Monday, June 10, 2024




     This is a prophecy for Moab, who are today the people of
Jordan. Those people will be laid waste and brought to silence
(verse 1). They will gird themselves with sackcloth and there
will be much weeping. There shall be famine, the grass faileth,
no green thing, waters will be blood. Certainly fits in with some
of the end time prophecies in the book of Revelation. Ezekiel
25:8-11 says that because they will have no pity on the Jews of
the Promised Land when they go into captivity, so God shall give
Moab, the people of Jordan to the power of the East. 
And further——
as Israel and Judah return to the Promised Land when Jesus comes
again, they will lay hands on Moab - Jordan. God's Israelite
outcasts will dwell in the land of Moab (Isa.16: 4). That part of
the prophecy will happen when verse 5 is fulfilled. When "in
mercy shall the throne be established: He shall sit upon it in
truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment,
and hasting righteousness." This is Christ Jesus sitting on the
throne of David, establishing judgment and righteousness in the
The people of Jordan are proud and haughty, but the
gladness and joy shall be taken away, no singing in the
vineyards. WITHIN THREE YEARS punishment will come upon the
people of Jordan and they shall be left very small and feeble in 
     All this is within the last 42 months or 1260 days or the
last 3 and 1/2 years of the end times as given in the book of

     The Middle East, Jerusalem, the Promised Land, is to be the
CENTRE of the prophetic world at the end time. 
Daniel 11:40——
begins the last days prophecy. The King of the North - a
resurrected Holy Roman/Babylon Empire of Europe will arise in
might and power. There will be an end time UNITED Arab Empire led
by Egypt (so we must yet see Egypt come back as a large Arab
power), who will be the "king of the South" of Daniel 11:40. This
King of the South shall "push at" (in some way, which we are not
told) the King of the North. Europe will come marching down into
battle with the King of the South. Europe, the Beast Power of
Revelation, will win the battle, and will take Egypt, Ethiopia
and march into the Holy Land. But at the same time the MIGHTY
EAST Empire (Russia and China and maybe others) will not sit back and be
doing nothing. They will send their armies into the Holy Land.
Moab or Jordan and some other parts of Palestine will become
their possession, as all this drama of the NOW ONLY TWO MIGHTY
FORCES on earth, start to face each other.

     We are told in Isaiah 17 that Damascus and Syria will have
their glory and splendor taken away, just as Israel and Judah had
their glory taken away. 
All nations in the Middle East are now up for grabs
either by the Europe Beast Empire or the East Empire of

     Then Isaiah goes back to talk about Israel or Jacob (all 13
tribes) in verse 4 of chapter 17. But the whole context is for
all people of the earth. 
Some people will survive—— as the shaking——
of an olive tree, two or three berries in the uppermost bough,
four or five in the outmost branches (v.6). It is a way of saying
that the majority of mankind will perish during this last 3 years
of this age before Jesus comes again. In that day the Lord says——
"shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect 
to the Holy One of Israel." 
Again a way of saying——-
the judgment of the whole earth has come, it is the time for—— 
the last  3 years (with Daniel 12 and the days he was given 
in prophecy, it will be the last 1,335 days) of this age, 
when by the time it is all over the majority of the people left 
will indeed start to look to their Maker. 
It will be the time when mankind will have see that of 
themselves, they only brought the earth to the brink of
total destruction of all life, just as Jesus said in Matthew 24
if not stopped no human flesh would survive!

     God says in verse 12, "Woe to the multitude of many people,
which make a noise like that of the sea...." In verse 13 the Lord
goes on to say. "The nations shall rush like the rushing of many
waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off,
and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the
wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind."

     Whatever the nations have done to each other and to Israel
and Judah, they will have their reward, they will also be
They also will face the judgment of God as He unfolds
the DAY OF THE LORD upon them.
as we see in the last verse of Revelation 6.
We shall then have the rest of the mind-bending prophecies 
of that book, which indeed will devastate this earth
in a way never before seen.
Isaiah 18 a message to Ethiopia. Please read it in a
modern translation. 
There is to be PUNISHMENT on Ethiopia, and that we 
see also on Daniel 11:40 as stated above. 
Yet when God blows the TRUMPET (verse 3) - THE LAST trumpet,
then the world will hear  and KNOW that God is coming to RULE the earth. 
Then in time as the Kingdom of God is established above all the mountains 
(other nations) of the earth, Ethiopia and all nations will 
"bring the gift to the  Lord Almighty in Jerusalem, Zion, 
the place where His name dwells (verse 7).


     The prophecy for Egypt, as also found in books like Ezekiel
(chap.29 to 32). Egypt is Egypt in prophecy. That nation is to come yet again 
forth in a mighty and political force, at least in the Arab world.
(And it all started to revive in 2011). So prophecy is held back 
by the Lord for the present. Until Egypt takes a powerful role in 
the Arab world, prophecy will be only slowly taking shape. We wait 
yet for Egypt to take her place on the world scene. She will one day, 
in God's time. She will lead an Arab Empire, the King of the South 
of Daniel 11:40-45.
     God will give Egypt over to a cruel lord, and a fierce king
shall rule over them, says the Lord (v.4). It will be a time when
waters fail from the sea, and the river dried up, and there shall
be devastation. There is no wisdom in Egypt. There is a perverse
spirit that will cause Egypt to err in her work as a man drunk
staggers in his vomit (v.11-15). The day will come when Egypt shall 
be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the land when the Lord 
sends the King of the North against her and her Arab confederate 
nations (v.16).

     Yet beyond all the fighting and destruction of war and the
plagues of the book of Revelation, there is to be a better age
for Egypt. 
After Judah has been a trouble to Egypt on its way
back to the Holy Land at Christ's coming (see chap.11:10-15 once
more), in THAT DAY, the age to come as Jesus returns to deliver
Judah from captivity, there will be an altar to the Lord in the
midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to
the Lord. Egypt will CRY OUT in that day, for the oppression of
the evil of the world. Egypt may take a while to fully surrender
its will to the Lord Jesus, as we see in Zechariah 14; they may
rebel at having to observe the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Lord
may have to send a plague of no rain. They will be oppressed
indeed with punishment from the Lord for not obeying Him, but
they will finally CRY OUT! 
God will show them a Savior has come, a GREAT ONE,
and through Him there is DELIVERANCE from sin and death
and sorrow and pain (verses 17-20).

     And it shall come to pass that "…the Lord shall be know to
Egypt and the Egyptians shall KNOW the LORD GOD 
in that day and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yes,
they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it. 
The Lord shall smite Egypt: He shall SMITE and HEAL: 
and they shall turn even to the Lord, and He
shall be entreated of them, and shall HEAL THEM!" 
(verses 21-22).

     The day is coming that the people of GERMANY - the people of
EGYPT - the people of ISRAEL (fully united as 13 tribes) shall
dwell together in harmony and peace. They shall be LIGHTS to 
the world. Here it is:

"In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria,
and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into
Assyria, and the Egyptian shall serve WITH the Assyrian. 
IN THAT DAY shall Israel be a THIRD with Egypt and with 
Assyria, even a BLESSING in the midst of the land. Whom the 
Lord of hosts shall BLESS, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, 
and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel Mine inheritance" 
(verses 23-25).

    This has NEVER TAKEN PLACE! 
Such LOVE and BLESSING among the ancient peoples here 
mentioned NEVER took place.
For the end time, when prophecy will be done in the 
modern world of the space age.
When God has accomplished what He wills with 
the descendants of Assyria (the Germany people) 
with the descendants of Egypt (the Egyptians today) 
and with the descendants of Israel—— 
(the nations of North-West Europe, the Celtic-Anglo-Saxon British 
Commonwealth, the United States of America, and the Jews). 
THEN after that is all done and finished with, the Eternal will 
make the prophecy of verses 23 to 25 COME TO PASS!

     That will be in the GLORIOUS AGE TO COME, when the 
Christ has returned and the Kingdom of God is established on
earth for one thousand years, and then forever more in the New 
heaven and the New earth (Revelation 20 to 22).


     Isaiah was to walk naked, well maybe his outer garment of
sackcloth is here meant, and no shoes. He was to be a sign to
Egypt and Ethiopia, that the Assyria was to come against Egypt,
and there was to be no escape from the defeat of battle for
Egypt. So it will be once more at the end time, as foretold in
Daniel 11:40-45. The King of the North, the Europe Beast Power,
will come against the King of the South, Egypt and her Arab
confederate associates. Then when that has all happened, at the 
beginning of the last 42 months of this age, then during the 
Day of the Lord, the time of the day of God's wrath, probably 
about one year in length, then the Europe Babylon will face her 
punishment from the army beyond the Euphrates, the army of the 
mighty EAST and NORTH powers of Russian and China and maybe others. 
For they will come as written in Revelation 9:13-19 to  kill  a 
THIRD part of mankind that is left on the earth at this time of 
the final Day of the Lord.


     There is an ancient Babylon and a MODERN END-TIME 
Babylon in the prophecies of your Bible. 
We have come to Isaiah 21 and——
Babylon is to FALL. Isaiah sees it all in vision - a grievous
It will not be a pleasant day when MODERN Babylon falls
during the Day of the Lord. It is all told to us in Revelation
18. The last end-time Babylon will be a mighty TRADING Empire,
Many will be made rich and wealthy by her. She will sit as a
Queen, saying she is not a widow and shall see no sorrow. Her
punishment and plagues will come in one day, probably one literal
day, but certainly a very short time. The kings of the earth will
commit spiritual fornication with her, for she shall be a mighty
religious power with a false prophet at her head, who will be
able to work miracles. 
The Merchants of the earth will stand a
far off and weep and wail for her destruction. In one short
"hour" her riches will come to nothing. The sea ships of trading
and all in that sea faring trading will stand a far off and moan
when they see her burning and smoke of destruction. They will
cast dust upon heir heads in sorrow, upon her demise. 
But the people of God and the host of heaven are to REJOICE!
The Great city Babylon is thrown down!!!

     All is foretold in the book of Revelation. The actual
destruction is told in Revelation chapter 9 and the 6th TRUMPET.
The kings and armies of the EAST will come against the end-time
last resurrected Holy Roman Empire of Europe. The destruction
shall cause ONE THIRD of the remaining population of the world to die! 
It is the final long awaited destruction of the POWER that
has for over TWO THOUSAND YEARS brought DECEPTION to
the world. and has poured out the blood of the SAINTS of God 

     Isaiah 21:11-17 is a prophecy towards Edom or modern Turkey
and many of the Arab world. You may like to read this from the
Amplified Bible. It is the prophecy of Obadiah. When those in
Judah - the Holy Land have to flee because of the destruction
coming from the King of the North who has marched into the land
and surrounded Jerusalem, the people of Turkey will only hinder
the people of God as they flee. Turkey will not go unpunished. We
shall see all that in full detail in the book of Obadiah, when I
get to it.


     Isaiah is still in vision and he sees the burden and destruction of 
Jerusalem. SO  he is taken back in vision. 
Isaiah weeps bitterly because of the spoiling of the daughter of his 
people (v.4). 
The day of trouble has arrived, a day of treading down from the 
Lord God, a breaking down of the walls of defence, and a crying
as people flee to the mountains as Jesus said they should (see Luke 
     The valleys shall be full of armies, who shall set
themselves against the city gates, they know where and how to
attack. They know all the houses and all Jerusalem, they
have the detail maps to destroy. It is now the day of weeping,
mourning, baldness, girding with sackcloth. It truly is a time
for many to say, "Let's eat, drink and party, for tomorrow we
die" (verses 4-13).
     It is the time for iniquity to be purged from Judah, but in
so doing there will be much death and sorrow (v.14).

     The man here in verse 15-25 is only a type of THE MAN that
is to come, the Son of man, the Son of God, Jesus the Messiah
Christ. The Government of God will be committed unto Him, He
shall be a "father" to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the
House of Judah. He will deal with them as a loving father. He
will rescue, deliver, and save them. They will KNOW Him, will
acknowledge He is the Messiah. We see all this wonderfully
explained in the last chapters of the prophet Zechariah - chapter
12 to 13.

     The Messiah Jesus will have the KEY OF DAVID (see Revelation
3:7); He can OPEN and no one can SHUT, He has the key of
Salvation and the open door of the Father's will to be done on
earth, for 1,000 years (verse 22).

     We are again brought forward to the reign of Jesus Christ on
earth and the restoring of Israel and Judah.


     The prophecy concerning mighty TYRE, it is a great prophecy.
It happened back in ancient history.
The prophecy was for Tyre back then, and probably has nothing
to do with the end times.
Some prophecy is for a one time fulfilment, and will not have 
anything to do with an end time fulfilment.
Such is the nature of prophecy.
Again the context is the key to prophecy, especially in the Old 
Testament prophetic books.
We also see the prophets of old went back and forth in prophecy.
Just like some movies go back in time and forward in time.


To be continued

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