Monday, October 14, 2024


 Our Daily Bread #33

Moving on to more Godliness

                              ABSOLUTE NEEDS

Read: John 4:7-15

My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in

glory by Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19

     From our first breath until our last, we have few truly

essential needs. Without oxygen, we would perish in minutes. We

must have food and water. Our bodies, when exhausted, require

rest. And in harsh weather, we must seek shelter. So, while we

are needy creatures, our basic needs are few.

     When it comes to our wants, however, there seems to be no

limit. Indeed, the entire advertising industry is devoted to

expanding our "needs."

     But what about those basic needs we overlook? What about our

need for the Bread of Life and the living water of God's truth?

What about our need for spiritual fellowship that gives strength,

hope, peace, and comfort? The vague dissatisfaction so many

people experience is really spiritual malnutrition and thirst.

Jesus told a Samaritan woman about water that would become "a

fountain of water springing up into everlasting life" (John 4:

t4), He had what she truly needed - what Peter later called "the

words of eternal life" (6:68).

     Have we been ignoring the words of Jesus: "Man shall not

live by bread alone"? (Luke 4:4). Have we been failing to nourish

our souls while pursuing our wants? "Seek first the kingdom of

God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to

you" (Matt.6:33). - Vernon Grounds

I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lend, No tender voice like

Thine can peace afford; I need Thee, O I need Thee, every hour I

need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee. - Hawks


                          JESUS' DIFFICULT WORDS

Read: John 6:44-58

From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with

Him no more. - John 6:66

     Recently, a company advertised a "huggable, washable, and

talking" Jesus doll that recites "actual  Scripture verses to

introduce children of all ages to the wisdom of the Bible." Its

sayings include, "I have an exciting plan for your life," and

"Your life matters so much to Me." Who wouldn't want to follow a

Jesus like this?

     Jesus does offer a wonderful plan - for our lives. But He

doesn't serve as a cosmic genie or cuddly doll to meet our every

whim. John 6 gives us a picture of a Jesus who is not so cuddly

in fact, He's often offensive. Instead of fulfilling the selfish

desires of His followers, He disturbed their expectations. He

offered Himself as spiritual bread from heaven and said, "Whoever

eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life" (v.54).

     This message was offensive and difficult. The image of

eating flesh and drinking blood did not give His heaters "warm

fuzziest." Many stopped following Him (v.66). He wasn't the

conquering Messiah-King they had expected.

     Sometimes we want a Jesus who meets our selfish needs. But

the wonderful life He offers is found only in radical obedience

to His commands. Let's ask Jesus to show us what His words mean,

and for the courage to act on His truth. - Marvin Williams

"We love You, Lord Jesus," we often may say, But are we as ready

His will to obey? Let's heed what God's Spirit would have us to

do, For that's how we show Him a love that is true. - DJD


                              SAYING GOODBYE

Read: Matthew 11:7-19

There has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who

is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. - Matthew


     If you've ever been asked to say a few words at a memorial

service, you know how difficult, yet important, it can be. C yrus

M. Copeland, com- piler of two books of tributes to famous

people, said., "A great eulogy is both art and architectrue - a

bridge between the living and the dead, memory and eternity."

     The Bible contains little that corresponds to our modern

eulogy. Yet Jesus paid a great tribute to John the Baptist when

he faced the looming threat of execution by Herod. From prison,

John sent his disciples to confirm the identity of Jesus the

Messiah (Matt.11:2-6). Jesus talked with them, then told the

listening crowd, "Among those born of women there has not risen

one greater than John the Baptist but he who is least in the

kingdom of heaven is greater than he" (v.11).

     Jesus' tribute captured the essence of the desert-dwelling,

straight-preaching John, who was maligned and misunderstood as he

prepared the way for the Son of God John's greatness was more

than personal; it was wrapped up in the kingdom of God. He wrote

his own eulogy by his actions.

     As we ponder what we might say about others at their

passing, it's also good to ask, "What will people say about me

when it's time to say goodbye?" - David McCasland

The way we live our lives each day Makes up our eulogy; So ask

yourself, "When I pass on, What will be said of me?" - Sper



                              MINISTER MENTOR

Read: Exodus 18:13-24

Moses heeded the voice of his father-in-law and did all that he

had said. - Exodus 18:24

     In 1959, when Lee Kuan Yew assumed the position of Prime

Minister of Singapore, his leadership began a long process of

national transformation. disagreements between ethnic groups and

a weak economic base made the future of this tiny nation

uncertain. By 1990, when Lee stepped down from his position,

Singapore had become a model country for ethnic harmony and a

thriving economy.

     After serving as Senior Minister, Lee became Minister Mentor

in 2004. Since then he has been an invaluable resource to

Singapore's cabinet and to other leaders around the world.

     Insights from the older generation can greatly benefit the

younger generation. Although Moses had been used by God to

perform miracles and deliver Israel out of bondage in Egypt, he

still listened to the advice of his fatherin-law Jethro (Ex.


     Jethro had watched his son-in-law care for the concerns of

the people and observed: "Both you and these people who are with

you will surely wear yourselves out. For this thing is too much

for you" (v.18). Moses followed Jethro's advice to select, train,

and delegate others to share the workload (vv.22-24).

Whom has God placed in your life to advise you as a "minister

mentor"? - Dennis Fisher

Following  Through: What are your weakest character traits? Do


know a fellow believer who is strong in these areas? Could that

person become your spiritual mentor?



                             BEST IN THE SHOW?

Read: Matthew 23:1-12

Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the

heart. - 1 Samuel 16:7

     I enjoy watching dog shows an TV. The dog owners are

impeccably dressed and trot along with then pedigreed pooches as

they show off their unique canine beauty. The dogs have been

trained to stand confidently with chins lifted high, their shiny

coats carefully brushed and styled. To me, they all look like


     But I wonder sometimes, when their audience is gone, what

are these dogs really like? Do they ever relax and let their

sleek fur get so matted they're mistaken for mutts? Does their

doggie breath start smelling foul?

     More important, what are we really like when nobody's


     In Matthew 23:2-7, Jesus rebuked those who were interested

in how they looked in public rather than how they were seen by

God. He wants us to be obedient, faithful, and committed to Him -

even when nobody else sees. The Pharisees focused on the way they

were perceived by other people. God's focus is on what we're like

inside. His desire is for us to look like His Son.

     We're not in a competition with other Christians. God will

never ask us to compete for "best in show." He measures us by the

perfect standard of His Son (Eph.4:13). And in love, He provides

the righteousness we need so that we can be blameless before Him

(Col.1:21-23). - Cindy Hess Kasper

Just live your life before your Lord, It matters not what others

do - Your actions will be weighed by Him Who metes out judgment

just and true. - Roe



                               IT LOOKS BAD

Read: Psalm 12

I will set him in the safety for which he yearns. - Psalm 12:5

     King David looked out at the world and was troubled. He

didn't need the Internet to paint a bleak picture of society or

The New York Times to remind him of crime and suffering. Even

without a cable news show to give him all the had news, he saw

the evil. He looked around and saw that "the godly man ceases."

He noticed that "the faithful disappear." In his world everyone

spoke "idly" to his neighbor "with flattering lips and a double

heart" (Ps.12:1-2).

     This description may sound like the theme of a TV show, but

it was life, circa 1,000 BC. While we may view society's evils as

much worse than anything before, David reminds us that evil is

not a 21st-century innovation.

     But David's words also give us hope. Notice his reaction to

the bad news he bore. In verse 1, he turned to God and cried

"Help!" Then he implored God with specific needs. The response he

got was positive. God promised that because He rules righteously,

He would provide protection and safety (w.5-7).

     When you are discouraged by all the bad news, cry out for

God's help. Then bask in the confidence of His assurance. Three

thousand years after David God is still, and always will be, in

control. - Dave Branon

When through life's darkened maze I go, And troubles overwhelm my

soul, Oh, grant me, Lord, the faith to know, That You are always

in control. - D. De Haan


                            UNLOCKING THE GATE

Read: Numbers 5:5-8

When a man or woman commits any sin ... against the Lord ...

then he shall confess the sin which he has committed. - Numbers


     Researchers at the University of Toronto reported in 2006

that people who are suffering from a guilty conscience experience

"a powerful urge to wash themselves!" To study this effect, the

researchers asked volunteers to recall past sins. They were then

given an opportunity to wash their hands as a symbol of cleansing

their conscience. Those who had recalled their sins washed

their hands at "twice the rate of study subjects who had not

imagined past transgressions."

     The Bible proposes the only effective way of dealing with

sin--confession. In the Old Testament, one of the ways the

Israelites were supposed to cleanse themselves and maintain

purity before God and in their community, was by confessing their

sins (Num.5:5-8). To confess means "to speak the same; to agree

with; to admit the truth."

     When the people confessed to God, they were not telling Him

anything He did not already know. But their confession was a

demonstration of a change of heart. Refusing to confess their

sins allowed sin to take deeper root within their lives and


     Admitting our sin unlocks the gate so that we can have

forgiveness, joy, and peace. If we confess our sins, God is

faithful to forgive (1 John 1:9). - Marvin Williams

If we would know God's power to heal, And cleanse us from within,

We must acknowledge when were wrong, Confessing it as sin. -




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