Saturday, July 30, 2011

MSN.COM and your HEALTH!!!

TODAY maybe especially, for whatever reason, has some great info on being HEALTHY!!!

They have this section for MEN, fourteen or so ways that men can be happy and healthy. I found nothing new in it all, but yes those ways do make for a healthy and happy man. Come to think of it those all apply to women also.

And when you analize it all, it is the BALANCED life to live. Sure some of us have to drop out a few specifics like taking time with your children (if you do not have any or are single or old and the kids have left the coop). But apart from a few adjustments, the rest is pretty common sense. I guess we have to be reminded for too many of us have forgotten common sense or we get so busy with work, common sense gets pushed to one side.

Now always have snipits of healthy living on their website so you may want to check in with them on a regular basis, and see what the up-to-date science news and discovery info has come out for this and that health issue.

I have discovered recently (probably been there for maybe years) from looking around with wider vision in the large grocery stores, that they have ORANGE juice that is pure orange juice NOT from consentrate, but just from oranges WITH (one brand) extra pulp. Ingredients: Orange juice ..... my it is really good.

My doctor said I should be eating "oatmeal" for breakfast, and went out and found a whole variety in the stores.....some more natural than others and less sugar .... the quick cooking pack paymeal. I get natural goats milk, my Dad started me on that, he's been making oatmeal breakfast for years with goats milk (you can now get organic cows milk) .... yes I know it is all still pasturized, but tryingt to get unpasturized milk in Canada is very difficult (Canadian laws for milk producers) unless of course you have your own cows or goats. So we do the best we can in the situation. My Dad has made the best he can do in his situation all through his life and he's 91 in August.

People wonder if I die my hair. I have some grey on the sides but overall my hair is still dark brown (looks black when I put hair cream on) at age 69 come 9/11 (Sept.11th). No I do not die my hair, but attribute to keeping most of it dark brown because I take minerals in pill form and eat licorice made from molasses which contains lots of minerals. Most people do not realize how important it is for you to be getting minerals in your diet. And because of our produce farming habits we today in the Western world do not get enough natural minerals in our foods. I still also have most of my hair, just a round bald spot on the top that when I comb my hair gets covered over. I can only put down to having still my hair and its original color to making sure I get minerals in my diet one way or another.

I have no wrinkes in my face and no droopy skin under my eyes. My face tissue is still pretty tight as when I was a teen. What have I done all my life? Good healthy diet, but way way before it was "now the natural cool things to do" for men, I put cream on my face starting as a teenager, when such things were only done by girls and women. Now you go into the drugstore etc. and you can find all kinds of creams for men for the face and body. I was well ahead of the game. Now of course they have special anti-wrinkle creams for both sexes. I found a Nivea one for men recently with Q10 in it.
There are also facial exercises you can do; learned that from Mr. Charles Atlas - the health and strength guy from way back (at age 65 he was still bending 6 inch nails with his hands). You can pull up on the neck tensing your neck muscles as you do - that keeps you from getting that saggy neck look. You blow your cheecks out - that keeps you from deep cheek wrinkles. So all that, together with creams and a good healthy diet, good 8/9 hours of sleep each day, will keep you looking 20 years younger than you are.

The photo you see of me was taken when I was 50 years old. Now I plan that when I'm 70 I will take the same photo with the same jacket I still have - the rose colored one - and you will see not much difference.


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