Different COVID-19 Vaccines

Updated Sept. 1, 2021

Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in adolescents and young adults have been reported more often after getting the second dose than after the first dose of one of the two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna. These reports are rare and the known and potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known and potential risks, including the possible risk of myocarditis or pericarditis.

Approved and Authorized Vaccines

Below are the vaccines that are approved and authorized in the United States to prevent COVID-19:

Johnson & Johnson / Janssen

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Different COVID-19 Vaccines

Vaccines are now widely available. In most cases, you do need an appointment. Do not wait for a specific brand. Learn how to find a COVID-19 vaccine so you can get it as soon as you can.

All currently authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines:

CDC does not recommend one vaccine over another.

Learn more about who is eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot.

Vaccine Brand Name

Who Can Get this Vaccine [ 1 ]

How Many Shots You Will Need

When Are You Fully Vaccinated?

People 12 years and older

2 shots
Given 3 weeks (21 days) apart [ 2 ]

2 weeks after your second shot

People 18 years and older

2 shots
Given 4 weeks (28 days) apart [ 2 ]

2 weeks after your second shot

People 18 years and older

1 shot

2 weeks after your shot

1 If you have had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) or an immediate allergic reaction to any ingredient in the vaccine you are scheduled to receive, you should not get that vaccine. If you have been instructed not to get one type of COVID-19 vaccine, you may still be able to get another type. Learn more information for people with allergies.

2 You should get your second shot as close to the recommended 3-week or 4-week interval as possible. However, your second shot may be given up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose, if necessary.

Vaccine Types

  • Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work
    Learn how the body fights infection and how COVID-19 vaccines protect people by producing immunity. Also see the different types of COVID-19 vaccines that currently are available or are undergoing large-scale (Phase 3) clinical trials in the United States.​
  • COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
    Information about mRNA vaccines generally and COVID-19 vaccines that use this new technology specifically.
  • Viral Vector COVID-19 Vaccines
    Information about viral vector vaccines generally and COVID-19 vaccines that use this new technology specifically.

Vaccines in Phase 3 Clinical Trials

Large-scale (Phase 3) clinical trials are in progress or being planned for COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. To learn more about U.S. COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, including vaccines in earlier stages of development, by visiting clinicaltrials.gov.external icon

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