Sunday, May 5, 2024



 New Testament Bible

Chapter One hundred-thirty-five:

The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #6

                             THE NEW TESTAMENT

                                   BIBLE STORY


                                                  Keith Hunt 

                      Chapter One hundred-thirty-five

                      The REVELATION of Jesus Christ

                              Chapters 4 to 7


     John is in vision in heaven, he sees a throne and One sat on
the throne. A voice like trumpet says "Come, and I will show you
things that must be hereafter (verse 1-2).
     He that sat on the throne looked like the crystalline
brightness of jasper and the fiery sardius (Amplified Bible), and
a rainbow of emerald round about the throne. There were 24
"elders" sitting on 24 seats, they were clothed in white and on
their heads was a golden crown (verses 3-4).
     We are not given any information about the elders, we
speculate they were created beings of the Father just as angels
are. We do know for certain, from the Scriptures, they are not
human beings that were glorified in immortality. There proceeded
from the throne lightnings, thunder and voices: seven lamps of
fire were burning, which were to represent the Seven Spirits of
God, which were the seven angels of the seven churches we have
just finished reading about. Before the throne was a sea of glass
looking like that of crystal. Four "beasts" were around and in
the midst of the throne, they had eyes before them and behind
them. The first beast was like a "lion" - the second like a
"calf" - the third like a "man" - the fourth like a "flying
eagle." Each beast had six wings that were full of eye all over
them. They did not rest or sleep, all day and night (not that
there is night in heaven - just a way of saying - continually)
but said, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and
is, and is to come." When those beasts give thanks and honor to
Him that sat on the throne, then the 24 elders would fall down
before Him that sat on the throne, and would cast their crowns
down before the throne (verses 5-10).
     The last verses indicated the four creatures did not keep
saying "Holy, holy, holy etc. 24/7. But when they did praise,
then the elders would bow down, and would say, "Thou art worthy,
O Lord to receive glory, honor, and power, for thou hast created
all things; and for Thy PLEASURE  they are and were created."

     Interesting are those last few words. God takes pleasure in
creating things. He has the emotion of "pleasure" - enjoyment in
various things He creates. He is an artist, likes to create even
for just the fun of it, and the warm pleasure He get from His
creations. We sometimes forget that God, who made us, with
emotions, has those same emotions also. It should not surprise
us, as God said in the beginning, "Let us make man in our image."
And so He did, even with the emotions He has, He gave to use
also. When you read through the Bible take note at all the
different emotions God has.


     God the Father, who is the One sitting on that heavenly
throne, had in His right hand a scroll shut tight with SEVEN
seals. An angel goes forth proclaiming, "Who is worthy to open
the book and loose the seven seals?"
     There was no one (as the Greek should read) in heaven, or on
earth, or anywhere else for that matter, who was found worthy,
either to open or even look upon the book. John said he wept,
because no one was found worthy to open the seals and into the
book. Then an elder came forth to John and said, "Weep not;
behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah; the root of David; has
prevailed; He is worthy to open the book and loose the seven
seals." This is of course talking about Jesus the Christ. He is
worthy to loose the seven seals and read the book.

     John looks and behold he sees a Lamb (meaning the Son of
man, Jesus) in the midst of the four beasts and the 24 elders.
The Lamb looked like it had been slain, and it had seven horns
and seven eyes, which represented the seven Spirits sent forth
into the earth. Seven is God's number for COMPLETION or
PERFECTION. Jesus came and took the book out of the hand of Him
sitting on the throne. As Jesus takes the book, the 4 beasts and
24 elders bow or prostrate themselves before Him, each of them
has a harp type musical instrument, and golden vials which are
full of incense, which represent the prayers of the saints. They
sang a new song, saying:

"Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals, for you
were slain, and did redeem THEM (is the correct reading) - humans
- to God by Thy blood, from every kindred, and tongue, and
people, and nation; And has made THEM unto our God, kings and
priests; and THEY shall reign on earth (verses 1-10).

     Yes, the saints, those redeemed by the precious blood of the
Lamb will be under Christ, kings and priests during the 1,000
years of the Kingdom of God on earth, and so then shall reign on
EARTH, not up in heaven. So is the truth of all your Bible, as I
have elsewhere fully explained in various studies.

     John hears the voices of many angels, beasts, and the
elders, around the throne, the number being ten thousand times
ten thousand ... and thousands of thousands ... now that was a
mighty lot indeed, and they said, "Worthy is the Lamb that was
slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and
honor, and glory, and blessing."
     John then in symbolic form, not in any literal way, hears
every creature in earth's heaven, on the earth, in the sea, all
saying, "Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him
that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever."
     It is that all creation is acknowledging the Most High and
His Son Jesus the Christ.
     Then we are told the four beasts said, "AMEN! And the four
and twenty elders fell down and worshipped Him that lives for
ever and ever."

     What a scene, now if Hollywood would try to duplicate that
on the big screen, with their modern space age effects, what an
effect that would be. It would take your breath away!


     We read at the beginning of this book that it is the
REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST, so it is fitting that the
interpretation of the seals of the book, be revealed to us BY
Jesus Christ. And they are. The interpretation of them is found
in the book of Matthew, chapter 24.
     You will notice in verse 5 of Matthew 24 what Jesus gave as
the SIGNS leading up to His visible and bodily return to this
earth. The first sign was people coming in His name, saying that
Jesus was indeed the Christ, but would DECEIVE the MANY, not the
few. Then there would be WARS and talk of war. Then comes FAMINE.
Then comes PESTILENCE.
     Going back to Revelation 6. We have:

THE WHITE HORSE, but the rider has a bow. Jesus has a sword when
He is depicted in prophecy. This white horse rider goes forth to
conquer. This first seal is the RELIGIOUS DECEPTION on the earth,
under the name of Christ, and white righteousness. It will
deceive the MANY!

THE RED HORSE, is the second seal of the book, and it is WARFARE
on the earth.

THE BLACK HORSE, is the third seal, and him on this horse has
balances, to weigh the wheat and the barley, and careful with the
oil and wine. Obviously this is FAMINE!

THE PALE HORSE and its rider, represents DEATH, WITH A MIXTURE OF
the above two seals. The fourth part of the earth is given to
this rider and seal. There will be death via the sword, hunger,
beasts of the earth, and death. This is the PESTILENCE of Matthew
24. And what a pestilence it will be. This seal alone is
horrific, nothing like it in the history of mankind, up to the
opening of this seal of the book.


     Back in Matthew 24, Jesus goes on to talk about, His
followers being delivered up to be afflicted and even killed,
verse 9.

     Back in Revelation 6:9-11, we find in symbolic form the
saints under the altar (sure are not there in any physical or
real living way, would be pretty crowded under the heavenly
altar. And knowing the truth about death, we know the saints do
not go on living when they die - so this is figuratively
speaking) crying out to God that they should be avenged. They
died for the faith once delivered, for obeying the Word of God.
Figuratively then, all the children of God from the time of Adam,
and especially those who had to die for the true faith, are
asking God when they can expect to be avenged. They are in the
vision, dressed in white robes, yes, white robes to represent the
righteousness of God (chapter 19:7-8), and one important Bible
definition of righteousness is found in Psalm 119:172 - all of
God's commandments are righteousness.
     They are told they have to yet wait for a season, because
some of their fellowservants or saints, must yet be killed for
the faith, before Jesus comes again to earth (verse 11).
     We shall again see in other chapters of Revelation, that
this fact is so very true. There will yet come beyond all of
today (if you are still reading this Website, then the Beast
power has not yet conquered the Western world, for when it does,
this Website will be no more, I guarantee you that - so I hope
you will appreciate it while you can) another great killing of
the true saints of God.

THE SIXTH SEAL IS OPENED, and what do we have, but unthinkable
and devastating signs in the universe. There will be a massive
earthquake, the sun will become as black as sackcloth of hair,
the moon as blood. The stars or chunks of meteors will fall from
heaven to earth, just as the leaves or fruit of the fig tree drop
to the ground in a violent storm. The heavens will be kind of
rolled up and mountains will be levelled and islands moved from
their place in the waters and seas. People of all ranks, from
kings to the farmers will try to hide themselves in the caves of
the earth. They will for a time realize there is a God in heaven
and they want to hide from Him and His son. That will be somewhat
short lived, for we will read later that even as the MIGHTY day
of God's WRATH is unfolding, many will still continue to curse
Him and stay in their sins.
     In Matthew 24; after the GREAT TRIBULATION - the killing of
the people of God (which by the way will not only be the saints
but it is the time also when Judah - the Jews, and All the
tribes/people of Israel will be taken captive and at least two
thirds will die by the time the DAY OF THE LORD arrives), there
will be the HEAVENLY SIGNS, read Matthew 24:15-28; then note
verse 29! There it is, Jesus interprets Himself - the heavenly
signs come AFTER the killing of some of the saints of God. 
     It is CLEAR, it is a one, two, three - the KILLING of
saints, THEN the HEAVENLY SIGNS, THEN Revelation 6:17 - THE GREAT
     I have given you MANY studies on this Website to prove to
you what Revelation 6 and Matthew 24 is all about. I ask the
reader to study them all as they are the detail studies, so I
will not even come close to repeating those events and Scriptures


     Revelation 6:17 is the start of the prophetic DAY OF THE
LORD. As prophecy does often use a day to represent a year, as
just about all who try to understand prophecy will agree, then it
COULD be possible that the DAY OF THE LORD, the DAY OF HIS WRATH,
will be about ONE YEAR in length. Notice I said "could be" and
"ABOUT" one year in length. Do not make the mistake of COUNTING
on that, and have mud on your face if that year comes and goes
and Jesus has not yet returned. If you are alive when all these
things happen, then I can tell you that once into the Day of the
Lord, Jesus will not be FAR from coming back, but do not set your
mind on a "calendar" date.


     Read it for what it is and simply BELIEVE it!  We are into
an INTERLUDE from opening the SEVENTH SEAL. That seal is not
opened until chapter 8, see it for yourself, notice 8:1. There
that's easy right? Yes indeed it is.

     Four angels hold back the four winds of the earth - an
interlude time.  Then another angel from the east having THE SEAL
of God shouts to the four angels, which will hurt the earth once
they are allowed to blow their winds. They are told to, Hurt not
the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have SEALED
the servants of our God in their foreheads. This is being sealed
with the Holy Spirit of God that will for these people not only
the means salvation in them, but protection from the physical
harm to come on the earth during the Day of God's wrath. Saints
are sealed with the Holy Spirit in having salvation, see
Ephesians 1:3.

     The sealing of these specific people is given to us. All we
need do is read it for what it says. 12,000 from each tribe of
Israel will be SEALED! Pure and simple is chapter 7:1-8. I do not
know why the tribe of Dan is not included. I guess we'll have to
ask Jesus about that when He comes back.


     Revelation verse 9-17 are NOT a part of the "story flow" -
they are INSET verses. We have just seen that 12,000 from each
tribe of Israel are sealed for salvation. As the thought was on
sealing, the Lord Jesus wants you to know that "sealing" for
salvation is NOT JUST an "Israelite" prize or gift. So we are in
our story put FORWARD in time, to when the RESURRECTION of ALL
saints has happened, and all from all nations of the earth are
standing and LIVING in the very presence of God the Father and
Jesus the Christ. They have attended the WEDDING of the Lamb as
His bride, they are dressed in white robes (see chapter 19:7-9).
They are shouting, or singing, "Salvation to our God, which sits
upon the throne, and unto the Lamb (Jesus)." The angels, the four
beasts of heaven, the elders, all fall down, bow down, and
worship God. They say, "Amen! Blessing, and glory, and wisdom,
and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our
God for ever and ever. Amen!" 

     An elder speaks up and asks what are these people that are
dressed in white robes, and from where do they come. Now, he
probably asks this FOR OUR SAKE, so we today can know from where
they come. The elder in heaven I would think, would really know,
but for our sake today, the question is asked.
     The answer is given. They are those who came out of great
tribulation and have endured to the end, through the blood of
Christ they washed their robes and made them white. Salvation is
ONLY through the blood of Christ.
     This is probably a general statement, the part of the whole
used for the entire whole. It is what the Bible does at times.
The focus is given to those who did literally go through great
tribulation, like as the apostle Paul and others did down through
the past ages. But the rest of the saints, who maybe had no
physical tribulation in their lives, are NOT EXCLUDED. It is a
part of the whole, standing for the entire whole. We know from
MANY other Scriptures that ALL God's children will live before
Him, the first resurrection WILL RAISE ALL the past saints up to
that very point when Jesus comes at the last trumpet sound and
the first resurrection takes place. Again, all of that truth is
covered in various studies on this Website.
     Certainly down through the ages THOUSANDS of the children of
God have gone through great tribulation to keep faithful to the
Most High.
     Here is the part standing for the whole. We are transported
into the time when God's children from ALL nations will be living
in glory, serving the Most High for all eternity, and this
section of Revelation actually goes into the time of the new
heaven and the new earth of chapter 21,22. For notice it, verse
15. He that sits on the throne - the Father, the Most Holy One,
SHALL DWELL AMONG THEM! Ah, this is chapter 21:3. It is the time
when the Father shall come down, with the heavenly Jerusalem, to
DWELL with His children. 

     Then indeed, "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any
more, neither shall the sun light on them nor any heat. For the
Lamb (Jesus) which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them,
and shall lead them unto living fountains of water: and God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes" (verse 16-17). 

     Yes, finally all is completed eventually, and the very words
of Revelation chapters 21 and 22 are a reality. Indeed VERY GOOD
NEWS beyond all the horrific events to come on the earth and its
people that are recorded in the chapters of Jesus' Revelation.

     But now we must get back to the story flow, and into the
very DAY OF THE LORD mentioned in dozens of verses throughout the
prophetic books of the Bible.



To be continued

 New Testament Bible

Chapter One hundred-thirty-six:

The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #7

                             THE NEW TESTAMENT

                                    BIBLE STORY


                                                    Keith Hunt 

                      Chapter One hundred-thirty-six

                     The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #7

                              Chapters 8 - 10


     The SEVENTH SEAL is now to be opened. There was silence in
heaven for about half an hour. Why this silence? We are not told.
We can only speculate. Is it a "hush" in the now reality that the
ages have waited for - the last stage leading up to the coming of
the Messiah in glory and power to destroy those who are
destroying the earth, and to finally usher in the Kingdom of God
on earth for the promised 1,000 years of the RESTITUTION of all
things. Or maybe its the serious awe of the universe, the angels
and all other created creatures, holding their breath so to
speak, for now is coming the very personal and direct time of
God's wrath on this earth.
     Whatever the reason, the truth of the matter is that in
God's heaven there will be SILENCE for about half an hour. That
part of eternal history no doubt the host of heaven will always
remember, SILENCE in heaven, no praising or singing or playing of
music or sounds of thunder and whatever else those beings in
heaven do - for a very short time, there will be SILENCE! (verse

     The seven angels standing before God are given SEVEN
TRUMPETS. As we proceed, it becomes clear that the SEVENTH seal
IS comprised of SEVEN TRUMPET SOUNDS (verse 2).

     Another angel comes and stands at the heavenly altar, having
a golden censer or bowl. He has much incense, and he offers it up
with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which is
before the very throne of God. The smoke of the incense with the
prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angels'
hand. The angel then takes the censer, fills it with fire, and
throws it onto the earth. There were voices, thunder, lightning,
and a great earthquake (verses 3-5).
     All very real but symbolic. All done in heaven and no person
on earth shall see it happen. But the reality of it happening
will surely be felt afterwards by what then takes place on the
earth. God starts to flex His muscles.

     The seven angels are ready to blow their trumpets.


     The first angel sounds his trumpet, there followed a great
hail and fire mingled with blood, being cast down on the earth,
it burnt up a THIRD of all trees, and all the green grass was
burnt up (verses 6-7).
     This alone is mind-dumbing. This has never happened to the
earth since it was created, in the scale and depth of it all. We
can only imagine in part, what this will look and sound like.


     The second angel sounds his trumpet. A great mountain like
whatever, with fire was cast into the sea: a THIRD part of the
sea became blood. A THIRD part of the creatures in the sea that
had life were killed; and a THIRD part of the ships on the sea
were destroyed (verses 8-9). 
     This is really getting "freaky" - it's like a strange horror
movie taking place. But, however all this unfold and whatever the
sight of what makes all this happen is like, we are told the END
RESULT! And it is far from being anything but catastrophic. These
end results are how they read, no symbolism here, they will
happen, as the plain words we are reading say.


     A great "star" from heaven falls to earth. As stars can
represent angels, could this be an angel coming to earth, burning
as it were a lamp. It falls, in whatever way, a miracle perhaps,
on the THIRD part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of water.
Whatever this is it is called "wormwood" (wormwood is a bitter
plant and grows in desert type areas). The third part of waters
became wormwood, so bitter, and obviously even more than bitter
because MANY died from the wormwood waters. This has never
happened on the earth as yet, so it is yet to come.


     Now the sun and moon and stars are greatly effected, exactly
HOW we are not told, but we are told the result: the THIRD part
of them is DARKENED. The day shone not for a third part, and the
night also shone not for a third part. Again, this sounds
science-fiction stuff, but it will happen during the early part
of the DAY OF THE LORD. The DAY of God's WRATH. 

     John then beholds and hears an angel; flying through the
heaven and saying, "WOE, WOE, WOE, to the inhabitants of the
earth by reason of the other voices of the TRUMPET of the THREE
angels which are yet to sound!"


     The FIFTH angel sounds - the FIFTH TRUMPET. A star falls
from heaven to earth, and to him (indicating this is an angel)
was given the key to unlock the bottomless pit. He opened the pit
and smoke arose, as like from a great furnace. The sun and air
were darkened by the smoke. Out comes LOCUSTS on the earth, they
had power on the earth like scorpions have - a mighty sting! 
     This is obviously "symbols" we are now seeing through John.
He is transported in vision to the Day of God's Wrath, and the
things he sees would have been so strange and also terrifying, he
had to use language that his mind could relate to. 
     Scorpions as used in Nahum 3, which is a prophecy about the
Assyrian Empire. The Assyrians eventually migrated through Europe
and are the GERMAN people today. Mt.Craig White has done years of
detailed research on the German people and where they came from.
He now has a large detailed book (called "In search of THE GREAT
GERMAN NATION." You can purchase from:

Barnes and

     This 5th trumpet is the resurrection of the Holy Roman
Empire out of Europe, that is today gaining more POWER and more
IMPORTANCE on the world scene. It will eventually be ONE of the
TWO LAST GREAT powers on the earth. At the outset of the GREAT
TRIBULATION, Judah (the Jews) and MOST of the rest of the WESTERN
world (who are the very House of Israel - see Website
for the most detailed truth on that subject) will have been
destroyed and taken captive by this European LAST resurrected
Holy Roman Empire. All that remains by the sounding of this FIRST
WOE, or 5th TRUMPET, is for the mighty Satan controlled Beast
Power of Europe to conquer the EASTERN world (of Russia, Chins,
India, Japan, etc.) who will by this time be the ONLY other WORLD
     Whatever space age technology they have by that time, they
will be commanded by God, allowed by God, to ONLY hurt the
persons who have NOT the seal of God. They will not be allowed to
hurt the trees, the grass, or any green thing. They will NOT
KILL, they will only "torment" people like the torment of a
scorpion, when they strike a person. They will TORMENT people for
     In those days people will WANT TO DIE, but they will not be
allowed to die. Some kind of miracle God will have to perform
here, people desiring to die, seeking to die, but shall not be
able to die.
     The vision type locust scorpions were shaped like horses
prepared for battle (that's the only way John could put it in
human terms of his day); on their heads were crowns of gold (they
were kings of warfare we might say); and they had the faces of
men (showing man was behind these war machines). They had the
hair of a woman (probably the air flowing behind them looked to
John like the hair of women blown in the wind). They had teeth,
what you bite with, and cause pain, like that of a lions. Their
breastplates were like iron - they were indeed mechanical
machines of war. The sound of their wings (the sound of them
flying through the heaven) was like the sound of many horse
pulled chariots running to battle. Their tails were like that of
a scorpion, for the result was like that of scorpions stinging
people - out from them came the sting. For their POWER was to
HURT people for FIVE months, not to kill them but only to hurt
them, but the sting will be so horrible, people will want to die,
but God will not allow them to die.
     The king over them was the angel from the bottomless pit,
whose name in the Hebrew tongue is "Abaddon, but in the Greek
tongue his name is Apollyon. The word means "destroyer" (verses

     In other in-depth studies on this Website the BEASTS of
REVELATION are fully expounded. The great one who will have
control of the "beast" man and the "false prophet" man of later
chapters of Revelation, will be Satan the Devil. This 5th TRUMPET
or first WOE, is the workings of the BEAST POWER as the
resurrected RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL power of the Holy Roman
Empire of Europe. It will have ALREADY destroyed the people of
Israel - Judah and Israel - conquered the Western world. It will
have ALREADY killed MANY of the saints of God, true Christians
who cannot be deceived by this Babylon Mystery Religion of a
Roman Catholic governed European power. Now this mighty Empire
will strike at the remaining power, the people in the EAST, on
the other side of the Euphrates river.


     The SECOND WOE and its trumpet angel will sound. A voice
from the four corner of the altar in heaven, tell this 6th angel
to sound, and loose the four angels stationed in at the river
Euphrates. These four angels let loose what they have been
holding back. It was for a certain DAY, HOUR, MONTH, and YEAR,
and now it is. A whole THIRD of mankind (from those still
remaining after all that has transpired so far on earth) are
KILLED by the events of the 6th trumpet sound or second woe.
     The army is a staggering two hundred thousand thousand. 
The people of the EAST can indeed number such an army.

     Again, John put it in terms he understood in his day. This
army is like men on horses, with breastplates of fire, of
jacinth, and brimstone. They had heads of lions, out of their
mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
     What a sight, it was terrifying for John to see all this,
and to see in vision a THIRD part of mankind killed by this army
from over the east of the river Euphrates. This army had tails
like a serpent, ready to sting and kill. Even their heads could
kill and hurt people. It was for John no doubt an unbelievable
future scene he saw in vision in heaven. 
     By the end of this 6th trumpet (second woe) the earth and
its people on it ... well there really are not the words to say
it. Truly, even with all the wars down through the centuries of
mankind, even with the great FIRST and SECOND world wars of the
20th century, there is NOTHING TO COME CLOSE to what the earth
and its people will face in the future.
     People of God WANT, they DESIRE, Jesus to come again, to
bring in the Kingdom of God on earth, and certainly we look to
that day, BUT .... before that can happen, we have to face the
prophecy (all of it) in the book of Revelation!!
     The only way the world could evade this prophecy is for the
nations to REPENT! And that is VERY UNLIKELY INDEED!
     You would think by this time in our prophecy, the people of
the world, the MAJORITY of them at least, would REPENT IN DUST
think by this time they would have LEARNT the lesson - got the
MESSAGE - and would be ready to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior!
BUT NO! Look what is written in 9:20-21.

"And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues:
yet REPENTED NOT of the works of their hands, that they should
not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and
of wood,: which can neither see, hear, nor walk. They DID NOT
REPENT of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their
immorality, nor of their thefts" (verses 13-21).

     They STILL, after all the power of the universe comes on
them, in all that has gone before, WILL NOT REPENT!!
     They will not admit SIN, see where they are living contrary
to God's way of life and righteousness. They will set their
hearts and minds to be as concrete. They will "grit their teeth"
and still REFUSE to REPENT!
     It BLOWS ME AWAY! To think people will have this attitude.
How they must love the "things" - the physical riches, the gold,
the silver, the brass, the "gadgets" of our space age. How they
must love just wanting to "do their own thing" - have sex when
and with whom they choose, as many times as they can, love their
jobs, and certainly ain't willing to rest on the day God claims
is His. How they must love the razzle and dazzle of the physical
world and the sin that goes with it all.  
     I hope and pray friends, that is NOT you! As they say, "you
can't take it with you" and sin may seem pleasurable for the
moment, and it may seem nice to not have anyone like God telling
you what to do and how to do it and when to do it. But your Bible
says, "There is a way that seems right to man, but the end result
is DEATH!"
     Many at this time of the age will see God at work all around
them, with signs that are really mind-blowing and catastrophic.
Yet most of them will still NOT repent. So is the DEPTHS of Satan
the Devil, so is the DECEPTION he will manifest in the last days,
upon the whole earth (see Rev.12:9). 


     John sees another angel come down from heaven, clothed with
a cloud; a rainbow is upon his head; his face as the sun; his
feet as pillars of fire. He has a little book open. His right
foot is upon the sea, and his left foot on the land. He cries
with a voice like a lion when roaring. When he cries out, seven
thunders shout back. After the thunders shouted, John was about
to write what it all meant. He was told "No, do not write, shut
it all up. Seal up what the seven thunders have uttered" (verses
     The angel John saw standing upon the sea and land, lifted up
his hand to heaven, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever,
who created all the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all
that there is in them. The angel announces "There should be time
no longer!"
     It is getting closer and closer to the end of this age and
the new age that is promised to come. It is fast approaching when
Jesus will return in power and glory. 
     It is in the days of the voice of the SEVENTH trumpet angel,
when he BEGINS to sound, that the Mystery of God, what He has
been doing with mankind from the creation of Adam, will be
FINISHED, just as He has declared for centuries through His
prophets (verses 5-7).

     John hears the voice from heaven that has been speaking to
him, that he should go and take the little book which is open in
the hand of the angel which stands upon the sea and land. John
obeys, and goes to the angel and asks for the little book. The
angel replies, "Take it, eat it up; it shall be in thy belly
bitter, but in thy mouth it shall be sweet as honey" (verses

     It would first taste good, like it is all okay now, it is
all pleasant now, but on going into the belly, it was bitter.
John takes the book and eats it, and yes, in his mouth it is
sweet, and comforting, like a good chocolate bar (I love
chocolate bars), but as soon as it was in his belly it was BITTER
(verse 10).

     What this little book is all about CANNOT be known, for it
was sealed up! If someone today tries to tell you what this
little book is all about, then I tell you, they are false
ministers, who do not know what they are talking about. You need
to get away from them as quickly as you can. The "little book" is
SEALED UP! It is NOT for us to know what is written in it. When
what it contains comes to pass then perhaps SOME of us will know,
but till then, it is sealed - period!

     The angel tells John he must prophesy yet more, to kings, to
nations, to many different peoples and languages.
     What he writes in the next chapters is for them to hear and
to know and to understand. Jesus is REVEALING the end time events
that MUST come on this earth before He returns to become King of
kings and Lord of lords.


To be continued

Written November 2007

 New Testament Bible

Chapter One hundred-thirty-seven:

The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #8

                             THE NEW TESTAMENT

                                   BIBLE   SIORY


                                                     Keith Hunt 

                     Chapter One hundred-thirty-seven

                     The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #8

                            Chapters 11 and 12


     Chapter 11 and 12 are INSET chapters. They go back and tell
us the story of the last 42 months of this age, the two witness
in Jerusalem preaching the truths of God, during the time when
Jerusalem shall be under the Gentile Beast power. And in chapter
12 we have the MAIN outline of the true Church of God from way
back in Jacob and Joseph's time, to the last time of "time"
(singular) "times" (plural) and "half a time" - 42 months or 1260

     This first verse some have used to try and prove that in the
end times the Jews will build a Temple in Jerusalem, and start
again to offer animal sacrifices. First, this teaching is based
on a few Scriptures in the Bible that have not be understood
correctly. Second, the fact is the Dome of the Rock would have to
be removed, and this the Islamic people would never allow. Third,
the animal-rights people would be up in arms and would probably
burn down such a physical Temple, as quickly as it went up.

     The old Bible Commentator Albert Barnes in his "Notes on the
New Testament" gives the truth of the matter.


"The measuring of the temple, verses 1,2. A reed, or measuring
stick, is given to John, and is directed to arise and measure the
temple. This direction embraces two parts: (a) he was to measure,
that is, to take an exact estimate of the temple, of the altar,
and of the true worshippers; (b) he was carefully to separate
this, in his estimate, from the outward court, which was to be
left out and to be given to the Gentiles, to be trodden under
foot, forty-two months, that is, three years and a half, or
twelve hundred and sixty days - a period celebrated in the book
of Daniel as well as in this book......
RISE AND MEASURE THE TEMPLE OF GOD. That is, ascertain its true
dimensions with the reed in your hand. Of course this could not
be understood of the LITERAL temple - whether standing or not -
for the exact measure of that was sufficiently known. 

(and if literal with some literal temple in Jerusalem at the last
time, then according to this, John was to literally measure the
people as well. Can you imagine someone going about literally
measuring people inside the temple, as well as the temple itself
- a little bit or big bit, crazy thinking I would say - Keith

The word, then, must be used of something which the temple would
denote or represent, and this would properly be the church, as
considered as the abode of God on earth. Under the old
dispensation, the Temple at Jerusalem was that abode; under the
new, that particular residence was transferred to the Church  and
God is represented as dwelling in it.... Thus the word is
undoubtedly used here, and the simple meaning that he who is thus
addressed is directed to take an accurate estimate of the true
church of God....If the direction be understood figuratively, as
applicable to the Christian church, the work to be done would be
to obtain an exact estimate or measurement of what the true
church was - as distinguished from all other bodies of men....
the court proper....There is undoubtedly reference here to the
"court of the Gentiles" as it was called among the Jews - the
outer court of the Temple to which the Gentiles has access....In
forming an estimate of those who, according to the Hebrew
notions, were true worshippers of God, only those who would be
regarded as such, who had the privilege of access to the inner
court, and to the altar.....those who had no nearer access than
that court (the court of the Gentiles), would be omitted; that
is, they would not be reckoned as necessarily any part of those
who were regarded as the people of God.....
FOR IT IS GIVEN TO THE GENTILES. It properly appertains to them
as their own,. Though near the temple, and included in the
general range of building, yet it does not pertain to those who
worship there, but to those who are regarded as heathen and
strangers....They occupied it, not as the people of God, but as
those who were WITHOUT the true church, and who did not appertain
to its real communion..... AND THE HOLY CITY. The whole holy city
- not merely the outer court of the Gentiles which is said to be
given to them, nor the Temple as such, but the ENTIRE holy city.
There is no doubt that the words "holy city" LITERALLY refers to

End Quote

     Indeed, the first verse is setting aside the true people of
God at the OUTSET of the "forty two months" (verse 2), when the
holy city will be under the control and direction of the Gentile
Beast power. It will NOT CONTROL the people of God. They shall
REMAIN FAITHFUL to the faith once delivered to the saints, even
if some of them must die for their faith. Such it has always been
when religious persecutions came over the centuries past, and so
it must be again, as we shall see in chapter 12.
     God's people will be accurately ascertained, measured
according to the Holy Temple they are as the body of Christ. The
Gentiles cannot rule over them so as to make them give up their
faith of Jesus and obedience to the commandments of God (see

     It is given for the Gentiles to rule the literal city of
God, Jerusalem, for the last 42 months of this age or 1260 days.
During that time, the Lord will have TWO witnesses LIVING and
PREACHING in Jerusalem. They are of old represented by the two
olive trees and the two candle sticks standing before God in
heaven. They have been there all along (from the distant past of
time) - see also Zechariah 4:3. We have seen in the letters of
Paul that God knew His plan for mankind before the earth came
into being. Jesus we saw had been called to do His salvation work
on this earth, before man was created, before the foundations of
the earth.  See 1 Peter 1:18-20 for that truth.
     The two olive trees and the two candlesticks in heaven have
pointed to the two witness that would come to Jerusalem, during
the last 42 months of this age (verses 1-4).

     Now, notice the POWER these two witnesses will have. If
anyone tries to kill them, they will say the word and fire will
destroy their enemies. They will have the power to shut up heaven
so that it does not rain during the time of their prophecy and
preaching. They will have power over waters to turn them to
blood, and to smite the earth with plagues, as often as they see
necessary (verses 5,6).
     All this going on in the hands of the two final open to the
world witnesses, as well as that which pertains to the opening of
the 6 seals we have been seeing. This last 42 months of history
for this age, will make any of the science-fiction movies of
Hollywood seem like Walt Disney cartoons.

     When they shall have finished their work God sets before
them, the Beast power (with the man "beast" - military leader,
and the "false prophet" religious leader) of Europe will be
allowed to kill them. Their dead bodies will lay in the street of
Jerusalem, where our Lord was crucified (verses 7-8). Their
bodies will lay there for three and one half days, just so the
world can see them dead in the street (verse 9).
     Look at verse 9 and 10! The DECEPTION the world will be in,
well nothing, will compare to it. You think we have great
deception today with Islam, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and
whatever else the world is deceived into following. The deception
in the last 42 months leading up to Christ's return, will be
WILD, just unmatched. You will have the two witnesses proclaiming
the truths of God, and performing GREAT MIRACLES, and when they
are finally killed, the people of the earth will REJOICE, make
merry, and SEND GIFTS to each other, because the torment they
plagued people with shall be over. 
     You talk about deception! This is the DEPTH of Satan's
deception. I suppose the "false prophet" will have deceived the
world into believing the Lord's two end-time witnesses to truth
and righteousness, will be from Satan, while he is from God.
Remember Revelations says the false prophet is able to work
miracles. The world will be TWISTED up-side-down. They will have
it all backwards. The religious power of the West will have
people believing the true saints of God are the heretics and from
Satan, while the religious/political Beast power is from God.

     After three and one half days the two witnesses will be
raised up back to life again (verse 11) and yes, I guess great
fear will come on them that see it all happen.
     Do not make the mistake of supposing that Jesus will come
AFTER three days and a half that the two witnesses are laying
dead in the street of Jerusalem. Do not make the mistake of
thinking the RESURRECTION to immortality takes place when the two
witnesses are raised up back to life. The verse DOES NOT SAY
THAT! Thy witnesses will have the Spirit of life in them, but the
Lord Jesus does not say it is immortal glorified life. So it
could be that the two witnesses will be raised back to flesh and
blood life ONLY. Yes, a voice does shout out for them to come up
to heaven, and they do, while their enemies behold it all. But
again, this may only be a physical miracle raising them into the
FIRST heaven only and carrying them away to where only the Lord
     The last verses of the book of Daniel give us MORE than 1260
days. Daniel will STAND (be resurrected) at the END "of the days"
mentioned in verse 12 of chapter 12.
     Be careful RIGHT TO THE END to not set dates! Jesus taught
us that NO ONE, not even He Himself, knows the DAY or HOUR of his
return to this planet earth.

     At the same hour of these two witnesses being raised to
life, there will be a GREAT earthquake, and the tenth part of the
city fell (Jerusalem that is), and in that earthquake were slain
7,000 persons, and finally SOME gave glory to God.

     We have come in verse 14 in the story flow, to the FINISH of

     Our story flow continues with verse 15 to 19. It is the

     This is the long awaited for, SEVENTH AND LAST TRUMPET!  The
long waited gloriously LAST TRUMPET, when the Kingdom of God is
to come to this earth, when Jesus is to return and the kingdoms
of this world shall become the KINGDOMS of our Lord, and of His
Christ, and shall REIGN for ever and ever (verse 15).
     The 24 elders before the throne of God, got up from their
seats and "fell upon their faces, worshipping God; and saying:
'We give thanks, O Lord God Almighty, who is, and was, and is to
come; because you have used Your great power and has reigned. The
nations were angry, and Your wrath has come; and the time of the
dead that they should be judged, and that You should reward Your
servants and prophets, and those who fear Your name, small and
great; and should destroy those who are destroying the earth'"
(verses 16-18).
     It is the time for the resurrection of the saints, the
children of God. The judgment and rewards given to the
resurrected sons and daughters of God are really the one and same
thing. I ask the reader to see my study called "The Truth about
Judgment Day." The Lord Jesus will come to make war and punish
those who are destroying the earth. This is the time when what
Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 will come to pass. You may
want to see that section again in this NT Bible Story.
     At this time the Temple of God was opened in heaven, and
there was seen in the Temple the ark of His testament: and there
were lightnings, and voices, and thunders, and an earthquake, and
great hail (verse 19).
     A mighty heavenly miracle taking place here, the wording
suggests that the opening of the Temple of God in heaven could be
seen by those on earth. That would indeed be a revealing and a

     We need to remember that this section of the Revelation, is
within the "story flow" but at the same time it is only an
"overview" of the LAST trumpet. The revelation of Jesus will in
coming passages, give us the full details of all that will happen
when this SEVENTH trumpet or THIRD woe takes place.


     A "woman" in prophecy can and often does, represent "a
church" (see chapter 19:7,8). Here in verse one, we are taken
back to Genesis 37:9-11. The time of Joseph, his brothers and his
mother and his father Jacob. That, for whatever reason is chosen
by God to start us into the history of the true "people of God"
or the woman Church of God (the true church from all ages is the
BRIDE of Christ when the wedding feast will take place - again
"woman" representing the bride church of Christ - Revelation
     The true church is with child, a VERY SPECIAL child indeed.
Then appears a great red dragon (interpreted for us in verse 9 -
the Devil or Satan), having seven heads and ten horns, and seven
crowns upon his head (explained in studies called "The Beasts of
Revelation"). Briefly, it is the seven Holy Roman Empires (one
more yet to come) and the 10 horns are the last 10 nation kings
to give their power and voice to the last (the 7th resurrection
of the Holy Roman Empire) "beast" man - political/military
leader, who will try to fight Christ at His coming - see
Revelation 17:12-15.
     Satan the Devil in history past, drew a third of the "stars"
(representing angels) with him in his battle against God, which
took place sometime BEFORE what we read of in Genesis chapter
one. Those are inset words to clarify who this "red dragon" is.
Now we are brought to the historic time of the Devil dragon
standing before the woman Church of God, who was to give birth to
the special man child, and the dragon was ready to devour that
child as soon as it was born. This is the time of Christ's birth
to the woman Mary, who was a member of the woman true church. The
man child Jesus was born, the One who is to rule all nations with
a rod of iron (verses 3-5). 
     There can be no mistaking the meaning of all this. Satan had
all the children two years and under killed at the time of Jesus'
birth, in an attempt to kill the child Jesus. You'll remember
that from the Gospel story.

     The child was caught up to God, and His throne (verse 5b).
We are brought forward to the resurrected Christ and Him
ascending to heaven to sit on the Father's right hand, and be our
interceding High Priest (the book of Hebrews covers that
important truth).

     The woman true church, flees into the "wilderness" where she
has a "place" (singular - will explain why I give emphasis to
that in a moment) prepared for her by God, who will feed her in
safety, for 1260 days or day for a year = 1260 years. This was
fulfilled from the year 554 A.D. to 1814 A.D. That period of time
as covered in secular church history books (certainly the one I
have) was when the false woman church, ruled by Satan, the Holy
Roman Catholic church of the resurrected Holy Roman Empire, RULED
with MIGHT and dictatorial POWER. Again all explained in my
in-depth studies called "The Beasts of Revelation."
     Now why do I give emphasis to "place" - singular. It is
because some in these days of the last decades of the 20th
century and the first decades of the 21st century, tell you that
the part of God's people who will find "protection" from death
and the Beast power, will find protection in ONE specific
location on this earth. They believe that somehow all God's true
children will be all taken to ONE specific place on earth (they
may not know where exactly, although some think they do) during
and for the whole 42 months period. They claim this because in
verse 14 of this chapter, the singular "place" is used for
protection of some of the people of God for 42 months, or time,
times, and half a time.
     BUT.....we have seen the SINGULAR "place" is used in verse
6. And verse 6 in the story flow of this history of the true
church was 1260 years from 554 - 1844 A.D. And the facts of
church history prove without a doubt that God's true people WERE
**NOT** in just ONE location for all that length of time. 
     When the Roman Catholic church was reigning supreme during
that time period, God's people were in the wilderness of the
hills, the valleys, the mountains, ALL OVER EUROPE, BRITAIN, and
SOME even in the far Eastern nations, untouched by the Roman
Catholic church.
     The singular word "place" does NOT MEAN in God's protective
plan for some of His children, just one specific location on this
earth. It did not during those 1260 years and it will not again,
when some of the Lord's people will be protected during the last
42 months of this age.
     Such is the short-sighted reading of the Bible by some, who
will not look at the full context and see where God and history
prove "place" does not mean one specific geographical wilderness
area somewhere on this earth.

     During that time period of 1260 years (verse 6) the people
of God were protected in the wilderness of MANY NATIONS on earth.
They went out into the hills, and the forests, the wild out of
the way places in their particular country where they lived. The
Christian church history books are full of that fact and truth!

     We are moved forward in verse 7, to a time that is yet ahead
of us (as I write in 2007), a time when once more Satan and his
demon army will try to unseat the Almighty from His throne in
heaven. There will yet be an invisible "star wars" in heaven,
Michael and his angels will fight Satan and his army. The Devil
will not win, and no place he will have in heaven. He and his
army will be cast back down to this earth (verses 7-9).

     At this time in the history of this planet, John hears aloud
voice in heaven saying:

"Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God,
and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is
cast down, who accuses them before our God day and night. And
they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.
Therefore rejoice you heavens, and you that dwell in them. Woe to
the inhabiters of the earth and the sea! For the Devil is come
down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has
but a short time" (verses 10-12).

     Satan may accuse God's children day and night, but we have a
High Priest interceding for us day and night. We have the victory
through Christ, His blood, and His interceding work. The Devil,
after loosing this battle with Michael and the righteous angels,
will come to earth, and LOOK OUT as we say. This is the time of
the GREAT TRIBULATION spoken about by Jesus, the time when many
saints will be killed for their faith. A time when Satan will be
allowed through his Holy Roman Empire Beast power to destroy the
peoples of Israel and Judah, and kill many true Christians. 
     We are back in the time frame (during this outline of the
major events of the true Church of God) of the FIFTH SEAL - of
chapter 6. The time frame of the persecution of God's people (see
also Jesus' words in Matthew 24:9).
     To the true church woman was given two wings of the eagle
(not literally see Exodus 19:4 and a past happening with similar
words - this is not some jet plane flight - Israel did not leave
Egypt on a jet plane). 
     She, the true church woman is given protection, she moves to
the wilderness once more, into her place (we've talked about the
singular "place" above, and it ain't what some want you to
believe), where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half
a time, for 42 months or three and one half years, during the
great tribulation and the day of the Lord.
     The serpent, the Devil casts out of his mouth (gives
command) that his army flood of waters (people - see chapter
17:15), go after the woman, that she might be destroyed by
Satan's army. But God is mightier than the Devil, and causes the
"earth" (earthquakes or whatever) to swallow up the flood army of
men that Satan and his demons control (verses 13-16).

     The dragon Devil .... he is angry, oh, indeed he is. He is
not allowed by God to touch the true church people that are in
the wilderness. But, Satan looks around and yes, he sees some of
the Lord's people are not in the wilderness, they are not
physically protected. They are some of the very same people, ones
who KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of God (which the 4th one will make
them stand out like a lighthouse on a hill), and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ - they will be living as Jesus lived,
and that will put a light on top of their lighthouse on a hill.
They will stand out, be easily seen and found.
     Satan is allowed by the Lord to "make war" with the "remnant
of her seed." There will be an end-time, persecution and killing
of part of the very true Church of God. 

     This story flow of the major history of the True Church of
God, has brought us to the 5th SEAL or the killing of more saints
of God, before the visible return of Christ our Lord. 

     Some of the people of God will find and be granted
protection during the last 42 months of this age. Some will not
be granted protection and will have to give their lives up for
the faith once delivered to the saints. 
     You are NOT a less Christian, or an unworthier Christian
because you are not protected, but are chosen to die for THE
faith. The apostle Paul died for THE faith, so did the apostle
Peter, so did Stephen (Acts 6:8-15; 7:54-60) so did James (Acts
12:1-2). If you have to die for THE faith you will be in GOOD


To be continued

 New Testament Bible

Chapter One hundred-thirty-eight:

The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #9

                             THE NEW TESTAMENT

                                   BIBLE STORY


                                                   Keith Hunt 

                     Chapter One hundred-thirty-eight

                     The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #9

                              Chapters 13-15


     This chapter is an INSET chapter. For the details of chapter
13 I refer the reader to my in-depth studies "The Beasts of
Daniel and Revelation" under the section called "Prophecy" on
this Website. 

     A few comments in passing. 

     The first 10 verses cover the ROMAN POLITICAL/MILITARY
power. It was a mighty WAR machine. It did die, was wounded to
death, but it arose again under a woman false church power. It
did BLASPHEME against God; the theology it taught was false and
in many ways blasphemous to God (verses 3,4,6). 
     It was a military/religious power that made WAR against the
true saints of God, and it killed many of them (verse 7). It also
ruled over many nations and peoples.
     It will arise ONE more times, at the end of this age, it
will rule again for 42 months, and all who will not worship its
system will come under persecution. Only the very elect will not
be deceived (Mat.24:24).

     Verses 11-18 focuses on the RELIGIOUS power of this Beast,
coming like a Lamb, looking and saying it represents Christ, but
shall in fact be governed by the dragon - Satan the Devil. It
will have a false prophet that will be able to work miracles. He
will make people worship this whole system. If they do not they
will be killed. A mark is put on the people, without it they
cannot buy or sell, cannot be a part of its society.

     To put it in BLUNT and plain words. This is the HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE, that arose, starting in 554 A.D. It was the might of a
military power governed and ruled by the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
It will RISE ONCE MORE at the end of this age, in Europe, as it
always has been a European power. The false prophet will be the
POPE. This risen Roman Empire of Europe, will, attack and destroy
the British Commonwealth of Nations and the United States of
America, and many other "Israelite" nations of the Western World.
It will for a SHORT TIME, rise quickly (when in full dress) and
will also bring about the last GREAT persecution of the true
saints of God.

     Again, please study my studies called "The Beasts of Daniel
and Revelation" as well as other studies under the category


     We are back once more to the major event of the sounding of
the SEVENTH AND LAST TRUMPET. So, this chapter is part of the
story flow, but is focussed on one main event.

     We are taken to the wonderful event of that trumpet sound,
This could be a spiritual mount sion in the clouds or the literal
mount Sion at Jerusalem. 

     With Him are the 144,000 that were sealed earlier. They are
part that represents the whole. This type of Bible point is used
many times in Scripture. We know from many other verses on the
topic of the first resurrection and the coming of Jesus again to
earth, that there will be the saints resurrected and glorified
from all past ages, from Adam to this time of the Messiah's
coming in glory to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. 
     The PART represents the  WHOLE. 

     John hears a voice of many waters, the voice of a great
thunder, and the sound of harpers harping their harps. He hears
them sing a new song before the throne of heaven, before the four
beasts and the elders, but only the resurrected saints could
learn that song (the 144,000 is the part that represents the

     Those in that resurrection are now with Christ, were the
ones who were not defiled with the false woman or women of false
Christianity - they are spiritual virgins - clean and pure from
spiritual fornication. They are the ones who follow the LAMB,
live by His faith, have Jesus living in them, and they are the
ones who have been willing to live by every word of God, to
follow His righteousness, to obey His commandments (verse 12).
     They were then redeemed - bought by the blood of Christ, and
they are the very FIRST-FRUITS unto God and to the Lamb, Christ.
They stand before God as having no guile in their mouth and are
FAULTLESS before Him. (verses 2-6). See my study on "The Truth
about Judgment Day" and "Saved by Grace."

     At this time, just before the 7 angels pouring out their 7
last plagues of chapter 15 and 16, there is an ANGEL to go forth
having the everlasting Gospel. This is where Jesus' words of
Mat.24:14 are fulfilled. Matthew 24:14 has nothing to do with any
human organization "getting the Gospel to the world" - no human
organization can compare with an ANGEL proclaiming to those who
dwell on the earth, to every nation, kindred, tongue and people,

     The angel says:

"Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment
has come; and worship Him that made heaven and earth, and the
sea, and the fountains of waters."

     Another angel follows saying:

"Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made
all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornications."

     Babylon fell once, centuries ago, but there is to come an
end-time Babylon of the later chapters of Revelation. She is
Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations
of the earth (chapter 17:5-6). She has made the whole earth DRUNK
with her SPIRITUAL FORNICATIONS. There is fast approaching that
there will not be a nation on earth that is not drunk in some way
with the false teachings and customs of the ROMAN CATHOLIC
RELIGION. Most nations now observe Christ-mass, the 1st of
January, in one form or another. The "Christian" world has been
deceived into observing Sunday the first of day of the week,
instead of the 7th day of the fourth commandment of God. And on
and on it goes. Her daughters - the Protestants all have one or
more (mostly more) of her spiritual fornications. The end-time
BABYLON will FALL, we see that in Revelation 18 if you want to
read it now. We have seen in Revelation 9 and the 6th trumpet
sound, that the army from the EAST will have a large part in
destroying this European Babylon. Yes, it is time for you to read
chapter 18, let it all sink deep into your heart and mind. This
     By the time this angel of chapter 14:8 tells the rest of the
world that Babylon is fallen, IT WILL HAVE ALREADY FALLEN!

     But this is not yet the final end of all the evil Satanic
falsehoods, the Babylon Beast power will still be in the Holy
Land, still have people and armies entrenched with its mind-set
and brainwashed by its philosophies and theology. 
     A third angel must sound its voice saying:

"If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark
in his forehead, or in his hand. The same shall drink of the
wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of
His indignation; and shall be tormented  with fire and brimstone
in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the
Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and
ever: and they shall have no rest day or night, who worship the
beast and his image, and whosoever receives his mark of his name.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they who KEEP THE

     This is the final warning to those still left on earth who
will NOT give up worshipping the Roman Europe Beast power and its
Roman Catholic religion. 
     The part about torment, fire, smoke ascending up forever, I
have covered in depth under the studies "Death - then What?
     Once more in the last book of the New Testament, God makes
it clear that the true saints are those who KEEP His COMMANDMENTS
and who live by the very faith of Christ (faith OF Christ - see
Galatians 2:20).
     Yes you Roman Catholics and Protestants, you need to REPENT
of NOT keeping the FOURTH commandment! It is plain to read what
it is in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. You need to COME OUT OF
BABYLON, with all of her other false practices and doctrines!

     John then  hears a voice from heaven saying:

"Write! Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord from
henceforth: Yes, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their
labors; and their works to follow them."

     Jesus said that "By their works you shall know them." By the
way His followers live, as He lived (Gal.2:20 once more and
Phil.2:5) shall be the acid test of truth as opposed to falsehood
and error.

     John then looks and in the time frame he sees the Son of man
in a cloud, having a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle.
Jesus is coming in the clouds, just as He left in clouds, so He
will come in like manner (Acts 1).
     We are still seeing the major event of the sound of the

     Another angels comes and with a loud voice to the One sat on
the cloud, he tells that One, whom is Jesus, to thrust His sickle
and reap, for the time has come for the reaping of the earth. And
He who sat on the cloud did just that - thrust His sickle and the
earth was reaped (verses 15-16). 
     This should remind you of the parables Jesus gave about
harvest, reaping, fish catching, and all that pertained to this
great event at the sound of the seventh and last trumpet. It's
time indeed now for those who are destroying the earth to be

     Still yet another angel comes from out of the Temple in
heaven, he also having a sharp sickle (verse 17).

     Then yet again, another angel comes from the altar in the
Temple. He has power over fire, and cries to the angel with the
sharp sickle, "Thrust in thy sickle, and gather the clusters of
the vine of the earth, for her grapes are ripe."

     The angel thrusts in the sickle into the earth and gathers
the vine of the earth, and casts it into the great winepress of
the wrath of God. And the wine-press was trodden without the city
and blood came out of the wine-press, even unto the horses
bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs
(verses 18-20).

     I have covered in detail the expounding of these last two
verses of chapter 14. I believe it is in my study "Armageddon and
the New Age."
     Putting it in a nut-shell. See Joel 2:1,30; 3:1-2, 9-15;
Isa.63:1-4. A furlong is 606.5 feet, so 1,600 furlongs = 970,400
feet which is 183 miles. This distance takes you from Meggido to
Edom, to the end of the depression of the land. It is the last
battle, the famous battle of Armageddon (chapter 16:14-16 with
Zech.14). The armies of the Beast power and armies from the East
of Euphrates (chapter 16:12) will come together to fight Christ
on His return to earth. They will MELT away, Jesus will destroy
them by melting their skin from off their bones (Zech.14) and
their blood will flow for 183 miles from Meggido to Edom, south
of Jerusalem.

     You talk about "space wars" - this will be one, but the
armies of human beings will have NO chance at victory. You think
about this. The events of what will happen are ALL WRITTEN in
this book of the Bible. The false prophet guiding the Europe
Babylon Mystery Roman Catholic religion, WILL BE ABLE TO READ ALL
THIS, in the Bible he claims to represent! AND HE AND THE ARMIES
     Talk about the DEPTHS of the DECEPTIONS of Satan the Devil.
This has got to be one of his deepest!


     We have been taken to ONE POINT of the SEVENTH TRUMPET, a
VERY important time frame for sure. It was the time frame of
     Now we must go back a little, and have presented to us what
exactly leads up to chapter 16:14-16 and the reaping of the earth
in the battle at Armageddon.

     John sees a sign in heaven, great and marvellous. Seven
angels  having SEVEN LAST PLAGUES, for in them is the full
measure of the wrath of God finalized.
     We are on the sea of glass, mingled with fire, the
resurrected saints (and those who got victory over the last great
Beast power, and all that it stood for in all its ways and
teachings and life practices) are ALL THERE. They have harps and
they sing the song of Moses (he will be there with them, maybe
leading them in the song), and the song of the Lamb (whatever
that is, Jesus will lead us to
sing it), saying:

"Great and marvellous are they works, Lord God Almighty; just and
true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Who shall not fear you, O
Lord, and glorify thy name? Thou only art holy; for all nations
shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made
manifest" (verse 1-4).

     After that, John looks and the Temple of the Tabernacle of
the Testimony in heaven was opened (verse 5).

     The SEVEN angels now come out of the temple, having the
SEVEN LAST PLAGUES. They are clothed in pure and white linen, and
are girded around the beast with a golden girdle.
     It should now be clear to us that the SEVENTH TRUMPET is
made up of THE RESURRECTION of the saints and the SEVEN LAST
     One of the four beasts around the throne of God, gives the
seven angels, seven vials full of the wrath of God, the one who
lives forever. The Temple then is filled with smoke from the
glory of God, and from His power. No one, angel, beasts, or
whatever is in heaven, was able then to enter the Temple, UNTIL
the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.

     We are now at the FINAL end of this age, and very soon we
will have the Kingdom of God on this earth, and the wonderful
1,000 year age shall be a reality, which the holy prophets have
told us about from the ages past.


To be continued

Entered on this Website November 2007


If some of you are shocked at my saying the end-time Beast power,
the Babylon Mystery Religion, is the very Roman Catholic church,
the Papacy, I want you to know that just about all the OLD
Protestant Bible Commentaries, like Albert Barnes' "Notes on the
New Testament" all teach that very thing.   

 New Testament Bible

Chapter One hundred-thirty-nine:

The REVELATION of Jesus Christ #10

                             THE NEW TESTAMENT

                                   BIBLE STORY


                                                  Keith Hunt 

                      Chapter One hundred-thirty-nine

                      The REVELATION of Jesus Christ

                               Chapter 16 


     John hears a voice from out of the Temple in heaven to the
seven angels with the seven vials, "Go your way and pour out the
vials of the WRATH of God upon the earth."
     The FIRST angel pours out his vial, and there is a GRIEVOUS
SORE upon all that are part of  the Beast and have its mark, and
worship its religious image (verses 1-2).

     The SECOND angel pours out his vial upon the sea, and it
becomes like the blood of the dead, and every living life in the
sea dies (verse 3). Is this the whole sea of the entire world, or
the sea close to the Holy Land? There is no elaboration, so only
time will tell. But the thought of every life dying, is horrible
to contemplate.

     The THIRD angel pours out his vial upon the rivers and
fountains of water; and they become blood (verse 4). Again, is it
the fountain of waters in and around just the Holy Land, or the
entire earth; is not told us. But that angel is heard by John as
saying, "You are righteous, O Lord, which are, and was, and shall
be, because You have judged it to be this way. They have shed the
blood of saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to
drink; for they are worthy of such plagues" (verse 5,6). 
     Then John hears another out from the altar say, "Even so,
Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are all thy judgments"
(verse 7).

     And the FOURTH angel pours out his vial upon the sun, and
power was given to scorch people with fire. And people were
scorched with GREAT heat, and did they REPENT? You would think by
now it would had gotten through to their minds that God is God, that He
is very REAL, and means business. But they only blaspheme the
name of God, and they DID NOT REPENT! (verses 8,9).

     The FIFTH angel pours out his vial upon the seat or
headquarters of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness;
and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of
heaven because of the pains and their sores, and REPENTED NOT of
their deeds" (verses 10-11).

     Now by this time, actually three and a half years earlier,
the beast "man" and the "false prophet" man have moved to
Jerusalem, all explained in my other studies on "Prophecy." So it
may be that the seat of the beast here spoken about is the Holy
Land, or it may be the seat the beast has in Europe. But
wherever, you will notice they STILL HAVE the "sores" of verse 2.
So that shows SOME of the vials will CONTINUE at least for some
time. And by the way so far all these vials could be poured out
in a matter of hours of each other, still on the same day. The
miracles that they are only takes the angels a second or so to pour
     We have scorching heat and then whatever length of time
given, we have DARKNESS upon the kingdom of the beast. From one
extreme to the other. But nothing so far will make the people of
the kingdom of the beast REPENT!

     So is the depth of Satanic deception!

     The SIXTH angel pours out his vial upon the river Euphrates;
and the water of it dries up, that the way of the kings of the
EAST might be prepared (verse 12). Do the kings of the East
really need the Euphrates river to dry up? Probably not per se.
Their armies in the modern world do not have to be stopped by a
river. It is probably more symbolic the drying up of the water of
the river Euphrates. It is a way of telling us and the world at that
time, that the great BATTLE between man's physical armies and God
is fast on its way.

     John sees three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the
mouth of the dragon, representing Satan, out of the mouth of the
"man" beast and out of the mouth of the "man" false prophet.
These are the THREE great deceivers of the last 42 months of this
age. Of course Satan is behind the two "men" deceivers, but there
are the three as John sees it in vision. The three spirits are
demonic. Satan is Satan, yet the beast man and the false prophet
man, will have Satan's top demon spirits working inside of them.
No doubt Satan has his right and left hand demons by his side,
top rank demons in his army of demons. These demons will work
miracles through their human puppets. So as they go forth unto
the kings of the earth, and the whole world, they will influence
the mighty armies left in the world at this time (and obviously
some will be from the East of the river Euphrates), to gather
together to the BATTLE of the GREAT DAY of God almighty (verses

     Jesus says, "Behold, I will come as a thief. Blessed is he
that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and
they see his shame (verse 15). Even at this very late time, Jesus
says you better keep on keeping on the right road, for He will
still come somewhat unexpectedly. You can never let up on walking
the road that leads to eternal life, you can never let up for any
length of time, especially during the GREAT DAY of God almighty.

     The armies of Satan, the beast, the false prophet and the
kings of the East, are gathered together into the place in Hebrew
called Armageddon, north west of Jerusalem. It is a large plain,
very fitting for a large army to gather together to make war, on
an enemy from the sky or clouds over the city of Jerusalem. The
result of this battle is given to us in Zechariah 14. We have there
that Jesus will melt the skin off their bones and the blood
will flow like a river for 183 miles from Ar-Mageddon to south of
Jerusalem (chapter 14:19-20).
     The Hebrew "ar" means mountain or range or plain, while
"megiddo" means fortification, castle, stronghold).

     Jesus and the saints and the angels HAVE COME! They have
descended from the clouds and have taken the victory and have
destroyed those who have been destroying the earth. 
     The GREAT BATTLE of the Day of God's wrath, the Day of the
Lord, is over, the armies of Satan, both physical and spirit,
have been DEFEATED!!

     But there needs to be ONE MORE FINAL battle witness to the
humans of the great end-time Babylon.

     The SEVENTH angel pours out his vial into the air, and there
comes forth a great voice out of the Temple of heaven , from the
very throne of heaven, saying, "IT IS DONE!!" (verse 17).

"And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings, and there
was a GREAT earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the
earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so GREAT!" (verse 18).

     It can only be imagined, but then even our minds may not be
able to imagine how great this earthquake will be.

"The GREAT CITY was divided into three parts, and the cities of
the nations fell: and GREAT Babylon came in remembrance before
God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of
His wrath" (verse 19).

     The Great City, is that Jerusalem? Some might probably say
it is, but then why not words like "the holy city" or just the
word "Jerusalem"? Letting the Bible interpret itself we have in
chapter 17:18 concerning this Babylon women, the connection with
"the great city" phrase. The Babylon woman whore and "the great
city" is referring to the city that has had more influence on the
world, over the centuries, as a whole, than any other city in the
world - the great city of ROME! 
     All over the nations of the world, that are still left by
this time, their cities fall. I expect this means their major
cities. Then God remembers this end-time BABYLON, what is left of
her destroyed Empire (for as we shall see in chapter 18, and as
it was in chapter 9 and the SIXTH angel TRUMPET, most of this
Mystery Babylon the Great, has been devastated by this time, by
the time Jesus is descending from the clouds and these seven
vials are being poured out), and she is given more punishment.

"And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found"
(verse 20).

     Could this be meaning the small islands in  the seas around
the Holy Land, or islands any and everywhere? With such a great
earthquake as mankind has never experienced, taking place, it
could well mean islands (what size of islands is simply not
stated) all over the world. 

"And there fell upon mankind a GREAT HAIL out of heaven, every
hail-stone about the weight of a talent ..." (verse 21).

     Great hail ... well nothing like it in the history of man
... about the weight of a "talent"  --  this 75 POUNDS !! 

     Did all this lead people to REPENTANCE?  NOT A BIT!  People
STILL blasphemed God because of the plague of hail!

     In chapter 17 and 18 we again STEP BACK in time, as those
two chapters are INSET chapters, to inform us about MYSTERY


To be continued





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