Friday, October 11, 2024


 Our Daily Bread #32

Light in a Dark world

                           BEWARE OF OPEN DOORS

Read: Philippians 1:8-11

Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment, but a man of

understanding walks uprightly. - Proverbs 15:21

     Sometimes Christians follow an "open door" policy. When a

door of opportunity opens, they assume that it's God's will to go

through it.

     Bestselling author Terri Blackstock knows this is untrue.

She never openly rebelled against God, but she found herself far

away from Him after walking through open doors of opportunity. "I

had allowed myself to believe that God was blessing my career ...

because He had opened all the doors," she wrote in "Soul

Restoration." Although she got what she wanted - a successful

career writing romance novels for Harlequin and Silhouette,

she lost what she needed: a close relationship with God.

     When she finally admitted that her career was keeping her

from God, she turned her back on success and renewed her

commitment to the Lord. Since then, her writing career has been

revitalized, and she has became an award-winning author of

Christian fiction.

     Just because the Lord doesn't stop us from something doesn't

mean He wants us to continue. To discern which opportunities to

pursue, we need to "approve the things that are excellent" and to

he "filled with the fruits of righteousness ... to the glory and

praise o£ God" (Phil.1:10-11). - Julie Ackerman Link


                              APOLOGY HOTLINE

Read: Matthew 5:21-26

Leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be

reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. -

Matthew 5:24

     Jesse Jacobs has created an apology hotline that makes it 

possible to apologize without actually talking to the person

you've wronged. People who are unable or unwilling to unburden

their conscience in person call the hotline and leave a message

on an answering machine. Each week, 30 to 50 calls are logged, as

people apologize for things from adultery to embezzlement. "The

hotline offers participants a chance to alleviate their guilt

and, to some degree, to own up to their misdeeds," said Jacobs.

     The apology hotline may seem to offer some relief from

guilt, but this is  not how Jesus instructed His followers to

handle conflict. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told us to

deal with conflict by taking the initiative and going to the

offended brother to apologize for the offense (see also Matt.

18). In fact, Jesus taught that the problem of human estrangement

is so serious that we should even interrupt our worship to go on

a personal mission of reconciliation (Matt.5:24). The Master

encouraged His followers to be reconciled with one another

eagerly, aggressively, quickly, and personally (v.25).

     Are any of your relationships broken or estranged because of

something you said or did? Take the initiative. Go now and do all

you can to be reconciled. - Marvin Williams

God cannot prosper those who try To cover sin and wrong deny; But

all who humbly will confess, The Savior with His love will bless.

- D. De Haan


                             SCRIPTURAL SONGS

Read: Collossians 3:15-17

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly ... in psalms and

hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to

the Lord. - Colossians 3:16

     John W. Peterson, the beloved songwriter, was a master at

using Scripture in his songs. When I was a teenager in the church

choir, we performed his cantata "Jesus Is Coming" and sang these

words taken from 2 Timothy 3, verse 1: "In the last days perilous

times shall come. Men shall be lovers of themselves." Then he

wrote of the grim signs that we would recognize in the last days

(vv.2-7). The steady rhythm of his music helps me remember that

list even today.

     While some of us have trouble memorizing verses from God's

Word, something in our brain helps us to remember words in songs.

If we analyze some of our favorite Christian songs and choruses,

we find that they have been derived from Scripture. Thus, we can

use the memory boost of music to hide away God-breathed words in

our hearts (2 Tim.3:16). Songs such as "Open the Eyes of My

Heart" (Isa.6:9-10; Eph.1:18) or favorites like "Thy Word Have I

Hid in My Heart" (Ps.119:11,105) are taken from the Bible. With

these words hidden in our memory, a song of praise comes quickly

to our lips.

     No matter what kind of voice you have, when you sing the

words of Scripture back to God, it is sweet music to His ears. -

Cindy Hess Kasper

You are the chosen of the Lord, To sing His highest praise, And

through the melody of song, To show His wondrous ways. - Anon.


                            CONNECTING WITH GOD

Read: Psalm 63:1-8

Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall

praise You. - Psalm 63:3

     In his book "Objects of His Affection," Scotty Smith shares

his journey of learning to personally experience the passionate

love of God. As a young boy, he lost his mother suddenly in a car

accident. Because of this, he closed off his wounded heart to

others -including God. Several years later he received Jesus as

his Savior and began to learn the truths of Christianity. Yet his

relationship with the Lord in those days was, as he described,

"side by side rather than face to face. Importent but not


     Do you ever feel that way? You talk to the Lord a little

bit, read His words in the Bible, but don't sense a passionate

connection with Him like that expressed by the psalmist David in

Psalm 63. Scotty suggests ways to overcome the obstacles to

intimacy, from which we may glean these two ideas.

Live honestly. 

     Open up to the Lord about the pain of your losses and admit

your failures. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you"

(James 4:8; see also 1 John 1:9).

Ponder and believe the Scriptures: 

     about God's character and His longing for you. "Your

lovingkindness is better than life" (Pa.63:3; see also Ps.139 and


     Being close in a relationship takes time and effort - even

when it's with the Lord. - Anne Cetas

I must put my relationship With You, O Lord, I pray, Above what

may distract me from Time spent with You each day. - Sper



                       WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?

Read: 1 Cor.10:31-11:1

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all

to the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31

     What on earth are you doing? You may have heard that phrase

when your mom told you to clean your room and found you playing

with your toys instead, or maybe your teacher caught you passing

notes in class.

     But if God were to ask you this question, how would you

respond? Paul tells us that as followers of Jesus we have been

put on this earth to bring glory to God in everything we do. So

what should that look like? God's glory is the manifestation of

all that He is in His unsurpassed, stunning perfection. It is His

amazing love, His wide mercy, His deep grace. His glory is seen

in His truth, justice, wisdom, and power. To glorify Him means

that we have the high privilege of showing Him off in a world

that is totally unaware of what He is really like. Acts of mercy

to the undeserving, grace to the needy, forgiveness to an

offender, living wisely according to His will - all give glorious

visibility to the character and quality of our God. There are a

lot of misconceptions floating around about God. It's our job to

let others see what He is really like. And, when they like what

they see, let's be sure to let them know who taught us to live

like that. It's not a good idea to steal God's glory! - Joe



                              DESIGNED BY GOD

Read: Romans 12:3-8

We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have

the same function. - Romans 12:4

     Bison are made in such a way that their natural inclination

is to look down; the design of their necks makes it difficult for

them to look up. In contrast, giraffes are designed in a way that

makes looking up easy; the way their necks were made makes it

difficult for them to look down. Two creatures created by the

same God but with distinctively different body parts and

purposes. Giraffes eat leaves from branches above. Bison eat

grass from the field below. God provides food for both, and

neither has to become like the other to eat.

     As we observe the animals and people around us, we're

reminded that God made each of us unique for a purpose. One

person's natural tendency is to look up and see the "big

picture," while another looks down and focuses on details. Both

are important. One is not better than the other. God gave us

individual talents and spiritual gifts so that we can work

together as a body.

     Human beings are the crowning jewel of creation, and we

shine the brightest not when we see our own likeness reflected in

others but when each of us performs the unique functions that God

designed for us to do. "Having then gifts differing according to

the grace that is given to us, let us use them - (Rom.122:6). -

Julie Ackerman Link

By God's wise designing We are wonderfully made, Every part

essential, And in perfect balance laid. - Anon



Read: Genesis 12:1-9

By faith Abraham obyed when he was called to go. - Hebrews 11:8

     My grandfather grew up on the North American frontier and

raised his family on a dairy farm. To pass the time, he often

sang songs while he worked. "Shenandoah" was one of his


O Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Away, you rolling river,

O Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Away, I'm bound away, 'Cross

the wide Missouri.

     That song reflects the love the pioneer songwriter had for

the Shenandoah River. Yet he felt compelled to leave its beauty

and go west. His love for the familiar rooted him, but the pull

of something better won his heart.

     When Abraham was called out of Ur to follow God to the

Promised Land, he had to leave everything that was familiar to

him (Gen.12:1). Despite the idolatry of that pagan city, Abraham

had probably grown attached to the comfort of his home, the

variety of the food, and the fellowship of his friends. But

Abraham left the familiar to follow God's leading: "By faith

Abraham obeyed when he was called to go" (Heb.11:8).

     When we experience God's call to another place, it may mean

leaving behind the people and the things we love. But when we're

obedient to God, He will provide something even more futfilling

at our new destination. - Dennis Fisher 

Fulfillment on life's journey comes, When we in faith obey The

leading of our loving God, He'll not lead us astray. - Sper




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