Saturday, September 5, 2020




Monuments in STONE!!

Just How was it Done?

 During the last twenty-five years, and particularly within

the last decade, serious questions have continually been raised

concerning the validity of the theory of evolution. They have

emerged not only from such areas of research as biology,

genetics, paleontology and geology, but also from the study of

archaeology, the science dealing with man's early products. All

over the world, on almost every continent, stand the remains of

colossal edifices of stone which, though admired for millennia,

have only recently been subjected to the scrutiny of men of

science in an attempt to probe the mysteries of their purpose and


     What has been found by these men is one gigantic mass of


     The popular view of history today is that we began in an

animal existence and stumbled along over an undetermined length

of time to eventually become a humanoid creature, only to pass

again through successive stages of crude tool making. This last

period is called the Stone Age. We are told that after all this

we finally achieved civilization in Egypt and Mesopotamia,

through another lengthy process of trial and error mixed with

cultural invention and assimilation.

     Sounds far-fetched? Yes, it does; yet this is the orthodox

view of history. This view, however, is increasingly being

challenged. Rather than corroborating the concept of slow,

gradual development of the arts and knowledge, a concept in line

with evolutionary theory, the monuments left by our early

ancestors point decidedly to an advanced technology in the remote

past, which either matches or surpasses our own.

     There have been, of course, many theories formulated in

recent years in attempts to explain the origin of the ancient

edifices, but a satisfactory explanation cannot be found until

these theories are linked to those accomplishments of

antediluvian technology that somehow survived into the

postdiluvian era. Early man was no ape. He certainly had a

well-developed knowledge of mathematics and architecture, and he

must have belonged to a social order that combined the efforts

for the construction of cities and for the organization of

civilizations. Considering the astonishing accomplishments

achieved by the first generations that survived the Flood (the

Tower of Babel, world surveys, atomic power, flight, etc.), we

may well wonder what advanced forms of structural and

technological feats the antediluvians were responsible for prior

to their being swallowed up by the waters of the Deluge.

STONEHENGE Mystery Solved

     Antiquity does not easily surrender its secrets, and

constant probing is necessary to extract even those minute

fragments of surviving knowledge which enable us to get a glimpse

of our ancestors' accomplishments. But what has been discovered

already only increases our eagerness to dig even deeper.

The mystery is intensified when we try to remove the obscurity

from the hundreds of stone monuments that are strewn across the

world, for, located on the crossings of the ley lines, these

prehistoric monuments of man have been erected for a definite

purpose by a race of great intelligence. Most puzzling of them

all is Stonehenge, the enigmatic ring of stone standing in

solitude on Salisbury Plain in southern England.

     Since the seventeenth century, writers and scientists have

pondered the purpose for which Stonehenge was erected, and many

theories have been advanced to explain its origins. Perhaps the

one man who has done more to unravel the mystery of the ring of

stones is Gerald S. Hawkins, an astronomer and historian who

believes that the structure is a gigantic celestial calculator.

After many years of careful observation and research, Hawkins has

demonstrated with the aid of a computer that the Stonehenge

standing stones, or the spaces between them, were observation

posts pointing to the specific points of the risings and settings

of the sun, moon and stars at various times of the year. His

calculations have shown that by use of the Stonehenge

observatory, celestial phenomena could be accurately predicted.

Stonehenge is indeed a scientific instrument of the highest


     Diligent examination has revealed that the center underwent

three distinct waves of construction, several hundred years

apart---to meet the needs of a developing society. Charcoal

fragments taken from one of the chalk-filled pits, known as

"Aubrey Holes," are assigned a carbon-14 dating of 2000 B.C.,

plus or minus 275 years. Materials removed from other holes have

been dated between 2200 and 2100 B.C., which suggests that

Stonehenge may have been constructed almost within the first

millennium after the Deluge. The second building phase, known as

Stonehenge 2, did not begin until several hundred years after

Stonehenge was completed. Whereas the first phase had set the

basic scientific philosophy for the center, the main feature of

the renewed building was the first assembly at Stonehenge of

megaliths, or "large stones." As many as 82 of the 5-ton

bluestones were erected around the center of the old ridge-ditch

system, with the stones placed 6 feet apart and approximately 35

feet from the center point. It appears that the stones formed a

double circle, with a pattern of radiating spokes of two stones

each. Since the rings were open at the northeast, facing the

midsummer sunrise, the paired stones probably served as a series

of observation points for the ancient astronomers.

     However, it is not merely their use that constitutes the

real mystery, but rather how these giant stones got to Salisbury

Plain in the first place. Every archaeologist who has examined

Stonehenge leaves with a different theory, but no one has been

able to explain how the builders were able to transport 80 of the

5-ton stones over a distance of 240 miles, crossing land and

water, from Prescelly Mountain in Wales to the construction site.

Nothing like this has ever been done by any other prehistoric


     Stonehenge 3 heightens this enigma even more, for

approximately one century after Phase 2, between 1800 and 1700

B.C., 81 or more stones were added to the complex, some of them

weighing between 40 and 50 tons. This deepens the Stonehenge

riddle even more, for the source of these rocks is the

Marlborough Downs, lying about 20 miles north of the complex. It

has been theorized that these immense stones were moved by

dragging them on wooden sledges which were rolled across log

rollers. If this is what actually happened, it took from 800 to

1,000 men to pull each stone, with another 200 to clear the path,

guide the sledges and move the log rollers from the back of the

sledge to the front. Even with efficient use of this manpower, it

would have taken the builders of Stonehenge seven years to

transport all the stones.

Where Was the Law of Gravity?

     Was there perhaps another way? Is it possible that the

surviving science of the antediluvians included a method of

overcoming the law of gravity?

     While actual proof has not surfaced as yet, there is a

medieval source that may offer a clue to an alternative


     The twelfth-century English historian Geoffrey of Monmouth

tells, in his "Historia de Gestis Regum Britanniae," the legend

of how the great boulders of Stonehenge came to be. He reports

that under the leadership of Uther Pendragon, the father of King

Arthur, a force of 15,000 Britons occupied the area where the

stones for the monument were to be placed. Once they had secured

the land, they set themselves to the task of removing the

boulders - but were unsuccessful. Even when using "great hawsers

. . . ropes . . . scaling ladders," etc., the army of men could

move the gigantic stones "never a whit the forwarder."

     Suddenly they heard a peal of hilarious laughter. Merlin the

Wizard, who had accompanied the expeditionary force, came forward

and, telling the men to stand aside, began "putting together his

own engines" with which he "laid the stones down so lightly as

none would believe" possible. By means of these "special

engines," the stones were transported and set up at Stonehenge,

which "proved yet once again how skill surpasseth strength."

     Geoffrey's story, of course, is a legend, but it may contain

some element of truth. Simple brute force alone would have

required tremendous amounts of human energy to move the stones -

even if it were possible to do so at all. The stones were

undoubtedly moved and transported in a special way unknown to us,

and the "engines" of Merlin may indicate that some form of

prehistoric machinery provided the lift needed. The fact that

modern cranes and lifting apparatus are barely able to move, let

alone lift, the gigantic sarsen stones does support this.

     Moving the boulders to Stonehenge was one problem; elevating

them into their assigned positions may have been even more

complex, for the entire observatory was built not on level ground

but on a sloped surface. Measurements show that even this tilt

was compensated for by the builders with an astonishing degree of


     Gerald Hawkins comments, in his book "Beyond Stonehenge,"

"Such precision of placement is, or was, astounding. To erect a

boulder so that it was horizontally aligned . . . was a task

difficult enough; to sink that great block into the ground just

so far and no further, so that its tip was aligned vertically to

an accuracy of inches, was an achievement requiring another whole

dimension of skill.

"How, in fact, was it done? If, after erection, the stone had

settled too deeply it would have been out of alignment - and how

could it have been lifted? Of course, if it had not settled far

enough its top could have been bashed away to lower it to the

proper height - but the top was not bashed. . . . Somehow, by a

technology unknown, the Stonehengers figured out beforehand the

depth of hole required to match up exactly, as far as the survey

shows, with this collection of variables. "

     If such a task were assigned to a modern builder, Hawkins

further explains, he would not be able to do so without the aid

of a yard tape, plumb line, spirit levels, elevation sights, and

blueprints showing the land contour and the particular design of

each stone and its corresponding hole.

     It is certainly apparent that the sagacious builders of

Stonehenge had access to tools and instruments of precision and

exactitude similar to those in use today.

The Stones and the Heavens

     Since men of science down through the centuries first began

to examine the boulders of Stonehenge, there have been numerous

theories advanced to explain the construction's purpose; when

Gerald Hawkins initiated his research he approached his story

from an architectural standpoint. Touring the monument, he noted

that many of the archways were very narrow, ranging from one to

two feet in width.

     When an observer looked through two aligned archways, his

view was restricted to a very small angle. It appeared that the

builders had intended to limit the viewer's field of observation

so that only one specific phenomenon could be seen. It seemed

that the placement of the stones and archways had been made with

the intention of stressing the importance of what was to be


     Suddenly the idea occurred to Hawkins that the viewing lines

might have celestial significance. In order to test this theory,

he made a meticulous record of all the possible viewing

alignments through the archways.

     His initial task completed, he then turned to a computer to

reconstruct the way the night sky looked between the years 2000

and 1500 B.C., particularly noting where certain celestial

phenomena associated with the sun and moon took place. It was

then just a matter of programming the computer to find whether

the Stonehenge viewing alignments and the positions of the sky

phenomena coincided.

     The results were amazing! Twelve of the most significant

Stonehenge alignments pointed, with a mean accuracy of better

than a degree and a half, to important sky positions of the moon;

twelve more alignments pointed to important sky positions of the

sun with a mean accuracy of less than one degree. Checking

further with the computer, Hawkins discovered that the

probability that these Stonehenge alignments had not been planned

was less than one in ten million.

     There was no doubt of it: Stonehenge was built and used as a

Stone Age astronomical observatory! This bizarre rock pile is

actually the remains of a monumental sky computer, and with it

the Stonehengers were able to predict and record with an

unprecedented degree of exactness the recurring patterns of the

sky and the eclipses and were also able to calculate the times

and seasons for the planting and harvesting of crops.

     After the erection of the 50-ton boulders, Stonehenge was in

use for roughly 500 years before it was abandoned; however, the

operation of other stone computers continued, although they were

smaller in size. Scattered throughout Britain are other stone

rings, admittedly not as impressive in size, but equally

important to the society of the builders. Stonehenge was never a

unique concept - only its size was extraordinary.

     In recent years Professor Alexander Thorns of Oxford

University has conducted a detailed survey of over 600 British

megalithic stone circles, and the dating methods employed in this

study show that they were erected between 2100 and 1500 B.C.

Here, too, as with Stonehenge, the dates were corroborated by

astronomical information.

     But there were other discoveries. The study also revealed

that many of the circles were laid out with a precision that

today can be measured only by a highly qualified team of

surveyors. For example, not far from Stonehenge, the stones of

Avebury are set out with a scientific exactitude approaching 1 in

1,000, while those of Penmaenmawr have an error of only 1 in

1,500. This accuracy is also found on a much smaller scale, for

many of the stones have cup-and-ring markings which, when

carefully examined, are found to have been carved with a diameter

accuracy within a few thousandths of an inch!

     Primitive workmanship? Hardly! This was an extremely

accomplished people, for an investigation of the 600 rings

indicated that the megalithic builders laid out the various

geometric forms according to an exact unit of length, what is now

known as the "megalithic yard": 2,720 feet. The uniformity of

this ancient unit of measurement suggests that one central

authority had planned and directed the construction of all the


     "This unit was in use from one end of Britain to the other,"

Professor Thorns concluded. "It is not possible to detect by

statistical examination any difference between the values

determined from the English and Scottish circles. There must have

been a headquarters from which the standard rods were sent out,

but whether this was in these islands or on the Continent the

present investigation cannot determine. The length of the rods in

Scotland cannot have differed from that in England by more than

0.03 [inch]. If each small community had obtained the length by

copying the rod of its neighbor to the south, the accumulated

error would have been much greater than this."

     The resulting conclusion could not be avoided. Professor

Thorns says, "The design of the necessary sectors, whether

obtained by pure reason or by some complex empirical operation,

demands a highly trained intellect. The discipline necessary

could not have arisen out of nothing. There must have been behind

it a school or system of mathematical reasoning, evidenced by the

remarkable designs that we find in the complex rings."

     He was simply baffled by his discovery, which was compounded

by the realization that many of the ovoids, ellipses and circles

were based on the use of the Pythagorean triangles, a concept

which was thought to have originated with the Greeks, yet here

they were, 1,500 years before Pythagoras entered history.

Knowledge of the Moon "Wobble" 4,000 Years Ago

     Perhaps one of the most impressive of the megalithic

stone-circle sites is Callernish, situated on Lewis, the

northernmost island of the Outer Hebrides, which has, among other

prehistoric landmarks, an avenue marked off in stones. It is this

stone avenue that has currently become the focal point of a new

discovery. As seen from Callernish, the midsummer moonset occurs

over Mount Clisham, and the avenue points directly toward the

mountain. Because the Callernish complex lies only 1.3 degrees

south of the arctic latitude for the moon, the megalithic

observers would have seen a peculiar phenomenon: once every 18 or

19 years the moon would appear to stand still about one degree

above the horizon. This 18/19-year cycle is, of course, the same

as that recorded at Stonehenge. The avenue stones are aligned in

such a way that the prehistoric astronomers were able to observe

what is called the moon's wobble - the small amplitude ripple of

the moon's declination at extreme positions. Before Callernish

was investigated, it was believed that this phenomenon was not

discovered until the sixteenth century, by Tycho Brahe. The

period of the wobble is 173 days, and the wobble reaches its

maximum amplitude immediately before the season for lunar

eclipses! The Callernish builders, it appears now, possessed a

unique computer in stone for predicting lunar eclipses.

     Another significant point to note is that many of the

alignments of Callernish are the same as those found at

Stonehenge, with the key observation stones laid out in a very

similar geometric pattern. Callernish is situated at a latitude

where the moon appears to skim the horizon; Stonehenge is also

located at a spot where the extreme positions of the moon appear

at right angles to those of the sun.

     If Callernish and Stonehenge are related works - and the

fact that they used the same basic measuring unit in their

structures would tend to confirm this - then the builders were

aware of the differences in the celestial phenomena observed at

both structures - differences which could easily have led to a

knowledge of the curvature and size of the earth.

Other Megalithic Sites in Britain

     Even though the builders were engaged in massive

construction projects enabling them to chart the course of

heavenly bodies, this was hardly their only endeavor. At the same

time that Stonehenge and Callernish were being built, other

remarkable projects were undertaken. One of the most common was

the long barrow, or burial mound. Even though the greatest

concentration (350) of these is found in the Salisbury area of

England, the most outstanding one is located at West Kennet,

about 16 miles north of Stonehenge. Constructed long before 2000

B.C., this mound is 350 feet long and varies in width from 75

feet on the east end to 50 feet on the west, where it terminates

in a sepulcher approximately 35 feet wide, 43 feet long and 8

feet high. The entrance was blocked by several enormous stones,

one of which weighed about 20 tons. What is most fascinating

about this West Kennet barrow is that when dating techniques were

applied to it, it was found to be one of the oldest, if not the

oldest barrow in Britain. Yet it demonstrates building skills of

the highest order.

     Excavation of the barrows has provided many surprises. They

have shattered the belief that the earliest Britons were isolated

from the rest of the world, because in fact their communication

with the Continent and the Mediterranean area was much greater

than that of the Britons of several centuries later. Among the

remains in the tombs were bronze pins from Bohemia, faience beads

from Egypt, and amber from the Baltic.

     The builders surpassed the stone circles or burial mounds,

for half a mile beyond West Kennet is the largest artificial

earth mound in Europe, Silbury Hill. The reason for its existence

is still a mystery, although scientists now claim to be inching

closer to the truth. Conical in shape, it rises to a height of

130 feet, with a circular base more than 200 yards in diameter.

It covers 5.5 acres and its total volume has been estimated at

405,000 cubic feet, and its construction may have required as

much as 2 million man-hours - thought to be even greater than

that needed for building Stonehenge.

     Many explanations have been given for the erection of this

massive structure, the first being that it was a huge burial

mound; however, excavations into the top and sides have revealed

no funerary or skeletal remains. Today the most accepted theory

is that the great hill, like Stonehenge, was designed to measure

celestial phenomena, for there are indications that a large

maypole may have topped the hill and that the shadow the pole

cast was used to calculate the length of the year. Invariably the

monuments erected in that period point to definite connections

with celestial observations, yet there is at least one known

exception. This monument, noted not for its great height but for

its length, is one of the greatest engineering feats accomplished

by the British megalithic builders. 

     From Salisbury Plain, beginning at the southern end of the

Avebury stone circle and extending for two hundred miles

northeastward to Norfolk, is an extraordinary prehistoric highway

called the Icknield Way. The road runs dead straight on level

ground and follows perfectly the contour of the land in hilly

areas. It is level and widens out in some places to the

equivalent of a modern four-lane highway. It is superior to any

road constructed by the Romans, yet it predates the Romans by

2,000 years. Why did the megalithic builders need a highway, when

archaeologists believe that they did not even have the wheel?

Europe, Africa and the Middle East Not Excluded

     Communications must have been good between England and the

Continent, and the roadways and sea lanes were undoubtedly well

traveled, for the remains of the megalithic monuments were not

limited just to the British Isles. They are found scattered

across the globe. Stonehenge may have been the focal point of

activity, but from there the builders, architects and astronomers

fanned out over the entire world, leaving monuments wherever they

went. Across the Channel from England, in the French province of

Brittany, there are several megalithic sites. They are also found

at Kerlescan and Kermario; in fact, within a distance of 3,250

yards, there are nearly 3,000 menhirs (single standing stones),

most of them in rows pointing toward long-forgotten grave sites

and facing the midsummer sunrise. The remains of the chieftains

have long since become part of the earth, but their tombs endure,

a testament to their greatness.

     Elsewhere in Brittany there are other megalithic monuments,

some of which are constructed from the largest standing stones on

record in western Europe. The menhir of Ile-Melon, unfortunately

destroyed during World War II, originally weighed 90 tons. The

largest was the "Fairy Stone" of Locmariaquer. Broken up by

lightning in the eighteenth century, it once stood 67 feet high

and weighed over 380 tons!

     But, again, Britain and France are not the only countries

where the builders left their marks. Far beyond Brittany, on the

coasts of Germany, Holland, Scandinavia, Portugal, Spain, the

Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Malta, at Tiryns

and other Mycenaean sites, there is ample evidence of the past

work of the ancients. The grave sites and the stone circles all

testify to the skill of the builders. Their tracks are found even

in North Africa and the Middle East, telling us of their

far-reaching wanderings and of the spread of their civilization.

     In Morocco, dolmens (a circle of stones capped by a larger

stone) are found in the district of Kabylia; a stone circle is

found near Tangiers. Other dolmens have been discovered in

Algeria, while Libya, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon have literally

hundreds of circles and free-standing stones, all testifying to

the builders' presence at one time.

     And then there's Egypt. Stretched along the Nile, the sandy

countryside of the land of Amen-Ra is speckled with the remains

of dolmens which mark the sites where the ancient people buried

their dead and which were subsequently joined by the tombs of the


     Three sites in the Middle East are of particular interest

because of advanced scientific and engineering skills involved in

their construction. At Baalbek, in modern Lebanon, the Romans

constructed their magnificent temple to the sun, a temple which

was dwarfed in size, however, by the immense prehistoric

dressed-stone platform on which it was built. Of unknown age and

origin, the platform is a feat of engineering that has never been

equaled in history. It is made of individual stones 82 feet long

and 15 feet thick which are estimated to weigh between 1,200 and

1,500 tons each. Of the stones cut for the platform, the largest

one was not transported to the site but instead was left at the

quarry half a mile away. Called Hadjar el Gouble, or "The Stone

of the South," it weighs more than 2,000 tons. There are no

cranes or other lifting apparatus in the world today that can

budge, let alone lift, the titanic blocks of Baalbek - yet there

they are, cut and fitted together with such precision that a

knife blade cannot be inserted between the blocks.

     The second site, equally remarkable, is located on the

windswept moor of the Golan Heights in Israeli - occupied Syria.

There Israeli archaeologist A.Itzhaki recently uncovered the

remains of five giant stone rings believed to be a thousand years

older than Stonehenge. A line drawn through the area where the

rings overlap points to true north. Because of the unreliability

of compass readings in the vicinity of basaltic rocks, the

engineering skills required to find true north were of a degree

of skill generally considered beyond the reach of the ancients.

     The third site is far to the north, at Medzamor in Soviet

Armenia, where the Russian scientist Dr.K.Megurtchian has

discovered what is thought to be the oldest large-scale

metallurgical factory in the world. In close proximity to this,

geometric patterns that were found cut into the volcanic rock

point to various celestial phenomena. One distinct line points to

the spot on the horizon where the star Sirius rose between 2600

and 2500 B.C.

     What is especially intriguing about the Medzamor site is

that it is located only 15 miles from Mount Ararat, the

historical and legendary landing place of the only survivors of

the antediluvian civilization.

Did the Megalithic Builders Reach the Americas?

     With the passing of time, the controversy over who really

was the first to discover America becomes more intense, as if it

actually mattered. For years there have been pitched verbal

battles among renowned historians, lengthy intellectual

discussions, and countless magazine articles, all hoping to solve

this riddle. Was it Columbus? Could it have been Leif Erikson?

Still other names have been proposed and just as rapidly

discarded again. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere else - on a

prehistoric site called Mystery Hill in North Salem, New

Hampshire, where 22 large stones stand majestically on top of a

200foot-high hill. The origin and significance of the site are

shrouded in darkness; its age,however, is not. Carbon-14 tests

conducted in 1969 date Mystery Hill between 1225 and 800 B.C.,

long before the arrival of the Indian tribes that once inhabited

the area, but in the same time slot as similar megalithic

constructions in southern Europe.

     Mystery Hill suffered partial destruction during the

eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when some of the stonework

was removed and used to build a nearby sewer system.

     The stones of Mystery Hill are arranged in an elaborate

system of tunnels, menhirs and dolmens, and have just recently

been found to be celestially aligned. Each year on the first day

of winter, for example, the sun, when viewed from the center of

the hill, sets directly over what is called the Winter Monolith.

Were the builders the first to leave their prints on the sandy

shores of the eastern coast of America? History remains silent

when confronted with this question, but the hill was definitely

built by someone, and its similarity to the megalithic sites of

Europe is more than coincidental.

     Mystery Hill is not unique, however, for other sites not

unlike this prehistoric perplexity exist in different parts of

the Americas. On the Central American island of Bonacca,

archaeologist F.A.Mitchel Hedges discovered an ancient

800-yard-long wall enclosure with two large standing stones

reminiscent of those found at Stonehenge. The stones measured

approximately 7 feet in height by 2 and 1/2 feet in diameter.

Also discovered were a number of oddly shaped carved stones that

appeared to be older than the Mayan, Toltec and Aztec

civilizations. An even more startling find was made at La Venta,

at Villahermosa, Mexico, where there are menhirs and troughs in

long alignments that strikingly resemble the rows of stones found

in Brittany. Near the prehistoric fortress of Sacsahuaman, Peru,

on a rocky spur called K'emko, menhirs and other roughly hewn

stones have been found, once again corresponding in appearance to

the European monuments!

     Orthodox historians unfortunately have done very little to

take note of the important megalithic sites found in the New

World, as their acceptance would disturb long-cherished theories.

They simply cannot account for the fact that a prehistoric race

such as megalithic man could have crossed the Atlantic and left

its mark in America, when supposedly more civilized later people

were unable to do so.

     It is with the same closed-mindedness that the historians

look at the discoveries made in Asia and the Pacific, where

remains of the builders' activities have surfaced in the most

unexpected regions. In India dolmens dot the land from the

Nerbuddha River to Cape Comorin. At latest count, the Neermul

jungle of Central India has yielded at least 2,000 of the

monuments it has hidden for centuries, and another 2,200 have

been located in Dacca.

     Monuments of a similar nature have also been found in China,

Korea and even Japan. The mystery of the builders' activities

increases as the geographical boundaries expand. On the

southeastern shore of Ponape, in the Senyavin Islands of

Micronesia, the remains of a huge temple complex called Metalamin

face the midsummer sunrise. There is every indication that in the

days of the builders, the population of Ponape Island was many

times what it is today, for Metalamin is sufficiently large to

seat as many as two million people! The ruins, like those in

Europe and America, are composed of vast stone blocks weighing as

much as 15 tons each. These blocks were transported from a quarry

approximately twenty miles away - with not a hint of how this was


     Were they navigators as well as builders? History stands

mute on this question, but the fact remains that three thousand

miles away, southeast of Ponape, on tiny Malden in the Line

Islands, is a second group of ruins architecturally similar to


     There is, however, one important difference. The ruins on

Malden are connected to the rugged coastline by a number of

prehistoric basalt-paved highways, a situation which baffles the


"But they can't be highways," the archaeologists cry out in

despair. "These people didn't have the wheel. . . ."

Oh, didn't they? There are still many ruins the builders have

left on other Pacific islands, but most of these are still being

excavated. One can say without hesitation, however, that the most

famous and mystifying of all the Pacific monuments are those

strange statues that stand in peaceful silence on a lonely rock

called Easter Island.

Unresolved Mystery of the Stone Faces

     There are few detective stories as confounding as the one

that came to the attention of the western world on Easter morning

1722, when the Dutch explorer Jan Roggeveen first set eyes on a

tiny speck of land in the broad expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

Unable to locate it on the navigational charts, he christened the

new-found territory Easter Island. With the anticipation of

finding treasure, he anchored his ship and rowed the few hundred

yards to the rocky shore. But he soon realized that the volcanic

isle had little to offer. There were no trees and no indigenous

animals, and Roggeveen found only a few hundred scantily clad

natives dwelling in huts along the jungle-fringed beaches. The

island was barren and inhospitable, yet it did give one thing to

the world: a mystery unrivaled anywhere in the vast Pacific.

Scattered over the rocky ground, strewn about the meadows of

sparse grass and sullenly peering from the slopes of the island's

volcanoes were hundreds of stone faces jutting out of the soil,

each with the same mute and meaningless expression, long straight

nose, narrow and tightly closed lips, sunken eye sockets, and low


     Who made them? Where did they come from? What was their

significance? Roggeveen and his crew undoubtedly gaped at them in

utter bewilderment, for nothing like this had ever been

encountered. The statues were certainly not the kind he would

carry back to Amsterdam as trophies of a discovery voyage. There

was something weird, something eerie about them, and the somber

expression on their stone faces became an ever-returning topic of

conversation on the long voyage home.

     More than 250 years have passed since that day, and Jan

Roggeveen is now merely a name written on the pages of history

books, but the secret of the silent statues still continues to

evade us.

     The enigmatic question surrounding the Easter Island statues

is not what they are supposed to represent, but rather how they

were moved from their quarry at the edge of the volcano

Rano-Raraku to their present sites, a distance of up to five

miles. In 1956 the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, known for

his Kon Tiki expedition, visited Easter Island to conduct the

first large-scale investigation of the statues and their history.

He soon realized that discovering their origin was not half as

challenging as solving the problem of how the monstrous heads had

been transported and erected. Convinced that the builders had

nothing but brute manpower at their disposal, he contracted a

dozen island natives to employ muscle to move a stone head. With

steadily increasing frustration, the team labored for 18 days,

using the "heave-ho" method, which at last enabled them to set up

one of the heads. This answered the question for Heyerdahl;

satisfied that he had found the solution, he abandoned the

project. His efforts are now being cited in many scientific

journals, but did he really duplicate the way it was done?

There are several objections to Heyerdahl's experiment which

cannot be ignored. What is generally not known is that the statue

chosen for the project by Heyerdahl's men was not the average

Easter Island statue, for the weight of the island heads is

roughly between 35 and 50 tons each, but the head which was

arduously moved by twelve sweating natives weighed somewhere

between 10 and 15 tons. Granted, it was still a momentous

achievement, but the result did not qualify it as a "typical"

example. Second, Heyerdahl's stone was transported only

a few hundred feet, across smooth sandy ground that exists only

at Anakena, the place from where the statue was moved. The

contrast between Anakena's terrain and that of the rest of the

island is too great, because the area over which the other stone

heads had to be transported consists of volcanic rock, which is

hard and uneven. If the heads had indeed been dragged across this

surface by Thor Heyerdahl's proposed method, then the stone

statues would have been grooved with long scars. None of the

statues reveal any such markings.

     The type of equipment used in the moving process presents

another problem. Heyerdahl's natives utilized ropes and wooden

poles to aid them in erecting and maneuvering their statue - but

there originally was no wood on Easter Island. Currently sycamore

trees grow on the island, but only because some of the early

European settlers brought them there. The records of Jan

Roggeveen do not mention trees, and Captain Cook also noted an

absence of trees upon his arrival on the island. If wood was

indeed used by the builders, then they must have imported it by

ship from the nearest forest - 2,500 miles away. As for the

ropes, Heyerdahl's experimental team used sturdy,

well-manufactured ropes from Europe. It was fortunate for them

that they did, for ropes made from the indigenous reeds of Easter

Island were neither strong nor durable and were most certainly

not adequate to the job.

     Heyerdahl's moving of one single stone head over a flat and

relatively even surface also had no bearing on how other heads

were moved up and down cliff walls, as there are many spots on

the island where this did occur in the days of the builders. At

the quarry of Rano-Raraku, 20-ton statues were carved near the

top of the crater, then lowered 300 feet, over the heads of other

statues. This was accomplished without leaving even a mark. The

stone heads sitting on ledges in the cliff of Ahu-Ririki are the

best illustration of this operation. Here the sheer rock face

plunges 1,000 feet, straight to the sea. The gusty winds at the

top are usually strong enough to blow a man off balance, while

the sea currents below are so treacherous that a boat cannot

approach the rock. Yet at an elevation of 600 feet on the cliff

wall stands a platform that bears the marks of a number of 25-ton

statues, the remains of which now lie on the ocean floor.

     Heyerdahl may have moved one small head; he has yet to

present an answer that can withstand scientific test.

     But he was not the first to fail. In the late nineteenth

century, the French ship La Flore visited Easter Island with the

intention of taking one of its statues back to Paris. It took a

500-man work force to carry the 7 and 1/2-foot-tall statue, one

of the smallest of the island heads. Today, much battered and

bruised by its ordeal, it can be viewed at the Musee de I'Homme.

     Even though these two heads have been moved, the question

still lingers: How did the builders of Easter Island cut, move

and erect the gigantic heads, including those which approach the

size of a seven-story building?

     There have been many theories about who actually created and

erected the solemn stone heads of Easter Island, but there are no

easy answers. Their origin has been attributed to nearly

everyone, from survivors of the so-called lost continents of Mu

and Lemuria, to tribes of wandering Polynesians who supposedly

sculptured the monolithic monstrosities to while away their idle


     What, then, is the answer? Evidence of a more realistic

possibility is found in a group of stone buildings which few

modern explorers and researchers have diligently investigated.

Thirty-nine in number, they are located on Easter Island in

Orongo. Each structure is oval in shape, measures approximately

seven yards in length and two yards in width, and is topped by a

low circular ceiling. The foundation stones were laid beneath the

surface and were followed by rings of stone blocks, with each

ring narrowing toward the center until the sides converged in the

rounded roof. Francis Maziere, one of the few western experts who

have visited and described the ruins, was impressed with only one

point: that these stone buildings are nearly identical in shape

and construction with those erected by the builders in the

Mediterranean area! For those who still wonder about this

connection, there is one more feature linking these ruins with

those of the European structures. At the Orongo site lie the

remains of a small solar observatory, composed of one or possibly

more standing stones, by means of which the ancient observers

were able to calculate the movements of the sun. Was this perhaps

the beginning of a Stonehenge which was later abandoned?

There is no decisive evidence that the men of prehistory who

erected Stonehenge were also responsible for creating the stone

heads of Easter Island, but, judging from the ruins, it is

obvious that the two sites are parallel, not only because both

were constructed from stone blocks but also because their

building techniques were similarly advanced.

What Happened at Tiahuanaco?

     Two thousand miles northeast of Easter Island, high in the

Andes mountains of Peru, on the picturesque shores of Lake

Titicaca, stand the remains of a city of startling dimensions -

and no one knows its origin. Not even the oldest living Indian

could tell of its history when questioned by the Spanish

conquistadors in their bloody assault on the area in 1549.

Whoever its engineers were, they certainly were not related to

the Indians in any way, as the foreign element is quite obvious

both from the style of the structures and from the fact that the

statues of Tiahuanaco depict strange-looking men with beards, not

the usual Indian faces which tend to be devoid of beard growth.

     The society that developed the entire Tiahuanaco area had

technical abilities that astounded the conquistadors.

     Archaeologists who have studied the site since its discovery

by the Spaniards have uncovered features thought to be unknown to

the ancients. The Akapana, or "Hill of Sacrifices," one of the

three important temple sites, was a huge truncated pyramid, 167

feet high, with a base 496 by 650 feet. The now-crumbling sides

of the impressive structure were perfectly squared with the

cardinal points of the compass, a feature common with other great

edifices found around the world, including the Great Pyramid of

Gizeh. The destructive plundering of the Spanish conquerors

erased clues which might have served as keys to unlock the

secrets of the ancient inhabitants, and the ravages of time have

done the rest. Today the side surfaces of the Akapana are rough

and torn; the stone slabs that provided a protective cover for

the mound have been hauled away and used in construction

projects. An enormous stone stairway that once flanked the hill

has also become a victim of gross vandalism. Today, only a few

steps remain. The reservoir system that once topped the Akapana

indicates the high degree of development of the builders. The

hill still reveals evidence of the precision-designed,

intricately cut stone conduits and overflow pipes, especially

graded to ensure the proper flow of water. Similar pipes are

found scattered throughout the Tiahuanaco complex, suggesting

that the city had a complete drainage, water supply, or sewage


     But other probes have extracted still more from the Andes. A

thousand feet north of Akapana is the Curicancha, or "The Temple

of the Sun." It rests on a stone platform 10 feet high and 440 by

390 feet on a side, composed of blocks weighing 100 to 200 tons

each! The walls of the temple complex itself are constructed of

blocks weighing 60 tons each, while the steps of the stone

stairway weigh an impressive 50 tons apiece. Other structural

units, composed of 200-ton blocks, lie haphazardly, just where

they fell. Tiahuanaco is a place where contradictions and

impossibilities reign supreme. Things that can't happen have

happened here. It's amazing that the city exists at all: the

entire metropolis was built 13,000 feet above sea level, and the

air pressure at that altitude is only 8 pounds per square inch,

as compared to 15 pounds at sea level. The thin, oxygen-poor air

sears the throat and nose, and even the slightest exertion may

cause nausea, headaches, and sometimes even heart attacks. In

addition, no seeds will sprout or grow at that elevation, which

means that there was no local food supply to support a large

working crew. Yet somehow, under extremely hostile conditions

that threatened life itself, the builders managed to maneuver

hundreds of stone slabs weighing up to 200 tons each into their

predetermined places. The quarry sites of the stones have been

discovered on an island in Lake Titicaca, but near the shore

opposite Curicancha. It was therefore necessary to transport the

stone over distances ranging from 30 to 90 miles. In rarefied air

the movement of massive objects over such great distances is not

possible by muscular strength, but the stones were moved

nevertheless and found resting places in Tiahuanaco.

     If muscular energy was not sufficent, then what was used?

The Mystery Fortresses of the Andes

     Tiahuanaco is by no means unique, for scattered throughout

the Andes are several fortresses of very similar design, all

predating the ancient Incas by an unknown period of time.

     In Chile, high on the plateau of El Enladrillado, 233 stone

blocks are placed geometrically in an amphitheaterlike

arrangement. The blocks are roughly rectangular, some as large as

12 to 16 feet high, 20 to 30 feet long, and weighing several

hundred tons. As at Tiahuanaco, huge chairs of stone have also

been found in disarray among the ruins, each weighing a massive

10 tons. Perhaps the most important find at El Enladrillado was

the discovery of three standing stones at the very center of the

plateau. Each is 3 to 4 feet in diameter. Measurements reveal

that two of the stones are perfectly aligned with magnetic north,

while a line through one of these and the third stone points to

the midsummer sunrise. Were the builders here, too?

     To the north, at Ollantaitambo, Peru, is another pre-Inca

fortress, with rock walls of tightly fitted blocks weighing

between 150 and 250 tons each. Most of the blocks consist of very

hard andesite, the quarries for which are situated on a

mountaintop seven miles away. Somehow, at an altitude of 10,000

feet, the unknown builders of Ollantaitambo carved and dressed

the stone (using tools, the nature of which we can only guess,

that could penetrate such hard rock), lowered the 200-ton blocks

down the mountainside, crossed a river canyon with 1,000-foot

sheer rock walls, then raised the blocks up another mountainside

and placed them in the fortress complex. As South American

antiquarian Hyatt Verrill notes, no number of men - Indian or

otherwise - could duplicate this feat with only stone implements

or crude metal tools, ropes, rollers and muscle power. "It is not

a question of skill, patience and time," Verrill explains. "It is

a human impossibility."

     Is it possible instead that a higher form of prehistoric

technology was employed, of which we know absolutely nothing?

One of the most impressive "mystery fortresses" of the Andes is

Sacsahuaman, located on the outskirts of the ancient Inca capital

of Cuzco. It rests on an artificially leveled mountaintop at an

altitude of 12,000 feet, and consists of three outer lines of

gargantuan walls, 1,500 feet long and 54 feet wide, surrounding a

paved area containing a circular stone structure believed to be a

solar calendar. The ruins also include a 50,000-gallon water

reservoir, storage cisterns, ramps, citadels and underground


     What is truly remarkable about Sacsahuaman is the stonework.

Here extremely skilled stonemasons fit blocks weighing from 50 to

300 tons into intricate patterns. A block in one of the outer

walls, for example, has faces cut to fit perfectly with twelve

other blocks. Other blocks were cut with as many as 10, 12, and

even 36 sides. Yet all the blocks were fit together so precisely

that a mechanic's thickness gauge could not be inserted between


     And even more extraordinary is the fact that the entire

Sacsahuaman complex was built without cement.

     As with the other mystery fortresses, the question of how

the stones of Sacsahuaman were transported remains unanswered.

The quarries from which the stones for Sacsahuaman were brought

are located 20 miles away, on the other side of a mountain range

and a deep river gorge. How the massive stones were moved across

such hopeless terrain is anyone's guess.

     Sacsahuaman poses many mysteries, yet it possesses one more

which few orthodox historians are willing to recognize or study

because of its "impossibility." Within a few hundred yards of the

Sacsahuaman complex is a single stone block that was carved from

the mountainside and moved some distance before it was abandoned.

An earthquake apparently interrupted the progress of the movers,

for the stone was turned upside down and is damaged in several

places. It contains steps, platforms, holes and other

depressions - a masterpiece of precision cutting and dressing,

clearly intended to become a part of the fortification. What is

truly impossible about the block is that it is the size of a

five-story house and weighs an estimated 20,000 tons! We have no

combination of machinery today that could dislodge such a weight,

let alone move it any distance. The fact that the builders of

Sacsahuaman could and did move this block shows their mastery of

a technology which we as yet have not attained.

The Lines of Nazca Valley

     The Andes conceal many ancient wonders of construction, not

all made of stones hauled across inconceivable distances. Not far

from the Pacific Ocean, in the Peruvian foothills of the Andes

250 miles south of Lima, is the historical city of Nazca. It is

of important archaeological value; however, the city's real

curiosity is not its relics but the valley in which it lies - a

strip of level desert ground 37 miles long and a mile wide.

Covering nearly every acre of the Nazca Valley are enormous

drawings scraped out on the desert floor-lines running in all

directions: elongated cleared areas, spirals, zigzags, birds,

spiders, monkeys, snakes, fish, etc. They were revealed by

removing the dark purple granite pebbles which lay on the Nazca

desert and exposing the light yellow sand just below the surface.

Since there is little rain or wind erosion at Nazca, the lines

and figures have remained intact for an undetermined number of

centuries. Yet during most of that time, travelers trekking

through the valley never noticed the drawings, because unless one

is standing directly on one of the lines, the areas where the

pebbles have been scraped away are not noticeable. Move a few

feet away, and the line blends into the rest of the rough desert


     Not until the 1930s, when the first commercial airlines

began operating over the Andes, did sightings from the air

confirm the existence of the Nazca drawings. Obscure on the

ground, they are clearly seen from above - clearly enough, in

fact, to have been viewed by the astronauts aboard Skylab,

orbiting 270 miles above the earth. Yet there is no high

mountain, plateau or other natural elevated point nearby from

which the Nazca artists themselves could have seen the drawings

in their true perspective. So why were they made? Did they serve

some purpose? Did the artists also perhaps master the art of


     The first detailed study of the Nazca mystery was initiated

in 1946 by the German astronomer and archaeologist Dr.Marie

Reiche, who devoted the next twenty years to taking accurate

surveys of the ancient drawings and speculating on their

significance. Dr.Reiche focused her attention at first on the

numerous lines crisscrossing the valley. Many of these, she

discovered, ran straight and true for up to five miles. Some are

parallel to one another; others gradually converge, while still

others radiate from specific points - small mounds of boulders.

Dr.Reiche even discovered lines which appeared to run straight

into the bases of mountains and emerge on the other side in

complete alignment and at the same level. When the degree of

straightness of the Nazca lines was checked by modern measuring

equipment, a startling observation was made: the average error

was no more than 9 minutes of arc, a deviation of 4 and 1/2 yards

per mile. That figure is the limit of accuracy that can be

obtained by what is called photogrammetric survey. In other

words, the ancient lines were laid out straighter than can be

measured by the best of modern survey techniques. Dr.Reiche

stated, "The designers, who could only have recognized the

perfection of their own creations from the air, must have

previously planned and drawn them on a smaller scale. How they

were then able to put each line in its right place and alignment

accurately over large distances is a puzzle that will take us

many years to solve."

     It is the opinion of Dr.Reiche and several other students of

the Nazca enigma that some of the lines may be aligned with the

risings and settings of the sun, moon, and possibly several

bright stars. In fact, recent investigations showed that 39 lines

do point to solar or lunar events and that 17 are associated with

the stars. But this is only a small number; the majority of the

lines have no celestial significance, and their purpose remains a


The Nazca Artists---Their Knowledge of the World

     As extraordinary as the lines are, the details of the many

animal figures etched out on the Nazca Valley floor are equally

as remarkable. One of the most puzzling is the picture of a

spider, 150 feet long, drawn with a single continuous line half a

mile in length. What is so peculiar about the spider is that one

of its legs is deliberately lengthened and extended, and at the

tip there is a small cleared area. There is only one spider known

that uses the tip of its third leg in precisely the manner

depicted in the desert drawing, and that is the Ricinulei, which

lives in caves deep in the Amazon jungle, a thousand miles from

Nazca. Known to scientists for its unique method of copulation,

for which the spider uses that extended leg in the described

manner, the Ricinulei is extremely rare. Its mode of reproduction

can be observed only with the aid of a microscope.

     How the Nazca artists were able to find and then observe

their tiny model we cannot say, unless we ascribe to them a

knowledge of science equaling our own.

     There are several indications, both from the valley etchings

and from remains of Nazca pottery found in the immediate desert

area, that the ancient artists had knowledge of the world far

beyond the horizons of Nazca. One desert drawing depicts a

thin-limbed monkey, recently identified as the spider monkey,

another inhabitant of the distant Amazon jungle. On one remnant

of a Nazca pot is a distinct picture of a white-breasted,

black-coated penguin. The difficulty here is that penguins are

indigenous to Antarctica - nearly 6,000 miles away, although they

are living in the Galapagos Islands. How could the Nazcans have

drawn the birds unless they had actually seen them?

     The most startling picture of all, however, was found on

another piece of Nazca pottery, which showed faces of five girls

- one white, one red, one black, one brown and one yellow. These

colors could not have been chosen fortuitously, as all the races

of man have been clearly represented. The faces seem to indicate

that the Nazcans had knowledge, possibly even models to work

from, of each and every racial group around the world. Could this

be evidence of global communication in the distant past that

equaled that of modern times?

     As the study of Nazca progresses, more questions have arisen

than can be answered. When were the Nazca drawings made? A wooden

post was discovered at the intersection of two of the Nazca

lines, and carbon-14 tests revealed a date of A.D. 500. From

this, orthodox historians have ascribed a relatively recent date

to the Nazca drawings: between A.D. 200 and 700. But it is not

known whether the post was placed while the lines were being made

or after they were finished. There is no way, in fact, to date

the lines themselves, and it is entirely possible that they could

be thousands of years older. How were they constructed? The

accuracy of the drawings over such a large area attests to a

remarkable engineering skill not previously believed possible for

any ancient people. There is a question not only of advanced

knowledge, but also of performance: the planning, engineering and

construction of the drawings would have required the energies of

a large number of workers. There is no water, food or shelter

anywhere in the desert valley of Nazca that could have provided

the necessities of life for so great an undertaking. So how was

it accomplished? And the most perplexing question of all, why?

Why were the drawings made in the first place? For that we have

as yet no satisfactory answer.

The Great Pyramid---The Great Enigma

     It is not possible to discuss the profound knowledge of the

ancients without letting the mind drift in the direction of the

land of Amen-Ra. I recall endless lectures in Egyptology and

animated discussions on the role of the gods in Egyptian history.

I also remember long winter nights in the Egyptology room of the

university when I fought my way through Sir Alan Gardiner's

Egyptian grammar, deciphering funeral texts on ornate caskets

stolen from the graves of the pharaohs and their nobles. But

nothing really prepared me for the wonder and awe I felt when I

first viewed the pyramids from atop a swaying camel.

     Coming face to face with the witness of history known as the

Pyramid of Cheops is an incomparable experience. Standing on a

rocky, artificially leveled plateau about ten miles west of

modern Cairo and not far from the rotting circus tent that houses

the Gizera nightclub, the Great Pyramid has silently beheld many

battles fought within its shadow during its 5,000-year history.

But perhaps the greatest battle of them all is the controversy

raging between orthodox historians on the one hand and

archaeologists, statisticians and more liberalminded historians

on the other, over the questions posed by the pharaoh's tomb, for

with each new year added to its history, the slumbering giant

becomes more puzzling.

     The questions confronting science in connection with the

tomb of Cheops are multiple and are all related to the

construction of the 2,300,000 blocks weighing an average of 21

and 1/2 tons, with the largest of them - found in the roof the

King's Chamber, a dark musty-smelling room in the heart of the

structure - weighing over 70 tons each. Comparison of the blocks

with the quarries in Egypt has confirmed the theory that the

stones were brought to the site from a few miles away at Mokattan

as well as from Aswan to 500 miles south at Aswan.

     Here, too, we face a problem when following in the tracks of

the builders. How were the blocks transported to the building

site and, almost equally important, how many workmen were

required to move them and how long did it take?

     Guesswork will not suffice in ascertaining the truth about

these crucial points, for these problems are real.

     I recall from my early studies that orthodox historians

spouted forth the same set of answers: Quarry inscriptions on a

number of the blocks ascribe the building of the pyramid to the

Pharaoh Cheops in the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Since his

reign lasted only 22 years, this would suggest a maximum time

period during which the structure was erected. The blocks were

either transported on wooden sledges or floated down the Nile on

wooden rafts. It is further believed that 100,000 men, working

for twenty years, completed the task of building the pyramid.

Fantastic? Not to the historians, for this is what is believed

and what is currently taught. After all, how can one expect great

efficiency from a nation whose citizenry was only one step beyond

the cave-man stage? As credible as it may seem to the historians,

this simple solution will certainly not resolve any of the

outstanding questions. The historians are concerned only with

history, not with logistics; yet that is where the answer lies.

     Let's look at a few basic statistics. If 2,300,000 blocks

were placed in the pyramid in 20 years' time, that is, in 7,300

days, then we must assume that an incredible 315 blocks were

positioned each day, or 26 blocks per hour per 12-hour day. With

100,000 men, utilizing the most modern construction equipment

available today, our engineers would not be able to match this

"primitive" accomplishment. In addition, since nine months of the

year were customarily set aside for planting, cultivating and

harvesting, the work force could have spent only three months out

of every year on the construction site. Thus, even at the

exceptional rate of 315 stones per day, the amount of

time spent in building the pyramid would have been eighty years,

not twenty.

     The famed Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie has estimated

that eight men might have been able to handle 10 of the 2 and

1/2-ton blocks in the required three months. Using only ropes and

wooden levers, it would have taken them six weeks to pull the

stones out of the quarry, another week to float them down the

Nile, and still another six weeks to drag them to the base of the


     Eight men moving ten blocks means that 100,000 men could

have transported 125,000 blocks a year, completing the massive

construction project in the proposed twenty years. But this

increases the number of blocks to 1,500 per day-an impossibility

even by modern standards!

     Manpower is another area that presents a problem. The

100,000 man labor force mentioned above is only the estimated

size of the transportation crew. Add to this another 100,000

stonemasons at the quarries; 100,000 builders at the pyramid

itself; still another 100,000 architects, planners, and

supervisors coordinating the project; 250,000 women and children

preparing meals and keeping shelters in good repair; and a

standing guard force of 300,000 policing the workers and keeping

order among them, and we are speaking of a project that required

almost one million people - in the total construction - one third

to one-half the estimated population of all of Egypt around 2700


     Does this sound even remotely reasonable? Not really; yet

this is what we are being taught at the universities of the

world. But to continually call upon the energies of a million

people, year after year for twenty years, is stretching

credibility to the limit.

     Some maintain that the workers were mere slaves and did not

really detract from the native Egyptian labor force, but here too

we run into a snag. Herodotus, who visited Egypt in ancient times

and recorded its history, tells us that the Egyptians were paid

for their services in building the pyramids in wheat, beer and

other foodstuffs. What ruler could have paid one million workers

for three months labor every year for twenty years without going

bankrupt? And where would he have obtained the immeasurable

quantity of food with which to pay them?

     The source from which we gather much of our knowledge about

Egyptian history has been the hieroglyphic inscriptions and tomb

paintings. Many orthodox historians use these tomb paintings to

support their improbable claim that the building blocks for the

pyramids were either hauled or floated, or both. To substantiate

their claims, they direct us to two tomb paintings, one in the

Twelfth-Dynasty tomb of the nobleman Djehutihotep, the other in

the funerary sanctuary of Queen Hatshepsut. The first shows a

statue being drawn on a wooden sledge pulled by 172 men, over

ground which has been purposely dampened. The second picture

depicts a number of Queen Hatshepsut's royal barges, which were

used to float stone obelisks down the Nile. Each barge, it

appears, had a displacement of about 1,500 tons.

     On the surface this seems to provide adequate material to

defend the historians' position, but a closer examination of the

facts completely repudiates this. The objection is that the two

tomb paintings were made a thousand years after the pyramid was


     Sledges and barges may have been used to transport heavy

objects in the Twelfth Dynasty and later, but we are concerned

with methods employed in the Third Dynasty, not in the Twelfth.

There is no concrete evidence that these methods were used in the

construction of the Great Pyramid. In addition, we are referring

not merely to the transportation of a few heavy statues, but to

the logistical problem of moving 2,300,000 blocks. If for

argument's sake we want to believe in wooden sledges and barges,

from where would the voluminous supply of wood come? The trees of

the Nile Valley are date palms, a vital source of food that could

not have been spared. The wood therefore must have been imported.

We know from the Egyptians' records that as early as 2800 B.C.

they were importing large quantities of lumber from the Lebanon,

the ancient world's major source of cedar wood. Considering the

need and the size of the average Lebanese cedar, mathematicians

tell us 26 million trees would have been required to fashion the

necessary number of sledges and rafts. Neither the Lebanon nor

all the forests in the ancient world could have supplied that

much wood in twenty years, whether or not there was a fleet that

could carry it all!

     The truth is that it did not take twenty years to build the

Great Pyramid of Cheops. Evidence from other pyramids built in

the same period indicates that such structures were erected at

incredible speeds. At Dahshur, for example, is the Pyramid of

Sneferu, approximately two-thirds the volume of the Great

Pyramid. An inscription in the northeast cornerstone of the

structure reveals that it was laid in the 21st year of Sneferu's

reign, while halfway up is a block with another inscription,

dated in the 22nd year. In other words, it took only

two years to raise the entire Pyramid of Sneferu.

     A similar situation may also have occurred with the Cheops

structure, because it was completed in as little as four years

time. The fact that recent excavations not far from the Great

Pyramid have uncovered the remains of only 4,000 workmen's huts

increases rather than decreases the problem. There is no way

100,000 laborers could have been housed in 4,000 small huts, not

to mention the additional hundreds of thousands who were

involved. This undoubtedly places the historians in a difficult

position, for how can one explain the building of the Great

Pyramid in only four years time by just 4,000 workers, if only

wooden sledges and barges were utilized during a three months'

period every year?

     Yet it was done, and probably in just that length of time,

but the builders used construction and engineering skills and

techniques known only to them. It was a technological feat beyond

comparison in either the ancient or the modern world. The

generations following the one that built Cheops soon found

themselves, however, in a steep decline. They were suffering from

atrophy of knowledge, a recession in technical ability and

cultural sophistication that permeated each succeeding dynasty

until the Egyptian civilization became a vague shadow of its

historical greatness. The hieroglyphics from the various

dynasties reveal decided changes in the Egyptians' life-style and

technology, and the combination of funerary texts known as the

Book of the Dead (mentioned in Chapter 1) strongly supports this.

     The Egypt we know from the history books was indeed a mere

remnant of a highly progressive people who inherited technical

ability beyond our understanding. The knowledge that sparked

their civilization was transmitted to them by the eight survivors

of the Flood, and using this knowledge, Menes, the founder of

Egypt, rose to the challenge and began to transform chaos into



     What really transpired on this planet in the relatively

early years of human development will undoubtedly remain the

subject of heated controversy for years to come. Even a detailed

account of the nearunbelievable feats of prehistoric

technological inventiveness still leaves it difficult for us to

comprehend fully the outstanding accomplishments of our

"primitive" ancestors. Yet a thoughtful look at what the earth's

crust has quietly preserved for us can enable our minds to slip

back into the realm of unrecorded history and retrieve from it

those minute details which increase not only our understanding

but also our bewilderment, and which stimulate our desire to

learn more and more and more.

     There is another way to interpret history - the ooparts have

proven that. The major assumption of orthodox historians - that

our civilization is the result of gradual development from

primitive beginnings - can now seriously be challenged. Ooparts,

Biblical history, archaeology, geology, paleontology, and

ordinary level-headed thinking have guided us in that direction.

The weight of evidence is growing daily - evidence that our early

ancestors created a society that surpassed ours in all aspects of

development. Let's not sell humanity short by attempting to link

the remains of the ancient technology to supposed visits of

creatures from outer space, by ascribing to beings from other

planets what in reality is the logical effect of the synergistic

growth of a human supercivilization.

     Our beliefs about the prehistoric ages are constantly being

altered by new archaeological and paleoanthropological findings,

and thus in time significant portions of previously accepted and

even of now developing historical frameworks may become outdated

and may need to be changed. The surface of historical

interpretation has scarcely been scratched. Even the accumulated

facts gathered in these pages should be viewed as a vehicle to

stimulate deeper and more detailed studies.

     An overview of history as it now appears to us may have

grave implications for our future, for the world has undergone a

number of important transitions, with still more to come.

Although we cannot accurately assign dates to memorable events

that transpired in history, it is believed that the years between

1950 and 220 B.C. marked a period of transition for almost every

civilization of the Old and New worlds. During this time, Egypt's

first kingdom slipped into paralyzing deterioration; Sumeria and

India were overwhelmed by barbaric invaders; China and the rest

of the Far East suffered a disastrous flood; and in the Americas,

the so-called primitive cultures were suddenly followed by more

advanced ones. In many instances, the societies that collapsed

and disappeared had had historical ties of one kind or another

with scattered remnants of the lost super-civilization, which in

turn was related to the world order of the antediluvians

through the Babel world center. The disintegration of the primary

stages of the known civilizations within a relatively short time

of each other at the end of the third millennium B.C. is

historically unexplainable. No single all-embracing cause can be

given for their sudden decline. The first global order was swept

away by a devastating Flood; the revival of world order broke

down at Babel. Both of these catastrophes destroyed order, but

not the memory of the technology the ancients had once enjoyed.

     The terrifying means by which an oppressive authority might

once again consolidate its power for world domination remained

intact. Some of those who were entrusted with the preservation of

this awesome knowledge eventually used it to destroy one another

in a succession of nuclear holocausts. The survivors who

safeguarded the secret of the great knowledge ultimately fused it

with the cultures of subsequent civilizations. These

civilizations lasted to the end of the third millennium B.C. and

might have possessed sufficient potential to enable yet another

global authority to threaten nuclear warfare, but too much time

had elapsed and the desire for a world order had passed.

     After 2000 B.C., as each of the Middle Eastern civilizations

experienced a brief period of revival, remnants of earlier

advanced technology once again surfaced, now greatly diminished,

however. Both Egypt and Babylonia seem to have preserved a number

of sophisticated records and artifacts from former civilizations.

The years between 250 B.C. and the dawn of the Christian era

witnessed a technological rekindling in these lands, which

produced, among other things, the electric battery used in Iraq

during the Parthian period, a small computer calendar constructed

in Greece in approximately 80 B.C., and a model glider plane

tested on the banks of the Nile during the reign of the


     The brutal Roman invasion of the Middle East in the first

century B.C. extinguished this spark of revival. The Romans'

ruthlessness was an integral part of a wave of wanton destruction

that struck the Library of Carthage in 146 B.C., reducing its

irreplaceable 500,000 volumes to ashes. Later, at Pergamus in

Asia Minor, another 200,000 manuscripts, known to have contained

occult knowledge and perhaps the pre-Flood and pre-Babel wisdom

of the occult energies, were consigned to flames by rampaging

Christians. The most devastating blow, however, was dealt by

Julius Caesar when he burned the athenaeum of Alexandria,

destroying 700,000 of the most valued scientific works of the

classical world.

     The few records that survived were jealously guarded by the

secret societies. Gradually these too passed into oblivion as a

result of relentless persecution and mounting ignorance; as each

society died, its secrets perished with it or were hidden in

depositories, never to be found again.

     Today we are witnessing a rebirth in science and technology,

which to a large degree is a phenomenon totally independent of

historical developments. The first signs of a new scientific

thrust appeared in the West, primarily in Europe, and finally

achieved full maturity in the Industrial Revolution. As our

modern development becomes more complex and more daring, we are

beginning to reevaluate the remains and the artifacts of the past

and to recognize in them plateaus of knowledge we ourselves are

only now attaining.

     We can wonder at this startling discovery of past

accomplishments, but it must also serve as a warning. Once again,

science is beginning to reach beyond the boundary separating

natural science from supernatural manipulation and again we are

stepping into the perilous region of the occult that was so boldy

penetrated by the antediluvians and the builders. Are we once

again approaching a danger point?

     It has been said that history possesses the strange and

unexplainable ability to repeat itself.

     Will we give it the impetus to make it happen - again?






Keith Hunt

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