Monday, November 18, 2013

Florida BABY SWAP....many years connection


Wow this seems strange to be writing this 20 plus years after the fact.
I only came across your book by accident in October of this year [2013]
I knew there had been a film made of the "Swapped  Florida Babies" - had it at one time on VHS, but 
must have lost it along the way, So went on Amazon think it was, to see if it was still available, 
 then I saw your book was still out there in a few places; sent for it. I had no idea a book had been written about the famous case at the time.

Alright, pick your book up and read pages 167-170.

The judge figured "I have to make a Solomon-like decision without Solomon's ability to make those kinds of decisions."

Yes I guess he did, but I was not in on that talking at the time, so Solomon had to come a little later on.  You'll see what I mean shortly.

I did find what Bob Mays had to say a little later in one of Florida's news papers [I was living in Florida at the time].

Pick your book up on page 173.

Now pages 176-177. I was not aware of any of this at that time with Regina Twigg.

Now pages 178-180.

I'd no idea of any of this going on, and attitudes of Bob or the Twiggs and their children. Didn't really matter anyway that I knew it or not.....
Solomon's answer would have been clear.

Now we'll read pages 201-203.

Now  let's go to pages 204-209.

Pages 208/209...... I'm  now  on  the  scene.  Reading  the  result.  Hearing  what  Bob had to say, in the local paper.

I did not have his address. I sat down to write to him. Asked the newspaper to please pass it on to him. They did.

I do not have a copy of the letter, wish I had printed a copy. But I remember for the most part what I said, for it would be the same again given another similar situation today.
It was my Solomon note.

I told Bob, he had been Kimberley's Dad, the only one she have ever known. I told him parenting is a lot more than just biological, 
a lot more. How it was him and her.  How for a young girl, the psychological  effect  of now knowing all this biological truth would be hard to deal with.
I told him, things need to go slow, ease it all in over time. Let Kimberley get used to the idea of it all. Take visitations with the Twiggs slow; let them send her a letter now and again, a birthday card etc. Let Kimberley have time to digest it all, get used to the whole truth of the matter. I told him if he and the Twiggs would do it that way, in the end everyone would win....Kimberley would come to love everyone.
Signed it Pastor Keith Hunt

Bob received my Solomon letter. He wrote back to me and said he fully agreed with me, he wanted it to be that way.

Pages 210-211

I had no idea Bob had flown off the handle at a few attempts to communicate on part of the Twiggs. If I had I would have written him again to remind him
what he had agreed with my Solomon wisdom letter I had sent him.

Pages 214-217.

Yes Kimberley needed time, she needed to feel she was not being pushed and tugged which way and every-way. Obviously it was "hot-under-the-collar" for all adults on both sides by this account. Wish I'd been there to give both sides some wisdom from Solomon. 

Pages 218-219

Ah yes just the way it should have been.

Pages 220-221

Yes, just as wise king Solomon would have had it.

Now page 224. Ah yes.... battle in court again suggested would happen by Rigina Twigg.

And so we come to your last pages......and yes a battle in court once more.   Pick it up with ...."Kimberley is trapped  [middle of the page]......


I do not remember now all the details of HOW I was there, it was I believe by accident, or I could say not by accident, but a guiding hand from above.
My wife and I happened to be in the town where the court battle was ensuing between both sides. We attended a court section. During a break I introduced myself to Bob and told him I was the Pastor who wrote him that letter. I met Kimberley, talked to her, got her feelings on things. I was correct, she needed time, just needed time, she was only 14. Pretty tough time for many girls at that age in a "normal family." I kinda knew how this court thing was going to go, so I had already  this  time  sat  down  and  written  a  letter  to  the  Twigg  family. Court proceeded for the afternoon....a cold hard faced Regina.

Court for that day was over.  I was determined to give Regina my letter. Waited for the right time. She and her family were coming down the walkway outside the courtroom. I walked towards them, I said, "Please Mrs. Twigg and family I have a letter for you to read." I handed it to a once more hard-stoned face Regina.

The next day.......on the local news. The Twigg family was gathered together before the TV news and reporter people.  It may have been the oldest girl, forgot now who. Does not matter. She was the spokes-person for the Twigg family.  She  told  the  reporters  they  were  stopping  all  court  proceedings, they loved their sister, but would no longer try to force anything through the courts.
I think Regina had also come to see my wisdom on the matter was correct, or the rest of the family told her it was correct.


What  did  I  write  to  the  Twigg  family?  Wise words from Solomon.  Kimberley  knows  you  are  her  biological  family. But remember where she's been, the only man she's known as Dad. I've talked to her. She needs time, she needs space, she needs to feel she's not being pulled. Yes tell her you love her, tell her you'll give her space and time, write her now and then. Be patient, and I guarantee in time she'll have enough love for all of you in her life.

I guess not all things went smooth over the years to follow.  One report said she left her Dad [Bob] and ran off to the Twiggs, then she was back with her Dad Bob.....well  never  kept  in  touch,  maybe  should  have  done.  Some  years  latter  I  read  in  the  news  paper  Kimberley  was  getting  married....sadly  to  read,  everyone  was  invited  EXCEPT  her  biological mother, she was not invited.

That is the last I ever heard about it all.

Wow 20 years plus......Kimberley is  around  35  by time flies.

I hope Kimberley and everyone did find happiness and peace in the end. It would be nice to believe they did.


Pastor Keith Hunt

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