Friday, September 4, 2020


 Secrets of the Lost Races #5


Nuclear Warfare among the Primitives



The world was the scene of great confusion after the

breakdown of unity at the world center. Maps reproduced by the

Renaissance cartographers show that the survey expeditions that

roamed the globe recorded ominous changes in the northern and

southern polar icecaps. Every one of the sacred historical

manuscripts seems to indicate that Job lived during this time

period, for certain areas of his story tell of a significant drop

in temperature, of freezing conditions, of ice formations

advancing from the north, of lowered ocean levels, of pronounced

evaporation and excessive flooding and melting of snow.

He experienced these phenomena while living in Uz, a town located

in northern Arabia. Today the climate in this area is extremely

arid and hot, yet he alluded to overflowing rivers and to rain

and even snow.

     Puzzling? No, not to the climatologists, anyway, for to them

it is a fact that those weather conditions were once considered

normal in the Middle East, during the Ice Age!

     The advent of climatic changes and glaciation certainly must

have had a dramatic effect on the progressive life-style and

development of the civilization centers and may have been

instrumental in the destruction of at least three of them.

Antarctica was one of the centers that were destroyed by the

expanding walls of ice. We will probably never know all the

details of the tragedy that struck both civilization and human

life in the Antarctic continent. History is frightfully silent on

matters relating to the coldest regions of the globe, yet there

are several indications from primitive sources that Antarctica

was indeed inhabited at a very remote period.

     Francis Maziere, who has done extensive research into the

legends and folklore of the central Pacific island natives,

discovered that the Polynesians possessed a very sophisticated

knowledge of navigation and geography. They knew about such

far-removed locations as New Zealand, Hawaii, Easter Island, and

even the southwest coast of South America, with the treacherous

waters of Drake Passage beyond the southern extremity of Cape

Horn. The Polynesians were also very familiar with the existence

of the Antarctic continent. According to their traditions, there

was a time when the land was not covered with ice, and several

nations of people inhabited it. The Australian aborigines talk of

Antarctica as a "land of the gods" which at an unknown time

became covered with "cool water and quartz crystals," a good

description of ice and snow by natives who had never seen such

substances in their native desert home.

     Maziere found a Polynesian elder from Easter Island named

Veriveri who related that in the midst of the southern land was a

great cliff of red rock. Remarkably enough, an identical landmark

was discovered recently by an American expedition that ventured

into the heart of Antarctica. The red cliff, however, is situated

several hundred miles inland, so that it could not have been

observed from the coast. It would have been impossible for a

Polynesian to have traversed Antarctica in its present frozen

state to see the red cliff and live to tell about it. If an

ancestor of the Polynesians did observe the red escarpment, as

the legend would indicate someone did, this must have been when

the climatic conditions on Antarctica were radically different.

Another area that was overwhelmed by glaciation during the Ice

Age was the Arctic region, in particular the island of Greenland.

One Renaissance map showing Greenland free of ice is the Zeno

brothers' map of 1380.

     This map was the result of a voyage made by the two Zeno

brothers from Venice in the early fourteenth century. Their

explorations supposedly took them to Iceland, Greenland and

perhaps as far as Nova Scotia. They drew a map of the North

Atlantic which was subsequently lost for two centuries before it

was rediscovered by a descendant of the Zenos.

     A study of the chart reveals that the Zeno brothers could

not have been the original map makers. The brothers supposedly

touched land in Iceland and Greenland, yet their chart very

accurately shows longitude and latitude not only for these

locations, but also for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the German

Baltic coast, Scotland, and even such little-known landfalls as

the Shetland and Faroe islands. The map also shows evidence of

having been based on a polar projection, which was beyond the

abilities of the fourteenth-century geographers. The original map

makers likewise knew the correct lengths of degrees of longitude

for the entire North Atlantic; thus, it is very possible that the

map, instead of being a product after the fact, was drawn up by

the Zeno brothers before their voyage and was used to guide them

in their exploration of the northern lands.

     Just how ancient the original source maps may have been is

indicated by the fact that the Zeno map shows Greenland

completely free of ice. Mountains in the interior are depicted,

and rivers are drawn flowing to the sea, where in many cases

glaciers are found today. Captain A. H. Mallery, whose initial

work on the Piri Reis map (Chapter 3) led him to study other

Renaissance charts such as the Zeno brothers', took special note

of the flat plain shown stretching the length of the Greenland

interior on this map, intersected midway by mountains. The

Paul-Emile Victor French Polar Expedition of 194749 found

precisely such topography from seismic profiles.

     As with the revelation that Antarctica at one time was free

of ice and perhaps inhabited, we find similar legends of a

civilized people who once lived in northern lands which are now

buried under thousands of feet of ice. The legends tell of Thule,

Numinor and the Hyperboreans, inhabitants of the Arctic in

centuries past. Egerton Sykes, in his Dictionary of Nonclassical

Mythology, page 20, states his belief that the Norse legend of

Fimbelvetr, the "Terrible Winter" that launched the epic

disasters of Ragnarok and the destruction of the gods of

Valhalla, may reflect a historical fact: the obliteration of a

prehistoric civilization in the boreal regions by the Ice Age


     The remains of these civilized northern people have, of

course, disintegrated under the weight of millions of tons of

moving ice, but some evidence of their historical successors has

miraculously survived, for there are extensive ruins of a

sophisticated prehistoric culture that once existed in the Arctic

region. At Ipiutak on Point Hope, northern Alaska, there are the

ruins of a large settlement of 800 structures laid out in

carefully planned blocks and avenues-a community large enough to

have supported several thousand individuals. Unfortunately there

are very few artifacts that can tell us anything about the

Ipiutak settlement. What we do know is that the ancient

settlement was far from being a simple hunting community. There

are indications that these people had a knowledge of mathematics

and astronomy comparable to that of the ancient Mayas.

Archaeologists are astonished that a community the size of

Ipiutak could have existed at all, for it is situated on the

permafrost, far north of the Arctic Circle, where today small

bands of Eskimo hunters scratch out a meager livelihood. Ipiutak

could have supported so large and sophisticated a population only

if the climate of Alaska was decidedly different from the

present, and the only time when this region was considerably

warmer was before and at the beginning of the Ice Age.

     Ipiutak was very probably settled by those people of the

Arctic high civilization center who escaped the first onslaught

of the polar glaciation but were overwhelmed as the freezing

conditions advanced farther south. The Ipiutak cemetery reveals

that the inhabitants were tall, blond individuals, similar to the

Cro-Magnons of Europe.

     Not long ago Russian archaeologists discovered the remains

of a number of prehistoric settlements very similar to Ipiutak in

the midst of the frozen taiga in northeastern Siberia. Here too

the climate is very hostile to all forms of life, yet the

archaeologists found evidence of large Paleolithic, Neolithic and

even Bronze Age populations that appear to have lived

simultaneously in the same area. In Yakutia, Paleolithic rock

drawings have been discovered that are much like the cave

paintings of Magdalenian France and Spain. Between Yakutia and

western Europe, the land and the prehistoric cultures it

supported are completely devoid of evidence of any similar

artistic development. The only possible link between Siberia and

the European Cro-Magnon civilization is through the north, in the

direction of a common homeland and origin in the Arctic.

     Historian Will Durant, in his Story of Civilization, made a

statement which may contain more truth than previously realized:

"Immense volumes have been written to expound our knowledge, and

conceal our ignorance, of primitive man. . . . Primitive cultures

were not necessarily the ancestors of our own; for all we know

they may be the degenerate remnants of higher cultures that

decayed when human leadership moved in in the wake of the ice.

     A third post-Babel high civilization center to be destroyed

by the Ice Age was located in the Caribbean. Since 1968, strange

finds have been made in coastal waters around the Caribbean,

notably in the Bahama Banks. At depths ranging from 6 to 100 feet

there are numerous giant stone constructions-walls, great

squares, crosses and other geometric shapes, even archways and

pyramids-all encrusted with fossilized shells and petrified

mangrove roots, indicating their great age. Among the first finds

made were stretches of a wall composed of blocks measuring as

much as 18 by 20 by 10 feet and weighing approximately 25 tons

each. The wall appears to have encircled the islands of North and

South Bimini to form a dike. Along with the sea wall, 3- to

5-foot sections of fluted columns were also discovered, some

still fixed in their original positions, while others were found

lying in a jumble on the sea floor, covered with sand. Since the

pillars appear at regular intervals along the sunken wall, it is

believed they may have formed one continuous portico. Both the

wall and the pillars reveal a high level of engineering skill in

their construction.

     Not far from the Bimini sea wall, divers have uncovered a

stone archway at a depth of 12 feet, a pyramid with a flattened

top and a base 140 by 180 feet, plus a huge circular stone

construction, made of 20-foot blocks, that appears to have been a

well-designed water reservoir when it existed above sea level.

Andros Island, near Pine Key, possesses its share of submarine

structures as well. In 1969 airline pilots photographed a 60 by

100-foot rectangular shape, clearly visible through the calm

waters. The eastern side and the western corners were partitioned

off. What is amazing is that this submerged rectangle is an

almost exact copy in size and design of the Temple of the

Turtles, an ancient Mayan sanctuary found at Uxmal in Yucatan,

indicating that the survivors of this Caribbean civilization

center may have influenced the development of the early Central

American cultures and the culture of the Mound Builders.

Other sunken ruins in the Caribbean area include a sea wall 30

feet high, running in a straight line for miles off Venezuela,

near the mouth of the Orinoco River; an acropolitan complex,

complete with streets, covering 5 acres in 6 feet of water off

the Cuban coast; remains of sunken buildings off Hispaniola, one

measuring 240 by 80 feet; several stone causeways, 30 to 100 feet

below the surface, which leave the shores of Quintana Roo,

Mexico, and Belize, British Honduras, and continue out to sea for

miles toward an unknown destination; a sea wall running along a

submarine cliff near Cay Lobos; and huge stone squares,

rectangles and crosses clearly of human design off the windward

and leeward sides of all the keys down to Orange Key.

     These Caribbean ruins are perplexing to the archaeologists

and to orthodox historians, for the architecture is far beyond

the capabilities of either the Amerinds or the Spanish

conquistadors. It is even more disturbing that the most recent

period, when the present Caribbean sea floor was above sea level

and the mystery walls, pyramids and temples therefore could have

been built, was during the Ice Age. Apparently the Caribbean

civilization evolved during the time the ocean levels were at

their lowest, and it eventually was submerged when the Bahama

shelf was inundated by the rising of the sea caused by the

melting of the northern glaciers. The flooding in all probability

was very gradual, for many of the gargantuan submerged walls

appear to have been dikes built in an attempt to protect certain

areas from the rising sea. But the walls were not enough. The

ocean waters eventually rolled over the land, and the Caribbean

civilization disappeared.

     While three of the post-Babel centers of high civilization

succumbed to natural disaster, the ruins of the remaining five

centers show evidence of man-made destruction-destruction of such

terrifying magnitude that we could not have imagined the like of

it prior to the end of World War II.

     Evidence of the holocaust is found in the most notable of

the Hindu literary works, the Mahabharata, an epic poem of

200,000 lines, dating back in its present form to 500 B.c.

Textual evidence, however, indicates that the events depicted in

the Mahabharata took place 1,000 to 2,000 years earlier. Repeated

references are made to great godkings riding about in Vimanas or

"celestial cars," described as "aerial chariots with sides of

iron clad with wings."

     Used for transportation in peaceful times, the Vimanas were

also employed during battle. The Mahabharata describes an 18-day

war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, who inhabited the

upper regions of the Ganges. Not long after this war, a second

battle was waged against the Vrishnis and Andhakas in the same

region. In both battles Vimanas were used to launch a weapon of

terrible destructive power. The Mahabharata relates, "The valiant

Adwattan, remaining steadfast in his Vimana, landed upon the

water and from there unleashed the Agneya weapon, incapable of

being resisted by the very gods. Taking careful aim against his

foes, the preceptor's son let loose the blazing missile of

smokeless fire with tremendous force. Dense arrows of flame, like

a great shower, issued forth upon creation, encompassing the

enemy. Meteors flashed down from the sky. A thick gloom swiftly

settled upon the Pandava hosts. All points of the compass were

lost in darkness. Fierce winds began to blow. Clouds roared

upward, showering dust and gravel.

"Birds croaked madly, and beasts shuddered from the destruction.

The very elements seemed disturbed. The sun seemed to waver in

the heavens. The earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent

heat of this weapon. Elephants burst into flame and ran to and

fro in a frenzy, seeking protection from the terror. Over a vast

area, other animals crumpled to the ground and died. The waters

boiled, and the creatures residing therein also died. From all

points of the compass the arrows of flame rained continuously and

fiercely. The missile of Adwattan burst with the power of

thunder, and the hostile warriors collapsed like trees burnt in a

raging fire. Thousands of war vehicles fell down on all sides."

     The description of the second battle is as frightening as

that of the first: "Gurkha, flying in his swift and powerful

Vimana, hurled against the three cities of the Vrishnis and

Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the

Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant

as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the

unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of

death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and


"The corpses were so burnt that they were no longer recognizable.

Hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without cause. Birds,

disturbed, circled in the air and were turned white. Foodstuffs

were poisoned. To escape, the warriors threw themselves in

streams to wash themselves and their equipment. With the

destruction ended, the Kuru king, Yudistthira, was informed of

the power of the iron thunderbolt and the slaughter of the


     We could attribute these descriptions to the overactive

imagination of some unknown Hindu sage of long ago, but there are

too many details that make this unnervingly similar to an

eyewitness report of an atomic bomb explosion: the brightness of

the blast; the column of rising smoke and fire; the fallout,

intense heat and shock waves; the appearance of the victims; and

the effects of radiation poisoning.

     Hindu scholars believe the ancient atomic explosions

occurred in either 3102 or 2449 B.C., with the latter as the more

probable date, because of the detailed astronomical configuration

given in connection with the battles in the Mahabharata. If the

latter date is correct, this means, in terms of Biblical

chronology, that atomic weapons must have been used about a

millennium after the Flood. According to traditional Hindu

history, the Bharata War took place not many generations after

the reign of Manu, who escaped a world-destroying Deluge with his

family in a boat-the Hindu equivalent of Noah and the ark.

When European scholars began their first examination of the

Mahabharata in the nineteenth century during the British imperial

rule of India, the many references to flying craft and weapons of

fearful fiery destruction were considered nothing more than

poetic hyperbole. In the words of one Victorian commentator, V.

R. Dikshitar, "Everything in this literature is imagination and

should be summarily dismissed as unreal." But with the initial

research into radiation and nuclear physics at the turn of the

century, there were already those who saw in the Mahabharata and

other ancient legends an indication of energies that were just

beginning to be understood by modern man. Physicist Frederick

Soddy, in his Interpretation of Radium, published in 1909,

remarked concerning the ancient accounts, "Can we not read in

them some justification for the belief that some former forgotten

race of men attained not only to the knowledge we have so

recently won, but also to the power that is not yet ours? ... I

believe that there have been civilizations in the past that were

familiar with atomic energy, and that by misusing it they were

totally destroyed." 

     Since 1945, of course, we have learned what the effects of

the destructive power of the atomic bomb are-and the descriptions

given in the Mahabharata have suddenly become very real.

     The use of atomic weapons in India 4,400 years ago

presupposes a knowledge of nuclear physics rivaling our own.

There is evidence of such a knowledge preserved among the ancient

Hindu records. Several Sanskrit books, for example, contain

references to divisions of time that cover a very wide range. At

one extreme, according to Hindu texts dealing with cosmology, is

the kalpa or "Day of Brahma," a period of 4.32 billion years. At

the other, as described in the Bihath Sathaka, we find reference

to the kashta, equivalent to three onehundred-millionths

(0.00000003) of a second. Modern Sanskrit scholars have no idea

why such large and such miniscule time divisions were necessary

in antiquity. All they know is that they were used in the past,

and they are obliged to preserve the tradition.

     Time divisions of any kind, however, imply that the duration

of something has been measured. The only phenomena in nature that

can be measured in billions of years or in millionths of a second

are the disintegration rates of radioisotopes. These rates range

from those of elements like uranium 238, with a half-life of 4.51

billion years, to subatomic particles such as K mesons and

hyperons, with mean halflives measured in the hundred-millionths,

billionths, trillionths, and even smaller fractions of a second.

The ranges of ancient Hindu time division and of radioisotope

disintegration thus partially coincide, and the former could have

been used to measure the latter.

     If the ancient Hindus - or an earlier civilization from

which the Hindus inherited their time divisions-had a technology

that could study and measure nuclear and subnuclear matter, means

for using atomic energy was also accessible to them.

     There are remains that strongly suggest that an atomic war

was indeed waged in the distant past. According to the

Mahabharata, the Bharata War, in which Vimanas and atomic weapons

were used, involved prehistoric inhabitants along the upper

Ganges River in northern India. Precisely in this region, between

the Ganges and the mountains of Rajamahal, there are numerous

charred ruins which have yet to be explored or excavated. What

observations have been made thus far indicate that the ruins were

not burned by ordinary fire. In many instances, they appear as

huge masses fused together, with deeply pitted surfaces,

described as looking like tin struck by a stream of molten steel.

Farther south, among the dense forests of the Deccan, are more

such ruins which may be of earlier origin, pointing to a war

antedating that of the Mahabharata and encompassing a far greater

area. The walls have been glazed, corroded and split by

tremendous heat. Within several of the buildings that remain

standing, even the surfaces of the stone furniture have been

vitrified: melted and then crystallized. No natural burning flame

or volcanic eruption could have produced a heat intense enough to

cause this phenomenon. Only the heat released through atomic

energy could have done this damage.

     In the same region as this second group of ruins, Russian

researcher A. Gorbovsky reported, in his Riddles of the Ancient

Past, the discovery of a human skeleton the radioactivity of

which was fifty times above the normal level.

     Outside India, similar remains of a nuclear holocaust have

been found. Researcher Erich von Fange describes the melted ruins

of a ziggurat structure situated not far from ancient Babylon:

"It appeared that fire had struck the tower and split it down to

the very foundation. . . . In different parts of the ruins,

immense brown and black masses of brickwork had [been] changed to

a vitrified state . . . subjected to some kind of fierce heat,

and completely molten. The whole ruin has the appearance of a

burnt mountain."

     In 1952 archaeologists excavating in Israel unearthed at the

16-foot level a layer of fused green glass a quarter of an inch

thick and covering an area of several hundred square feet. It is

made of fused quartz sand with green discolorations, similar in

appearance to the layers of vitrified sand that were left after

the atomic tests in Nevada in the 1950s. Another such sheet of

glass was uncovered five years earlier in southern Iraq, near

Babylon, spread in a thin layer some distance below Babylonian,

Sumerian and Neolithic cultural levels. To the south, the western

Arabian desert is strewn with black rocks which show evidence of

having been subjected to intense radiation. There are 28 fields

of these scorched stones, called harras, covering an area of

7,000 square miles. In the southern Sahara Desert, engineer

Albion W. Hart discovered another expanse of green glass and

noted that the fused silica there was similar in appearance to

that found at the White Sands atomic test site. Still other

examples of vitrified soil have been discovered among remains in

the most desolate areas of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. Most

surprising of all are layers at Lop Nor in Sinkiang, near the

present Chinese atomic test site, where it is reported that there

is little difference between the patches of fused quartz left

after the modem nuclear detonations and those that had been there

ages before the Chinese became a nuclear power.

     Elsewhere prehistoric forts and towers in Europe as far

north as the British Isles and the Lofoten Islands off Norway

have had their walls vitrified and stones fused by an unknown

energy, usually along their western sides. Many of the towers of

Scotland and the granite fortresses along the coast of Ireland

show evidence of having been melted to a depth of one foot.

One of the most amazing literary testimonies to man-made

destruction among the ancient advanced civilizations is found in

the Tibetan Stanzas of Dzyan, translated within the past century,

the original dating back several millennia. Like the Mahabharata,

the Stanzas of Dzyan depict a holocaust engulfing two warring

nations who utilize flying vehicles and fiery weapons.

"The great King of the Dazzling Face, the chief of all the

Yellowfaced, was sad, seeing the evil intentions of the

Dark-faced. He sent his air vehicles to all his brother chiefs

with pious men within, saying, Prepare, arise, men of the good

law, and escape while the land has not yet been overwhelmed by

the waters.

"The Lords of the Storm are also approaching. Their war vehicles

are nearing the land. One night and two days only shall the Lords

of the Dark-faced arrive on this patient land. She is doomed when

the waters descend on her. The Lords of the Dark-eyed have

prepared their magic Agneyastra [the Hindu 'Agneya weapon' - a

nuclear missile]. . . . They are also versed in Ashtar [the

highest magical knowledge]. Come, and use yours.

"Let every Lord of the Dazzling Face ensnare the air vehicle of

every Lord of the Dark-faced, lest any of them escape. . . .

"The great King fell upon his Dazzling Face and wept. When the

kings were assembled, the waters of the earth had already been

disturbed. The nations crossed the dry lands. They went beyond

the water mark. The kings reached then the safe lands in their

air vehicles, and arrived in the lands of fire and metal. . . .

"Stars [nuclear missiles?] showered on the lands of the

Dark-faced while they slept. The speaking beasts [radios?]

remained quiet. The Lords waited for orders, but they came not,

for their masters slept. The waters rose and covered the valleys.

. . . In the high lands there dwelt those who escaped, the men of

the yellow faces and of the straight eye."

     Even though the translation of this text was made almost a

century ago, it describes forms of destruction we have become

familiar with only in the last thirty-two years. It is also

significant that the manmade destruction depicted in the text is

coupled with cataclysmic movements of ocean waters. This massive

flooding may have been touched off by the nuclear holocaust, but

more likely the inundation was a result of a sudden sea-level

change caused by the melting Ice Age glaciers. If the "Lords of

the Yellow-faced" were the Mongolian inhabitants of the ancient

Gobi high civilization center, the flooding may have been the

great tidal wave that swept across eastern Asia and into Siberia

at the end of the Ice Age. According to the Stanzas, another high

civilization center, described only as the "Lords of the

Dark-faced," had advance knowledge of the imminent deluge that

was about to weaken the Gobi center, and so decided to take

advantage of the situation and destroy the survivors with a

nuclear barrage and conventional air attack. The "Yellow-faced"

seem to have retaliated with a nuclear counterattack of their

own, and while a few of the Yellow-faced escaped the flooding and

nuclear destruction, the Darkfaced and their civilization appear

to have been annihilated. The final line of the text mentions

that among the survivors were also those of "the straight eye,"

the peoples of Europe and the Middle East. This would suggest

that these people also were involved in the nuclear conflict; the

remains of nuclear destruction in these areas bear testimony to


     One of the most interesting pieces of evidence of nuclear

devastation in the past is found on Easter Island, in the Pacific

Ocean. Apart from its huge monolithic statues and its curious

form of writing, the island is also famous for a unique form of

wood carving called moaikavakava. The carving invariably

represents a shrunken man, with certain grotesque anatomical

features depicted in remarkable detail. The first Europeans to

visit Easter Island reported that the natives were often willing

to part with these little statues, as if the figures did not

belong to them. Even today the miniature men are regarded by the

Easter Islanders as fearful and alien-a reminder of something

that was not of their experience, yet which remains horrifying


     Native legend attributes these statues to King Tu'ukoiho.

One night the king caught a glimpse of two misshapen dwarfish

beings who he believed were the spirits of the last members of a

race that had inhabited the island before the present native

population. Even though they were never seen again after his one

fleeting glance, the impression these wretched men made on the

king was so strong that he immediately set out to sculpt a

replica of them. The modern kavakava statues are believed to be

faithful copies of the king's original.

     The style of these carvings is not in the least Polynesian,

and the sculpted facial features-hooked nose, staring eyes and

small squared beard - appear to be Semitic. The most interesting

peculiarity, however, is the appearance of the body. It is

emaciated, showing goiters, tumors, clenched mouth, collapsed

cervical vertebrae, and a distinct break between the lumbar and

the dorsal vertebrae. All these are medical indications of

exposure to a severe dosage of radiation.

     Perhaps related to the kavakava carvings and the unfortunate

victims they represent are the remains of fiery destruction

discovered on the island. At the foot of the slopes of Mount

Rano-Kao there exists an immense furrow, half a mile in length

and approximately 200 yards wide. The furrow is sharply defined

on the landscape, because it is composed of obsidian, a vitrified

black rock which is not found anywhere else on the island.

Directly aligned with this trail of melted rock is a small crater

on a hill a mile away. The crater is perfectly circular and is

distinguished by a vegetation cover different from that growing

around it. The furrow and crater imply that in the unrecorded

past something landed here with tremendous force. Whether that

something was natural or man-made, of course, is open to

speculation. The kavakava statues and their indication of intense

irradiation of the island at some time in prehistory, however,

might possibly favor the latter possibility.

     The continents of the New World also possess several

examples of prehistoric cultures destroyed by a great

conflagration. Not far from Cuzco, Peru, near the pre-Inca

fortress of Sacsahuaman, an area of 18,000 square yards of

mountain rock has been fused and crystallized. Not only the

mountainside, but a number of the dressed granite blocks of the

fortress itself show signs of similar vitrification through

extremely high radiated heat.

     In Brazil there is a series of ruins called Sete Cidades,

situated south of Teresina between Piripiri and the Rio Longe.

The stones of these ruins have been melted by apocalyptic

energies, and squashed between the layers of rock protrude bits

of rusting metal that leave streaks like the traces of red tears

down the crystallized wall surface.

     The most numerous vitrified remains in the New World are

located in the western United States. In 1850 the American

explorer Captain Ives William Walker was the first to view some

of these ruins, situated in Death Valley. He discovered a city

about a mile long, with the lines of the streets and the

positions of the buildings still visible. At the center he found

a huge rock, between 20 and 30 feet high, with the remains of an

enormous structure atop it. The southern side of both the rock

and the building was melted and vitrified. Walker assumed that a

volcano had been responsible for this phenomenon, but there is no

volcano in the area. In addition, tectonic heat could not have

caused such a liquefaction of the rock surface.

     An associate of Captain Walker who followed up his initial

exploration commented, "The whole region between the rivers Gila

and San Juan is covered with remains. The ruins of cities are to

be found there which must be most extensive, and they are burnt

out and vitrified in part, full of fused stones and craters

caused by fires which were hot enough to liquefy rock or metal.

There are paving stones and houses torn with monstrous cracks ...

[as though they had] been attacked by a giant's fire-plough."

     Other vitrified ruins have been found in parts of Southern

California, Arizona and Colorado. The Mohave Desert is reported

to contain several circular patches of fused glass.

     If an unknown post-Flood civilization was indeed destroyed

by fire in western North America, we would expect that such a

holocaust would have been imprinted on the memory of those who

survived, to be told and repeated to the successive generations.

While studying Canadian Indian tribal folklore, ethnologist R.

Baker was told the following legend by a wise ram of a dying

totemic cult of northern Canada near the tundra region. The

legend tells of a time "before the cold descended from the

north," when the now-bleak tundra was instead rich in vegetation.

"In the days when great forests and flowering meadows were here,

demons came and made slaves of our people and sent the young to

die among the rocks and below the ground [mining?]. But then

arrived the thunderbird, and our people were freed. We learned

about the marvelous cities of the thunderbird, which were beyond

the big lakes and rivers to the south.

"Many of our people left us and saw these shining cities and

witnessed the grand homes and the mystery of men who flew upon

the skies. But then the demons returned, and there was terrible

destruction. Those of our people who had gone southward returned

to declare that all life in the cities was gone-nothing but

silence remained."

     This is all the totemic Indians know of the matter, and they

cannot furnish any additional details about these events. This is

the story that has been repeated to them by their fathers and


     The Hopi Indians of the Southwest have a very similar

tradition which offers yet another glimpse of otherwise

unrecorded events. The story is called "Kuskurza," the "Third

World Epoch," and is preserved in Frank Water's "Book of the


"Some of these of the Third World made a patuwvota and with their

magical powers made it soar through the sky. On this many of them

flew to a great city, attacked it and returned so quickly that

the inhabitants did not know where their attackers came from.

Soon others from many nations were making patuwvotas, and [they]

flew to attack one another. So corruption and destruction came to

the Third World people, as it had come to those who were before."

     The ruins in the western United States show signs of having

been destroyed by radiated heat, mute testimony to an element of

fact that may underlie these legends. In addition, the

association of the annihilation of prehistoric cities with men

who flew through the air is disturbingly similar to the Hindu and

Tibetan records of air vehicles armed with nuclear weapons.

With the collapse of the post-Babel centers between 2900 and 2800

B.C., the world once again entered a brief period of confusion

and adjustment. To those inhabitants of the high civilization

centers who managed to survive, two choices were left. Either

they could begin again by reestablishing their own cultures, or

they could migrate and become members of those inferior cultures,

the Stone Age civilizations or the emerging civilizations of the

Mediterranean and Middle East, areas which for the most part were

unaffected by the natural and man-made catastrophes. Of those who

chose the first alternative, many survived only as simple

farmers. Richard Mooney comments in his book Colony Earth: 

"The collapse of a technologically superior civilization would

have left little time for salvaging anything but essentials. The

survivors may have salvaged certain needed devices, among them a

few aircraft, which would have been required to maintain contact

with other survivors. In the course of time, it would have become

more and more difficult to keep such machines in working order.

Parts would wear out, sources of fuel and power would fail. If

the technology is destroyed, the capacity for manufacturing

machine parts or even making the right metals will no longer

exist. . . . In the end, all that would be left would be a memory

of strange dart-shaped flying things in which people once

traveled through the sky. Ages later, who would believe such

fantastic stories?"

     When Noah and his family escaped the destruction of the

antediluvian civilization, they had passed through 120 years of

preparation, during which they had time to gather the knowledge

necessary to live and to begin a new culture in the post-Flood

era. But the destruction of the post-Babel centers must have come

swiftly and without warning, allowing no time to preserve much of

the knowledge. With the extinction of the technological

environment-the technical resources, and the coordination and

specialization of labor by both men and machines-the degree of

civilization that survived must have been very limited indeed.

Without industry, the survivors had to concentrate all their

efforts on producing their own essentials, and the establishment

of agricultural self-sufficiency must have been the first

priority. The tragedy is that once the knowledge possessed by the

high civilization diminished, the descendants of these surviving

farmers remained farmers and nothing more.

     It is now evident that the survivors' offspring did in fact

establish a number of important agricultural centers. Up until

two decades ago, archaeologists were certain that agriculture was

first practiced in the Middle East's "fertile crescent," and that

from there it eventually spread throughout the entire world. But

new excavations in various sections of the globe have

considerably changed this erroneous concept. The new evidence now

points to the existence of major agricultural centers in

northeastern China, southeastern Asia, Mexico and Peru that are

just as old as that in the Middle East. These findings have

caused noticeable consternation among orthodox historians, for

they provide more questions than answers. The most disturbing

question of all is why these agricultural centers suddenly

appeared in different parts of the world at approximately the

same time. A probable answer may be found in their locations.

Middle East agriculture blossomed not far from those areas in

present-day Israel, Iraq and Arabia which were destroyed by

nuclear fire; the Chinese and Asian agricultural centers are only

a short distance from the Gobi and Indian civilization centers,

respectively; the Mexican agricultural sites are just south of

the Death Valley ruins; and the Peruvian agricultural center is

in the same locale as the melted facade of Sacsahuaman. More

recently, an additional agricultural center was discovered in

Venezuela, not far from the vitrified ruins in the Brazilian

jungle. Because almost total destruction hit the centers almost

simultaneously, it is only reasonable to assume that the

survivors would have developed their individual farming

communities within a short time of each other. The same

development can be seen in the history of pottery. Historians

thought for many years that the Middle East was the home of the

world's first pottery industry, just as it had been for

agriculture. Since then, however, pottery as old as the earliest

examples in the Middle East has been found in Japan.

     Anthropologist J. Edmonson constructed a theoretical

framework in which he attempted to trace the first pottery in the

Middle East and Japan, as well as later finds in Asia and Africa,

back to a common origin. The theoretical center he discovered was

Ulan Bator, in Mongolia, precisely in the middle of the former

Gobi high civilization site!

     The second choice open to the remnants of the races was to

migrate to and share what knowledge they still possessed with the

inferior civilizations of Europe and the Middle East that were

unaffected by the nuclear and Ice Age catastrophes. The impact of

a higher civilization on a lower one, of course, would have

produced profound results. This is exactly what we find to be

true in the histories of the known cultures. Paleolithic

civilization in Europe did not originate from Europe, but came in

successive influxes from the north and west. Similarly, in the

myth-histories of the ancient civilizations, we invariably find

the following order of events:

1. An initial period of rulership by god-kings of great knowledge

[corresponding to the pre-Babel period]

2. A period of confusion and regression, during which primitive

cultures briefly flourished [post-Babel]

3. The advent of culture-bearing foreigners and a sudden

explosion of architecture, social organization and religion,

which remained relatively unchanged in the succeeding millennia.

     Orthodox historians unfortunately do not recognize the

existence of these mythical culture bearers, insisting instead

that the ancient civilizations were the result of slow but steady

development from Stone Age beginnings. But what these historians

have found impossible to explain is why the archaeological

evidence points to no transition whatsoever between the ancient

civilizations and their primitive forebears. Van der Veer makes

the most of this in his book Hidden Worlds, where he writes: 

"Let us take the Egyptians as an example. The ability to build

pyramids demands at the least a knowledge of arithmetic,

architectural techniques and skill in transporting materials-all

of which suggests a long preliminary period, the existence of

which is unfortunately not supported by archaeology.

Archaeologists admit there is a problem here, but won't

investigate the reasons for it; they simply accept the idea of

the other civilizations; little is ever said about the

prehistoric background to these civilizations, as a result of

which they attempt to condense almost into insignificance a

period which must have covered thousands of years between the

Stone Age and the dynastic periods.

"It is impossible to accept these arguments; we believe-and

perhaps science, too, will come to believe-that at some stage in

the very earliest periods of prehistory, contact was made between

the ancient peoples and a still older race in possession of an

advanced civilization and a history stretching a long way back

indeed. It may be that there is a grain of truth in all

mythological stories and legends, and that somewhere on our

planet there once existed a race with a very sophisticated

civilization which perished because of one or more natural

disasters. The only really satisfactory theory is that the

survivors of this civilization were responsible for both the

technical skills and the art of writing possessed by the old

cultures, who brought knowledge to the people then living in the

Stone Age.

"What we think happened was this. Somewhere on earth a

civilization arose, or perhaps several civilizations, which

because of extremely favorable conditions flowered earlier than

any others. . . . We believe that one or more natural disasters

destroyed this original civilization, and that its survivors

found refuge among the inhabitants of those favored areas which

later gave rise to the ancient civilizations we now know about.

This is the only theory which virtually meets all the objections

and fills even the gaps we are reminded of in old myths and



To be continued

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