Monday, June 17, 2024



Solomon on the Song of SONGS!

In the Bridal Chamber

We continue here with Mr.Dillows fine commentry on the true
meaning of Solomon's Song. 



(Reflection #3, Song 1:15-2:7)


     The royal couple has left the wedding banquet and has
retired to the bridal suite. In the ancient world, it was
customary for a king to build a special bedroom for his new
bride. As they enter the bridal chamber, Solomon begins his
lovemaking to his wife with praise (1:15). She responds with
greater praise (1:16-2:1). Solomon tops her praise of him (2:2)
and she then outdoes his praise of her (2:3). Thus the lovers are
mutually extolling one another's charms with increasingly
powerful descriptions of one another 's beauty.
     It seems evident that this increasing level of praise is
intended by the author to reflect the increasing level of their
passion as their lovemaking progresses. This must be the intent
because the end product of these praises is a request by
Shulamith to be refreshed with raisin cakes and apples (erotic
symbols) a reference to lovesickness (sexual passion), and a
request to be embraced (fondled 2:5-6).
     Before going on to comment on the text itself, I think it
would be appropriate to pause a moment and lay out some of the
reasons for understanding these first three reflections as
occurring on the wedding day and night.

Anticipation and fulfillment

     There seems to be a theme of anticipation and fulfillment
within the first three reflections. In 1:1-5 she longs to be in
the bedroom with her husband and in 1:15-2:7 we find them in the
bridal chamber. In 1:3,4 she desires the king's caresses and in
2:6 she receives them. She anticipated sexual intercourse in 1:4
and experienced it in 2:4-6. This anticipation and longing for
her lover is highly appropriate for he wedding day but would
violate the entire ethic of the Song (as well as the rest of the
Scriptures) if these reflections described pre-marital events.
     Thus, the longing and fulfillment motif seems to unite these
first three reflections into a single unit describing the wedding

The banquet table

     This reference to a banquet table (1:12) fits very naturally
with a wedding banquet since this is a book about courtship,
wedding, and marriage. It is therefore improbable that any common
banquet would be meant.

The sexual intimacies described

     There are many allusions to sexual intimacies that would be
wholly inappropriate to a pre-marital scene. In 2:6 she requests
that Solomon "embrace" her. Most Hebrew scholars agree this means
to "stimulate sexually, or fondle." Kramer notes an interesting
parallel phrase in second millennium B.C. love poems. In the
Sumuzl-Inanna love romance we find the phrase, "Your right hand
you have placed on my vulva; Your left, stroked my head." The
parallelism seems too direct to be coincidental.
     She also says she is "lovesick." This is a reference to high
sexual passion. Furthermore, raisin cakes and apples are
frequently connected with sexual arousal. The great Hebrew
scholar Jastrow comments, "The raisin is again because of its
sweetness, an erotic symbol, like the apple in the following line
to suggest that the lovesick maiden can be rescued from her
languishing condition only by the caresses and embraces of her
     In 1:2 she describes in anticipation (daydreaming) her
husband's love skill. His love is "going to be" sweeter than
wine. The word for love here is sometimes used to mean sexual

The banquet hall

     In 2:4 Shulamith comments that the king has brought her "to
his banquet hall." The Hebrew literally translates, "house of
wine." Every banquet of pleasure and joy in the Hebrew idiom is,
as we have noted, called by the name "wine." The "house of wine"
was a common oriental reference to the bridal chamber. Thus, the
text places us in the wedding night.

Her sexual awakening

     In Song 8:5, which occurs years later, Solomon and Shulamfth
pass an apple tree as they walk along a country road. He comments
that it was there that she was first "awakened" - introduced into
the joys of marred sexual love. The awakening is associated in
8:4 and 2:6 with "fondling." In 2:6 Shulamith requests that "...
his right hand embrace me," and then warns against the careless
"awakening" of love in the following verse (2:7). Similarly,
after requesting that "his right hand embrace" her in 8:3, she
refers again to the careless "awakening" of love in 8:4. Then
Solomon says it was under the apple tree where he awakened her
     This association with physical fondling suggests the
"awakenings" in this book refer to that of sexual passion.
Furthermore, this verb is used to mean a "violent awakening"
whenever it is found in this form (Deut.32:11). The word
translated "awake" is used at least once in the Old Testament in
awakening of sexual passion (Hos.7:4). The only other place in
the book there is reference to her being awakened under the apple
tree is Song 2:3. If 8:5 explains Song 2:3 to be a sexual
awakening, this probably places the first three reflections on
the wedding night.

     Having suggested this chronological order, let's take a look
at the beauty of their first night together. First, a basic
commentary provides information on the meaning of the symbols and
then some comments are made which are applicable to twentieth
century marriage.


     The scene that follows becomes more and more intimate as the
bride and groom leave the wedding banquet and proceed to the
bridal chamber. Although this is not explicitly stated, it is
implied in 1:16 when she comments on the luxurious bed they are
lying on. They have moved from the table (1:12) to the bed

1:15 SOLOMON: 
     How beautiful you are, my darling, 
     How beautiful you are!
     Your eyes are like doves.

     The dove is a symbol of innocence and purity; the appearance
of the eyes an index of character. Hence Solomon says she is
beautiful and pure - a virgin.

     How handsome you are, my beloved, 
     And so pleasant!
     Indeed our couch is Iuxuriant!

     The fact that the Hebrew word for bed comes form a verb
meaning "to cover" suggests that originally a bed was considered
a covered or canopied couch. Certainly the canopied bed was
common with Ancient Near Eastern Monarchs. Numerous illustrations
in Egyptian wall paintings of this era depict a canopy over the
bed of the Pharoah and his wife. At any rate, the richest man in
the world would fashion a bed from the most luxurious material
available, probably satin a silk.

     The beams of our houses are cedars, 
     Our rafters, cypresses.

     As Shulamith lies on the luxurious couch, she observes
Solomon's thoughtful preparation in constructing the bridal
chamber. Because she comes from a rural background, Solomon has
apparently outdone himself to construct a bedroom that would
remind her of the open air and the country that she loved. Its
cedar-beamed ceiling and cypress rafters create a separate world
for them to enjoy away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Solomon constructed much of his palace with cedar beams from
Lebanon (1 Kings 7:1-12). Furthermore, he built a separate house
for his wife.
     Lebanon, Shulamith's home, is above all famous for its dense
forest cover. These mighty cedars have become symbols of majesty
and pride in biblical imagery. These cedars and conifers
furnished the finest building timber in the ancient East and were
sought by the rulers of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Syria-Palestine.
The most celebrated of such deliveries was that sent to Solomon
by Hiram of Tyre for the temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 5:6-9).
Solomon probably used some of this very timber to construct the
bridal chamber.

     I am the rose of Sharon, 
     The lily of the valleys.

     She likens herself to a tender flower that has grown up in
the quietness of rural life. Sharon is a region between Tabor and
the Sea of Galilee in the neighborhood of Nazareth where Jesus
grew up in northern Galliee (1 Chron.5:16). The rose of Sharon
was a flesh-colored meadow flower with a leafless stem which,
when the grass was mown, appeared by the thousands in the warmer
regions. Humbly describing herself as a meadow flower, she had
understandable fears of being out of place, a common meadow
flower in King Solomon's palace.
     The lily of the valley is a beautiful red flower commonly
found in Palestine. She thinks humbly of herself in comparison to
the king and alludes to herself as a common country girl.

     Like a lily among the thoms,
     So is my darling among the maidens.

     Solomon takes up the comparison and gives its notable turn.
He says all the other maidens in Jerusalem are as thorns compared
to her. As Shulamith entered the splendor of the palace she had
apparently been struck by the beauty of the "maidens," the palace
pretties. But Solomon says her nobility of character and virgin
purity set her above all the sophisficated court ladies who have
spent their lives "caring for their own vineyards."

     Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, 
     So is my beloved among young men.

     The tempo of their lovemaking has increased; they are now
actively involved in their love play. Shulamith praises the
erotic and sensual lovemaking ability of her husband. The apple
tree is a very frequent symbol in the Near East for sexual love.
In the Egyptain love song, "Song of the City of Memphis," a man
says to his lover, "Her breasts are like mandrake apples."
Gordis, the Jewish commentator observes, "Raisin cakes, which
were used in fertility rites (cf. Hos. 3:1), served like the
apples as an erotic symbol on the subconscious level." Zockler
also sees the apple tree as a symbol of sexual passion: "... just
as the sweet fruit of the apple tree serves to represent his
agreeable caresses."
     The apple tree is used throughout the Song as a symbol for
sexual love (cf. 8:5). In effect, then, Shulamith is telling
Solomon what a skillful lover he is. He is an apple tree, skilled
at making love.

     In his shade I took great delight and sat down, 
     And his fruit was sweet to my taste.

     As she sits (presumably on cushions in the bedroom) beneath
Solomon's shadow - cast perhaps from a lamp in the room, she
delightfully "tastes his fruit" Several different interpretations
have been given for this phrase.
     Some have said it refers to being refreshed by his presence
as an apple refreshes a weary traveler. However, in view of the
obviously erotic nature of the symbols (raisin cakes, apples) and
the context ("Let his left hand 'fondle' me), this seems
     Others have seen it as a reference to the sweet taste of his
words and works which make a happy impression on the one who
experiences them. Others see the sweet fruit of the apple tree as
a symbol of his caresses. In other words, she "tastes" his sexual
     In extra-biblical literature, "fruit" is sometimes equated
with the male genitals - or with semen, so it is possible that
here we have a faint and delicate reference to an oral genital
caress. At any rate, it seems to speak of the intense sexual
enjoyment they share.

     He has brought me into his banquet hall 
     And his banner over me is love.

     As mentioned above, the "banquet hall" was a common oriental
expression for the bridal chamber. The banner of a king was a
long pole with a cloth attached like a flag. It spoke of the
king's protective care. As Shulamith sits in Solomon's shade
(protective care), she immediately associates his "banner" with
his love, since his love provides security, care and protection.

     Sustain me with raisin cakes, Refresh me with apples,
     Because I am lovesick.

     The phrase "I am lovesick" is literally "I am sick with
love." She means that at this point in their lovemaking she is
completely overcome with sexual desire. In order to alleviate the
"lovesickness" she requests that Solomon sustain her with raisin
cakes and apples (symbols of erotic love). In other words, she
asks him to satisfy her sexually without delay!

     Let his left hand be under my head, 
     And his fight hand embrace me.

     Shulamith tells her husband exactly what she wants him to do
in order to alleviate her lovesickness, or sexual passion. As
they lie on the couch she requests that his left hand be placed
under her head and his right hand embrace her. Delitzsch says the
Hebrew word means "to fondle." She desires him to fondle and
stimulate her by touching her body. The description of the
consummation of their love in sexual intercourse is reserved for
a later section (4:16-5:1).

     I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, 
     By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field. 
     That you will not arouse or awaken (my) love 
     Until (she) pleases.

     At this point the reflection abruptly ends with this warning
addressed to the chorus, here personified as the daughters of
Jerusalem. Remember they are a literary device, not a real group
of people. Here they provide an "audience" to hear the warning.
The words in parentheses are not in the original Hebrew and
should be omitted. A proper translation would be: "That you will
not arouse or awaken love until it pleases."
     Gordis convincingly demonstrates that the oath taken "by the
gazelles or by the hinds of the field" parallels the flsting in
some of the biblical books such as Esther and Ecclesiastes in
which an attempt was made to avoid the mention of the Divine
name. Hence, Shulamith replaces the customary oath "by the Lord
of Hosts" or "by the Almighty" with a similar sounding phrase in
Hebrew, "by the gazelles or the hinds of the field" choosing
animals which symbolize love. It is likely that the Septuagint
retained some recognition of Shulamith's oath by rendering the
unique Hebrew phrase as "in (or by) the powers and the forces of
the field."
     The phrase "that you will not arouse or awaken love until it
pleases" is difficult and has been interpreted in various ways.
It has been suggested the statement is a warning against forcing
love to develop prematurely; it should develop naturally.
However, there are no indications in the entire story of either
her or Solomon attempting to "force" the relationship to develop.
Delitzsch sees it as Shulamith's plea to the daughters of
Jerusalem not to interrupt their embrace. While this makes good
sense in the context, it requires an unlikely translation of the
verb "awake." Delitzsch would translate, "That ye arouse not and
disturb not love Till she pleases." Robert Gordis suggests, "Do
not disturb love while it is passionate, lit. 'while it desires.'

Again, the Hebrew word means "awaken" and not "disturb."
It seems more probable the passage is a warning against the
awakening of sexual passion before "it pleases." Schonfield
translates, "Do not wake, do not quicken passion, Before it is
ready to stir." This view is defended by Zcckler. He says
Shulamith is giving a stray warning to the court ladies that they
are not to plunge rashly and unbidden into the passion of love,
that is to say, not before love awakens of itself ("till heart is
joined to heart, till God Himself gives you an affection for the
right man').
     Although there are numerous other Scriptures that warn
against premarital intercourse (1 Cor.6:19), this passage seems
slightly different. It is a warning against the arousal of sexual
passion with anyone other than the person you feel God has
definitely led you to marry. Sexual passion is not to be aroused
until "it pleases" - until it is appropriate. While there is
still some ambiguity about the phrase "it pleases" and one cannot
be dogmatic about the meaning, this interpretation seems
preferable for several reasons.

(1) The theme of pre-marital chastity is stressed in several
other places in the Song, and its virtues are praised (Song
4:12,8:8-12). This interpretation of the warning thus fits well
with a major theme.
(2) As demonstrated previously, the "awakenings" are most likely
sexual awakenings. Furthermore, she was sexually awakened "under
the apple tree" while in the "house of wine" (the bridal chamber)
according to 8:5 and 2:3-6. Since in the context immediately
preceeding the warning not to awaken love, Solomon and Shulamith
are in the "house of wine" and she is being "embraced" it would
seem that the natural connection would be the sexual awakening
just described. Thus, the text becomes a warning against doing
what Solomon and Shulamith have just done (made love), until "it
pleases," (until a couple enters their own house of wine or
bridal chamber).
(3) This interpretation explains two similar passages in the
book. In all three cases the warning is not only connected with a
physical embrace, but it comes at the conclusion of a sequence of
reflections which leads naturally to a warning concerning a major
theme of the book (pre-marital chastity). These passages, 3:5 and
8:4, will be discussed in the commentary to follow.


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