thy seed" - the seed of Satan).
     One of the earliest prophecies concerning the Second Advent
is surprisingly recorded in one of the final books of the New
Testament, the book of Jude. The brother of Jesus, Jude, made
reference to the righteous patriarch Enoch, who was raptured to
heaven in the generations before the Flood. (No he was not. Enoch
is not in heaven, another false teaching. There is a study on
this Website concerning the truth about Enoch, Moses, and Elijah
- Keith Hunt).  Jude revealed that Enoch prophesied the Second
Coming: "Enoch, also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these,
saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
to execute judgment upon all" (Jude 14-15).
     The last prophecy in the Bible was recorded by the prophet
John in the final verses of the book of Revelation. This prophecy
declares, "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,
to give every man according as his work shall be" (Revelation
22:12). Christ's final message to His Church concludes with these
words, "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely, I come
quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20).

     In every generation for the last two thousand years, there
have been Christian scholars of the ancient prophecies who have
wondered whether Christ will return to redeem the earth in their
lifetime. Believers in every generation have naturally longed for
the soon return of Jesus Christ. Skeptics correctly point out
that these hopes have never yet been realized. These skeptics
ask, "Why should we believe that our generation is the one that
will witness the return of Christ when other generations were
disappointed in their equally sincere hopes?" This is a
legitimate question and deserves a serious answer. The truth is
that no previous generation has ever witnessed the fulfilment of
even a fraction of the prophecies that we have seen since the
mid-twentieth century.

     Will we witness the return of Jesus Christ? The answer to
this question has profound implications for our motivation to win
souls and is an encouragement to walk in holiness in the midst of
an immoral world. After thirty-eight years of careful study of
the prophecies and a detailed analysis of current world events, I
am more convinced than ever that there is overwhelming prophetic
evidence indicating the return of Jesus Christ in our lifetime.
However, we must always realize that God is sovereign and can
delay His coming if He chooses to.

(Now the last sentence is to be taken note of. I am 66 year old
as I write this, and if you had asked me when I was 20 years old, if I would still
be in the flesh at age 66, I would have said "no way, Jesus will
return before I'm 66." I have learnt over the years that "time"
with God is not as man sees time. 46 years from me being 20 years
old is a long time for us humans [yet as I think back it seems to
have gone so quickly] - with God 46 years in the scheme of
eternity is as Billionth part of the blinking of an eye. As Peter
said, a day can be a thousands years or a thousand years as a
day, God can shorten or lengthen his prophetic time table
according to as He wills. Maybe Jesus will come in my lifetime,
then again maybe not. We watch the signs of the times, and
patiently wait - Keith Hunt)

     As we analyze the evidence about these prophecies, we should
note that there are two types of predictions. There are a number
of broad prophecies that indicate general conditions that will
exist when Christ will return. These general prophecies include
such predictions as false Christs, false prophets, wars and
rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, and pestilence (Matthew
24:5-8). While there is ample evidence to demonstrate that these
conditions now exist, the general nature of these predictions
presents a certain degree of ambiguity. The evidence exists to
demonstrate that the number of wars, famines, and pestilences has
genuinely increased in recent years; yet, someone could
legitimately argue that the number of wars, famines, and
pestilences may continue to increase even more rapidly in future
generations. Therefore, while these general prophetic signs
provide confirmation that the times we live in may truly be "the
last days," we must carefully examine the evidence detailed in
the following chapter that reveals scriptural predictions that
are unique to discover compelling evidence that we are truly
living in "the end times."

Deception Concerning the Rise of False Christs

     "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no
     man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I
     am Christ; and shall deceive many" (Matthew 24:4-5). 

     It is fascinating that Christ's very first prophecy warned
about spiritual deception concerning the rise of both false
messiahs and false prophets in the last days. Significantly,
there are no historical references to any false messiahs before
the life of Jesus of Nazareth. In fact, the first appearance of a
false messiah occurred after the resurrection of Jesus. The
Jewish scholar C.G.Montefiore wrote, "Of false Messiahs, we know
of none among the Jews until Bar Cochba in 131 C.E." The genuine
always precedes the appearance of the counterfeit. Throughout
history, a false messiah has appeared approximately once every
century since the days of Christ. However, a veritable explosion
of false messiahs has appeared in our generation. The false
messiahs in our day include David Koresh, Sun Myung Moon, Charles
Manson, Jim Jones, L.Ron Hubbard, Lord Maitreya, and numerous
others. The rising number of false messiahs in our generation is
preparing our society for the spirit of Antichrist worship that
will manifest itself in the worship of the prophesied Antichrist
in the last days.

(The truth of the matter on this Jeffrey and kin will never
admit, because they will never see or agree to it. But the false
prophets and false ministers who come in the name of Christ,
saying that Christ is Christ, is in the tens of thousands. Great
Babylon Mystery Religion and her Daughters have well over a
BILLION members worldwide. Hence she has thousands of ministers
and priests who teach her mystery religion, and who follow the
traditions of men, the customs of men, who have changed the truth
of God into "unrighteousness" and "unrighteousness" is give as
the truth of God. Babylon and her daughters, have all one thing
in common, they have "done away with" or "changed" the clear
teaching of the 4th commandment that the 7th day of the week is
the Holy Sabbath day, which day on the Roman calendar is called
SATURDAY! They have also substituted Babylon/Roman festivals for
the true Festivals of the Lord which He says are His Festivals in
Leviticus 23 - Keith Hunt)

Wars and Rumors of Wars

     Jesus Christ said, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of
wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come
to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against
nation, and kingdom against kingdom" (Matthew 24:6-7).
     Twenty-five centuries ago, the prophet Joel was given a
divine vision concerning our last days generation and prophesied
as follows: "Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war,
wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let
them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your
pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong" (Joel
     Since the close of World War 2, the number of wars
throughout the world has increased tremendously. In 1981 Michael
Kidron and Dan Smith wrote a military study, "The War Atlas,"
that concluded the world has not known a single day without some
nation waging a war or conflict somewhere on earth from the end
of World War 2 until 1982. Dozens of new nations demanded
independence and old empires disintegrated, and "there have been
about three hundred wars since 1945. There has been no single day
free of war and few islands of tranquility." From 1982 until
1991, there were another forty-two wars according to "The New
State of War and Peace" by Michael Kidron and Dan Smith. The last
decade has continued this trend of growing warfare.
     Despite thousands of peace treaties, the last one hundred
years truly became "the century of war." The standing armies and
the reserves of the world's nations now contain hundreds of
millions of soldiers. The major powers today could mobilize
hundreds of millions of troops if needed for global war. An
international think tank, the "Club of Rome," issued the
"Reshaping International Order Report," which revealed that
almost 50 percent (over one half million) of the world's
scientists are now involved in weapons research. The continued
arms buildup in Russia, China, the West, the Middle East, and the
Third World is setting the stage for the cataclysmic Battle of
     The U.S. "Arms Control and Disarmament Agency" estimates
that global military spending by all nations now exceeds one
trillion dollars annually. It is difficult to comprehend the true
magnitude of the trillions of dollars spent in preparation for
war. According to "The War Atlas," the cost of a single French
Exocet air-to-ship missile exceeds the combined annual income of
more than ten thousand people in many Third World countries such
as Bhutan. At the present rate of military expenditure, every
citizen will be forced to contribute over three years of his
annual income in accumulated taxes to pay his or her portion of
this staggering arms bill. The $3 billion spent on a single
Trident nuclear submarine would pay for 16 million children to
attend school for one year in the developing nations. The money
spent on one advanced fighter plane would provide the funds to
establish 40,000 village pharmacies in poor nations. Over 100
million people throughout the world are now employed by the
military or defense industries.
     I am not arguing for unilateral disarmament. We must
realistically acknowledge that we live in a dangerous world
filled with totalitarian dictatorships that represent a serious
military threat to our freedom and our physical survival.
However, the awesome new scientific discoveries and massive
military budgets have combined to produce devastating weapons of
mass destruction that have the potential to destroy a large part
of the human race. Although literally thousands of disarmament
treaties have been signed in the last century, the weapons labs
and military industrial complexes in virtually every nation are
producing devastating nuclear, chemical, biological,
electromagnetic, and conventional weapons in preparation for
future battles.
     The nation of Israel faces implacable hatred from twenty-one
surrounding Arab states with a combined population of two hundred
million and a territory that is five hundred times larger than
the Jewish state. The Arab states possess virtually unlimited
military budgets based on their staggering wealth derived from
their enormous oil reserves. The total Arab conventional military
forces facing the five million Jews are greater than the total
conventional military force (armies, tanks, artillery, planes) of
the European NATO armies. In response to this incredible
military imbalance, Israel has developed over three hundred
advanced nuclear weapons, including sophisticated neutron bombs
that devastate their targets with powerful nuclear radiation that
destroys biological life without creating a large explosion. In
addition, intelligence sources indicate that Israel now possesses
a remarkable electromagnetic weapon that can hide their planes
from enemy radar systems as well as give Israeli commanders the
ability to destroy enemy missiles and planes in the air at great
distances from their territory. My sources reveal that a
remarkable electromagnetic weapon was invented by a Jewish
inventor in Toronto in 1969. The brilliant Sid Hurwich created a
device that disables complex and simple weapons at a distance. A
variation of this invention was used by the Israeli Air Force to
block radar screens during the astonishing 1973 Entebbe rescue of
Jewish hostages. In 1983 Israel blocked the radar of five Arab
nations when its jet bombers destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor to
protect the Jewish state (Weekend Magazine, Dec. 19, 1977).

(And it will not stop there IF God decides to give this planet
another 50 years or so before sending Christ back in triumphant
glory - Keith Hunt)


     Christ warned that there would be famines that would be
widespread and devastating, leading up to the final conflict of
Armageddon (Matthew 24:7). John's Apocalypse also describes
terrible famine in the last days. "And I beheld, and to a black
horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A
measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a
penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine" (Revelation
6:5-6). The prophet John foresaw a future worldwide famine so
devastating that a man's entire day's wages ("a penny" was a
laborer's daily wage in ancient Rome) would only buy enough wheat
to supply the needs of himself, with nothing left over to feed
his family.
     We face drought and famine conditions throughout significant
portions of Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. Millions are at
risk of famine: North Korea, Sudan, and China are currently
unable to properly feed their populations. According to a recent
Annual Study of the "UN Population Fund," the amount of
agricultural land worldwide is decreasing rapidly. Deserts are
growing at the rate of 14.8 million acres every year. Over 26
billion tons of precious topsoil are lost each year, and the
valuable tropical rain forests that contribute significant
amounts of our planet's oxygen are shrinking every year by
millions of acres.
     The deadly combination of population growth and diminished
food resources is already producing serious famine threats in
Asia and Africa. The specter of widespread famine is here; the
"black horseman" of the book of Revelation, representing the
coming famine, is about to begin his deadly ride. The world
population is growing at the rate of more than 210,000 people
every single day. According to the Environmental News Network
article entitled "World Population Continues to Grow" issued on
April 5, 1999, "The population of our planet will increase to 8
billion by the end of 2026, according to the census brief World
Population Profile: 1998, and will reach 9.3 billion by 2050."
     The world population has already passed the 6 billion mark.
While the rate of increase is slowing, according to the report,
the global population increase is equivalent to adding a new
Israel, Egypt, Jordan, West Bank and Gaza to the existing world
population total every year. This is equivalent to adding an
additional medium-sized city to the globe's population every
twenty-four hours. 
     Population growth and soil erosion are producing another
dangerous problem. The average rate of population increase
worldwide is approximately two percent, although it is much
higher in the Third World countries that can least afford their
hungry children. A rich country like Austria, with an extremely
low rate of population growth, will take almost three thousand
years to double its population. Meanwhile, a poor but populous
nation like Nigeria is experiencing such a high population growth
rate that it will double its already huge population in less than
a dozen years. Ninety percent of the 150 new babies born every
minute throughout the world will grow up in the Third World,
where both food supplies and clean water are in short supply.
It is virtually impossible to increase food production in the
Third World quickly enough to prevent widespread famine. At the
present rate of population growth, we are adding a billion new
mouths to be fed every twenty years. While it took the time from
the creation of man until World War I to produce a global
population of two billion people, it is remarkable that another
two billion people will be added to our current global population
during the next forty years. The world's population now exceeds
six billion people, and Africa, South America, and Asia
constitute 85 percent of that total. The population explosion and
its resulting famine was created because scientists solved the
"death rate" problem with DDT pesticides, antibiotics, and
improved sanitation before introducing effective fertility
control measures to solve the "birth rate" problem. The resulting
imbalance between rising birth rates and falling death rates has
produced a nightmare of starvation in those countries that we
thought we were helping.
     Meteorologists are now predicting devastating global
climatic changes that may lead to drastic reductions in the
food-growing capacity in North America, Russia, and France. Yet,
there are only four nations throughout the world-Canada, the
United States, France, and Argentina - that can produce the vital
food-surplus reserves beyond the needs of their own population to
enable them to supply food to other nations. Large-scale flooding
and massive crop failures in North Korea have produced
unprecedented famine conditions.
     We have destroyed more than 4.5 billion acres of topsoil
since 1945. This tragic loss of agriculturally fertile land
represents an area of land larger than the nations of China and
India combined. So far, eleven percent of the world's precious
topsoil has been eroded. This tragic loss has doomed the hopes
for self-sufficiency for many Third World countries. The Sahara
Desert is expanding relentlessly southward, destroying both the
topsoil and the agricultural nomadic lifestyle of the Africans
who have lived there for thousands of years.
     Recently, the World Resources Institute in Washington, D.C.
released a sobering study of the world's soil conditions. One of
the areas most devastated is located in North America in the
center of the Canadian prairies and the Midwestern American
states. This relatively small area, only 5.3 percent of the
world's agricultural land, has been the "world's breadbasket" for
the last century. However, the study documents that over 235
million acres are now considered "degraded."
     Modern fertilizers and land-management techniques could
restore a small portion of the North American soil loss, but at
an enormous cost. However, the vast majority (over two billion
acres) of global soil erosion has occurred in the poorest
countries of Asia and Africa. There is little money in the
budgets of Third World nations to begin the costly
soil-reclamation projects. Over 20 percent of the agricultural
soils of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Central America have been


     Jesus Christ warned that there would be devastating
pestilence in the last days (Matthew 24:7). Tragically,
pestilence and plague relentlessly follow famine and war,
compounding their devastation. Jesus warned that worldwide
pestilence would be a sign that we were living in the generation
when He would finally return. The prophet John was given a
terrifying vision of the coming holocaust during the seven-year
tribulation, ( No such 7 year tribulation is taught in the
Scriptures - in the book of Revelation it is 42 months, 1260
days, a time, times, and half a time - Keith Hunt)  when God will
unleash the terrible plagues that will decimate one-quarter of
the world's population. "And I looked, and behold a pale horse:
and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with
him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the
earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and
with the beasts of the earth" (Revelation 6:8).

     In April 1997, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a
frightening report that "at least 30 new infectious diseases with
no known treatment, cure, or vaccine have emerged in the
past 20 years." Their report, published on the Internet, stated:
"New infectious diseases can emerge from genetic changes in
existing organisms and appear suddenly in new populations. At
least 30 new disease agents have been identified over the past
two decades, and new agents are being added with disquieting
regularity." This modern explosion of infectious disease is a
direct result of the increase in air travel, growing
urbanization, and poor sanitation. Many diseases of the past,
including bubonic plague, are re-emerging as deadly threats to
humanity. The WHO recently reported that diseases such as
malaria, smallpox, diphtheria, and yellow fever are also making
devastating comebacks. Unfortunately, many of these diseases are
becoming drug-resistant superbugs. The American Association for
the Advancement of Science declared that "overuse of antibiotics
is leading to a world in which the drugs are no longer
effective." A new form of malaria that causes paralysis and death
has infected over 300 million victims worldwide and the disease
no longer responds to the traditional treatment, quinine. The
health authorities' decision to eliminate the use of DDT, the
most effective pesticide against the mosquitoes that carry
malaria, has allowed malaria to once again claim hundreds of
millions of lives in the Third World.
     Public health doctors are fighting a losing battle against
the new scourge of fifty-three sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs). The new epidemic of STDs is a modern form of pestilence
that is a direct result of the widespread sexual immorality and
perversion of this generation. Public health doctors estimate
that as many as 40 percent of all single, sexually active adults
in North America are now infected with a sexually transmitted

The Tragic AIDS Plague

     The deadly AIDS virus is the most dangerous plague in
history. As individuals have sown the wind of immorality and
lust, they have begun to reap sexually transmitted disease,
sterility, and death. The worst of all these sexually transmitted
diseases is the deadly virus known as AIDS, now the number-one
killer disease worldwide, ahead of malaria and tuberculosis. In
1990, the CIA began a detailed global investigation of the
growing AIDS threat to the national security interests of the
United States. Once completed, this report, entitled Interagency
Intelligence Memorandum 91:10005, was given to President George
Bush in 1991. Selected portions of this report were released to
the State Department under the title "The Global AIDS Disaster"
and described the AIDS crisis as one of the most deadly
calamities in human history. 
     The 1991 report projected that up to 45 million people would
be fatally infected by the year 2000. Incredibly, this early
estimate of 45 million-though greater than the combined toll of
soldiers killed in World War 1, World War 2, and the Korean War -
proved to be an underestimate.
     As of December 1, 2000, the United Nations/World Health
Organization reported that more than 22 million had already died
of AIDS and that another 36.1 million were currently infected
with this fatal disease. The vast majority (25.3 million, or 70
percent) of those currently infected live in sub-Saharan Africa.
     The latest updated death toll reveals that AIDS is the worst
epidemic in human history, exceeding the Black Plague of the
fourteenth century and the 20 million killed by the Spanish Flu
in 1918-19.
     Dr. Peter Piot, the Executive Director of the Joint United
Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, also warned about the inexorable
rising death toll of AIDS in other nations: "What we had
predicted and feared is now happening, and that's an explosion of
HIV." Reports from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
reveal approximately 700,000 cases of HIV - a frightening 60
percent rise in only one year. A sobering report from the Russian
Ministry of Health now estimates that within five years as many
as 10 percent of the Russian population (a staggering 14 million
citizens) may be infected by AIDS. 
     AIDS is now exploding throughout the billions living in
Asia. Experts from the Thai Red Cross estimate that more than
five hundred people are infected with the deadly disease every
single night in Thailand. Health workers estimate that up to 90
percent of the prostitutes in Thailand are now infected. Studies
in India suggest that 3.7 million have AIDS. Meanwhile, 5.8
million are infected in South as well as Southeast Asia.

          And we have had the cover pandemic in 2020 to 2022., as I upload this in 2025.

          Will there come other huge diseases? Probably. Certainly the book of revelation 

          says there will be. 

The Growth of Pestilence and Plagues

     Over 11 million people worldwide die from tuberculosis (TB)
every year. This is aggravated by a new deadly drug-resistant TB
strain. The Laboratory Center for Disease Control in Ottawa,
Canada, reported that tens of thousands of North Americans
have already become infected with a new drug-resistant form of TB
that kills over 70 percent of its victims.
     Since the 1950s, a number of powerful antibiotics were
developed that weaken or destroy the various bacteria that cause
so many diseases. These antibiotics have saved hundreds of
millions of lives throughout the world over the last five
decades. However, our society has abused and overprescribed
antibiotics to the point that many people can no longer derive
full benefit from them. An article by science reporter Joseph
Hall in the Toronto Star revealed that researchers recently
warned the American Association for the Advancement of Science
that "overuse of antibiotics is leading to a world in which the
drugs are no longer effective." University of Washington
biologist Marilyn Roberts warned an international science
conference that "tons of antibiotics are being used as farm
additives on plants and animals, doctors are over-prescribing
them and they are being misused in developing countries."
     The shortage of antibiotics, and their expense, has often
led patients in poor countries to stop taking the drug after
their symptoms have initially dissipated, yet before the
strongest strains of the bacteria are fully destroyed. This
common occurrence often facilitates the development of stronger
drugresistant bacteria that will no longer respond to traditional
antibiotics. Professor Roberts ominously predicted that "if we
don't change the way we use these medications, they will lose
their effectiveness to fight diseases." It takes decades to
research, create, and gain approval for a new antibiotic. There
are fewer than a dozen effective antibiotics and many are
becoming ineffective.
     Massive pollution and ecological problems now appear to be
almost insolvable. Since 1960s, over 70,000 new chemicals were
introduced into the earth's biosphere. Only 10,000 of these
70,000 new chemicals were even tested for their possible side
effects on humans. When we add to this deadly chemical concoction
thousands of new, environmentally untested chemicals created in
laboratories every year, we may be creating problems and diseases
for which there is no cure. The Toxic Substances Strategy
Committee reported in 1980 that up to 90 percent of
cancers were caused by exposure to hazardous substances in our
environment. The continued heavy usage of pesticides has aided in
the production of new strains of germs, known as superbugs, that
have developed resistance to pesticides and other chemicals.
     Environmental studies reveal that children living in homes
that use garden pesticides have a 600 percent greater risk of
developing leukemia.
     Even if a new chemical is harmless by itself, it may become
deadly when combined with other chemicals. The California Public
Interest Group has calculated that over 250 billion pounds of
synthetic chemicals are now produced every year in the United
States. One report revealed that "45,000 [chemicals] are in
commercial distribution, and it takes a team of scientists, 300
mice, two to three years, and about $300,000 to determine whether
one single suspect chemical causes cancer." Our continued
lifelong exposure to harmful chemicals is causing 15 percent of
U.S. citizens to develop supersensitivity to harmful chemicals in
their environment. These supersensitive patients develop symptoms
of allergies, depression, headaches, and irritability.
     Scientists are discovering hazardous waste dumps hidden in
many communities, leeching out their toxic elements into our
water supply. The problem of disposal of radioactive waste from
nuclear reactors remains unresolved, yet we continue to produce
radioactive materials in the vain hope that someday we will find
a solution.

The Gospel of the Kingdom Preached in All the World

     "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the
     world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will
     come" (Matthew 24:14).

     In the last fifty years, the growth of evangelism throughout
the world has been breathtaking. In the Muslim nation of
Indonesia, more than 20 percent of the population has recently
accepted Christ. Despite decades of dedicated missionary efforts,
by 1900 only 3 percent of Africans had become followers of Jesus
Christ. However, by 2000, over 45 percent of the five hundred
million people living in Africa have accepted Christ. While
Christianity was almost unknown before World War 2, up to 40
percent of the South Korean population now follows Christ.
     A 1991 study by the National Council of Churches concluded
that church membership is growing at twice the speed of growth of
the world population, with the greatest growth in Evangelical
churches. The Lausanne Statistics Task Force concluded that the
number of born-again Christians has grown three times faster than
the world's population during the seventeen years from 1980 to

*    In 1430, one person in 99 of the world's population was a
*    In 1790, one person in 49 of the world's population was a
*    In 1940, one person in 32 of the world's population was a
*    In 1970, one person in 19 of the world's population was a
*    In 1980, one person in 16 of the world's population was a
*    In 1983, one person in 13 of the world's population was a
*    In 1986, one person in 11 of the world's population was a
*    In 1997, one person in 10 of the world's population was a

Lausanne Statistics Task Force on Evangelism

     In only sixty years, the number of Christians throughout the
world has grown by 1,300 percent. The evangelical Church has
grown from only 40 million in 1934 to 540 million today.
Meanwhile, the world's population has grown by only 400 percent.
Christian radio broadcasts are now reaching almost half of the
world's 360 mega-languages, covering 78 percent of the earth's
population. The Church is rapidly fulfilling the Great
Commission. There were fewer than one million Chinese Christians
at the time of the communist takeover in mainland China in 1949.
However, the lowest estimates suggest there are more than l00
million followers of Christ in the underground church in
Communist China today. As many as 25,000 people accept Christ in
China every day. Every year, more than 300 million Bibles, New
Testaments, and Scripture selections are distributed throughout
the world.

(All this actually proves that false prophets and false ministers
coming in the name of Christ, are deceiving the world in a
staggering way, just as Jesus said it would be before His return.

The proclaiming of the Gospel to the world will be done by an
angel as we see in Revelation 14:6-7 then Jesus comes in verse
14-20. That is all fully explained in the New Testament Bible
Story under the book of Revelation on this Website - Keith Hunt)

The Apostle Paul's Warning Signs of the Last Days

     This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall
     come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous,
     boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
     unthankful, unholy, without natural affection,
     trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
     despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady,
     highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;
     having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
     from such turn away. ( 2 Timothy 3:1-5)

     The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and prophetically warned
him of these spiritual conditions that would characterize the
people living in the generation when Jesus Christ would return to
establish His kingdom. This prophecy so accurately depicts
today's world that it could have been written by any columnist in
this morning's newspaper. Paul's prophetic list of the symptoms
of our disintegrating North American and European society reveals
that our world is standing at a spiritual crossroads as the
astonishing scriptural prophecies of the last days are beginning
to unfold in our generation.



It is all more than interesting in the stats given by Jeffrey.
And those were the stats in 2000, his book was published in 2001.
Sometimes man, when faced with smashing into a brick wall, will
do things to reverse the situation, man has been given a mind
from the Creator that is truly amazing at times, in what it can
do when faced with the situation of "mend your ways or you are
doomed." So mankind could yet pull itself from some of the brinks
of disaster, yet in the overall of whatever time the Father is
going to allow before Jesus comes again, the world will
experience the signs that Jeffrey has gone through. But the long
and short of it all for you to remember is that "time" is in
God's hands, not ours. After Europe was forming in union in the
middle 1950s it took decades before the Berlin Wall came down. It
then took decades more before Europe abolished having "passports"
to move around from country to country. Europe - the coming Beast
Babylon/Roman Empire of the last days, is yet some distance away
from her prophetic fulfilment of the world's great trading power
she will yet be, and is still some distance away from the
military might she will be. Then also the political and religious
scene of Europe needs to be WAY different than it is now, for the
"woman whore" to rise up and ride the 7th and last resurrection
of the Holy Roman Empire.

Time belongs to God, it's entirely in His hands, in His will, not

Keith Hunt (February 2009) 

The Triumphant Return and Kingdom 

Specific prophecies .... weeeelllll?

From a book by Grant Jeffrey (published in 2001)

Unique Signs Pointing to the Second Coming

     We will now examine a number of unique biblical prophecies
that point to the soon return of Jesus Christ in our generation.
Every one of these significant prophecies is unique in that
history reveals that none of these predictions was ever fulfilled
in any previous generation. The unusual nature of these unique
predictions suggests that it is almost impossible that they could
be fulfilled again in a following generation. Jesus Christ
encouraged His followers in these inspired words, "And when these
things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your
heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

(This is only true if these so-called "unique" prophecies really
are unique or mentioned at all in the Bible. Many were saying
this same thing that Jeffrey is saying way back in the early
1980s, and we have had a new generation since then, about 25
years has gone, from those fundamental prophets of the early
1980s, and 25 years is certainly a generation ago - Keith Hunt)

     Let's examine several of these unique predictions that
suggest our generation will witness the return of Christ in
glory. (Many said the exact same thing on the prophecies Jeffrey
is going to give us, back in the early 1980s. They at that time
were predicting Jesus would return before the 1980s were
completed. You had books like "Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal
Linsay, and others were teaching the coming of Christ before
1990. Those guys and gals have disappeared into the woods to
never give a prophecy again, for their utter folly - Keith Hunt)

The Rebirth of Israel in 1948

     Throughout the Old Testament - from Genesis to Malachi -
hundreds of specific prophecies declare that God gave the
ancient land of Canaan to the Jewish people as their Promised
Land to enjoy forever. Jerusalem was their sacred capital. In
Genesis, we discover that God made an eternal covenant with
Abraham and his descendants that they would enjoy possession of
the Holy Land forever under the rule of His Messiah. The Lord God
declared to Abraham: "Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the
place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and
westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give
it, and to thy seed for ever" (Genesis 13:14-15).
     Abraham's son Isaac and his grandson Jacob, the forefathers
of the Jews and the "seed of promise," received repeated promises
that their Jewish seed would have sovereignty over the Promised
Land. However, we need to remember that Ishmael, the other son of
Abraham, was also included in this divine promise; his Arab
descendants would also live in the land forever. The Arabs now
inhabit twenty-one nations throughout the Middle East, occupying
vast oil-rich territories covering an area that is five hundred
times larger than the tiny Jewish state of Israel (8,000 square
miles). The Arab population now exceeds two hundred million
people, more than forty times larger than Israel's five million
Jews. And yet, the Arabs demand that the Jews surrender their
precious ancient homeland to the Arabs to achieve peace. The
truth is that there will be no true peace until the Messiah
returns to create peace in the hearts of both the Arabs and the

     The prophet Ezekiel described in his great vision of "the
valley of dry bones" (Ezekiel 37) Israel's final, miraculous
return from the "valley of dry bones" in the last days leading to
the return of their long awaited Messiah.

(Utterly false, as Jeffrey and the fundamentals do not understand
this prophecy. I have expounded it for you in the study of the
book of Ezekiel on this Website - Keith Hunt)

     Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole
     house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and
     our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. Therefore
     prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold,
     O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come
     up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of
     Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have
     opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of
     your graves, and shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall
     live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye
     know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith
     the Lord. (Ezekiel 37:11-14)

     No other ancient people has lost its historic homeland for
many centuries and then recovered its territory to resume its
national existence once again. Yet Israel defied astronomical
odds to take its place as a Jewish nation in 1948, after almost
two thousand years of persecution and exile among the Gentile

(And that had nothing to do with the prophecy in Ezekiel 37 -
Keith Hunt)

     Without a doubt, the rebirth of the nation Israel on May 15,
1948, is one of the most extraordinary of all the prophecies in
the ancient Scriptures. It is not only historically
unprecedented, but the prophecy of the rebirth of Israel is also
unique in that it cannot easily be fulfilled again in any
generation. If the restoration of Israel in 1948 is not the
fulfilment of Ezekiel 37 and Matthew 24, then the Jews must be
exiled from Israel for centuries and return once more to become a
nation. This is so unlikely that we can eliminate it as a
possibility. The restoration of Israel was foreseen by many of
the Old Testament prophets, and these prophecies motivated the
Jews during their many centuries of exile in foreign lands to
maintain their age-old longing to travel to the Promised Land in
anticipation of their coming Messiah.

***(I will now tell you WHY the Jews were restored to the Holy
Land. Way back in the days of Moses, God warned Israel (all 13
tribes) that if they continued long enough and often enough in
sin and rebellion, He would punished them "seven times" more for
your sins [Lev.26:18,28]. Most know that a "time" in prophecy is
360 days (30 days to the 12 months) into years. times 360 years 
by 7 and you get 2,520 years in fulfilment. Judah started to go 
into their captivity by the Babylon empire in 604 B.C. Add 2,520 
years to that date, plus 1 for no year zero, and you get exactly 
1917 A.D. It was in that specific year that the British under 
Alenby freed Jerusalem. It's in the history books. From that ending 
of the punishment for Judah of 7 times, you had the Jews returning 
to the Holy Land.
What Jeffrey is going to tell you is because of the ending of
2,520 years punishment on Judah, and nothing to do with 1948 at
all - Keith Hunt)

     During the last century, millions of Jews from more than
seventy Gentile nations as diverse as Russia, Morocco, and
Ethiopia abandoned their ancient homes, possessions, and
neighbors to undertake an arduous journey toward the fulfilment
of their age-old Passover dream: "Next year in Jerusalem."
     Against staggering odds and rampant persecution, these Jews
gathered their extended families together and began their
dangerous personal journey toward the Promised Land. Following
the rebirth of the nation on May 15,1948, over 600,000 Jews who
had lived for several thousand years in every nation throughout
the Muslim world - from Morocco in North Africa to Iran - left
their homes to return to the new Jewish state. In an attempt to
save their lives and gain religious freedom most of these Jewish
exiles were forced to leave behind their homes, personal
property, bank accounts, and businesses with little or no

(The truth is thousands of Jews had already returned to the Holy
Land BEFORE 1948. You could not have had a new nation being born
in 1948 unless many Jews had already come from everywhere to have
enough people to form a nation. They started to come from 1917
onwards in earnest - Keith Hunt)

     Throughout history, most nations evolved gradually over the
centuries until they became recognized nation-states, such as
Egypt, England, and France. The prophet Isaiah predicted the
rebirth of Israel in these words: "Who hath heard such a thing?
who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth
in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as
Zion travailed, she brought forth her children" (Isaiah 66:8).
     From the time the ancient prophets first announced their
prophecies about the rebirth of Israel until recent times, no one
had ever witnessed a nation being created "in one day." Yet that
is precisely what happened.

(No that is not what happened! The "one day" in Isaiah is a
figure of speech. It means a relatively short time. The Jews had
been returning to Jerusalem and the Holy Land from 1917 - Keith

     During hearings before the British Royal Commission on
Palestine, David Ben Gurion, as chairman of the Jewish Agency,
announced, "The Bible is our only mandate. The mandate of the
League [of Nations] is only a recognition of this right and does
not establish new things." Remarkably, when the British Mandate
over Palestine, authorized by the League of Nations, ended at
midnight on May 15,1948, Israel's first prime minister, David Ben
Gurion, declared publicly that Israel was once again a nation and
now took its rightful place on the stage of world history. Ben
Gurion announced, "The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the
Jewish people.... Here they wrote and gave the Bible to the
world.... Impelled by this historic association, Jews strove
throughout the centuries to go back to the land of their fathers
and regain their statehood."

(And unless you have people ALREADY in the land, enough of them,
you do not form a nation. The USA had to have enough people in
the USA to break-away from Britain to form a new country. The
Jews had been returning to the Holy Land from 1917 onwards in 
large numbers - Keith Hunt)

The Miraculous Restoration of Hebrew

     Twenty-five hundred years ago, the prophet Zephaniah
predicted that the Jewish state would restore its ancient Hebrew
language to be spoken in Israel during the last days. This
prediction of the restoration of Hebrew was as unlikely and
impossible in normal historical terms as the prophecy regarding
the rebirth of Israel. The Hebrew language had ceased to be the
common spoken language of the Jews long before the days of Jesus
Christ. After the exile of the Israelite captives from the ten
tribes of northern Israel to Assyria in 721 B.C. and the exile of
the Jewish captives from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in 606
B.C., (604 to 586 when the city of Jerusalem fell, to be exact -
Keith Hunt) there were relatively few Jews still surviving in
ancient Israel. Following the seventy years of captivity in
Babylon, the fifty thousand Jews who returned to Canaan in 536
B.C. and the vast majority of Jewish exiles who remained in
Babylon had adopted the Babylonian Aramaic language and lost the
normal use of Hebrew as their daily language. The priests who
served in the second Temple in Jerusalem after 516 B.C. were the
only Jews who still used the ancient Hebrew language. Most of the
Jews living in Israel in the first century spoke Greek, Aramaic
(the ancient Babylonian language), or Latin (if they dealt with
the Roman government).

(That is basically true - Keith Hunt)

     However, in 520 B.C., God foretold through His prophet
Zephaniah that in the end times He would cause the returned
exiles to restore the ancient language of Hebrew: "For then will
I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon
the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent" (Zephaniah

(No this prophecy is for the age to come, the Kingdom age. It has
nothing to do with Hebrew being restored by the Jews in the Holy
Land in this age. That restoration of Hebrew would be natural for
Jews to do when they once more had their own country/nation.
Hebrew was never lost per se, it was always used by the
"scholars" of the Jews - Keith Hunt)

     A study of historical records confirms that no other nation
throughout the history of the nations has ever lost its natural
language and later recovered it as a living language after a
period of centuries. For example, there are no cultures in the
Middle East still speaking the ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, or
Chaldean languages from ancient times.

(Hebrew was never lost in the first place. The "scholars" and
religious leaders of the Jews have always had Hebrew. Any study
of the history of the Jews and those among them who preserved the
Old Testament, will soon prove what I've said correct, and what
Jeffrey is telling is incorrect. Once the Jews had their own
nation, the Hebrew language would again become the common
language of the people. It was never lost, only restored to the
common people as a natural language once more as it was before
the Jews went into captivity by the Babylon Empire - Keith Hunt)

     Eliazar ben Yehuda, a Jewish Hebrew language scholar living
in Palestine in the early decades of the last century, received a
distinct vision that God was calling him to restore the ancient
Hebrew "tongue of the prophets." Eliazar was the first man in
history who personally restored a lost language from the ancient
world virtually single-handedly. Using these Hebrew words from
both the Bible and the Talmud as a foundation, Eliazar created
thousands of new Hebrew words to describe modern objects such as
"fountain pen," "airplane," et cetera, based on the ancient
Hebrew root words and the grammatical rules of biblical Hebrew to
guide his efforts. He persevered in his remarkable project,
despite powerful opposition from his neighbors in Jerusalem and
the Orthodox religious authorities who were scandalized at his
radical concept of using the sacred Hebrew "tongue of the
prophets" in ordinary conversation. Eliazar and his supporter
ultimately created a sixteen-volume Hebrew language dictionary
that was only published after his death in 1922.

(So indeed the Hebrew of old moved into the Hebrew of the new
world. But the foundational Hebrew was never lost. It was with
the new - restored. National pride would dictate that the Jews
would want Hebrew as their language, just as the Welsh people
still maintain, as national pride, the Welsh language - Keith

     Palestine was ruled by England under the League of Nations'
sanctioned British Mandate until it expired on May 15, 1948.

(Yes, as I've pointed out, it was the British under Alenby that
restored freedom to Jerusalem for the Jews to start returning
after 1917 in large numbers - Keith Hunt)

     After almost two thousand years, the Jewish exiles began to
return to the Promised Land from seventy different nations. The
new Israeli government and military wisely used compulsory Hebrew
language classes run by the army to bring together these widely
divergent Jewish exiles into a united Israeli people by teaching
them the revived Hebrew language as their common language in
their restored homeland. The inhabitants of Israel can now truly
join in one Hebrew voice to call "upon the name of the Lord, to
serve him with one consent." The restoration of the ancient
tongue of the prophets certainly qualifies as one of the most
extraordinary miracles and unique biblical predictions ever

(Not at all, for it was not a fulfilment of any prophecy per se.
It was "national pride" and the ancient history of a people
persecuted and scattered abroad, that led them to be so proud of
their history, that Hebrew would become important to them. The
Jews would still be the Jews, and still be a part of Israel in
the eyes of God, no matter what language they spoke. Going back
to the roots of Hebrew for their language had nothing to do with
any prophecy in the Bible. Jeffrey is making a picture out of
nothing - one of the many fundamental picture prophecies that are
based upon the mis-understanding of the Word of God - Keith Hunt)

Arab-Israeli Conflict

     Three thousand years ago, King David prophetically listed
the ancient enemy tribes that would ultimately form the modern-
day nations that will join in a military alliance opposing the
return of the Jews to their homeland in the final conflict during
the years before the return of the Messiah:

     For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate
     thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel
     against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.
     They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a
     nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in
     remembrance. For they have consulted together with one
     consent: they are confederate against thee: The tabernacles
     of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;
     Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the
     inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they
     have holpen the children of Lot. (Psalms 83:2-8)

(It is true that in the last days, end-time, Arab nations will
oppose the Jews, they are doing so now and will into the future -
Keith Hunt)

     The nations in the current Arab League of Nations who
violently oppose the existence of present-day Israel are also
found in King David's ancient prophecy. The ancient names of the
tribes and nations that opposed the existence of Israel during
the Exodus and the following centuries while King David and
Solomon developed the Jewish state were listed in the prophecy in
the book of Psalms as an extraordinary preview of the future Arab
confederacy of the last days that will seek to destroy the Chosen
People. The following list details the ancient tribal name and
its corresponding equivalent nation in the Middle East today.

     It is remarkable that thousands of years ago the ancient
biblical prophets received a vision regarding the profound hatred
that the surrounding Arab nations had toward the rebirth of
Israel in the last days. The Lord inspired King David to foretell
that the Jews' return to the Promised Land would trigger a bitter
interracial blood feud. David prophesied that the surrounding
nations of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt
would gather their military forces in a final attempt to
eliminate the Jewish state of Israel from the Middle East

(This confederacy of nations will be against the whole peoples of
Israel, which the Jews are only PART of. And so it is today.
Britain and her Commonwealth people and the USA are on the side
of the Jews, as "brother" people [which most do not understand]
it is only so fitting they would be with the Jews, hence in part,
that is why the Arab nations are in many ways AGAINST the USA,
Britain, as well as the Jews - Keith Hunt)

     The hatred of the Arabs for the Jewish people was first
predicted four thousand years ago through God's prophetic command
to Hagar, Abraham's concubine. The Lord commanded that she should
call her son Ishmael "because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.
And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man,
and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the
presence of all his brethren" (Genesis 16:11-12). This prophecy
was tragically fulfilled; there has been hatred for thousands of
years between the descendants of Abraham. The Arabs descended
from his son Ishmael and the Jews descended from his son Isaac.
As the descendants of Ishmael, the Arab people travelled for
forty centuries as nomads throughout the Middle East.

(And they hate the brothers of Judah also - Britain and the USA -
but most fundamental prophets cannot see the connection that is
literal, with the Jews, Britain and the USA. But you can if you
read the book of Genesis and just believe the prophecies God gave
to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - Keith Hunt)

Population in Jerusalem and Palestine

     Many modern Middle East media commentators and most North
Americans have been led to believe that the Arab Muslims formed
the majority of the population of Palestine and Jerusalem until
the waves of Jewish immigration from Europe and Russia beginning
in the 1800s and 1900s overwhelmed them. The PLO has often
declared in their propaganda that the Palestinian Arabs formed a
majority of the population in the land of Canaan until the Jewish
immigrants came from Europe and took over their properties.
     However, the official historical documents of both the
Muslim Turkish and anti-Jewish British authorities that ruled the
territory of Palestine provide authoritative and compelling
evidence that the Jewish inhabitants have formed a majority of
the population in Jerusalem and throughout Palestine for the last
one hundred and fifty years.

(Especially from 1917 onwards. All going to show that Jews were
many in the Holy Land before 1948. You do not form a nation
unless you have the population to do so - Keith Hunt)

     The consistent evidence from historical sources is that the
Promised Land was quite desolate with a very small population
from ancient times until the last century. In 1788, Count
Constantine F. Volney wrote about his extensive visits to the
Holy Land in his Travels through Syria and Egypt in the Years
1783, 1784, 1785. Volney claimed that the whole population of
Jerusalem contained less than 14,000; the city of Hebron had
900 men and the town of Bethlehem had only 600 adult men. The
British Consul James Finn wrote in 1858 to his superior, the Earl
of Clarendon, about the population of Jerusalem. Consul Finn
wrote, "The Mohammedans of Jerusalem are less fanatical than in
many other places owing to the circumstances of their numbers
scarcely exceeding one quarter of the whole population - and of
their being surpassed in wealth, in trade and manufactures by
both Jews and Christians."
     The British consul of Jerusalem wrote in his Report of the
Commerce of Jerusalem During the Year 1863 that the "population
of the City of Jerusalem is computed at 15,000, of whom about
4,500 [are] Moslem, 8,000 Jews and the rest Christians of various
denominations." An indication of the static population in
Jerusalem until God motivated the Jews to begin returning from
exile in the 1880s is found in the fact that the total population
of Jerusalem increased by only one thousand people during the
seventy-eight years from the census figures for 1785 until 1863.

(Ah ... so now he sees the Jews were coming back to the Holy
Land. After 1917 it started to gain more popularity to return to
Jerusalem - Keith Hunt)

     The evidence that the Jews formed the majority of the
population of Palestine as well as Jerusalem is found in
examining the historical records (Turkish Census, 1844; Calendar
of Palestine 1895-96; 1922 Census by British Mandate; Jerusalem -
The Old City-1962; Israel Central Bureau Of Statistics; Jerusalem
Municipality Report).

     Official Population Statistics for Jerusalem from 1844 to

Year 1844  Jews 7,120  Muslims 5,00  Christians 3,390

Year 1863  Jews 8,000  Muslims 4,500 Christians 2,500

Year 1896  Jews 28,112 Muslims 8,560 Christians 8,748  

Year 1922  Jews 33,971 Muslims 13,413 Christians 14,699

Year 1948  Jews 100,000 Muslims 40,000 Christians 25,000

Year 1967  Jews 195,000 Muslims 54,963 Christians 12,646

Year 1983  Jews 300,000 Muslims 105,000 Christians 15,000

Year 1996  Jews 421,000 Muslims 166,000 Christians 15,000

(Notice indeed the swelling amount after 1917, when Jerusalem was
liberated by the British under Alenby - Keith Hunt)                  

The Islamic Koran Declares that Israel Belongs to the Jews

     There have been numerous statements in recent years from
Muslim authorities that have asserted that the Jews have no right
to live in the Middle East, no right to live in Jerusalem, and no
historical or religious right to visit the Temple Mount. In fact,
many Muslim authorities now deny that the Jewish Temple ever
existed on the Haram Es Sharif (Temple Mount).

(The Jews do have a right to be there. Their punishment of 7
times [2,520 years] was over in 1917. The end time Jewish nation
could be multiplied and formed from 1917, as never before since
the time of David and Solomon - Keith Hunt)

     However, it is fascinating to note that there are a number
of passages (known as Surahs) in the key Islamic religious text,
the Koran, written by Mohammed that relate to the children of
Israel and her legitimate possession of her ancient homeland, the
land of Israel. I am indebted to Dr.Michel Calvo's internet
article, "Sovereignty to G-d and Jerusalem Ministries
International," which recently published several excerpts from
his article. I examined the Koran to verify these intriguing
     These ancient passages in the Koran clearly acknowledge and
affirm the right of the Jews to possess the land of Israel. This
declaration by the Muslim prophet Mohammed directly contradicts
the repeated statements of modern Islamic spokesmen who deny the
Jewish people have any right to live at peace in their ancient
homeland. However, the Koran declares that the Jews had the right
to enter and possess the Promised Land and that Allah "had not
given to any other among the nations":

     And when Musa [Moses] said to his people [Israel]: O my
     people! remember the favor of Allah upon you when He raised
     prophets among you and made you kings and gave you what He
     had not given to any other among the nations. O my people!
     enter the holy land which Allah has prescribed for you and
     turn not on your backs for then you will turn back losers.
     (Surah 5:20-21)

     This key passage, Surah 5:20-21, actually declares that the
Jews were to "enter the holy land" that was given to Israel and
was not given by Allah to any other people except the Jewish
people. The Koran affirms to the Jews of Israel that Allah "made
you kings and gave you what He had not given to any other among
the nations." This remarkable statement is reinforced and
confirmed in several other Koranic passages, including
Surah 7:137-138 and Surah 17:104:

     And We made the people who were deemed weak to inherit the
     eastern lands and the western ones which We had blessed; and
     the good word of your Lord was fulfilled in the children of
     Israel because they bore up (sufferings) patiently; and We
     utterly destroyed what Firon and his people had wrought and
     what they built. And We made the children of Israel to pass
     the sea; then they came upon a people who kept to the
     worship of their idols They said: O Musa! make for us a god
     as they have (their) gods He said: Surely you are a people
     acting ignorantly. (Surah 7:137-138)

     And We said to the Israelites after him: Dwell in the land:
     and when the promise of the next life shall come to pass, we
     will bring you both together in judgment. (Surah 17:104)
     [the word Musa refers to Moses]

     It is fascinating that the Koran clearly declares that Allah
chose and blessed the Jewish people ("above the nations") and
gave them the Torah ("the communications wherein was clear
blessing"). The Koran states: "And certainly We chose them,
having knowledge, above the nations. And We gave them of the
communications wherein was clear blessing" (Surah 44:32-33). In
an extraordinary statement in Surah 45:16, we find these words
endorsing the biblical Torah and even a declaration that God
created Israel to "excel the nations" (Surah 45:16). "And
certainly We gave the Book and the wisdom and the prophecy to the
children of Israel, and We gave them of the goodly things, and We
made them excel the nations" (Surah 45:16).

     The remarkable fact is that the Muslim's most holy book, the
Koran, actually declares that Allah affirmed the right of the
Jewish people ("and no other") to possess the Land of Israel.
This declaration is extraordinary. If this statement from the
Koran was publicly acknowledged and clearly taught throughout the
Islamic world, it might create a real possibility of negotiating
a true peace between Israel and the Palestinians as well as with
her surrounding Arab Islamic neighbors.

(It is interesting that the Koran would say such, but the
foundational truth of the matter is the Word of God. The Lord
would give back the land to the Jews after 1917 in a way that is
the State of Israel today. This happening is ONLY in the book of
Leviticus, and after the 7 times punishment. It really has
nothing to do with any time as to when the Messiah returns in
glory. His coming again is based upon the signs of the times that
have no direct bearing on 1917 or the Jews being a nation in 1948
- Keith Hunt)

The Return of the Ethiopian Jews

     Zephaniah prophesied that the Ethiopian Jews would finally
return from thousands of years of exile to come home to the land
of Israel. Approximately three thousand years ago, during the
days of King Solomon, a group of Jews including representatives
from each of the twelve tribes immigrated to Ethiopia with Prince
Menelik, the son of King Solomon, and his mother, the Queen of
Sheba. (For more on this subject, see my book Armageddon -
Appointment with Destiny). The prophet Zephaniah foretold the
return of these Jews to their Israeli homeland in the last days:

     "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the
     daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering"
     (Zephaniah 3:10).

(This prophecy Jeffrey does not understand. It has nothing to do
with any Ethiopia Jews returning to Jerusalem. It's covered in my
studies on the Old Testament prophets - Keith Hunt)

     The prophet Isaiah confirms the prediction of Zephaniah: "I
will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back:
bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the
earth" (Isaiah 43:6); the "north" refers to Russia and the
"south" refers to Ethiopia. 

(Once more the fundamental prophet is wrong! It is a prophecy of
that is fulfilled when Jesus comes again to gather the scattered
people of Israel, who will be in captivity, and from which the
Messiah will deliver them. See my studies on the prophet Isaiah -
Keith Hunt)

     In another passage, Isaiah prophesied about the land of
Ethiopia and the coming Millennial "rest" or Sabbath.

     Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the
     rivers of Ethiopia: That sendeth ambassadors by the sea,
     even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye
     swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a
     people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation
     meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have
     spoiled! All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on
     the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the
     mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye. For so
     the Lord said unto me, I will take my rest, and I will
     consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs,
     and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.... In that
     time shall the present be brought unto the Lord of hosts of
     a people scattered and peeled, and from a people terrible
     from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and
     trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, to
     the place of the name of the Lord of hosts, the mount Zion."
     (Isaiah 18:1-4,7).

(Once more very misunderstood by Jeffrey. This is a prophecy for
the beginning of the millennium, the age to come, the Kingdom of
god on earth age. See my studies on the book of Isaiah - Keith

     Remarkably, during the period from 1989 to 1991 following
the end of the Ethiopian civil war, tens of thousands of black
Ethiopian Jews known as Falashas were flown home to Israel in
fulfilment of the ancient prophecy of Zephaniah. 

(No! It had nothing to do with any prophecy. It was just man,
Jews desiring to go to Jerusalem - Keith Hunt)

     Although they followed many of the Jewish rituals of worship
and feasts such as Passover, they had no knowledge of the Feast
of Purim or Hanukkah because these festivals were instituted in
the centuries after they were separated from their race.

(And so they were just converted people to Judaism from way back
when. They saw they could have a home in Jerusalem - the Holy
City - so why not they reasoned - Keith Hunt)

The Astonishing Fertility of Israel

     The prophet Isaiah also predicted that Israel would become
fertile in the last days. "He shall cause them that come of Jacob
to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of
the world with fruit" (Isaiah 27:6). 

(Again, a prophecy for the 1,000 year age, and has nothing
directly to do with anything today - Keith Hunt)

     In the light of the history of utter desolation in
agriculture and deforestation throughout Palestine for almost two
thousand years since the time of Christ, it is remarkable that
the Bible prophesies that the land of ancient Canaan will become
fertile and abundant in the last days. The Roman legions stripped
the land of its trees and burned its orchards as part of its
scorched earth policy in A.D.70. The Turkish absentee landlords
displayed no genuine concern for the land and allowed the removal
of almost all trees for firewood for centuries. In Mark Twain's
book "The Innocents," he comments about his 1867 tour of the Holy
Land: "There was hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive
and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soul, had
almost deserted the country."
     However, the returning Jews have transformed the Promised
Land, previously deserted and desolate, into the most
agriculturally efficient land on earth according to the United
Nations. The value of the agricultural crops produced annually
exceeds $2 billion. Today, Israel supplies over 90 percent of the
citrus fruit consumed by almost five hundred million Europeans
and has annual agricultural exports to Western Europe exceeding
$802 million.

     The astonishing fertility of Israel in the last days is
verified by these yields:

*    Peak yields of tomatoes reach 202 tons per acre.

*    1.2 million roses are grown in greenhouses per acre per

*    Annual milk yields per cow reach an average of 2,640

*    In the Negev Desert, peak yields of citrus reach 32 tons per

     The terribly dry environment forced the Jews to innovate and
develop remarkable new drip-irrigation techniques that ensure
every drop of water is delivered directly through to the plant's
roots. Utilization of the pure fertilizer provided from the
minerals found in the Dead Sea has allowed Israel's farmers to
turn the deserts into lush gardens growing bananas, mangos, and

(Hummmm, the people in the Okanagan Valley of British
Columbia have done [basic desert naturally]. So have the people
of Southern California [basic desert naturally]. It is amazing
what man can do if he needs to or wants to - Keith Hunt)

     The rainfall in Palestine increased dramatically during the
last century, as compared to earlier centuries. The returning
Jewish exiles planted two hundred million trees, transforming the
complete environment of the Promised Land. The prophet Joel
declared that the desert nation of Israel would experience
tremendous increases of rain during the last days. "Be glad then,
ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he
hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to
come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain
in the first month" (Joel 2:23). 

(This is a prophecy for the 1,000 year age. If Jeffrey thinks
it's pretty good now, just wait till this prophecy is actually
fulfilled - today will seem like a desert - Keith Hunt)

     Isaiah, too, prophesied about increased fertility: "And the
parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs
of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be
grass with reeds and rushes" (Isaiah 35:7). 

(A prophecy for the future Kingdom age it is. The context proves
it. See my studies on the prophet Isaiah - Keith Hunt)

     As a result of this unprecedented reforestation, Israel's
climate is beginning to return to the original conditions of the
ancient past when Israel was called "a land of milk and honey."

(You wait for the Kingdom to come, when these prophecies will
come to pass, the present day will be like a desert in contrast -
Keith Hunt)

The Rebuilding of Jerusalem

     One of the most fascinating and little-known end-time
prophecies is the twenty-five-century-old prediction by the
prophet Jeremiah that the city of Jerusalem will be precisely
"rebuilt for the Lord" in the last days in a very particular

     Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the city shall
     be built to the Lord from the tower of Hananeel unto the
     gate of the corner. And the measuring line shall yet go
     forth over against it upon the hill Gareb, and shall compass
     about to Goath. And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and
     of the ashes, and all the fields unto the brook of Kidron,
     unto the corner of the horse gate toward the east, shall be
     holy unto the Lord; it shall not be plucked up, nor thrown
     down any more for ever. (Jeremiah 31:38-40)

     The order and the modern equivalents, in brackets, are as
follows: "The city shall be built to the Lord from the tower of
Hananeel [northwest corner of Temple Mount] unto the gate of the
corner [Jaffa Gate]. And the measuring line shall yet go forth
over against it upon the hill Gareb [northeast of the corner gate
on the ancient wall], and shall compass about to Goath
[Schneller's Orphanage]. And the whole valley of the dead bodies,
and of the ashes [ancient cemetery], and all the fields unto the
brook of Kidron [follows the ancient Brook Kidron], unto the
corner of the horse gate toward the east [an ancient walled up
gate near the sealed Eastern Gate] shall be holy unto the Lord;
it shall not be plucked up, nor thrown down any more for ever"
(Jeremiah 31:38-40).

(Wait now .... did you get the last words, look at them again -
hang on to them - Keith Hunt)

     This unusual prophecy has been fulfilled with astonishing
precision in the last generation as the Jewish exiles have
returned from seventy nations throughout the globe to rebuild
their ancient capital as documented in the following pages.

G. Olaf Matson wrote a tourist's travel guide booklet entitled
"The American Colony Palestine Guide" early in the last century
that presented information to help English-speaking tourists to
make their way around Jerusalem and Palestine. The phrase
"American Colony" refers to the section of Jerusalem that housed
many of the American diplomats, expatriates, and tourists coming
to the Holy City. Matson's interesting analysis of the city
building developments reveal fascinating parallels with the
prophecy of Jeremiah 31:38-40. Another book, "Fulfilled Prophecy
That Prove the Bible" by George T.B.Davis, detailed how the
expansion of the modern city has precisely followed the ancient

     After very careful analysis of Jeremiah's prophecy and
detailed examination of the precise stages of the expansion of
the modern city of Jerusalem, Professor Peter Stoner concluded in
his book "Science Speaks: An Evaluation of Certain Christian
Evidences" that the odds against the rebuilding of the Holy City
fulfilling this precise prediction by random chance were only one
in 80 billion. Professor Stoner explained his calculation of the
mathematical probabilities of Jeremiah correctly guessing the
precise directions and sequence of the rebuilding of this ancient
city as follows:

     It is rather easy to find the number of ways in which the
     city of Jerusalem might have grown in its first nine steps.
     There are six definite corners to the old city. Certainly
     the growth might have started from any one of these corners,
     to say nothing of the sides. Let us say then, that the first
     development could have come at any of these six corners.
     Having built at point number 1 it could have next built at
     any of the old corners, or gone on in any one of these
     directions from number 1; thus, the second expansion could
     have come as any of 8 places. Continuing this on for the
     nine points and multiplying the results together, we find
     that the probability of Jeremiah writing this prophecy, from
     human knowledge, and having come true would be about 1 in 8
     x 1010.

(Some prophecy is DUAL, it has a fulfilment, but has another,
often at the very end-time, or into the Kingdom age of the 1,000
years. I told you to hang on to the last word of Jeremiah. Go
back and note them again: "nor thrown down any more forever." Now
if you have studied with me through Matthew 24 in past chapters,
then see how Luke was inspired to word "the abomination of
desolation" you will see clearly that before Christ returns
Jerusalem will once MORE BE THROWN DOWN, MADE DESOLATE! Then you
have my many other studies under "prophecy" and "end times" on
this Website that will expound it all to you in detail. Jerusalem
will AGAIN be destroyed and made desolate, then it will AGAIN be
re-built as Jeremiah has written, in the Kingdom age to come -
Keith Hunt)

     Two fascinating prophecies correctly foretold that Jerusalem
would be an "unwalled city" in the last days. The prophet Ezekiel
predicted an invasion by Russia and the Arab nations in the last
days: "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled
villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely,
all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor
gates" (Ezekiel 38:11). Zechariah repeated this unusual detail in
his prophecy: "And said unto him, Run, speak to this young man,
saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for
the multitude of men and cattle therein" (Zechariah 2:4).

(Oh dear, how the fundamental prophets get things back to front
and front to back. These prophecies have nothing to do with
today. They are prophecies for the Kingdom age to come. Again you
can study what I've given you on the prophets Ezekiel and
Zechariah - Keith Hunt)

     The reason this prediction was so unusual is that defensive
walls surrounded virtually every single village, town, or city in
the ancient world. However, the development of long-range weapons
of destruction - including artillery, aerial bombs, and missiles
- have made defensive walls useless, even for Israeli military
bases surrounded by Palestinian territory. 

(This shows you have far off the fundamental prophets are.
Jeffrey wrote his book in 2001. Since then [if it was before,
then Jeffrey really had his eyes closed] the Jews have BUILT A
WALL, just about all the way around their land, to protect
themselves, to safe-guard themselves, for the enemy has dozens of
ways to kill Jews, and cause destruction. Ambush, hit and run,
suicide bombing, can be just as deadly as aerial bombs. The
"unwalled" Holy Land prophecies are YET to come to pass, when the
age to come has come - Keith Hunt)

     Since everyone was familiar with the many prophecies that
describe Israel as surrounded by enemies in the last days, it was
nothing less than extraordinary for Ezekiel and Zechariah to
predict that Israel and Jerusalem would not have defensive walls
at the time of the end.

Keith Hunt)

     Another unusual prophetic reference regarding the last days
relates to the unprecedented and unusual love of archeology and
the deep attachment to the ancient walled city of Jerusalem that
characterizes the Jews of Israel. King David prophesied, "Thou
shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour
her, yea, the set time, is come. For thy servants take pleasure
in her stones, and favour the dust thereof. So the heathen shall
fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy
glory. When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his
glory" (Psalms 102:13-16).

(It is so plain, it just about jumps out and bites you on the
behind. David said, "When the Lord shall build up Zion, He SHALL
APPEAR IN HIS GLORY!" This is a prophecy for the coming of the
Messiah in GLORY, for the Kingdom age, the 1,000 year age - Keith

     The Jews in the Promised Land have a profound love of their
ancient capital and often visit its Western Wall and numerous
other historical and religious sites within its walls. Almost
every Israeli citizen I have visited collects objects such as
ancient pottery and coins of archeological interest. Unlike their
Arab neighbors, who usually display little interest in the
historical ruins that surround them, many of the Jews have a deep
interest in the archeological objects and discoveries that
demonstrate their historic connection with their ancestors and
their ancient homeland.

(Maybe they do. So do the British. So do the Scottish. So do many
nations treasure their past and their physical history marks, and
preserve them and remember them in many different ways. The Irish
have green beer on St.Patrick's Day. The Scots have their
"kilts." Both the Irish and Scots and Welsh have their harps. All
kinds of things can be bought as national reminders of those
nations, when visiting in their "tourists stores." 

The prophecy of David in Psalm 102 is YET TO BE FULFILLED, WHEN


To be continued

The Triumphant Return and Kingdom 

The Last resurrected Holy Roman Empire!

                       From a book by Grant Jeffrey (published in 2001)

        Unique Signs Pointing to the Second Coming

The Roman Empire Will Be Revived

     The Roman Empire was the most powerful and militarily
successful empire in history. The Scriptures repeatedly foretold
that the Roman Empire would rise again during the last days,
leading to the final crisis known as the Tribulation and the
Battle of Armageddon, which will usher in the millennial
kingdom. Both Daniel and the book of Revelation predicted that
the powerful empire that dominated the world in the days of
Christ would be revived during the years leading to the return of
the Messiah.

     Daniel received an interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's
remarkable prophetic dream about a gigantic metallic statue. This
statue represented the four great world empires that would rule
the world from the time of Daniel until the last days when Jesus
Christ would supernaturally destroy the last Gentile world empire
and establish His righteous millennial kingdom on earth. The
first three Gentile world empires - Babylon, "the head of gold,"
Medo-Persia, "the chest of silver," and Greece, "the thighs of
brass" - succeeded each other in turn exactly as God had revealed
to the king through Daniel's interpretation. The fourth Gentile
world empire, Rome, "the legs of iron," which succeeded the
Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great and his generals, was
prophesied to split into two portions, as symbolized by the two
legs. This prediction was fulfilled when the Roman Empire was
severed into a western empire under Rome and an eastern empire
under Constantinople.

     And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as
     iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron
     that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and
     bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of
     potter's clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be
     divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the
     iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry
     clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and
     part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and
     partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry
     clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but
     they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not
     mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings shall the
     God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be
     destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other
     people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these
     kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:40-44)

     The Lord gave Daniel divine understanding to interpret the
king's vision that revealed the fourth empire, Rome, would be
revived in the last days in the form of a ten-nation confederacy
or superstate. The vision revealed that the ten "toes of the feet
were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be
partly strong, and partly broken." This correctly describes the
nations of modern Europe that would include both powerful and
weak member states. Significantly, these ten future nations will
unite into this ten-nation superstate and give their power to an
evil dictator, the Antichrist, for a period of time until God
destroys it as revealed in Daniel 7:8-9:

     I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among
     them another little horn, before whom there were three of
     the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in
     this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth
     speaking great things. I beheld till the thrones were cast
     down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was
     white as snow.

     The final portion of Daniel's vision of the metallic statue
confirmed that this confederacy will be destroyed suddenly at the
return of Jesus Christ when He establishes His own eternal

     And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set
     up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the
     kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall
     break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall
     stand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was
     cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in
     pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the
     gold. (Daniel 2:44-45)

     An additional fascinating prophecy is revealed in Daniel's
last sentence that Christ's return will supernaturally and
suddenly destroy, not only the "iron and clay" (the revived
Roman Empire), but also "the brass" (the revived Grecian Empire),
"the silver" (the revived Medo-Persian Empire), and "the gold"
(the revived Babylonian Empire). Therefore, students of prophecy
should closely watch the political, economic, and military
activities of the European Union, Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq.
All four of these ancient empires will play crucial prophetic
roles in the dramatic strategic events of the last days in the
final crisis of the Tribulation.

(The Arab nations will form a union with Egypt as spear-head.
This will be the "king of the south" of Daniel 11:40-45. The
"king of the north" will be the Beast Empire of a Roman/Babylon
Mystery religion Europe. The king of the south will "push at" the
king of the north, the king of the north will come against the
king of the south, destroy or cause to be ineffective. The king
of the north will then enter the Holy Land, put its armies around
Jerusalem, destroy that city, scatter the people of Judah, and so
the Great Tribulation will start - going into Daniel 12 - and to
the day of the resurrection - Keith Hunt)

     In 1991, the leaders of Europe signed the Maastricht Treaty,
which consolidated the fifteen nations of the European Union into
the world's first true superstate. Both the prophecy of
Daniel (Daniel 7) and John's predictions (Revelation 13 and 17)
confirm that the Roman Empire would be revived in the final days.
     In 1957, after two devastating world wars and the death of
fifty million people, the political leaders of Europe held a
conference to plan an unprecedented European superstate, creating
a unique confederation between the major nations of Western
Europe for the first time since the Roman emperors. Initially six
European countries signed the 1957 Treaty of Rome and laid the
foundation for the future United States of Europe. A powerful
European statesman, Henri Spaak, the former secretary-general of
NATO, admitted during a BBC documentary on the European Union:

"We felt like Romans on that day. . . . We were consciously
re-creating the Roman Empire once more." 

     Now fifteen nations comprise the EU: Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom.

(Since Jeffrey wrote this book in 2001, the United Europe has
mushroomed in the number of nations that belong to it - Keith
     The European Union has evolved into an economic, political,
and potentially, a powerful military colossus that will dominate
world events in the near future. The emerging European
superstate is ruled by the appointed president of the European
Commission together with the twenty-one non-elected members who
create the rules and taxes that administer the EU from the
thirteenth floor of the Berlaymont, an enormous government
building in Brussels, Belgium. The directly elected European
Parliament has 626 members and has gradually increased its
executive powers over laws and taxation since the Treaty of
Amsterdam (May 1, 1999). The 1991 Maastricht Treaty (Treaty of
the European Union) solidified the unification of the nations
occupying the territory of the ancient Roman Empire through its
creation of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The Maastricht
Treaty provided for the creation of the world's first
international currency, the Euro, as well as for the European
Central Bank and the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The
political consolidation of the EU has produced a common European
citizenship and passport, a single High Court, a European Central
Bank and currency, with a common foreign policy defended by a
European army. Joint European political, economic, and military
control has produced the first unified power in Europe since the
days of ancient Rome.

     It is significant to note that former German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl revealed a plan by the major powers of the European
Union (France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Spain) to unite
politically, economically, and militarily, as well as to
surrender their individual sovereignty. This plan suggests that
this inner circle of five powers will be surrounded by the other
European Union members who will unite economically but retain
some political sovereignty - at least initially. Then, the plan
envisions another five key members of the superstate eventually
submerging their national sovereignty as they join in a
ten-nation confederation. The outer circle of additional nations
of the European Union will retain some of their political
autonomy during the transition period.

     The Western European Union (WEU) was created in 1954 as
another key European organization responsible for coordination of
European military strategy. The WEU originally had six members -
Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and
Luxembourg - and now includes Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece.
There is a powerful move within the European Union to have the
WEU replace NATO and provide for joint European defense
themselves. To further this project, Britain and France have
created a 100,000-man rapid reaction military force that provides
an important initial step toward the creation of a powerful
European military force that can act independently from the
Unites States and NATO.

(It is only going to be 10 nations united together to fight
Christ on his return. Those 10 giving their mind and strength to
the "beast man" may not be known until we get closer to the
return of Christ. So it may not be until during the "Day of the
Lord" that the 10 form together, with the kings of the East
[Revelation 16] to try and fight Jesus and His armies. Such will
be the deceptions on the earth, that the most powerful nations
then in control of the earth will literally try to make war with
Christ - Keith Hunt)



All of this truth about the Last resurrected Holy Roman Empire
can be found in many in-depth studies on my Website, under
"prophecy" and "end times" - Keith Hunt



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