Part Two
Doing What Christ Said But, some will say, maybe we don't have to do it as an ordinance at a certain time, but didn't Christ command us, " also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done to you"? Christ certainly did say that. But what did He mean? He also said: "If your eye offends you, pluck it out." What did He mean? Do we accept that statement as a literal command? Rather, don't we seek to understand the meaning of the words? Paul wrote five times, "Greet one another with a holy kiss." What did he mean? Do Christians today accept this plain statement as a command? James wrote, "Is any merry, let him sing Psalms." What did he mean? Do all Christians sing Psalms every time they are merry? Few of us take these other statements as commands or spiritual requirements - we try to let the Bible interpret the Bible in order to understand what is meant by the words. We should do the same with John 13:15-17. Keith answers: It is true that Jesus said things that are not to be taken in a literal sense, such as: "If your eye offend you pluck it out." The rest of the Bible shows us that God would not want us to mutilate ourselves. Yes, Jesus spoke in parables that were not always to be applied literally in every respect, but had hidden spiritual meanings or lesson. On the other hand, Jesus often said things that were not analogies or symbolisms, but were plain do's and commands and teachings. With no spiritual interpretations needed. Must we be constantly seeking to "understand the meaning of the words"? Must we always think Jesus was giving us a hidden secret spiritual meaning to all He said and taught? I have met those who look for the meaning of Jesus' words, "I will come again" and do not believe He meant what He said, do not believe we should take those words literally at all. Others do not believe Christ pre-existed as an Eternal being, and the statements of Jesus that show He did, they seek to understand the meaning of the words - some hidden spiritualization. And so it could go on and on, no one really knowing what the words of the Bible are meaning, not knowing if an instruction was an ordinance for the Church or just a custom, or a one time event, or something else that needs interpreting another way. It really should be no wonder that we have hundreds of differing Christian sects, who differ on just about everything the Bible says. The Bible should indeed interpret the Bible WHERE there is a NEED to interpret and understand the meaning of the words. And in SOME cases THERE MAY BE A DEEPER SPIRITUAL lesson that is being conveyed by a physical "do this in remembrance of me" command, or "I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you" teaching. BUT, the hidden meaning to the literal do's does not nullify the performing of the physical, but adds more import and meaning to the commands. The spiritual meaning that Paul gives us about the physical act of baptism in Romans 6 does not mean we are exempt from doing the literal act. It adds greater meaning and insight and more proof as to why we need to continue to do the literal command as given by Jesus in Mat.28:19. As we follow the literal commands and instructions of Christ's words REGARDING OTHER WORDS AND COMMANDS that He spoke, so we should do the same with John 13:14-17. There is nothing in those words to indicate it was a custom of the time at the Passover meal to wash feet. The words show it was something NEW that Jesus was doing, and the instructions He gave are pretty straight and easy to understand. He said He was setting an EXAMPLE for them to do likewise. Paul's admonition to follow courteous customs of the day such as, "Greet one another with a holy kiss" or as we in this age may say, "Greet each other with a hand shake" is a statement that by the words and the context is a setting FAR REMOVED from the context and words of Jesus in John 13. There is little in common with Paul's general salutation for people to "Greet one another with a holy kiss" and Jesus' commanding words. I may write to a group of God's children and casually - in a gernal way admonish them to greet each other with a hand shake. It is an expression to get them to see that we should appreciate each other. Not that I expect they will always forever, and at all times, greet each other, without missing someone at some time, with a hand shake. So it was with James when he wrote: "Is any merry, let him sing Psalms." This is a GENERAL statement to praise the Lord when you are happy. Not that other types of songs are excluded from being sung, but a spiritual mind set should always be with you at all times. Now compare these statements by Paul and James with Jesus' words of John 13:14-17. I believe there is a LARGE DIFFERENCE! First, there are many more words from Jesus, as if He wanted to make sure His followers did not forget or misunderstand that He meant what He said and said what He meant. Second, the EXAMPLE - that which Jesus DID was done so His disciples WOULD DO LIKEWISE. I FIND THE WORDS OF COMMAND AND EXAMPLE OF INSTRUCTION VERY PLAIN AND VERY SIMPLE IN JOHN 13:14-17. As a young child would find many other words of instruction from Jesus easy to read and understand in other parts of the four Gospels, so I believe these verses would be just as simple to read and comprehend and follow by the same young child. It's time for more of us to be more childlike in our reading and doing of the Eternal's word. ACD: Christ was talking about much than a pan and a towel once a year. He was giving His disciples an example of humble and selfless service - showing the kind of attitude they ought to have towards one another as a way of life - 365 days a year. In verse 17, He said: "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." THESE THINGS refer to a whole way of life - a way of serving, giving, and sharing - a way He illustrated very powerfully throughout His entire life, not only that night when He washed the disciples' feet. Certainly it wasn't wrong to wash someone's feet. And it isn't necessarily wrong for Christians to do it ceremonially - as long as they don't consider themselves more righteous than those who don't perform this ritual. What does count is for Christians to practice love and service - to have a feetwashing attitude all the time as a way of life. Keith answers: We have already agreed that what Jesus was doing in the physical act and example of foot washing was to illustrate to His disciples the life long attitude they should have towards each other in humbleness and service. While Christ's words, "If you know these things" could be rightly applied to refer to a whole way of life - a way of serving, giving, and sharing, those words must also apply to the immediate context of "you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." ACD acknowledge it's not wrong for Christians to wash feet in a ceremony service, but caution such not to consider themselves more righteous than those who do not perform that ritual. Self-righteousness is always to be avoided by the child of God, or thinking oneself better than another. On the other hand the instruction from Jesus is that the child of God is to "hunger and thirst after righteousness" and to "do and teach" even the least commandment (Mat.5:6,19). Did not Peter say that Christ left "us an example, that you should follow His steps" (1 Pet.2:21). Maybe those who do follow the example of Jesus in all things, will be accused of trying to be more righteous than those who do not. But as long as their attitude is one of humility, they have nothing to fear by this argument from those who wish to spiritualize away the teachings of Christ. The same argument could be used by those who believe they can baptize with just a few drops of water, as opposed to complete immersion. they could say: "Certainly it isn't wrong to baptize by complete immersion in a ritualistic ceremony, as long as those who do so practice do not consider themselves more righteous than those who do not perform this ritual, but use a few drops of water. There are those who practice keeping the "Lord's Supper" as they call it, FOUR times a year(the SDA church is one of them) as opposed to those who teach it should be observed only ONCE a year on the 14th of Nisan. Now the four times a year groups could argue, "Certainly it's not wrong to keep the Passover just once a year, as long as those who do it this way don't consider themselves more righteous than those who keep it four times a year." It's time to get from behind this wall of "we want to do and believe what is pleasing to us" and realize God does have THE WAY to live and worship Him. He does not give us the right to determine HOW we shall worship or obey Him, but only WHETHER we shall or shall not do it HIS WAY. Too many want to serve God while they sing to Him the song "MY way" and have put aside the example and attitude Jesus left us when He said to the Father "not MY WILL be done but YOURS." ACD: The focal point of the meaningful occasion of observing the death of Christ is JESUS CHRIST and His total sacrifice for us. Our minds and hearts should be focused on Him when we gather together to take the bread and wine in remembrance of His death. And in many respects the physical logistics of a feetwashing ceremony can detract from the meaning and significance of this New Testament memorial. Keith answers: ACD want us to understand that the physical "foot washing ceremony" has a greater meaning than just the act itself, namely - the spiritual lesson that Jesus' followers are to serve each other on a daily basis, yet with such a great meaning behind a physical acts they teach, "the physical logistics of a feetwashing ceremony can detract from the real meaning and significance of the New Testament memorial." I find this to be somewhat contradictory. It is human nature to forget, as the weeks and months go by, the real meaning behind the ceremony of the bread and wine - what it represents to us for our eternal salvation - and start to take sin and holiness and why Christ had to die for us in a less than serious attitude. God knew this was the way of human nature and made sure that once a year through a very special ceremony we would be reminded of the death of Jesus. So also with the instruction we are given over and over again in the NT to love and serve the children of the Father. It is human nature to forget those teachings and develop a less than serious attitude towards serving our Christian brother and sister. Knowing this to be the case, our Lord instituted a ceremony on the last Passover He partook of that would, each year, be an annual reminder to His followers that they were to serve each other in humility every day of their lives. That annual reminder was a foot washing service to be performed each year on the Passover evening. No doubt other arguments could be found as to why we do not have to perform feet washing on the Passover evening, but what is the bottom line? Bottom Line Turn to Luke 17 and verse 5. The disciples wanted their faith to be increased. Look at the lesson Jesus gave them as to HOW to have MORE faith. Notice especially verse 10. Let's suppose you could argue correctly that you did not have to be a part of a foot washing ceremony - that it is NOT commanded of God. So you busy yourself finding all the laws and instructions from the Eternal that ARE commanded. You busy yourself doing them all your Christian life, and then stand with confidence before the Lord one day. You tell Him you've done ALL the things COMMANDED, and you await His reply. What a SHOCK to hear Him say, "After you have done ALL THINGS COMMANDED you, do you not know that I still consider you an unprofitable servant, for you have ONLy done that which was your DUTY TO DO. I expect my servants to DO MORE THAN JUST THEIR DUTY!" I would rather be SAFE than SORRY!! If you have performed foot washing and it was NOT required, what have you lost? Nothing! You just increased your faith. If you did NOT perform foot washing and it WAS required, what have you lost? Read again Luke 17:10 but this time also add Matthew 25:14-30. ................... Written 1987 Keith Hunt |
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