Jewelry - Makeup - Cosmetics?
All the Scriptures!
JEWELRY - MAKE-UP - COSMETICS? by Keith Hunt MT.4:4 We must live by every word of God. ROM.15:4 The O.T. is written for us to learn by. GEN.24 Jewelry was used as BETROTHAL presents by God's people. GEN.41:41-42 Jacob wore a RING and GOLD chain. EX.3:22 11:2 12:35 God told Israel to take the Eqyptians' Jewels and WEAR them. EX.34:22-29 NU.331:50-54 JEWELS dedicated to the Tabernacle - God accepted them. I CHRON.28:10-21 God's House full of GOLD and SILVER. 2 CHRON.9:1-26 Solomon had Gold, Silver and Precious things ESTH.8:2; 10:1-3 Mondechai - a man used by God, wore a RING. ISA.61:10 God likens ornaments and JEWELS to Salvation and Righteousness. PROV.25:12 A wise reprover upon on obedient ear, is like an ear-ring of Gold. EZEK.16 Israel (God's wife) was decked by God in Jewels and find clothes. EX.39 The High Priests garments were made as God directed - full of Gold. MT.13:45-46 Christ likened God's Kingdom to a pearl of Great price. LK.15:11-24 God is likened to a FATHER of two sons note v.21-23. JAMES 2:1-3 In the church there will be RICH (wearing gold) and the poor (not able to wear gold). REV.1:12-13 The true Church is represented by GOLDEN CANDLESTICKS - Jesus wears a GOLDEN breastplate. REV.21:18-21 New Jerusalem is full of GOLD, and PRECIOUS STONES. SCRIPTURES THAT SEEM TO BE AGAINST JEWELS EX.33:4 Does this contradict EX.3:22; 11:2; 12:35? No! Jewels are to make you happy - they are for days of rejoicing (LK.15:21-23) - in this account of Israel notice verse 4. When they heard God was going to consume them, they had no reason to be happy - they mourned - this was no time to wear jewelry, so they didn't. God told them - yes you need not be happy, take off your jewelry and be mournful and sober. Moses then interceded and God spared Israel. What was Israel's sin? Was it the wearing of Jewelry that God was so angry as to destroy them? NO! Read from Chapter 32. It was the sin of making an Idol - a calf - and worshiping it (CH.32:7-10) instead of God. GEN.35:4 Is this a contradiction of God's word? If earrings are wrong - so are garments (v.2). Notice v.2. Jacob is telling his household to put away STRANGE GODS (heathen worship) along with this to put away clothes and earrings - he says change your garments - put different clothes on. Yes, they were worshiping false God's in heathen costumes and heathen decorations - just as many devil worshiping groups do today. Do we not do the same at Halloween? Jacob was telling them to get rid of all their idols and demond costumes or ornaments. ISA.3:18-26 Does this say Jewelry is of itself sinful? If it does then God contradicts himself. God is talking to Israel v.8. He says the women of Zion are haughty - puffed up - vain - sexually loose. "...and walk with outstretched necks and with undisciplined (flirtations and alluring eyes) tripping along with a mincing and effected gait..." (Amplified Bible). God is telling the women he will soon put an end to this miss-use of femininity, beauty, clothes and jewelry. Notice! If these verses say jewelry is wrong, so is - bonnets (hats) headbands (v.20) changeable suits of apparel (should we then wear the same suit or dress all the time? The Hutterites do) cloaks (mantles) stoles and shawls (wimples) handbags (crisping pins) v.22 hand-mirrors (glasses) undergarments (fine linen) hoods and veils v.23 sweet smell, girdles, well set hair, rich robe (stomacher) beauty v.24. See the Amplified Bible. These things are not wrong in themselves it is the wrong use of them. The women here are using these things in a wrong manner - just as they were using their eyes, neck and how they walked to a wrong use. EZEK.23:40-44 Again, it is the wrong use that God condemns - Israel is likened to a woman who deliberately makes her self up to entice men. Notice! If jewelry is wrong so is washing (v.40). So is a good bed (Honourable Mrg.Ref.) an Food on a Table (v.41). I PET.3:3 If jewelry is here condemned so is - weaving (braiding, knitting) of the hair and wearing clothes (we should all be nude then? No! Amplified Bible says "Let not yours be the MERELY external adorning .... But let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart...." (v.3,4). Yes, of course, the most important is what comes out of you - your Christian personality. But notice v.5, the holy women of old who trusted in God adorned themselves, with a meek and quiet spirit yes (v.4 & 6) but read Gen.24 Rebekah - a woman of God - she trusted God that he had chosen the right husband for her - Isaac. Can anyone disprove that Isaac was not a man of God and Rebekah a holy woman of God. Rebekah wore jewelry - Gen. 24:22, 29-30,47,48,50,52-53. I TIM.2:9 Does Paul contradict the rest of God's Word? No! He simply says here, be moderate - be balanced - don't go overboard with outward appearance - the main thing is good works - a Christian personality - then the physical you. God is the most balanced person to ever live - He is righteousness first - but does He have and wear jewelry? You bet! Satan was created with great beauty (EZEK.28:11-13) and with jewels but he lost his righteousness and ended up as Satan. Christian character is to be first and then physical beauty second. It's not wrong to have and wear nice clothes and a modest amount of jewelry, but remember they will not save you. MAKE-UP ISA.3:16 "Wanton eyes". Some say this is "Falsely setting off their eyes with paint." Is this true? What the different scholars translate - "and ROVING wanton eyes" FENTON. "and with Undisciplined (flirtations and alluring) eyes" AMPLIFIED BIBLE. "are always FLIRTING." GOOD NEWS BIBLE. "and OGLING eyes" MODERN LANGUAGE. "With wanton eyes that rove among the crowds to catch the glances of men." LIVING BIBLE. "GLANCING wantonly with their eyes" RSV. ADAM CLARK'S COMMENTARY: ...... Hebrew, FALSIFYING their eyes.I take this to be the true meaning and literal rendering of the word; from SAKAR. The MASORETTES have pointed it, as if it were from SAKAR, a different word...TH0UGH THE COLORING OF THE EYES WITH STIBIUM BE NOT PARTICULARLY HERE EXPRESSED, yet I suppose it to be implied..." Modern scholarship would agree with the Jewish MASORETE5 that it is From SAKAR. STRONG'S CON. says from SAKAR - "to OGLE i.e. BLINK - coquettish - wanton." #8265. Even if we believe this Hebrew means to "PAINT the eyes." Does God here CONDEMN shading the eyes itself as SIN or the WRONG use of the eyes whether they are shaded or not. The CONTEXT of the passage will tell us! Notice verses 18-23 (see a modern translation). If PAINTING the eyes is SIN, so are the use of ALL things mentioned in v.18-23. The Bible shows JEWELRY, CHANGEABLE SUITS OF APPAREL, FINE LINEN etc. are NOT SIN! It is putting and using these physical things to a WRONG PURPOSE that God CONDEMNS, not the things themselves. JEZEBEL (2 KINGS 9:30-34) Verse 30 Hebrew - "and she put her eyes in painting." Why was Jezebel slain? Because she painted her eyes? NO! But because she was an EVIL woman v.31-34 (I KINGS 16). Did only EVIL women use MAKE-UP? NO! Jewish history shows that not only their women but most of the middle east nations used MAKE-UP. JER.4:30; EZEK 23:40 God CONDEMNS the WRONG use of make-up. God is not a God of BLACK and WHITE! THE USE OF COSMETICS PERFUME USE BY GOD'S PEOPLE EX.30:22-23; 34-38 Song of Solomon 1:12-14 3:6 4:13,14; PS.45:6-8; PROV.27:9; ESTHER 2:12,13; JN.12:3 ............... |
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