Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sony - down and maybe out!

The famous Sony Company has been loosing BILLIONS, yes with a "b" for 4 years now.

10,000 jobs are going to be cut.

Those in charge of Sony are within hours having to make some huge decisions, IF the Company is to survive. And not only Sony is in trouble, but Sharp and Panasonic.

It is the Apple TV and Samsung TV that most are buying.

So some decades famous names are more and more looking like they will be history IF some fancy ideas to revitalize them are not forth-coming.

Can you also believe, but they say GOOGLE is also in trouble. And the once domination of access to the Internet for Google, is changing, as technology changes. Google have lost a lot of advertisers lately, hence the money is no there like it was.

Facebook is still a mighty power with over 800 Million using it to communicate with friends etc.

Greece is still in big trouble with its financial situation. Now there is a move among the people to "barter" - yes the old barter system is back in popularity in Greece. Time will tell if it helps Greece to weather the money storm and stay in the European Euro.

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