Women's Role in the Church #4
Creation Roles
THE ORDER OF CREATION The survey of the ministry of women in the Old and New Testaments presented in chapter 2, has shown that women played a vital role in both the private and public religious life of God's people. In the apostolic church they participated actively not only in the charitable services of the church but also in the missionary program of spreading the Gospel. Some women distinguished themselves as "fellow workers" of the apostles and others as prophets who encouraged and edified the churches. The recognition of the important spiritual ministry performed by women in Bible times, must not obscure an equally evident Biblical fact, namely, that women were precluded from serving as priests in the Old Testament and as apostles/pastors/elders/ bishops in the New Testament. We have already indicated that, in our view, the reason for their exclusion from these appointive roles, was not adaptation to the cultural conventions of the time, but rather respect for the role distinctions of men and women established by God at creation. Objectives. This chapter takes a closer look at the significance of the original order established by God at creation concerning the role relationship between men and women. Our aim is to ascertain if the principle of equality in personhood and subordination in certain functional roles--to which we have alluded in the previous chapters--is legitimately derived from God's purpose in the creation of mankind or is the result of the Fall. The chapter is divided in three parts, each of which examines one of the first three chapters of Genesis. We will focus especially on the information these chapters provide on the role relationship of men and women. Brief consideration will be given at the end of each part to Paul's use of Genesis 1, 2, 3 in his teachings on the role of women in the church. Importance of Creation. Both Jesus and Paul appeal to the account of creation to explain God's original intent for human relationships (Matt 19:3-9; 1 Cor 11:2-16; 1 Tim 2:11-151. This indicates the foundational importance Scripture attaches to the creation account for understanding the subject of the role relationship of men and women. Thus, in order to understand the New Testament teaching on the role of women in the church, it is important to begin, like Jesus, at "the beginning" (Matt 19:8) by examining God's original purpose for male/female relationship as revealed in His creation of mankind. The three passages of Genesis which are central for our understanding of the relationship between man and woman are: (1) Genesis 1:26-31, which gives the account of the creation of the human race; (2) Genesis 2:18-25, which describes the creation of woman; (3) Genesis 3:1-24, which relates the story of the Fall and its consequences. Let us briefly examine what each of these passages teaches regarding the relationship between men and women. PART I GENESIS 1: MALE AND FEMALE 1. Equal, yet Different Genesis 1:26-31 is primarily concerned with the place of the human race in God's creation of this universe. Three key statements are contained in this passage: (1) God created mankind in His own image and likeness; (2) God created mankind as male and female; (3) God gave to mankind dominion over all the living things and power to increase and multiply, that is, to become a race. These three statements embody two vital concepts: equality in being and differentiation in sex. Equality. Equality is suggested by the fact that both man and woman are created in the image of God. Genesis 1:26 states: "Then God said:'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea ..." "Man" here refers inclusively to men and women. This is indicated first by the Hebrew word for "man" ('adam) which can be translated equally well as "mankind, humanity": "Let us make mankind in our own image." The second indication is the plural "them," which points to "man" here is a plurality consisting of both man and woman. The fact that Genesis 1:2628 moves back and forth three times between the singular "man" and the plural "them," clearly indicates that the term "man" ('adam) is used collectively to refer to both man and woman. This conclusion is corroborated by Genesis 1:27 where the statement "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him" is clarified by the following statement "male and female he created them." Thus, both man and woman were created equally in the image of God and both were blessed by God and told to multiply and subdue the earth. The idea that the image of God in woman is second hand, derived from that of man, is clearly discredited by the account of creation in Genesis 1.1 Different. Equality, however, must not obscure the sexual differentiation which is equally clear in the passage: "male and female he created them" (Gen 1:27). The two sexes are part of God's original purpose for the human race and both are good. Both men and women are essential to the proper functioning of the human race. Denial or perversion of sexual differentiation is a rejection of the order established at creation. Genesis 1 does not say much about the roles of men and women. It simply affirms that man and woman are equally created in the image of God, but they are sexually different. This notion of man and woman being equal and yet different is fundamental for all further consideration of the roles of men and women. 2. Image of God in Man Maleness and Femaleness. There has been considerable discussion over what is the image of God in man. Recently Paul Jewett adopted and developed Karl Barth's understanding of the image of God in man as being the combination of the human maleness and femaleness. Jewett affirms: I do insist that Man's creation in the divine image is so related to his creation as male and female that the latter may be looked upon as an exposition of the former. His sexuality is not simply a mechanism for procreaction which Man has in common with the animal world; it is rather a part of what it means to be like the Creator. 2 This interpretation is used by Jewett and many others as the basis for their rejection of any functional subordination on the part of women and for their espousal of male-female equal partnership in every respect, including the office of pastor/elder. The basis of this interpretation is primarily the proximity of the phrase "male and female he created them" to the phrase "in the image of God he created him" (Gen 1:27). As Jewett explains it: "the text of Genesis 1:27 makes no direct comment on Man in the image of God save to observe that he exists as male and female." 3 There is undoubtedly some theological truth in the notion that the image of God is reflected in the male-female fellowship as equals. The problem with this interpretation is that it makes too much of too little. First it reduces the image of God exclusively to the male-female fellowship of equal and then it uses this unilateral interpretation to reject as biased those Biblical passages which speak of a functional subordination of women in the home and in the church. Dominion, Rationality. In our view, there are four major reasons why the image of God includes more than the male-female fellowship. First, in Genesis 1:26 the image of God in man is associated not with Man as male and female, but rather with dominion over the earth. The chapter appears to be saying that while the sun rules the day, the moon the night, the fishes the sea, mankind images God by having dominion over all the realms. Second, the structure of Genesis 1:27 (synthetic parallelism) 4 suggests that "male and female" elucidates what is meant by the plural "them" already used but not explained in v. 26. Third, in the New Testament the image of God in humanity is never associated with malefemale fellowship, but rather with moral and rational capacities: "put on the new nature, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator" (Col 3:10; cf. Eph 4:24). Similarly conformity to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29; 1 Cor 15:49) is generally understood in terms of righteousness and holiness rather than male-female fellowship. Fourth, Galatians 3:28 indicates that the male-female relationship does not have the significance assigned to it by those who associate it with the image of God. The phrase "male and female" in Galatians 3:28 is identical to that used in the Septuagint to translate Genesis 1:27 ("male and female he created them"). This suggests that Paul's statement that in Christ "there is neither male nor female," as Susan T. Foh points out, "abolishes the distinction upon which Jewett's whole theology rests." 5 In the light of these reasons we conclude that the image of God is not reflected specifically in the male-female relationship. The phrase "male and female he created them" (Gen 1:27) specifies the extent of the image of God, namely, that it includes both man and woman. Those who try to interpret a male-female image of God in Genesis 1:27 as the basis for rejecting role distinctions or the subordination of woman to man are reading into the passage what is not there. What the passage simply says is that God created mankind as male and female and both of them are in His image. This suggests that men and women are equal in their relationship to God and yet they are different in their sexuality: men are male and women are female. The implications of the sexual differentiation for role relationship are to be found not in Genesis 1 but in Genesis 2 in conjunction with the creation of the woman. 2. Paul's Use of Genesis 1 Woman: Second-hand Image? Pauls uses the terms "image" and "glory" in 1 Corinthians 11:7 in his discussion of the manner in which men and women ought to participate in public worship. He writes: "For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man" (1 Cor 11:7). Some commentators interpret this verse as implying that woman reflects the image of God to a lesser degree than man. Rousas J. Rushdoony, for example, writes: "Paul declares in Corinthians that even as man was created in the image of God, so woman was created in the image of man - so that the image of God in woman is a reflected image, a second-hand image, as it were." 6 This conclusion is unwarranted for two major reasons. First, in 1 Corinthians 11:7 Paul neither asserts nor denies that woman is created in God's image. The focus of his discussion is not the personal dignity or worth (ontological value) of men and women which is mentioned in Genesis 1:26-28, but rather the headship of man in marriage and worship, which is implied in Genesis 2:18-23, to which Paul specifically refers (1 Cor 11:8-9). It is in this context that man images God and that woman does not. It is obvious that women bear God's image in other senses, as Paul himself recognizes in Colossians 3:10-11 where he speaks of all believers being renewed according to God's image. Glory of Man. Second, Paul is careful in 1 Corinthians 11:7 not to say that the woman is man's image. Rather he says that "woman is the glory of man." The language of Genesis 1:26-27 in the Septuagint is "image" (eikon) and "likeness" (homoioma) and not image and glory (doxa). Thus Paul's use of the term "glory" is significant. To understand its meaning it is important to note that Paul uses "glory" in the context of the relation of man to God and of woman to man. Man images God and gives Him glory by being submissive to Him and by being a loving, self-sacrificing head (Eph 5:25-29). The wife is the glory of her husband in the way she honors his headship by her life and attitude. This meaning is well expressed in the Septuagint version of Proverbs 11:16 which says, "A gracious wife brings glory to her husband" (cf. Prov.12:4). We conclude, therefore, that Paul's use of "image" and "glory" is not an abuse of Genesis 1:26-29. Indeed, he appeals primarily not to Genesis 1 but to Genesis 2 to explain why the woman is the glory of man, namely, because she was created from and for man and not viceversa (1 Cor 11:8-9). PART II GENESIS 2: EQUALITY AND SUBORDINATION 1. Complementary Information Creation of Mankind. Genesis 2 contains a considerable expansion of the creation of mankind covered in Genesis 1:26-31. While Genesis 1 affirms that God created mankind as male and female in His own image, Genesis 2 elaborates on how the two sexes were created and on the relationship between them. God created man from the dust and breathed into him the breath of life. He placed man in the garden of Eden, giving him permission to eat of every tree except of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam names the animals brought to him by God, but he could not find among them "a helper fit for him" (v.20). God, who had already planned to create for Adam such a "helper fit for him" (v.18) even before He brought the animals to Adam, now proceeds to create the woman from the rib of man. The latter constitutes the central action of Genesis 2. Equality and Oneness. Why did God create the woman from Adam's body instead of making her a separate creation from the dust like Adam? Four reasons stand out. First, the creation of woman from man's rib suggests the sameness of nature between man and woman. As Adam acknowledges, the woman is the very bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh (Gen 2:23). The actual selection of man's rib from which to create the woman suggests that "she was not to control him as the head, nor to be trampled under his feet as an inferior, but to stand by his side as an equal, to be loved and protected by him." 7 Second, the human race, including the first woman, derives from the same source, Adam, who is the head and representative of humanity (Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 15:22). Third, the creation of woman from man establishes the basis for the one-flesh principle in marriage (Gen 2:24; 1 Cor 7:4). This principle rests on a real biological and historical foundation. Functional Subordination. Fourth, the woman's creation from man and for him ("a helper fit for him"--Gen 2:18) suggests a functional dependency and subordination. As von Rad points out, Genesis describes the woman not in romantic terms as a companion to man, but in pragmatic terms as a "helper" to him. 8 Bible writers speak of human relationships with a certain practicality. Many resent and reject the notion of a functional subordination of woman to man in Genesis 2. They argue that in Eden before the Fall there was a perfect 50-50 partnership between husband and wife. The notion of the headship of man and the subordination of woman is seen as a consequence of the curse. In their view Christ lifted this subordination (Gal 3:28) and consequently Christians must work to eradicate any form of subordination in the relations between man and woman. This view stems from a negative evaluation of all forms of subordination and especially of the subordination of woman. This conviction has led many either to interpret all the Scriptural references to subordination as reflecting the post-Fall condition or to treat Scriptures as sexist or male-chauvinistic. The strongest objection to this view is that subordination is present in Genesis 2, that is, before the Fall described in Genesis 3. Moreover, the New Testament, as we shall see, urges the subordination of woman to man not on the basis of the curse, but of the purpose of God in creation. 2. Subordination in Genesis 2 Although the focus of Genesis 2 is on the sameness of nature and partnership between man and woman, there exists within that equality and partnership an overall sense of woman's subordination to man. The term "subordination" is used here not in its negative connotation of oppression, domination or inferiority, but in its positive sense of depending upon another person for direction. Its purpose is to ensure unity and harmony. Central Role of Man. Subordination is suggested in Genesis 2 first of all by the central role of man in the account of the creation of woman. Man is created first and is provided by God with a garden, an occupation, and finally a wife to be "a helper fit for him" (Gen 2:18). Feminist authors argue that the Hebrew word 'ezer (helper) does not imply subordination, because, as Clarence J. Vos points out, in 15 out of the 19 times the word is used in the Old Testament to refer to God as the "helper" of the needy. 9 It is true that the word "helper" by itself, whether in Hebrew or in English, does not necessarily imply subordination. But the meaning of a word cannot be determined without consideration of its context. In this case the word occurs within the phrase which says that God created woman to be a helper fit for man. "If one human being is created to be the helper of another human being," rightly notes George W. Knight, "the one who receives such a helper has a certain authority over the helper." 10 This does not mean that woman exists solely for the sake of helping man, but rather that she is a helper who corresponds to man because she is of the same nature. Name of Humanity. Second, subordination is suggested in Genesis 2 by the fact that man bears the name "Man" or "Human" which designates the whole human race. In spite of the objections from feminists today, the name for the human race in Genesis is the proper name of the man, because he is seen as the embodiment of the race. Eve is seen as the mother of all human beings, but not as the embodiment of the race. She is the wife to the man who is the embodiment of the race. Priority of Creation. Third, subordination is suggested by the temporal priority of the creation of man. Paul refers to this fact to support the exclusion of women from the pastoral teaching role in the church (1 Tim 2:8-15). Some object to this argument, saying: "If beings created first are to have precedence, then the animals are clearly our betters!" 11 This objection is discredited first by the fact that in the story of the creation of man and woman, priority of creation is associated with derivation, as 1 Corinthians 11:8-9 shows. The animals were created before man but man does not derive from animals. The objection is further discredited by the meaning the Bible attaches to primogeniture. The first son inherited twice as much as his brothers and became the head of his father's house and the leader of its worship upon the father's death (Deut 21:15-17). It is because of this meaning that Christ Himself is called "the first-born of all creation" (Col 1:15). The prior formation of Adam is seen by Paul as typifying the leadership role man is called to play in the home and in the church. This typological underderstanding of the priority of Adam's formation may appear irrational from an empirical standpoint, but, as we shall see in chapter 6, it is rational from a Biblical standpoint, because it reveals a divine design for the role of men and women. Naming of Animals and Woman. There are other indications of the subordination of woman to man. Man names not only the animals, but also the woman herself, both before and after the Fall (Gen 2:23; 3:20). In Hebrew thought name-giving is the prerogative of a superior. God exercises this prerogative by naming the things He created and later on by giving a new name to Abraham and to Jacob (Gen 17:5; 35:10). Man demonstrates his God-given headship when he names first the animals and then the woman God brought to him. Man is also instructed by God regarding the forbidden tree and is apparently held responsible for passing on the information to his wife (Gen 2:16-17). After the Fall, God holds man accountable for the original transgression (Gen 3:9). Indications such as these make it abundantly clear that woman, though equal in being, is subordinated to man before the Fall. 3. Objections to Subordination Cleaving to his Wife. Feminist writers seek to deny the presence of any subordination of woman to man in Genesis 2 by appealing to two elements of the chapter. The first is the phrase that man "cleaves to his wife" (Gen 2:24), which is seen as denoting subordination of man to woman. As Clarence J. Vos puts it: "It is the man who cleaves to the woman, and usually with regard to persons the lesser cleaves to the greater." 12 This argument is discredited by the fact that in its context the phrase suggests not subordination of man to woman but the formation of a committed marital relationship. Last in Creation. The second element to which feminist writers appeal is the placement of woman as last in the creation, a fact which is interpreted as making woman rather than man the climax of creation. 13 This view ignores the different literary structure of Genesis 1 and 2. While in Genesis 1 the creation of the human race as last represents the climax of creation, in Genesis 2 the creation of woman as last represents the consummation of man's search for a fitting partner. As Cassuto points out, the model for the creation of the woman appears to be that of a father finding a wife for his son. When the partner who is truly fitting for him is found, she is brought to the man. 14 Her place as last represents the fulfillment of mans search for a fitting companion and not woman's superiority to man. There are feminist writers who acknowledge the presence of the subordination of woman to man in Genesis 2, but they try to negate its legitimacy as a permanent principle by appealing to Genesis 1, which affirms the equality of man and woman. According to this view, the creation account of Genesis 1:1-2:4, where man and woman are presented as equals, is more credible than the second account of Genesis 2:4b-25, where the woman is subordinated to man. Dichotomy between Genesis I and 2. This view creates an unwarranted dichotomy between Genesis 1 and 2, by assuming that there is a fundamental incompatibility between the two chapters. Is this true? Apparently the author who put the two chapters together did not think so. He must have seen them as complementary rather than contradictory, otherwise he would not have put them together. As Stephen B. Clark remarks, "We ought to credit the author with some understanding of the central meaning of the material he was putting together." 15 The resolution to the apparent tension between Genesis 1 and 2 is found, not by discrediting the latter, but rather by recognizing the different context of the two chapters. In Genesis 1 the context is man and woman in relation to God. In such context they are equal. In Genesis 2 the context is man and woman in relation to one another. In such context woman is functionally subordinated to man. We have already shown that the recognition of this principle of equality in being and subordination in function adequately explains why women in the Bible are both equal to men in personhood and yet subordinate to men in certain roles. Those who accept the authority of Scripture as it has been written down and canonized cannot accept any interpretation which views any part of the Bible as less credible than other parts (2 Tim 3:16). Biblical principles have to be established on the basis not of subjectively selected texts, but on the cumulative witness of the Bible. 4. Nature of Subordination Contradiction in Terms. Is is difficult to appreciate the principle of equality in personhood and subordination in function which is present in Genesis 2 because this principle is becoming increasingly foreign to our modern Western society. An example of this difficulty may be seen in the following comment by Scanzoni and Hardesty: "Many Christians thus speak of a wife's being equal to her husband in personhood, but subordinate in function. However, this is just playing word games and is a contradiction in terms. Equality and subordination are contradictions." 16 Example of Christ. To claim that equality and subordination are an unacceptable contradiction, means to fail to recognize that such an apparent contradiction coexists in our Savior Himself. On the one hand Christ says: "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30) and "He who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9), and, on the other hand, He states "I can do nothing on my own authority; ... I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me" (John 5:30) and "the Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). Christ is fully God (John 1:1; Col 1:15-20) and yet "the head of Christ is God" (1 Cor 11:3; cf. 15:28). Equality and Subordination. In our idealistic understanding of equality, "subordination" connotes inferiority, limitation and humiliation. "In its original sense, however," as Fritz Zerbst explains, "'to be in subjection' means to 'be placed in an order' to be under definite tagmata (arrangement of things in order, as in ranks, rows, or classes)." 17 To accept one's role within God's order established at creation means to find the fulfillment for which we were created. The subordination in Genesis 2 is similar to the one that exists in the Godhead between Father and Son. In fact Paul appeals to the latter model to explain in what sense a husband is the head of a wife, namely, as God is the head of Christ (1 Cor 11:3). This is a unique kind of subordination that makes one person out of two. Man was the head of a relationship that was "one flesh." Thus, subordination in the Scripture does not connote subservience, as commonly understood, but willing response and loving assistance. As Susan T. Foh aptly remarks, We know only the arbitrariness, the domination, the arrogance that even the best boss/underling relationship has. But in Eden, it was different. It really was. The man and the woman knew each other as equals, both in the image of God, and thus each with a personal relationship to God. Neither doubted the worth of the other nor of him/herself. Each was to perform his/her task in a different way, the man as the head and the woman as his helper. They operated as truly one flesh, one person. In one body does the rib rebel against or envy the head? 18 Unity-Subordination. The subordination God intended to exist in His original creation is a unity-subordination. It is the subordination in which some are subordinate to others for the sake of a greater unity. It is a subordination in which the head governs out of genuine love and the subordinate responds out of a desire to serve common goals. Genesis 2 deals primarily with the husband-wife relation, but its underlying principle of equality and subordination has a broader social application. In Scripture, as we shall see, the marriage relationship is the foundational model of the broader relationship between men and women. The pattern in the larger household of faith is an extension and reflection of the pattern in the home. 5. Paul's Use of Genesis 2 It is from Genesis 2 that Paul draws most of his arguments to explain why women should be subordinate to the headship of man in the home and in the church. He develops three specific arguments out of Genesis 2: (1) Adam was formed first (1 Tim 2:13; Gen 2:20-22); (2) Eve was taken out of man (1 Cor 11:8; Gen 2:21-22); (3) she was made for his sake (1 Cor 11:9; Gen 2:20-22). These arguments will be examined more fully in chapter 5. At this juncture it suffices to note the importance Paul attaches to Genesis 2 for determining the role of women in the church Adam Was Formed First. In 1 Timothy 2:13 Paul appeals to the prior formation of Adam to support his teaching that women should not be permitted "to teach or to have authority over men" (1 Tim 2:12). We have seen that in the Old Testament the first-born son not only inherited not only a "double portion" of his father's goods, but also the responsibility of acting as the leader of worship upon his father's death. Paul sees Adam's priority of formation as representing the leadership role of the first-born that man is called to play in the home and in the church. This meaning is only implicitly expressed in Genesis 2 which speaks only of the prior formation of Adam and of the creation of woman out of Adam to be his helper. Paul offers here an explicit interpretation of this historical fact. We have no reason to reject this interpretation if we believe that Scripture must be allowed to interpret Scripture. Eve Was Taken out of Man. In 1 Corinthians 11:8 Paul defends the headship of man by appealing to the fact that the woman was taken out of (Greek: ek) man (cf. Gen 2:21-22). In Biblical thought origin and authority are interrelated (cf. Col 1:15-18). A child must respect the authority of his parents because he derives from them. In Adam's historical situation Eve derived from him in the sense that God formed her from his body. Thus, Adam was her "source," and to him was due appropriate respect. This line of reasoning, though present in Hebrew minds, is not explict in Genesis 2. What is explicit in the text is the fact that Adam exercises his God-given headship by naming first the animals and then the woman herself, both before and after the Fall. By this act, as we noted earlier, Adam exercised the leadership role assigned him by God. In the light of this fact, Paul's cryptic remark that the woman was taken "out of" the man represents a faithful interpretation of Genesis 2, which implies the headship of man over the woman, especially though man's naming of his wife (and of the animals). Eve Created for Sake of Man. In 1 Corinthians 11:9 Paul draws the final conclusion from Genesis 2, namely, that woman was created for the sake of man. This fact is evident in Genesis 2 where God formed the woman out of man because no appropriate companion or helper was found for him. This text and its interpretation in 1 Corinthians 11:9 do not say that woman was made to be man's slave or plaything, but rather to meet man's need for a fitting companion and fellow-worker. When men view their wives as less than a God-given help, they are unfaithful not only to the teaching of Genesis but also to the example of Christ's headship, which is the model for husband-wife relationships (Eph 5:23-30). The foregoing considerations show the fundamental importance attached by Paul to the order of creation of man and woman found in Genesis 2. This order constitutes for Paul the theological justification for the exclusion of women from the leadership role in the worship service. Such a role would not be in accord with the subordinate, helping role envisaged for women in creation. To accuse Paul of reading into Genesis 2 his own rabbinic thinking, 19 means to fail to grasp the theological significance of the order of creation for the relationship of men and women and to reject what Paul under inspiration presents as a divinely established principle. The headship of men in the home and in the church is not designed to rob women of their equality and purpose in life, but rather to provide the basis for an harmonious relationship based on complementary roles. PART III GENESIS 3: SIN AND SUBORDINATION 1. Distortion of Creation The first two chapters of Genesis present God's creation as He originally intended it to be. The third chapter describes the disruption and distortion of the order of creation brought about by the Fall. The first part of the chapter relates the temptation of Eve and the immediate consequences of the Fall made evident in the hiding of the man and his wife from God (Gen 3:1-8). In verse 9 God calls upon man to answer for the pair, presumably because he is seen as the head of the family. Curse on Serpent. After the interrogation of the first human couple, God states the consequences of their actions to the serpent, the woman, and the man. These consequences have been generally referred to as "curses." The curse upon the serpent affects not only the serpent as an animal (Gen 3:14), but also the relation between Satan and mankind, characterized by "enmity" and hostility which will be eventually terminated by the destruction of Satan himself (Gen 3:15). Curse on Man. The consequence of the disobedience for man is the immediate distortion of his relation to the ground and the ultimate experience of death. Whereas previously man had control over the ground which yielded its fruit peaceably, henceforth the ground would resist his efforts and cause him pain by raising up thorns and thistles (Gen 3:17-18). Worst of all, the possibility of eternal life has now become the reality of death (v.19). We have here a painful distortion of an existing situation. Curse on the Woman. Against this background we need to examine the curse upon the woman in Genesis 3:16. This curse is of central concern for our study, both because it deals directly with the husband-wife relationship and because it raises the question of the role of the Fall in the relationship between men and women. The curse upon the woman has two aspects. The first relates to childbearing and the second to her relation to her husband. Childbearing, which was part of the pre-Fall divine design for the filling of the earth (Gen 1:28), will now become a very painful process (3:16). (Not understood by very many. There is a study on this website regarding the truth of Gen.3:16 - Keith Hunt) The husband-wife relationship will also now experience a painful distortion: "your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you" (3:16). 2. Institution of Subordination ? Curse upon Woman. Some view the curse upon the woman as marking the beginning of her subordination to man and consequently as an undesirable consequence of sin which has been lifted by Christ (Gal 3:28). Thus, Christians must work for the eradication of all forms of subordination because their origin is satanic. Kenneth S. Kantzer emphatically states this conviction in a special issue of "Christianity Today" dedicated to the role of women in the church. He writes: "We believe the subservience of women is part of the curse (Gen 3:16) from which the gospel seeks to free us." 20 In a similar vein Gilbert Bilezikian writes: "Male rulership was precipitated by the Fall as an element of the curse.... It was not part of God's design for relationships between men and women." 21 This view, that the subordination of the woman to man is the result of sin and consequently satanic, derives from a strong negative view of subordination. It leads to the conclusion that much of the Old Testament and certain Pauline passages are misogynistic, male chauvinistic or, as Bilezikian puts it, "a partial accomodation to sinful realities as a way of achieving their resolution in the new covenant." 22 Subordination in Genesis 2. The strongest objection to this view is the fact that subordination begins, as we have seen, not in Genesis 3 but in Genesis 2 with the creation of woman. As George W. Knight cogently points out: Genesis 3 presumes the reality of childbearing (Gen 1:28), in which the woman will now experience the effects of the Fall and sin (3:16). It presumes the reality of work (Gen 1:28; 2:15), in which the man will now experience the effect of the Fall and sin (3:17ff.). And it presumes the reality of the role relationship between wife and husband established by God's creation order in Genesis 2:18ff., a relationship that will now experience the effects of the Fall and sin (3:16). "He shall rule over you" expresses the effect of sin corrupting the relationship of husband (the head) and wife. Just as childbearing and work were established before the Fall and were corrupted by it, so this relationship existed before the Fall and was corrupted by it. Neither childbearing, nor work, nor the role relationship of wife and husband is being introduced in Genesis 3; all are previously existing realities that have been affected by the Fall. 23 Subordination in the New Testament. Another important objection is that when the New Testament talks about the importance of the subordination of woman to man, it appeals to the order of creation in Genesis 2 (see Eph 5:31; 1 Cor 11:8-9; 1 Tim 2:13-14) and not to the curse of the woman in Genesis 3:16. The foundation of the New Testament teaching on Christian subordination is found in the purpose of God's creation and not the consequence of the curse. 3. Genesis 3: Origin of Oppressive Subordination Curse: Distortion of Subordination. A number of considerations suggest that the curse on the woman marks not the institution but rather the distortion of subordination, as the latter degenerated into oppressive domination by sinful man. First, we have found that subordination is already present in Genesis 2. Second, the analogy between the curse on mans work, childbearing, and the curse on marital the relationship suggests that as a result of the Fall the rulership of man, like work and childbearing, became corrupted and painful. The Verb "to Rule." Third, the meaning of the verb "to rule" ("he shall rule over you"--Gen 3:16) both in Hebrew (mashal) and in the Septuagint (kyrieuo) commonly denotes domination. A fitting example is found in Genesis 4:7 where the Lord says to Cain: "And if you do not do well, sin is couching at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master (mashal) it." If we permit this meaning to determine the meaning of "rule" in Genesis 3:16, then, as Clarence Vos notes, "we can hardly escape the impression that there is a connotation of suppression involved." 24 Genesis 3:16: Not Basis of Subordination. Fourth, the New Testament, as noted earlier, never bases the subordination of women to men in marriage upon the effects of sin manifested in Genesis 3:16, but rather on the pre-Fall order of creation. Genesis 3:16 contains not a new commandment but a prediction of a how man would pervert his leadership role. As Russell Prohl keenly observes: God is not here issuing a special commandment, "Be thou ruled by him!" or, "Thou shall not rule!" But here in Genesis 3:16 we have a statement, a prediction, a prophecy, of how man, degenerated by sin, would take advantage of his headship as a husband to dominate, lord it over, his wife. Nowhere in the Bible is Genesis 3:16 quoted or referred to as establishing a general subordination of woman to man 25 The above considerations lead us to the conclusion that the curse on the woman (Gen 3:16) allows for the possibility of an oppressive, dominating form of subordination. This must be seen as a painful distortion of an already-existing hierarchical relationship, the existence of which we have already found in Genesis 2. The purpose of redemption, as we shall see in chapter 4, is to remove a husband's oppressive rule over his wife, but not his headship over her. 4. Paul's Use of Genesis 3 We have considered earlier in this chapter Paul's use of Genesis 1 and 2. We have seen that he faithfully reflects the implication of these chapters in his teaching on the headship role men are called to play in the home and in the church. We must now turn our attention to Paul's use of Genesis 3. His main reference to Genesis 3 is found in 1 Timothy 2:14 which says: "and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." This is the second of the two reasons offered by Paul to support his teaching that women ought not "to teach or to have authority over men" (1 Tim 2:12), the first reason being the priority in the formation of Adam (1 Tim 2:13). Dangerous Interpretations. The second reason has produced many dangerous interpretations. Some have assumed that this verse teaches that women are disqualified to act as leaders in the church because they are more gullible than men. Paul "may have in mind the greater aptitude of the weaker sex to be led astray." 26 A variation of this interpretation is that women "are inferior in their gifts so far as the teaching office is concerned." 27 These interpretations are untenable because nowhere does the Scripture suggest that women are more prone to err than men or that their teaching gifts are inferior. If the latter were true, how could Paul admonish women to teach their children and other women (Titus 2:3-5; 2 Tim 3:15)? How could he praise women fellow-workers for their roles in the missionary outreach of the church (Rom 16:1,3,12; Phil 4:3)? Connection between Two Reasons. To understand the meaning of 1 Timothy 2:14 it is important to note that this verse is linked to the preceding one by the conjuntion "and" (kai), which is often used by Paul as an explanatory connective (see 1 Tim 4:4; 5:4-5). In this case the connective "and" suggests that the typological meaning of the priority of Adam's formation mentioned in verse 13, is connected with the typological meaning of Eve's deception mentioned in verse 14. What Paul appears to be saying is that both Adam's formation and Eve's deception typologically represent woman's subordination to man. The first reason appeals to the order of creation and the second reason to the Fall to show what happens when the order of creation is disregarded. When Eve asserted her indipendence from Adam she was deceived. The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary supports this interpretation: "The apostle's second argument for the submissiveness of women is that when Eve tried to assert leadership she was beguiled." 28 On a similar vein George W. Knight writes: "In 1 Timothy 2:14 Paul also refers to the Fall after citing the creation order ... to show the dire consequences of reversing the creation order on this most historic and significant occasion." 29 This interpretation brings Paul's reasons in line with his other uses of Genesis, discussed earlier. It provides yet another example of Paul's concern to re-establish the creational relationship of equality in personhood and subordination in function. It shows that Paul bases his teachings concerning the role distinction of men and women not on the consequences of the Fall described in Genesis 3, but on the pre-Fall order of creation found in Genesis 1 and 2. CONCLUSION Our study of the first three chapters of Genesis has shown their fundamental importance for determining the role relationship of men and women in the home and in the church. Genesis 1 simply affirms that man and woman are equally created in the image of God, but they are sexually different. Genesis 2 clarifies the equality and difference of Genesis 1 in terms of sameness and subordination. Man and woman are the same because they share the same human flesh and bones and because they have been created to complement one another. Yet woman is subordinated to man, as indicated by: her role as a fitting helper for man, the priority of the creation of man, mans bearing of the name of humanity, and man's naming of the animals and of the woman herself before and after the Fall. The headship of man is implied also in chapter 3 where God calls upon man to answer for the pair. Genesis 3 describes the distortion of the order of creation brought about by the Fall. This affected not only the serpent, the land, work and childbearing, but also the subordination of woman to man. Sinful man would now take advantage of his headship to dominate and oppress his wife. Contrary to what many believe, the curse on the woman marks not the institution of subordination but rather its distortion into oppressive domination. Paul attaches fundamental importance to the teachings of the first three chapters of Genesis. He appeals to the pre-Fall order of creation to defend the subordination of women to the leadership of man both in marriage and in the church. Paul's appeal to the order of creation is in line with Christ's teaching that calls for a restoration of the creational relationship (Matt 19:8) by the members of His kingdom. Contrary to prevailing thinking, we found that Paul bases his teaching concerning the role of women in the church, not on the consequences of Fall described in Genesis 3, but on the pre-Fall order of creation presented in Genesis 1 and 2. The foundation of his teaching is not the "curse" of the Fall, but the original purpose of God in creation. What are the implications of the order of redemption for the roles men and women are called to fill in the home and in the church? To this question we must now turn our attention. NOTES ON CHAPTER III 1. Rousas J. Rushdoony, "The Doctrine of Marriage," in Toward Christian Marriage: a Chalcedon Study, Elizabeth Fellersen, ed., (Nutley, New Jersey, 1972), p.14. 2. Paul K. Jewett, Man as Male and Female (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1975), pp.13-14. 3. Ibid., p.36. 4. For a structural analysis of Genesis 1:27, see Susan T. Foh, Women and the Word of God (Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 1979), pp. 54-56. 5. Ibid., p.57. 6. Rousas J. Rushdoony (n. 1), p.14. 7. E. G. White, The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets (Mountain View, California, 1958), p.46. 8. G. von Rad, Genesis, trans. J. H. Marks (Philadelphia, 1961), p.80. 9. Clarence J. Vos, Woman in the Old Testament Worship (Delft, Holland, 1968), p.16. 10. George W. Knight, The Role Relationship of Men and Women (Chicago, 1985), p.31. 11. Letha Scanzoni and Nancy Hardesty, All We're Meant to Be: A Biblical Approach to Women's Liberation (Waco, Texas, 1974), p. 28; cf. Paul K. Jewett (n. 2), pp.126-127. 12. Clarence J. Vos (n. 9), p.18; cf. Paul K. Jewett (n. 2), pp. 127-128. 13. Ibid., p.18, n. 25; John A. Bailey, "Initiation and Primal Woman in Gilgamesh and Genesis 2-3," Journal of Biblical Literature (June 1970): 143. 14. V. Cassuto, A Commentary on the Book of Genesis, part 1, ed. Israel Abrahams (Jerusalem, 1961), p.135. 15. Stephen B. Clark, Man and Woman in Christ (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1980), p.15. 16. Letha Scanzoni and Nancy Hardesty (n. 11), p.110. 17. Fritz Zerbst, The Office of Woman in the Church (St. Louis, Missouri, 1955), p.69. 18. Susan T. Foh (n. 4), p.62. 19. See, for example, Paul K. Jewett (n. 2), p.119 20. Kenneth S. Kantzer, "Proceed with Care," Christianity Today (October 3,1986): 15-1. 21. Gilbert Bilezikian, Beyond Sex Roles: A Guide for the Study of Female Roles in the Bible (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1985), pp. 55-56. 22. Ibid., p.68. 23. George W. Knight (n. 10), p.31. 24. Clarence J. Vos (n. 9), p.25. 25. Russell Prohl, Woman in the Church: A Study of Woman's Place in Building the Kingdom (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1957), p.39. 26. Donald Guthrie, The Pastoral Epistles: an Introduction and Commentary (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1957), p.77. See also H. P. Liddon, Explanatory Analysis of St.Paul's First Epistle to Timothy (Minneapolis, 1978), p.19. 27. Paul K. Jewett (n. 2), p.60. 28. The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (Washington, D.C., 1957), vol. 7, p.296. 29. George W. Knight (n. 10), p.32. The same view is expressed by Douglas J. Moo: "In vv. 13-14, then, Paul substantiates his teaching in vv. 11-12 by arguing that the created order establishes a relationship of subordination of woman to man, which order, if bypassed, leads to disaster" ("1 Timothy 2:11-15: Maning and Significance," Trinity Journal 1/1 [1980]: 70). .......................... To be continued |
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