Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Feast of Tabernacles 

Meditating On

                       THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES 

by Keith Hunt

     I sit here at my Computer on Thursday 17, of October, 2024

first day of the Feast of Tabernacles in the year of

2024. I It is a lovely sunny day outside here in Calgary, Alberta. I'm blessed indeed to have great physical health and strength, 

I have had since a young teenager, obeyed the laws of health, in

food, work, rest, exercise and sleep.

     A lovely day of weather outside in Calgary, so my heart

sings with praise to the Lord as I meditate on the WONDERFUL

PROMISES in God's word concerning the AGE TO COME, the return of Christ Jesus to this earth in POWER and GLORY, to establish the

Kingdom of God on earth, where all nations for a 1,000 years will

walk the straight and narrow path of the way and life of God. A

way of life that is not only joyful, but a way of life that

brings PEACE, and ALL good things. A way of life that gives

STRENGTH for all the adversities, trials, test, troubles,

difficulties, that may come along in this sojourn on earth.

     I'm classified now as a "senior citizen" by the world. AN OLD SENIOR. Well, I do not even think about it per se, my age that is, but being over 80 does give some "goodies" in this world. I get a discount

on this or that. I look back at all the things I've had the

privilege to do over my lifetime - wonderful. What a blessing

that I'm still able to do many of those things. I'm blessed to

have the eye-sight and the hands to type away. I'm blessed to

have a clear and sound mind to still study, in-depth, and

technically at times, the writings I upload to this blog. I

find it a great blessing to know there are people out there, like

yourself, who use this blog to grow in grace and knowledge of

the love and majesty of our Father in heaven and His Son Christ


     I praise the Lord that my parents sent me to a "religious

school" at the age of 7. Our first half hour of each day, was

spent in reading the Bible. No deep doctrinal theology given,

just a reading of God's word. It was all a wonderful foundation

for what God had ahead for me.

     What a time we are living in. The time of the end, but how

long God will allow for this end time, only He knows. It could be

another decade before Jesus returns, and then it could be any

number of decades. I would like to see Jesus come back in my

lifetime, but then many down through the centuries wanted that,

including the very first apostles of the NT Church of God.

     But PROPHECY is marching on. Here is a poem:

     War-clouds gather throughout the world as the end of the age

     draws near, Nations are filled with perplexity, men's hearts

     are failing for fear, Pestilence, famine and earthquakes are

     taking a dreadful toll, While Satan fights against God in

     the struggle for Israel's soul.

     The prophet Ezekiel tells us the outcome of World War Three,

     And gives us a wonderful vision of peace that is yet to


     When the King of Kings returns to earth to rule with an iron

     rod, With the Government on His shoulders, enforcing the

     Laws of God.

     We are journeying through the Wilderness as our fathers did

     of old, Learning through sore tribulation the only back to

     the fold; Thou the road we take grows darker as we press on

     towards the light, A glorious Dawn is breaking, The Kingdom

     of God is in sight. (Muad E.Casson)

     That day is sure as the rising of the sun. God has promised

it. The Kingdom of God will come to earth. Maybe in the lifetime

of my generation, then it maybe in our children's generation. The

dawn will come and light for all nations will come. Peace will be

on this earth one day.

     Ye that have faith shall look with fearless eyes, 

     Beyond the tragedy of a world at strife, 

     And know that out of death and night shall rise 

     The dawn of ampler life, 

     Rejoice, whatever anguish rend the heart, 

     That God hath given to you the priceless dower 

     To live un these great times, and have your part 

     In Freedom's crowning hour.

     That ye may tell your sons who see the light 

     High in the heavens, and their high heritage take

     I saw the powers of darkness take their flight, 

     I saw the morning break (Youth Magazine)

     Jerusalem, "the city of peace," is its meaning - will indeed

be so one day. The Prince of Peace will come. The prophets have

told us. He will come again and His feet in that day will stand

upon the Mount of Olives (Zech.14:4). All that He and Jerusalem

stands for and pictures, will come to all nations. An Englishman

and poet of fame, wrote about when England was visited by our

Lord and Savior, and how Jerusalem will be built in England's

pleasant land:

     And did those feet in ancient times

     Walk upon England's mountains green?

     And was the Holy Lamb of God

     On England's pleasant pastures seen?

     And did the countenance divine

     Shine forth upon those clouded hills

     And was Jerusalem builded here

     Among those dark satanic mills?


     Bring me my bow of burning gold

     Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!

     Bring me chariot of fire!

     I will not cease from mental fight;

     Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

     Till we have built Jerusalem

     In England's green and pleasant land.

(William Blake)

     The PROPHETS of old have much to say and teach us. I will

determine in my mind, and God willing, to expound to you all the

prophets of the Old Testament, as they relate for us today. It

will not be a verse by verse commentary, but an overview of those

prophets are proclaiming to the nations of the earth, to the time

of the end, when all that is written shall come to pass, and

shall find final fulfilment in the literal return of Jesus the

Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the world.

     I will start with Isaiah and work my way through to Malachi,

as God permits me the time.

     The Lord did give me the time; all the prophetic books I have

expounded for you.

     This first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, is the time to

re-read Isaiah, chapter like 11, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27; 29:18-24;

35:4-10; 65:17-25; 66:15-24.

     What a wonderful chapter is Isaiah 11.

     "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,

     and a Branch shall grow out of his roots (Jesus the Christ

     this is telling us about). And the Spirit of the Lord shall

     rest upon Him, the Spirit of WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING, the

     Spirit of COUNCIL and MIGHT, the Spirit of KNOWLEDGE and of

     the FEAR of the Lord. And shall make Him of quick

     understanding in the fear of the Lord; and He shall not

     judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the

     hearing of His ears: But with RIGHTEOUSNESS shall He judge

     the poor, and reprove with EQUITY for the meek of the earth:

     and He shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and

     with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked.

     And RIGHTEOUSNESS shall be the girdle of His loins, and

     FAITHFULNESS the girdle of His reigns.

     The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard

     shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion

     and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead

     them. The cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones

     shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like

     the ox. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the

     asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the

     cockatrice' den. 



     Friends, let those words comfort you, INSPIRE you, LIFT you

UP. Read them again! Does your heart leap for JOY? Do you get a

little "choked up" - maybe some tears fill your eyes, like they

are with me as I type all this.

     There are so MANY passages on this promise in God's word. I

have given you a number of in-depth studies on this 

regarding the AGE TO COME, the Kingdom of God on earth. 

     The world is so filled right now with pain, sorrow, crying,

death, sickness, starvation, deceptions of all kinds. It is

filled with hate, resentment, revenge, wars among the same

people, or wars between nations. It is a world of crime, rape,

child abuse, perversions, broken homes, immorality. 

     Well, you hear and see it on the TV news broadcasts each and

every day.

     But, the day is coming when all things will be fulfilled,

that the prophets have written about, and that includes the END


     There is coming a time when nations will NOT LEARN WAR

ANYMORE! No more will they be bringing back our young men and

women from Iraq and Afghanistan in body bags. It breaks my heart

to see the wives or husbands, or parents and friends, crying at

the grave-sites of our fallen young people in battle.

     There IS COMING a day when people and nations will no longer

have learning institutions devoted to the skills of how to kill

others. It's hard to imagine a world of nations with NO WAR

machines of any kind. 

      It will start with the restoration of Israel and Judah from their enemies and being brought back to the Promised Land - Palestine - to inherit the land promised to Abraham and his descendants. Israel and Judah will be ONE PEOPLE again (Ezekiel 36-38). They will dwell in towns and villages with no walls, no weapons of war and killing. God in the person of Christ Jesus will be WITH them, DWELLING in their midst. The saints of all ages will have been resurrected from the graves (or in the twinkling of an eye changed from mortal to immortal - 

Cor. 15) and they will have met Jesus in the AIR, in the CLOUDS.

(1 Thes. 4)

They have come down from the clouds of earth to be with Jesus as

He stands on the Mount of Olives (Zech. 14).

     At that time, will begin, the gathering of Israelites from

the lands of their enemies. They will come in an EXODUS back to

the Holy Land, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came

up out of the land of Egypt under Moses (Isa.11:15-16 and


     David, the great king of ancient Israel will be resurrected

(as all saints will be) and all the peoples of Israel will under


     From that time forth, they will never again need the

institutions that teach making war. Jesus will be their SAVIOR

AND PROTECTOR. Judah (the Jews) shall see their Messiah, they

will acknowledge WHO HE IS - they will see the nail marks in His

hands, they will acknowledge JESUS the CHRIST IS THEIR MESSIAH!

(Zech.12 and 13).

     Then the final BATTLE of this age, the MIGHTY battle of

ARMAGEDDON (Revelation 16) will take place. Jesus will slay with

the word of His mouth (Zech.14) those who are destroying the

earth. The days WILL BE CUT SHORT, mankind will not obliterate

themselves from off the planet, but they surely would if Jesus

did not intervene and return. 

     The "beast" man and the "false prophet" of Revelation and

their 10 nations army, will be DESTROYED (Rev.17-19).

     Oh, then the words will be fulfilled:

     "And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of

     the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand. And he

     laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the

     Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. And cast

     him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal

     upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more till

     the thousand years should be fulfilled ...

     And I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them, and judgment

     was given unto them: and I saw the lives of them that were

     beheaded fore the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God,

     and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image,

     neither received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their

     hands, and they LIVED AND REIGNED WITH CHRIST 

    A THOUSAND YEARS" (Rev.20:1-4).


When all nations will observe the WONDERFUL FEAST OF TABERNACLES.


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