Sunday, October 13, 2024


 The Feast of Tabernacles 

Last Day and the Last Great Feast

                 From the book "The Temple"


                      Alfred Edersheim


On the day before the Feast of Tabernacles - the 14th Tishri -

the festive pilgrims had all arrived in Jerusalem. The 'booths'

on the roofs, in the courtyards, in streets and squares, as well

as roads and gardens, within a Sabbath day's journey, must have

given the city and neighbourhood an unusually picturesque

appearance. The preparation of all that was needed for the

festival - purification, the care of the offerings that each

would bring, and friendly communications between those who were

to be invited to the sacrificial meal - no doubt sufficiently

occupied their time. When the early autumn evening set in, the

blasts of the priests' trumpets on the Temple Mount announced to

Israel the advent of the feast.

As at the Passover and at Pentecost, the altar of burnt-offering

was cleansed during the first night-watch, and the gates of the

Temple were thrown open immediately after midnight. The time till

the beginning of the ordinary morning sacrifice was occupied in

examining the various sacrifices and offerings that were to be

brought during the day. While the morning sacrifice was being

prepared, a priest, accompanied by a joyous procession with

music, went down to the Pool of Siloam, whence he drew water into

a golden pitcher, capable of holding three log (rather more than

two pints). But on the Sabbaths they fetched the water from a

golden vessel in the Temple itself, into which it had been

carried from Siloam on the preceding day. At the same time that

the procession started for Siloam, another went to a place in the

Kedron valley, close by, called Motza, whence they brought willow

branches, which, amidst the blasts of the priests' trumpets, they

stuck on either side of the altar of burnt-offering, bending them

over towards it, so as to form a kind of leafy canopy. Then the

ordinary sacrifice proceeded, the priest who had gone to Siloam

so timing it, that he returned just as his brethren carried up

the pieces of the sacrifice to lay them on the altar. As he

entered by the 'Watergate,' which obtained its name from this

ceremony, he was received by a threefold blast from the priests'

trumpets. The priest then went up the rise of the altar and

turned to the left, where there were two silver basins with

narrow holes - the eastern a little wider for the wine, and the

western somewhat narrower for the water. Into these the wine of

the drink-offering was poured, and at the same time the water

from Siloam, the people shouting to the priest, 'Raise thy hand,'

to show that he really poured the water into the basin which led

to the base of the altar. For, sharing the objections of the

Sadducees, Alexander Jannaeus, the Maccabean king-priest (about

95 B.C.), had shown his contempt for the Pharisees by pouring the

water at this feast upon the ground, on which the people pelted

him with their aethrogs, and would have murdered him, if his

foreign body-guard had not interfered, on which occasion no less

than six thousand Jews were killed in the Temple.

As soon as the wine and the water were being poured out, the

Temple music began, and the 'Hallel' was sung in the manner

previously prescribed, and to the accompaniment of flutes, except

on the Sabbath and on the first day of the feast, when flute

playing was not allowed, on account of the sanctity of the days.

When the choir came to these words, 'O give thanks to the Lord,'

and again when they sang, 'O work then now salvation, Jehovah;'

and once more at the close, 'O give thanks unto the Lord,' all

the worshippers shook their lulavs towards the altar. When,

therefore, the multitudes from Jerusalem, on meeting Jesus, 'cut

down branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way, and

... cried, saying, O then, work now salvation to the Son of

David,' they applied, in reference to Christ, what was regarded

as one of the chief ceremonies of the Feast of Tabernacles,

praying that God would now from 'the highest' heavens manifest

and send that salvation in connection with the Son of David,

which was symbolised by the pouring out of water. For though that

ceremony was considered by the Rabbis as bearing a subordinate

reference to the dispensation of the rain, the annual fall of

which they imagined was determined by God at that feast, its main

and real application was to the future outpouring of the Holy

Spirit, as predicted - probably in allusion to this very rite -

by Isaiah the prophet (Isa.12:3). Thus the Talmud says

distinctly: 'Why is the name of it called, The drawing out of

water? Because of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, according

to what is said: "With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells

of salvation."' Hence, also, the feast and the peculiar

joyousness of it are alike designated as those of 'the drawing

out of water;' for, according to the same Rabbinical authorities,

the Holy Spirit dwells in man only through joy.

A similar symbolism was expressed by another ceremony which took

place at the CLOSE, not of the daily, but of the festive


On every one of the seven days the priests formed procession, and

made the circuit of the Altar, singing: 'O then, now work

salvation, Jehovah! O Jehovah, give prosperity.' But on the

SEVENTH, 'that great day of the feast,' they made the circuit of

the altar seven times, remembering how the walls of Jericho had

fallen in similar circumstances, and anticipating how, by the

direct interposition of God, the walls of heathenism would fall

before Jehovah, and the land lie open for His people to go in and

possess it.

We can now in some measure realize the event recorded in John



The festivities of the Week of Tabernacles were drawing to a

close. 'It was the last day, that great day of the feast.'It

obtained this name, although it was not one of 'holy

convocation,' partly because it closed the feast, and partly from

the circumstances which procured it in Rabbinical writings the

designations of ' Day of the Great Hosannah,' on account of the

sevenfold circuit of the altar with 'Hosannah;' and 'Day of

Willows,' and 'Day of Beating the Branches,' because all the

leaves were shaken off the willow boughs, and the palm branches

beaten in pieces by the side of the altar. It was on that day,

after the priest had returned from Siloam with his golden

pitcher, and for the last time poured its contents to the base of

the altar; after the 'Hallel' had been sung to the sound of the

flute, the people responding and worshipping as the priests three

times drew the threefold blasts from their silver trumpets - just

when the interest of the people had been raised to its highest

pitch, that, from amidst the mass of worshippers, who were waving

towards the altar quite a forest of leafy branches as the last

words of Psa.118 were chanted - a voice was raised which

resounded through the Temple, startled the multitude, and carried

fear and hatred to the hearts of their leaders. It was Jesus, who

stood and cried, saying, 'If any man thirst, let him come unto

Me, and drink.' Then by faith in Him should each one truly become

like the Pool of Siloam, and from his inmost being 'rivers of

living waters flow' (John 7:38). 'This spake He of the Spirit,

which they that believe on Him should receive.' Thus the

significance of the rite, in which they had just taken part, was

not only fully explained, but the mode of its fulfilment pointed

out. The effect was instantaneous. It could not but be, that in

that vast assembly, so suddenly roused by being brought face to

face with Him in whom every type and prophecy is fulfilled, there

would be many who, 'when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth

this is the Prophet.' Others said, 'This is the Christ' Even the

Temple-guard, whose duty it would have been in such circumstances

to arrest one who had so interrupted the services of the day, and

presented himself to the people in such a light, owned the spell

of His words, and dared not to lay hands on Him. 'Never man spake

like this man,' was the only account they could give of their

unusual weakness, in answer to the reproaches of the chief

priests and Pharisees. 

The rebuke of the Jewish authorities, which followed, is too

characteristic to require comment. One only of their number had

been deeply moved by the scene just witnessed in the Temple.     

Yet, timid as usually, Nicodemus only laid hold of this one

point, that the Pharisees had traced the popular confession of

Jesus to their ignorance of the law, to which he replied, in the

genuine Rabbinical manner of arguing, without meeting one's

opponent face to face 'Doth our law judge any man before it hear

him, and know what he doeth?'

But matters were not to end with the wrangling of priests and

Pharisees. The proof which Nicodemus had invited them to seek

from the teaching and the miracles of Christ was about to be

displayed both before the people and their rulers in the healing

of the blind man..... 

Only the first of the seven days of this feast was 'a holy

convocation;' the other six were 'minor festivals.' On each day,

besides the ordinary morning and evening sacrifices, the festive

offerings prescribed in Numb.29:12-38 were brought. The Psalms

sung at the drink-offering after the festive sacrifices (or

Musaph, as they are called), were, for the first day of the

feast,; for the second, Psa. xxix.; for the third, Psa.

1; from ver.16; for the fourth, Psa. xciv., from ver.16; for the

fifth, Psa. xciv., from ver.8; for the sixth, Psa. lxxxi., from

ver.6; for the last day of the feast, Psa. lxxxii., from ver.5.

As the people retired from the altar at the close of each day's

service, they exclaimed, 'How' beautiful art thou, O altar!' All

the four-and-twenty orders of the priesthood were engaged in the

festive offerings, which were apportioned among them according to

definite rules, which also fixed how the priestly dues were to be

divided among them. 

Lastly, on every sabbatical year the Law was to be publicly read

on the first day of the feast (Deut.31:10-13. In later times only

certain portions were read, the law as a whole being sufficiently

known from the weekly prelections in the synagogue).

On the AFTERNOON of the SEVENTH day of the FEAST the people began

to REMOVE from the 'booths.' For at the OCTAVE, on the 22nd of

Tishri, they LIVED NO LONGER IN BOOTHS, nor did they use the

lulav. But it was observed as 'a holy convocation ;' and the

festive sacrifices prescribed in Numb.29:36-38 were offered,

although no more by all the twenty-four courses of priests, and

finally the 'Hallel' sung at the drink-offering.

It will have been observed that the two most important ceremonies

of the Feast of Tabernacles - the pouring out of water and the

illumination of the Temple - were of post-Mosaic origin. and

According to Jewish tradition, the pillar of cloud by day and of

fire by night had first appeared to Israel on the 15th of Tishri,

the first day of the feast. On that day also Moses was said to

have come down from the Mount, and announced to the people that

the Tabernacle of God was to be reared among them. We know that

the dedication of Solomon's Temple and the descent of the

Shechinah took place at this feast (1 Kings 8; 2 Chron.7). Nor

can we greatly err finding an allusion to it in this description

of heavenly things: 'After this I beheld, and, lo, a great

multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and

kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and

before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their

hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God,

which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb' (Rev.7:9,10)...


End of quotes from Edersheim

What MOST MISS (including Edersheim) is John chapter 8 and verses 1 and 2. Jesus departed from the Temple, went to the mount of Olives and EARLY IN THE MORNING HE CAME AGAIN INTO THE TEMPLE!!

Jesus came AGAIN back into the Temple the NEXT MORNING, which was the EIGHTH day, or as Edersheim put it, the OCTAVE. This was a DIFFERENT FEAST, and NOT part of the Feast of Tabernacles. The BOOTHS were dismantled on the afternoon of the 7th day of the feast of Tabernacles, the last "great day" of THAT feast, as Edersheim has rightly explained from Jewish recorded history.

The NEXT day was ANOTHER Festival altogether. Edersheim in his book "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah" gives Biblical andJewish proofs that this EIGHTH day or OCTAVE, was indeed ANOTHER Feast and NOT a part of the feast of Tabernacles.

Jesus made every effort to be there in the Temple to teach and

preach and do the works of God, the VERY NEXT DAY AFTER the feastof Tabernacles. This shows, contrary to what some would have us believe, He was observant in keeping the Festivals of the Lord.

From John 8:1 to through to John 10:21 was ALL on this OCTAVE day, the day AFTER the seven day feast of Tabernacles. Notice John 9:14. There is NO "the" in the Greek. It should read: "And it was Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes."

Yes, it was Sabbath of the eighth or octave day, the day AFTER

the last or seventh day of the feast of Tabernacles. See Lev.23

and how that day was to be a Sabbath of rest.

The whole account of what took place and the words of Jesus on

this day is very significant. It is the wonderful truth that

Jesus will give LIGHT and people will SEE the words of the Bible,

the books will be opened, and those who were in spiritual

darkness, never having been granted an insight and calling to

salvation in their physical life time, will be raised from the

dead and will have the books of the Bible opened to them and the

book of Life also. It will be an age when the great white throne

judgment will be given to the vast majority of mankind, who never

were given spiritual sight before (Rev.20).

All of this is explained in detail under the study called "The

Great White Throne Judgment" - the Last Great Feast of the Lord. WILL POST IT UP AFTER TABERNACLES.

Keith Hunt

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