Saturday, September 5, 2020

SECRETS OF LOST RACES continues----- the CAVE MAN!

 Secrets of the Lost Races #6

From the book by the same name

Solving the Enigma of the Cave Man

As the eight world civilization centers destroyed one

another, the suffering planet throbbed with pain and terror.

Everywhere death rained from the skies. Dense arrows of flame and

mushrooming clouds of fire unleashed by the Agneya weapon spewed

radiating waves of death over the battlefields, vaporizing both

men and machines. The knowledge that had been so carefully

preserved and carried through the Flood now became the tool of

destruction. Death ruled, and its horrifying stench of decay hung

heavy where once proud cities had stood. Gone was the global

unity-confusion was rampant.

     With knowledge fractured, communications nonexistent, and

distrust and hatred the common denominator among the warring

nations, ideas and concepts could no longer be exchanged, and the

flow of inventiveness and technical advancement abruptly ceased.

It was as if a giant hand had suddenly demolished the nations,

grabbed the strings of knowledge and pulled them back.

     The world was to be changed for a second time. Abandoning

the nightmare of the molten cities, leaving them in the clutches

of atomic radiation, small groups of panic-stricken survivors set

out to begin life once again in the mountains and jungles which

were untouched by the holocaust. Finding refuge in caves and

crevices marked the beginning of a new existence, far different

from the dubious blessings society had brought them. And while

the crumbled civilizations sought ways to reestablish themselves,

the people trying to recall from memory what had once been

entrusted to scrolls and metal plates, the "cave men" isolated

themselves from the mainstream. Their remains are still found

today, contributing to the conflict called evolution.

     The new framework of history, based on discovery and

manuscript translation covering the activities of the human race

since the Flood, indicates that there really was no progressive

succession. Instead the developments of the Stone Age and the

cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia were merely discontinuous

offshoots of the world fragmentation after the building of the

Babel World Center. Limited (primitive) and advanced

civilizations existed at the same time, with each one aware of

the others' existence.

Death of the "Ape-Man"

     To prove their theory, scientists up until a few years ago

were classifying various prehistoric human skeletal remains into

various positions on a hypothetical line of ascent, beginning

with the so-called ape-man and ending with modern man. More

recent finds, however, have revealed the disconcerting fact that

the basic human has always existed, not as the offspring of apes

or primitive beings, but as a man, since time began. Those known

to us as ape-men were simply humans who had degenerated from the

main human stock. Bjorn Kurten, author of Not from the Apes,

says: "It has been possible in the last decade to demonstrate

that the human lineage can be followed back into far more distant

times where it still retains its unique character. Indeed, we may

doubt that our ancestor was ever what could properly be called an

ape. This makes excellent sense zoologically. The contrasts

between apes and men in anatomy . . . are too great to be

reconciled with a relatively recent common origin, and the same

is true of behavior."

     This is truly the age of discovery, even though not everyone

agrees with the conclusions reached. The "evolution" of man, as

seen through his technological regression, indicates that man did

not evolve; rather, he regressed. For nearly a century,

Neanderthal man, whose partial skeletal remains have been

discovered throughout Europe, was thought by the evolutionists to

have been a direct ancestor of modern man. But more recent

Neanderthal finds in the Middle East are more advanced, almost

like Homo sapiens in appearance, yet they are older than those

found in western Europe, forcing the paleontologists to concede

that the West European Neanderthalers constituted a step

backward. The most satisfactory explanation for the degeneracy of

the European Neanderthalers is as follows. 

     By their own volition the people severed their contacts with

the civilization centers, and they presently found themselves cut

off from the rest of mankind by the Ice Age glaciers that

blanketed northern and central Europe. Because of this isolation

and their limited numbers, considerable inbreeding occurred. With

such a limited gene pool, the appearance of bad genetic traits

was significantly increased, leading to birth defects and

physical mutations which produced the structures characteristic

of West European Neanderthal remains.

     There are some paleontologists who are already beginning to

believe that this explanation may apply not only to Neanderthal

man but to the rest of the primitive "ape-men" as well. Harold G.

Coffin, Research Professor of the Geoscience Research Institute

in Berrien Springs, Michigan, comments: "Neanderthal man and

Cro-Magnon man are not a very useful support for evolution, for

they are so much like modern human beings. This is especially

true since the recent discovery that the classic descriptions of

Neanderthal man were based in large part on the remains of a

Neanderthal skeleton of a man suffering from severe


     An article entitled "Pathology and the Posture of the

Neanderthal Man," by researchers William L. Straus, Jr., and A.

J. A. Cove, lends considerable weight to this evaluation: "There

is thus no valid reason for the assumption that the posture of

Neanderthal man of the fourth glacial period differed

significantly from that of present-day man," they point out.

"This is not to deny that his limbs, as well as his skull,

exhibit distinctive features - features which collectively

distinguish him from all groups of modern men. . . . It may be

that the arthritic 'old man' of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, the

postural prototype of Neanderthal man, did actually stand and

walk with something of a pathological kyphosis; but, if so, he

has his counterparts in modern men similarly afflicted with

spinal osteoarthritis. He cannot, in view of his manifest

pathology, be used to provide us with a reliable picture of a

healthy, normal Neanderthalian. Notwithstanding, if he could be

reincarnated and placed in a New York subway - provided that he

were bathed, shaved, and dressed in modern clothing - it is

doubtful whether he would attract any more attention than some of

its other citizens."    

     There are already some paleontologists who are beginning to

believe that this explanation, as well as that of recessive

genetic traits, may apply not only to Neanderthal man but to the

rest of the primitive "ape-men" as well. Two defects associated

with recessive genetic traits are endocrine and thyroid disorders

affecting the development of bones and other tissue, and

resulting in acromegaly and cretinism. The medical descriptions

of these two disorders are similar to the modern paleontological

descriptions of "ape-men" remains.

     Such conditions occur rarely among populations with wide

ranges of breeding choice, but, as mentioned above, they can

become predominant in a people closely inbred because of

isolation. With this in mind, it is interesting to note in what

locations the remains of major prehistoric "ape-men" types have

been found:

Pithecanthropus was located in Indonesia 

Sinanthropus in east China

Australopithecus in South Africa

Most primitive Neanderthalers in the western part of Europe

     When we look at these localities in terms of the population

dispersal from Ararat following the Flood, we see that Ararat

constituted a central starting point, and the primitive men's

remains are found on the outer fringes.

     While the designation "Stone Age" clearly does not apply to

these remnants of a chaotic culture who carved out a meager

existence far from the mainstream of civilization, it will have

to suffice for want of a more appropriate description. The

remains of these survivors are usually found in close proximity

to the materials that were most durable, stone or bone, hence

this name. Yet this does not preclude their having worked with

these materials exclusively; in fact, there is evidence that

they, like their more civilized neighbors, not only knew about,

but worked with metals. It is true that no actual metal tools

have ever been discovered among Stone Age relics, but this is

understandable, as metal tools will not last much longer than a

few thousand years when exposed to the weathering processes of

time. That the survivors indeed knew of the value of metal

becomes evident when we consider the many prehistoric mines that

have been located throughout the world. On the Mediterranean

island of Elba, there are iron-ore mines whose origins are lost

in antiquity. The Greeks considered the mines already ancient in

their own day and ascribed their origin to the Pelasgians, a

prehistoric people who inhabited the eastern Mediterranean


     Beyond Europe, a number of recently excavated sites have

greatly increased our knowledge of prehistoric mining operations.

Investigations conducted in 1967 and 1969 at Lion Cavern, near

Ngwenya in Swaziland, southern Africa, have shown that long

before the present Negroid population of Bantus, Bushmen and

Hottentots inhabited the area, at a time when local Neanderthal

types such as Rhodesian, Boskop and Florisbad man were extinct,

someone had already mined deposits of hematite and specularite,

forms of iron ore. This hematite has been found in conjunction

with Neanderthal remains at La Chapelle-aux-Saints in France and

dates back to the same period as the Ngwenya mines. It is now

believed that the "bloodstone" (hematite) was used as a cosmetic

and also for ritual purposes as a substitute for human blood in

burial ceremonies. The use of hematite in this specific manner

has been discovered as far away as Tasmania, off southern

Australia, and Tierra del Fuego, at the southern tip of South

America - always in coastal areas. It is possible that the use of

bloodstone, and perhaps the material itself, may have been

exported over a considerable area in prehistoric times. This

extensive trade, of course, was totally out of keeping with modem

theories of the primitiveness of early man.

     Not far from Ngwenya, at Border Cave in South Africa,

diggings in 1972 conducted by Adrian Boshier and Peter Beaumont

uncovered ten filled-in prehistoric mining pits, some up to 45

feet in depth. Again, hematite had been extracted. Associated

with the Border Cave remains were remains of both Neanderthal and

modern types of primitive man. Also found were agate knives still

sharp enough to cut paper, as well as evidence that the miners

used mathematics and kept records by making etchings on bone. It

would appear that the ore had sufficient economic value to prompt

the primitive diggers to keep track of what they produced.

     Interestingly, some of the most fascinating evidence of

prehistoric mining is found in North America. In the Keweenaw

Peninsula and on Isle Royale in Michigan, in the copper-rich Lake

Superior region, there are ancient mines whose origins are

completely unknown even to the Indians. There are signs that

several thousand tons of copper were removed at a very early

date, yet not a single cultural artifact remains that could tell

us who the miners were. The American Antiquarian (vol. 25, p.

258) remarks, "There is no indication of any permanent settlement

near these mines. Not a vestige of a dwelling, nor a skeleton,

nor a bone has ever been found." What is known is that the

prehistoric miners had the means not only of extracting the ore,

but also of transporting it to a distant location, for not one

ounce of the ore was ever uncovered for use within a thousand

miles of the mine sites.

     The first discovery of the prehistoric mining shafts was

made in 1848 by S.O.Knapp, an agent of the Minnesota Mining

Company. In passing over a portion of the company's grounds, he

observed a continuous depression in the soil, which he surmised

was formed by the disintegration of a vein. The depressions led

him to a cavern, where he noticed evidence of artificial

excavation. After clearing away the debris, he discovered

numerous stone hammers, and at the bottom of the hole was a vein

of ore which the ancient miners evidently had not finished


     Two and a half miles east of the Ontonagon River, today the

center of the copper region of Michigan, Knapp discovered a

second mine. This shaft was situated in a rock wall: The

excavation, which reached a depth of 26 feet, had later been

filled in with clay and a tangled mass of vegetation - indicative

of an extremely old mine. At a depth of 18 feet, Knapp uncovered

a detached mass of copper weighing six tons. This mass had been

raised on timbers and wedges to about five feet above its

break-off point. The timbers were from six to eight inches in

diameter, and the ends showed the marks of a cutting tool. The

copper mass itself had been pounded smooth, and what had been

protruding pieces were broken off to facilitate transportation.

The shaft contained other copper masses, charcoal and other

evidence of fire, and a stone hammer weighing 36 pounds.

     On Isle Royale, near the northern shore of Lake Superior,

prehistoric excavations are extensive, with some pits reaching 60

feet in depth. Upon opening one of the island pits, searchers

discovered that the mine had been worked to a depth of nine feet

through solid rock before a vein of copper 18 inches thick was

uncovered at the bottom. Obviously the miners were highly

intelligent and experienced both in the observation of locating

the veins and then in following them underground when their

course on the surface was interrupted. Many of the excavations

were connected underground, and drains were cut into the rock to

remove excess water. At one point, the Isle Royale excavations

extend for two miles in an almost straight line.

     Still more curious than the Michigan copper mines is this

find reported in the February 1954 issue of Coal Age. During the

preceding year, miners at the Lion Coal Mine in Wattis, Utah,

broke into a preexisting tunnel system, of which there was no

modern record. The tunnels were so old, in fact, that the coal

residue in them had already oxidized to a great extent and could

no longer be of commercial value. On August 13, 1953, John E.

Wilson of the Department of Engineering and Jesse D. Jennings of

the Department of Anthropology of the University of Utah began an

exploration of the prehistoric coal mines. They found not only

tunnels, but also centralized coal rooms where the material had

been brought before being transported to the surface. The tunnels

averaged five to six feet in height and extended for several

hundred feet, following seams of coal in patterns similar to

modern mine layouts. The scientists were unable to find the

surface entrance of the old mine system, but they did trace an

eight-foot-high tunnel to a depth of 8,500 feet. Subsequent

investigation revealed that no local Indian tribe had ever used

coal or had a recollection of anyone who did. As with the

Michigan mines, some enterprising prehistoric people not only had

possessed the technology for mining the ore, but also had the

means of transporting the material to some unknown location.

Construction Techniques of the Stone-Age Man

     A lack of metal artifacts certainly does not prove that the

people of the Stone Age did not use metals, nor does the fact

that most Paleolithic remains have been found in caves mean that

they were the single mode of habitation among Stone Age men.

Le-Grand-Pressigny in France has the most extensive deposits of

stone tools in the world - millions of cores and scrapers from

the Paleolithic Age are scattered over 10,000 acres, at depths

averaging three to six feet - yet there is not a single cave in

the area. At Charroux is another tool center of considerable

size, where even today one can pick up prehistoric stone axes

over twenty-five acres. Within three miles of the Charroux site,

in the hillsides along the Charente River, there are 49 caves,

but excavations have revealed no sign that any of these caverns

was ever inhabited by men.

     Evidence that Stone Age men lived in well-constructed houses

is slowly surfacing and has upset preconceived views of how they

lived and flourished. In the Lascaux Caverns, world-renowned for

their Magdalenian paintings, one can still see the holes in the

rock that supported wooden crossbeams. Probably looking similar

to what Michelangelo utilized many millennia later, these

crossbeams held scaffolding that enabled the Cro-Magnon artists

to execute their works on the cave ceilings, ten to twelve feet

above the cavern floor. The evidence for this scaffolding is

significant, for in the opinion of Professor Doru Todericiu of

the University of Bucharest, the history of architecture shows

that scaffolding did not precede knowledge of masonry. If the

Lascaux artists constructed scaffolds, it is probable that they

also knew how to construct walls. "To deny this," Professor

Todericiu states, "would be like saying that the candle was

invented before anyone knew how to kindle fire."

     Several examples of simple prehistoric stone construction

have been found which show a remarkable degree of sophistication.

The Abbe Breuil and Professor Lantier, in their book "Les hommes

de Page de la pierre ancienne," discuss the finding of a

prehistoric oven at Noailles: "[It was] made of squared stones

held in place by a packing of chalky clay and sand." In other

words, the Stone Age oven had been constructed using stones

shaped like bricks and mortared with cement.

     Even in eastern Europe, where the early inhabitants did not

share the higher culture of the Magdalenian people of France, we

also find indications of a sophisticated knowledge of


     The remnants of three huts of that period were recently

excavated at Vestonice on the lower slopes of the Pavlov hills in

Czechoslovakia. The largest of the three was 30 by 40 feet in

size, and its floor had been covered with limestone grit, a crude

form of cement. The smaller huts had been built in similar

fashion, using circular walls covered with limestone and clay.

These are considered to be among the oldest true walls surviving

in the world. What is also significant about the Vestonice site

is that a well-constructed beehive-shaped kiln containing

remnants of fired clay was found in one of the huts. Fragments of

sculptured clay heads of a fox and two bears were also unearthed.

Thus the use of fired clay was not beyond the scope of

Paleolithic culture, as had previously been thought.

     What are perhaps the most disturbing prehistoric

construction and civilization finds were uncovered in 1965 by

archaeologist Dragoslav Srejovic at a site now called Starveco,

on the Danube River, on the Yugoslavian and Rumanian border.

     Digging into the Yugoslavian bank, Srejovic first

encountered traces of a Roman road; beneath this were fragments

of proto-Greek pottery, and below these were Neolithic remnants

and traces of Mesolithic cultural artifacts.

     Deeper still, Srejovic came upon something totally out of

place: the remains of a cement floor. More specifically, the

material was an amalgam of local limestone, sand and water,

considered a feat of chemistry and construction several millennia

ahead of its time. The cement surfaces were not placed

haphazardly, but were carefully laid out in large slabs to form

the foundations of houses. Several foundations were built one on

top of another, indicating that buildings had been constructed

and reconstructed over an indeterminate period. Yet there was

also remarkable uniformity. The layout of the houses in the later

periods was the same as that in the earlier periods - there was

no evidence of a gradual development from a simple to a complex

pattern. Rather, the Starveco village suddenly appeared, fully

mature, flourished, then decayed and was abandoned in the same

advanced state.

     In addition to the foundations, the individual Starveco

buildings also showed a high order of architectural

sophistication. They all had one side larger in size than the

other three, with proportions of either 3:1 or 4:1. The larger

side was shaped like a 60-degree segment of a circle. This larger

side always faced toward the river, providing the occupants with

the maximum view of the Danube and the surrounding hilly country.

Inside each house, the shape of the dwelling was repeated in the

hearth or oven, which was bounded by carefully shaped stone slabs

and always located in the eastern or sunny end of the house.

Srejovic noted that the position of the hearth was significant,

as it was situated in the exact center of an equilateral triangle

if the lines of the house were extended. What the architectural

purpose of this was is not clear, but the implications of the

mathematical and geometrical knowledge indicated cannot be


     The same precision and order evident in the architecture is

also found in the arrangement of the dwellings at the Starveco


     The structures are laid out in what appears to have been a

planned fan shape, opening toward the riverbank. The larger

buildings, presumably those belonging to members of a higher

class or governing body, were located toward the center,

surrounding a paved plaza believed by Srejovic to have been a

marketplace or assembly square.

     The Starveco site has yielded a number of other cultural

characteristics previously thought to have been developed

thousands of years later, in the Middle East. Behind the hearth

in each house, laborers unearthed the remains of altars,

indicating religious beliefs and practices. Each altar was

composed of a flat stone, with a cup impression for burning a

sacrifice, which faced two or more upright stones of reddish

sandstone. This sandstone had been excavated from an outcrop,

located in a ravine several miles away, and many of the stones

had carved wavy lines or chevrons in low relief, considered the

oldest examples of architectural decoration. Even more

significant was the discovery of twenty sculpted life-sized human

faces of stone. The faces were goggle-eyed, open-mouthed and

small-nosed, with some of the statues showing a suggestion of

shoulders, arms and a bust. The Starveco sculptures are believed

to be the oldest such life-sized, handfashioned stone works known


     An interesting aspect of the site was the evidence of very

good health among the Starveco population. There was a striking

absence of deformed or diseased bones, and the women were so

robustly built that it was difficult to tell their skeletal

remains from those of the men. Both sexes lived unusually long

lives - some into their eighties. This was indeed an increase

over the lifespans of those who inhabited the region during the

later Neolithic, Greek and Roman periods, when fifty years of age

was considered old.

Community Life and Trade

     Among both the cavern and constructed habitations that

existed during the Stone Age, we find ample evidence that the

inhabitants brought with them concepts of community cooperation

and communication. At Les Eyzies, in the Dordogne region of

France, numerous caves and rock shelters are clustered together;

all were inhabited at the same time. Evidence of cooperation

among the cave dwellers begins early, with the Aurignacian

period, when the region was occupied by just a few individuals.

Larger hearths indicated not only an increased population, but

also more complex social units. Similar kinds of tools were found

together, indicative of a specialization in both labor and the

sites of labor. A number of the sites were used only

occasionally, and the tools and bones uncovered were associated

with hunting spring and summer game. Ideas were also shared from

site to site. Several caves possessed drainage ditches, running

through the floor to the outside; all were of similar design and

construction. Ideas and concepts must also have been shared over

an extensive area, for among many of the Les Eyzies caverns are

fragments of seashells, indicating contact with a coastal region

- 100 miles away.


     Other indications show that the cave men had an intimate

knowledge of the seas and must have been familiar with sea

travel. As previously noted, the cave-man civilization first

appeared along the western coasts of France and Spain, from the

direction of the sea. A bone baton found at Montgaudier is

engraved with figures of a spouting sperm whale and two seals so

detailed that they can be recognized as male and female.

Montgaudier is over 100 miles from the coast, indicating that

someone knowledgeable about marine life had recorded his

observations, which record had found its way far inland from its

source. Similarly, in the cave of Nerja, in the Malaga region of

southern Spain near the Mediterranean coast, at a deep and nearly

inaccessible place on the cavern wall are painted three dolphins,

two males and one female, in a face-to-face encounter. Their

creator - like the person who carved the image of the sperm

whale - would have had to journey far out on the open sea in

order to witness and record his story. If they did voyage by sea,

how far did they travel? Evidence of their journeys has been

found in coastal areas throughout the western Mediterranean - in

Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, Morocco and southern Spain. Even farther

away, Aurignacian tools and skeletal remains have been uncovered

in the New World. Professor J. L. Myers, in the Cambridge Ancient

History (vol.1, p.48) noted conspicuous similarities between

Aurignacian skulls found in Europe and prehistoric skulls

uncovered in Lagoa Santa in Brazil and other localities along the

coast of eastern South America.

     Van der Veer reports that obsidian tools from El Ingor, in

the Andes mountains near Quito, Ecuador, are definitely related

in design to tools belonging to the late Upper Paleolithic in

France and Spain. Stone Age man must have had a considerable

knowledge of geography and navigation in order to reach and trade

with these distant locations.

Sophistication in Clothing

     When the average person imagines a man of the Stone Age, he

usually pictures a crude-looking individual, dressed only in an

animal skin around his waist and over one shoulder. For decades

this was how anthropologists viewed prehistoric man. However, in

a cave near Lussac-les-Chateaux, in 1937, Leon Pericard and

Stephane Lwoff uncovered a number of engraved stones dating from

the Magdalenian period which drastically altered the accepted

picture. The flat stones showed men and women in casual poses,

wearing robes, boots, belts, coats and hats. One engraving is a

profile of a young lady who appears to be sitting and watching

something. She is dressed in a pant suit with a short-sleeved

jacket, a pair of small boots, and a decorated hat that flops

down over her right ear and touches her shoulder. Resting on her

lap is a square, flat object with a flap that folds down the

front, very much like a modern purse. Other examples show men

wearing well-tailored pants and coats, broad belts with clasps,

and clipped beards and moustaches.

     The Lussac etchings contradict everything that classical

prehistory had believed until that time, and anthropologists were

quick to label the drawings a fraud. But despite their hasty

judgments, the out-of-place pictures were authenticated in 1938,

with Abbe Breuil among those who demonstrated that the

well-dressed individuals had indeed lived during the Magdalenian

period of the Upper Paleolithic. Today, most of the stone

engravings are in the prehistory library of Lussacles-Chateaux,

with a few on exhibit in the Musee de I'Homme in Paris. But the

drawings that are shown are those which are not too revealing and

do not clash too strongly with conventional theories. The rest

are stored away and cannot be seen, except by special permission,

and then only by those individuals with "proper credentials." It

is felt that the pictures would be too "disturbing" for public


     The Lussac models are by no means the only evidence of

sophisticated dress from the Stone Age. Prehistoric cave

paintings from the Kalahari Desert of Southwest Africa, dated

within the Stone Age period, show light-skinned men with blond

beards and well-styled hair, wearing boots, tight-fitting pants,

multicolored shirts, and coats and gloves. Farther to the north,

the remains of a Paleolithic man were uncovered near Vladimir,

not far from Moscow, by Professor Otto Bader of the

Ethnographical Institute of the Academy of Soviet Sciences.

Christened "Vladimir man," the prehistoric individual was a

hunter of reindeer and mammoth, and the remnants of his clothing

indicated he was well attired. He wore a large pair of trousers

made of fur, an embroidered shirt, and a very practical jacket.

Scarcely anything remains of the actual clothing, but the pieces

could be reconstructed from the ivory badges and clasps that were

still intact.

Primitive Art Far Ahead of Its Time

     Without question, the most universally recognized aspect of

Stone Age civilization is its art work, which has come to us in a

variety of forms, the most awe-inspiring being the polychrome

paintings found in the caverns of Lascaux, Altamira and other

caves in southern France and northern Spain. Paleolithic art

first appeared with the advent of Cro-Magnon in the Aurignacian

period and became more pronounced and widespread in the

Gravettian. Sculptured female statuettes, currently called the

Venus figurines, are found associated with most Gravettian

remains from France, across Europe and Asia, as far east as

Siberia. But it was not until the Magdalenian period, which must

truly be called a Renaissance, that art burst forth in a wide

range of styles and media of art.

     The Magdalenian cave art and the way it was created tell us

much about the sophistication of their culture. The first step in

the execution of a cave painting was to sketch the animal or

other subject matter in outline. This was done either in charcoal

or by engraving with a flint. Following this came the application

of color, which was accomplished in a variety of ways: with the

fingers; with brushes of fur, feathers or mottled twigs; with

pads of moss; by blowing dry colors through a hollow reed or bone

tube; or by rubbing on the colors after mixing them with animal

fat and rolling them into crayons. A number of these crayons were

found at Altamira.

     The colors the cave man had available were somewhat limited.

He did not use blues or greens, but utilized a violet-black

pigment made with manganese oxides. Chemical analysis shows that

the most commonly used colors were yellow (from ochre, i.e., iron

oxides), red and orange (from iron oxides and bison's blood), and

brown and black (from heated animal fat and charcoal). The

artists achieved a remarkable three-dimensional effect by

utilizing the natural contours of rock on the cavern walls and

ceilings. Small holes became the glaring eyes of a bison, cracks

became the wounds of a stricken deer, and odd-shaped bulges were

incorporated into the painting as the head or back hump of a

woolly rhinoceros or mammoth. Even today, as one gazes upon the

cavern figures, the contrasts between light and shadow created by

the natural rock contours give the impression that the painted

animals are alive and breathing, a technique and effect unique in

the history of art.

     The cave paintings, when closely analyzed, reveal that the

sketching and application of color were done in bold, sure

strokes, with few apparent mistakes or corrections. This may

suggest that those who executed the art were true masters whose

confidence and exactness could only have been acquired after

years of training and experimentation. At Limeuil, in southwest

France, 137 stone slabs were found, with poorly drawn sketches on

them, dating from the Paleolithic age. In the midst of each

sketch, however, are details redrawn and corrected by someone who

was obviously artistically more mature. These drawings show all

the signs of a teacher's hand applied to a student's work - a

master training the eye of the novice in artistic perception.

Limeuil, it now appears, was a school for artists; not only for

sketchers, but for painters as well. In an adjacent grotto, a

bone tube still filled with paint ready to be blown against the

cavern wall was unearthed, as was a stone palette thick with

ochre waiting to be applied with a brush.

     Not only was art taught, but artistic ideas were conveyed

from one place to another, sometimes over great distances. In

1903 a wall picture of a stately old bison, drawn with distinct

individuality, was found in a cavern at Font-de-Gaume in the

Dordogne, France. Twenty-three years later a stone slate was

uncovered in another cave 188 miles away, showing the sketch 

from which the old bison had been drawn. Someone had undoubtedly

admired the Font-de-Gaume painting, acquired its original sketch

from the artist, and taken it home to keep as a memento or

perhaps to use as a model himself.

     In describing the sophistication of Paleolithic art,

prehistorian Robert Silverberg says, "The cave paintings are

upsetting to those who prefer to think of Quaternary man as

little more than an ape. Not only do they indicate great

craftsmanship, but they point to a whole constellation of

conclusions: That primitive man had an organized society with

continuity and shape, religion and art. It was also dismaying to

learn that the earliest inhabitants of Western Europe . . . had

scaled heights of artistic achievement that would not be reached

again until late in the Christian era. That exploded the theory

[that] man's rise from barbarism had been steady and always


     William F. Albright, in his "From the Stone Age to

Christianity," summed up modern research into Paleolithic art in

this way: "....though the number of motifs, techniques and media

available to him now is, of course, immeasurably greater, it is

very doubtful whether man's artistic capabilities are actually

any higher today than they were in late prehistoric times."

Examples of Prehistoric Mathematics and Astronomy

     Among both cave paintings and various stone and bone

engravings we find not only realistic representations of nature

and everyday life, but also a great many abstract symbols called

tectiforms, claviforms and blazons. Sometimes the forms are

recognizable; other times they are not. These symbols no doubt

were meant to convey ideas and thus may be considered a Stone 

Age form of pictograph writing. In many instances, these abstract

signs are simply composed of a series of lines, scratches or

dots, in carefully planned patterns. At first many prehistorians

regarded the series only as crude forms of decoration, but

now they are identified as notation - some strictly mathematical,

others of a chronological nature, recording such astronomical

phenomena as the phases of the moon.

     One of the most intriguing specimens of prehistoric notation

was found on a mammoth tusk from Gontzi, a late Paleolithic site

west of Kiev in the Ukraine. The notation appears around the

edges of a flattened surface, marked off in graduations like the

divisions on a modern ruler or slide rule. The markings are

grouped along a horizontal line divided into series by longer

strokes at specific intervals. There are also a number of symbols

or figures appearing along the sequence, pointing to some event

at those intervals. Alexander Marshack, an American researcher,

analyzed the Gontzi notation and found unmistakable evidence that

it was indeed a detailed record of lunar phases. What's more, the

notation pointed to its use as a calculator; that is, the phases

of the moon could have been predicted in advance. The Gontzi bone

was thus a scientific instrument of a high order, demonstrating

that Paleolithic man was more than a mathematician and

astronomical observer; he was also a scientist who had applied

what he had observed, to create a workable formula that reflected

the repetition he had seen and measured in the night sky.

Evidence of Contact with Higher Civilizations - The Universal

Lunar Calendar

     The existence of a lunar calendar used in the Stone Age

civilization is significant not only from a scientific viewpoint,

but also as evidence of contact between Stone Age peoples and the

peoples of the known ancient civilizations. New archaeological

research has discovered that almost every one of the ancient

cultures of the Middle East and the New World possessed, at the

earliest stages of their development, a primarily lunar

calendrical system. Professor Richard A. Parker, in a paper

concerning the origins of the calendar used by the Egyptian

court, notes that in the early dynastic period the system

employed was solar and stellar, based on the simultaneous rising

of the sun and the star Sirius once a year. Parker also explains

that, according to early dynastic symbolism and ritual, there

appears to have been an older calendrical tradition which was

lunar in character, dating back into predynastic times and to the

very beginnings of Egyptian history.

     In Mesopotamia, the first calendars of the Sumerian

city-states were also lunar. The Sumerian month began with the

moon's first crescent, and the lengths of the months varied with

the period of the moon, 29 or 30 days - the same breakdown found

among the Stone Age recordings. A lunar calendar was also the

first calendrical system of the early Hindu and Chinese

civilizations. In the Americas, the first Amerind settlers on

both the northern and southern continents are known to have had

lunar calendars. The Incas, for example, had an official solar

calendar, but their division of the year into twelve months hints

at an earlier lunar-count tradition.

     Historians have argued that the existence of a lunar

calendar in the Stone Age and also among the first civilizations

demonstrates their succession; that is, the time count of the

moon was developed first in the Stone Age, and then supposedly it

was gradually transmitted over tens of thousands of years to the

first civilized cultures. But the sacred historical manuscripts

furnish evidence that instead the Stone Age peoples and the

peoples of the ancient civilizations directly inherited a lunar

calendar system from a civilization older than them both.

     In Genesis 7 and 8 we find the record of Noah's diary of the

Flood. The days of the months and the lengths of time Noah gives

for the duration of the events signify very little by themselves,

but when these are placed in the framework of the present Jewish

calendar, we can isolate some rather interesting data. First, ten

of the dates Noah records fall in the calendar on the Jewish

Sabbath, Saturday. This could not be coincidental, as it confirms

that the data were indeed based on a calendrical system similar

to the Jewish calendar - a system which has, in fact, remained

relatively unchanged in its basic structure for millennia. Noah

must have familiarized himself with the intricate apparent

movement of the sun, for he also marked off in his diary the

passing of a solar year of 365 days. But the most significant

fact is that the Jewish calendar, like the calendar which Noah

uses, is based on a lunar count of 354 days. This suggests that

the lunar calendar had its true origins during the antediluvian

period. By Noah's record, we know that the system was in use

immediately after the Flood, and no doubt it was transmitted to

his descendants. Following the fiasco at Babel, some of these

descendants, we know, remained civilized, while others lost their

knowledge. But the lunar calendar appears to have been preserved

among both the prehistoric primitive men and the post-Babel


Out-of-Place Alphabets and Ancient Memories

     Perhaps the most significant evidence of contemporary

contacts between the Stone Age culture and the Mediterranean 

civilizations is the discovery of out-of-place writing among Paleolithic

remains. A piece of reindeer bone found in a cave near

Rochebertier, France, has markings on it that are more than just

decoration. They have every appearance of being the letters of

some form of writing. At first glance, one might think that this

is conclusive evidence of the existence of a written language

during the Paleolithic age, but the implications of the reindeer

bone go one step further. The letters resemble or in some cases

are identical to the enigmatic script of Tartessos, a city

civilization that existed in southern Spain and is believed by

some to be the Biblical Tarshish. What makes the similarities of

the writings truly remarkable is that orthodox prehistorians

place the reindeer bone in the Magdalenian period - by their

chronology, about 12,000 years old and the Tartessian

civilization recently has been assigned to the period between

2500 and 2000 B.C. There is an obvious discrepancy with this

dating, for it is highly unlikely that a script, once developed,

would have remained relatively unchanged for ten millennia. What

the two scripts do demonstrate is that the cultures in which they

were found must have been contemporaneous, rather than separated

by a vast span of time. The date of the peak of civilization in

Tartessos is becoming better established, and if there was a

contact between the Paleolithic people and the city of Tartessos,

then they must have existed in the same time period. Other finds

confirm this. Paleolithic antler bones found at Le Mas d'Azil and

La Madelaine are inscribed with signs identical to Phoenician

script from approximately 2000 B.C. Le Mas d'Azil is also the

site where many painted pebbles from the Azilian period of the

Mesolithic age have been discovered. A number of these pebbles

are marked with signs and symbols that were once predominant

throughout the Mediterranean-again, between 3000 and 2000 B.C.

Among the records and literature of the ancient civilizations are

many accounts of the existence of primitive men living and

communicating with civilized men in their day. One of the

earliest traditions known to historians is the Gilgamesh epic

from Mesopotamia, which tells the tale of the hero Gilgamesh and

his many adventures in the world immediately after Babel.

Gilgamesh's companion in his experiences was a strange individual

named Enkidu whose origins are most interesting. As a youth,

Enkidu was described as having lived as an animal among the

animals. His hair was long, his nails and teeth were developed

for gathering and eating herbs, and he was without intelligent

speech, precisely as were the more primitive of the degenerate

prehistoric types. He was found one day by his civilized

contemporaries, who took him captive and taught him the arts of

urban living. It is significant to note that Enkidu's background

was not unusual. His primitive life seems to have been regarded

as an everyday occurrence, implying that other men at that time

were known to live under similar conditions. Enkidu's unique role

in the story is that he is described as one of those very few

"wild men" who completely adjusted to Sumerian civilization.

     In India, another epic story, the Ramayana, depicts a race

described as "ape-men" who aided the noble Rama in a war against

the Ravana kingdom of Ceylon. The most celebrated of them was

their general, Hanuman. His appearance, described in both the

Ramayana and the Mahabharata, is that of an ape, but he was also

capable of humor, intelligent speech and great bravery. He was

known for his knowledge of the hills and forests (geography) and

for his cures from rare plants (herbal medicine). He is

represented in India today as a poet who wrote verse on stone.

Underlying the legend is a memory of degenerate men who worked in

stone. Equally significant is the fact that Hanuman is presently

worshipped as a god by millions of devout Hindus living in

southeastern India, in precisely the areas that are richest in

Paleolithic remains. As a curious note, many Hindus also believe

that the yeti - the mysterious "abominable snowmen" who are

thought to inhabit the inaccessible heights of the Himalayas -

may be the descendants of Hanuman and his apelike but intelligent


     The ancient Chinese likewise described a race of primitive

men coexisting with their own civilization, only they were not

pictured as a friendly host. The degenerates were called Mao-tse

in the Chinese treatise Shu King (part 4, ch. 27, p.291) and are

described as "an ancient and perverted race who in olden days

retired to live in rocky caves, and the descendants of whom are

still to be found in the vicinity of Canton." It is interesting

to recall that it was in Hong Kong, only a few miles from Canton,

that the giant teeth of Giganthropus were discovered. The Shu

King relates that the Mao-tse once "troubled the earth, which

became full of their robberies." The Lord Huang-ti, an emperor of

the Chinese Divine Dynasty, then saw how these people were

without virtue and ordered his generals Tchang and Lhy to

exterminate them. Perhaps it was this genocide that accounts for

the sudden disappearance of Sinanthropus and Giganthropus from

the Chinese paleontological record.

     A remarkably similar description of a race of primitive men

is found in the Bible in the Book of Job. The post-Flood

patriarch depicted a wild people with whom he did not wish to

associate. He described them as living in solitude in the

wilderness. They ate grasses and leaves, often resorted to

stealing food, and - like the Mao-tse-were called thieves and

robbers. These wild people also inhabited the rocks and cliffs

and brayed like animals, as they were without intelligent speech.

Job condemned them all as "a scourge to the land" and the

"children of fools." Many commentators believe that Job was

identical to Jobab, the thirteenth son of Joktan, mentioned in

the genealogy of Genesis 10. If this identification is valid, it

means that Job, a sixth-generation descendant of Noah, lived

about 2698 to 2348 B.C., which places him and the "wild people"

he described in the immediate post-Babel period.

Elements of Sophisticated Technology in Stone Age Cultures

     Not only are there indications of contact between Stone Age

cultures and the known ancient civilizations, but we also find

instances demonstrating that on occasion prehistoric primitive

peoples also communicated with and benefited from the knowledge

of other unknown civilizations of a very advanced order. A number

of discoveries suggest the performance of sophisticated surgery

in prehistoric times.

     Professor Andronik Jagharian, anthropologist and director of

operative surgery at the Erivan Medical Institute in Soviet

Armenia, examined a number of skulls from the ancient site of

Ishtikunuy, located near Lake Sevan. The site was inhabited by a

prehistoric people called the Khurits who settled the area prior

to 2000 B.C.

     Two of the skulls examined by Professor Jagharian revealed

extraordinary skill in head surgery. The first is the skull of a

woman who died at approximately thirty-five years of age. In her

youth she had suffered a head injury which made a hole

one-quarter inch in size in her skull. This accident certainly

must have left brain tissue exposed, and a considerable amount of

blood must have been lost. The prehistoric surgeons skillfully

inserted a plug of animal bone, and the woman survived the

delicate operation. This could be seen from the woman's skull, as

her own cranial bone grew around the plug before she eventually

died years later.

     The second Khurits skull shows evidence of even more

complicated surgery. The skull is of another woman, who was

approximately forty years old when she died. A blow to the head

had caused a blunt object about an inch in diameter to puncture

the skull, splintering the inner layers of cranial bone. The

surgeons of 4,000 years ago carefully cut a larger hole around

the puncture in order to remove the splinters that had penetrated

into the brain. Even by modern standards, such an operation would

be considered extremely difficult; yet the prehistoric operation

was successful. Evidence shows that the woman survived the

surgery for fifteen years.

     Concerning his examination of both the skulls and the

surgical tools found at the Armenian site, Professor Jagharian

commented, "We have found 4,000-year-old obsidian razors at Lake

Sevan that are so sharp they can still be used today. Considering

the ancient tools the doctors had to work with, I would say they

were technically superior to modern-day surgeons."

     Evidence of sophisticated prehistoric surgery believed to be

even older than the Khurits finds of Armenia was uncovered in

1969, when a Russian expedition of researchers from the

universities of Leningrad and Ashkhabad, led by Professor Leonid

Marmajarjan, discovered 30 skeletons in a cave in central Asia.

Dating techniques placed the age of the remains within the early

Paleolithic period. The skeletons were moved to the University of

Ashkhabad, where an extensive scientific examination was


     In a report given to the Soviet Academy of Sciences in

November 1969, it was noted that a number of the central Asian

skeletons showed signs of surgery having been performed on them.

As with the Lake Sevan discoveries, there were several examples

of successful operations on the skull. But after examining the

skeletons, the Soviet scientists were astonished to find traces

of surgery having been performed in the area of the heart. The

ribs had been expertly cut, and there was also evidence that once

an opening had been made, the uncut ribs were further spread

apart by retraction. Every feature corresponded to what today is

called the "cardiac window," which enables surgeons to perform

open-heart surgery. The periosteum, or bony deposits on the cut

ribs, indicated that the patients survived three to five years

following this extremely delicate operation.

     The success of these prehistoric examples of head and heart

surgery testifies to scientific developments which are not only

beyond the scope of the Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures as we

are beginning to understand them, but also far beyond the

developments of most of the ancient and even more recent

civilizations. The prehistoric operations presuppose an intimate

knowledge of anatomy, especially an understanding of blood flow

and its control, as well as advanced notions of hygiene and

anesthesia. These points are vital, for without them even the

most elementary operation is impossible. Until the last century,

the techniques employed in these fields were still so crude that

even the amputation of a limb usually resulted in shock or

sepsis. What is most significant is that we have as yet found no

evidence whatsoever of the development of these advanced medical

practices in the Stone Age cultures where the operated skeletons

were located. The surgical knowledge must have been borrowed or

performed in person by peoples of a highly technical civilization

that coexisted with the Stone Age cultures. This is not as

incredible as it may seem, when we consider how our present

computer civilization is living side by side with primitive Stone

Age cultures such as those of New Guineans and the Australian

aborigines. And just as modern medical missionaries from our

western civilization have saved the lives of thousands of natives

in Africa, South America and the Pacific, thousands of years ago

unrecognized civilizations utilizing medical knowledge that was

just as advanced as ours saved the lives of Stone Age primitives

in the same way.

     What were the diseases they encountered among their own

people and the "primitives"?

     I am sure we will never know exactly the variety of maladies

that afflicted early man, but a rare collection of statues in the

private collection of Professor Abner Weisman, a New York

gynecologist, has lifted at least part of the ignorance

concerning this period.

"When I started my collection in 1944," Dr.Weisman told us, when

we first interviewed him for a magazine article a number of years

ago, "most scientists were of the opinion that pre-Colombian art

and science were not all that old. Discoveries that have been

made in the late 1950s and early '60s have greatly altered that

idea. Now we know that several thousand years before the Aztecs,

Incas and Mayas, other highly civilized nations occupied that

part of America. Their legacy to us did not reach us via a

written language, but infiltrated our twentieth century in the

form of numerous statues that tell us about the variety of

diseases these people suffered. What they tell us is simply


     We gazed at his collection of statues, and suddenly I began

to feel sorry for the nation represented by the so-recently

unearthed statues. The symptoms of ailments such as cancer,

smallpox and osteoarthritis are clearly visible on the often

realistically molded clay statues. Malnutrition, deformities -

some of them hideous - pregnancy in various stages, amputations

and even birth by Caesarean section are depicted in fine detail.

"Many experts believe that these statues were not really used for

instructional purposes, but that they were buried with the

deceased to indicate the cause of death. If that is true, then

things haven't really changed all that much," Weisman concluded.

"But it suddenly brings their medical history a lot closer to


     One of the most interesting aspects of this collection is

that it not only shows the diseases of the ancients, but also

supplies hints about the hospitalization of their patients. It is

obvious that many of the sick were treated in outdoor facilities,

for many of the statues are tied down on rather primitive

hospital beds, some equipped with sunshields, while others are 

on beds where entire sections of the mattresses have been removed,

eliminating pressure on bedsores.

     In Lima, Peru, Dr.Jose Cabrena, professor of anthropology

and history at the University of Peru, has collected hundreds of

pre-Inca stone carvings discovered in remote areas of the Andes,

and these carvings tell of medical knowledge and operating

techniques so sophisticated and so refined that our medical

scientists of today stand aghast at their implications. The

scenes scraped in ageless rock, made by supposedly ignorant

Indians, depict among other things heart transplants, using

techniques that seem modern by today's standards. They show

Caesarean births, brain transplants, and still other forms of

surgery we have developed only within the last generation. Still

other stone carvings depict closeups of heart surgery, showing

blood vessels; surgeons at work with their instruments; and

patients connected via intricate tubing to lifesupport systems.

     The scientists who have examined the carvings, or

photographs of them, are clearly baffled by this discovery.

Dr.E.Stanton Maxey, fellow of the American College of Surgeons,

says, ". . . in the photographs of stone carvings depicting heart

surgery, the detail is clear - the seven blood vessels coming

from the heart are faithfully copied. The whole thing looks like

a cardiac operation, and the surgeons seem to be using techniques

that fit with our modern knowledge. Another carving shows the

surgeons operating on a woman whose full abdomen, enlarged

breasts, and what seems to be a fetus strongly suggest a

Caesarean-section delivery. How such ancient stones can carry a 

record of modern surgical techniques is completely baffling. 

It would seem that somehow those ancient people came into 

contact with a civilization far more advanced than any we have 

dreamed existed then."

Who Shot Rhodesian Man?

     At times the contact between prehistoric primitive man and

representatives of highly developed civilization appears to have

resulted in a less than peaceful coexistence. While some

prehistoric men were rescued from the portals of death by

medicine, others not so fortunate were killed by advanced


     The Museum of Natural History in London exhibits a

Neanderthal skull discovered near Broken Hill, in Rhodesia, in

1921. On the left side of the skull is a hole, perfectly round.

There are none of the radial cracks that would have resulted had

the hole been caused by a weapon such as an arrow or a spear.

Only a high-speed projectile such as a bullet could have made

such a hole. The skull directly opposite the hole is shattered,

having been blown out from the inside. This same feature is seen

in modern victims of head wounds received from shots from a

high-powered rifle. No slower projectile could have produced

either the neat hole or the shattering effect. A German forensic

authority from Berlin has positively stated that the cranial

damage to Rhodesian man's skull could not have been caused by

anything but a bullet. If a bullet was indeed fired at Rhodesian

man, then we may have to evaluate this in the light of two

possible conclusions: Either the Rhodesian remains are not as old

as claimed, at most two or three centuries, and he was shot by a

European colonizer or explorer; or the  bones are as old as they

are claimed to be, and he was shot by a hunter or warrior

belonging to a very ancient yet highly advanced culture. 

     The second conclusion is the more plausible of the two,

especially since the Rhodesian skull was found 60 feet below the

surface. Only a period of several thousand years can account for

a deposit of that depth. To assume that nature could have

accumulated that much debris and soil over only two or three

hundred years would be ridiculous. Rhodesian man was shot by a

high-velocity projectile, but the bullet that killed him must

have been fired at an early period in human history.

     The examination results of the Rhodesian skull are not the

only evidence that someone (or even some nations) possessed

rifles or similar pieces of armament in the distant past. The

Paleontological Museum of the USSR in Moscow contains an artifact

that strongly supports this conclusion. It is the skull of an

aurochs, a type of bison now extinct. The skull was discovered

west of the Lena River, and its age has been judged to be several

thousand years.

     What arrested the attention of Professor Constantin Flerov,

curator of the Moscow Museum, and his colleagues was that the

forehead of the aurochs's skull was pierced by a small round

hole. The hole has an almost polished appearance, without radial

cracks, indicating that here too the projectile that penetrated

the animal's skull entered at a very high velocity in a nearly

level trajectory. There is no doubt that the aurochs was alive

when he was shot: the calcification around the aperture is

evidence of that. The distance between gunner and animal,

however, was too great to inflict a mortal wound. The animal

survived the wound, and died years later from other causes. But

his bones lasted through the ages, and with them evidence of the

destructive ability of a developed people.


To be continued

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