Chapter Ninety-three:
Paul writes to Titus
Certainly in Acts 6, we havec church members being a PART of the choosing of 7 men, to the function of "deacon" or serving in such physical matters of
the laying on of hands. But, what I'm saying is that it was NOT ALWAYS done that way, having the congregations consent per se. Titus was clearly given the personal responsibility to ordain or appoint "elders" in every city. Some Elders no matter if appointed by another individual Elder, or by a group of Elders, or even with the blessing of an entire organization, will NOT remain faithful, but will turn into FALSE ministers. This is plainly revealed to us in Acts 20:17-31. How can we know who is a true minister of the Lord? Well, Jesus gave us one answer, "By their FRUITS you shall know them." And in Isaiah 8:20 it is written, if they speak not according to this word (the law and the testimony - God's word) there is no light in them. Every individual member of the body of Christ is responsible to search the Scriptures, to determine WHO at all times is remaining a faithful minister of God. For the record and for the enquiring mind, I was ordained a minister of Jesus Christ, by the consent of two congregations I was leading, and by 10 ministers of an organization, in the year of 1982. At the age of 40. Paul reiterates to Titus the main qualifications of an Elder. Those we looked at in some detail in the first epistle to Timothy, and are further expounded upon in various studies on my Website (verses 5-9). FALSE MINISTERS One of the qualifying signs of a true minister of God is that he is able with skill, and sound doctrine, to exhort and convince the gainsayers. For, Paul once more repeats, there are MANY, not few, but many unruly and VAIN talkers out there, men who are DECEIVERS!! In Paul's day it was among the "circumcision" party where many deceivers came from. Today it could be from a myriad of religious theologies and denominations. Paul again pulled no punches in talking about false ministers and prophets. He said their mouths needed to be STOPPED! They perverted whole houses, teaching things they ought not, because of money, a pay check. Too many live quite nicely, even more than nicely, from the Gospel, from the ability to smooth talk their way into the pocket books of "good people" - nice hearted but gullible people. Paul, in thinking about some of these deceivers from the Cretians of his time, used one of their own prophets to disrobe them, who admitted they were often, liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. Yes, I mean Paul sometimes said it as it was, plain truth talk, just firing both barrels at the same time. And because this is the way it is FAR too often in religion, he told Titus, "Wherefore REBUKE them SHARPLY, that they may be SOUND in the faith. Not giving heed to Jewish FABLES, and the commandments of MEN, that TURN (they really knew better at one time) from the TRUTH" (verses 9-14). Wow!! Not at all the way that most think a minister of the Gospel should act towards people. You mean he must use SHARP REBUKE at times? Yes, indeed, such was the teaching of the apostle Paul. He was not yet finished telling it straight about false ministers. He went on to say that their minds are defiled, impure, so everything would be impure and defiled that they taught and lived, the bottom line of it would be so. Oh, they may come to people looking like an angel of light, outward show and words can be real deceptive (many have lost their life savings to men who came to them looking good and speaking sweet words, making their work and their business deals look so clean and rosy and righteous), yet the inner side is dark and from the greatest deceiver of all - see 2 Cor.11:13-15). Paul said that such, "Profess that they KNOW God, but in works they DENY him, being ABOMINABLE, and DISOBEDIENT, and unto every (real) good work REPROBATE" (verses 15-16). As Jesus said, you shall know them by their fruits. If you have your nose in the Bible and you yourself are trying to live by every word of God, you will soon know who the false ministers are and who are the true servants of the Most High. CHAPTER TWO Paul gives so much good instruction in the first half of this chapter that we need to read it from the Amplified Bible: "But (as for) you, teach what is fitting and becoming to sound (wholesome) doctrine (the character and right living that identify true Christians). Urge the older men to be temperate, venerable (serious), sensible, self-controlled, and sound in the faith, in the love, and in the steadfastness and patience (of Christ). Bid the older women similarly to be reverent and devout in their deportment as becomes those engaged in sacred service, not slanderers or slaves to drink. They are to give good counsel and be teachers of what is right and noble. So that they will wisely train the young women to be sane and sober of mind (temperate, disciplined) and to love their husbands and their children. To be self-controlled, chaste, home-makers, good-natured (kindhearted) adapting and subordinating themselves to their husbands, that the word of God may not be exposed to reproach (blasphemed or discredited). In a similar way, urge the younger men to be self-restrained and to behave prudently (taking life seriously). And show your own self in all respects to be a pattern and a model of good deeds and works, teaching what is unadulterated, showing gravity (having the strictest regard for truth and purity of motive), with dignity and seriousness. And let your instructions be sound and fit and wise and wholesome, vigorous and irrefutable and above censure, so that the opponent may be put to shame, finding nothing discrediting or evil to say about us. (Tell) bond servants to be submissive to their masters, to be pleasing and give satisfaction in every way. (Warn them) not to talk back or contradict. Nor to steal by taking things of small value, but to prove themselves truly loyal and entirely reliable and faithful throughout, so that in everything they may be an ornament and do credit to the teaching (which is) from and about God our Savior" (verses 1-10). While most of the above instructions from Paul is self evident, as to what is true Christianity in action, words, and attitude, I do want to give some emphasis to the section concerning women, the young and the old. Why? Not because they above men need some special help in living, no not at all. Men need just as much help in living rightly. I want to give emphasis to the women because they so often get neglected in many of the Churches of God (which is a shame upon the church of Christ). Women have a VERY IMPORTANT part to play in the life of the Christian community and body of Christ. More important than many realize. They are usually the first teachers of the children. They should be a main-stay and pillar of the family. And notice, Paul says the older women are to teach the younger women, and he lists some very crucial areas of life that need to be taught to the younger women. There is nothing here about the "ministry" doing all this kind of teaching to the younger women. The minister is NOT to be the end-all, the know-all, the instructor of all, in the body of Christ. The older WOMEN have a mighty instructional role to play in the church. It is time that the ministry SHOUT this out to God's people .... the OLDER WOMEN ARE TO BE INSTRUCTORS OF RIGHTEOUS LIVING TO THE YOUNGER WOMEN. The minister of God need to get some things clearly straight in his mind, and this is one of them, he is not to be the instructor of certain areas of life to the younger women, the OLDER women are to do this! And the minister of the Lord needs to remember the instructions of Paul as found in 1 Corinthians 14:35 (first half). If women have questions about anything raised in the theological world of church service, "when you come together" (1 Cor.14:26), they are to ASK THEIR HUSBANDS AT HOME. They are not to run off to the minister for answers, and the minister is not to think he is the all-in-all answering machine for every person in the congregation. Husbands then are to be up-on-things so to speak, they are to be theologically on-top-of-things. How these two sides of the church have been abused and neglected by some parts of the body of Christ down through the ages, is a disgrace. I have lived through the workings of a religious organization that thought the Elder or Elders were the cat's-meow, the film-stars, the Encyclopedia par-excellence, for all members to come to for all knowledge, advice, and counsel, on all matters. We have just seen where in two passages, Paul puts such a vain idea into the trash basket of theological hog-wash. You older women have a VERY important ministry within the working of the body of Christ, and so do you husbands. Paul proceeds from his above instructions of Christian living in different aspects for different persons, into the wonderful grace and salvation given to us from God the Father through Jesus Christ. That alone should make us want to live according to the will and holiness of the Father. The blessing of having forgiveness of sin by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, should turn us away from ungodliness, worldly passions, and want us to live temperate, self-controlled, upright, spiritually whole lives. And all of that will automatically have us looking for the realization of our hope in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus the Messiah. He was the one who redeemed us, bought us back, purchased us, and gave us freedom from our sins, in order to purify for Himself a people who would be zealous and enthusiastic about living a life filled with good deeds in service to others, and a holy life pleasing to God. Titus was to remind the Christians he came in contact with about these things. He was to urge them, encourage them, even rebuke with authority at times. Paul told him to let no man despise or disregard or think little of him. Titus was to conduct himself in life and teachings as to deserve respect (verses 11- 15). CHAPTER THREE Titus was to tell the brethren to be good citizens, to respect in the main the societies we live in. And to be ready to do good works. Christians should be "good works people" - helping and serving others, in various ways, that are within our means, budgets, natural abilities, and talents. Again, these words by Paul about being "subject to principalities, and powers, to obey magistrates" must be taken in the light of the entire Bible and what is common logic of Godliness. Christians do not have to respect, obey, submit to the ways, dictates and rules of government powers such as the Nazi Government under Hitler and his thugs of Germany and World War Two mentality. As Peter once said to those who wanted him and the apostles to live NOT according to God's will, "We ought to obey God than men" (Acts 5:29). Verse two has been argued about by some. saying the truth of the matter about evil teachings or specifically evil persons, and their evil deeds, should not be done. This can hardly be what Paul is saying, for he has in his letters to Timothy and Titus given us NAMES of people and their evil teachings or attitudes and ways of life. The Greek word for "speak evil" gives us the answer - it means "slander" "to make false statements about" "to attribute evil for good." There are times when the sins and evil of some do need to be exposed, in no uncertain a manner. We need to be sure we have the facts straight, and to not say anything that is a false statement about anyone. Paul puts it all within a context, for he goes on to say we should not be a contentious person, but to be forbearing, conciliatory, courteous. Our overall attitude and way of life is to be showing the attributes of what real love is, as Paul outlines in 1 Corinthians 13. It is only in rare situations and under circumstances where there is no other way, that sins and evil of people are to be openly shown for what they are, and then you had better be sure it is all correct, so no one is slandered. For the apostle Paul says, in all your doings, remember that we ourselves "were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving different lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another (verses 1-3). It was after we were sinners that the love of God our Savior was manifest towards us. It was not because we had done some good works to deserve His grace, and where He was then obliged to forgive us our sins, but it was purely through His mercy that He saved us, by renewing our minds, washing us clean by the Holy Spirit. Which Holy Spirit was shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior. We were made righteous, forgiven our sins, justified, by His grace, and so made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Titus was to affirm always that those who believed in God were to maintain good works, which would be profitable unto men. Titus was to avoid foolish questions, endless debates on genealogies, contentious talk, silly striving about the law, for such was only unprofitable and vain. But as is human nature, some people love to get into contentious debates that are useless in spiritual edification, and only produce some sort of human vanity in the mind of those so engaged in those types of conversations. Such attitudes of mind and conversations usually lead to some getting way off beam, way out in left field, bringing in ideas and teachings that are from planet Pluto. It does happen in the Churches of God at times. Such people become "heretics" - so serious can it be that if not stopped it will rise to divisions and sects within the church. Paul instructed Titus to admonish a few times such individuals, but after the THIRD admonition, they were to be rejected. This was serious sin and subversity, open enough that the person was condemned of himself. We are hear speaking of "church disfellowshipment" and I have covered that subject in some detail on the same named subject on this Website. Paul desired Titus to come to him at Nicopolis, where Paul was going to stay for the winter. Titus was to help in some way to bring Zenas the lawyer and Appolos on their journey, so they lacked nothing they needed for their travels. Others both Titus and Paul knew, were to maintain good works, so they would not be unfruitful. All that were with Paul sent greetings to Titus. Those that loved Paul and those with him were to be greeted. Paul finishes with, "Grace be with you all. Amen" (verses 4-15). ................... Written November 2006 |
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