Saturday, July 2, 2011

The "Green Zone" movie

I've just re-watched the Universal Pictures "Green Zone" staring Matt Damon.

It is an eye opening movie for seeing the political "un-correctness" in this case about the start of the Iraq war from the USA and Britain - the two B boys - Bush and Blair.

It shows you how "politics" and a certain mind-set can get in the way, nay MESS UP and interpret what your mind-set has already determined what you want to do. It shows you how deliberate MIS-INFORMATION can and does go on behind closed doors of those with a certain mind-set who want to see what they want to see, so they can do what they have already determined they want to do.

Politics and war often go hand in hand with those who want to combine politics and war.

You need to see this movie if you have not seen it.

It is raw as they say, so CANADA has it as a 14A movie......for people 14 years and older.

On the CBC "Has it Happens" radio show (Monday to Friday - 6:30 to 8:00 pm) was a very interesting interview the other evening. Though Obama has said the Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan war has cost ONE TRILLION DOLLARS, the true facts as studied by a group of experts, digging deeper, says it is more like 2.5 to 4.00 TRILLION, when ALL things are taken into consideration, which the figure of one trillion does not take into account. And then the fact of all the money that will yet be spent on soldiers with disabilities and the cost of ongoing for years, from those injuries and disabilities, will continue to move into the tens millions of dollars for years and decades to come.

The same group of experts give about 225 thousand deaths in those wars in those three countries over the last 10 years. And of that figure it is close to 200 thousand civilians killed. Hence about 25 thousand classified as "soldiers" and "police" from all sides.

Then the fact remains when all allied soldiers are removed from those three countries will "democracy" truly win the day and be established? And that answer up front depends on what political side and mind-set you are in. Only time will give the true answer, as well as the Taliban and other Arab terrorists groups.

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