Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Lucifer sins - World under Water #1

Lucifer's Rebellion


                    OF PRE-ADAMITE WORLD


                                     Finis Dake


FOREWORD by Keith Hunt:

On this issue of the pre-Adamite world and the rebellion of

Lucifer and one third of the angels, I am 95% in agreement

with Finis Dake. I will not attempt to re-invent the wheel,

so I will present to you 95% of Dake's study on this Biblical


    (Gen 1:2; Isa 14:12-14; Jer 4:23-26; Ezek 28:11-17;

                         2 Pet 3:5-6)


     Earth's First Sinless Career (Gen 1:1; Ezek 28:15)



     The Ante-chaotic Age extended from the original creation of

the heavens and the Earth and all things therein to the rebellion

and overthrow of the first kosmos, or social order on the Earth.

It was the dateless period between Gen.1:1 when the Earth was

finished and inhabited in the beginning and Gen.1:2 when the

Earth was first flooded, destroying all life therein. It takes in

that unknown time during which Earth was in its first perfect

state and ruled by Lucifer before he rebelled and caused the

Earth to be flooded, as in Gen. 1:2.

In Ezek.28:11-17 it is stated of Lucifer: "Thou wast perfect in

thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was

found in thee." This teaches that there was a period of

perfection and sinlessness on the Earth before its curse and

chaotic state as in Gen.1:2; so we call this period, "The

Ante-chaotic Age." During this age spirit beings ruled the Earth

and other planets, and it might be called "The Dispensation of

Angels." This administration of angels was evidently a moral or

probationary period designed to test the angels before trusting

them in an eternal. So we call it a "dispensation," which means a

moral or probationary period which God tests free moral agents

according to a fixed standard of conduct.

All spirit beings must of necessity be tested like human free

moral agents to see if they will obey God before they are trusted

with higher and eternal responsibility.

Angels were fresh from the hand of God in creation and had been

created with free wills; so they were capable of making their own

choice as to whether they wanted to obey or not. They had to

learn by the experience of being tested whether they would or

would not obey God. They had to learn obedience. They also had to

learn that God was just and holy in all His ways and that He

could and should be trusted in all things that could not be made

known to free moral agents at one time. They had to learn that

God was the Supreme Moral Governor of the universe and that all

creatures should consecrate themselves to the same end to which

God Himself was consecrated - the highest good of the universe

and all creatures therein. They had to prove themselves true to

God in order to get the rewards for obedience. They had to

earn that God's Word was true concerning penalties for


God's dispensational dealings were for the same purpose with the

spirit beings as they are with human beings....

If Lucifer and many other spirit beings had remained true to God,

there would have been no universal curse on the Earth and no need

for a re-creation of the atmospheric heavens and the Earth and

life on the planet Earth, as recorded in Gen.1:3-2:25....

The Bible record of the first curse on Earth and the cancellation

of the administration of angels over the Earth should make the

present administrators fear God because of their rebellion. Peter

warns the present human rebels on Earth thus: "Whose judgment now

for a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth

not. For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them

down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be

reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old world but saved

Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in

the flood upon the world of the ungodly; and turning the cities

of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an

overthrow, making them an example unto those that should live

ungodly; and delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy

conversation of the wicked .... The Lord knoweth how to deliver

the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the

day of judgment to be punished" (2 Pet.2:4-9). Jude also speaks

of the judgment of God upon both angels and men in the past for

rebellion (Jude 5-7).

Paul gives the example of how God cut off Israel because of

rebellion and unbelief and warned the Gentiles to "take heed lest

He spare not thee" (Rom.11:1-26). He also gives the example of

the Gentile world that did not appreciate the knowledge of God

but became vain in their imaginations and hard and stubborn in

their rebellion until God gave them over to vile affections to

destroy themselves (Rom.1:16-32). Many other examples could be

given of God's judgment upon men in various ages, as we shall

later note in our study of the ages and dispensations, but these

are sufficient here to show why God had to deal with the angelic

administrators of the Earth long before the days of Adam.

The "ways" in which Lucifer was perfect until iniquity was found

in him prove that angels were placed under certain restrictions

for the purpose of testing them. Tests are absolutely necessary

for any material thing that is made to discover if it will do

what it was designed and made for. The same thing is especially

true of free moral agents who are capable of voluntary choices

concerning moral tests....

There would be no object in creating free wills if there were not

laws for them to obey and to restrict and guide them in their

association with all other creatures in society. There would be

no need in creating creatures capable of voluntary obedience

without also stating the right and wrong ways so they can make

their choice as to which way they will go. It is written even of

the Sinless One, "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience

by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect, he

became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey

him" (Heb.5:7-10).

It can be seen, therefore, that sinless creatures can learn

obedience to the right ways without committing sin. They can

learn by experience how to know God and walk in His ways without

going through any degree of experience in sin, for it is written

of the tested and tried Son of God, "Who did no sin, neither was

guile found in his mouth" (1 Pet.2:21-25; Heb.2:14-18; 4:14-16;


Neither angels nor men would have had to sin in order to learn

obedience and be tried by moral tests; so the old theory that sin

is necessary in order for free moral agents to learn obedience is

not true. In the eternal future when men will multiply forever in

the New Earth....

If it was necessary to test human free wills and even the Son of

God, it certainly would be necessary to test the spirit beings

for the same purpose. How was God to know which of the spirit

beings would remain true and which ones would not, until they

were all tested and either proved faithful or unfaithful? They

could not have been tested without definite tests and laws to

obey. Naturally all free wills would not choose the same things

and exercise their creative free-choice powers in the same way

and in the same degree of wilful obedience or disobedience. This

has been demonstrated by free wills ever since they were created.

This certainly is clear to all present free moral agents who know

of themselves that they can make free and voluntary choice

concerning any detail of life.

It was not until Adam and Eve actually sinned that God knew the

full results of their test (Gen.3). It was not until man had

proved such a failure before the flood that God regretted having

made him (Gen.6:5-7). It was not until God came down to see the

rebellion of the post-diluvians, Sodom and Gomorrah and others,

that God took action (Gen.11:1-9; Gen.18:21). 

So it is with every free moral agent of any period. Each

has to be tried and purged of any possibility of falling before

God places him in an eternal state and gives him eternal


In God's moral government there must be laws for all creatures,

and each creature must be assigned some particular responsibility

so that the universe will run in perfect harmony. God could not

rule free wills if each was free to do as he pleased. No

government could long endure with such a plan. This is plainly

evident to anyone who lives in any kind of society. If all were

free to do as they pleased God could not depend upon them to

carry out His eternal plan.

It is even necessary in human affairs that each person do

something and be responsible for something if anything is to be

accomplished in human activity. This is true of the smallest to

the greatest project undertaken by free wills. The greater the

project, the greater the responsibility for those who are trusted

for its completion. The greater the project, the greater the need

for many persons to be responsible for some part of the plan. How

much more true would it be in the running of the vast universe?

God is methodical in everything and has fixed laws that govern

every detail of the vast universe. Each free will is given a part

in the carrying out of the mutual plan for all concerned. God has

a plan for the life and work of each creature and has a purpose

for each material thing created.

Every planet, every sun, and every moon, and every star must run

in its own creative orbit. Each one of them must run on time, or

there would soon be nothing dependable in the planetary system.

Times and seasons would be thrown out of order, and all life on

all planets would soon be destroyed. So it is with the moral

creation. God did not make it to be chaos and ruin and each

person to be a lawless, irresponsible creature, to cause

governmental function to cease, or to do as he pleases. There

must be some order and someone to keep order. There must be one

law for all in order assure justice to all. There must be

voluntary and mutual co-operation on the part of each free will

for all to fit into and carry out the plan for the best good of


Each creature must be held responsible for his own acts. He must

be rewarded for obedience or punished for disobedience, or no

government can properly function for the best good of all. If God

is to hold the respect and wilful obedience of all creatures,

then He must be fair and just to all - delivering out punishments

for sin and distributing rewards for obedience.

Government by rewards and penalties for all alike is the only

just form of government and the only one that can continue

forever. When government becomes corrupt and shows respect of

persons, and injustice to some and special favors to others,

then it ceases to carry out its purpose. This would soon lead to

rebellion and eventual overthrow. If rebels against proper and

just government were permitted to continue to openly rebel

without punishment, there would be no incentive for others to

remain true and support the government. It would soon fall. So to

be just, God is forced by circumstances to deal with rebels

against His government and put down such rebellion if He is to

continue His government for the best good of all. He is likewise

obligated to reward the faithful and preserve proper and just

government for them.

On these grounds every child of God can claim rewards and

benefits that are promised to them by God in the many promises of


The Bible teaches that one-third of the angels proved untrue as

did all the subjects of the first social order on the Earth over

whom Lucifer ruled before the days of Adam. Just how many rulers

and subjects of other planets rebelled is not definitely stated,

but we do learn from Scripture that there are thrones and

kingdoms in the heavens as well as on the Earth, visible and

invisible (Col.1:15-18); that God charged some of His angels with

folly (Job 4:18); that over one-third of God's angels rebelled

with Lucifer (Rev.12:3-12; Matt.24:41); that redeemed human

beings are to judge (rule) angels (1 Cor.6:3 ); that women are

not to cut their hair but keep it long as a sign of subjection to

their own husbands so that angels will have good examples to be

in subjection to God (1 Cor.11:10); that the purpose of the

Millennial reign of Christ is to "gather in one all things in

Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in

him" (Eph.1:10), and to rid the Earth of all rebels (1 Cor.

15:24-28); that all rebels of every kind and every realm will

have to finally acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the

glory of God the Father (Phil.2:9-11); that it is Christ's work

to reconcile both the things in Heaven and the things in Earth

(Eph.1:10; Col.1:20); that Christ has already triumphed over the

rebels and is exalted above all other angelic rulers and powers

far above all heavens (Eph.1:21; 6:10-18; Col.2:14-17; 1 Pet.

3:22); that Christ is waiting now until the completion of man's

probationary test in this age before He comes down from Heaven to

put down all rebellion on Earth (Acts 3:19-21; 1 Cor.15:24-28; 2

Thess.1:7-10; Rev.19:11-20:3; Zech.14:1-21); that God is now

schooling the principalities and powers in heavenly places in His

manifold wisdom by making an example of submission by an actual

demonstration of the church (Eph.3:1-11; 1 Cor.4:9; 11:10); that

some rebel angels are now bound in Hell awaiting judgment (2

Pet.2:4; Jude 6-7); that one-third of God's angels who rebelled

are now still loose with Satan carrying on rebellion against God

(Rev.12:3-12; Dan.10:13-21; Eph.6:10-18); that they will be

defeated ... and ... and then they will be cast into the pit for

a thousand years (Rev.12:3-14; 20:1-3; Isa.24:21-23); and that

they will be liberated for a little season at the end of the

Millennium to deceive men living then on Earth, and then they

will meet their final defeat and will be cast into the lake of

fire prepared for them (Rev.20:7-10; Matt.25:41; Isa.24:21-23).

These simple Biblical facts go far in helping us understand the

outcome of the angelic administration of the Earth and the

probationary period of Earth creatures before the flood of Gen.


What means of reconciliation God gave the spirit beings and the

first rebels on the Earth is not known, but there must have been

such means, for God has always dealt with rebels in mercy and

longsuffering. This is His nature, and it would be contrary to

His own Being to have cut them off without some means of

reconciliation and without giving them a chance to lay down their

arms of rebellion. It must be remembered that spirit beings are

immortal in body, soul, and spirit and are not subject to

physical death ... so the result of their penalty could not have

been the same as was that of man in this respect. They will,

however, be tormented ... forever ...

It must also be remembered that the Bible is not a book that

deals specifically with the administration of the angels, their

rebellion, the means of their reconciliation, if any, and all

about their former relation to God, or with the extent to which

they will suffer degrees of punishment. The Bible is a book

revealing the origin of all things, including the angels and man,

but it primarily deals with man and his rebellion and his future

in the plan of God. In the Bible, as we have seen above ....

there are hundreds of references to spirit beings, their origin,

fall, present work, future destiny, and many other things. These

things are made clear concerning spirit beings because of their

part in furthering the plan of God for man.


After the original creation of the heavens and the Earth and all

things therein ... the Kingdom of God was universal, and God was

all-in-all without one creature lifting up a finger of rebellion

against Him. Everyone was willingly subject to His sovereign will

and was walking in perfect obedience to God and His moral law.

Each ruler and each of his subjects of every kingdom in the

universe was faithful in his personal responsibility and

consecrated to the highest good of being and of the universe. No

free moral agent acted from his own will in selfishness or apart

from the will of the Creator, and everything was in harmony and


How long this condition remained is not known, and all

speculation is valueless. In the following points we shall prove

that rebellion started by the angelic ruler of the Earth who

conceived the idea and boldly attempted to carry out his plan to

dethrone God and become the supreme ruler of the universe. From

here on, the Bible reveals that the Earth has been made perfect

and inhabited two times; that, there have been two universal

rebellions on the Earth; and that the Earth has had two sinful

careers. It records two past curses on the Earth and reveals that

the Earth will be made new one more time; that righteousness

will dwell on Earth forever; and that God will become all-in-all

again, as he was before rebellion was started by Lucifer and Adam

(1 Cor.15:24-28; Rev.21-22; 2 Pet.3:13; Isa.65:17; 66:22-24).

EARTH'S FIRST SINFUL CAREER (Gen 1:2; Isa 14:1-14; Jer. 4:23-26;

Ezek. 28:11-17; 2 Pet. 3:5-6)


In Gen.1:2 we have the fact that the Earth was in existence

before the Spirit of God began to move (brood) upon the face of

the waters which covered the Earth. The conjunction "and" is used

to connect about 200 separate acts of God in Gen. 1 and 2. These

acts are all equally independent and important. Verse 2 is as

independent verse 1 as are all other separate acts of God in

these two chapters. In verse 1 we have the original creation of

the heavens and the Earth, and in verse 2, we have the original

perfect Earth made chaos and flooded with water which destroyed

all life n the Earth.

The word 'was' in verse 2 is from the Hebrew 'hayah,' which is a

verb 'to become,' not the verb 'to be.' It is translated became

67 times (Gen.2:7; 19:26; 20:12; 24:67; Ex.4:3-4; Num.12:10;

etc.), 'becamest' (1 Chron.17:22; Ezek.16:8); 'came' and 'came to

pass' 505 times (Gen.4:3; 6:1,4; 11:2,5; etc.); 'become' 66 times

(Gen.3:22; 18:18; 48:19; etc.); 'come' and 'come to pass' 131

times (Gen.4:14; 6:13; 18:20; 27:40; etc.); and many times 'be'

in the sense of 'become' (Gen.1:3,6,9,14; 3:5; etc.).

The phrase 'without form' is from the Hebrew 'tohu' which means

waste, desolation, or confusion. It is translated 'waste' (Deut.

32:10); 'without form' (Gen.1:3, Jer.4:23); 'vain' (Isa.45:18; 1

Sam.12:21); 'confusion' (Isa.24:10; 34:11; 41:29); 'empty' (Job

26:7); 'vanity' (Isa.40:17,23; 44:9; 59:4); 'nothing' (Job 6:18;

Isa.40:17); and 'wilderness' (Job 12:24; Ps.107:40).

It can be seen from these passages what the word really means and

what the condition of the Earth was in Gen.1:2. God did not

originally create the Earth in such a waste and ruined state. It

is definitely stated in Isa.45:18 that God did not create the

Earth 'tohu' (vain, or desolate), yet in Gen.1:2 the Earth was

'tohu.' If the Earth was not originally created desolate, then it

must have been created, inhabited, and later became desolate.

Even the English verb 'was' proves that it had to become desolate

before it could be desolate.

The Hebrew word for 'void' is 'bohu' which means empty, ruin or

void. It is translated 'void' (Gen.1:2; Jer.4:23) and emptiness

(Isa.34:11). The Hebrew phrase 'tohu va bohu' (waste and ruin, or

desolate and empty) describes the chaotic condition of the Earth

since "the beginning" and before the six days of the

reconstruction of Gen.1:3-2:25. God did not create the Earth a

ruin or a waste. It became so because of sin, as we shall see.

We can read Gen.1:1-2 literally thus: "In the beginning [by

periods, ages] God created the heavens and the earth. And the

earth became waste and ruin [desolate and empty]; and darkness

was upon the face of the deep [the flood]. And the Spirit of God

moved [brooded] upon the face of the waters."

In these verses we have the whole span of the creative ages

taking in all the original creation of the heavens and the Earth

and all things therein to the six days of restoration of the

Earth to a habitable state. The original creations include the

sun, moon, and stars ....

In these two verses alone we have the facts that in the dateless

past God created the heavens, including the sun, moon, and stars,

and then the Earth; that the heavens were created before the

Earth; that the heavens, the Earth, the waters, and the darkness

were all created before the Spirit began to brood over the

waters; and that these things were already in existence before

the first of the six days, proving that they were not created in

any one of those days.

How long the Earth was a waste and a ruin or desolate and empty

since its original habitation is not known. How long it was in

existence and inhabited before it became desolate and empty is

not known, but why and when it was cursed and became desolate and

empty is known and clearly revealed in Scripture, as we shall see

below. In Scripture all cases of obscuring the sun and bringing

consequent darkness, and all cases of floods are a result of

judgment and never of an act of creation, unless it be

Gen.1:2; and we have no authority on which to believe that this

is an exception. Why could not Gen.1:2 be a result of a curse,

as is clear of all other floods and darkness on the Earth as

revealed in Gen.6-8; Ex.10:21-23; Isa.5:30; 13:10; Jer.

4:23-26; Amos 5:18-20; Zeph.1:15; Joel 2:30-3:16; Matt 8:12;

9:2; 16:10). 

The fact that Moses by inspiration said that God told Adam to

multiply and replenish the Earth proves that there was a social

system on the Earth before Adam, for he could not replenish

something that had not been plenished before. Some argue that the

Hebrew word for 'replenish' means fill and not refill, but this

proves nothing. An examination of all places where the word

replenish is used disproves this. Suppose we make the word

replenish mean plenish in Gen.9:1; Isa.2:6; 23:2; Jer. 31:25;

Ezek.26:2; 27:25, and note the results. Where the Hebrew

'mala' is translated 'fill,' it does not mean that the thing

referred to had never been filled before. For example, when

Joseph commanded his brethren to "fill their sacks," does this

mean that those sacks had never been filled before? They had no

doubt been filled many times. See Gen.42:25; 44:1; 1 Kings 18:33;

Hag. 2:7; etc. To say, "Fill that glass with water," does not

prove that it had never been filled before, but to say, "Refill

that glass with water" proves that it had been filled before.

When God said to Noah, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish

the earth" (Gen.9:1), it is clear that the Earth had been

plenished before, so why not believe that God meant the same

thing when He said it to Adam? The same Hebrew statement is found

in both passages (Gen.1:28; 9:1), and it is translated exactly

the same in English, so would it be wrong to believe that it

means the same thing? If the Earth had been plenished before

Adam, then it was overthrown by judgment before the six days, as

is shown in Gen. 1:2.



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