Sunday, May 12, 2024




Keith Hunt 

Lucifer sins - World under Water #3

The end of the first age - Gen.1:2

 Part Thee


   Finis Dake



Not only does the Old Testament teach that there that was

was a social order on Earth that was destroyed before Adam, but

many Scriptures reveal the same fact.

Jesus in Matt.13:35 used an expression, "from the foundation of

the world," which literally means, "from the overthrow of the

world." The Greek word for world here is 'kosmos.' It means

social system or social world, order, arrangement, and is the

opposite of chaos (vain), which God did not create (Isa.45:18),

but which was the condition of the Earth in Gen.1:2. The word

foundation in various New Testament passages comes from two Greek

words as follows:

1. The noun 'themelios' and the verb 'themelioo' are the ordinary

words for a foundation of a literal building, or of an

organization, or of the work of some person, as it is clear in

Matt.7:25; Luke 6:48-49; 1 Cor.3:11; Eph.2:20; Heb.6:1.

2. The noun 'katabole' and its corresponding verb 'kataballo' are

not the ordinary words for foundation as they are translated

sometimes in the New Testament. This much is clear from the

subject matter where these words are found. For example,

'katabolo' literally means to throw down or cast down and is so

translated in 2 Cor.4:9; Rev.12:10. In Heb.6:1 instead of "not

laying again the foundation," the rendering should be "not

casting down the foundation" that is already laid, but leave it

and go on to perfection. Accordingly, the noun 'katabole,'

derived from the verb, should be translated 'disruption' or

'ruin,' and this should be the meaning of foundation in Matt.

13:35; 25:34; Luke 11:50; John 17:24; Eph.1:4; Heb.4:3; 9:26;

11:11; 1 Pet.1:20; Rev.13:8; 17:8.

The remarkable thing is that in all occurrences, except Heb.

11:11, the word is connected with 'kosmos,' the social world. The

expression "foundation of the world" then should be translated,

"the disruption," "ruin," or "overthrow of the world," since it

clearly refers to the overthrow of the social world over which

Lucifer ruled, and which was destroyed by the flood, as referred

to in Gen.1:2; 2 Pet.3:5-7; Ps.104:5-9; Jer.4:23-27; Isa.

14:12-14; Ezek.28:11-17; etc. In Gen.1:1 we have the founding

(Greek, 'themehoo,' Heb.1:10) of the world, but in Gen.1:2 we

have the overthrow (Greek, 'katabole') of the world, as in the

passages below.

"The disruption of the world" is an event forming a great

dividing line in the ages and dispensations - between the

dateless past when Lucifer ruled the Earth and the present time

when man is given dominion of the Earth, or between the

dispensation or administration of the Earth by angels and the

dispensation or administration of the Earth by man. Note the

following expressions before and since the disruption of the

world. We read of God loving His Son, of choosing men in Christ,

and of Christ being foreordained "before the disruption of the

world" (John 17:24; Eph.1:4; 1 Pet.1:2). We also read of things

kept secret, of God planning a kingdom, of prophets being slain,

of a book of life being prepared, of the work of the six days,

and of Christ suffering in death only once "since the disruption

of the world" (Matt.13:35; 25:34; Luke 11:50; Heb.4:3; 9:26; Rev.

13:8; 17:8).

Thus Christ taught, as recorded by the Holy Spirit through

Matthew, Luke, and John, that there was a disruption or ruin of

the social order on the Earth. He mentioned such a doctrine four

times while on Earth (Matt.13:35; 25:34; Luke 11:50; John

17:24), and twice to John on Patmos after He had ascended to

Heaven (Rev.13:8; 17:8). He could not have had in mind the

partial destruction of the social system in the days of Noah, for

no change in God's plan was made at that time, as would be

required if the expression "disruption of the world" referred to

Noah's time. What was planned according to Matt.13:35; 25:34;

etc., was planned at or before the six days work of Gen.1. The

Bible says, "known unto God are all his works from the beginning

of the world" (Acts 15:18). The word 'world' in this passage is

from 'aionios,' which means eternity, or the dateless past, time

out of mind. It should be literally, "from eternity are all the

works of God known." The things Christ uttered that were kept

secret since the disruption of the world could not refer to

Noah's food; so they must refer to the disruption of Gen.1:2. At

least these facts prove that the world was disrupted and ruined

before Adam, for it has been ruined since Adam, and it was in

ruin in Gen.1:2 before Adam was created. If it was ruined before

Adam, then there was a social order on the Earth to be disrupted.

(I think Drake has a very valid point here. As he will say later,

but I'll say it now, there are THREE huge events that this earth

is to experience in the plan of God. The FIRST event was the

destruction and overthrow of the world BEFORE Adam was created, a

world ruled by Lucifer and other angels, a social structure, but

one of angels beings on earth. This was also when the great

Dinosaurs and some great gigantic plants and flying creatures had

domain of the earth, on the physical side of that social

structure. This was all destroyed and the earth covered with

water, when Lucifer and one third of the angels rebelled against

God and there was a cosmos battle - maybe a good part of the

universe had its "star wars." Then we have the RE-FORMING of the

earth and the creation of all that we read about in Genesis

chapter one.

The second HUGE event for this earth will be the coming of Jesus

in POWER and GLORY back to earth, and the WONDERFUL 1,000 year

reign, where so much will be RESTORED and changed all over the


The last and THIRD huge event for the earth will be the burning

up of the surface of this earth and the creation of the New earth

and New heaven, and the coming of God the Father and the heavenly

Jerusalem, that we read about in the last two chapters of


I believe Finis Dake is correct in the understanding of this. I

do indeed see the Bible verses we have studied so far in this

series, teaching what I have just outlined above - Keith Hunt)


In 2 Pet.3:6-7 we have a definite statement that there was a

social world before Adam, which is called, "the world that then

was." The Greek word for world is 'kosmos,' meaning social


This social order had to be before this one we now know, or it

could not be called "the social order that then was." That it was

one which existed before our social order since Adam, is clear

from the next statement about "the heavens and the earth, WHICH

ARE NOW." The two statements, "the world THAT THEN WAS" and "the

heavens and the earth, WHICH ARE NOW" prove there were two

separate social systems on Earth. One was BEFORE the one WHICH IS

NOW, and the other, AFTER the one THAT THEN WAS.

If it can be definitely proved that "THE WORLD THAT THEN WAS"

refers to a social order on Earth before the present heavens and

the Earth WHICH ARE NOW, then it would be forever settled that

there were inhabitants before Adam. (Yes, inhabitants of the

Dinosaurs and spirit angels and creatures, with Lucifer as

their captain - Keith Hunt). We submit the following points to

prove that it refers to a social order on Earth before Adam:

1.  THAT IS WHAT 2 PET.3:6-7 SAYS. It could not be expressed

more clearly in human language than it is here, "By the word of

God the heavens WERE OF OLD, and the earth standing out of the

water and in the water. Whereby the world [social order] THAT

THEN WAS [of old, and BEFORE the heavens and the Earth WHICH ARE

NOW], being overflowed with water perished: But the heavens and

the earth, WHICH ARE NOW [AFTER the world THAT THEN WAS], by the

same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day

of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."

Why should one close his mind to such plain language? How could

one misunderstand such simple statements of two worlds - the one


2.  If "the world that then was" is the same as that between

Adam and the flood of Noah, then God made "the heavens and the

earth which are now" since the flood of Noah, but this the Bible

does not teach. There is no statement in any Scripture that the

heavens and the Earth which are now differ from what they were

between the times of Adam and Noah. On the contrary, we have a

clear record that in six days God made "the heavens and the earth

which are now," and there is no record anywhere of a change being

made in them by Noah's flood, so that they would have to be made

over again after the flood. What kind of change could a flood

make in the heavens and the Earth? No flood could change the

heavens, for floods on Earth can never cover the heavens. If a

change is to be made in the heavens, it must be by divine acts of

power other than by floods. At Noah's time no change was made

even in the Earth, much less in the heavens. All that happened

was that some men and animals on Earth were drowned. The Earth,

vegetation, etc., remained the same after the flood as before it.

3.  If "the heavens and the earth WHICH ARE NOW" could be proved

to be the same as "the world THAT THEN WAS" merely because we do

not want to believe that there was a social order before Adam,

then on the same basis we could prove that the present heavens

and the Earth will be exactly the same as the future New Heavens

and the New Earth of 2 Pet.3:13. All we have to do to make them

the same is to have the mere desire to make them the same, and

say they are the same. If wonders can be accomplished this

easily, we could do many other super acts by the mere desire and

by human words. If mere belief in one case could change facts,

then it could in the other.

4.  There are three distinct and separate periods of the history

of the Earth according to 2 Pet.3:5-13: first, "the world

[social order] THAT THEN WAS" before the heavens and the Earth

WHICH ARE NOW (vv. 6-7); second, "the heavens and the earth

WHICH ARE NOW," which are after "the world THAT THEN WAS and

before the "new heavens and a new earth" that will be (vv.5-7,

13); third, "we, according to his promise, look for new heavens

and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness," which are after

"the heavens and the earth WHICH ARE NOW," which in turn was

after "the world THAT THEN WAS" (vv.5-7,13). Thus there were

and are to be THREE social systems: first, the one before Adam:

second, the one between Adam and the New Heavens and the New

Earth; third, the one in the New Heavens and the New Earth.

5.  Peter taught that there were two ends to two sinful careers

of the Earth: first, "the world THAT THEN WAS." There must have

been a sinful career of that social system, or it would not have

been destroyed by water to make room for the present one; second,

the end of the present sinful career of the Earth, for the

present heavens and the Earth "are kept in store, reserved unto

fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men" (2

Pet.3:7). If the destruction of the world THAT THEN WAS is the

same destruction by fire in the future; there could not have been

a social system which has already perished by water as stated

here. So the destruction by water in the past and the destruction

by fire in the future proves that two times the Earth has been

made perfect and inhabited, and that two times the Earth has had

sinful careers. The third time the Earth will be made perfect is

when the New Heavens and New Earth are made. There will be a

continued social system in them, for Peter added, "wherein

dwelleth righteousness."

6.  If we believe that the flood that destroyed the world THAT

THEN WAS is the same flood that partly destroyed the present

social system in Noah's day, we will have to believe several

false doctrines as follows:

(1) That man was created at the time of the original creation of

the heavens and the Earth in the dateless past instead of in the

six days of Gen.1, for scoffers referred to in 2 Pet. 3,

believed that there was no disruption of the world, since, they

say, "all things" continue the same since creation.

(2) That God created the heavens and the Earth WHICH ARE NOW at

the time of the flood, for if the world THAT THEN WAS referred to

the people between Adam and Noah, then there would have had to be

a creation of the present heavens and the Earth in Noah's day to

make "the heavens and the earth WHICH ARE NOW."

(3) That the first life on the earth was created about 6,000

years ago.

(4) That scoffers believed that man was created at the time of

the flood, for they say, "since the fathers fell asleep

[beginning of the race and death in the race] all things continue

as they were from the beginning of the creation" (2 Pet.3:4).

(5) That we are just as ignorant as the scoffers who think

that the heavens were created at the time the fathers began to

fall asleep (2 Pet.3:4-5 ).

(6) That the social system that was created in Adam's day was

totally destroyed by the flood of Noah, for all of it "perished"

by water (2 Pet. 3:6).

(7) That there is a difference between the social order on the

Earth between Adam and Noah and the one that has existed since

Noah. But there is no such difference, for Noah's family lived

both before and after the flood, and there was no difference

between them in the two periods.

(8) That Peter did not make it clear which flood he refers to,

the one in Gen.1:2 or the one in Gen.6-8. But always, without

exception, he makes it very clear when he refers to the flood of

Noah (1 Pet.3:20; 2 Pet.2:5). Since in 2 Pet.3:6 he states

that all the social system THAT THEN WAS perished by water, we

have to conclude that he is not speaking of the flood of Noah.

Surely scoffers would not be so ignorant as to believe that all

the social system perished in Noah's flood; else they themselves

would not be here to scoff unless God had made a new social order

in Noah's day.

(9) That scoffers were totally ignorant of Noah's flood, for they

were ignorant of the one that destroyed the social system THAT

THEN WAS. Peter makes it very clear that last day scoffers would

be willingly ignorant of that destruction (2 Pet.3:4-6). This

therefore could not refer to Noah's flood, for all scoffers know

of it. The Greek word for 'ignorant' in 2 Pet. 3:5 and 8 is

'lanthano,' translated elsewhere 'hid' and 'hidden' (Mark 7:24;

Luke 8:47; Acts 26:26) and 'unawares' (Heb.13:1). This proves

that the truth of the flood that destroyed the original social

system was hidden from them, while they all know about Noah's

flood. What was it that the scoffers were ignorant of unless it

is the destruction of a social world before Adam? This is the

thing of which men are still ignorant, or we would not have to

take so much time and space to get men to realize this truth of

the Bible. Peter said that the scoffers were willingly ignorant

of this truth, thus showing that it is a clear doctrine of

Scripture if men would decide to stop being ignorant of it. There

are many Scriptures that make such a doctrine clear; so "if any

man wants to be ignorant, let him be ignorant," as Paul expressed

it (1 Cor.14:38).

Peter said these scoffers of the last days would be ignorant of

the fact that the heavens were of old; that the social system on

the old Earth perished by water; that the heavens and the Earth

since the six days of restoration are kept in store to be

purified again - the next time by fire; that the Lord is not

slack concerning His promises of final restoration of the Earth

to its third perfect state; and that God was as longsuffering to

all men, not willing that any should perish, but that all come


That there was a great catastrophe that came upon the pre-Adamite

world is clear from many Scriptures as well as from facts of

geology, botany, and other sciences. Scientists assert that the

Earth went through JUST ONE great catastrophe; an unknown

period in the past; that animal remains show that they died in

great agony; and that some unexplainable something happened to

the Earth itself to cause it to be turned upside down. In the

Ferrar Fenton translation, Gen.1:2 reads, "the earth was

[became] unorganized and empty; and darkness covered its

convulsed surface; while the breath of God rocked the surface of

the waters." This shows the Earth went through a period of

convulsions, spasms, eruptions, earthquakes, and a great

cataclysm that destroyed all animal and vegetable life on Earth.

Accounts of the flood of Noah and the flood of Lucifer are so

dissimilar that we must believe there were two great floods on

the Earth. 

In Ps. 104:5-10 we have a vivid description of the

destruction of the social world before Adam and of the

restoration of the Earth out of that flood. First the flood is

described as having come upon the Earth after the foundations of

the Earth were laid, and the waters are described as standing

above the mountains. Then the passage tells how the flood was

taken off the Earth so it could be inhabited again.

The only other reference Peter makes to the pre-Adamite world is

in 1 Peter 1:20, and here he speaks of christ as being

foreordained BEFORE the foundation (overthrow or disruption) of

the world. This could never refer to the flood of Noah. Thus we

see that Peter taught that there was a social system before Adam

that was overflowed by water and perished.


1. Earth made waste (Gen. 1:2....)

a. Earth not made waste (Gen.8:11,12,22; Heb.11:7; 1 Pet.3:20)

2. Earth made empty (Gen.1:2....)

a. Not made empty (Gen.6:18-22; 8:16).

3. Earth made totally dark (Gen.1:2-5....)

a. Not made totally dark (Gen.8:6-22).

4. No light from heaven (Gen.1:2....)

a. Light from heaven (Gen.8;6-22).

5. No day and night (Gen.1:2-5).

a. Day and night (Gen.8:1-22).

6. All vegetation destroyed (Gen.1:2; 2:5-6....)

a. Vegetation not destroyed (Gen.8:11,21; 9:3,20).

7. No continued abating of the waters of the earth (Gen.1:6-12).

a. Continual abating of the waters of the earth by evaporation


8. Waters taken off the earth in one day (Gen.1:10).

a. Months of waters abating off the earth (Gen,8:1-14).

9. Supernatural work of taking waters off the earth (Gen.1:6-12;

Ps 104:7).

a. Natural work of evaporation of the waters off the earth


10.No rebuke or miraculous work in fled away (Gen.1:6-12;


a. No rebuke or miraculous work in taking waters off the earth


11.The waters on earth in Gen.1:2 hasten away when rebuked

(Gen.1:6-12; Ps.104:9).

a. The waters on the earth gradually receded in Gen.8:1-14.

12.God set bounds around the waters in Gen.6:1-12; Ps.104:9.

a. The bounds were already eternally set for waters in Gen.8:1-


13.All fish were totally destroyed in the flood of Gen.1:2....

a. No fish were destroyed or created again after Noah's flood

(Gen.1:20-23; 6:18-22).

14.No fowls left on earth after (Gen.1:2....

a. Fowls were left after Noah's flood (Gen.6:20; 8:7-17).

15.No animal left after (Gen.1:2; ...2 Peter 3:5-6).

a. Some of all animals kept alive (Gen.6:20; 8:17; 9:2-4,10-16).

16.No man(creatures - Keith Hunt) left on earth in Gen.1:2....2

Peter 3:5-6.

a. Eight men and women left after Noah's flood (Gen.6:18; 8:15-

22; 9:1-16; 1 Peter 3:20).

17.No social system left at all in Gen.1:2....2 Peter 3:5-6.

a. A social system left after Noah's flood (Gen.8:15-22; 9:1-16;

1 Peter 3:20).

18.No ark made to save men in Gen.1:2;....2 Peter 3:5-6.

a. An ark was made to save and animals alive (Gen.6:8-8:22; 9:1-

16; Heb.11:7).

19.Cause: fall of Satan (Isa.14:12-14....Ezek.28:11-17; Luke


a. Cause: wickedness of men (Gen.6:5-13); and fallen angels

...(Jude 6-7; 2 Peter 2:4).

20.Result: became necessary to make new life on earth (Gen.1:3-

2:25; Isa.45:18; Eph.3:11).

a. Result: no new creations made for men and animals were not

destroyed (Gen.6:18-8:22; 9:1-16).


In Eph.1:4; Heb.4:3; 9:26, we have Paul's references to the

overthrow of the world THAT THEN WAS before Adam. In this first

reference he teaches that even as far back as before the

foundation (Greek, 'katabole,' from 'katabollo,' to throw down,

overthrow, disrupt, or ruin) of the world ('kosmos,' social

order), God planned To restore the Earth and provide redemption

through Christ, should the new creation fail. According to this

plan of redemption outlined in Eph.1:1-14, we have revealed that

God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, chosen us in

Christ to be holy, predestinated us to be adopted as children,

made us accepted in the beloved, redeemed and forgave us by the

blood of Christ, abounded toward us in all wisdom, made known to

us His will, gave us an inheritance, and sealed us unto the day

of redemption.

In the second reference (Heb.4:3) we have one of the strongest

statements in Scripture that the six days work of Gen.1:3-2:25

was "since the foundation [disruption] of the world." It plainly

states that God did His works and that they were finished since

the overthrow of the world. The works referred to could not be

the original creation of the heavens and the Earth of Gen.1:1,

but the six-days work Of Gen.1:3-2:25, for the passage says, "God

did rest the seventh day from his works" (Heb.4:3-4). If the

works in this passage mean the six-days work and not the original

creation of Gen.1:1, and if these works were "finished" since

the disruption of the world, then the passage proves that before

the six days there was a world or social order on the Earth to be


In the third passage (Heb.9:26) we have the fact that Christ did

not suffer many Times "since the foundation [disruption] of the

world" or social system that lived before this disruption, but

that He suffered only once "in the end of the world ages," to

put away the sin of the second social order on Earth. That is,

Christ Came to redeem the present earth-rebels, who were created

since the overthrow of the first earth-rebels. (Which were angel

beings and Lucifer - Keith Hunt).


In Rev.13:8; 17:8 we have statements that the book of life was

prepared "since the foundation [disruption] of the world." There

would have been no need of the book of life for the present

earth-rebels until they rebelled. Now, since the fall, anyone who

conforms to the processes of redemption has his name written in

it (Ex.32:32-33; Ps.69:28; Dan.12:1; Luke 10:20; Phil.4:3; Rev.

3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:11-15; 21:27; 22:19).

Rev.13:8; 17:8 do not teach that the names of men are written in

the book BEFORE they are saved, as some teach, but that a book of

life was prepared as far back as "since the overthrow of the

world" that lived before Adam. Each person has his name written

in the book of life when he is born again (begotten again - Keith

Hunt)of the Word of God and the Spirit of God, and goes through

the process of adoption (actually 'sonship' - way more than

adoption - Keith Hunt) as a child into the family of God. Names

can be blotted out of the book according to Ex.32:32-33; Ps.69:

5-28; Rev.3:5. So don't let any man be deceived into thinking

that this is impossible.

You can see for yourself what these passages say. If they do not

mean what they say, then they are false; but if they mean what

they say, then they are true; so believe them rather than any


If the book of life was prepared "since the overthrow of the

world," and if it has been in existence all the time since Adam's

creation, there must have been a social world that lived holy for

a time, and then rebelled and was overthrown, before this present

human social system. 

We conclude, therefore, that since Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah,

Ezekiel, Jesus, Matthew, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, and others

taught that there was a social world before Adam, there must have

been one; so it is just as easy to believe as anything else in

the revealed Word of God.


Yes, I must say that for me Drake gives enough Scriptural proof

to prove that Lucifer the "covering cherub" once ruled this

earth, and at some point in past time (not told us) he, with one

third of the angels REBELLED against the rule and ways and

commandments and love of the Godhead. There was then a star wars

war, Lucifer tried to break through into heaven and de-throne the

Godhead, but he was beaten back, thrown down, back to earth as

lightening, and the physical creatures and all physical matter on

earth was destroyed and the whole globe was covered with water.

Then God's Spirit moved upon the face of the waters and

said......Genesis 1:3....The earth and heaven that NOW IS came

into being in six literal days of creation, man and woman were

created and God looked at it all and said it was GOOD. He then

rested the SEVENTH day and BLESSED and SANCTIFIED it!!

                                  THIS WAS THE TIME WHEN THE EARTH WAS COMPLETELY COVERED BY                

                                   WATER.  A FLOOD THAT THE HUMAN MIND CAN NOT REALLY GRASPE.

                                  IT WAS SO HUGE AND SO VIOLENT; IT WAS WHEN COAL AND OIL AND            

                                 GAS WAS FORMED. PRESSURE CREATED DIAMONDS; AND THE 

                                  UNDERGROUND SEAS WERE FORMED, WHICH WE HAVE ONLY 

                                    DISCOVERED IN THE 21ST CENTURY.  ALL THE DINOSAUR  LIFE CAME

                                  TO AN ABRUPT END.  SO VIOLENT THAT ALL SEA LIFE ENDED; SO 

                                       VIOLET EVEN THE BIRDS OF THE AIR WERE COMPLETELY KILLED.

                                   ALL LIFE OF EVERY KIND, TINY, SMALL, LARGE, AND HUGE, CAME TO 

                                          AN END.  SOME HUGE CRATERS HAVE BEEN FOUND BY MODERN 

                                      INSTRUMENTS WHERE MASSIVE ROCK METEORS HIT THE EARTH, 

                                     DURING THE STAR-WARS BATTLE, BETWEEN GOD'S FAITHFUL ANGELS 

                                                                           AND SATAN'S ANGELS.


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