Thursday, June 6, 2024






Migration of the Nations #1

Where the nations of Gen.10 are today


                                      Harold Hemenway

FORWORD by Keith Hunt

The following pages are the result of very extensive research
done by Harold Hemenway in 1988.

Mr. Hemenway believes that ALL three sons of Noah were WHITE - I
do not necessarily hold that opinion. As he states, the name
"HAM" means "burned" or "black" in Hebrew. So it is quite
possible Noah and his wife named him "Ham" because he was just
that - burned or black in color. If this was so then Japheth
could have been of the Oriental color and look, and Shem the
Caucasian type. And the three men's wives may have been Caucasian
or Ham's dark - Japheth's yellow - Shem's white.
What I am saying is that Noah and his wife MAY have had within
their GENES the ability to produce the three basic
races (B1ack,Yellow and White).

Mr.Hemenway does say that Ham produced either BLACK or WHITE
descendants - Japheth either ORIENTAL or WHITE, as shown by the
results of his study on the migration of the peoples listed in
Gen. 10. So somewhere the GENE factor had to come into play to
produce the races we have on earth today.

As the area was re-populated by these 8 persons after the Flood I
feel confident in saying God's hand was guiding to produce the 3
races. Of course it had to have been this way somehow, for those
who believe God created the human family of persons.


The name "HAM" literally means "burned" or "black" in Hebrew. He
gave his name to Egypt (Ps.78:51; 105:23; 106:22) and monuments
testify that the country was called "Chem" or "Chemi" (in Coptic
and Sahidic dialects). Indeed, the offspring of HAM'S marriage
(Gen.10:6-20) leave no doubt that it was a black/white marriage.
HAM'S portion was "beyond the Gihon (Geon = Nile in Ant.1:1:3 ,
to the south."
"CUSH" means "black" in Hebrew, and the Greek name for CUSH was
"AETHIOPS" (cp. Jer.13:23). Egyptian monumental scriptions call
the land south of Egypt "Keesh" (modern Geez). Tell el Amarna
tablets call this land "Kashi." CUSH" also settled in INDIA
(Hindu Kush; Kashmir; Chushul; Cossoea; Susiana [Chuzistan]) and
became knon as "Asiatic Ethiopian" (Herodotus 3:94). They're
"just like the outhern Ethiopians, except ... their hair is
straight" Her.7:70; see also Strabo 1:111,119,129). Cush's
portion as "toward the east" in Africa (and India) (Jub.9:1).

"MIZRAIM" is EGYPT in Genesis 50:11 and the Hebrew "misayim" is
commonly translated "EGYPT" in the Bible. In Arabic, "Masr" is
the name of Cairo or of Egypt even today. "Mizraim" means "two
lands," probably referring to Upper and Lower Egypt. But MIZRAIM
also migrated to a land in S.E. ASIA MINOR called "Musr" or
"Musri" mentioned in secular ecords. Shalmaneser 3 got Bactrian
camels from Musri, indicating Asia Minor (see also 1 Ki.10:28; 2
Ki.7:6; 2 Ch.1:16-17 where "Kue" is Cilicia). Possibly the
"Mossi" (UPER VOLTA) and "Masai" (KENYA: TANZANIA) are colonies.
The "Gypsies" take their name from Egypt.

"PHUT" named the river "Phut" in N. AFRICA (Pliny's Nat. Hist.).
In Coptic (Ancient Egyptian), LIBYA is known as PHIAIT (both LXX
and Ant.1:6:2 agree). "PHUT" is also idenified with SOMALILAND
(and YEMEN since on both sides of Red sea) via the Egyptian
"Punt" (or "Pwent") reference by Ebers. Confirmation comes from a
Babylonian tablet mentiong "Putu-yaman" (Put Yemen) and the
Persian inscription of Naash-i-Rustem naming PUTU (meaning
SOMALILAND). A branch migrated east becoming the RAJPUTS of
INDIA. PHUT settled central Africa (Jub.9:1; from LIBYA). A
colony of Phut sailed to S.AMERICA naming the "Putumayo River"
there. Arabs took slaves from central Africa to ARABIA, IRAN and
INDIA (Funk and Wagnalls, 24:17).

"CANAAN" is scattered all around the Mediterranean (see article
on MOORS, PHOENICIANS, etcetera). Canaan's portion was "to the
west" of Phut (Jub.9:1) or on the west cast of Africa. Called
"Agenor" by the Greeks, he gave his name to the AEGEAN SEA. Greek
sources like Philo of Byblos and Stephanus of Byzantium mention
the "Kna'(an)" and coins from PHOENICIA bear this name "Kna" or
"Knaan." Greek mythology" says KUMARBI or CRONUS (CANAAN)
castrated Uranus Anu (Noah) so was cursed with being a "servant
of serants" (Gen.9:25-27). The "Kanuri" (NIGERIA) and "Kongo"
CONGO) are colonies. Many N.AMERICAN slaves came from NIGERIA
(Acad. Am. 17:356) and BRAZILIAN from W. Africa.

"SEBA" is the Sabeans in S. ARABIA (modern town: As Sabya)
(Ant.1:6:2). The native name of the island of MERGE (near Egypt
and Ethiopia - Isa.43:3; 45:14) is SUBA (see Josephus) in SUDAN
today! Dravidians (of INDIA and CEYLON) were anciently called
"SIBAE" (Smith's Class. Dict.). An INDIAN god is called "SIVA" -
"Sabah" province and the city of "Sibu" are located in Malaysia.

"HAVILAH" is identified with INDIA (Ant.1:1:3; Targum Yonathan).
A city called "Havelian" is located on the upper Indus River,
between Pakistan and Kashmir. HAVILAH also settled in a district
in upper YEMEN called "Khawlans" (see Rabbi Aaron Marcus and the
J.F.B.Commentary). Strabo mentions the "Chaulotaioi" and
"Huwaila" of BAHRAIN.

"SABTAH" is identified with "Saubatha" (Ptolemy 6:7,38) or
"Sabota" (Plin 6:32; 12:32), an old trading city on the south
coast of ARABIA. Ptolemy also mentions the "Saphtha" near the
ARABIAN shore of the Persian Gulf. Targum Yonathan identifies
SABTAH as Smadai, a Cushite tribe, possibly the Somalis
(SOMALILAND) or Assamese (INDIA). Josephus says SABTAH is the
"Astaborans" (ETHIOPIA - Strabo map 14).

"RAAMAH" is identified as Lubai (LYBIANS) and Mavryatinos
(MAURETANIA) (Tar um Yonathan; cp. Yevamoth 63a; Sifri,
Deut.3:20). RAAMAH is the INDIAN god "Rama." Also, the Pharaohs
of EGYPT called themselves "Rameses" after him. Strabo says the
Rhammanitae are in S.W.ARABIA (16:4:24). The city of Regma (and
Rums) are in S.E.ARABIA (Ptol.6:7:14).

"SABTECA" is rendered "Sabaitic mouth" when describing
the Red Sea harbor of ETHIOPIA'S coast (Strabo 16:4:8; known as
"Sabaiticum Ostium" on map 14). Targumm Yonathan calls SABTECA
"Zingain," possibly the "Zeugis" of Africa.

"SHEBA" is another branch of the SABEANS (Ant.1:6:2) so is in
YEMEN. INDIA and SUDAN branches are possible (see SEBA).

"DEDAN" founded the city of Dedan in central ARABIA called
"ed-dagan" up to 1200 A.D. and El-Ula today. He also gave his
name to "Daden" or "Aden," a port city and island on the south
side of YEMEN. A branch migrated to western ETHIOPIA where the
Judadeans live (Josephus). The Targum Yonathan has M'zag which
may be the Mazices of N. AFRICA.

"NIMROD" built eight towns in MESOPOTAMIA: Babel (the BABYLONIAN
Empire), fifteen miles east of "Birs Nimroud." Erech (modern
Warka in S.Iraq). Accad (the AKKADIAN Empire). In this region is
a primitive monument, 125 feet high and 400 feet in
circumference, called "Tel Nimroud" by the grabs. Calneh (Nippur
or Nofar-Ninfi of the Talmud, Yoma l0a). The land of Shinar is
the SUMERIAN Empire. Nineveh (capital of the ASSYRIAN Empire, "th
land of Nimrod" - Micah 5:6). Rehoboth (the ruins 32 miles S.W.
of Mayadin). Calah (Nimrod ruins). Resen (Aktispon or Ctesphon,
Yoma l0a).

"LUDIM" are located west of LIBYA according to their position at
the head of the list of Mizraim's sons. But  the Targum Yonathan
renders Ludim "Givatai" which could be derived from Gipt, Egypt
or Copt, indicating EGYPT.

"ANAMIM" could be located in LIBYA since a people of Cyrene
called ANAMI are mentioned in a cuneiform text of the time of
Sargon II (JPOS, I [1921], 191f.). But the Targum Yonathan calls
the Animim "Martiorti" or "Mariotai." These are the people from
the district of Mareotis in lower EGYPT which also has a town
called Marea in it. Yet we also find names like "Maori" and
"Maurusi" in LIBYA, perhaps the same people (Strabo, map 15).
Interestingly, we find darkskinned, Caucasian types in POLYNESIA
today called "Maori" who defeated dark-skinned "Moriori" the
Marmaridae of Egypt? Strabo, map 15) (Funk & Wagnalls, 19:78).

"LEHABIM" are the "Lebu" or "Rebu" of Egyptian inscriptions who
gave their name to LIBYA. Josephus confirms this (1:6:2). Lehabim
means "red people" and today we find people with "reddish brown
skin called "Fula." They are numerous from W.SUDAN all the way to
SENEGAL on the Atlantic coast (Encyc. Brit. art. "Fula," vol.ll).
The "Luba" who live today in ZAIRE may be related (Acad. Am.

"NAPHTUHIM" designates the worshippers of "Ptah" who were
Memphites and whose capital was "Na-Ptah," (the habitation of
Ptah) contracted into NOPH (Isa.19:13,etc.) (Memphis).In S.EGYPT
we find the capital city of "Napata" also.

"PATHRUSIM" dwelt in PATHROS, or upper EGYPT. "Pathros" means
"people of the south land" (upper Egypt) in Egyptian. This is the
area around Thebes which has been called "Nomos Phaturites" on
occasion. They moved to CRETE (see below).

"CASLUHIM" are the Nasamones (LXX), a powerful tribe of LIBYANS.
Herodotus affirms that the Nasamones are LIBYANS Histories,
2:32). Targum Yonathan calls the "Casluhim" "Pentpoletai,"
probably "Pentapolis" (CYRENAICA) in LIBYA also. They moved to
CRETE (see below). "Zulus" in S.AFRICA may have come from

"PHILISTIM" originated on the island of CAPHTOR (CRETE) according
to secular and biblical history (Deut.2:23; Jer. 47:4; Am.9:7).
From here they migrated to PALESTINE in the 12th century
The FULANI of NIGERIA may be another colony. Others stayed in
PALESTINE (Zech.9:5-7).

"CAPHTORIM" gave his name to CAPHTOR (CRETE) since he, like the
Philistines, came from Pathrusim and Casluhim (Gen.10:14). They
went to CAPPADOCIA (LXX and Targum) and to EGYPT as COPTS and to
Palestine as CHERETHITES ("Cretans" -- LXX) (see Deut.2:23; 1
Sam.30:14; Ez.25:16; Zeph.2:5). According to the Midrash, a
branch of the Caphtorim became the PYGMIES of the CHAD, C.A.R.,
SUDAN area. The "KAFIRS" of INDIA may be another branch (see
Acad. Amer. 2:243).

"SIDON" or Zidon was the capital of PHOENICIA, so the "Sidonians"
(Judges 18:7) are found in LEBANON, CYPRUS, SICILY, SARDINIA,
SPAIN and N.AFRICA. These are the Phoenician colonies of history
(Acad. Am., 15:250). Even when TYRE later grew to greatness
(Josh.l9:29), the kingdom was still called "Sidonian" 
(1 Ki.16:31; Homer) although possibly MEDITERRANEAN and
TYRRHENIAN got their names from TYRE. The "SIDAMO" peoples of
ETHIOPIA and "SIDONES" of BULGARIA (Strabo map 6) may be

"HETH" is the Hittites (Gen.15:19-21; 23:10) of PALESTINE and
later possibly the Neo-Hittites of north SYRIA but not the
Indo-European Hittites of Asia Minor who were ASSYRIANS that
invaded Hittite land, took the name "CHETTAIO1" or HITTITE, with
a capital called "Khattusha" and cities called Karaman" and
"Carchemish." (art. Hittites" in I.S.B.E.). These "Hittites"
became the tribes of "Chatti," "Chattuari," "Germans" and
"Cherusci" of GERMANY! .... (see Strabo map 6) These Hittites
were feared (2 Ki.7:6-7).

"JEBUSITES" inhabited the Jerusalem area (Joshua 15:63; Judges
19:10) and then went to EBUSUS Island off the coast of SPAIN
(Strabo map 3) and other Phoenician colonies possibly. The "Ibo"
and "Ibibio" of NIGERIA may be branches.

"AM0RITES" inhabited PALESTINE (Gen.15:16) and are the "Amurru"
of the Amarna letters. Today they are known as the MOORS of
even N.AMERICA. The "Amhara" -of ETHIOPIA may be a colony. Even
in MANCHURIA we find an Amur R.

"GIRGASHITES" were displaced from PALESTINE and so moved to
AFRICA (Rashi on Ex.33:2 & 34:11; Yerushalmi, Shabbath :31),
specifically CARTHAGE (founded by Phoenicians!) where we find
frequent personal names such as "Grgshy," "Grgsh," and "Grgshm"
in the vowelless Punic texts there. Another branch of the
Girgashites may have become the "GARGARIANS" who moved to the
Caucasus region (Strabo) and then named Russian GEORGIA. Other
names which may be related are "Gergesenes" (Matt.8:28, KJV) and
"Kirkishati" Another possible location is western
ASIA MINOR where we find the town of "Gargara" and the 'Gargarus
Mt." and where the people were known as "GERGITHIANS" (vol.6,
pp.35,139 of Strabo).

"HIVITES" are identified as "HORITES" by comparing Genesis 36:20
with 36:2. The LXX of Genesis 34:2 and Joshua 9:7 says "Horite"
instead of the Masoretic Text's "Hivite." HORITES aren't HURRIANS
(see Wycliffe Bible Encyc., vol.l,p.810). The Hivites weren't
destroyed or forced out of PALESTINE (Joshua 9:27; 11:19). But
the "Ewe" of TOGO and BENIN may be Hivites and the "Herero" of
NAMIBIA Horites.

"ARKITES" moved from Arca (Tel Arka, Syria), Phoenicia, to
ARKADIA Greece and possibly the city of Archaea nearby in ASIA
MINOR (Lempriere's, p.67). One branch even migraed to N.AMERICA
as the "Arikara" Indians. Not all Indian tribes were Mongoloid
(p.19, Langer's World History).

"SINITES" gave their name to the "Wilderness of Sin" and "Mount
Sinai" originally. An Assyrian diety who established "laws and
justice" among men according to Ur's monuments was known as "Sin"
(ancestor worship). But his descendants moved eastward as the
"SINAE" and became the most eastern nation in the world according
to Ptolemy (Lempriere's lass. Dict., p.585). Passing through
China, these BLACK people gave their name to that region also and
even today China is identified by the prefix "SINO-" and we see
FU-SHUN, etcetera. But Isaiah 49:12 mentions the land of "Sinim"
as a location from where Israelites (Caucasians) are gathered.
The Vulgate renders "Sinim" as AUSTRALI." Indeed, both the BLACK
aboriginees and the WHITE Caucasian Israelites are found today in
AUSTRALIA, not China. Smaller colonies are in INDIA ("Sindhi"),
CEYLON ("Sinhalese") and AFRICA ("Senufo" of IVORY COAST;
"Ashanti" of GHANA; "San" of BOTSWANA; "Shona" of MOZAMBIQUE;
Songhai" of SUDAN and UPPER VOLTA). (see 2:243 and 1:145 of Acad.
Am. Encyc.)

"ARVADITES" lived in Arvad - a Phoenician port city. They dwelt
off the Phoenician coast on the island of Aradus (Ruad). Strabo
speaks of the "ARADIANS" in the present tense as still dwelling
in these areas when he wrote in the first century (16:2:12-14).
They had a colony in the Persian Gulf area (Strabo vo1.7, p.369)
and may have planted a colony in S.E.ASIA (IRRAWADDY sounds alot
like "Yaruwaddas," the Hittite form of ARVAD) (I.S.B.E. 3:1400)
which later became the BLACKS of Melanesia, Micronesia and/or
Polynesia since no BLACKS live in S.E.ASIA today!

"ZEMARITES" lived in Zemar - a Phoenician coast city ("Simyra" -
Strabo 16:2:12) but were displaced by Aradians and may have moved
to "Semurium" near ROME (Cic.Phi1.6,6). They also had a colony in
the Persian Gulf area and may have gone to INDONESIA and the
PHILIPPINES where we find "Semarang" city and SUMATRA island,
SAMAR Province and Sea. "Samarinda" is a city in BORNEO. Since
very few BLACKS live in these areas, the Zemarites probably moved
to Melanesia, Micronesia and/or Polynesia.

"HAMATHITES" were called "HEMATH" (Am.6:14) and "AMATHIS" 
(1 Macc.12:25) was a city in Syria on the banks of the Orontes
(called Hamah today). The "AMATHUSIANS" apparently moved to
CYPRUS (Strabo 8:3:8) and named a city there "AMATHUS" (14:6:3;
see Ptolemy 5,C.14.). From there a branch apparently moved to
MACEDONIA (called "EMATHIA" in ancient times). A city by the same
name could be found near the sea (Strabo vol.3, p.329; see map

It is clear that HAM'S portion was "beyond the Gihon (Geon = Nile
in Ant.1:1:3), toward the south" and that this territory was
further sub-divided with "Ques (Cush) toward the east, and to the
west of him for Phud (Phut), and to the west of him for Kainan
(Canaan) toward the west of the sea," Truly, "the land of Ham is
hot" (Jubilees 8 and 9).


But what about Japheth? The name "JAPHETH" literally means "to
enlarge or expand" in Hebrew. Genesis 9:27 states that "God shall
enlarge Japheth." Which of the three races has the largest
population today? According to volume 14 of the 1974 edition of
Encyclopedia Britannca, "The MONGOLOID peoples, not including the
American Indians, account for over 71 percent of the world's
population of 3,500,000,000" (p.845). Yes, JAPHETH must have
married an oriental woman as his very name suggests, not only by
its meaning, but also by its sounding like JAPAN! JAPHETH is
"Iapetos," one of the Titans and the father of the GREEKS
according to legend! He is also "Iyapeti," the supposed ancestor
of the ARYANS in INDIA. His portion was "beyond the river Tina
(Tanais or Don), toward the north of the exit of its waters, and
it goes toward the northeast the whole district of Lag, and all
the east thereof (Siberia?). And it goes toward the north to the
north, and goes to the mountains of Kilt (Sikhote-Alin Mts.?),
toward the north and toward the sea Mauk (Okhotsk Sea?), and it
goes toward the east of Gadir (Gedrosa or Pakistan?) over toward
the coast of the water of the sea. And it proceeds until it
approaches the west of Para (Phyrnes or Himalayas?), and returns
toward Apherag (Phrygians or Turkey?) and goes toward the east,
towards the waters of the sea Meat (Maeotis or Azov Sea). And it
goes toward the shore of the river Tina (Tanais or Don), toward
the east of the north, until it approaches to the shore of the
waters thereof, toward the mountain Rafa (Urals?), and it bends
toward the north." Truly, "it is cold" territory that was given
to JAPHETH (Jubilees 8:22-25). But the children from this
marriage provide even more proof it was a white/oriental union.

"GOMER" gave his name to the "Cimmerians" of Anatolia or "Cimbri"
of the classics. Thus, Herodotus, Plutarch, and others identify
him with the district of Cimmeria, north of the Black Sea -
called "Crimea" today - but later Cimmerians were Nordic (Odyssey
11:12-19), not oriental. Just as Hosea prophesied, Nordic Israel
would be known by the name "Gomer" (Hos.1:3). This is why even
Josephus thinks "GOMER" is the Galatians or Gauls (1:6:1). But
"GOMER'S" portion was "toward the east" (Jub.9:7). He moved to
S.E.ASIA and gave his name to the "Khmer Empire" and people
there, specifically CAMBODIA today (2:194 and 17:231 of 1974
Britannica). Before moving east, "GOMER" traveled extensively in
SPAIN and ITALY ("Gomera," - Canary Island; "Camarina" Sicily,
3:59,81; "Camarium" Umbria, 2:369; "Gomaro," 3:301).

"MAGOG" means "the land of Gog" (Ez.38:2 & 39:6). Arabs believe
the descendants of Gog and Magog inhabit the northern eastern
parts of ASIA (Art. "Gog," McClintock and Strong Encyc.). Arab
writers referred to the Great Wall of CHINA as the "wall of al
Magog" (Rabbi Aaron Marcus, Kesseth HaSofer p.112a). The word
"MONGOL" is actually spelled "MOGOL," a corruption of MAGOG.
Originally Magog lived in Scythia (Ant.1:6:1; Jerome) and in the
14th century B.C. kingdom of Gog in Armenia (Tell Amarna
Letters). Even Gyges of Lydia may have been related. The Magyars
of Europe, Mogollons of Arizona, Mohegans of Boston and the
Omagua, Omaguaca and Yagua Indians of S.A. are other branches
besides "the inner portions of the north" (Jub.9:7).

"MADAI" became the MEDES (Josephus) who were also called ARIANS
(Herodotus 7:62). One branch moved to INDIA and became the
"Aryans" there while another branch went to a "wintry land"
(Strabo vol.7,p.9). Herodotus 5:9 mentions that a people who
"dress in the Median fashion" and "claim to be colonists from
Media" live "north of Thrace" "beyond the Danube" (ROMANIA,
POLAND, UKRAINE). Pliny mentions "the river Don, where the
inhabitants are ... said to be descended from the Medes" (book 6,
sec.11) (UKRAINE). Truly Madai's portion was "to the west of his
two brothers, unto the islands and unto the coasts of the
islands" (Jub.9:8) But the "Maidu" Indians went to CALIFORNIA and
"Shoshone" (from Shushan, capital of Medo-Persia) Indians to U.S.

"JAVAN" is found in Assyrian relics as "Yavnan" or "Yunan" and on
Egyptian monuments as "Uoinim" or "Ionians." The same Hebrew word
is translated "Javan" in some O.T. passages and "GREECE" in
others! Amarna Tablets mention "Yivana" as being in the land of
TYRE and yet a large branch of JAVAN went east. CHINA'S YUNNAN
Province (Funk and Wagnalls, 6:168) and it's Yuan dynasty and
river (Acad. Am., 20:338) both indicate this. ("Y" and "I" were
predecessors of the modern "J"). JAVAN'S portion was "all the
islands" (Jub.9:8) which couples nicely with Javan being
identified as "isles afar off" (Isa.66:19) from Jerusalem. The
"Javanese" live on the island of JAVA in INDONESIA. TAIWAN is a
corruption of "TAJAVAN," and by changing the to "V" to "B" and
then to "P" (a common practice) we get JAPAN! The "Yana" and
"Oyana" Indians of CALIFORNIA and BRAZIL (Acad. Am., 11:124 and
MADAGASCAR are all colonies.

"TUBAL" lived in IBERIA (Ant.1:6:1). SPANISH (Iberians) call
themselves centuvals or people of TUVAL: But this is wrong since
the "Western Iberians" moved "to the regions beyond the Pontus
and Colchis" (Strabo 1:3:21 and map 11) and called this second
area "IBERIA" also. Herodotus calls them Tibareni and links them
to the Moschi (3:94). These peoples moved north! Assyrian
monuments associate the "Tabali" or "Tibareni" with a city in
RUSSIA - TOBOLSK - near the Tobol River in Siberia (from Subartu
or Subaria in eastern Anatolia, where Tubal originally dwelt).
RUSSIA Rosh) is linked in Ezekiel 38:2, RV. Minor colonies of
TUBAL became the CANADIAN Ottawa Indians and the Pacific Island
nation of "Tuvalu." TUBAL'S portion was "between the tongue which
approaches toward the side of the portion of Lud (LYDIA in 
W.Asia Minor, so probably the Black Sea tongue) to the second
tongue (Caspian Sea?), unto beyond the second tongue into the
third tongue" (Aral Sea?) (Jubilees 9:9) later to move further
eastward. Another clony is the "Ipurina" (Iberian) Indians of

"MESHECH" dwelt between the Cyrus and Phasis Rivers (Caucasus
area) in the time of Strabo (11:2:14-16) and was known as
"Moschi." (See Herodotus 3:94 and 7:78). Indeed, the capital of
Cappadocia (ancient Meshech in central Turkey - Ant.1:6:1 and
Herod.1:72) was called "Mazaca," just as today we find the
capital of RUSSIA is "Moscow" from the Muskeva River. Anciently,
RUSSIA itself was known by the name "Muskovi." (See Ez.38:2 also)
The "Muskogee" (S.E. U.S.), "Mescalero" (TEXAS), "Mosquito"
(NICARAGUA), "Mochica" ECUADOR), "Macusi" (GUYANA), and "Mocovi"
Indians (ARGENINA) are other colonies of MESHECH besides "beyond
the third tongue (Aral Sea?), until it approaches to the east
Gadir (Gedrosia or Pakistan?)" (Jub.9:10) which colony later
migrated northwest to Moscow.

"TIRAS" is called "Tursha" in an Egyptian document of the 3th
century B.C., who were members of a sea confederacy - perhaps the
piratical Tyrsenians who lived on the Aegean slands. The
THRACIANS (Ant.l:6:1) and ETRUSCANS (of ITALY) ame from him. We
read that the "Tearus" River ran through THRACE (Herod.4:89)
which may be the same as the "Tyras" River (Dniester - Strabo
1:2:1). Thracians were known as "red" men by Greek writers
(Encyc. Brit., art. "Thrace") and inhabited the Mediterranean
islands (Yov'loth 9:14) or "four great islands in the midst of
the sea, which approach o the portion of Ham (Africa)"
(Jub.9:11). In fact, many Aegean islands bear names very similar
to the names of American Indians: Xios or Ios (SIOUX and XIUS),
Sikinos (STQUIAS of Honduras), Piraeus (PIROS or PEIRAIEIS of
Chihuuahua), Tenos (the TENOCHTITLAN Island of Mexican Aztecs),



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